Saint Patrick Parish

members: James Banta and Mike Cartina. Our thanks and gratitude to .... Por el mes de Mayo estamos rezando el Santo Rosa
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Saint Patrick Parish 107 W Walworth, Elkhorn, WI 53121

We welcome you to our community! Whether you are visiting or seeking a parish home, we pray God blesses you abundantly!

INVITATION TO WORSHIP Sat: 5:30 pm; Sunday: 7:30 & 10:30 am

May 20, 2018 Pentecost Sunday

Domingo: 1:30 pm Misa en español Weekday: Wed. & Fri. 8am Communion Service: Thurs 8:00 am Adoration: Thurs 8:30 am - 6:30pm Rosary Prayer: Wednesday 6:00 pm SACRAMENTAL LIFE Sacrament of Reconciliation: Fridays 6:00pm or by appointment Anointing (Home & Hospital Visits): Contact Parish Office 723-5565 Baptismal Preparation & RCIA: Contact Ray Henderson, 723-5565 Marriage: Contact us 6 mos. in advance. PARISH OFFICE: (262) 723-5565 Monday-Friday: 8:00 — 4:00 Pastor: Rev. Oriol Regales, ext. 114 [email protected] Associate: Rev. José Zapata, ext. 116 [email protected] Secretary: Kris Parker, ext. 110 [email protected] Bulletin: Sindy Morales ext. 115 [email protected] DAS: Lynda Wulf, ext. 112 [email protected] DRE: Ray Henderson, ext. 119 [email protected] Hispanic Min: Sr. Graciela, Mfj, ext. 113 [email protected]

We exist to PRAY recognizing diversity, GROW placing higher values on faith formation and SERVE with Christian compassion.






Today we celebrate the "birthday of the Church!" Pentecost is described in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles. But before the great driving wind and tongues of fire empowering the Disciples, the Holy Spirit had already arrived. The Gospel for today's Mass during the day is from John 20. Jesus appears to the fearful disciples after his resurrection. He first speaks a message of calm. "Peace be with you." The apostles "rejoiced when they saw the Lord." When the enthusiastic response settles down, Jesus "breathed on them and said to them 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'"





MASS INTENTIONS Join us for Mass! Saturday, May 19, 2018 5:30 pm †Tom Puralewski †Ed & Estelle Bartelt (Elaine) Sunday, May 20, 2018 Pentecost Sunday 7:30 am The Parish (Guitar Choir) 10:30 am †Sam & Rosemary Lanzarotta (Traditional Choir) 1:30 pm The Parish (Hombre de Valor)

This action is Trinitarian, and it has happened before. If you turn your Bible back to the beginning, you'll read: "The Lord God formed man out of the clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so many became a living being" (Genesis 2:7). In the Garden of Eden, we see God's first, original covenant with man. The breath of life signifies that original indwelling of grace, the special state of likeness and friendship with God before the Fall. Here now, in this locked room, the Apostles receive the long-awaited promise: the very breath of God, new life, a new covenant.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 8:00 am The Parish Thursday, May 24, 2018 8:00 am Communion Service (Bob Kennedy) Friday, May 25, 2018 8:00 am The Parish Saturday, May 26, 2018 Saint Philip Neri, Priest 11:00 am Braun & Aguilar Wedding 5:30 pm †Fred & Kathryn Stevens †John & Antoinette Curry (Elaine)

In the pairing of these two readings--the Pentecost experience in Acts and the breath of Jesus in John's Gospel --we see that the coming of the Holy Spirit is not only an empowering, it is an indwelling. We have each received the breath of grace in our baptism. It is confirmed, strengthened, and deepened in each reception of the sacraments. If we persevere in virtue, the Spirit of God is alive in us, inspiring our actions of love. This Pentecost Sunday, how is the breath of God alive in you?

Sunday, May 27, 2018 The Most Holy Trinity 7:30 am †Chuck Statz (Traditional Choir) 10:30 am †Colin Perren (Guitar Choir) 1:30 pm The Parish (Santa Cecilia)

Parish Council Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. All parishioners are welcome! Matt Wallace 723-3635; [email protected] Ann Fincutter 742-4187; [email protected] Benjamin Flores 745-7262; floreshrn@gmail,.com Regan Homan 723-7219; [email protected] Jesus C. Mendoza 725-3566; [email protected] James Duquette 758-8201; [email protected] Connie Poggensee 723-7644; [email protected] Brian Schopf 723-4437; [email protected] Leo Ehlen, Nathan Chapman, Julia Pulokas (youth) Trustees Tim Lockwood 248-6099; [email protected] Pat Romenesko 903-2647; [email protected]

St. Andrew and St. Patrick Parishes will be hiring a shared Director of Operations. The Director of Operations is responsible for the business operations of both Parishes, under direction of the Pastor. Duties include managing staff, overseeing financial operations, facilities and coordination with Parish Councils, Committees and Archdiocesan Offices as required. To be considered candidates will have: o A Bachelor's degree in business, accounting, administration or related field o A minimum of five years’ experience in a supervisory or management position o Knowledge of accounting software, preferably QuickBooks Find a full job description and details at the Milwaukee Archdiocese Careers website.

Parish Organizations

A Reminder– Our Weekday Masses are as followed: Wednesday - 8:00 am Mass - St. Patrick Thursday - 8:00 am Communion Service w/ Eucharistic Adoration - St. Patrick Friday - 8:00 am Mass - St. Patrick Confession Times: Tuesday - 6:00 pm - St. Andrew Friday - 6:00 pm - St. Patrick

Knights of Columbus George Fincutter…….742-4187 Young Squires: Richard Kieszkowski…….….248-1864 Columbiettes: Ann Fincutter………………..742-4187 Ladies Guild: Amy Block……………………..374-0771 Human Concerns: Kim Flitcroft…… ………215-6899 Knitting Group: Cherie Swick……………….742-3318 Mt. Olivet Cemetery: Mark Weseman……..742-4125 2






Calendar of Events




Scripture for the week of May 20, 2018

Monday, May 21st 6:00 pm AA Meeting - Reading Room Tuesday, May 22nd 9:00 am Staff Meeting - Conference Room 10:00 am Amazing Parish - SAH 1:00 pm Patricia Club - SAH Wednesday, May 23rd 6:00 pm All Parish Meeting - SAH 6:30 pm Rosary - Church Thursday, May 24th

(Lecturas para la semana del 20 de mayo) Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-28, 29, 30 [cf. 30]/Rom 8:22-27/ Jn 7:37-39 Monday: Jas 3:13-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [9a]/Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Jas4:1-10/Ps55:7-8, 9-10a, 10b-11a,23[23a]/Mk9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17/Ps 49:2-3, 6-7, 8-10, 11 [Mt 5:3]/Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6/Ps 49:14-15ab, 15cd-16, 17-18, 19-20 [Mt 5:3]/Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8-9, 11-12 [8a]/Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20/Ps 141:1-2, 3 and 8 [2a]/Mk 10:13-16 Next Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22 [12b]/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20

8:30 am Eucharistic Adoration - Church 7:00 pm Knights - OLG

Sunday, May 26th 8:30 am CRHP - OLG 11:00 am Hombres de Emaus - DM 11:00 am Grupo Juvenil - OLG 5:00 pm Men’s Group - SAH Join us for our All Parish Meeting on Wednesday, May 23. Our evening begins with an open house for all our parish committee’s at 6 pm. Come and find out all the good work that is going on at St. Patrick’s. At 7 pm our meeting will begin. We encourage all parishioners to attend this annual meeting.

AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE Let us Rejoice and Pray for these soon-to-be married couples:

Banns III Brian Braun & Edith Aguilar Banns II Rosa Loredo & Rodolfo Loredo Banns I David Huerta & Claudia Garcia

Mass on Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day), will be at 9:00am at Mt. Olivet Cemetery (weather permitting). If it is raining, Mass will be in church.






May 26 5:30 pm

May 27 7:30 am

May 27 10:30 am


John Hall

Eleanor Montano

John Kara


Connie King

Jean Grochowski

Rosemarie Zawacki


Virginia Weigand Kris Parker Kevin Parker Kathy Sheahan Linda McCormick

Lisa Amburgey Mary Bleser Paul Kremer Eleanor Montano Rebecca Hanson Cheryl Kunkel Need 1 Minister

Bernadette Igl Mary Jane Pyszka Maria Huerta Bob Kennedy Rosemary Wester Cheri Savage Geraldine Lehn


McKenna Recklies Ryan Recklies

Anastasia Grochowski Mitch Grochowski

Ben Wallace Madeline Wallace


The Pope’s Prayer Intentions for May 2018 Evangelization – The Mission of Laity That the lay faithful may fulfill their specific mission, by responding with creativity to the challenges that face the world today.










High School Seniors Annual Breakfast and Mass You should have received a special invitation to a special Mass in your honor on June 3rd at 10:30am. There is also a Breakfast Celebration in our St. Anthony Hall hosted by the Juniors who were recently Confirmed. They breakfast will take place before the Mass. If you did not receive an invite, please call the parish office. We hope you will join us - and don’t forget your cap and gown!!

All Middle and High School students please join us for our final YOUTH night of the school year this Sunday, May 20th from 6:30-8PM for pizza, games, fellowship, prayer and FUN!!!

We are a faith community, a family. Remember, you are part of our St. Patrick’s family. Please, tell us how can we pray for you. Email us at office @ or call our prayer line at 262-723-7644. You can use your name or it can be anonymous, but let us pray with you. The power of prayer cannot be overstated. Parish Council Update: We thank all of our parishioners who so graciously agreed to run for Parish Council this year. Congratulations to our newly elected Parish Council members: James Banta and Mike Cartina. Our thanks and gratitude to outgoing members Matt Wallace and Ann Fincutter. Trustee Update: Congratulations to Pat Romenesko, who has agreed to continue as Trustee-Treasurer.

Save the Dates!! Summer Celebration will be on August 5th, starting with an all parish Mass at 10:30am. Annual Turkey Dinner will be Sunday, October 7th!

SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, June 5 Register online now at Congratulations Tracey Lockwood, Carmen Ledger, Kristyna New, Eduardo Villegas, Jessica Martinez, Rodolfo Loredo and Laura del Carmen Villegas Martinez who will celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation during our Pentecost Celebration this Sunday at 10:30 Mass. We are so glad you chose to say YES to the Holy Spirit. If you are someone who is interested in becoming Catholic or knows someone who is, please contact Ray Henderson at [email protected]. I'd love to do what I can to help you with your journey!!

PLEASE PRAY FOR… Remember in your prayers all parish members and friends who are ill, in nursing homes, home-bound or hospitalized. May they continue to receive the Lord’s blessings. Gladys Myjak Jerry Koetterhagen Gerry Thelen Cindy Koetterhagen Tom Burke

Pyx – Have you borrowed a pyx from church to take Communion to someone homebound? We want to thank you for serving in this important ministry. As a reminder, if you are no longer using it, we would appreciate it if you could return it when you have time. Thank you!

St. Andrew Parish is looking to hire a part time Coordinator of Religious Education for English speaking students, grades K-Confirmation. A Bachelor’s degree related to the field OR Religious Education Certification is required. Management and administrative experience is parish catechesis or other experience directing programs and personnel, as well as strong communication and interpersonal skills, are desired. For more information or to apply, please contact Shelley Koch 262-728-5922 x102 or [email protected].

Beginning Friday, June 1, the parish office hours will be Monday—Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm, and Fridays, 8 am to noon. 4






Stress in Your Marriage? – Retrouvaille is a program for married couples who feel bored, frustrated or angry in their marriages. Some experience coldness and simply shut down. Others experience conflict and arguments in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it. This program has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend retreat in the Milwaukee area June 22-24, 2018, at the Redemptorist Retreat Center in Oconomowoc, please call (414) 502-7685, email: [email protected] or visit our website at http://





PARISH SUPPORT Fiscal Year June 2017 to July 2018

Collected 5/13 - 177 envelopes Offertory We gave

$14,278.76 $1,020.07 $15,298.83

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR MINISTRIES Consider using online banking to make your monthly

contribution. Simply set up a recurring payment of your pledge amount to St. Patrick’s as an automatic bill to pay.

Honoring our past, Building for the Future Campaign Report

It is with a great deal of excitement and delight, that I am pleased to share the loan that St. Patrick’s Parish entered into for the “Honoring Our Past Building For the Future” capital campaign has reached a goal of under $100,000 balance due. As of the end of February 2018 we owe $99,425. Through the generosity of you the parishioners, especially in December when a special end of the year drive was held, St. Patrick’s was able to make a very generous payment to the principle of the loan. Thank you to all for your generosity and your faith in St. Patrick’s Parish as we strive to reach our final goal of zero balance. We are almost there!!

Women's Post-Abortion Bible Study Do you or a friend carry the burden of unhealed regret associated with a past abortion decision? You are not alone. Together, with other post-abortive women, you can begin to discover healing and peace. The next small group session will be starting in early 2018. This group is confidential and interested participants are encouraged to call Anchor of Hope Health Center, Sheboygan at (920) 452-4673 for more information.

The next Memory Café will be Tuesday May 22nd, the 4th Tuesday, at the Matheson Memorial Library, 101 N. Wisconsin Street, Elkhorn. It will be from 1 PM – 2:30 PM. THIS IS A NEW DAY AND TIME FOR 2018. It will be a special time when we be discussing “Memory & Fitness” with Bonnie Glennon from Four Lakes Athletic Club providing tips and hints for our balance and exercise needs. Bring your questions and share them with the group. There will also be light refreshments. The Memory Café is always a free program.

Save the Dates for Theology on Tap 2018 Mass with our bishop. Enjoy a craft brew. Learn more about being Catholic. Free for Adults | Ages 20s + 30s Tuesdays, 7PM - July 17, 24, & 31 Cathedral Atrium 812 N Jackson St, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Follow us on Instagram @brewcitycatholic or visit for more info on TOT and other opportunities for 20 and 30 somethings!

This is an opportunity for individuals with mild cognitive impairment/early-stage Alzheimer’s, & their care partners to meet in a safe supportive environment. For additional information please contact the Alzheimer’s Association at 414-479-8800.”

Outreach (Human Concerns) "Thank you to those who helped sell and purchase roses for Pregnancy Helpline. 400 roses were sold and $1,318.00 was donated to Pregnancy Helpline to support their mission."

Corpus Christi Mass and Procession On Saturday, June 2nd, at 9:30 a.m. the Burlington Triparish Cluster will be celebrating a bilingual Mass in honor of the Feast of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Christ) at St. Charles Borromeo Church. Following Mass, all will be invited to process with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to Immaculate Conception Church for Benediction. Please join us in publicly showing our love for Jesus and our gratitude for His true presence in the Blessed Sacrament.

St. Pats will be hosting our first community meal Saturday, May 26th at the Elkhorn Community Center, Matheson Memorial Library from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. We are seeking people to help set up, serve, and clean up or bring a salad, dessert or make a monetary donation for additional food items. This is also a wonderful opportunity for students to earn community service hours. Please call Bev Puralewski (262-215-0252) or Jan Pappa (262-745-3061) if you are interested in helping St. Pats host a memorable Memorial Day meal.







Domingo de Pentecostés (20 de Mayo 2018) “Todos quedaron llenos del Espíritu Santo, y proclamaban las maravillas de Dios” (Hechos 2,4.11) PARA HACER VIDA EL EVANGELIO El Evangelio nos dice que los discípulos estaban escondidos porque tenían miedo. Primera lección: no tener miedo. Y llega Jesús y los llena de paz: Jesús es nuestra paz, la paz entre nosotros. Y después les envía, les dice que al igual que Dios envió a Jesús, nosotros somos también enviados. Todo lo que sucede en este Evangelio es fundamental para entender por qué los cristianos nos hemos unido como Iglesia. No se puede ser cristiano a medias. Así que debemos animarnos a vivir nuestra fe con otros, en nuestras parroquias, en la Iglesia. La vocación a la que ha sido llamada la comunidad cristiana, es un compromiso superior a las capacidades humanas.





Mayo, Mes de María: Lo qué se acostumbra hacer este mes Recordar las apariciones de la Virgen. En Fátima, Portugal; en Lourdes, Francia y en el Tepeyac, México (La Guadalupe) la Virgen entrega diversos mensajes, todos relacionados con el amor que Ella nos tiene a nosotros, sus hijos. Meditar en los cuatro dogmas acerca de la Virgen María que son: Su inmaculada concepción: A la única mujer que Dios le permitió ser concebida y nacer sin pecado original fue a la Virgen María porque iba a ser madre de Cristo. Su maternidad divina: La Virgen María es verdadera madre humana de Jesucristo, el hijo de Dios. Su perpetua virginidad: María concibió por obra del Espíritu Santo, por lo que siempre permaneció virgen. Su asunción a los cielos: La Virgen María, al final de su vida, fue subida en cuerpo y alma al Cielo. Recordar y honrar a María como Madre de todos los hombres. María nos cuida siempre y nos ayuda en todo lo que necesitemos. Ella nos ayuda a vencer la tentación y conservar el estado de gracia y la amistad con Dios para poder llegar al Cielo. María es la Madre de la Iglesia. Reflexionar en las principales virtudes de la Virgen María. María era una mujer de profunda vida de oración, vivía siempre cerca de Dios. Era una mujer humilde, es decir, sencilla; era generosa, se olvidaba de sí misma para darse a los demás; tenía gran caridad, amaba y ayudaba a todos por igual; era servicial, atendía a José y a Jesús con amor; vivía con alegría; era paciente con su familia; sabía aceptar la voluntad de Dios en su vida. Vivir una devoción real y verdadera a María. Se trata de que nos esforcemos por vivir como hijos suyos. Esto significa: Mirar a María como a una madre: Platicarle todo lo que nos pasa: lo bueno y lo malo. Saber acudir a ella en todo momento. Demostrarle nuestro cariño: Hacer lo que ella espera de nosotros y recordarla a lo largo del día. Confiar plenamente en ella: Todas las gracias que Jesús nos da, pasan por las manos de María, y es ella quien intercede ante su Hijo por nuestras dificultades. Imitar sus virtudes: Esta es la mejor manera de demostrarle nuestro amor. Rezar en familia las oraciones especialmente dedicadas a María: como la del Ángelus (que se acostumbra a rezar a mediodía), el Regina Caeli, la Consagración a María y el Rosario.

En la Biblia, toda vocación venida de Dios está siempre acompañada por el temor del hombre y por una promesa del Señor que asegura: “No temas, yo estoy contigo”. A Jacob, en viaje hacia una tierra desconocida, Dios le garantiza: “Yo estoy contigo, te acompañaré a donde vayas y no te abandonaré” (Gn 28,15); a Israel deportado a Babilonia declara: “Porque te aprecio y eres valioso y yo te quiero, no temas que contigo estoy yo” (Is 43,4-5); y a Moisés que objeta: “¿Quién soy yo para acudir al Faraón o para sacar a los israelitas de Egipto? para liberar a los israelitas de Egipto?”, responde: “Yo estoy contigo” (Ex 3,11-12); A Pablo, quien en Corinto estaba a punto de desanimarse, el Señor de dice: “No temas, que yo estoy contigo y nadie podrá hacerte daño” (Hch 18,9-10). La promesa del Resucitado a sus discípulos es: “Yo estaré con ustedes siempre, hasta el fin del mundo” (v. 20). Termina así, como había empezado, el Evangelio de Mateo: con la referencia al Emmanuel, el Dios con nosotros, nombre con el que el Mesías había sido anunciado por los profetas (Mt 1,22-23). El Dios en el que creemos los cristianos es, el “Dios con nosotros”, el Dios que está a nuestro lado todos los días, hasta que nos haya acogido a todos en su casa, para siempre. AVISOS IMPORTANTES CONFESIONES, MISA Y GRUPO DE ORACION Les recordamos que la oración es poderosa, invitamos a los lideres, grupos y a toda la comunidad de fe a las confesiones, Misa y al Grupo de Oración todos los Viernes a las 7:00 pm, y no se olviden de alimentar y llenar su espíritu con la visita al Santísimo Sacramento todos los Jueves en el horario que usted guste en la Iglesia. ¡El Señor quiere que lo visites!!! Mayo, Mes del Santo Rosario Por el mes de Mayo estamos rezando el Santo Rosario y reflexionando temas sobre María por los hogares, también les recordamos que todos los domingos a la 1:00pm tenemos el Santo Rosario en la Iglesia, y que durante estos 31 días tengamos presente a la Virgen y busquemos un rato para dirigirnos a ella con cantos, oraciones y el rosario de cada día.

Agradecemos a todos nuestros parroquianos que gentilmente aceptaron presentarse para el Consejo Parroquial este año. Felicidades al miembro recientemente elegido del Consejo Parroquial: Ruperto Reyes. Nuestro agradecimiento al miembro saliente Jesús Mendoza. Gracias a todos por su dedicación a nuestra parroquia