The Cherwell School Year 12 induction

ex: I used go out every night last summer = solía salir todas las noches el verano pasado. It is also used for ..... to
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The Cherwell School Year 12 induction

Year 12 Spanish summer holiday work


Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

Year 12 Spanish Year 12 is a big jump up from GCSE. You need to be prepared to work very hard to be successful. Here is a list of what you need to do for September. A) Grammar Knowledge Complete and do all the exercises in the grammar exercise book attached. Then use the booklet to memorise all your basic grammar endings and irregular forms. By September you must know: 1) Present Tense Endings 2) All common present tense irregular forms 3) Preterit tense endings 4) All common preterit irregular forms 5) Imperfect endings 6) All common irregular imperfect forms 7) Both future tenses 8) Common irregular future tenses 9) Conditional tense 10) Common irregular conditional tense 11) SER vs ESTAR 12) A* candidates should also come with a basic knowledge of subjunctive endings On the first day of term, you will have a formal Grammar test where we will assess your Knowledge in relation to what we have asked you to learn. This will be a very important assessment to check that you are well equipped for the year ahead. Please make sure you give yourself plenty of time to prepare for this test. You can practise your grammar on and B) Vocabulary knowledge Attached to this pack is a list of vocabulary from units 1 & 2. You must familiarise yourself with this vocabulary PRIOR to the course. Knowledge of this vocabulary will help you hit the ground running in September. Please use the quizlet link below to practise this vocabulary (please note: this is from the old AS/A2 level, but the vocab will be similar – find the appropriate unit according to the titles we’ve given you in the vocab section) For each topic, you need to A) Learn the vocabulary and B) write 15 sentences on each topic including a new word that you have not come across before. There are 2 topics so this is a total of 30 sentences. Please give yourself enough time to complete this work well. We will collect this work in during your first lesson. Additional workIt would be a good idea for you to start reading articles around the topics that we will study. is an online magazine which covers lots of the topics we will study next year like health, Family, sport, technology etc... you should endeavour to read in Spanish at least 3 times a week over the holidays. 3

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet


Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet






The Present tense / el Presente I play / I am playing  T he Present tense describes an action which is happening at the moment : Ex: I am listening = yo escucho  It also describes an action which happens regularly or repeatedly Ex: Every day I wake up around 7am = todos los días me levanto a eso de las siete.

1. Regular Verbs / los verbos regulares Chop off the –AR, -ER or –IR and add the relevant ending. TIME EXPRESSIONS:


Endings -ER






You (sg) He She It











You (pl)








For example: Tomar = to take To form “we take” : TOMAR > tom > tomamos


Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

Practice – Práctica 1.

Complete with the correct subject pronoun

a. ______________________ estudiamos español desde hace 3 años b .¿ ______________________ vendéis una casa en el centro de la ciudad? c. ______________________ compro el periódico todos los días d. ______________________ toma tostadas para el desayuno e. ______________________ salen los domingos por la noche f. ______________________ viajas a menudo ¿verdad? g. ______________________ termina el cole a las cuatro y media h. ______________________ empezamos el cole a las ocho y media i. ______________________ hablo tres idiomas: inglés, francés y alemán j. _____________________ lee muchas novelas 2.

Regular –AR verbs. Fill in the appropriate forms, using the verbs in the box below. Trabajar = to work Estudiar = to study Comprar = to buy


I buy She walks You (pl) pay We wear You (sg) prepare He hopes They work I study



Esperar = to hope Andar = to walk Llevar = to wear


You (sg) enter They hope You (pl) walk We work He buys I walk You (sg) study

Regular –ER verbs. Fill in the appropriate forms, using the verbs in the box below. Aprender = to learn Romper = to break Comer = to eat


Preparar = to prepare Pagar = to pay Entrar = to enter

He eats They drink We sell You (pl) run I learn You (sg) read She believes I break


Leer = to read Correr = to run Beber = to drink

Creer = to believe Vender = to sell Meter = to put I J K L M N O


We learn You (sg) put He runs They read We break I read She drinks

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet


Regular –IR verbs. Fill in the appropriate forms, using the verbs in the box below. Discutir = to discuss Escribir = to write


Cubrir = to cover Recibir = to receive

They write You (pl) discuss I cover He opens You (sg) climb


Abrir = to open Subir = to climb


She climbs I discuss We receive You (pl) write He receives

2. Reflexive verbs = los verbos pronominales Reflexive verbs describe activities where the action is reflected back onto the subject of the verb ex: I wash myself He dresses himself The idea of ‘self’ is conveyed by using reflexive pronouns e.g. I wash myself = me lavo LAVARSE – to wash oneself yo



I wash / am washing (myself)



You wash (yourself)

él/ella Usted



He/she washes (him/herself) You wash (yourself)




We wash (ourselves)




You wash(yourselves)

ellos/ellas Ustedes



They wash (themselves)

Practice – Práctica Regular reflexive verbs. Fill in the appropriate forms, using the verbs in the box below. Afeitarse = to shave Lavarse = to wash oneself Llamarse = to be called Casarse = to get married Verse = to see oneself A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O

Ducharse = to take a shower Peinarse = to comb one’s hair Enojarse = to get angry Ponerse = to become Preocuparse = to worry


I wash myself They get angry You (pl) take a shower He is called They get married It becomes You (sg) shave We become I worry You (sg) wash yourself She gets married He shaves They comb their hair We see ourselves You (sg) worry


Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

3. Stem-changing Verbs / verbos con cambio re raíz Some verbs change their stem before you add the ending. This change occurs in the second vowel to the last of the infinitive and is purely for pronunciation reasons. e > ie PENSAR (to think) > pens > piens > pienso u > ue JUGAR (to play) > jug > jueg > juego o > ue PODER (to be able to) > pod > pued > puedo e > ie PEDIR (to ask) > ped > pid > pido These changes only occur for YO, TÚ, EL/ELLA/USTED & ELLOS/ELLAS/USTEDES

PERSONAL PRONOUNS Yo Tú Él/Ella/Usted Nosotros/as Vosotros/as Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes

OUE ue ue ue o o ue

RADICAL CHANGE UUE EIE EI ue ie i ue ie i ue ie i o e e o e e ue ie i




Practice – Práctica Stem-changing verbs in the Present Tense 1.

The following verbs change their stem e -> ie. Fill in the appropriate forms: Empezar Acertar Pensar Recomendar Encender (to begin) (to guess) (to think) (to recommend) (to switch on)

a. b. c. d. e. 2.

she thinks we extend they recommend he begins we recommend

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

f. g. h. i. j.

I switch on you (sg) begin you (pl) guess I think he switches on

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

The following verbs change their stem o -> ue. Fill in the appropriate forms. Volver Contar Rogar Aprobar Renovar (to return) (to count) (to ask) (to approve) (to renew)

a. b. c. d. e.

he counts they ask I approve you (sg) return we renew


____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

f. g. h. i. j.

she tries you (pl) ask I count we return you (sg) renew

Extender (to extend)

Probar (to try)

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet


a. b. c.

The following verbs change their stem e -> ie. Fill in the appropriate forms. Mentir Invertir Preferir (to tell lies) (to invest) (to prefer)

he tells lies __________________ d. you (sg) prefer ____________________ you (pl) invest __________________ e. I feel ____________________ we feel __________________ f. they tell lies ____________________ 4. Regular stem-changing verbs. Fill in the appropriate forms using the verbs in the box below. Aprobar (o > ue) = to approve Morder (o > ue) = to bite Negar (e > ie) = to deny Fregar (e > ie) = to wash up Servir (e > i) = to serve


Sentir (to feel)

Volar (o > ue) = to fly Contar (o > ue) = to count Mentir (e > ie) = to tell a lie Repetir (e > i) = to repeat Decir (e > i) = to say

You (sg) deny He approves We serve You (pl) say She counts I approve I bite I deny You (pl) fly We wash up I repeat He repeats They wash up It bites They tell a lie


Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet


Irregular Verbs = los verbos irregulares

Next year we shall see more irregular verbs but in the meantime it is important you know the entire list below as they are some of the most common:

Ser (to be) soy eres es somos sois son Ir (to go) voy vas va vamos vais van Tener (to have) tengo tienes tiene tenemos tenéis tienen Poder (to be able) puedo puedes puede podemos podéis pueden

Estar (to be) estoy estás está estamos estáis están Hacer–(to do/make) Practice Práctica hago haces hace hacemos hacéis hacen Querer (to want) quiero quieres quiere queremos queréis quieren Decir(to say) digo dices dice decimos decís dicen

1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of ser or estar: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Un vaso de cerveza __________ sobre la mesa. Madrid _________ en España. El hombre _________ comiendo en el café. Alfonso _______ profesor. La mujer _______ furiosa. Las camisas ________ de poliester. Yo _______ inglés. El colegio _________ grande y moderno.

2. Learn the above irregular verbs, hide the list and try to write in the 6 forms of each of these irregular verbs: Tener (to have)


Decir (to say)

Poder (to be able to)

Querer (to want)

Hacer (to do/make)

Ir (to go)

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

3. Fill in the appropriate verb forms sing the infinitives given in brackets: Seis hombres (estar) _____________ en un café. Hay un inglés, un francés, un español, un alemán, un ruso y un chino. (Hacer) ____________ mucho calor y todos (tener) ___________ sed. Cada persona (tener) _____________ un vaso de cerveza. Hay también seis moscas en el café, y las moscas (tener) _____________ también sed. Una mosca cae en el vaso del inglés, otra mosca cae en el vaso del francés….etc. El inglés (ir) ___________ a beber y ¡Ve la mosca ! Llama al camarero, que trae otro vaso de cerveza. El francés ve también la mosca que (estar) __________ nadando en la cerveza. (Estar) ___________ furioso, jura, da gritos. El español mira la mosca, (hacer) _________ un gesto y sale del café. El alemán retira la mosca y bebe la cerveza. El ruso bebe la cerveza y las mosca. El chino toma la mosca con los dedos, contempla al pobre insecto, come la mosca y bebe la cerveza.

Time expressions used with the present tense: NORMALMENTE/ GENERALMENTE = usually TODOS LOS DIAS = every day AHORA = now SIEMPRE = always NUNCA = never A VECES = a times MUCHAS VECES = often (many times) DE VEZ EN CUANDO= from time to time HOY = today CADA DIA = every day A MENUDO = often


Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

The Preterit tense / el Pretérito I played The Preterit tense is used to describe a single, completed action in the past or an action that took place over a defined period of time. Ex: Last summer I spent 3 weeks in Cuba = el verano pasado pasé tres semanas en Cuba.

1. Regular Verbs / los verbos regulares Chop off the –AR, -ER or –IR and add the relevant ending.



Endings -ER





Hablar - to talk yo hablé

nosotros hablamos

tú hablaste vosotros hablasteis You (sg) He She It









You (pl)







él habló



Comer - to eat yo comí

nosotros comimos

tú comiste vosotros comisteis él comió



Vivir - to live


yo viví

nosotros vivimos

tú viviste

vosotros vivisteis

él vivió



Practice – Práctica Fill in the regular Preterites using the infinitives given below. enseñar aprender viajar cruzar (to teach) (to learn) (to travel) (to cross) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.


They taught He learned I travelled We wrote You (sg) put She crossed You (pl) wrote I learned We taught You (pl) put They travelled You (sg) crossed

escribir (to write)

meter (to put)

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

2. Irregular Verbs = los verbos irregulares

Andar (to walk)

anduve, anduviste, anduvo, anduvimos, anduvisteis, anduvieron

Caber (to fit)

cupe, cupiste, cupo, cupimos, cupisteis, cupieron

Dar (to give)

di, diste, dio, dimos, disteis, dieron

Decir (to say)

dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijisteis, dijeron

Estar (to be)

estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos, estuvisteis, estuvieron

Hacer (to do)

hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicisteis, hicieron

Ir (to go)

fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron

Poder (to be able)

pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudisteis, pudieron

Poner (to put)

puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusisteis, pusieron

Producir (to produce)

produje, produjiste, produjo, produjimos, produjisteis, produjeron

Querer (to want)

quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisisteis, quisieron

Saber (to know)

supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supisteis, supieron

Ser (to be)

fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron

Tener (to have)

tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvieron

Traer (to bring)

traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajisteis, trajeron

Venir (to come)

vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinisteis, vinieron

Ver (to see)

vi, viste, vio, vimos, visteis, vieron

Practice – Práctica Fill in the irregular Preterits. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.


It fitted __________________ They saw __________________ We were able __________________ I had __________________ He was (ser) __________________ You (sg) said __________________ They produced __________________ She brought __________________ I gave __________________ You (pl) wanted __________________ I was (estar) __________________ We went __________________

m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x.

You (sg) came We walked He did They put I knew We knew You (pl) came She went You (sg) saw I went I was (ser) We said

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

The Imperfect tense / el Imperfecto I used to play / I was playing It is also used to indicate what used to happen in the past, habitual or repeated actions in the past ex: I used go out every night last summer = solía salir todas las noches el verano pasado It is also used for description in the past: ex: It was raining every day = llovía todos los días

1. Regular Verbs / los verbos regulares Chop off the –AR, -ER or –IR and add the relevant ending: -AR -ER / -IR I aba ía You (sg) abas ías He/she/it aba ía We ábamos íamos You (pl) abais íais They aban ían BEBER = to drink To form “We used to drink” BEBER > beb > bebíamos

Practice – Práctica Fill in the regular imperfects Comer (to eat)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

firmar (to sign) elegir (to choose) prometer (to promise) Olvidar (to forget) buscar (to search)

I was eating You (pl.) were eating You (pl.) were signing You (sing.) used to search He used to promise They used to promise You (sing.) were choosing We were promising I used to forget You (pl.) used to choose She was searching They were forgetting

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

2. Irregular Verbs = los verbos irregulares


Ser (to be)

Ir (to go)

Ver (to see)

era eras era éramos erais eran

iba ibas iba íbamos ibais iban

veía veías veía veíamos veíais veían

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

The Future tenses / el Futuro I am going to play / I will playing 1. The Immediate Future In English:

I am going to play He is going to see You’re going to do

Use the appropriate part of the verb IR (to go) + a + infinitive. IR voy vas va vamos vais van Jugar = to play To form “We are going to play” Vamos a jugar Part of IR + a + infinitive

Practice – Práctica 1. Fill in the immediate future tenses using the infinitives given below and the verb ir. amar regresar subir cubrir (to love) (to return) (to climb) (to cover) prometer vender enseñar decir (to promise) (to sell) (to teach) (to say) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

He is going to return. We are going to cover. I am going to climb. They are going to teach. You (pl) are going to say. She is going to sell. You (sg) are going to promise. It is going to be. They are going to love. I am going to study.

ser (to be) estudiar (to study)

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

2. Fill in the gaps in these future plans using the words in the box. Mañana, __________ a salir con mi madre. Vamos __________ hacer compras en la ciudad de Barcelona. ___________ a coger el tren a las nueve y media, y el tren _________ a llegar en Barcelona a las once. Voy a ___________ ropa para mis vacaciones y un regalo de cumpleaños para mi novio. Mi madre y yo vamos a ___________ en un restaurante donde trabaja mi primo. Mi tía va __________ venir al restaurante también. Mi madre va a ____________ a casa a las tres, y yo voy ___________ quedarme en casa de mi tía. A A A Comer Comprar Va Vamos Volver Voy


Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

2. The Future tense of regular verbs / el Futuro de los verbos regulares In English:

I will play He will see You will do

The Future Tense is formed by adding endings onto the infinitive:


I You (sg) He / She / It We You (pl) They Jugar = to play To form “We will play”: Jugaremos Infinitive + ending

hablaré hablarás hablará hablaremos hablaréis hablarán

é ás á emos éis án

Practice – Práctica Fill in the Future Tenses using the infinitives given below. ir (to go) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

llamar (to call)

mandar (to order)

You (sg) will call They will understand I will order You (pl) will be He will go We will discover She will order You (sg) will understand I will discover We will go

estar (to be)

descubrir (to discover)

comprender (to understand)

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

3. The Future tense of irregular verbs / el Futuro de los verbos irregulares Infinitive Caber (to fit)

Future Cabré, cabrás..

Decir (to say) Haber (to have*) Hacer (to do/make)

Diré, dirás Habré, habrás Hare, harás, ...

Infinitive Poder (to be able) Poner (to put) Querer (to want) Saber (to know)

Future podré

Infinitive Salir (to go out)

Future saldré


Tener (to have*) Valer (to be worth) Venir (to come)


querré sabré

valdré vendré

*Tener is the verb to own or possess, and you will use it very often. Haber is used rarely, as an auxiliary.


Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

Practice – Práctica Fill in the irregular Future Tenses. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

I will say We will put She will have You (pl) will do He will want It will fit You (sg) will do It will be worth They will come They will say You (pl) will say She will be able

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x.

You (sg) will come He will do They will know I will fit She will make We will go out I will want We will do I will be able We will know He will put You (pl) will want

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

The Conditional tense / el Condicional In English:

I would play He would see You would do

The Conditional Tense is formed by adding endings onto the infinitive:


I You (sg) He / She / It We You (pl) They

ía ías ía íamos íais ían

hablar comer vivir hablaría comería viviría hablarías comerías vivirías hablaría comería viviría hablaríamos comeríamos viviríamos hablaríais comeríais viviríais hablarían comerían vivirían

Practice – Práctica Fill in the Conditional Tenses using the infinitives given below. preguntar cocinar romper vivir (to ask (to cook) (to break) (to live) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.


They would break He would cook You (pl) would ask We would live She would watch You (sg) would decide I would break They would cook I would decide You (sg) would watch

mirar (to watch)

decidir (to decide)

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

3. The Conditional tense of irregular verbs / el Condicional de los verbos irregulares* Infinitive Caber (to fit) Decir (to say) Haber (to have*) Hacer (to do/make)

Conditional cabría diría habría haría

Infinitive Poder (to be able) Poner (to put) Querer (to want) Saber (to know)

Infinitive Salir (to go out) Tener (to have*) Valer (to be worth) Venir (to come)


podría pondría querría sabría

Conditional saldría tendría valdría vendría

*Notice that the verbs that are irregular in the Conditional tense are also irregular in the Future tense.

Practice – Práctica Fill in the irregular Conditional Tenses. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.


I would say You (sg)would put I would have We would do She would want It would fit They would do It would be worth He would come He would say We would say I would be able

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x.

They would come She would do He would know You (pl) would fit I would make You (sg) would go out You (pl) would want We would go out You (pl) would be able You (sg) would know She would put We would want

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

VOCABULARY Year 12 TEMA 1: La evolución de la sociedad española

Unidad 1: Los cambios en la estructura familiar Unidad 2: El mundo laboral


Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

Vocabulario TEMA 1: La evolución de la sociedad española Unidad 1: Los cambios en la estructura familiar 1.1: Diversidad en los modelos de familia abortar el aborto los abuelos la adopción alquilar apretar (aprieto) arreglárselas arrejuntarse (fam) la buhardilla caer (caigo) bien el cambio social casado casarse por lo civil casarse por la iglesia el compañero de piso compartir una cuenta bancaria convivir el/la cónyuge dar caprichos dejar divorciarse echar una mano ejercer (ejerzo) la guarda embarazada el embarazo la empleada doméstica enfadarse el envejecimiento poblacional estar (estoy) casado estar (estoy) en los planes estar (estoy) separado extramatrimonial la familia monoparental fuera de casa la guardería habituarse a hacer (hago) los deberes hacer (hago) (menos) caso los hermanos la hija el hijo homosexual el horario los ingresos la lesbiana llevar a alguien (en coche, en bici) llevarse bien/mal el marido el matrimonio la mujer el nacimiento notar


to have an abortion abortion grandparents adoption to rent to squeeze to cope, to get by to shack up together (fam) loft to like, to find pleasant social change married to marry via a civil ceremony to marry via a religious ceremony flatmate to have a shared bank account to live together spouse to indulge someone’s whims, give treats to allow to get divorced to lend a hand to have custody pregnant pregnancy domestic help, maid to be peeved ageing of the population to be married to be part of the plans to be separated extramarital single-parent family away from home nursery to get used to to do homework to pay (less) attention siblings daughter son homosexual/gay timetable income lesbian to take someone by car, bicycle to get on well /badly husband marriage wife, woman birth to realise, to feel Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

el/la novio/a ocupar la pareja la pareja de hecho el permiso de paternidad el piso compartido el pluriempleo el progenitor quedar (con) quedarse (con) recaer (recaigo) recoger (recojo) a alguien regañar romper separarse el sobrino la sobrina la soltera la tareas de la casa tener (tengo) hijos tener (tengo) que acostumbrarse terminar una carrera la tía el tío tocar el treintañero vivir (con)

boy/girlfriend to take up couple ‘common law’ marriage paternity leave shared flat to have more than one job parent to arrange to meet to stay (with) to rest with, lie with to pick up someone to tell off to split up to get separated nephew niece single woman household chores to have children to have to get used to to obtain a university degree aunt uncle to be someone’s turn person in their thirties to live (with)

1.2: ¿Vivir juntos o casarse? actualmente la adopción afeitarse el alcalde el anillo anunciar apoyar la aprobación atestiguar el ayuntamiento una barrera milenaria la boda casar a alguien casarse de penalti Chueca la cohabitación comprometerse el compromiso el conflicto congeniar con alguien conocer(se) (me conozco) el consejero contra natura crecer (crezco) la creencia religiosa el/la cuñado/a el cura el cursillo matrimonial la dama de honor depilarse los derechos descender (desciendo) desear hijos


nowadays adoption to shave (oneself) mayor ring to announce to support, back approval to confirm town hall a thousand-year-old barrier wedding to marry someone to be a shotgun wedding gay-friendly district in Madrid cohabitation to become engaged to engagement conflict to understand (each other) well to meet counsellor against nature to increase religious belief brother-in-law/daughter-in law priest short course in preparation for marriage bridesmaid to remove hair, to pluck, to wax rights to go down/ decline to want a family Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

la desigualdad el día de la boda la discusión dispararse el divorcio durar duradero emigrar enamorarse encariñarse entenderse (entiendo) bien/mal envejecer (envejezco) la estabilidad la esterilidad la esposa estar (estoy) enamorado de estar (estoy) por los suelos la etapa la falta (de) la familia política la fecundación in vitro la fecundidad formar una familia los gemelos la generación la herencia el/la hermanastro/a heterosexual el/la hijastro/hijastra el/la hijo/a único/a incrementarse la intimidad el juez de paz el juzgado la labor la legislación la lesbiana la ley misma llevar conviviendo llevarse (me llevo) muy bien/mal con matrimonial el matrimonio civil el matrimonio del mismo sexo el matrimonio religioso los mellizos la mentalidad obsoleta el miembro la militancia morir (muero) nacer (nazco) la natalidad el noviazgo la nuera la nupcialidad la orientación sexual el padrino la pareja de hecho la pensión alimenticia la petición de mano (en) picado la población por desgracia la profesión la promiscuidad quedarse soltero/a recién casado/a


inequality wedding day argument to shoot up divorce to last (for) long-lasting to emigrate to fall in love to grow fond of to get on well /badly to age, get old stability sterility wife to be in love with to be extremely low stage, phase lack (of) the in-laws IVF fertility to start a family twins generation inheritance stepbrother/stepdaughter heterosexual stepson/stepdaughter only child to increase intimacy justice of the peace (JP) magistrate’s court work legislation lesbian the law itself to have been living together for to get on well/badly with marital, matrimonial civil marriage same-sex marriage religious marriage non-identical twin obsolete mentality member solidarity to die (off) to be born birth rate engagement period daughter-in-law marriage rate (in statistics) sexual orientation best man, godfather domestic partnership child support marriage proposal plummeting population unfortunately profession, job promiscuity to remain single recently married Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

reconocido la relación el respeto salir (salgo) del armario sentirse (me siento) solo/a la separación de bienes el sistema público de pensión el/la suegro/a la tasa de natalidad/fecundidad el temor la tendencia tener (tengo) celos tener (tengo) familia tener (tengo) derecho a el vestido de novia el vivir juntos la valentía el valor tradicional el vello vivir y dejar vivir el yerno

recognised relationship respect to come out of the closet to feel lonely separate property public pensions system father-in-law/mother-in-law birth/fertility rate fear tendency to feel jealous to have a family to have the right to wedding dress living together courage traditional value body hair to live and let live son-in-law

1.3: El casado casa quiere administrarse bien ahorrar aliarse el alojamiento amenazar antiguamente arraigado ayudar con los deberes barrer caerse (me caigo) el mundo encima cambiar pañales el cansancio físico la casa familiar los celos la cita compartir la conciliación conectarse conocidos construir (construyo) su hogar el consumo de droga correr detrás la crisis el cuarentón dar de merendar/cenar dejar de hablarse deprimido el derecho derrumbar el desacuerdo el desequilibrio de mutuo acuerdo desperdiciar la diferencia cultural discutir disimular echar de menos encantar engancharse engañar el entorno familiar la época


to spend wisely to save to band together accommodation to threaten in the old days deeply rooted to help with homework to sweep to have one’s world fall apart to change nappies physical exhaustion family home jealousy a (romantic) date to share reconciliation to connect acquaintances to make one’s home drug consumption to run after recession person in his forties to give a mid-afternoon snack/dinner to stop talking to each other depressed right to knock down disagreement imbalance mutually agreed to waste cultural difference to argue to hide to miss to love to get hooked (on) to deceive family environment period Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

estar (estoy) de buen/mal humor la expectativa diferente el fallecimiento la falta de comunicación la falta de tiempo los familiares la fecundación in vitro (FIV) fregar (friego) el suelo fregar (friego) los platos gastar más de la cuenta la generación gozar de buena salud hacer (hago) daño hacer (hago) la cama hacer (hago) la compra hacerse (me hago) cargo de la herencia herir (hiero) la incompatibilidad de caracteres incorporarse al mundo laboral la infidelidad la intimidad jubilarse jugar un papel (juego) limpiar el polvo llevarse (me llevo) bien/mal llegar a fin de mes mantener (mantengo) una larga charla marcharse de casa el modo de vida el/la “niño/a bien” la nuera obsesionarse (con) ocuparse (de) los padres la paga pagarlo con otro el pañal la pareja pasar la aspiradora pensarse algo dos veces la pérdida de ilusión el perfil poner (pongo) el friegaplatos poner (pongo) la lavadora poner (pongo) la mesa quejarse reconciliarse recurrir las relaciones familiares reprochar sacar la basura el salón sentirse (me siento) (útil/solo) separarse de mutuo acuerdo ser (soy) menor/mayor de edad ser (soy) egoista soltero sospechar el suegro la suegra la tarea de la casa tener (tengo) diferentes expectativas tener (tengo) mano izquierda tener (tengo) problemas de salud tener (tengo) problemas económicos


to be in a good/bad mood different expectation death lack of communication lack of time relatives IVF (in-vitro fertilisation) to mop the floor to do the washing-up to spend more than necessary generation to have good health to hurt to make the bed to do the shopping to take care of inheritance to hurt personality clash to join the work scene unfaithfulness, infidelity privacy to retire to play a role to dust to get on well/badly to stretch the salary to the end of the month to have a long, serious chat to leave home lifestyle rich kid daughter-in-law to get obsessed (about) to take care (of) parents pocket money to take something out on someone else nappy partner to hoover to think twice loss of enthusiasm profile to put the dishwasher on to put the washing machine on to lay the table to complain to make up to resort to family relationships to reproach to take the rubbish out living room to feel (useful/lonely) to separate by mutual agreement to be underage/of age to be selfish single to suspect father-in-law mother-in-law household chore to have different expectations to have a deft touch to have health problems to have money problems Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

tener (tengo) sentido común tener (tengo) su propio espacio tirar la toalla tirar todo por la borda transmitir valores familiares vestirse (me visto) de blanco la vivienda vivir alejados vivir juntos volar del nido el yerno


to have common sense to have one’s own space to throw in the towel to throw overboard to pass on family values to dress in white housing to live far away to live together to fly the nest son-in-law

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

Vocabulario TEMA 1: La evolución de la sociedad española

Unidad 2: El mundo laboral 2.1 Jóvenes con ganas de trabajar el abandono el abecedario alcanzar un puesto directivo allá cada cual (adage) animar ante aprender aprobar (apruebo) apuntarse al paro arruinar su vida el asalariado asumir la responsibilidad la beca el buen dominio la burbuja inmobiliaria buscar alianzas capacitado las cifras la clave cobrar el paro carecer (carezco) de la carencia centrarse (en) el compañero compartir piso competir (compito) comunicarse bien el consejo la construcción contar (cuento) con el contrato basura crear tu propia empresa la culpa decepcionado dejar mucho que desear la manifestación darlo todo los demás la destreza la deuda disputarse echar la culpa a emanciparse el emprendimiento la empresa el/la empresario/a encantado encontrar (encuentro) la manera de endeudarse la entrada equiparse


abandonment alphabet to reach a senior rank it’s up to them. to encourage faced with to learn to pass (e.g. exams) to sign on (the dole) to ruin their life salaried employee to take responsibility for grant good command the property bubble to look for partners qualified figures, statistics key to claim unemployment benefit to lack shortcoming, lack to be based on colleague to share a flat to compete to communicate smoothly advice construction (sector) to possess, rely on poorly-paid short-term contract to start your own business fault disappointed to leave much to be desired demonstration to give your all the rest, everyone else skill debt to dispute to blame someone for to become independent entrepreneurship company entrepreneur, businessman/woman delighted to find the way to to get into debt post (in a blog, etc) to equip oneself Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

el esfuerzo personal espabilar la esperanza el exilio facilitar la factura fomentar la formación la formación profesional formarse el fracaso escolar el/la funcionario/a un futuro digno ganarse la vida las grandes empresas haber hecho (algo) mal la habilidad hacer (hago) falta hacer (hago) negocio con hacer (hago) un esfuerzo la harmonía la iniciativa lo fácil el idioma los impuestos la inquietud el interés (en) el/la joven llegar a fin de mes marcharse más vale que el mileurista el/la nini (ni trabaja ni estudia) el niño mimado la nota la ONG (organización no gubernamental) la oposición oriented towards el paro pedir (pido) un préstamo perder (pierdo) ilusión prepararse un puesto de trabajo un/a perezoso/a promover (promuevo) prosperar el punto de vista quedarse sin trabajo reciclarse reconocer (reconozco) recurrir (a) la reforma laboral reinventarse resignarse un/a responsable resolver (resuelvo) el resto de la vida sacrificar sentirse (me siento) frustrado/útil ser (soy) práctico/a el sistema educativo sobreproteger (sobreprotejo) el sueldo superar el sustento el talento


personal commitment to wise up hope exile to enable bill to promote training professional training to train dropping out of school civil servant a worthy future to make a living big business to have done something wrong skill to be necessary to do business with to make an effort harmony initiative what is easy language taxes curiosity, inquisitiveness interest (in) young person to make it to the end of the month to leave/go away it would be better if person with a salary no higher than €1.000 NEET spoilt kid mark, result NGO state-organised exam for state sector posts orientado a unemployment (benefit) to ask for a loan to lose enthusiasm to prepare oneself work position a lazy person to promote to do well point of view to be out of work to re-train, bring yourself up to date to recognise to resort to labour reform to reinvent oneself to resign oneself person responsible (for) to resolve the rest of your life to sacrifice, to give up to feel frustrated/útil to be practical education system to over-protect wages to exceed sustenance, food talent Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

la temporalidad tener (tengo) ganas (de) tener (tengo) un futuro negro un vago la vivienda

lack of permanence to feel like to have a bleak future ahead layabout housing

2.2 Ojalá me renueven el contrato… actualizarse ahorrar ajustarse la alianza amoldarse aplicar recortes aprovechar la oportunidad la baja por maternidad la burbuja inmobiliaria el/la cajero/a el/la camarero/a la capacidad el comercio la competencia la competencia desleal la competitividad feroz las condiciones deplorables conseguir (consigo) el primer empleo el contacto el contrato a tiempo parcial el contrato no remunerado el contrato precario el contrato de prácticas el contrato de prueba/temporal el crecimiento cubrir una baja decepcionarse las demandas del mercado el/la dependiente desanimarse desenvolverse desfavorecido despedir (despido) dominar idiomas emanciparse empezar su propia vida el empleado la empresa familiar el entorno multicultural entrar al mundo laboral entregar el CV en mano estar (estoy) desesperado estar (estoy) encantado estar (estoy) en paro explotar la falsa promesa familiarizarse favorecer (favorezco) la formación académica la formación acorde con formación profesional dual la franja etaria generar el gesto de redes sociales el grado hacer contactos la herramienta informática la hostelería


to get up to date to save to adapt partnership to adapt to implement cuts to take the opportunity maternity leave real estate bubble cashier waiter/waitress capacity trade capability, skill unfair competition fierce competition abusive conditions to obtain the first job contact person part-time contract unpaid contract contract offering poor conditions work placement, internship temporary contract growth cover an absence to feel disappointed market demands shop assistant to lose hope to cope, to handle at a disadvantage to dismiss to have a good grasp of languages to leave home to start their own life employee family business multicultural environment to access the work market to hand over your CV to be desperate to be thrilled to be unemployed to exploit false promise to familiarise oneself to encourage formal/academic education training in tune with sandwich courses (combined course with work and study) age group to create community manager degree to network IT tool catering and hotel management Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

incorporarse al mercado laboral independizarse el ingeniero de caminos instalarse fuera de nuestra fronteras jubilarse mandar el currículum la mano de obra el manejo del inglés mantenerse informado la media mostrarse (me muestro) abierto necesitar experiencia ocupado las oportunidades laborales pagar caro pagarse los estudios pasar de manos de … a … la pyme (pequeña y mediana empresa) permitirse poner (pongo) a prueba el presupuesto la privatización la productividad la propina el puesto el predominio las previsiones en primera línea los productos realizar el reconocimiento el rector recursos humanos las redes sociales reducir (reduzco) reflejarse en la restauración el salario mínimo la salida laboral la sanidad el sector público ser puntual la solicitud de trabajo subestimar el sueldo la suplencia el tamaño el/la telefonista tener (tengo) experiencia tener (tengo) ganas (de) tener (tengo) tu propia empresa tener (tengo) vocación el titulado universitario el trabajador el trabajo en equipo el trabajo en negro el trabajo esporádico el trabajo voluntario trasladar la vacante

to enter the world market to become independent civil engineer to establish oneself abroad to retire to send your CV workforce, labour fluency in English to keep oneself informed average to be receptive to need experience employed work opportunities to pay a high price to pay for their education to change hands small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) to afford to test budget privatisation productivity tip post predominance forecasts at the forefront products to carry out acknowledgement rector, vice-chancellor human resources social networks to reduce to be reflected in restaurants, restoration mínimum wage work opportunity health public sector to be punctual job application to underestimate salary substitution size telephone operator to have experience to be willing to run your own business to have a vocation person with a university degree employee, worker teamwork under-the-counter work occasional job voluntary work to relocate vacancy

2.3 Mujeres que hacen malabarismos el absentismo acabar de trabajar acceder a un mando alto


absenteeism to finish/have (just) finished work to obtain a high position Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

adelantar trabajo agotado a la larga el ama de casa la amenaza anhelar aparentar apechugar (fam) ascender asignar tareas ausente el autónomo avanzar en el reconocimiento ayudar en casa la baja por maternidad las barreras laborales la brecha salarial cansarse cobrar cogerte (cojo) tiempo libre cogerse (cojo) una excedencia la comida ligera compaginar compartir responsabilidades compensar comprometido comprometerse conciliar vida personal y profesional las condiciones de trabajo contraproducente cuidar de los hijos no dar (doy) crédito el delegado descansado desconfiar desempeñar un puesto desencantado la desigualdad persistente desmoralizarse el deterioro de la relación la discriminación por edad/sexo la dotación tecnológica la ejecutiva el empresario entrar pronto/tarde/a la hora a trabajar la escolaridad estar (estoy) a años luz de estar (estoy) disponible estar (estoy) motivado exigir faltar al trabajo fomentar la formación hacer (hago) horas hacer (hago) malabarismos hacer (hago) una pausa hartarse el horario hay quien … a la hora de la igualdad de género imponer (impongo) infravalorar la inserción de las mujeres involucrarse el/la jefe/a


to make progress with work exhausted in the long run housewife threat to hope for to pretend to face up to to be promoted to allocate tasks absent self-employed person to make progress in being recognised to help out with household chores maternity leave glass ceiling income gap to get tired to get paid to get time off to take unpaid leave light meal to juggle, to combine to share responsibilities to make up for committed to commit to reconcile work and family life working conditions counterproductive to take care of the children not to believe representative rested to be suspicious of, to mistrust to hold a post disillusioned persistent inequality to become disheartened worsening of the relationship ageism/sexism IT resources businesswoman businessman to get into work early/late/on time schooling to be light years away from to be available to be motivated to demand to be absent from work to encourage training to be in the office to juggle to have a break to get fed up working hours, timetable there are those who… when it comes to gender equality to impose, force to undervalue inclusion of women to get involved boss Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet

la jornada completa la jornada laboral la jornada reducida un largo camino por recorrer el liderazgo llevar la batuta lo antes posible la mano de obra mediar merecer un motivo de estrés organizarse el propio horario pactar pasar tiempo en la oficina permitirse el lujo la plantilla potenciar el prejuicio la prestación prorrogarse provechoso quedarse embarazada los quehaceres domésticos quejarse quemarse (fam) recaer (en) reclamar la reducción de jornada relegar el reloj biológico rendir (rindo) resistir el ritmo agitado sacar adelante a la familia salir (salgo) pitando sentir (siento) la carga de los hijos sentirse (me siento) frustrado sentirse (me siento) respetado sentirse (me siento) satisfecho ser luchador(a) simular la soltura el sueldo promedio la tarea tener libertad de horario tener (tengo) vocación (por) trabajar desde casa trabajar en negro el trabajo por objetivos el trabajo remunerado el traje


full working day working day shorter working day a long way to go leadership to take the lead as early as possible workforce to mediate to deserve a reason to be stressed to choose your own working hours to agree to spend time in the office to afford oneself the luxury personnel to encourage prejudice benefit to extend profitable to get pregnant household chores to complain to get burnt out to fall on to claim reduction of working hours to push into the background biological clock to perform well to last, to hold out hectic pace to provide for the family to rush off to feel the responsibility of the children to feel frustrated to feel respected to feel satisfied to be a fighter to pretend confidence, fluency average salary task to have flexitime to feel a vocation/calling (for) to telework to work illegally work based on results paid work suit

Pre-sixth Spanish – summer booklet