THEOLOGLCAL Some New Testament Teachings on

Jonathan Edwards: The Preacher . Biographies - For ...... Arnold Toynbee - Victor Adrian .... .. Interpreting the ..... Modern ReZigiouS Poems b~ Jacob Trapp (ed.) ...
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THEOLOGLCAL Some New Testament Teachings on "The World" ............................ Wo sind die Toten? .................................................................................... Sanctification, and its Relationship to Justification ............................ Die Lehre von del' ewigen Sicherstellung ............................................ Union with Christ: The Secret of Sanctification .................................... Union with Christ: The Secret of Sanctification ................................ Das Denken, Fiihlen und Wollen im religiosen Leben ........................ The Advantages of Theological Training ............................................ Saving Faith ....................................................................................................

1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6

6 5 9 12 6 4 7 4 4

PRACTICAL Un sere Bibelstunden .................................................................................... 1 On Confession ................................................................................................ 1 On Confession (continued) ............................................................................... 2 The Youth of our Churches in Christian Service .................................... 2 Unsanctified Human Anlbition .................................................................... 3 Der EinfluB des Heimes auf die Jugend ................................................ 4 Moral Reformation without Christ ............................................................ 4 Christian Loyalty ............................................................................................ 4 Johannes del' Taufer, ein Hild eines erfolgreichen Arbeiters im Reiche Gottes .................................................................................... ;... 6 ""\Venn sie gleich nIt werden ... " ............................................................ 6 DENOMINATIONAL Wie erha;!ten wir unseren Gemeinden ihre Jugend ? .............................. .. Welcher Beitrag konnte die M.B.-Gemeinde in del' gegenwartigen Krise im Kampf urn das EvangeIium liefern? .............. .. E:schatalogical Views of the Early Mennonites ................................... . Der Tisch des Herrn in del' M.B.-Gemeinde ...................................... .. Gefahren des Interdenominationalismus ............................................... . Aus del' Statistik del' M.B.-Gemeinde .................................................. ..

9 12 15 19 9 9 12 14 6 9 1

1 2 2 3 4

MISSION Report on the 9th Annual Bible & Missionary Conference .............. .. 1 Ausziige aus den Herichten auf der Missionskonferenz .................. .. 1 Mission von gestern und heute .............................................................. .. 3 In wieweit konnen wir in unseren Gemeinden das Ideal einer Evangelisation verwirklichen? .................................................. .. 3 Anforderungen an einen EvangeHsten fiir unsere Kreise .............. .. 5 Unsound Tendencies in Modern Evangelism ....................................... . 6 Ein offenes Wort zur heutigen Evangeliumsverkiindigung .............. .. 6

15 18 23 25 11


23 25 14 17 10 12 15

MUSIC A Hrief Analysis of the Hymn: "Guide Me, 0 Thou Great Jehovah" 2 The Selection and Use of the Sermon Hymn .......................................... .. 5 Old Hymns in New Translation ........................................................... . 5

28 13 15

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Die erste Generalversammlung del' christlichen Lehrer ...................... .. Ein Abschiedswort an das M.B. Bibel College ....................................... . Christ and the Psychological Needs of Children ................................... . Jesus Christus unser Vorbild ................................................................... . Die FuBspuren del' Herde ....................................................................... . The Dangers of Secularism .................................................................... . The Dangers of Secularism (Continuation) ........................................... .

19 21 18 20 19 16 17

CHRISTIAN LIFE Die Gefahren del' Jugend ............................................................................

3 3 4 4 5 5 6 5



Index for Volume IV


good exercise but not too much fresh air. Chapel: ,E,very morning a t 9 :30 all the students gather in the Chape,l for the morning worship service. During these worship services we have many visiting speakers. During the Chapel hours we have many visiting speakers. During the Chapel hours we have had the following speakers visit us recently: IWv. Thompson from the Latin American Mission; Dr. Unruh, who gave achaUenging message in "Looking unto Jesus"; Miss Sude rman f rom India; Miss Banman [rom Brazil; Miss tAnna Boyse fmm the Dominican IWpubIic; Rev. H. P. Toews, College Boa rd president; Rev. Isaac Friesen, from the Canadian Mennonite Bible Colle ge, Winnipeg; Rev. J. H. Epp, from Steinba ch, challenging us with a message "Vorwarts gehen"; Dr. Schmidt of Grace Bible Institute; Mr. Flumbaum of the J ewish Mission in Winnipeg; Rev. Williams of Wasco, California. On Thursday morning the students are

in ,c harge of the wOl1ship service. During this time >the students speak and have special numbers in song. IWv. Jerry Hildebrand, a student, ,gave us a challenging message to be "good soldiers of Jesus Christ." The next Thursday Dr. John Krahn, also a student, gave his personal testimony. Then on Nov. 10th the singing groups of the practical 'w ork department ga ve a report of their work with Br. Lawrence Warkentin speaking on the "Importance of tea ching children". On Nov. 17th the announcement was made that Mr. J. B. Toews would be speaking to us. We were pIeasantly surprised to find it was a fellow student, John B. Toews, who spoke on "The Peace of the Believer." Through the visiting speakers, our teachers, and fellow students we derive many s piritual blessings that help us in our every day life as well asprepiare us for our future life's work in God's 's ervice. D. Bergen.

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"Wisdom is the principal thing,' therefore get wisdom: and



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Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord. Romans 12: II. Werd ich beruhigt je mich auf ein Faulbett legen, so sei es gleich urn mich getan. -Goethe. The road of By and By leads to the town of Never. -Spanish Proverb. When asked for the secret of her power, Florence Nightingale answered: "I work very hard; and I never have refused the Lord anything." People give me credit for genius, but all the genius I have lies just in this - when I have a subject in hand, I study it day and night - the effort I make, people call genius, but it is only the fruit of labor and thought. -Alexander Hamilton. The secret of success in everything is trust in God and hard work. -Alexander Maclaren. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. -Solomon. M en are naturally tempted by the devil, but an idle man tempts the devil. -A Proverb. The best teacher is always the best learner. -Sele c~ed. Was hilft es viel von Stimmung reden; dem Zaudernden erscheint sie nie. -Goethe. Their is no greater foe to progress than self-conceit, and the laziness that self-conceit begets. -Spinoza.

EXPOSITIO NAL No. Eine einfache Auslegung von Matthlius 24 und 25 ........................... . 1 Eine einfache Auslegung von Matthlius 24 und 25 ........................... . 2 Eine einfache Auslegung von Mattha us 24 und 25 ............................ 3 Die verurteilten Schriftausleger ............................................................... . 3 Elias, ein Mensch wie wir (J ak. 5, 16-17) ................................................ . 4 The Christian PalStor and His F lock (Hebr. 13 :17-19) .................... 4 Eine einfache Auslegung von Matthiius 24 und 25 ................................ 5 Eine einfuche Auslegung von Matthiius 24 und 25 ................................ 6 THEOLOGtICAL Creation Days ............................................................................................... . t Das Hell als geschichtliche "Brl bnis in d r paulini eh n Th ologi .... fi IWflections OIl the Incarnatioll of h ("illt ............................................... . (j Wie Petrus den Hcnn Jc um Rah . ...... ............ ..... ............ ..... ........ ........... . Ii PRACTICAL Nehemia, das Bild eines geisilich n FUh,' 1.. ' ....... .... .. ... .... ......... .......... . Aquilla und Pl'isciUa, das BUd eines fromm n n im ......................... . Fear Not ......................................................................................................... . Ruhe ein we nig (Mark 6, 30-32 ) ............................................................ Choosing a Profession ............................................................................... . Ein fest es Gesetz des Gesellschaftslebens ............................................... . Der Christ in den tAnfechtungen ........................................................... . Der GlaU'be in seinem Verhalten zu den Annen ................................... .

2 2






DENOMINATIONAL On Attending the Conference ................................................................... . 2 Die Gemeinde raodikalen Bibelleser ........................................................ 3 Biblische Gemeindezucht .............................................................................. 4 Wie werde ich mit der Wehrlosigkeit fertig ....................................... . 4 The Ohurch as a Brotherhood ............................................................... . 5 MISSIONS Der Missionsruf Europas ........................................................................... . 1 Forbid Them Not ....................................................................................... . 2

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1!) 1\ 11

9 11 10 15 13

14 11

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IWligious iElducation in t he Schools of Canada .................................... 1 The Dual Responsibility of t he Schools ................................................... . 6

18 14

MUSIC Concerning Mennonites and Music ............................................................ Treasure in Your Hymnbook .................................................................... Towaro a Mennonite Philosophy of Music ........................................... . Siingerfeste ...................................................................................................... Music IWquires I ntelligent Iistendng ....................................................... . Christmas CaroLs ........................................................................................... .

1 2 3 4 5 6

15 18 19 16 17

CHRIS TIAN WORKER'S LIBRARY Customs and Cultures. E. A. Nida ........................................................... . A World in Travail. T. B. Maston ............................................................ The Christian View of Science and the Scripture. B. Ramm ........... . A Survey of World Missions. J. C. Thiessen ........................................ True Nonresistance T.h rough Christ. J . A. Toews ................................ Types of .Apologetic Systems. B. Ra mm. ........................................... .

1 2 3 4 5 6

20 21 14 22 18 18


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(Fortsctzung von der 2. Umschlag cite)

Dann abel' muss so eine Konferenz notwendiger Weise auch Gelegenheil bieten zur geschichtUchcn 01"ientiemng. Es fehIt in Unsern Kr isen an einer Pruefung unserer Lehre und Praxis im Lichte del' Anabaptistischen Theologie, sowie im Lichte des Anfangs del' M. B. Gemeinde. Die Vertretung fuel' diese Konferenz kommt aus unserm gesamten Bruderkreis. Einmal sind es die Mitglieder des Fuersorgekomitees del" Generalkonferenz: zweitens die Vertrter 'a us den Provinzen Kanadas und aus den 3 Distrikten del' Vereinigten Staaten; und drittens, zwei Lehrer aus jeder del' folgenden 3 Lehranstalten: Tabor College, Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary (Fresno) und M. B. Bibel CoNege. Wir erwarten etwa 25-30 Brueder fUel' diese besondern Tage des Studiums und del' Gemeinschaft. Wir empfehlen diese wichtige Arbeit del' ernsten Fuerbitte aller Gemeinden unserer ganzen Konferenz. J. A. Toews.

Index For VolurneV No. EXPOSITIONAL The Gentitles' Need of Divine Riglhteousn~ ................................... . 1 The Pre-Eminence '()if 'tlhe Person of OhrISt .................................. .. 2 Del' Glaube e'l'IWeist sklh im Mlta,gSilEiben ...................................... .. 2 Die Epipihanie ider reUenden Gnalde ................................................ .. 6 THEOLOGICAL De:r Modernisrnus ............................................................................... ,...... .. WelIche Erke=tIllis J€:SIU Cm1sti erhiellt Petrus in del' Katastrophe am Ende seiner Sohulzeit? ..........................................,.......; ...:............ .. Petrus unter del' Leitung des erhiilhten Herrn Jesu Clhnsh ........... . Conversion ............................................................................................... . Die Menschwel'dullig Christi ................................................................. . Petri apostolisclhe cmistu&v'erklindi'gung. A1pg. 5:30-3,2 ....... '"

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3 4 5 6 6

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Roots of AnaJpalbtism :..: ................................................... . 2 Die Stad1Jgemeinde in der mennorutlSohen Brude:rschaft ........... . 4 The Weapons of the ClhuTohfor Wor,ld Conquest ....................... " 6



PRACTICAL Der G1aulbe erweist s10h im Reden .................................................. .. Wie sa'h Petl'lus den Herrp, Jesum wiihrend des Weilens in der SchU!le Jesu? ................................................................................................ .. Der Gllawbe 1m BiliJok auf die Einwirklunlg von aIUBen ................... . The Message to Ephesus ............................................................................. . DestTUction a's Se(\f-Intfllicted ................................................................... . Drei m-eundlilclhe WaJl'lJJllIlIgen ............................................................... . Denn ,der Herr ist Sonne Uind Sc'hi'ld ................................................... . F1ragen urn das "Fmg!liclle" im Ol'm'istenleben .............................. .. We ATe Come to Worship 1H·1m ......................................... ~ .................... ..



1 3 3 4 4 5 5 6


OHIHSTIAN EDUCATION PaJUloo ws Ldeail fliT den Lehrer in The Prolblem of OhiLd Conversion Are BilbQe &:!hools a,n d SeminaJries Are Bib1le SlcIhools and Semina>ries

1 3 5 5

14 15 14 14

ScthooJs I8II1d Mi,ssions ............................................................................... . 3 Schools and Missions ........................................................ "........................... . 4

12 4

AushlLdungund VoTbelreitung fiir den Missionsdiiemt ....................... . 5


MUSIC Hymns asa Velhictle of Worship forr Chlldren .................................. .. 1 I{ymns 'a s 'a Vehicle of Worship for Ohlldren .................................. .. 2 A Brief Ana!Lysis oT the Hymn "My FaitlhLooks Up to Th~.e" ....... . 3 An An~l'lysis of tlhe HyilD.l!l: "Nun dank'et 'aHe Gott" ....................... .. 5

18 15 19 16

OHRISTIAN WORKER'S LIBRARY So G,r eat SaJlvation - St~hen Bara:bas ........................................... . ~ance of Sa[vation - John R. Mwnaw ................................... .. The Mjpiha: and Onlega - PaUl ErIb .............................................: ........ .. The OIhr'istian Fadtlh Personally Given in a System of Doctrine .. .. The OhristianFaith PerrsonaJl1ly Given in a System 0If Doctrine .. .. The Cost of DiscipleShip. D. J30nhO:fife:r ........................................... " ..

20 19 20 17 17 1

der Gemeinde ...................... .. ........................................... "...... .. DOinlg the Job? .................. .. Doing the Job? ................... ..


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"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding."-Proverbs 4:7. -,- - - - - "

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And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. John 1 :14. We should need new tongues before we could properly set forth this doctrine of Incarnation. -Luthe1" The divinity of Christ is not obscured, but is more clearly seen, shining through his humanity. -Ge01"ge Ha'l'1"is Christ divested himself, not of his divine nature, for that was impossiblle, but of the glories and prerogation of Deity. -Lightfoot. Perfect God and perfect man; because God perfectly dwelling in a perfect man. -Abbott. God could not have become an angel, or a tree, or a stone. But He could become man, because man was made in His image. -A. H. Strong. Who did leave His Father's throne to assume thy flesh and bone? Had He life, or had He none? If He had not lived for thee, Thou hadst died most wretchedly, and two deaths had been thy fee. -Herbert. The incarnation of God is a necessity of human nature. If we reany and truly have a Father, we must be able to clasp His hand. -Charles F. Deems. The most destructive criticism has not been albI!e to dethrone Christ -Herrick Johnson. as the incarnation of perfect holiness. Christ was either the grandest, guiltiest of imposters by 'a marvelous and most subtle refinement of wickedness, or He was God manifest -Herrick Johnson. in the flesh. Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil. -Hebr. 2:14.

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Spiritually Speaking:

October 29 saw the return to College of its pioneer teacher and president. Dr. H. H. Janzen had flown from Europe to Vancouver, B. C., to attend the M. B. General Conference at Yarrow, B. C., as moderator. On his return journey he favored us with two short visits--once in chapel, then during one afternoon, when he sat in the familiar 'president's chair' and entertained interested students with verbal portraits of our work in Germany and Austria. Dr. Janzen told of success in spiritual efforts, the need for two or three qualified, married couples for the work in Germany and Austria, and the need for intercessory prayer. From Winnipeg, he travelled to Ontario to visit some of his family and returned to Europe by November 10. We solicite your prayers for Dr. Janzen and our work in Europe. Dr. Friesen, president of our sister Mennonite College in Winnipeg, obliged by accepting an invitation to speak to faculty and students during chapel on November 13. This message was based on Ephesians 6: 10-18. He exhorted us to put on the whole armour which God has put at our disposal in our everpresent spiritual warfare. Br. C. A. DeFehr graciously accepted an invitation to present the main feature at our November 8th StUdent Night. He showed his pictures which he had obtained on his world tour of mission fields while travelling with Br. J. B. Toews and Br. Kliewer. The many pictures were enlightening and entertain· ing. One week later, November 15, the Gospel Light Hour radio group returned to its birth place. A program, challenge and request for prayerful support were presented by the successors of the originators, Henry Brucks and Henry Poetker. Rev. G. Fast presented the

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message with Rev. W. Schmidt in charge of the program. Communism was considered a slight favorite as three judges awarded a victory to the affirmative debaters on the topic: "Resolved that Communism is a greater threat to the world than Catholicism." Jake Dueck and Walter Unger argued the affirmative; Alfred Friesen and Dave Loewen the negative.-Nov. 22nd. We are looking towards a Christmas filled with spiritual awareness and blessing-one in which Christ is central. "Sportually" Speaking:

Colder weather has ended the volleyball outdoors. Students have withdrawn to the confines of the ping-pong room. Recreation leader, Walter Unger, has provided opportunity for a 'sifting' process to take place in an endeavor to determine our rank among many contenders. The man to watch is that same Wally Unger, notwithstanding several note-worthy opponents. Following dinner and supper finds the ping-pong room occupied most fully. Skating and hockey are forseen in the near future. Oddly Speaking:

Oct. 30: Old Testament History class -Br. Ewert presented his, class, unexpectedly, with a Genesisd.dentification test on which appeared forty proper nouns. Result: 10 out of 52 exceeded 60%. Hope we get another chance! Dr. F. C. Peters did not meet his Life of Christ class one Tuesday afternoon, recently. Reason: he thought it was Wednesday. -Harold Ratzlaff. The little girl had been unnerved by the feverish excitement of Christmas planning. As she knelt by her bed to pray the Lord's Prayer, she got all mixed up and prayed, "Forgive us our Christmases, as we forgive those who Christmas against us."

EXPOSITIONAL Building in God's Kingdom ................. ... ... .. .. ...... .. ........... .... .... ... .......... . Ein erhebendes Weihefest ...... ...... ........ .. .... ....... _........ ...................... .... . The Race of Faith, Hebr. 12:1-2 ......... ........ ........ ... ......... .................... . Der Gebrauch des Alten Testaments in der Neu-Testamentlichen Gemeinde .. ...................... ...... ...................... .... ........................ ... .......... . Das vornehmste Gebot ....... .. .. _.... ...... ..... _....... .. ..... ....... ...


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12 14

THEOLOGICAL Petri apostolische ChristusverkUndigung .. ....... ......... ... ... ..... ........ .. .. . Der Sieg des Kreuzes ... ....... ............. ...................................... .. ......... .. .... Biblical Fasting .. ......... ...................... ...... .... ... .. .................... ... ..... ....... .... . Christ in the Psalms ...................... ................................. ... ... ... .... ..... ..... . Die "Autonomie" der Lokalgemeinde im Lichte des Neuen Testaments .......... .......... ..... ...... .......... ... ........ ....... .... ....... ....... ........... ,. Jesus and the Rabbinic Method ............ ... ........... ..... ...... ..................... . The Preservation of the Believer ... ........ .... .............. .......... ... ... .......... . The Preservation of the Believer (concluded) ..... ....... .. .. .............. ..

1 2 2 3

12 5 9 14

4 5 5 6

1 1 7 3

DENOMINATIONAL A Separated Church: A Study in Early Mennonite History and Thealogy ..... .... ............ ...... ....... ....... ........... ............ ....... .... .......... . Konferenz und Gemeinde ... .......... .... ............ ..... ... ..... ... ........ .. ............ ..... The Relationship of Mennonite History to Mennonite Theology Aussprache und PrUfung bei unseren Tauffesten ...... .... .... ... ........ . Syncretism or the Movement toward the Merger of Faiths ....... . Die ersten Mennoniten BrUder und Menno Simons ................... .. .. .

2 3 4 4 5 6

2 7 4 7 16 1

PRACTICAL Ezekiel, A Zealous Prophet ..... .. ..... ... ... ...... ....................... .. .............. .. . Das Wachstum der Irrlehren im gegenwartigen Zeitalter ......... ... Was gewinnen wir durch die vielen erbaulichen Versammlungen Die Irrlehren und wir .................. ............ ...... ........... .. ........ ..... .. ........... .... . Called to Serve .............................. ....... ................ .................. ... ... ..... ... .... . Abschiedsworte an Theologie-Studenten - 2. Tim. 2, 3-5...... .. Das Studium der Literatur fUr den Arbeiter im Reiche Gottes ... . The Simplicity of the Christmas Story .... .... ... ... .......... ....... ........ .... .

1 1 2 2 2 3 5 6

14 17 11 14 16 1 19 12

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Are Bible Schools and Seminaries Doing the Job ......... ..... ... .... ... ... .



MISSIONS The Weapons of the Church for World Conquest ..... ...... ... ..... .... .... . Revival and Missions .. ........... ........ ...... .......... ..... ......... .................. ...... . Revival and Missions (cont'd) ......... ..... ....... ...... ...... .......... ... ....... ......... .. Gottes Missionsprogramm im Weihnachtsevangelium ........ ......... .

1 3 4 6

1 10 9 11

MUSIC Choir Leaders or Ministers of Song? ....... ........... ........ ....................... . Why an M. B. Conductors'Workshop - An Appraisal .............. ...... What is a Hymn? ..... ................ .. ... ...... ................... ................................ . Luther and Congregational Song ............ ....... .. ................ ..... ... .......... . Music In Our Churches ....... ............ ................. .... ...... ...... ..... ... ...........



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CHRISTIAN WORKER'S LIBRARY The Travail of Religious Liberty ................. ..... .......... ... .... ........... ... .... Books on the Resurrection of our Lord ............ ... ........................ ... ... . Contemporary Missionary Biography ............................. ......... ...... .... Books for Preachers of the Word ... .. .. .... ....... ...... ............... ....... ......... . Some Books on the Virgin Birth of Christ ..........,...... ........ ............. ..

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Index For Volume VII EXPOSITIONAL The Life and Times of the Prophet Jeremiah. The Interpretation of Parables ............. .................. .... ... . .. ................ . HEr und Sie" im Gottesdienst (1. Kor. 11:1-16) Vorzeichen der Wiederkunft Christi .......... .......... ........ .. .... .... THEOLOGICAL Das Gewissen Die Geistestaufe ... . ... Maintaining a Theological Balance The Church in Danger Through Infiltration of False Doctrine . DENOMINATIONAL Can a Chrstian Participate in Governments? Der schwindende EinfluB des Lehrdienstes in unseren Kreisen . Das Prinzip der Bruderschaft und theologische Ausbildung Education Among the Mennonites in Russia ................................ ... Education Among the Mennonites in Russia (Continued) Wie konnen wir unser Friedenszeugnis starken? .......... . Education Among the Mennonites in Russia (Continued) PRACTICAL Die freudige Zuversicht des Glaubens ........................... . Principles for Love, Courtship and Engagements Unser Bekenntnis der Herrschaft Jesu Christi . Harvest Thanksgiving ....................... ......... ...... ......... . The Sin of Social Partiality . ...... ... ...... . CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Developing Leaders Through the Sunday School Camping with a Purpose . ..... ......... .... .... .. . The Art of Teaching .................... .. .. ... .... ....... . EVANGELISM Der EinfluB der Kanzel auf die Gemeinde .... ...... .. . The Proposition in Preaching .. .. .... .......... ....... ......... ... . Die Pflege der Neubekehrten (Apg. 15:40-41) ................. . Was predigen wir zu Weihnachten? Bild oder Rahmen MISSIONS Der Sieg Gottes in der Weltmission .. ........... .......... . ..... ... .. The Curse of Meroz ..................................................... . Die Begegnung des Christentums mit der Religion: Ein geschichtlicher "Oberblick ............................... . Die Begegnung des Christentums mit der Religion: Ein geschichtlicher "Oberblick (Fortsetzung) MUSIC National Church Music Fellowship ......... .. Music Festivals ................ ............... . On the Choir Tour ... ...... ... ............ .. Raising the Standards in Christian Music ....... .... .. .... . ... Analysis of a Hymn .................... .... ... .. ....... ......... ... ..... . The History of the Lutheran Chorale ..... .. . .. .. CHRISTIAN WORKER'S LIBRARY Some Books on the Rapture Question Is the Mennonite Church a "Volkskirche"? Some Books on Faith Healing ...... . Some Books on Faith Healing (Continued) Jonathan Edwards: The Preacher . Biographies - For Profitable Reading BIBLE TRANSLATION Die Bibeliibersetzung von Hermann Menge .......... ....... ,

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Das Weihnachtsfest ist wieder nahe vor der Tiir. Man mochte lieben Verwandten und Freunden etwas schenken, daB einen bleibenden Wert hat. Wir mochten den "Voice" fiir diesen Zweck empfehlen. FUr die kleine Summe von einem Dollar kannst Du, lieber Leser, deinem Freunde nicht nur eine einmalige Weihnachtsfreude bereiten, sondern ihn sechs Mal im Jahre erinnern an deine Liebe und Wertschatzung. FUr das bevorstehende Fest wiinschen wir allen werten Lesern ein tieferes Verstiindnis fUr das Geheimnis der Menschwerdung J esu. "Und etwas unbestreitbar GroBes ist das Geheimnis der Gottseligkeit: Er der geoffenbart ist im Fleisch, als gerecht erwiesen im Geist, erschienen dem Sendboten verkiindigt unter den Volkern, glaubig angenommen in der Welt emporgehoben in die Herrlichkeit." (1. Tim. 3, 16, n. Menge)

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J. A. Toews



(Continued from page 23) at the local Elmwood Church and nearly High School, had their effect on College spiritual life also. Br. A. Regehr, pastor of the Calgary M.B. Church, was evangelist. We are praying and trusting that the Lord may move among us by His Spirit to the 'breaking down of strongholds' . November will also be remembered as the 'month of snow' this year. Winnipeg was brought to a near 'stand-still' by about seventeen inches of snow in forty-eight hours. Teachers and students took to walking through the deep snow, some students were late for breakfast, the milkman was stuck, the coal truck slid into the ditch later, and Mr. Quiring, one of our instructors, was stranded in Winkler, unable to meet his classes. One week later more snow fell and drifted. Already more snow has fallen than in the whole of last winter. However, College carries on much as usual since most teachers and student!! live within walking distance. November was also the moth of a Student Council-Faculty meeting. With cookies and a cup of coffee, the wisdom of the elder was applied to the ent-

husiasm of the younger. Result?guided enthusiasm. Before our snowfall we experienced a prolonged 'Indian Swnmer'. With temperatures in the fifties and often a clear sky, outdoor sports were popular. Our boys' volley-ball team exchanged visits with the team from our sister College C.M.B.C. Each team proved the strongest, and won at home. Our boy's basketball team played the 'next-door' High School team twic('. Both were close games and, we trust, enjoyed. Now, however, the ping-pong room is again most popular, especially while the boys wait for the skating season to develop. The Lord has given our small school a great beginning. We are praying that the high standard that has been set might be maintained and raised. This will be difficult, indeed immpossible, if we as students are not willing to meet God's conditions for personal, daily revival. Dear reader, as we approach the Christmas season again, pray with us that we, as Jesus, might ' ... increase in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man.' -Harold Ratzlaff.

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Index for Volume VIII Campus News A little over a month ago the College in accordance with our standards, yet took on a new approach to the city, we rejoiced in the fact that quite a that is via the new Disraeli bridge, number of people found Christ as their which crosses the Red river at the end personal Saviour. The daily prayer of Kelvin Street. This new approach, meetings which the students conducted plus the new lighting installations which in behalf of these services also proved have even extended on to the campus, to be a real blessing. It seems that God has seen fit to has given considerable illumination to our position. No longer can any stud- abundantly bless the practical work of ent complain of being left in the dark. the students this year. The well orgaCampus life is quite unique and edu- nized program . as supervised by the cational. This is because to the campus HOme Missions Committee, with Paul comes a heterogeneous group, as far as Fast as chairman, is being rewarded in profession, past experiences and pre- record attendance in Sunday Schools vious training are concerned, seeking to and Hobby Clubs. Most encouraging, is become a homogeneous group as far as the fact that quite a number have been saved already and others seem to be purpose is concerned. When in fall students came from east near. This has been no little incentive and west, there reigned at first an at- to carryon for the Lord. Last summer the members of the formosphere of uneasiness and reservedness, but after a while acquaintances mer Gospel Light Church on Logan, were multiplied and differences over- moved their residence to their new ruled and a genuine family spirit de- church on Macmillan and Argenaut, the veloped. A feeling of "belongingness", Fort Rouge church. Consequently, the developed which is marked by real unity Gospel Light building and constituency and mutual concern -;- stUdies. How- was offered the College stUdents for ever, the family spirit which has de- continued work. This was eagerly acveloped expresses itself in numerous cepted by the students and so every divergent activities, not merely private Sunday afternoon, a Sunday School is studies. In other words, the classroom being conducted here and every Sunday and the library are not the only places evening an evangelistic service is where activity is evident. In fact an conducted by College students. Just outsider might be quite surprised to dis- recently two people were saved here as cover the multitudinous activities in well. For these blessings of God and which the students, which supposedly the opportunities to have a part in His are always busy at the books, partic- service we are deeply grateful. The regular student praise and prayer ipate in. For instance, there are choir practises, octet practises, quartet and meetings have been a great incentive trio practises etc., as well as numerous to all who attended to a more sincere committee meetings, prayer meetings, and disciplined life and witness. The and Sunday School and Hobby work. attendance has been encouraging. For each student the daily chapel These extra activities are the real opportunities for displaying and developing services prove a real stimulant for spiritual growth. The fact that Winnipeg character. Let us just enumerate a few of the is in such a strategic position geographevents which have transpired recently cally, makes it possible for a vast number of visiting speakers to serve the which have involved student activity. The week of November 14-22, saw College during chapel services. We thank God for all these challenges the Greater Winnipeg Crusade for Christ, as conducted by the Jack Wyrt- and sincerely trust that they will really zen team, take place. Several College contribute in making our student or students had the opportunity to serve campus life God honoring by our as counsellors. Although not all aspects obedience. Elmer Andres. of the campaign seemed to be conducted

THEOLOGICAL Von der Langmut ...... ......... .... .... .... ....... ....... ................................. ..... ...... ..... Wie werde ich mit der Wiederbringungslehre fertig ..... ...... .. ....... .. .. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit .. ... .... ..... ... ............ ......... ... ..... ..... ...... ...... ....... The Problem of Death ...... ... ... .. ................... ................ .................. ...... .... ... The Gift of Healing ... ... ... .. ....... .. .... ......... ............ .... ............ ..... .. ...... ........... . DENOMINATIONAL Geschichtliche HintergrUnde fUr die Entstehung der "United Church" ......... ... ..... ....... ..... ...... .................. ....... ....... ......... ............. .... ...... . Geschichtliche HintergrUnde fUr die Entstehung der "United Church" (SchluB) ...... ....... ...... .......... ............ ... ......... .......................... . Unsere Gefahren - die Gefahren der dritten Generation ... ... ......... . The Early Mennonite Brethren Church : Baptist or Mennonit ? .. Wo finden wir unsere Krafte? .. ..... .... . ................ ..... .... ................... .. Early Mennonite Theology: A Th ology oC Marlyt'dom PRAGrICAL The Right Use of Leisure ... .... .... ...... ..... "Titel" ......... ......... ....... .. ..... ...... .... .. . . . .............. ..... The Preacher In His Study . . . The Futility of Debating With God " . Wie erziehen wir unsere Gemeinden zum "Ir lIdi ~ n G 'b(,I1"? Are We Too Strict in Our Attitude Toward the ommCl'cinl Mnvlc 'l "Geld" .... .. .. .... ....... ................ ........................ ............... .......... ..... CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The Camping Program ............. ........ ........ ... ... .. .. ...... .. ....... ....... ... ... ..... ...... MISSIONS Jesus Shall Reign ................... ... ... .. ....... ....................... ............... .......... ... ..... HISTORICAL Papal Elections in History ... .... ....................... .. ......... ....... ..... ... .. ....... ........ . BIBLE TRANSLATION "Ein jeder in seiner Sprache" .. .... ............ .. .. ...... .. ........... ..... ..... ......... .. "Ein jeder in seiner Sprache" (SchluB) .. ....... ... .. ..... ................ ... ............ Missionsbibeln aus alter Zeit ...... ... .. .. .... ... .... .......... ... ..... ..... ........ ....... .. .. . Martin Luther und die Deutsche Bibel ....... ..... ....... ... ... ..... ........... .. ..... EVANGELISM Evangelism: The Approach of the Apostle Paul ....... ........ ......... ... ... Evangelism: The Approach of the Apostle Paul (concluded) .... .... .. .. PREACHING When is Preaching Biblical? ........... ..... ......... ......... ... .. ..... ...... ... .... .... ....... Die Eschatologie in der Predigt ... .... ............ ............................ .... ......... CHRISTIAN WORKER'S LIBRARY Some Recent Literature on the "Fundamentalism Controversy....... Books on the Parables of Scripture .. ... ........ ..... ........... ........ .. ........ ... .... Some Books on Modern Israel .. ..... ..... ........... .. ... .... ..... ..... ... .... .... .. ........ . MUSIC Die Sprechstimme ......... ...... .... ...... ... ... ............. ........... ........ ... .. .. .. ... ............. Music Before the Age of Six ... .. ......... .... ...... ...... ....... .... .... .... .. ... ............ The Oratorio ... ........ ... ..... ..... ... ...... .......... ............ ......... ............. ....... ..... ......... CENTENNIAL ISSUE Die Neu-Orientierung des Lehrstandes der M.B.-Gemeinde an der Jahrhundertwende ............. ...................... ........ .................. ..... The Spirit of M.B. Missions ... ...... .... ..... ..... ........ ... ........... ........ ... ......... .... The Eleventh Hour ............ ................ ................ ....... ....... ... .... ............. ... ..... Die M.B.-Gemeinde - Eine bleibende Gemeinde? .. ....... .. ............ ........ . Mennonite Brethren Church Polity ............ ........ .... ....... ............... ....... .... . A Century of Mennonite Brethren Literature ... ..... .............................. The New English Hymnal of the M.B. Church ... .... ........ ..................

No. .1 1 4 5 5

Page 7

10 13 12 15



2 3 ::I

1 1

a "



" !)

Zl " " "







Ii /l








2 3 4 5

13 15 18

2 3

15 17

4 4

4 1

1 2 3





2 4 5

19 19

6 6 6 6 6 6 6

1 5 10 12


17 21 27




THEOLOGICAL The Gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Believer .. ... ." .. ....... .... .... .... ... . Eine Einfiihrung in die christliche Ethik ...... .... .. .. ....... .. ......... .. Gift of Tongues. .. ... .. .. .. ........ . . . . . . . .. .. ... .. ... ... ....... .. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament .. .. ... ...................... .. Vollkommenheit ............ ......... ................ .......... ,... . My Concept of Nonresistance .... .. ............................................. . Der EinfluJ3 der Vergangenheit auf Gegenwart und Zukunft . Maintaining a Theological Balance .................................................. .

1 2 2 5 5 5 6 6

17 7 10 4 8

DENOMINATIONAL Die Neu-Orientierung des Lehrstandes der M.B.-Gemeinde an der J·a hrhundertwende ..... Reflections on Bible Reading in the M.B. Church Die M.B.-Gemeinde einebleibende Gemeinde .. ........ .. ....... My Concept of Biblical Nonresistance ..... ......... ............ ...... .. ...... .. The Christi:an and Armed Combat ..... ..... ......... .......... ... ... ...... .. .. .. ... Monuments of Early Mennonite Brethren Teaching ............ .... ... .. . Die Sorge urn die geistliche Verflachung der Gemeinde . Wie schaffen wir bleibende Werte im Reiche Gottes ...... .. ....... .. ..

1 1 1 2 3 3 5 6


PRACTICAL Unsere Stellung zur christlichen Ethik .......... .. ... Biblische Diakonie fUr unsere Zeit . Der Weg zum andern ........ ......... .. The Parent's Role in the Christian Home ............................. .. Die Verantwortung des Christen sich selbst gegenUber Das gegenseitige Wahrnehmen in der Gemeinde ............ .. ....... .. The Essence of Divine Grace (A Christmas Meditation)

1 2 3 3 5


13 8

3 6 4 9

14 1 1

14 1 1 6


6 6

5 3

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The Camp Counselor .......... . Christian Education of Adults Teacher training in the Local Church

2 4 6

13 12

MISSIONS Christian Missions: A selected Bibliography Christian Missions: A selected Bibliography Christian Missions: A selected Bibliography

2 4 5

22 22

1 2 3 4



MUSIC Music and its use in Evangelical Christianity . Stmngers in the Worship Service .............. . Choir Conductors' Conference .... .. The Biblical Description of a Church Musician Music Making in the Small ChUrch Building a Repertoire in a Church Choir

5 6

19 20 20 20 19 21

BIBLE TRANSLATION Martin Luther und die Deutsche Bibel Martin Luther als BibelUbersetzer

2 4


CHRISTIAN WORKER'S LIBRARY Some Books on the Race Problem Recent Works on Revival ............................. ........ .... .. .. ....... ........... ... .. .

1 6

10 19



without CHRIST

(Continuation from page 23) And if the soul would rev r ntly and quietly listen, this would be the response she would hear, "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" That is what the Lord is seeking. He seeks not my creedal statements but my personal faith. He solicits not my creed but y person, not my words but my heart. And so do we offer Him all these substitutes in the place of the dwelling He seeks. And if these are all we have to offer, "The. Son of man hath not where to lay His head." We offer Him the hospitality of a big outer creed, but "there is no room in the inn." -Prairie Overcomer, Dec. 1957

Page 24

(Fortsetzung von Umschlagseite 2) -

evaluating, reVlsmg and perpetuating the program. New problems will arise, but these will not be insurmountable if the needs which the committee defined at the outset, are convincing enough to warrant such a program. The responsibility of the music committee is not limited to the obvious concerns of music in the church. It

must reach far beyond and with the help of God develop 'and supervise a . wellcoordinated program capable of min.istering to the needs of the entire congregation. There is much land to be possessed. May we take the grace to meet the challenge!

Index for Volume X

Victor Martens

Page No. THEOLOGICAL 9 1 Bib1iography on the Theology of the Holy Spirit 13 2 Die Lehre von der Demut .... ........................... .. 11 3 Christliche Toleranz .. .. .. ... ... ... .. . .......... .. 6 15 Jeremias Siindenbegriff .. DENOMINATIONAL 1 Christ's Challenge to Re-'o rientation and Restoration .... 4 2 The principal Functions of a Board ................ ..... .. ........ . 7 5 1 Die Heiligungim Lehren und Leben der Gemeinde Die Heiligung im Lehren und Leben der Gemeinde (Fortsetzung) ......... ........ . .. ............... . 6 1 DEVOTIONAL Gott der Vater, und das Kreuz 2 1 PRACTlCAL Das gegenseitige Wahrnehmen in der Gemeinde ....... .... .... . 1 13 A Blessed Mother .. .. ... .................. . 3 1 Randangelcgenheiten im christHchen Leben ......... ........ . 3 3 Wie erwirbt man sich den hochsten Titel im Reiche Gottes? ............... ... ........................................................... . 4 1 Consecration as ReI-ated to Our Vocation ............................ 5 3 Consecration as Related to Our Vocation (Continued) 6 3 PREACHING tl"ber das ZielbewuBte Predigen ...... ... ..... ..... ... ... ................ . 1 7 Illustrating the Sermon (1) ....................................... ..... .. 2 22 Illustrating the Sermon (II) ........... .. .... .. ... .. .. .... .. 3 16 Preaching in a Decade of Destiny ............... .............. .... .... .. 4 4 Illustrating the Sermon (III) .. ....... .... .... .. ....... .. .......... .. ... .. 4 8 Illustrating the Sermon (IV) ............ .... ......................... .. .... . 5 21 Illustrating the Sermon (V) .............. ...................... .... ...... .. 6 19 MISSIONS Missionsmotive in der paulinischen Theologie . 5 6 MUSIC Das .' geistliche Lied in der Inneren Mission . 1 18 Music for Weddings ................................................................. . 2 12 The Prepared Conductor ............... ........................................ . 3 21 The Choir Tour ................................ ..... ..... ................................ .. 3 22 What the Church May Reasonably Expect of the Choir Member ................................................... ........... ... ....... .. .. 4 22 Concerning Music and Ethics .......................................... .... .. 5 18 The Function of the Church's Music Committee .......... .. 6 22 (Continued on cover page 3)

tiberfiihrt" gestraft, gereinigt, getrostet - so wie wir es brauchten. Besondere Siege wurden am Bet- und Fasttag errungen. 1m Rtickblick auf diese Segenswoche bekennen wir mit dem Psalmisten: "Der Herr hat GroBes an uns getan, des sind wir frohlich." Gott gebe uns eine tiefe, durchgreifende Neubelebung in unserer ganzen Bruderschaft! Die vergroBerte Studentenzahl verursacht uns jedoch auch "Schmerzen des Wachstums" (growing pains). Besonders macht uns die Quartierfrage manche Sorge. Die Sammlung ftir den "Unruh Memorial Fund" gibt allen unsern lieben Freunden, und besonders allen gewesenen Studenten unsers teuren verstorbenen Vaters in Christo, A. H. Unruh, nun eine Gelegenheit, das Werk weiter auszubauen. Unser College ist eine Missionsschule. Die Schule kann ihren Zweck jedoch nur dann erfiillen, wenn sie einen Platz im Missionsgebet und im Missionsopfer unserer Gemeinden hat. Wir sind der festen Zuversicht, daB der Herr unser Vertrauen nicht zu Schanden werden lassen wird. Als Lehrerschaft und Arbeiterpersonal wiinschen wir allen Lesern eine gesegnete Weihnacht und ein neues J ahr des Heils im Dienste ftir den Meister. J. A. Toews (Continued from page 24) _ CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Biography of Johann Amos COmenius .... ...... .. .. Nach Beendigung einer christlichen Hochschule ... .. Sunday School Visitation ................. .... .. ........... .. ........... . Understanding the Camper ........... ...................... .......... .... .. Christian Education-the Parent's Concern The Christian Educator Between Yesterday and Tomorrow .... ......... . Organization in Christian Eduoation .... ........ .... .. .. ... ... ... .. CHRISTIAN WORKER'S LIBRARY Recent Works on Revival .. IN MEMORIAM A. H. Unruh, D.D., 1878-1961 SEASONAL Wer feiert denn noch richtig Weihnachten Christmas Giving





4 -1:


5 6

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6 6


14 21



"Es ist erschienen die Freundlichkeit und Leutseligkeit Gottes, unsers Heidands." Gesegnete



24 by Roman Catholic mlss~ornaries, many practices of the winter solstice were blended with those of Christianity as a direct response to the decree of Gregory I. Christmas became both religious and secular. From the pagan accent on light, it is not difficult to trace the rise of "lights" and "fires." Many current customs associated with Christmas can be traced back to the pagans. The Romans decora:ted their temples with green boughs for Saturnalia, the season of merry-making and giving of gifts. The Druids gathered mistletoe, and the Saxons used holly, ivy and bay. It is generally believed that the first Christmas tree was of German j.)rigin dating from Boniface, the first Catholic missionary to Germany. He replaced the sacrifices to Odin's sacred oak bya fir tree. The second question is a more tender one. Certain customs which came from paganism have now been associated with a religious motif. A parallel is found in music. A secular tune receives Chrsitian words and soon the origin of the tune is forgotten. Only those who have come from the secu1ar background readily detect the "unholy alHance." I believe we should remove such symbols as Santa Claus, reindeer, Christmas trees, etc., from the sanctuaries in which we worship. They are out of keeping with the spirit of the day. The symbols are those of the world and as such should be rejected by the church. If we want to use symbols, and I persona11y would advocate extreme caution, let the symbols be such as are deeply imbedded in Christian truths and which unmistakably testify to these. I am not speaking of homes and family practices. Let us first begin with the house of God. We, in our family, have rejected the tree even for the home. F. C. Peters

Is there any advantage in attending a small college when one has the opportunity of attending a large university? With huge university campuses sprawling over vast tracts of land, and with an explosion of student population, it is hard for some to divorce excellence

of education from the 'big, bigger, biggest' mentality -- a mentality which is tending to pervade the thinking of some people even with respect to the size of a church. Obviously there are facilities in the larger schools ~ which are highly endowed by the government and corporations~which a smaller college can never even dream of possessing. However, some educators see some very definite educational advantages in a small college. Here are some that have been suggested: 1. The small college by virtue of its smallness, tends to emphasise idealism rather than materialism. 2. The small college provides the family-type of unity. 3. The small college offers an opportunity of closer relationships with teachers which often transcends some of the academic values. 4. It can provide the clima,te for a better motivation for learning. 5. It is in a better position to achieve the goals which the school has set for itself, because of a more closely knitted facuIty and closely integrated curriculum. 6. It tends to foster a 'school spirit', and since many values of life are 'caught' rather than 'taught', it can playa more vital pal't in the transmitting of values. But our question, above, leaves much to be asked for. Is it a question of a small liberal arts college over again$t a large university? Is it a question of a small Christian college over against large non-Christian univel'sity? Moreover, one would have to know what field of s,tudy the quesUoner wishes to pursue? If he wishes to study in the Biblical field, the answer (at least for Canadians) might be 'a very simple one. If he intends to be a physicist, the answer would also be rather self-evident. So we are faced with a host of unknowns. But if all things were equal (except size), the small college would still have to be considered seriously. The past has shown that not only have small colleges provided great leaders for nations, but also for the church. Why not give a small college a try? Come to MBBC next year! David Ewert

Index for Volume XI THEOLOGICAL Jeremias SUndenbegriff .. ....... ........ ........... .... .. ... .. .. .. ..... .... .. Der Wille Gottes .. ..... ... .. .. .............. ... ...... ... .......... .... ........... ......... .. ..... . Gotteserkenntnis bei den Propheten .. .. .................. ..... ....... ..... ... ..... .. . Die Erkenntnis Gottes bei den Propheten .. ................... ... .. . .. .. . The Biblical Doctrine of Sanctification The Biblical Doctrine of Sanctification ..... ..: : :::: : :: : : : ::::: : ::::::::~ .......... ... . DENOMINATIONAL An Anabaptists Apprehensions About Ecumenism ...... .... .... . Was ich im Sliden gelernt habe .

No. 1 3 4


16 14 5

5 5 6


3 6




10 6



I~: bx:e~~~c~~~e G!t~~h~!h rMge

.. ::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Christian Responses .. .... .. .. ......... .......... .. ... ... .. ... ....... ...... ... ... .. ....... ...... ..... Li.ving in a World of Tensions .. .. .. .. ...... .......... .. ... ...... .. ... .... .. ... ..... DIe Krise im Familienleben .... . ... ................. ...... ... .. ... .. ::::: S~lI~e Unforgettable Lessons I Learned in the Family.. ................ .. ...... ... .. .... LlVrng in the World as Strangers ............... Statement on Material Values .. .. ... . .... ...... ... .. ........ ......... ...... Stewardship of the Total Person .... . ... .... .................. We Are Not Afraid of Critics ........... ............ .. .. .. PREACHING Pauli Evangelium nach 1. Korinther 2 ..... .... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ........ .

~~~~~~~~iht~eM~~~~~ ~~)C~i~~

3 3 3 4 4 5 6 1


.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: :::::: Illustrating the Sermon (VII) ...... ............... .... ............ .. ........... .......... 2 Illustrating the Sermon (VIII) .. .......... .. ........... ............... 4 Illustrating the Sermon (IX) .... . .. ....... .............. .... ...... ..... ........... .. ... ... 5 MISSIONS Changes in Mennonites Brethren Missions ............................ .. .... ... Missionary Acculturation ... ........ ..................... ... ... ............ ........ .. ..... ChristMche Liebestatigkeit . ... .. ..... .. .... ....... Missionary Acculturation (Continued) . . .. .................. Christliche Liebestiitigkeit (Fortsetzung) ......... ... ... .... .. .... MUSIC Music and the Church Pastor . ......... .. . ........ ... ... .. .. Music and Youth ........... ... .. ................... ................. ................... .. .. .. ..... .. The Challenge of School Music .............. ............ .. ... ... ......... ... .. .... ... ... Some Thoughts on Luther and Music ................... .. ....... .. .... .. .. ....... Music and Ritual in Our Church Services ...... .................... ...

2 3 4 4 5 2 3 4 5 6

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Needs and Curriculum in Adult Christian Education .. ....... ... ... .. .. 4 Teaching Children or Adults ....... ..... .. .. 6 The Transmission of Truth 6 SEASONAL Der Triumph des Gekreuzigten .. . ..... ......... ..... .. .... ....... .. .... ... 2 Let Us Be Grateful! .. .... ........... ...... ........ ..... . .. ... .. .. .. ..... .. .......... .. ..... 5 Die Vertiefung der Heilserfahrung in der Adventszeit 6 REVIVAL Erweckung in der Stille 5 .. . . ....... .. ... .. ....... ....... ~ .... ....... ... .............. 2 Revival: Its Nature and Its Results 2

8 2

1 4

7 1

3 5 3

1 5

20 20 18

17 14 17 14 17 2 18

21 21 21 20 10 13 16 1 1 1

7 10

24 Fl'eude in den Alltag del' Gegenwart. Alle Glaubigen haben an der Menschwerdung Jesu Anteil. Sie haben dieses groBe Weihnachtslicht in sich aufgenommen. Kraft dieses Lichtes und dieser Freude haben sie zu Tausenden und Abertausenden die damalige Welt umgestaltet, sind in den Tod gegangen und haben die Heiden in Staunen versetzt. Diese Weihnachtsfreude, das Wissen und Erleben des Kommens Jesu, hat nie zu leuchten aufgehort und wird auch dann leuchten wenn man vom Untergang der Kultur sprechen wird. Dieses gottliche Weihnachtslicht kann nicht mehr aus der Menschheit ausgelOscht werden, weil Gott es angeziindet hat und weil Er seinen gl'oBen Plan mit der Menschheit durch Christi Menschwerdung zu Ende filhren will. Die durch Christi Kommen und Tod verso.hnte Menschheit wim einmal nach allen kommenden Gerichtsperioden zum Licht kommen, und dann werden ihn nicht nur die Engel, sondern aIle Volker, Heiden und Zungen, anbeten. In dieser herrlichen Hoffnung soIl der Christ, von Jesus Christus erleuchtet, heute sein Licht dem Nachsten leuchten lassen. Er soIl seinem Bruder

Biblical Preaching Times have changed, of course, and it is not as likely that people will carry a Bible to church as it was in the days of Dale and Jowett. Nor would I sugges that one is to measure the success of a man's ministry by the number of people leafing through the Bible as he preaches. But most people today who do not carry a Bible under their arm to church do not carry it in their heads either. And they are doomed to a continuing biblical illiteracy unless the brief moments they spend in church become occasions when the treasures of the Bible are unlocked for them, and they are made to see something of the Bible's relevance to our day and the power of its message to transform life. This cannot be done by preaching which is conceived in the head of the preacher, then has a biblical text attached to it at the last moment as a sort of sprinh-

zeigen, daB Jesus Christus gekommen ist und daB er lebt. Seine Liebe zu uns wollen wir auf den Nachsten Ubertragen und gerade in dieser kalten, materiell-gesinnten Welt, woo keiner mehr filr den Nachsten Zeit hat, dem Nachsten zeigen, daB wir von Gottes Liebe erfilllt sind und filr ihn Zeit haben. Wir wollen den Miiden, Enttauschten, vom Leben Zerschlagenen und Armen zeigen, daB wir sie lieben und daB auch filr sie das Weihnachtslicht strahlt, namlich die unergriindliche Liebe Gottes unsers Heilandes, der urn Unsertwillen arm ward. Gehen wir Christen mit neuem FleW und neuer Liebe ausgeriistet zu unserem Nachsten, urn ihm Liebes und Gutes zu tun, auf daB Weihnachten nicht nur ein Ideal sei, sondern ein Sichselbstschenken, ein Hinneigen zum Bruder, zur Schwester, die in Not und Elend sind. Helfen wir in diesem Sinne, auf daB auch heute noch das Wort hell aufstrahlen mochte : "Ehre sei Gott in der Hohe und Friede auf Erden und an den Menschen ein Wohlgefallen. (Aus "Freuet euch", Zweimonatsschrift der Gerneinschaft Evangelisch Taufgesinnter)

board from which to launch into the preacher's own thought, or as a sort of fe t ish to give divine sanction to a man's words. A recovery of understanding the Bible on the part of the laity is dependent on preaching which begins, continues, and ends with the Bible-preaching whose theme, structure, elaboration, atmosphere, and goal are all direct outgrowths of the passage of scripture on which one is preaching, and which is normally undergirded by. illustrations drawn from the full range of biblical truth. Donald Miller pp. 105- 106 in 'Fire in Thy Mouth"

c. S. Lewis in Mere Christianity says, "If our expenditure on comforts, luxuries, and amusements is up to the standard common among those with the same income as our own, we are probably giving too little.

Index for Volume XII THEOLOGICAL The Biblical Doctrine of Sanctification .. ........ .... ..... .................... ... Die Wertschiitzung des Alten Testaments ...... ....... .. ... ...... .. ................. The Biblical Doctrine of Sanctification .............. ......... .. .. ........ ... ..... ... Die Wertschiitzung des Alten Testaments ... ......... .... ...... .... ... ........... The Biblical Doctrine of Sanctification .... .... ........... ...... ......... ............ The Bible As Personal Authority ... .......... ........ ....... ....... ..... ....... ........ ... Take Heed ... To Your Teaching .... .. ..... .. ... .. .... .... ... .. ... ..... .... ....... .. ... Predestination and Romans 9-11 ....... .... ............... .... ..... .. ........ .. .........

No. 1 1 2 2 3 5 5 6

DENOMINATIONAL Mennonite Colleges in Canada ..... .. ..... ...... ......... .. ... .... ................. ..... ..... Was ieh im SUden gelernt habe ... ... ..... ... ...... ... ......... ............... .... .. ....... Faithful Stewardship of the Church of God .... .................... .... . Inter-Mennonit e Relations .............. ........... ...... .... ... .. ....... ... ..... ........

1 1 2 5

1 4

PRACTICAL Wer tut die Seelsorge am Seelsorger? .. ......................... ... ............ ..... "Was du ererbt won deinen Viitern . . ." .............. ............ .. ...... ....... .. . Things, Things, Things .. ... ............... .... ............... ........ .... .. .... ...... Public Opinion .. ...... .................. ................. .. . .......................................... . Gemeindezucht und Seelsorge . ..... .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ... .... .............. .... .... ...... ... The Problem of Leisure ..... ...... .... ..... ..... ... .. ........ ...... .. ......... ........ .... .. ... "Nimm das Kindlein": Eine Weihnachtsmeditation .. .................. .... Overcoming Frustration in a Minister's Life ... ........... .... ..... ... ... .. ...

2 3 3 4 4 4 6 6


PREACHING Illustrating the Sermon (X) .............. ..... ............... ....... .... ... ........ .... ...... Predige das Wort! .. .. ............. .... ... ....... .... ...... ....... ......... ......................... Illustrating the Sermon (XI) ....... ...... ................ .... ........... .. Die Haupteigenschaften eines Arbeiter im Dienste des Herrn .... .. Illustrating the Sermon (XII) .............. ................................ ...... ..... ...

1 3 3 4 4

MISSIONS Church of 'Mission', Which? ... ...... ...... ............ ....... ....... .... ............ .... ... . The Missionary: Who Is He? ......... ....... ... ..... ,.... .... .... ..... Missionary Communication ... .............. .. ........ .... ...... ............ .... .. .... .... ... .. Missionary Communication ...... .. .... .... ......... ......... ............... .... ..... ... .

1 2 3 4

MUSIC Toward Better Congregational Singing ... .... .... ...... .. ............. ... ... .. .... . Music in the Christian Education Program of the Church .... .... ... ... Der Gemeindeleiter und der Gemeindegesang ........... Some Notes on Music Making in the Old Testament ....... .. ...........

1 4 5 6

CHRISTIAN WORKER'S LIBRARY Devotional Studies of R.E.O. White: A Brief Review Spirit of the Living God, by Leon Morris: A Review Some Comments on Christian Apologetics and Its Literature

5 5 6

HISTORICAL Communal Life Among Medieval Evangelicals in the Fifteenth Century ... ..... .... .... ... ... ... .... .... 2 Communal Life Among Medieval Evangelicals in the Fifteenth Century .. ..... ........... ... .. " ................. .. ... ....... ... 3 Communal Life Among Medieval Evangelicals in the Fifteenth Century .......... ... ..... . ........... ....... ..... ....... 4 Der erste Tag der Woche ........ ... .... .... .. ..... .. ....... ........ 6 The Birth of Jesus: Date and Data ... .. .. . .... 6 August Hermann Francke and Johann Albrecht Bengel ................ 6

FAREWELL An Elderly Brother's P rayer

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EVANGELISM Re-thinking Evangelism in Mennonite Bret hren Church

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ontinued from page 24)

was used variously in the early church, in personal confession, exorcism, baptism, and persecution, its main function lay in the church's dialogue with Judaism, where Jesus was not accepted as The Christ. After treating the Pastorals and the remaining Catholic Epistles in similar fashion, Neufeld concludes that the basic pattern of the earliest homologia includes two elements: The nameing of Jesus, and the ascription to him of important titles (Christ, Lord, Son of God,) By such confessions the person and the work of Christ are closely bound together. Also, both his incarnation and exaltation are emphasized. Our author contends that the confession 'Jesus is the Christ' is the earliest confession,and not 'Jesus is Lord', as is commonly thought. This ibasic confession was then developed and broadened. The early confessions of the Chris-

tians were a declaration of personal faith, Neufeld argues. However, they also found expression in exorcism, in hymnody (1 Tim. 3:16, would be a good example), and in the proclamation of the Gospel tounbelievers. At times they were used for defence rather than for proclamation; and they also served as a test of the orthodoxy of the church's members. In time of persecution they were part of the confession of the faithful which often determined life and death for them. Finally, the New Testament confessions became the basis of the creeds of the church. This ,book is not written in popular language, but those who are seriously interested in New Testament backgrounds and the history of the early church,as these are reflected in the New Testament writings, can receive some valuable insights by a careful perusal of this volume. D. Ewert


TABLE OF CONTENTS (Volume XIII) Number Page EDITORIALS Altes und Neues ~ David Ewert 1 1 2 1 The Problem of Mobile Ministers - J. H. Quiring .. . Eine Unberechtigte Dichotomie: Der gottlose Osten und der 'g ottesfUrchtige Westen. - J. A. Toews 4 1 3 1 Here Comes the Bandwagon - F. C. Peters ... .. ..... .. .. . . 5 1 Revelation -- Encounter and Truth - V. Adrian 6 1 The New Curriculum - H. R Voth ........ .. ... .. . ARTICLES ? 6 In Memoriam: B. B. Janz, 1877-1964 - J. A. Toews . Practical: 4 1 A Brief History of Tithing - F. C. Peters Ein ganzes Evangelium fUr das gegenwartige 2 3 Zeitalter - J. A. Toews .. ..... . .... ........ ... .. . 2 7 The New Missionary Role - J. J. Toews 4 33 Sei ehrlich mit dir selbst -- J. H. Quiring. A Heterogeneous Congregation Challenges the 4 5 Preacher -- J . H. Quiring ... .. .............. ......... ... 5 Do we Create an Elite among our Ministers - J. H. Quiring 5 5 9 The Sin of Thanksgiving - Elmer F. Suderman .. 12 Concerning the Christian and the Fine Arts - P. Ktlassen 5 6 ? The Near East Speaks - J. J. Toews ....... . 6 Where Do We Go from Here? - J. H. Quiring .. ? Theological: 7 Man's Temptation and Fall: History or Myth- H. H. Voth 1 (Continued on cover page)

Some Comments on Christian Apologetics and its Literature (II) -- H. Giesbrecht ....... ... ....... ........ ............. C. S. Lewis: A. Christian Apologist. -- Victor Adrian .. Modes of Revelation in the Old Testament - H. Voth ........ Der Heilige Geist als Person -- H. Voth .... ........ ................... ... Die Gleichnisse des Herrn -- F. C. Peters ............... ... .. ... ... Origin and Eschatology in Hindu Thought - F. C. Peters

1 1 2 3 4 5

SERMONS On the Necessity of Love -- J. H. Quiring ........... 1 Das Glaubensbekenntnis im Vaterunser - D. Ewert 2 Christian Contentment -- J. J. Toews . . :1 Breaking the Vicious Circle - V. Adrian 4 J . A. Tn('w:; ;, Die Herrschaft Christi im personlichen L ben Das Heilige Abendmahl - F. . Pet/'TII Ii BOOK REVIEWS Did the Early Church Baptiz Infant!;, by Kurt Aland -- D. Ewert ..... . Facing Facts in Misions - A Symposim. edited by Noel Perkin - J. J . Toews Church Music for the Clory of God. by Gunnar Urang - Victor Martens ... ..... .. ... .. ..... ... .. . ................ . Why Christianity of All Religions? by Hendrik Kraemer Christianity among the Religions of the World, by Arnold Toynbee - Victor Adrian .... .. Interpreting the Bible. 'b y A. Berkely Mickelsen - F. C. Peters ....... .. ... .... ................................. ....... ... .. ..... . A History of Christian Preaching; A Bibliographic Survey -- H. Giesbrecht ... ........ .............. ................ .......... .. A Protestant Interpretation of Religion in American History by F. H. Littell - J . A. Toews .. .... .. ...... . The Serman on he Mount, by Joac:lim Jeremias - D. Ewert What to Listen for in Music, by Aaron Copeland -- Victor Martens .......... ...... . C. Kilby's, The Christian World of C. S. Lewis ..' .' - H. Giesbrecht .. . The Geopraphy of the Bible, 'b y Denis Baly -- J. J. Toews The New English Bible - D. Ewert ............. .. .. .... ........ ... .... .. A Layman's Guide to Protestant Theology, by William Horden - H. H . Voth .... ..... ... .... .. ... .... ....... ....... . Geschichte der Evangelischen WeItmission, by Horst Flachsmeier - J. J. Toews ......... ....... .... .. ...... . Alan Paton's Cry the Beloved Country -- H. Giesbrecht .... The Earliest Christian Confessions, by Vernon Neufeld -- D. Ewert ..... .. .. ..... .. ............ .... ... ............. ... ... ..................... ... . The House of Christmas, by H. Harold Kent - H. Giesbrecht ..... ........ ,.... . .. ... ..... . ..... ..... .......... . . Abraham Kuyper. by Frank Vanden Berg -- V. Adrian ...

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Wie wird man alt - J. J. Toews Sacred Times and Places - D. Ewert Progress through Planning - J. H. Quiring A Note on the Order of Worship In Our Services - P. Klassen Closing Christian Schools - J. A. Toews Imitating the Incarnation - V. Adrian .


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4 4 5 5 5 6 6

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Practical: Teaching Absolutes in a Day of Relatives - D. Ewert . Missions by Proxy - J. J. Toews WortverkUndigung erfordert Worterklarung - J. A. Toews A Victorius Faith for a Challenging Future - F. C. Peters Should the Mennonite Brethren Agree to Use the Same Version of the Bible - D. Ewert Warum hat unsere Predigt nicht mehr Erfolg? - F. C. Peters Der materielle Wohlstand - Eine geistliche Gefahr - J. A. Toews Finding People - J. J. Toews Teaching the Liberal Arts - H. Giesbrecht .. Where Are the Preachers for Tomorrow Learning to Live With Ourselves .. Meine Freunde haben mich verlassen ~ J. H. QuiI1ing Reading Modern Literature - H. Loewen .


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Theological: What is Hinduism - F. C. Peters Is Church Membership Necessary for Salvation - J, A. Toews The Sword and The Keys of The Kingdom, I-V. AdI1ian The Sword and The Keys of The Kingdom, II - V. Adrian The Ministry of the Deacon - V. Adrian .

Music and Worship in the Church, by Austin C. Lovelace - p, Klassen .......... . The Suburban Church, by F. A. Shippey - H. Giesbrecht Life By the Spirit, by A. . Wood - V. Adrian . Missionary, Go Home, 'by Jam s h r r .T. J. T ws Jesus Christ and History, by . K Ladd J. A. To W f, From the Exile to Christ, by W I'll I' l·'or·st'l' D . EW('I' \ Church Growth and Chris tia n Missi ns. hy I . /\ . McGavran - J. J. Toews . Christian Missions and the Peace Witll ss 1':11 oy!; Peace, ·by R. P. Beaver - J . A. Toews Tyndale - Gala1:iians, by R. A. Cole - D . .l!:wcrt History of Christian Education - C. B. Eavey - H. H. Volh


4 8

12 2 11

Dedication Address - J. H. Quiring ..... Per Pharisaer und der ZOllner - H. H. Voth .. ' For One Brief Shining Moment - H. Giesbrecht Love in Action - J . H. Quiring Give Thanks in All Circumstances - V. Adrian ................ Eine Biblische Weihnachtsgesinnung - J. J. Toews .......... ..




VOLUME XV --.: 1966

Towards a Simplicity of Christian Ethics '-'- J.J. Toews Church Related Colleges Face The Future ............................ When I Consider. . EsChatology -- C. Wall .............. Why Lib:ralArt~At College- H. Loew:n ................ The Organ '-- Bane Or Blessing? - Peter ~lassen .... Cultural Changes and Christian Ethics - J. A. Toews.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Wildfire: Church Gr uwth In Korea by R. E.


/'Love God /And Do As You Like" -D. Ewert Gibt Es EilleBiblische Staatsethik?- J. A. Toews ............ Secunn,g.c:onfptmity tp a Christian Way of Life - ',j'. H. Qutting ......... :.......... :..... .................... ....................... ........... ........... Care'Irl ~election And RetentioI). Of Faculty.......... ................ A Bfl~cedDiet II). The Christian Life - P. Klassen ..... ,. Eschatology And M~ssions "7 D. .Ewert ............ Eschatology And Missions In The New Testament-D. Ewert Love ' With Knowle4ge And Discernment'-'-ErlandWaltner Me~o Simons Teachillg On .Avoidance -A. Dueck .......... 1m. K~~pf F~r Den Glauben- J. A. Toews ............ ........... Mir;;sionr;;. And Eschatology In The History Of The Expansion Of Christianity - D. Ewert ................................. ........... Missions And Eschatology Prior To "The Great Century" ~ . D, Ewert . The Livillg Encounter With Christ. Through Faith - V. Adrian Win.deOes Wechsels -.H. iLoewen ............. ;........ .. .................... MissiQns and Eschatology In The. Modern Era of Missions . D. Ewert .................................................................................... i ... i ......... :.........

SERMONS Father AndSon~A Story Of Rebellion "7 H. Loewen,. ...... Oder Verachtest Du Die Getneinde Gottes - J. H. Quiring The Parousia-A Purifying Hope - J. A .. Toews .. ,............. GiveYe Them To Eat -H. Swartz ........ ;......... .. ...... ;.... ,........ Vorbildliche Opferwilligkeit 1m Bau Des Reiches Gottes .J, A . .Toews ...................................... .......................................... . Absonder4ng Oem Herm. ZuEinem FruchtbarenZeugnis C. Wall ........... . ..........................................................................

1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

BOOK' REVIEWS by Robert .s. Paul "- H. Giesbrecht .... ..................... '11

I~UCh by D .. O. · M~b£!r~ - .V. Adrian .. :..................... ....... . C~'IJ,r~~.jl'ltd Kingdom by R. o. Zorn "7 J. A. Toews: ...... ..... 2 Redding A Nove], by Walter Allen - H. Loewen ........ .. ........ 2

~~.~~~.~...~ 2

The ~::~i'T~ Bib~ b~ H~~ Liij~ = ·victor Adrian Spirituality Of The New Te8tament by W. K. Grossouw -


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Herbert Giesbrecht ..... ............ ...................... .... .................. Admini8tering Christian Education by R. K. Bowen H.






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vO~d· · · Th~··· w~~i~~~···=.. · ~~~· ··.I. ~~t·i~~·· ·~

TheoJe~nt Works _ Herbert Giesbrecht .......................... ...... 4 Modern ReZigiouS Poems b~ Jacob Trapp (ed.) - H. Loewen ~ hem b G. Ernest Wnght - H. Swartz ............. ........ .. .. ~~oPian ~ovels: Their Significance For ~~...~~~ .. ~: 6 w,:;e~:re;::; W~;id..b~·E·w~.. wiili~~· ~ A. Dueck ........ : Men Of Uni ty by Stephen Neill - H. Swartz ...................... ..



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1967 Number .... Page

EDITORIALS The Disease of Contemporaneity - D. Ewert .... 1 Religious Radio Programming - P. Klassen ....... ..... ........ . .... 2 Who Says You Can't Sing? - Wm. Baerg .... .... 3 Is One Semmary The Answer? - V. Adrian .... 4-5 Our Response To A Renewed Interest 'In The Canon - A. Guenther ... ... .................. . ............ .. ..... 6 ARTICLES The Sovereignty of God in The Theology of Jesus ~ H. Swartz ...... .. .... ................... ....... ........ ........ ...... .... ... 1 Bound To Be True - H. Giesbrecht ......................... ...... ..... 1 Hymn Sing - Some Reflections - P. Klassen 1 American Religious Pacificism Prior To 2 World War II - J. A. Toews ......................... . The Sovereignty of God in the Theology of Jesus «ll) - H. Swartz ... ......... ................ .......... .... ...... ................. 2 An Approach To A Christian View of Life - H. Loewen .... 2 The Sabbath Or The Lord's Day - A Dueck ................. ....... 3 Christians And The Use Of Television Today - H. Giesbrecht 3 Menno Simon's Concept Of Faith - V. Adrian .. .................. 3 Aspects Of The Theology Of The Fourth Gospel - H. Swartz .. ....... ........ ... ........ .. ................... ........ ......... .......... 4-5 Christ And The Ordinary Things Of Life - H. Loewen .... 4-5 Sacrifice In The Epistle To The Hebrews - H. H. Voth 4-5 Aspects Of The Theology Of The Fourth Gospel - H. Swartz 6 Systematic Preaching In The Church - H. H. Voth . 6 Preliminary Thinking On The Sacred- Secular Debate - V. Ratzlaff .... .... ... .. .. .......... . 6 SERMONS The Church's Quest For Reform - A Dueck .. 1 In The Beginning, God - D. Ewert .......... ..... ....... . .. ..... 2 "Let My People Go." - H. Giesbrecht .,. 4-5 The Death - Life Paradox - B. Doerksen 6 BOOK REVIEWS The Church's Worldwide Mission - J. A. Toews ................ 1 Christian Faith And The Liberal Arts - H. Loewen ............ 1 The Secular City - V. Ratzlaff ....... ......... ........... .................... 2 The Church Grows in Canada - A. Dueck ................. .......... 2 Sazred And Profane Beauty: The Holy In Art - H. Loewen 3 The Incendiary Fellowship - H. Swartz ............... .... .. . 3 Revolt Against Heaven - A. Dueck ............. ...... ... ... ... . 4-5 War And The Gospel - A. Dueck ................. ... ....... 6 interpretation of such texts as, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's (Mark 12:13-17). In the light of the context it becomes obvious that Christ has no intention of carefully defining two entirely separate spheres of authority, each with an independent claim upon an indi-

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vidual. At the very least Christ's answer is ambiguous and even though the meaning were that Caesar had a legitimate claim, the text could still not .be taken. as a definition 'Of the limits of.. tpat claim" Another ~ass; ." which •. defleryedly receives more ",lengthy ' t~{:!atnl~llt is Romans 13. While nh.l.chlhat is said

is helpful, it appears that the exegesis here, as in several other instances, suffers from the attempt to prove too much-which is precisely what Lasserre on occasion accuses others of doing. In a general way he says of Romans 13, So the interpretation we give to Romans 13 must be modified in the light of the rest of the evidence from the New Testament, especially as in verse 1, the most strongly affirmative towards the State, "the idea that every authority exists by God's command is not a theory of Paul's but a traditional Judaeo-Hellenic one." (p. 103, the latter part quoted from Dibelius). Perhaps the most stimulating section of the book is that in which the author searches for a Biblical criterion of political morality. He rejects the traditional doctrine which he defines as follows: God has charged the Church with the duty of preaching the Gospel, and the State with the duty of ensuring the political order; the Christian is both member of the Church and citizen of the nation; as the former he must obey God by conforming to the Gospel ethic as it emerges from the New Testament; as the latter he must obey God by conforming to the political ethic of which the State is the judge and which is not to be disputed from the Christian point of view unless the State tries to impose a religious belief or interfere with the freedom of Christian preaching (p. 132). Lasserre believes that political and Gospel morality cannot be independdent of one another-they can only be concentric. He decisively rejects all natural theology, and believes that the Scriptures alone can provide a single universal criterion for morality. At this point the author declares himself as being in the true

Reform tradition and accepts the Ten Commandments 'Of Sinai as the criterion of good for political morality. More precisely, he states that "the Decalogue is the minimal norm. for the Christian's private obedience and only the essential criterion for his political obedience: not the norm, that is, of what the State 8hould do (this was Calvin's error), but the criterion of what the Christian may do in obeying the State" (p. 154). The reasons for accepting this criterion are convincingly stated, although with respect to this there would probably be rather widespread disagreement among Biblical pacifists. The reasons for the rejection of the Noachic Jaws as normativ could perhaps have been elaborated upon somewhat since they find rather general acceptance. The final section of the book daIs more directly with the sixth commandment. Does it condemn only individual murder? What about the death penatly? The author goes on to speak about the function of the police and then about the army conceived as a kind of police force. That this conception is mistaken is obvious, for "every government is at once judge, party to the dispute, and executioner (what an executioner!)" (p. 180). Lasserre can hardly be accused of being idealistic or impractical He is not exclusively concerned with the meanings of words and phrases, but again and again brings them to bear upon concrete situations. He is passionately -.COncerned with making the Gospel witness a dynamic and consistant one, and this concern is perhaps best stated in his final words: "So many people at present are preparing with great earnestness to 'defend' Christianity. I believe the more urgent thing is to live it" (p. 218). For those who concur in this, as well as for those who disagree, this book should prove to be a vital challenge. A. DlI,eck