Living Waters Spanish

phrases or words:;NVI. Day 3. ____Review 1 Juan 3:
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Living Waters Spanish Español 1 - Homework Sheet #27 DUE THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR CLASS MEETS DURING THE WEEK OF April 25, 2016

Nombre: ________________________________ Apellido: ______________________________ Instructions: Diligently work on Spanish for at least 40 minutes a day for 4 days a week. If you complete Day 1 in less than 40 minutes, proceed to Day 2 until your 40 minutes are up. If you complete all of the week's homework early, work on the extra credit. The Language Perfect assignments have their own specific due dates. Be ready for quizzes on the homework content. For translating: Quiz this week: Be able to write from memory 1 Juan 3:23 (in Spanish) and to be able to translate from Spanish to English phrases from 1 Juan 3:16-24. Day 1 ____ Pray aloud in Spanish: (password: "buenas") ____ Duolingo: All gold through Lesson 1 of "Adjectives". Also know what's in "Tips and Notes": ____ Speak with a native Spanish speaker for 5+ minutes. THIS IS KEY: ____ Learn this verse well enough to be able to write it in Spanish when looking at the English: 1 Juan 3:23 "Y éste es su mandamiento: que creamos en el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo, y que nos amemos los unos a los otros, pues así lo ha dispuesto."

Day 2 ____Review 1 Juan 3:23 ____Using read 1 Juan 3 in Spanish and as you read through it make flashcards of any new phrases or words:;NVI

Day 3 ____Review 1 Juan 3:23 ____ Practice your flashcards, or alternatively, work on these phrases from 1 Juan 3 in EP. ____Read silently as you listen to 1 Juan 3 in Spanish:;NVI

Day 4 ____Review 1 Juan 3:23 ____Listen and read along silently OR just listen to 1 Juan 3 in Spanish:;NVI ____ Pre-read 1 Juan 4 and write, below, 10+ Spanish words that are new to you:;NVI ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Extra Credit ____ Optional: Do extra credit: or other activities: Parent’s Name: ______________________________________ A typed name here means that Mom or Dad affirms that you did 40+ minutes per day for four days (or 32 min. per day for five days) of Spanish homework. This page does not have to be printed out, hand-signed or scanned back in. Just save it after signing it, and then turn it in to Engrade.

Living Waters Spanish (Teacher note: Last Duo quiz was through Colors)