Woche 2 AWS

Agnes' Garten or der Garten von Agnes. -genitive not used after units of measurement. Von as a substitute for the genitive case. Das Haus unseres Onkels. Das Haus von unserem Onkel. -von is always used if there is no article or adjective before the noun to indicate case. Possessivartikel im Dativ. Possessive determiner.
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Woche 2 The Genetive Case -indicates a relationship between 2 nouns -1 noun is part of or connected to or belongs to the other The man’s name= Der Name des Mannes The store’s location= die Lage des Geschäfts The pupil’s grades= die Zensuren der Schüler -You can ask for the genitive with wessen -Wessen Buch ist das? = Whose book is that? Case Male Female Neutral Plural Genitiv Das Haus des Das Haus der Das Haus des Die Haeuser der Mannes Frau Kindes Familien

Genitiv –s an Namen -with proper names and family member terms used as names, german adds an –s (without an apostrophe) -positions genetive noun before its related noun Christians Wagen Vaters Computer -if the name ends in an s sound (-s, -z, -tz, -ß) no –s is added -in writing it is indicated by an apostrophe -when speaking a construction with von + dative is often used instead of genitive Agnes’ Garten or der Garten von Agnes -genitive not used after units of measurement Von as a substitute for the genitive case Das Haus unseres Onkels Das Haus von unserem Onkel -von is always used if there is no article or adjective before the noun to indicate case Possessivartikel im Dativ Possessive determiner -the declination is the same for all possessive determiners -meinem/deinem etc. Case Masculin Feminin Neuter Plural Dativ Meinem meiner meinem meinen -the possessive determiner is determined by the noun that stands after it Wie und als -if there is a diff. between things use ‘als’ kleiner als = smaller than schneller als= faster than -wie is used if things are on an even scale so teuer wie= as expensive as so schöner wie= as beautiful as