November 22, 2015

22 nov. 2015 - Mr. & Mrs. Michael Legin. 6:30 PM. †. Jose Carmen ... Rita Ligotski, Mary Ash, John Campos, Olivia Bo
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Holy Family Catholic Church 14160 Ferndale Road Dale City, VA 22193

November 22, 2015 Jesus Christ King of the Universe CLERGY Pastor………..…………...Rev. Gerard Creedon Parochial Vicars………...Rev. Alexander Diaz Amaya Rev. John T. O’Hara Permanent Deacons……Mr. Vincent Einsmann Mr. Joseph L. Santiago Mr. Helio Gomez In Residence……………Rev. Bjorn C. Lundberg

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil

5:00 PM (Folk Choir) 6:30 PM (Misa en Español) Sunday………………… 7:30 AM (Cantor) 9:00 AM (Solemn Mass) 10:30 AM (Children’s Mass) 12:30 PM (Misa en Español)

PARISH INFORMATION Telephone……………….. 703-670-8161 Fax ………………………... 703-670-8323 Web Site: E-mail

[email protected]

Monday-Friday…………7:00 & 9:00 AM Saturday…………………9:00 AM First Friday…………….. 7:00 PM Federal Holidays……… 9:00 AM RECONCILIATION (Confesiones) Friday…………………… 7:00-7:30 P.M. First Friday……………… 6:30-7:00 P.M. Saturday………………… 8:30-9:00 AM & 4:00-4:30 PM

Office Hours:


Principal…………………. Mrs. Sarah Chevlin Preschool Director………Mrs. Judi Peacott Office Manager…………..Mrs. Kathy Murphy Telephone……………….. 703-670-3138

Wednesday………………9:30 AM -7:00 PM Benediction First Friday………………7:30 PM -8:30 AM Saturday

Mon-Fri………………….. 9:00 AM—5:00 PM Saturday………………….9:00 AM—5:00 PM Sunday……………………9:00 AM—2:00 PM

Holy Family Catholic School

NEW PARISHIONERS and those with address changes….Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Church! We are very pleased to have you join as a parish member. Simply fill out the information below and return it to us and we will contact you. God Bless, Fr. Gerry Creedon

Name:_____________________________________ Home Phone:_________________ Cell# :________________ Address:________________________________________ City:______________ St:______ Zip Code:__________

El Rinconcito del Padre


Estimados Feligreses, "El terror siempre busca separarnos de quienes más queremos. A través de su sufrimiento, el valor y la compasión, los Parisinos nos están haciendo recordar que el lazo común de la humanidad es más fuerte cuando la necesidad es mayor. Comprometemos nuestras oraciones para todo el mundo que sufre de esta horrible violencia y nuestro apoyo a todos los que trabajan para construir sociedades justas y pacíficas”. ~Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos.

Dear Parishioners, "Terror always seeks to separate us from those we most love. Through their suffering, courage and compassion, Parisians are reminding us that the common bond of humanity is strongest when the need is greatest. We pledge our prayers for everyone who suffers from this horrific violence and our advocacy to support all those working to build just and peaceful societies." ~US CATHOLIC BISHOPS.

Añado la oración de la Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia a la intercesión de la Iglesia universal. El terror que afecta a París y muchas otras regiones del mundo nos llama a aumentar nuestro trabajo por un mundo más pacífico y reconciliado, comenzando por nuestra propia comunidad. El trabajo por la paz no es ayudado por el miedo, la intolerancia, el fanatismo, la Xenofobia y el militarismo. Vamos a trabajar sin cesar para el diálogo y el respeto mutuo. Apoyemos a los militares en su labor de proporcionar seguridad y oremos por diplomáticos que son valientes y sabios.

I add the prayer of Holy Family Parish to the intercession of the universal church. The terror that afflicts Paris and many other regions of the world calls us to redouble our work for a more peaceful and reconciled world, beginning in our own community. The work for peace is not helped by fear, intolerance, bigotry, Xenophobia or militarism. Let us work unceasingly for dialogue and mutual respect. Let us support the military in their work of providing security and let us pray for diplomats who are courageous and wise.

Este fin de semana trae un breve resumen de algunos logros en la Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia en el año fiscal pasado. Son una pequeña indicación de las muchas bendiciones que disfrutamos y, mientras celebramos, nos llaman a un espíritu de gratitud.

This weekend’s bulletin carries a brief summary of some accomplishments at Holy Family in the past fiscal year. They are a small indication of the many blessings we enjoy and that call us to a spirit of gratitude as we celebrate.

"Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias"

Con Muchas Gracias y Bendiciones, Padre Gerardo

"Happy Thanksgiving" With Many Thanks,

Fr. Gerry Creedon

Nuevos Feligreses y Feligreses con Cambio de dirección ¡Bienvenido a la Iglesia la Sagrada Familia! Estamos muy contentos que se van a inscribir como miembro de la parroquia. Favor de llenar la siguiente información y devuélvalo a la oficina y nos pondremos en contacto con usted. Nombre:_________________________________ Teléfono (Casa):______________ Teléfono Celular:________________

Dirección:______________________________________ Ciudad:______________ Edo:____ Código Postal:______

Annual Pastor Report Dear Holy Family Parishioners, In the season of thanksgiving it is good to look back at the past year; 2015 was the year we took action to extend our facilities. 

Together with architect Peter Juanpere, we developed a plan to extend our entrance and add critically needed meeting space. We backed up our project with a fundraising campaign that yielded 2 million in pledges. We are actively pursuing zoning and building permits from the County.

Generosity Report Thank you for your continued support! Regular Collection

While there was an understandable decrease in our offertory we managed with prudent stewardship to end the year with a small surplus.

November 14 and November 15

In the upkeep of our facilities we replaced the roof over the baptistery, replaced some heating and air conditioning units, replaced the Cafeteria Kitchen Icemaker and replaced water fountains, fire alarm control panel, along with addressing other much needed maintenance and facility issues.

Thank you so much for your continued generosity and support to your parish.

Our educational ministry continues to expand through our school and religious education programs.

Our outreach to the homebound was strengthened through the works of our Eucharistic ministers and Circle of Caring.

Our Festival continues to grow. The Festival contributed over $39,000 to our parish budget.

Second & Special Collections for November 2015 Nov 01 Parish Repairs and Maintenance Nov 08 Retired Religious Fund Nov 22 Campaign for Human Development Nov 26 Thanksgiving Day

Holy Family added a new project TGIF (Think God It’s Friday) a new monthly faith formation program, in conjunction with the staff of Ignatian Volunteers.

Feast of Christ the King

To improve communications we have updated our website and added a new method of communication — Flock Notes, to support our ministries.

“Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom does not belong to this world.” ~ John 18:36

Our social ministries served an increased number of people in need. Our Harvest Fall Food Drive was recognized as one of the biggest in the diocese.

With all that said, looking back at all these extraordinary accomplishments, I want to say “Thank you, Holy Family!”

With much appreciation, Fr. Gerry Creedon

In Pew: $ 14,329 Faith Direct: $ 4,785 Total Offertory $ 19,114

Second Collection


Stewardship Reflections

How often do we put all our time and energy into building a kingdom here on earth, forgetting that life here is short? The real kingdom is in the next life. Yet, how much time and energy do we invest in working for that eternal kingdom?

Youth Ministry & Religious Education Nov 22

PULSE, 6:30 PM—Quidditch night! Wear comfortable Clothes & shoes for running (all high schoolers invited)

Nov 28

Turkey cup Soccer Tournament (Help us bring Home the Turkey Trophy!!!!)

PULSE A weekly hangout time for high school teens 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Dinner, crazy fun games like Quidditch, zombie Tag, Capture the Flag, Life size video games. PLUS short sessions about the Catholic faith & how to live it. We will answer your questions & love a challenge! Just show up next Sunday!

Turkey Cup Soccer Tournament

Saturday, Nov 28th, 12 PM – 5 PM at Helwig soccer fields Open to all middle and high school teens. Bring friends to play! Referees needed. Cost $5, includes pizza, water, hot chocolate. Sign up by Nov 24 th to the Youth Ministry Office. Permission slip required.

Works of Mercy Opportunities:

Backpack Food Program Fill backpacks with food items for hungry children – Dec 2 4:405:30 PM, Room 9 (Science Lab) (This is a monthly event) Bring food for the Backpack program – earn 30 minutes of service for bringing food each week. Needed: Granola bars, individual Mac and cheese cups, fruit snacks, soup. Bring lots and bring it often!

We want to communicate with you!

Flocknote, our newest tool is easy! 2 ways:

Fill in: First name, Last name Cell phone, Email OR Send a TEXT to 84576, Type in HFRE   

You will receive a text with a link. Click the link or reply with your email address. Choose which method you want to receive information (text or email) and from what groups.

Reporte Anual del Párroco Estimados Feligreses de la Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia,

En la temporada de acción de gracias, es bueno mirar hacia atrás a nuestro último año fiscal; 2015 fue el año en que tomamos medidas para ampliar nuestras instalaciones. Junto con el arquitecto Peter Juanpere, hemos desarrollado un plan para extender nuestra entrada a la Iglesia y añadir espacio para reuniones críticamente necesario. Respaldamos nuestro proyecto con una campaña de recaudación de fondos que produjo 2 millones de dólares en compromisos. Estamos buscando activamente zonificación y permisos de construcción del Condado.  Mientras que hubo una disminución comprensible en nuestro ofertorio logramos, con -administración prudente, cerrar el año fiscal con un pequeño residuo.  En el mantenimiento de nuestras instalaciones hemos reemplazado el techo sobre el baptisterio, reemplazamos algunas unidades de calefacción y aire acondicionado, reemplazamos la Máquina de hielo en la Cocina de la Cafetería y reemplazamos las fuentes de agua, el panel de control de alarma contra incendios, además de afrontar otros problemas muy necesarios de mantenimiento y de las instalaciones.  Nuestro ministerio educativo continúa expandiéndose a través de nuestros programas escolares y educación religiosa.  Nuestro acercamiento a los confinados en sus casas se fortaleció a través de las obras de nuestros Ministros de la Eucaristía y el Círculo de Cuido.  Nuestro Festival sigue creciendo. El Festival contribuyó con más de $39,000 a nuestro presupuesto parroquial.  La Sagrada Familia ha añadido un nuevo proyecto TGIF (Piense en Dios es Viernes) un nuevo programa mensual de formación en la fe, en conjunto con el personal de Voluntarios Ignaciano.  Para mejorar las comunicaciones hemos actualizado nuestro sitio web y añadido un nuevo método de comunicación -Flock Notas para apoyar nuestros ministerios.  Nuestros Ministerios Sociales sirvieron un mayor número de personas necesitadas. Nuestra Colecta de Comida de Otoño fue reconocida como una de las más grandes de la diócesis.

Youth Ministry and Religious Education will be sending updates and noCon todo esto dicho, mirando hacia atrás en todos estices through Flocknote.

tos logros extraordinarios, quiero decir "Gracias, Sagrada Familia!"

Con mucho agradecimiento, Padre Gerardo

This week at Holy Family Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015 - November 29, 2015 † Denotes Mass for Deceased

Monday: St. Clement, St. Columban, Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro 7:00 AM † Acebron Family 9:00 AM † Rev. Esteban Barruetabeña Tuesday: St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest & Companions, Martyrs 7:00 AM † Rev. Esteban Barruetabeña 9:00 AM Juan Carlos Acuña Wednesday: St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr 7:00 AM † Rev. Estaban Barruetabeña 9:00 AM † Patricia Dufner

Friday: †

Jeff Mannion

Saturday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM

† †

Samuel Soto Mr. & Mrs. Michael Legin Jose Carmen Arredonde

Sunday: 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:30



Rosary Recitation with the Legion of Mary - Church HFCS Jr. Varsity Basketball Game vs. St. Patrick - Gym Admin Usage - Liturgy Office End of Semester Party - Fr. Griffin Hall Legion of Mary - Immaculate Heart of Mary - Meeting Room Spanish Legion of Mary - Teachers Lounge Reunion - Familia de Nazaret - Baptistery Cursillo - Library Reunion del Grupo Timón - Room 6 Choir Practice - Church Boy Scout Troop 1392 Meeting - Teen Center

9:30 9:45 3:30 7:00 7:00


Rosary Recitation with the Legion of Mary - Church Legion of Mary Meeting - Baptistery HFCS Junior Varsity Basketball Practice - Fr. Griffin Hall Religious Education Classes - Assigned Rooms Jr. Legion of Mary Meeting - Teachers Lounge

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thursday: Thanksgiving Day 9:00 AM † Kay Brimmer 9:00 AM

9:30 4:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00

Wednesday, November 25, 2015 9:30 AM 9:30 AM

All Evening Activities Cancelled All Church Offices Closed at Noon

Nzekwesi-Albert Family Elizabeth Rose Bob Tekampe All Holy Family Parishioners

Thursday, November 26, 2015 9:00 AM


Thanksgiving Day Mass - Celebrant Fr. Creedon - Church

To All Our Parishioners,

Readings for the Week of November 22, 2015 So

Rosary Recitation with the Legion of Mary - Church Adoration - Cancelled

We wish you all many said


him, “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say I


am a king. For this I was



From all the Clergy and Office Staff


this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” - Jn 18:37 Sunday:











Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/


Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28


Dn 7:2-14/Lk 21:29-33


21:1-4 21:5-11

Dn 7:15-27/Lk 21:34-36

Next Sunday: Jer 33:14-16/1 Thes 3:12--4:2/ Lk 21:25-28, 34-36

Mass - Celebrant Fr. Diaz - Church Rosary Recitation with the Legion of Mary - Church

All Church Offices Closed and All Activities Cancelled


Lk 21:12-19 Thursday:

Friday, November 27, 2015 9:00 AM 9:30 AM

Saturday, November 28, 2015 8:30 9:00 4:00 5:00 6:30


Reconciliation - Church Mass - Celebrant Fr. Creedon - Church Reconciliation - Church Mass - Celebrant Fr. Creedon - Church Mass (Spanish) Celebrant Fr. Diaz - Church

7:30 9:00 10:30 12:30


Mass - Celebrant Fr. Diaz Assisted by Deacon Santiago Mass - Celebrant Fr. Diaz Assisted by Deacon Einsmann Mass - Celebrant Fr. Creedon Mass - Celebrant Fr. Creedon Assisted by Deacon Gomez

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Liturgy Advent Wreath Lighting We are starting a new tradition here … Families are invited to sign up to participate in lighting The sick of our Parish Community: the advent wreath starting the first weekend of Rob Harris, Miguel Salgado, Lawrence Shannon, DeAnAdvent November 28 & 29. Anyone interested dre Mason, Johnnie Carter, Helen Bowen, Frank Begg, to take a turn lighting the Advent wreath, Carl Cotterick, Anna Mae MeAndrew, Harris Ivisevic, Rita Ligotski, Mary Ash, John Campos, Olivia Bowie, please email Jeannine Evans at [email protected]. We Eric Fuller, Molly Barcalow, Philip McFadden. need to know the weekend and Mass you are available for Please pray for our deceased relatives and scheduling. friends: Maria Luisa Bone. Trees of Many Nations

Remember in your prayers...

Pray for our military men and women and their families, may God keep them safe and out of harms way:

Diana Cabrera, Emilio Lopez, Kenny Molina, Zachary Ritter, Erick Noland, Natalie Campos, Capt. Airforce , Ivan Solvado Sanchez, Maria & Cesar Hernandez, Victoria Lopez, Jason Budoya, Patrick Rotchford, Nicolas Potter, Lance Corporal Jared E. Middleton, George Frye, U.S. Marine, Dawn Sloan. (Please let us know if your loved one returned safely home.)

Our Lord Jesus Christ the King November 22, 2015 “My kingdom is not from this world.” Are you being called to proclaim the glorious reign of Christ the King as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Call Father J.D. Jaffe (703) 841-2514, or write: [email protected].

Altar Flower Donation Program The flowers at the Tabernacle this week were donated by Emelda August Requesting that we Please pray for the canonization of Venerable Henriette Delille Venerable Henriette DeLille was an American nun who founded the Roman Catholic order of the Sisters of the Holy Family in New Orleans, which was composed of free women of color. The order provided nursing care and a home for orphans, later establishing schools as well.

Once again we are inviting families to decorate a tree from their country. As we have done in the past few years, we will be decorating our church with Christmas trees from around the world that represent the many nationalities in our community. Please consider donating and decorating a tree. Please contact Jeannine Evans at [email protected] for more information. You can also sign up in the Church Office.

STAFF DIRECTORY Parish Staff Mrs. Daisy Ramos, Office Manager Mrs. Blanca Sloan, Office Assistant Mrs. Damaris Santiago, Secretary Mrs. Juana Bernal, Receptionist Miss Rosa Rivera, Weekend Receptionist Mrs. Jodi Williams, Bookkeeper Mr. Sergio Gonzales, Facilities Director Mr. Ray Watson, Facilities Assistant Mrs. Elia Rodriguez, Rectory Administrator

703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161

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Liturgy and Music Deacon Gomez & Jeanine Evans, Liturgy Coordinators Ms. Janet Munford, Music Coordinator

Religious Education & Youth Ministry Fr. Diaz, Director of Faith Formation Mrs. Toni Papp, Director of Youth Ministry Mrs. Linda Bishop, Secretary Mrs. Patricia Soriano, Secretary

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Social Ministry Mrs. Matty Lupo, Director Ms. Guadalupe Thompson, Special Projects Volunteer Mrs. Ana Lemus, Assistant Volunteer Line Food Pantry & Assistance

Bulletin Submissions Deadline: Monday, noon Please email submissions to………. [email protected]

HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL NEWS From the desk of Mrs. Judi Peacott,

Holy Family Catholic School wishes you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. We hope you enjoy the holiday with your family and friends. School will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday Wednesday – Friday.

The preschool will enjoy their classroom Thanksgiving Feasts this week! We invite all family members to join us for these feasts! It is sure to be a wonderful & yummy event!

Be sure to watch your child’s classroom calendar for more details! Classes will conclude at the end of their Prayer Service...Please plan to join us for a Thanks- feast. We would like to wish all of our families a wongiving Prayer Service at 2:30 PM on Tuesday, Novemderful Thanksgiving filled with many blessings! th

ber 26 , in the church.

Patriot Pen Essay Competition Many of our middle school students submitted essays for the Patriot Pen; this VFW sponsored youth essay competition gives students an opportunity to write essays expressing their views on democracy. The theme this year was "What Freedom Means to Me".


An Invitation to All People of Faith from Social Action Linking Together (SALT)—The Virginia General Assembly will be back in session in a few months. Many of the issues addressed by the Virginia legislature pertain to the human dignity of every person and require examination in light of Sacred Scripture and Catholic SoThree of our students won at the local level and they will cial Teaching (CST). Join with SALT to become a knowledgeable advocate and a now move up to District Level. voice for the human dignity of the poor and vulnerable in our midst-- the least among us with whom Jesus identifies Congratulations to the following winners... (Matthew 25:31-46). Letters, e-mails, phone calls and a visit to 1st Place - Madeline Morano legislators will join you in solidarity with the least among us, 3rd Place - Andrew Mazik providing a voice for our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. 4th Place - Anna Isabelle Colon To locate your legislator, you can go to http:// Thanks also to Mr. Oiler for heading up this essay project for Join with SALT in making a differthe middle school students. ence. For more information about SALT priorities contact [email protected] and visit the SALT web site atwww.S-A-LMiddle School Math Teacher:

Holy Family Catholic School is seeking a Middle School Math Teacher beginning in February 2016. The position requirements include a Bachelor Degree in Math. Applicants must hold a current teaching certificate from the State of Virginia or VCEA.

The successful candidate must be an enthusiastic individual who enjoys working with middle school students. Must have at least 3 -5 years of experience. Also, this person will possess excellent organizational and communication skills and commitment to work collaboratively with the middle school team. Please contact Kathy Murphy at 703-670-3138 to schedule an appointment for an interview. Please send a letter of interest and resume to [email protected], while also submitting a complete application to The Arlington Diocese at https://

Blanket and Children’s Winter Coat Drive for Refugees Abroad This year's Blanket & Children's Winter Coat Drive will take place from November 7 - December 5, 2015. Last year's collection drive was incredible with thousands of blankets being dropped off at Fairfax County locations, including my office! We were honored to work with our community partners and local faith organizations to help those in need. I know our community will be there once again to join this great effort. Learn more at Direct # for Social Ministry & Food Pantry 703-730-1791

Do you want to contribute to us? America’s Charities - ID #558 UNITED WAY COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN (CFC)

~ F. Y. I. ~ Catholic Charities Family Services Are you or a loved one struggling? Catholic Charities Family Services offers counseling and mental health services for those adults and children struggling with depression, anxiety, family conflict and more. We are on-site at Holy Family one day a week. Habla español. Call today for a confidential appointment! English: 540-371-1124 Español: 703-224-1657

Give a Gift for Life Please give a Gift for Life this season to help Gabriel Project fund a mother’s maternity care. One grateful mother wrote: “Gabriel Project was very caring. I feel that everything that happened was by the mercy of God, and it confirmed my faith in God. There are no words or actions that can describe the happiness being a mother brings.” For more information and/or to donate: Three to Get Married,,,

Annual Christmas Sale Holy Family Craft Group's annual Christmas Sale will be after weekend Masses on December 5 and 6. Plenty of items for your home, or gift giving. All Christmas decorations (ornaments, wreaths, centerpieces, wall hangings, towels, and table runners) are handmade by the group. Stop by and support our church.

Parish Directory There is still time to sign up For Holy Family’s Photo Directory. The following dates still have appointments available.

Tuesday December 1 4 PM—9 PM Upcoming weekends: Wednesday December 2 4 PM—9 PM December 10-13, January 14-17, February 11-14 Thursday December 3 4 PM—9 PM Are you ready? This marriage preparation course is an Friday December 4 4 PM—9 PM intensive preparation experience true to the teachings December 5 10 AM—5 PM of the Catholic Church with a convenient one-weekend Saturday schedule. FOCCUS Inventory included! The cost is Sign up sheets are available in the lobby $285 per couple. Registration required. Contact 301or 365-0612 or for more inTo schedule your appointment formation. Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 707 go to this link and follow the directions: Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, Maryland. holyfamilycatholicchurch/index.php?page=10

Marriage Preparation Weekend

Prime-Time Single Catholics PTSC is a club organized to serve the needs of single Catholics, age 40 and over, who are free to marry by Catholic standards. Share in Christian fellowship through our religious, social and recreational activities. For more information contact John McBride at [email protected] or 703-820-9196. Visit the website: church/parish-community/prime-time-single-adults

2Minutes2Virtue 2 Minute Video Series Helps To Build Virtue Tune in to 2minutes2virtue: the weekly challenge. Fr. Searby kicks off the November series of 2 minute videos created to help Catholics on the go to get the most out of Sunday readings. Sign-up to receive weekly videos at For more information, contact the Office for Family Life at (703) 841-2550.