most holy trinity

27 may. 2018 - Parish Social Ministry (PSM)/ Servicio Social (979) 849-9458 .... The economic Trinity is our ... We also
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Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston 1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Texas 77515

May 27, 2018 / 27 de mayo de 2018 The Most Holy Trinity Santísima Trinidad Sunday Mass Schedule Horario de Misa Dominical 10:00 a.m. English 8:00 a.m. Español (Nursery Available)

(Guardería Disponible)

6:30 p.m. English Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina: Monday-Thursday/Lunes-Jueves 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Friday/Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

(closed for lunch 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m. oficina cerrada)

Church Office/Oficina Parroquial ... (979) 849-2421 Church Fax ...................................... (979) 849-2425 Sacramental Emergency/Emergencias (979) 849-1143 Parish Social Ministry (PSM)/ Servicio Social (979) 849-9458 Parish Social Ministry Fax .......................... (979) 848-3146 Saturday Anticipated Mass/Sábado Misa Anticipada: 5:00 p.m. English/Inglés Confessions / Confesiones: Thursday 5 p.m. & Sat. 3:30 p.m. / Jueves. 5 p.m. y Sab. 3:30 p.m.

Daily Mass Mon.-Tue.-*Thur.-Fri. Misa Semanal Lun.-Mar.-*Jue.Vier. 8:10 a.m. English/Inglés Wednesday/Miercoles: 12:00 Noon/Medio Día English/Inglés; 6:15 p.m. Spanish/Español Mass for Vocations/Misa para Vocaciones: Saturdays / Sábados 9:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santísimo: Mon., Tues., Thur., & Fri. 9am - 10pm; Wed., 1pm - 10pm / Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes 9am- 10pm; Miércoles 1pm - 10pm

Parish Staff / Personal Administrativo: Pastor: Rev. Victor Perez, x-118 - [email protected] Deacons/Diáconos: Robert Ward - [email protected] Luis Hernandez - [email protected], x-100 Pastoral Associate/Asociada Pastoral: Cheryl Scott, x-109 [email protected] ECHO Apprentice: Deirdre O’Leary, x-103 [email protected] Receptionist/Recepcionista: Rebecca Mireles, x-100 [email protected] Secretary/Secretaria: Lucy Arredondo, x-111 [email protected] Bookkeeper/Contadora Publica: Annie Damian, x-104 [email protected] Music Director: Mary Phillips, x-103 - [email protected] CCE Coordinator/Coord. de Catequesis: Norma Mata, x-110 [email protected] Adore Youth Ministry/Ministerio Juvenil: Amber Forness, x-108 PSM Coordinator/Coordinador: Johnny Voss; Cathy Peltier Maintenance: Tom Wilde, x-105

Liturgical Ministries: June 2/3 — Corpus Chris!

H o s p i t a l i t Y

A l t a r

E u c h a r I s t I c

S e r v e r

M i n i s t e r



Sunday/Domingo, May 27

Sat., June 2 5:00 PM

Sun., June 3 8:00 AM

Sun., June 3 10:00 AM

Sun., June 3 6:30 PM

T. J. Sbrusch Glenn Comiskey Henry De Vries Oscar Greak Rey & Rosanna Tenorio Greg Wiley

Jesus Ozuna Joy Carrasco Guadalupe y Veronica Alvizo Santos Canizales Jose Cortez Francisca Diaz Jose Gamez

Joe Seigel Fred Sander Richard Rachunek Eddie Damian Michael Olivares Tom & Maria Wilde

Sean Artman Deon Alexander Janie Shaw Robert Trevino

Morgan Buchta Madison Luna Reanna Santos Stephen Vera

Katy Carrizales Samantha Carrizales Sara Carrizales Diobelis Huesca Paola Mendez

Reina Gamino Tucker Groth Tate Hunter Hope Hunter Rhett Roundtree

Shirley Calderon Marcos Calderon Dawn Dedas Tom Dedas Bill Dellinger Suzanne Dellinger Frances Escriva Art Munoz Judy Vera

Diacono Luis Hernandez Noe Cruz Rosy Cruz Ilda Hernandez Lina Hernandez Maura Martinez Ascension Mosqueda Josie Mosqueda Deyanira Perez

Roxanne Arismendez Renee Blessing Abel Gutierrez Fred Infante Helen Infante Carlos Jones Monica Jones Jackie King Ana Kocurek Eva Olivares Linnet Orlik Efren Perez Arnold Ramirez

Brittany Baker Irene Jackson Junior Jackson Sylvia Lopez Eddie Ocanas Carmen Noriega Annette Trevino Robert Trevino Cindy Ward

Charles Hennig Marguerite Sutton

Gabriel Cruz Deyanira Perez

Patti Bludau Chris Kocurek

Amber Forness Dennis Hastings

Patricia Rincon

Rebecca Mireles

Donna Hundl

Amanda Ocanas

Auto Sound

May 27 – June 3

Roberto Y. Villarreal

8am Mass: Luz y Encarnacion Gurrola (++), Marta Munoz (+) y Maria Hernandez (+) by dtr., Lina & Luis Hernandez 10am Mass: For All the People of the Parish 6:30pm Mass: Ramona Luna (+) by Lucha & Ruben Espinosa

Monday/Lunes, May 28 8:10am Mass: Ireneo Gonzalez (+) by sister, Josie & Lupe Canchola 5:30pm - Legion of Mary, HH4, English 6pm - Legión de María, HH5, Español 7pm - Centinelas del Evangelio, HH4

Tuesday/Martes, May 29 8:10am Mass: Arnould Beltrane (+) by friend, Leo O’Gorman

ElRey Tinnin

Alejandro Gorrochotegui

Enrique Buentello Juan-Carlos Buentello Sergio Buentello

Wed./Miércoles, May 30 10am - Rosary Guild {No meeting until Sept.} 12 Noon Mass: Don Norman (+) by friend, Marguerite Sutton 6:15pm Mass: Benito Garcia (+) by dtr., Bonnie Suniga & Family

Thurs./Jueves, May 31 8:10am Mass: Emilio Contreras (+) by grandtr., Sandra Arce Lopez 10:30am - Golden Stars (2nd Thur.: June 13th) Pot-Luck, SB 6 & 7 5pm - Confessions / Confesiones 7pm - Grupo de Oración y Reflexión

Friday/Viernes, June 1 8:10am Mass: Hope Arce (+) by dtr., Sandra Arce Lopez 5:30pm - Coro, Español– en la Iglesia

Saturday/Sábado, June 2 9am Mass: Vocations 3:30pm- Confessions / Confesiones 5pm Mass: Don & Emma Spiller (++) by brother, Rudy Stawarczik

Sunday/Domingo, June 3 8am Mass: Guadalupe Society 10am Mass: For All the People of the Parish 6:30pm Mass: Clem & Lupy Gutierrez (++) by Epps & Tinnin Families Family Life Ministry Kickoff: Family Picnic! When: Saturday, June 16th from 11am-1pm Where: The Lawn in front of Heyck Hall Who: All families & kids are welcome! What: Bring a side dish or drinks to share.

Don’t Miss This Great Opportunity!! The first women’s ACTS retreat will be July 26-29, 2018.



Questions or for information, please contact the parish office 979- 849- 2421.

Cycle B— May 27, 2018

Ciclo B – 27 de mayo del 2018

Most Holy Trinity

San"sima Trinidad

Happy Trinity Sunday! In today's Gospel, we hear Jesus declare together all three Persons of the Trinity. "Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." When we speak of the Trinity, two different theological words are sometimes used: immanent and economic. The immanent Trinity is the life of the three Persons within themselves, the inner harmonious relationship between Father, Son, and Spirit. We see this in the Gospels when Jesus speaks of his Father and promises to send the Holy Spirit. The term "economic" has its roots in the Greek word oikonomia, roughly meaning "household management." The economic Trinity is our three-Personed God's relationship with creation; it is creation and redemption and ongoing relationship with us. Made in the image and likeness of God, we are called to imitate God's immanence by giving and receiving love with one another in community. However, this is not limited only to those close to us, though that's where love often starts. We also imitate the economy of God when we go out, when we extend our love and care in a lifegiving way. "Go therefore ?" Every believer is sent on mission. Every believer is invited to follow Jesus and the Apostles "to the nations," to the margins, to the people who require a little extra reach. This could be a distant relative, the residents of your local homeless shelter or even the forgotten neighbor next door! When we love well, we create something beautiful-a relationship, a holy moment, a foretaste of heaven. This Trinity Sunday, take some time to examine the relationships in your life. How well do you love those nearest to you? How well do you reach out to those farther away? How are you creating something beautiful?

Para estar en sintonía con el Evangelio debemos de comprender y reflexionar desde el corazón el significado de las palabras de Jesús. "Vayan, pues, y hagan que todos los pueblos sean mis discípulos. Bautícenlos en el Nombre del padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, y enséñeles a cumplir todo lo que yo les he encomendado a ustedes. Yo estoy con ustedes todos los días hasta el fin de la historia". (Mateo 28:19-20). En este pasaje, celebramos la Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad, Jesús envía a sus discípulos a bautizar, en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Al mismo tiempo, Jesús revela toda su atención, en la relación con su Padre cuando declara. "Me ha sido dada toda autoridad en el Cielo y en la tierra". (Mateo 28:18). Como bautizados profesamos nuestra fe en la Trinidad y somos participes de la celebración de una intima relación con Dios Padre, Dios Hijo y Dios Espíritu Santo. ¿Cuándo la Trinidad toca mi vida de fe? ¿Cómo cumplo todo lo que Jesús me invita a hacer por los demás? Enseñar y cumplir todo, pero todo el Evangelio es tarea de toda la vida, es un proceso fe. El Papa Francisco dijo en el Ángelus del 26 de Mayo de 2013. "La Trinidad es el rostro con el que Dios se ha revelado a sí mismo, no desde lo alto de un trono, sino caminando con la humanidad". El continuo diciendo. "Hoy es Domingo de la Santísima Trinidad. La luz del tiempo pascual y de Pentecostés renueva cada año en nosotros la alegría y el asombro de la fe: reconocemos que Dios no es algo vago ? es concreto, no es abstracto, sino que tiene una nombre: 'Dios es amor.'"

©2013 Liturgical Publica!ons Inc.

Readings for the Week of May 27, 2018


Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22 [12b]/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20 Monday: 1 Pt 1:3-9/Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9 and 10c [5]/ Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10-16/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [2a]/Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: 1 Pt 1:18-25/Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 [12a]/Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 [6]/Lk 1:39-56 Friday: 1 Pt 4:7-13/Ps 96:10, 11-12, 13 [13b]/Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Jude 17, 20b-25/Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6 [2b]/ Mk 11:27-33 Next Sunday: Ex 24:3-8/Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18 [13]/ Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 ©Liturgical Publications Inc

Sign up your student for the 2018-19 CCE year and save $$$ on Registration fees!

EARLY REGISTRATION: NOW thru MAY 31st Early Registration not only saves you money it also helps the Faith Formation Ministry plan ahead to meet the needs of our students and catechists! So don’t Wait! It’s a win-win for all! Registration Forms are available in the parish office, in the gathering space & on the parish website!

After June 1st regular fees will apply.

¡Registro anticipado para catequesis a iniciado! Pase a la oficina parroquial para inscribir a su hijo (a) antes del 31 de mayo. La cuota regular se aplicara a las inscripciones hechas después del 1 de junio.

You are invited to Date Night. Saturday, June 9 @ 6:30 p.m. in SB Hall 3

Should you have any questions, please contact: Jennifer Plentl [email protected].

From the Pastors Desk Eucharistic Procession Sunday, June 3 Dear Parishioners, please mark your calendars for the Eucharistic Procession immediately following ng the 10:00 a.m. Mass on June 3. This is a historic event for our parish. We are bringing the Eucharist to the e streets in triumphal procession. We declare his real presence in the Eucharist and pray that He bless our city. This is a very old tradition from the 12th century on the Feast of Corpus Christi, the body and blood of the Lord. We have purchased a canopy (thanks to your contributions) which was been embroidered and dedicated. It is nicer than the one in the above picture. If you don’t attend the 10:00 a.m. mass you can come to the end of Mass for the procession. We will be escorted by the police. We will walk on Browning and then right on Milton to Newman and then Rock Island and back to the parish. We will have one stop along the way. This is part of a celebration. We will process with songs. Please support this effort and if you can’t walk that is okay, you can remain in the Church in prayer. I pray that through this procession our parish is blessed with a strong faith in the Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith that Jesus left us at the Last Supper. Let us follow the Lord in procession. Kids who just got their first communion please wear your first communion clothes on June 3. I ask all organizations in our parish to promote this to your members.

Mensaje del Pastor Procesión Eucarística domingo, 3 de Junio Queridos feligreses, por favor marquen sus calendarios para la Procesión Eucarística inmediatamente después de la Misa de las 10:00 el 3 de junio. Puedes venir después de la misa de las diez y estar listo en el atrio de la Iglesia para la procesión. Este es un evento histórico para nuestra parroquia. Estamos llevando la Eucaristía a las calles en procesión triunfal. Declaramos su presencia real en la Eucaristía y rezamos para que bendiga nuestra ciudad. Esta es una tradición muy antigua del siglo XII en la Fiesta del Corpus Christi, el cuerpo y la sangre del Señor. Caminaremos en Browning y luego en Milton a Newman y luego a Rock Island y de regreso a la parroquia. Tendremos una parada en el camino. Esto es parte de una celebración. Procesaremos con canciones. Por favor apoye este esfuerzo y si no puede caminar, está bien, puede permanecer en la Iglesia en oración. Oro para que a través de esta procesión nuestra parroquia sea bendecida con una fe fuerte en la Sagrada Eucaristía, la fuente y la cumbre de nuestra fe de que Jesús nos dejó en la Última Cena. Sigamos al Señor en procesión. Niños que acaban de tener su primera comunión, por favor visten la ropa de la primera comunión el 3 de junio. Pido a todas las organizaciones de nuestra parroquia que promocionen esto a sus miembros.

Rosary Makers Rosary Guild’s summer break has begun! Meetings will resume in September. Rosary makers may continue to pick up supplies at the parish office during the summer break. Thank you to all our Rosary makers for the time and hard work devoted to this ministry.

If interested, contact: Angie Latapie 979-215-4836; Helen Infante 979-849-8895; Lori Greak 281-381-6007

Update - Baby Bottle Boomerang, 2018

Celebrate your faith on a pilgrimage to ITALY with Fr. Victor Perez

Bottles are being returned! The first bottle returned at St. Anthony’s was from Charles and Peggy LeCompte. Thanks to you both! Funds raised will support the many activities of the Pregnancy Help Center. We encourage you to throw loose change (or bills or checks) into your bottle during the period of Mother’s Day to Father’s Day and to return the bottle by Father’s Day, June 17 th. Any amount is welcome. Most bottles have been distributed. If you want to participate and didn’t get a bottle, just ask a Catholic Daughter. Gail Thomas is the leader at Most Holy Trinity and Peggy Keillor at St. Anthony’s. The Pregnancy Help Center of Brazoria County has been working hard to assist other areas to open their own Pregnancy Help Centers, sharing their know-how and experience. Pregnancy Help Centers have now opened in Port Lavaca and in Galveston. Help us to help young families and their babies by participating. The PHC website is

We will visit Assisi, Siena, Loreto, Lanciano, San Giovanni Rotondo, Nettuno & Rome. November 4-14, 2019. $3795 from Houston, IAH (land and air). Tour planned and operated by Select International. Early registration discount of $100 valid until August 1, 2018. An information meeting will be held on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2018 at 6:30 in Heyck Hall.

For more information, contact Lori Janak with Amazing Grace Travels at 281-221-0568 or email: [email protected].


The BBB 2018 fundraiser for the Pregnancy Help Center of Brazoria County is being sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Immaculate Mary #2134, parishes of Most Holy Trinity and St. Anthony de Padua.

TOTAL COST: $250 $95 Deposit w/ Registra!on Form by MAY 31 Holds your spot!

Eucharis!c Adora!on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 9:00am-10:00pm Wednesday 1:00pm-10:00pm

Adoración del San!simo Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes Miércoles

9:00am - 10:00pm 1:00pm - 10:00pm

We Need Adorers for the Following Hours: Necesitamos Adoradores para las siguientes horas: A pictorial directory is a powerful tool in our church to help each of us know each other better. Our last directory is now outdated and it is time for a new one. Please make an appointment to have your picture taken at the sign-up locations in the gathering space on one of the sign-up Sundays, OR YOU CAN SIGN-UP ON OUR CHURCH’S WEBSITE Your participation will help the church and yourself. Every family photographed for the directory will receive a copy of the directory and an 8x10 portrait at no cost. You will also have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits at the time of photography. So please, sign-up today! Dates for Picture Settings: (Appointments every 15 minutes) Location: St. Basil Hall Classroom # 4 June June 27, Wednesday 2:15 p.m. -8:45 p.m. June 28, Thursday 2:15-8:45 p.m. June 29, Friday 2:15-8:45 p.m. June 30, Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. July July 11, Wednesday 2:15 p.m. -8:45 p.m. July 12, Thursday 2:15-8:45 p.m. July 13, Friday 2:15-8:45 p.m. July 14, Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. July 31, Tuesday 2:15 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. August August 1, Wednesday 2:15 p.m. -8:45 p.m. August 2, Thursday 2:15-8:45 p.m. August 3, Friday 2:15-8:45 p.m. August 4, Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Monday/Lunes: 3:00 pm

Tuesday/Martes: 3:00 pm 4:00 pm


1 1

Thursday/Jueves: 11:00 am 1:00 pm 4:00 pm

1 2 1

Friday/Viernes: 10:00 am 12:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm

1 2 2 2

If able to fill an hour / Si desea llenar una hora: Rosanna Tenorio 832-443-3142


Parish Counseling Services at MHT

Stewardship Corner

Parish Counseling Services is here at Most Holy Trinity Have you ever felt the need to see a counselor who shares your faith? A Christian Counselor can help us to let go of the past, see ourselves and situations more clearly, and to live with more freedom in the present. To learn

May 19/20, 2018:

1st Collection St. Thomas Center 6:30 p.m. Mass

more about our new parish counseling services or to schedule an appointment with the counselor, go to or call (844) 295-3167. I hope this opportunity will bring hope and healing to individuals, couples, and families throughout our parish! - Fr. Victor Perez

$ 8,325.00 $ 2,645.83 Not Available At Press Time

2018 DSF GOAL:


Total Amount Paid:

$ 44,740.65

Total Amount Pledged:

$ 62,418.65

Pledged (Under) Goal:

($ 2,581.35)

Total Number of Participant 198

Mass Attendance Total 986

May 19/20, 2018: Sat., 5:00 p.m. Sun., 8:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m.

140 241 198

10:00 a.m. 407

Collection For Next Week June 2/3, 2018:

Entire Sunday Collection: St. Mary Seminary Toda la colecta para: Seminario de Santa María Homebound or Hospitalized? Please notify the Parish Office if you would like to receive Holy Communion at home. Hospitalizado o en Cama? Por favor de avisarle a la Oficina Parroquial si desean recibir la Santa Comunión en casa.

Catholic Daughters, Court Immaculate Mary, #2134 (Most Holy Trinity and St. Anthony Parishes) provided lunch for 44 volunteers at the Habitat for Humanity, Build #107 in Angleton on May 16th. Pictured (left to right) are Carol Peltier, Denise Templet, Rosanna Tenorio, Peggy Keillor, Peggy Morehan, 2nd Vice State Regent Rebecca Brown, Bobbye Wollam, Patsy Peltier, and Gail Thomas. The Mission of Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, a parish empowered by the Holy Spirit, is to spread the Gospel of Jesus the Christ in order to bring all people into union with God our Father, through worship, preaching, teaching, fellowship and service. La Misión de la Iglesia Católica de Santísima Trinidad, una parroquia bajo el poder del Espíritu Santo; es proclamar el Evangelio de Cristo Jesús con el fin de unir a todos con Dios Padre a través de la alabanza, la predicación, la enseñanza, la con vivencia y el servicio.

Pray for those in the Hospital & the Sick:


Lina Ramirez, Eduardo & Diana Ramirez, Candy Adams, Beto Belmares, Angie & Tony Lopez, Emma Perry, Jennifer Gamboa, Alivia Infante, Ruben Gutierrez, Maria Salazar, Marcelline Blaha, Ellie Havlik, Jack Orlea, Roman Burgen, Kite Estrada, Joe & Ginger Williams, John Saldivar, Mandy Ramos, Kenneth Garison, Ernie McCall, Frank Scarcella, Brooke Akens, Sonny Martinez, Brillee Phares, Janie Lara, Leona Zapalac, Josie Gutierrez, Bob Furch, Louisa Lopez; Fr. Jim Gaunt, CSB; Olivia Trevino, Mary Cosme, Sonny Martinez, Matias Sustaita, Irene Salazar, Cristy Perez, Cindy Walder, Maria Rodriguez, Gloria Medina Baladez, Elsa Luna, David Jackson, Alex Salazar, Junior Matt, Nadanna Zaleha, Juventino Alvarez, Frances Yzaguirre, Rosy Ruiz, Roseanne Scoggins, Glen Wootton, Deacon Rob Ward, Nieves Damian, Betty Smith, Bertha Pena, Diane Roberts, Helen Russell, Robert & Eleanor Boeker, Ortensia Gusman, Tyler Boaz, Wes Forbes, David Infante