Shortcut to Spanish

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This 30-Step Course Shows You Simple and Fast Ways To Expand Your Conversational Ability Using Instant Spanish Words And Easy Conversation Patterns.

S h o rt c u t to Spanish 

Learn 579 more Spanish words you can use instantly

Go beyond survival Spanish, become confident in conversational Spanish

Learn easy patterns you will use everyday to communicate with your friends

Easy, fast, fun Spanish learning in half the time or better

Learn real Spanish you can use in the real world

L ev el 2 Marcus Santamaria 1

Shortcut to Spanish 2 This 30-Step Course Shows You Simple and Fast Ways To Expand Your Conversational Ability Using Instant Spanish Words And Easy Conversation Patterns. By Marcus Santamaria / Edited by Roman Chagoya

In Shortcut to Spanish 1, you learned thousands of instant Spanish words. Believe it or not there are 579 more Spanish words at your fingertips And just as there are easy ways to learn Spanish vocabulary There are also easy ways to speak conversationally in Spanish You just need to learn some easy Spanish Conversation Booster Patterns This course shows you the patterns and how to use them to communicate effectively in real word Spanish. Plus, a lot more Spanish you can use right away to make friends, enjoy travel, provide service, do business and expand your world. All you need to do now is*Do it!

Level 2

© Copyright 2006 Marcus Santamaria All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Marcus Santamaria. Brief excerpts may be made with due acknowledgement to the author and mention of URL 2

Dedicated to Andre, my little boy, born in a car in San Antonio Del Mar. You came into the world a lot faster than this course.

Special thanks

All my students, special thanks to all the people who wrote expressing how much they liked Shortcut to Spanish Level 1, and everyone who asked for more. Jose Luis Lozano, thanks for adding extra quality to the audio with not just your great voice but your insights into how Spanish is really spoken. Anne Boland, thanks for making my book significantly better. Gary Novasel, Ian Higginbottam, John Bogle, thanks for helping with the final touches. Monica Jimenez, thanks for the help editing the audio lessons. Roman and Elena, thanks for listening to all my endless questions about how people speak. Liz and Alberto, thanks for your support, generosity and advice. Albert, I got a mention on your album notes, so back at ya. Aneliza, the best daughter any dad could wish for.


Welcome to Shortcut to Spanish Level Two. Get ready for a more advanced level of communication and interaction in Spanish. And don’t worry, just because it’s a more advanced level, doesn’t mean it has to be confusing or complex. I have gone to enormous trouble and time (sorry to all the people who waited 10 months) to make sure you move smoothly through this course. This is not the normal approach to learning Spanish. In fact, you will be using a completely different map of the Spanish language than used in any other course. I believe the usual map for learning Spanish is wrong. That’s why, almost everyone who takes a Spanish class ends up disappointed. They find they can’t even make the most basic sentences and have no ability to communicate at all. Classes are often based on a “one size fits all” approach, rooted in the way Latin was taught. Yet, Latin is a dead language. (Pretty hard to find a conversation class for Latin these days). These types of classes divide Spanish into grammatical units. Then, they try and teach you everything about the grammatical unit all at once. Most people, who want to learn Spanish, find it overwhelming and confusing. I believe you can learn faster, more effectively and more enjoyably by using the language (especially on the audio lessons) and specialized guidance, which I provide in this guide. Children and immigrants are perhaps the two groups most immersed in language. Yet, children don’t learn in grammatical units. Immigrants who learn by living the language don’t learn by grammatical units either. They never recite verb conjugations. They don’t battle against confusing grammatical labels. Instead, they learn by using the language. I believe you can do the same and with a combination of using the language (especially on the audio lessons) and my guidance you can learn even faster. You see learning a language, when it happens naturally, is a much more holistic process. Many things happen at once. In this course, you won’t recite verb conjugations or learn all the pronouns in one sitting. You definitely won’t get bogged down in grammatical labels. Instead, you use real Spanish from the very first lesson. Every lesson you complete gives you more confidence to speak Spanish. By the time you finish this course, you can expect to be able to use a lot of Spanish. You are going to learn to speak about what you did in the past. You’ll even discuss past events in conversations. You’ll also learn another 16 categories of instant Spanish words that allow you to extend you vocabulary by as many as 579 words. A new ingredient for your success in Spanish communication is 14 Spanish Conversation Booster Patterns. These are simple and fast ways to expand your conversational ability that you can put into use right away. Although we’ll cover some complex language structure, you can learn easily. Following are nine components that guarantee your success with this course. Plus, I am here to make sure you succeed. if you have any trouble email me at [email protected] Saludos Marcus Santamaria 4

Shortcut to Spanish Component #1 Audio lessons – You interact with the audio to build fluency and give yourself confidence to speak with your Spanish speaking friends in their own language.

In this course I definitely favor a very interactive style of audio learning. While I have created some listening and listen and repeat parts to introduce new words and structures, 95% of the audio is interactive. You are actively involved and speaking real Spanish all the way through the course. Best of all, this style of interacting with the audio you’ll find fun and motivating. It’s inspiring when your Spanish flows more and more with every step. After you complete the course; if you repeat the audio lessons you will suddenly find yourself speaking with much greater confidence and fluency. I am currently scripting an extra audio series for this course. It will be an intensive version with around 20 more CDs of audio content. If you enjoy the almost 360 minutes of audio in this course and the intensive course is something you would like, email me at [email protected] and you will be among the first to receive samples of the new course as soon as it is done. Before you dive into the audio lessons, it’s a good idea to complete the exercises from this Shortcut to Spanish action guide. For example, after you complete lesson 32 in this action guide follow it with audio lesson 32. Follow the same sequence throughout the course and you’ll be talking up a storm in no time. (You can repeat audio lessons if you wish.)

Shortcut to Spanish Component #2 Instant Spanish Vocabulary– uncovered 579 Spanish words you can use starting today. And you thought we had uncovered all the instant Spanish vocabulary formulas in Shortcut to Spanish level 1. Not by a long shot. There is still water in the well; there are 100’s more instant Spanish words for you to start using right away. In Shortcut to Spanish level two, you will discover 16 more categories of Instant Spanish Vocabulary. Cognates that are so close to English you recognize them right away. Plus, you use the most essential words throughout the course and before you know it you’ll be utilizing them and expressing yourself without a second thought.


It’s so natural to draw on these words. They are right there at your disposal to use without any effort. How will you know which of the 579 instant Spanish Vocabulary is the most important words? In this course I have made bold the words that I consider essential Spanish vocabulary. el problema el programa el diagrama el telegrama el poema el sistema el epigrama The bold words are Essential Spanish Vocabulary, component 3 of this course.

Shortcut to Spanish Component #3 Essential Spanish Words – The handful of words that you must learn first. If you graduated from Synergy Spanish you already know that by combining just a few words you can literally make 1000’s of sentences in Spanish. I showed how you could make as many as 88000 phrases and sentences and communicate effectively in Spanish with just 138 words. In this course, we’ll draw on some of the same principles. An important success factor is to make use of the words (and patterns) that are used most frequently. Throughout the course you will be introduced to the most Essential Spanish words. As you complete the course, you will make use of them so often; they become a permanent part of your working Spanish vocabulary. Before you know it you’ll not only know the words but also intuitively use them to express your thoughts and ideas. What is Essential Spanish Vocabulary? They come from frequency lists of the 1000 most commonly used Spanish words, plus the most useful words to you as a Spanish learner and a traveler in a Spanish speaking country. However, knowing the words in isolation is only part of the process the real advantage is in knowing how to combine them which brings me to component number 4.


Shortcut to Spanish Component #4 Spanish Conversation Booster Patterns – 14 steps to confident Spanish interaction. Each of the 14 patterns is broken into bite-size steps, easy enough for you to use instantly. No confusion and certainly no complex grammar babble, just simple and fast ways to expand your conversational ability using easy conversation patterns. Learn the 14 easy patterns and you’ll be amazed at the variety of dialog you can understand and produce in Spanish. Which brings us to component number 5

Shortcut to Spanish Component #5 Spanish dialog, conversation and interaction As you go deeper into the course you will participate in more and more conversations. Any time there are two part dialogs in this action guide one of the two-parts of the conversation is written in Italics. for example, ¿Cuánto más tengo que pagar? Tiene que pagar 1000 pesos más. ¿Está seguro? Acabo de pagar 500 pesos ayer. Sí, estoy seguro, pero si quiere podemos verificarlo con el contador. On the audio lessons, when there is dialog, you interact in conversation with Maria Elena from Mexico City (you will be familiar with her voice from Shortcut to Spanish) and Jose Luis Lozano originally from Guadalajara. You will enjoy their wonderful voices and authentic accents for you to copy so you develop your own clear Spanish pronunciation.

Shortcut to Spanish Component #6 Mnemonics – How to ignite your imagination to learn Spanish words in a flash Mnemonics are without doubt the most powerful tool for learning a language. How do mnemonics work? Mnemonics make a link between English and the Spanish word that you want to learn. For example, the Spanish word for bread is pan. Imagine yourself cooking bread in a pan. Really use your imagination and see yourself in your mind cooking a whole loaf of bread in the pan. The crazier it looks the better.


By creating a picture in your mind and using your imagination you access the right brain. The right brain is the creative side of your brain. The right brain learns fast. Just look at the world’s masters of right brain imagination and fast learning. Children! Plus, you have an easy to remember link between the English word bread and the Spanish word for bread, pan. The mnemonics in the book look like this. The Spanish word for there is or there are is hay. Imagine a Cyclops says, “there is something in my eye.”


There are 4 elements in learning with mnemonics The word in the (BRACKETS AND CAPITAL LETTERS) on the far right is how to pronounce the word in Spanish. The underlined words there is and there are are the English word or words you are learning. The bold word on the first line (hay) is the Spanish word as it is spelled. The bold word on the second line (eye) is the mnemonic link to the Spanish word as it is pronounced. Please note Mnemonic work best if the link word is close to the sound of the Spanish word not the spelling. So the mnemonics always mentally link to the sound of the Spanish words. In this book you will learn 132 words using mnemonics. The mnemonics in this book are carefully selected Spanish words that give you maximum versatility in your Spanish communication. They are the most frequently used Spanish words. When you combine them with your 3013 cognate vocabulary you have plenty of communication options to express yourself in Spanish.

Shortcut to Spanish Component #7 Understanding Spanish at a higher level. Each lesson has an exercise in understanding Spanish; real Spanish just as it’s spoken. These lessons recycle words from previous chapters to reinforce and strengthen the Spanish in you mind. You will develop your sense of correctness in Spanish and an understanding of how Spanish is put together. You will be surprised how well you can understand long and complex Spanish sentences. Each time you complete one of these exercises it’s a step towards fluency. You embed Spanish into your mind for future recall for expressing yourself in real world conversations.


Shortcut to Spanish Component #8 You create Spanish in real authentic sentences just like a native speaker would use. In each chapter there is an exercise to create Spanish. This is a great way to ingrain the Spanish words and conversation booster patterns in your mind. You’ll find the exercises in this action guide give you thinking time, then, when you go to do the audio lesson you are fully prepared to start speaking Spanish.

Shortcut to Spanish Component #9 Español Claro, Conciso y Bien Expresado Clear, concise and well-expressed Spanish

As you go through the course you will see boxes like this one. In each box is an explanation of Spanish structures. The explanations are short. They are designed to be easy, so you can use them right away as you create Spanish in the exercises. Sometimes you'll make an error and you won't know why. Don't worry if you can't figure it out just keep going. Often you'll find that the doing is the learning. If you repeat the course you'll understand Spanish with a new clarity the second time around. In fact the difficult parts will become very easy the second time around.

And now the journey begins. As they say at Nike HAZLO Just do it.


Shortcut to Spanish Curso de Español Nivel Dos – Lección treinta y dos Level 2 – lesson 32

Essential Spanish Words Pronunciation (EHN TREH)


The Spanish word for between/among is entre. I will have an entree between soup and desert.


The Spanish words for of course are por supuesto. Of course I feel for the poor suppressed people in Cuba


The Spanish word for to have is tener I would like to have the 3 tenors at my party.



The Spanish word for we have is tenemos. You have the ten from tener - to have, add emos to change the Spanish verbs into third person - we.



The Spanish word for we can is podemos. See below in the box.


The Spanish for we want is queremos. See below in the box.




Get good at talking in the first person plural - us/we by learning these Power Verbs These are three of the most important Spanish verbs. All are irregular in the first person singular; yet, they are regular in the first person plural. This means the first person plural pattern is easier to learn than the first person singular pattern (which you already know well).

1st person singular I want quiero I have tengo I can puedo

infinitive to want to have to be able

querer tener poder

1st we we we

person plural (Regular pattern) want queremos have tenemos can podemos

Your audio lessons and flashcards are there to help you learn these important verbs well. Of course, if you graduated from Synergy Spanish you already know these verbs very well. If not, it is worth the effort to memorize them; you will use them almost every time you speak Spanish.


Ejercicio 32A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English word for entre is 2. The English words for tener are 3. The English words for podemos are 4. The English words for tenemos are 5. The English words for queremos are 6. The English words for por supuesto are

Respuestas del ejercicio 32A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

between/among to have we can we have we want of course 11

Español Claro, Conciso y Bien Expresado Let’s talk about you all In Shortcut to Spanish Level 1 you practice talking about most persons: First person singular I use


Second person singular You use


Third person singular He uses She uses

(el) usa (ella) usa

first person plural we use usamos

Third person plural They use (guys) (ellos) usan They use (girls) (ellas) usan

Do you see the gap? You need to learn to talk in the second person plural, you (all). Like the singular, the plural uses the same verb endings in second and third person. Third person plural They use (girls) (ellas) usan They use (guys) (ellos) usan Second person plural You (all) use (ustedes) usan If there is any confusion about whether you are talking about second person, you (all) or third person, they, you can use a pronoun. The Spanish pronoun for you (all) is ustedes. ¿Ustedes usan el diccionario español? Ustedes tienen que visitar España pronto.

Do you (all) use the Spanish dictionary? You (all) have to visit Spain soon.

Now you know the most common verb endings in Spanish. You’ll reinforce these endings with every lesson of this course until they feel natural. Come back again, after you have finished the course, you will be amazed to find how easy and natural it feels. First person single I use


first person plural we use usamos

Second person single You use


Second person plural You (all) use usan

Third person single He uses She uses

(el) usa (ella) usa

Third person plural They use (guys) (ellos) usan They use (girls) (ellas) usan

Go ahead now and get some practice in the exercises 32B and 32D with these patterns.


Ejercicio 32B Traduzca de español a inglés (Ustedes) is not always necessary if it is clear you are talking in the third person plural. Archivos = files 1. Hay mucho contraste entre Tijuana y San Diego. 2. ¿(Ustedes) cultivan tomates en su jardín? 3. Lo siento pero (ustedes) no pueden ir a la fiesta esta noche, es sólo para miembros de la asociación. 4. Es bueno que (ustedes) siempre participan en la clase. 5. No podemos ir esta noche ¿Por qué no pueden ir? Porque tenemos que estudiar. 6. (Ustedes) están entre amigos aquí. 7. ¿(Ustedes) pueden reparar mi carro? 8. No queremos más, gracias. 9. (Ustedes) expresan sus ideas muy bien en español. 10. (Ustedes) no pueden copiar los archivos, es ilegal.** 11. Necesitamos un par de voluntarios. 12. Tenemos algo para ustedes.

13. (Ustedes) tienen que observar las reglas. 14. ¿Por qué (ustedes) no pueden repararlo? Porque no tenemos las partes necesarias. 15. ¿Qué van a hacer (ustedes) hoy?* Vamos a ir a la universidad en la mañana y luego vamos a ir al cine. 16. A veces (ustedes) necesitan usar acentos en las letras a, e, i, o u, del español y una tilde en la ñ. 17. (Ustedes) tienen que ignorarlo, no pueden decir nada. 18. Un equilibrio entre estudio y recreación es importante. 19. ¿(Ustedes) van a continuar con los estudios de español? Por supuesto, vamos a continuar. 20. (Ustedes) necesitan experiencia práctica.

** These words in bold are extra words. They aren’t implicitly taught in the course but they can be handy to know. They are in bold type simply to make it easy for you to find the translation.


Respuestas del ejercicio 32B 1. There is a lot of contrast between San Diego and Tijuana. 2. Do you (all) cultivate tomatoes in your garden? 3. I am sorry but you (all) cannot go to the party tonight it is only for members of the association. 4. It is good that you (all) always participate in the class. 5. We can’t go tonight. Why can’t you (all) go? Because we have to study. 6. You are (all) among friends here. 7. Can you (all) repair my car? 8. We don’t want (any) more, thank you. 9. You (all) express your ideas very clearly in Spanish. 10. You can’t copy the files, it is illegal. 11. We need a pair of volunteers. 12. We have something for you (all). 13. You (all) have to observe the rules. 14. Why can’t you (all) repair it. Because we don’t have the necessary parts. 15. What are you (all) going to do today (you all)? * We are going to go to the university in the morning and then we are going to go the cinema. 16. Sometimes you (all) need to use accents in the letters a, e, i, o, u of the Spanish and a tilde on the ñ. 17. You (all) have to ignore it, you (all) can’t say (nothing) anything. 18. An (equilibrium) balance between study and recreation is important. 19. Are you (all) going to continue with the Spanish studies? Of course, we are going to continue. 20. You (all) need practical experience.

* Notice in this question (ustedes) is after the verb, this is common with what/qué questions.


Ejercicio 32C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for between/among is 2. The Spanish word for to have is 3. The Spanish word for we can is 4. The Spanish word for we have is 5. The Spanish word for we want is 6. The Spanish words for of course are

Respuestas del ejercicio 32C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

entre tener podemos tenemos queremos por supuesto 15

Ejercicio 32D Traduzca de inglés a español Most of the verbs in this exercise are from the instant Spanish vocabulary in chapters 20, 22 and 30 of Shortcut to Spanish. The class = la clase

the course = el curso

secrets = secretos

1. Why do you (all) always ignore my instructions? 2. You (all) have to participate more in the class. 3. Do you (all) meditate (all the days) everyday? 4. I am going to prepare the food for you (all). 5. You (all) are not going to have enough time. Yes, we have enough time. 6. Can we study with you all? Yes, of course you can study with us. 7. Do you all use the computer much? Yes, we use the computer (all the days) everyday.

8. It is between you (all) and us. 9. You all cause a lot of problems for me. 10. It is not for you (all), it is for us. 11. You (all) have to visit Acapulco soon. Yes, we are going to visit Acapulco this year. 12. Do you (all) want to something to eat? 13. You are all going to finish the course soon. 14. Why can’t you (all) go tonight? 15. You (all) need to find a doctor. 16. You (all) have to say something. 17. There are no secrets between us. 18. What do you (all) want (you all)? We want tacos.

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___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 32D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

¿Por qué (ustedes) siempre ignoran mis instrucciones?* (Ustedes) tienen que participar más en la clase.* ¿(Ustedes) meditan todos los días?* Voy a preparar la comida para ustedes. (Ustedes) no van a tener suficiente tiempo. Sí, tenemos suficiente tiempo. 6. ¿Podemos estudiar con ustedes? Sí, por supuesto, pueden estudiar con nosotros. 7. ¿(Ustedes) usan la computadora mucho?* Sí, usamos la computadora todos los días. 8. Es entre ustedes y nosotros. 9. (Ustedes) causan muchos problemas para mi.* 10. No es para ustedes, es para nosotros. 11. (Ustedes) tienen que visitar Acapulco pronto.* Sí vamos a visitar Acapulco este año. 12. ¿(Ustedes) quieren algo para comer?* 13. (Ustedes) van a terminar el curso pronto.* 14. ¿Por qué (ustedes) no pueden ir esta noche?* 15. (Ustedes) Necesitan encontrar un doctor.* 16. (Ustedes) Tienen que decir algo.* 17. No hay secretos entre nosotros. 18. ¿Qué quieren (ustedes)?** Queremos tacos.



(ustedes) is in parenthesis in these sentences because it is optional. In conversational Spanish you would only use it for emphasis or if it isn’t clear who you are talking about. Remember the verbs ending in the letter n can be used for you (all) and they. So, you use the pronouns ustedes, ellos, ellas when you need to clarify between second and third person plural. Notice in this sentence (ustedes) is after the verb, this is common with what/qué questions.


Nivel Dos – Lección treinta y tres Level 2 – lesson 33

Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 32 Spanish Adverbs mente - ly The rule to create Spanish from English Most English adverbs end in ly. Many have a Spanish cousin, which you will recognize right away that ends in mente. There are in fact thousands of words in this category. To keep the list to a manageable level, here are the most useful mente-ly words.

Here are 98 more Spanish words you’ll recognize right away. absolutamente aceptablemente afortunadamente (fortunately) aparentemente aproximadamente automáticamente básicamente claramente completamente constantemente continuamente correctamente decididamente definitivamente desafortunadamente (unfortunately) diariamente (daily) directamente dramáticamente económicamente efectivamente enormemente (enormously) especialmente (specially) específicamente (specifically) espontáneamente (spontaneously) estrictamente (strictly) evidentemente exactamente excesivamente exclusivamente extraordinariamente finalmente firmemente físicamente formalmente

francamente frecuentemente fundamentalmente generalmente generosamente gradualmente habitualmente igualmente ilegalmente independientemente inevitablemente inicialmente inmediatamente intensamente íntimamente invariablemente involuntariamente irónicamente lamentablemente (regretably) literalmente lógicamente mentalmente naturalmente necesariamente normalmente nuevamente (newly) obviamente (obviously) ocasionalmente oficialmente parcialmente particularmente perfectamente permanentemente personalmente 18

posiblemente prácticamente precisamente principalmente probablemente profundamente públicamente puramente radicalmente rápidamente realmente recientemente relativamente ridículamente seguramente (surely/securely)

seriamente (seriously) severamente silenciosamente (silently) simplemente simultáneamente (simultaneously) sinceramente sucesivamente suficientemente terriblemente totalmente tímidamente (shyly) tradicionalmente violentamente voluntariamente


Ejercicio 33A Traduzca de español a inglés Fumar = to smoke Fácil = easy

viajar = to travel

vocales = vowels

1. La tecnología es simplemente más avanzada en los Estados Unidos. 2. Obviamente ustedes tienen que estudiar más. 3. Tenemos precisamente 1 hora y 35 minutos. 4. Es totalmente reconstruido. 5. Es exactamente el mismo problema que tenemos en México. 6. Generalmente iniciamos a las 3:00 de la tarde. 7. ¿Cómo son exactamente? 8. Normalmente vamos a Acapulco en mayo pero este año vamos a ir a Ixtapa. 9. Fumar es estrictamente prohibido. 10. Practico el español diariamente por el Internet. 11. Lamentablemente no podemos ir con ustedes este año. 12. Queremos viajar económicamente. 13. Inicialmente es difícil pero después de las lecciones es fácil. 14. El español es realmente fácil para usted. 15. Es exclusivamente para ejecutivos. 16. La oposición no es oficialmente reconocida por el gobierno. 17. Previamente en esposas desesperadas 18. En español tiene que pronunciar las vocales claramente. 19. El uso de esta área es exclusivamente para niños de 2 a 12 años. 20. El hombre habla el español perfectamente 21. El hotel es exclusivamente para adultos, los niños no están permitidos. 22. La clase es normalmente de tres horas. 23. El fútbol es muy popular en América Latina, especialmente en Brasil 24. ¿Ustedes cultivan tomates en su jardín? Generalmente cultivamos tomates pero este año no vamos a tener tiempo para cultivar nada. 25. Desafortunadamente no podemos ir esta noche. 26. Ustedes expresan sus ideas muy claramente en español. 27. Tiene que estudiar constantemente si quiere entrar a una universidad buena. 28. Tenemos treinta habitaciones totalmente remodeladas.


Respuestas del ejercicio 33A 1. The technology is simply more advanced in the United States. 2. Obviously you (all) have to study more. 3. We have precisely 1 hour and 35 minutes. 4. It is totally reconstructed. 5. It is exactly the same problem that we have in Mexico. 6. Generally we start at 3:00 p.m. (in the afternoon) 7. How are they exactly? 8. Normally we go to Acapulco in may but this year we are going to go to Ixtapa. 9. Smoking (to smoke) is strictly prohibited. 10. I practice (the) Spanish daily (by) on the Internet. 11. Regrettably (lamentably) we can’t go with you (all) this year. 12. We want to travel economically. 13. Initially it is difficult but after the lessons it is easy. 14. The Spanish is really easy for you. 15. It is exclusively for executives. 16. The opposition isn’t officially recognized by the government. 17. Previously on desperate housewives. 18. In Spanish you have to pronounce the vowels clearly. 19. The Use of this area is exclusively for children from 2 to 12 years. 20. The man speaks (the) Spanish perfectly. 21. The hotel is exclusively for adults, children are not (permitted) allowed. 22. The class is normally (of) three hours. 23. The football is very popular in Latin America, especially in Brazil. 24. ¿Do you (all) cultivate tomatoes in your garden? Generally we cultivate tomatoes but this year we are not going to have time to cultivate (nothing) anything. 25. Unfortunately we can’t go tonight. 26. You (all) express you ideas very clearly in Spanish. 27. You have to study constantly if you want to enter a good university. 28. We have thirty totally remodeled rooms.


Ejercicio 33B Traduzca de inglés a español For exact spelling of these adverbs refer to mente - ly list to go home = ir a casa

free = gratis

1. Unfortunately we have only two days more. 2. Frankly, there are more opportunities in the United States. 3. It is a day especially happy for us. 4. Traditionally it is a time of festivities. 5. Fortunately we have enough money. 6. Personally it’s not for me. 7. Normally I go to Los Cabos on my vacation. 8. You are a really happy person. 9. You (all) have to go home immediately. 10. I am sorry but frankly I don’t like the food. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

11. Unfortunately we can’t go. 12. I don’t know exactly what it is. 13. There isn’t much time, we have to go home (rapidly) quickly. 14. It is completely free. 15. Publicly I want to say thank you to you (all). 16. We have to go directly to the university. 17. How much is it? I don’t know exactly, I need more time. 18. Personally it is not something that I like to do. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 33B 1. Desafortunadamente tenemos sólo dos días más. 2. Francamente hay más oportunidades en los Estados Unidos. 3. Es un día especialmente feliz para nosotros. 4. Tradicionalmente es un tiempo de festividades. 5. Afortunadamente tenemos suficiente dinero. 6. Personalmente no es para mí. 7. Normalmente voy a Los Cabos en mis vacaciones. 8. (Usted) es una persona realmente feliz. 9. Tienen que ir a casa inmediatamente. 10. Lo siento pero francamente no me gusta la comida. 11. Desafortunadamente no podemos ir. 12. No sé exactamente que es. 13. No hay mucho tiempo, tenemos que ir a casa rápidamente. 14. Es completamente gratis. 15. Públicamente quiero decir gracias a ustedes. 16. Tenemos que ir directamente a la universidad. 17. ¿Cuánto es? No sé exactamente, necesito más tiempo. 18. Personalmente no es algo que me gusta hacer.


Nivel Dos – Lección treinta y cuatro Level 2 – lesson 34

More Essential Spanish Words Pronunciation (VOO WELL OH)


The Spanish word for flight is vuelo. The flight went well over all.


The Spanish word for card is tarjeta. Everything is so cheap in target I don’t even need to use my credit card.


The Spanish word for about is sobre. Imagine a Sobbing Ray Romano about the end of the show “Everybody loves Raymond”.



The Spanish word for to pay is pagar. Good ol dad is going to pay, yes Pa is gunna pay the expenses.



To pay for In Spanish “for” in to pay for is wrapped up in pagar. I am going to pay for the food. I need to pay for the class today.


Voy a pagar la comida. Necesito pagar la clase hoy.

The Spanish for currency exchange is casa de cambio. Cambio means change or exchange, so we could perhaps translate casa de cambio as house of exchange.


Exchange rate / type of exchange To say the exchange rate in Spanish you say the type of exchange Exchange rate

tipo de cambio

Similarly the interest rate is Interest rate


tipo de interés

The Spanish word for today is hoy. Imagine getting slow service and saying “oy I want it today not next week”.



Ejercicio 34A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English word for hoy is 2. The English words for casa de cambio are 3. The English words for pagar are 4. The English word for sobre is 5. The English word for tarjeta is 6. The English word for vuelo is

Respuestas del ejercicio 34A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

today currency exchange to pay (for) about card flight


How to easily expand your Spanish vocabulary with even more, slightly hidden, Instant Spanish Words People sometimes try to be funny by adding a vowel to English words to make them into Spanish. No problemo, they say. In Spanish it’s actually, no hay problema (there is no problem). The truth is, there really is a mountain of Spanish words, which are identical to English words; the only difference is they finish with a vowel. So, why not take advantage of them? In this course, like in “Shortcut to Spanish 1”, you are going to take full advantage of the similarities between English and Spanish. You’ll acquire extra vocabulary and gain confidence in your ability to communicate in Spanish. Some of the categories we’ll use don’t have a predictable pattern. So, we will focus on the most frequently used words. Then, it is easy for you to master the Spanish words that really matter in your Spanish communication. That’s why… I have made bold the words that are essential Spanish vocabulary. * You can pay them extra attention if you want to, however…

I make it easy for you to acquire even more Spanish words By using all the Essential Spanish Words in this action guide and in the audio lessons, you’ll integrate most of the Essential Spanish Vocabulary without any special attention. The words in bold are from frequency lists of the 2000 most commonly used Spanish words. * I have also made bold the words that are useful to you as a traveler in a Spanish speaking country. Sometimes the Spanish pronunciation is very different to the English. The audio lessons guide you to make sure that when you use these words the people understand you and you are successful in your Spanish communication. Before going any further in the course you should have complete audio lessons 33 and 34. If you haven’t done them yet, do them now and then come back to this action guide.


Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 33 add an O The rule to create Spanish from English Many Spanish words are the same as English with an O at the end of the word. Here are 140 more Spanish words you’ll recognize right away. abrupto absceso absurdo acceso acento activo acto adulto alfabeto anexo apto arco arresto asesino aspecto asterisco átomo ático autógrafo bálsamo banco bastardo benigno bicarbonato bulbo busto camello (camel) caramelo carpintero carbono cardiaco carro circuito concreto congreso contacto contento contexto contrabando corrupto costo crédito culto

decrépito desierto (desert) depósito disco distinto (different) doméstico Egipto elfo entusiasmo espasmo evento excepto exceso experto explícito expreso extinto extremo formato franco gramo grupo golfo (gulf) hábito helicóptero hidroeléctrico himno honesto ídolo ilícito implícito incesto indiscreto inepto inmenso insulto intervalo justo latino leopardo leotardos Luxemburgo manuscrito (manuscript)

mayo mérito meteoro minero modelo moderno mucho nitrógeno nulo océano ópalo ortodoxo oxigeno pacifico paralelo período pétalo piloto pretexto proceso protocolo púlpito público radioactivo rayo rayo x (x ray) remoto respeto resto robusto saco salmo santo sarcasmo secreto sargento sexo símbolo sincero suculento suspenso rancho resto


talento tamarindo teléfono telégrafo

texto tono tubo universo

vasto villano vomito


Taking your understanding of Spanish to new levels In many classes, teachers spray a ton of information at students. They don’t want to miss any detail, all the verb conjugations, all the tenses, all the irregularities and exceptions to the rules. Me hace bolas (It confuses me). Some of us start to feel like in a cartoon character that’s been knocked out and the stars start spinning around his head. A lot of information doesn’t necessarily mean real learning. In fact, information overload is confusing and doesn’t build a skill you can use to communicate. In most cases it does more harm than good. You see, when you are told what something is, if any learning takes place it is often fleeting. However, when you are guided to figure it out yourself, learning takes place on a much deeper level. When you truly “get it” it’s yours forever. You can go ahead and use your new skill in real interaction That’s why, In “Shortcut to Spanish nivel dos” you are going to find longer and more complex Spanish sentences for you to decipher. As you work out the sentences you’ll build and reinforce the Spanish you already know, plus, you’ll absorb extra Spanish words and structures. You’ll find your knowledge and command of Spanish increases naturally and easily.

How to use the translation exercises. There are no lines for writing under the Spanish to English sentence translations. There’s no need for you to print out a mountain of pages with nothing more than lines. Instead write your answers in a notebook or translate in your mind and scroll down to the answer. In the next exercise you’ll see some long Spanish sentences. Don’t be intimidated, just take your time, you’ll be surprised to find out just how much Spanish you already absorbed in Shortcut to Spanish level 1. And remember every time you figure out the new words yourself and every time you dig a previously learned word from your mind, you are making a significant step to real learning and real ability in Spanish.


Ejercicio 34B Traduzca de español a inglés Exercise 34b translate from Spanish to English Alto = high

sin = without

equipaje = luggage

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

¿Hay comida vegetariana en el vuelo? Mi progreso con el español es fantástico, estoy muy contento. El costo de producción es mucho más alto en los Estados Unidos que en México. Tengo un vuelo directo a Madrid. Los Beatles, son el grupo musical británico más famoso de la década de 1960. “21 Gramos” es la nueva película del director mexicano Alejandro González Iñárritu nominado para el Oscar por su anterior película “Amores Perros”. 7. Amigos, en este momento sólo puedo decir: gracias. 8. Usted puede usar la tarjeta en todos los teléfonos públicos. 9. Hay dos tipos de boletos de vuelo; uno es el boleto tradicional de papel, el otro es un nuevo concepto, el boleto electrónico. 10. La recepcionista tiene un directorio de todas las casas de cambio en el centro. 11. No aceptamos cheques personales o tarjetas de crédito. 12. Necesito una tarjeta de teléfono prepagada para hacer llamadas de larga distancia. 13. ¿Qué opinión tiene usted del servicio en este vuelo? 14. La mayoría de los vuelos son directos. 15. No uso mi tarjeta de crédito mucho, porque no me gusta pagar intereses. 16. No tengo tiempo para ir en tren, necesito un vuelo directo. 17. Tengo una nueva tarjeta de crédito. 18. Voy a necesitar más tiempo para pagar. 19. Mi tarjeta de crédito tiene 50 días sin intereses. 20. Tengo que decir algo sobre la calidad. 21. No tengo mucho tiempo para pagar. 22. No es suficiente tiempo para pagar. 23. Antes de ir al museo, quiero ir a una casa de cambio. 24. Voy a pagar el gas hoy. 25. Tenemos que terminar hoy. 26. Desafortunadamente, hoy es el día que tenemos que decir adiós a nuestros amigos. 27. Ustedes tienen exceso de equipaje. Tienen que pagar 80 pesos por cada kilo de exceso. 28. Las cosas son distintas ahora. 29. Tengo mucho respeto por la esposa del presidente. 30. ¿Dónde está el control remoto? 31. Mi esposo es un santo. 32. Mi esposa no usa tarjetas de crédito.


Respuestas del ejercicio 34B Answers from the exercise 34B 1. Is there vegetarian food on the flight? 2. My progress with Spanish is fantastic, I am very happy. 3. The cost of production is (much more high) a lot higher in the United States than in Mexico. 4. I have a direct flight to Madrid. 5. The Beatles, are the most famous British Musical group from the decade of the 60s 6. 21 Grams is the new film of the Mexican director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu nominated for the Oscar in his previous film Amores Perros. 7. Friends, (in) at this moment I can only say: thanks. 8. You can use the card in all the public telephones. 9. There are two types of flight tickets; one is the traditional paper ticket, the other is a new concept, the electronic ticket. 10. The receptionist has a directory of all the currency exchanges downtown. 11. We don’t accept personal checks or credit cards. 12. I need a prepaid phone card(in order)to make long distance calls. 13. What opinion do you have of the service on this flight? 14. Most of the flights are direct. 15. I don’t use my credit card much, because I don’t like to pay interest. 16. I don’t have time (in order) to go (in) by train, I need a direct flight. 17. I have a new credit card. 18. I am going to need more time (in order) to pay. 19. My credit card has 50 days without interest. 20. I have to say something about the quality. 21. I don’t have much time (in order) to pay. 22. It is not enough time to pay. 23. Before (to go) going to the museum, I want to go to a currency exchange. 24. I am going to pay for the gas today. 25. We have to finish today. 26. Unfortunately, today is the day that we have to say goodbye to our friends. 27. You (all) have excess luggage. You (all) have to pay 80 pesos for each kilo of excess. 28. The things are (distinct) different now. 29. I have a lot of respect for the wife of the president. 30. Where is the remote control? 31. My husband is a saint. 32. My wife doesn’t use credit cards.

Are you up to this deeper level of understanding Spanish? How did you do? If you learned the vocabulary and structures well in Shortcut to Spanish Level 1, I expect you found it fairly smooth sailing. If you found it difficult, I recommend you review Shortcut to Spanish Level 1 before going on.


Ejercicio 34C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for today is 2. The Spanish words for currency exchange are 3. The Spanish word for to pay is 4. The Spanish words for about is 5. The Spanish words for card is 6. The Spanish word for flight is

Respuestas del ejercicio 34C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

hoy casa de cambio pagar sobre tarjeta vuelo


Ejercicio 34D Traduzca de inglés a español Where is there? = ¿Dónde hay?

1. When is your flight? 2. Can we pay with a credit card? 3. We have to do something about the costs. 4. Where is there a currency exchange? I only have dollars, but I need pesos. 5. I need information about the flights. 6. Where can I find a currency exchange? 7. I need to buy a (card of telephone) phone card. 8. David has more information about the product. 9. Do you want to see a film today? No, I want to go to the beach today. 10. I need a flight to Madrid.

11. First I am going to go to the currency exchange and then I am going to pay for the hotel. 12. There are no classes today. 13. When can you pay? 14. Do you want to go today or tomorrow? 15. When is the last day that I can pay? 16. I am (content) happy. 17. I have a flight (in) on Aeromexico. 18. I don’t have credit cards. 19. I can’t eat on the flights. 20. I am going to pay for the food. 21. I don’t want to pay. 22. There are many currency exchange (in the) downtown. 23. There is only one flight today.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 34D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

¿Cuándo es su vuelo? ¿Podemos pagar con tarjeta de crédito? Tenemos que hacer algo sobre los costos. ¿Dónde hay una casa de cambio? Sólo tengo dólares, pero necesito pesos. Necesito información sobre los vuelos. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar una casa de cambio? Necesito comprar una tarjeta de teléfono. David tiene más información sobre el producto. ¿Quiere ver una película hoy? No, quiero ir a la playa hoy. 10. Necesito un vuelo a Madrid. 11. Primero voy a ir a la casa de cambio y luego voy a pagar el hotel. 12. No hay clases hoy. 13. ¿Cuándo puede pagar? 14. ¿Quiere ir hoy o mañana? 15. ¿Cuándo es el último día que puedo pagar? 16. Estoy contento.* 17. Tengo un vuelo en Aeroméxico. 18. No tengo tarjetas de crédito. 19. No puedo comer en los vuelos. 20. Voy a pagar la comida. 21. No quiero pagar. 22. Hay muchas casas de cambio en el centro. 23. Hay sólo uno vuelo hoy.

*Contento and feliz are often interchangeable synonyms for happy. Estoy contento, means, I am content (for a man), y estoy contenta, means I am happy (for a woman).


Nivel Dos Lección treinta y cinco Level 2 lesson 35

More Essential Spanish Words 145.

The Spanish word for yesterday is ayer. Everyone knows “she loves you a yeah yeah yeah” but the best Beatles song is Yesterday.

Pronunciation (AH YEHR)

Ah yeah, you learned a lot of Spanish yesterday in Lesson 34 and you’ll learn even more today in lesson 35. 146.

The Spanish word for month is Mes. Think of having a busy month and saying, “man this month is a big mess”.


The Spanish word for week is semana. God Says "man I am bored, I will create an earth in a week.


The Spanish word for past is pasado. Can you see past wrapped up in pasado?


The Spanish word for last night is anoche. Last night I put a notch on my belt.


The Spanish word for questions is preguntas. Imagine a pregnant woman asking a lot of questions.







Español Claro, Conciso y Bien Expresado Last week - last month La semana pasado - el mes pasado If you want to say the last month or the last year in Spanish you say The month passed The year passed

el mes pasado el año pasado

If you want to say the last week in Spanish you have to change pasado to pasada because semana is a feminine word The week passed

la semana pasada

Here’s how to say this month and this year in Spanish, This month This year

este mes este año

To say this week, you change this - este to the feminine form - esta. This week

esta semana


Ejercicio 35A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The

English English English English English English English English English English English English

word for pregunta is words for anoche are word for pasado is word for semana is word for mes is words for ayer is words for el mes pasado are words for la semana pasada are words for el año pasado are words for este mes are words for esta semana are words for este año are

Respuestas del ejercicio 35A 1. question 2. last night 3. past 4. week 5. month 6. yesterday 7. the last month 8. the last week 9. the last year 10. this month 11. this week 12. this year


Understanding Spanish at an even higher level easily I am about to show you an easy way to start speaking Spanish in the past. However, before you start talking in the past, I want to share with you ideas that will help you learn faster and without stress or confusion. The use of verbs, particularly when speaking in the past, is often made so confusing it kills people’s enjoyment and stops their progress dead. The main problem is many teachers, books and courses try and teach everything at once. Maybe you have experienced this overload and felt your mind shut down. Children never try and learn everything at once. I am right now, living in Mexico, enjoying seeing my daughter learn to speak Spanish. Aneliza and even her friends who only know Spanish don’t learn all the verb conjugations at once. They start with one conjugation, the one they hear the most (second person), and use it, in error, for all persons, I, you, he, she, we, they. It is interesting to see that intuitively the parents know not to correct the children’s errors. They know that by using the language the children will figure out how to use the verbs correctly. Children don’t learn through endless analysis and they certainly don’t learn by reciting verb conjugations like multiplication tables. Children learn step-by-step by first listening then using the language. Enough analysis paralysis! There is no need to learn everything all at once; it’s unnatural and ineffective anyway. No need to get bogged down in minor details and trivial points of grammar that do little to help you communicate. I believe your approach to learning a language should be like riding a bike. You start with training wheels until you get a feel for the bike, a natural sense of what you are doing and most importantly, confidence in your ability. Then, you can let go of the training wheels, you might wobble a little, but you don’t fall on your face. With a little practice, riding a bike becomes easy and intuitive. As they say, you never forget how to ride a bike. This uncomplicated approach to learning Spanish with “training wheels” allows you to build your skills right from the start. Plus, you never forget what you have learned, so you can communicate anytime with anyone with confidence. I spend countless hours searching for new ways to present Spanish, to make it easy for you to add and use new structures in your Spanish communication. I give you “training wheels”, so you can interact more easily with Spanish speakers. If you’ll just take it a step at a time, all the joy and opportunity that comes with speaking another language is within your reach. So, on the next page I’ll give you some more “training wheels” to give you a fast start to speaking about the past in Spanish.


Spanish Conversation Booster Patterns 1 How to use English IZE* words to make Spanish Three easy steps to start expressing the past in Spanish Try this easy formula

Step 1 From the ize-izar* category in chapter 26 of Shortcut to Spanish 1 take English words that end in ize like organize and utilize Change the z to a c like this (outside North America change the s to a c) organize utilize

= organice = utilice

step 2 put an accent on the last letter É organize utilize

= organicé = utilicé

step 3 emphasize the last letter


emphasize the last letter



¡Felicidades! (Congratulations!) You can now start speaking about what you did in the past organicé utilicé

= I organized = I utilized

Now you know how to use 111 Spanish verbs in the first person in the past and shortly you’ll know hundreds more. Let's make a couple more I maximized I socialized

= maximicé = socialicé

Easy! *Let’s not stop your progress by trying to pronounce from the page. Instead do exercises 35B-35D, then go to audio lesson number 35B and listen and practice your Spanish pronunciation.


Ejercicio 35B Traduzca de español a inglés informe = report/brief

hecha = done

escuchar= to listen

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Estabilicé al paciente con la medicina correcta. Modernicé la planta de manufactura. Con esta acción minimicé el posible impacto negativo en el área. Memoricé los verbos en español. ¿Por qué no quiere comentar sobre anoche? Después de escuchar al presidente del gobierno y al líder de la oposición, en su debate de ayer sobre el estado de la nación, sólo puedo decir que los dos son idiotas. 7. Aquí están las preguntas de la semana pasada y sus respectivas respuestas. 8. Tranquilicé al animal. 9. Durante la semana pasada organicé un nuevo sistema. 10. Es una serie de informes divulgados la semana pasada sobre el estado de empleo en la capital. 11. Treinta y ocho es el número total de operaciones hechas durante el mes pasado en nuestro hospital. 12. Tengo varias preguntas. 13. Organicé el vuelo ayer; hoy voy a ir. 14. Mi vuelo está programado este mes. 15. Maximicé los servicios que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes. 16. Sistematicé los estudios de español. 17. Ayer utilicé el Internet para encontrar la información. 18. Hoy es un día muy especial para mí. 19. Visualicé la casa antes de construirla. 20. Personalicé el email. 21. Ayer inmunicé a mi bebé.* 22. Finalicé el artículo antes de medio día. 23. Analicé la situación. 24. Ayer finalicé mi dieta; hoy voy a comer tacos. 25. Anoche utilicé el video por primera vez. 26. Ayer finalicé de pagar mi tarjeta de crédito; hoy voy a desactivarla. 27. Perdón si generalicé mucho. 28. Organicé una sesión educativa sobre la situación en Chiapas.

* see bottom part of page 49.


Respuestas del ejercicio 35B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I stabilized the patient with the correct medicine. I modernized the manufacturing plant. With this action I minimized the possible negative impact (in) on the area. I memorized the verbs in Spanish. Why don’t you want to comment about last night? After (to listen) listening to the president of the government and the leader of the opposition, in their debate of yesterday about the state of the nation, I can only say that (the two) both are idiots. 7. Here are the questions from (the) last week and their respective answers. 8. I tranquilized the animal. 9. During the last week I organized a new system. 10. It is a series of reports divulged the last week about the state of employment in the capital. 11. Thirty eight is the number of operations carried out during the last month in our hospital. 12. I have (various) several questions. 13. I organized the flight yesterday; today I am going to go. 14. My flight is programmed (for) this month. 15. I maximized the services that we offer to our (clients) customers. 16. I systemized the studies of Spanish. 17. Yesterday I utilized the Internet(in order)to find the information. 18. Today is a very special day for me. 19. I visualized the house before (to construct it) building it. 20. I personalized the email. 21. Yesterday I immunized my baby. 22. I finalized the article before midday. 23. I analyzed the situation. 24. Yesterday I finalized my diet; today I am going to eat tacos. 25. Last night I utilized the video for the first time. 26. Yesterday, I (finalized to pay) finished paying my credit card; today I am going to deactivate it. 27. Pardon if I generalized a lot. 28. I organized an educative session about the situation in Chiapas.


Ejercicio 35C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The

Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

word for question is word for last night is word for past is words for week is words for month is word for yesterday is words for the last month are words for the last week are words for the last year are words for this month are words for this week are words for this year are

Respuestas del ejercicio 35C 1. pregunta 2. anoche 3. pasado 4. semana 5. mes 6. ayer 7. el mes pasado 8. la semana pasada 9. el año pasado 10. este mes 11. esta semana 12. este año


Ejercicio 35D Traduzca de inglés a español company = compañía per = por

party = fiesta the problem = el problema

1. I have to say something about last night. 2. Yesterday, today and always. 3. In May of (the) last year I privatized the company. 4. Yesterday, I minimized the problem. 5. The last month I digitalized the information. 6. This week I am going to go to Spain. 7. The last year, I commercialized the product in Mexico. 8. I formalized the (classes of Spanish) Spanish classes. 9. I have a flight this week. 10. There is no problem, I neutralized the acid. 11. I need the information about the product this week. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

12. Do you want to go to Mexico this week? 13. Last night I organized a party in my house. 14. I optimized my computer. 15. Today in the morning I organized with my friends from the university a party(in order)to celebrate our graduation. 16. I memorized the number of my (card of credit) credit card. 17. I am going to pay my (card of credit) credit card this month. 18. I have to go to Madrid this week. 19. There are only two flights per week. 20. There is an exhibition of photos that is called “yesterday and today”. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 35D 1. Tengo que decir algo sobre anoche. 2. Ayer, hoy y siempre. 3. En Mayo del año pasado privaticé la compañía. 4. Ayer minimicé el problema.* 5. El mes pasado digitalicé la información. 6. Esta semana voy a ir a España. 7. El año pasado comercialicé el producto en México. 8. Formalicé las clases de español. 9. Tengo un vuelo esta semana. 10. No hay problema, neutralicé el ácido. 11. Necesito la información sobre el producto esta semana. 12. ¿Quiere ir a México esta semana? 13. Anoche organicé una fiesta en mi casa. 14. Optimicé mi computadora.** 15. Hoy en la mañana organicé con mis amigos de la universidad una fiesta para celebrar nuestra graduación. 16. Memoricé el número de mi tarjeta de crédito. 17. Voy a pagar mi tarjeta de crédito este mes. 18. Tengo que ir a Madrid esta semana. 19. Hay sólo dos vuelos por semana.*** 20. Hay una exhibición de fotos que se llama “ayer y hoy”. *

It is always a good bet, if a word ends in the letter a, it is most likely feminine. However, there are a couple of common exceptions. The day The problem

El día El problema

** You say toma[y]to I say toma[h]to. When you travel from one Spanish speaking country to another, you’ll always find regional differences. In fact, often you’ll find regional differences within the same country. Here are some common variations. el ordenador coche billete de tren alquilar por la mañana

la computadora carro, auto boleto de tren rentar en la mañana

*** A lot of people spend too much time on, por vs. para. Frankly, if you try and understand the differences with rules, it can get in the way of your communication. It’s much better to take it a step at a time, and learn by simply using the language. Here are the most common uses of por. for (a period of time) by per

por por por

e.g. por una semana, por un mes, por dos horas e.g. por teléfono, por Internet, por tren (train) e.g. uno por persona, 60 Km. por hora


How to use this course to continually improve your Spanish. • • •

Be sure to practice with this action guide first, then with the audio. You don’t have to be perfect to move on. There is repetition built into the course and the learning comes from the doing.

Just by completing the course, you’ll internalize many Spanish patterns without extra effort. Instead of going for perfection, use the audio just 2-3 times, and then move on. After you have completed the course, start again with the audio from the beginning, you’ll be surprised to find how easy speaking in Spanish has become for you. The exciting thing is that this chapter showed you just the first of many Spanish Conversation Booster Patterns (training wheels). In chapters 36 and 37, I’ll show you, perhaps, even easier patterns to talk about the past. You can use them to express much more with your Spanish and easily integrate them into your communication.


Nivel Dos Lección treinta y seis level 2 lesson 36

More Essential Spanish Words 151.

The Spanish word for to study is estudiar. I am sure you can see study wrapped up in Estudiar.


The Spanish word for I went is fui. I went to magic mountain and on the roller coaster I went Foo Wee.


The Spanish word for as or like is como. My mum used to say “come on you are as slow as a wet weekend”.

Pronunciation (EHS TOO DEE AHR) (FOO EE)


Homonyms Homónimos Homonyms are words with two or more meanings e.g. a fan of baseball, a fan to cool you down. You get two for one. In English you can, pet your pet, or tie your tie, and in Spanish you can even say, como como un puerco - I eat like a pig Sometimes you get 3 for 1, for example the Spanish homonym como Como I eat Como as/like Cómo (notice the accent for questions) how


The Spanish word for January is enero.* I am always rejuvenated at the start of the year, I have a lot of energy in January.


The Spanish word for Monday is lunes.* lunes comes from the Spanish word for Moon – Luna Think of Monday in English as moonday.



Talking about days of the week In Spanish to say on Monday, you say the Monday. Fui a México el lunes. I went to Mexico on Monday. Visité a mi mamá el martes. I visited my mom on Tuesday. To talk about what you always do, as in English, use a plural form. Siempre voy al centro los lunes I always go downtown on Mondays. Estudio con Juan los martes. I study with Juan on Tuesdays.


The Spanish word for bad is malo. Words in English that start with mal, are for bad things: Malfunction-malnutrition-malpractice-maltreat


* In Spanish, days of the week and months don’t have capital letters.


Ejercicio 36A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English word for malo is 2. The English word for lunes is 3. The English word for enero is 4. The English word for como is 5. The English words for fui are 6. The English words for estudiar are 7. The English words for el lunes are 8. The English words for los lunes are

Respuestas del ejercicio 36B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

bad Monday January as – like I went to study on Monday on Mondays


Spanish Conversation Booster Patterns 2 How to use the +AR* category to easily speak in the past This is perhaps even easier than the shortcut I shared with you in lección 35. Try this easy formula

Step 1 From Shortcut to Spanish 1, the +ar* category in chapter 26 and the AR- almost identical* category in chapter 30, take the English words to rent and to visit; Use the English past tense of those words, for example; To rent To vote

= rented = voted

step 2 take off the d rented - d voted - d

= rente = vote

step 3 Accent the e and emphasis on the last letter


(rent EH)

Accent the e and emphasize the last letter


(vot EH)

Felicidades! (Congratulations!) You just learned another 167 ways to speak about what you did in the past renté voté

= I rented = I voted

Let's make some more I I I I

deposited cancelled visited used

= = = =

deposité cancelé visité usé

*Again, let’s not hold you back by pronouncing from the page when this course has audio to make it easy for you. Go to audio lesson number 36 and listen and practice your Spanish pronunciation.


Ejercicio 36B Traduzca de español a inglés trabajadores =workers

retirar = to withdraw

1. Recientemente renové mi licencia. 2. No hay nada como el tráfico en el Distrito Federal de México, es muy malo. 3. Usé casetes y discos compactos para estudiar español. 4. Escapé de la prisión en enero. 5. Como Bill Clinton, fumé, pero no inhalé. 6. Informé a los clientes nuestros horarios de oficina.* 7. Invité a Juan a la fiesta.* 8. Visité a mi mamá ayer.* 9. Ayer contraté a tres trabajadores de México. 10. Alerté a las autoridades sobre el hombre malo la semana pasada y ahora tengo que testificar el lunes en la corte. 11. La semana pasada audité la compañía y la situación es muy mala. 12. Exporté cocos de Colima en México a Los Ángeles en los Estados Unidos. 13. Edité el documento antes de publicarlo. 14. Limité la promoción a una por familia. 15. Planté tomate, espárrago, coliflor, brócoli, y lechuga en mi jardín. 16. Anoche programé el video para grabar American Idol. 17. El lunes fui al centro y reporté un robo a la policía. 18. Anoche fui a ver el fútbol. 19. Abordé el vuelo a las 5:00 de la tarde el lunes. 20. Ayer compré un kilo de mangos en el mercado. 21. Aseguré el carro en enero. 22. Encontré un hotel maravilloso. 23. La semana pasada necesité un carro. 24. La película se llama “El Bueno, el Malo y el Feo”. 25. Terminé ayer. 26. Renové mi licencia de piloto de helicópteros y aeroplanos en enero. 27. En la mañana fui al banco para retirar dinero, porque no aceptan tarjetas de crédito en el hotel. 28. Estudié español en Costa Rica el año pasado. 29. Renové la licencia, el lunes pasado. 30. Renové la casa el año pasado. 31. Tengo clases de español los lunes. 32. Personalmente no me gustan las mujeres como ella. 33. Él es muy malo en matemáticas.

* Notice the, a, in bold letters, it is called the personal a. In Spanish this, a, is used when a verb is followed by people. Therefore I invited Juan - Invité a Juan, I visited my mom - Visité a mi mamá. You will see the personal a highlighted with in bold letters throughout the rest of this book so you can get used to the concept.


Respuestas del ejercicio 36B 1. Recently I renewed my license. 2. There is nothing like the traffic in the Federal District of Mexico, it is very bad. 3. I used cassettes and compact discs(in order)to study Spanish. 4. I escaped from the prison in January. 5. Like Bill Clinton, I smoked, but I didn’t inhale. 6. I informed the (clients) customers of our office hours. 7. I invited Juan to the party. 8. I visited my mother yesterday. 9. Yesterday I contracted three workers from Mexico. 10. I alerted the authorities about the bad man last week and now I have to testify on Monday in (the) court. 11. The last week I audited the company and the situation is very bad. 12. I exported coconuts from Colima in Mexico to Los Angeles in the United States. 13. I edited the document before publishing it. 14. I limited the promotion to one per family. 15. I planted tomato, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli and lettuce in my garden. 16. Last night I programmed the video(in order)to record American Idol. 17. On Monday I went (to the) downtown and reported a robbery to the police. 18. Last night I went to (see) watch the football. 19. I boarded the flight at 5:00 p.m. (in the afternoon) on Monday. 20. Yesterday I bought one kilo of mangos in the market. 21. I insured the car in January. 22. I found a wonderful hotel. 23. The last week I needed a car. 24. The film is called, “The Good the Bad and the Ugly”. 25. I finished yesterday. 26. I renewed my helicopter and airplane pilot’s license in January. 27. In the morning, I went to the bank(in order)to withdraw money, because they don’t accept credit cards in the hotel. 28. I studied Spanish in Costa Rica, (the) last year. 29. I renewed the license, (the) last Monday. 30. I renovated the house, (the) last year. 31. I have Spanish classes on Mondays. 32. Personally I don’t like (the) women like her. 33. He is very bad (in) at math (mathematics).


Ejercicio 36C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for bad is 2. The Spanish word for Monday is 3. The Spanish word for January is 4. The Spanish word for as is 5. The Spanish word for I went is 6. The Spanish word for to study is 7. The Spanish words for on Monday are 8. The Spanish words for on Mondays are

Respuestas del ejercicio 36C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

malo lunes enero como fui estudiar el lunes los lunes


Ejercicio 36D Traduzca de inglés a español pyramids = pirámides 1. Like in Egypt, in Mexico there are pyramids also. 2. The Mexican food in the United States is very bad; it’s not like the food in Mexico. 3. I deposited the check. 4. I voted for Vicente Fox. 5. Last night I went to a party in (the house of a friend) a friend’s house. 6. I didn’t vote in the election. 7. I rented a house in Acapulco in January. 8. I didn’t rob the bank. 9. I prospered in the United States. 10. I cancelled the flight on Monday. 11. I confirmed the reservation on Monday. 12. I considered all the options. 13. Today the traffic is very bad. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

the check = el cheque 14. Yesterday I went (to the) downtown and deposited the check. 15. I abandoned the house in January. 16. I detected a problem in the computer the last week. 17. I only expressed my opinion. 18. The last week I imported Mexican art. 19. I installed the computer in the house. 20. I vomited (in) on the flight. 21. Last night I went to a restaurant with my family. 22. The last month I went to Chile. 23. I went (to the) downtown(in order)to find a currency exchange. 24. The last year I went to Madrid(in order)to study Spanish. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 36D 1. Como en Egipto, en México hay pirámides también. 2. La comida mexicana en los Estados Unidos es muy mala; no es como la comida en México 3. Deposité el cheque. 4. Voté por Vicente Fox. 5. Anoche fui a una fiesta en la casa de un amigo. 6. No voté en la elección. 7. Renté una casa en Acapulco en enero. 8. No robé el banco. 9. Prosperé en los Estados Unidos. 10. Cancelé el vuelo el lunes. 11. Confirmé la reservación el lunes. 12. Consideré todas las opciones. 13. Hoy el trafico es muy malo. 14. Ayer fui al centro y deposité el cheque. 15. Abandoné la casa en enero. 16. Detecté un problema en la computadora, la semana pasada. 17. Sólo expresé mi opinión. 18. La semana pasada importé arte mexicano. 19. Instalé la computadora en la casa. 20. Vomité en el vuelo. 21. Anoche fui a un restaurante con mi familia. 22. El mes pasado fui a Chile. 23. Fui al centro para encontrar una casa de cambio. 24. El año pasado fui a Madrid para estudiar español.


Nivel Dos Lección treinta y siete Level 2 lesson 37

Here are some quick and easy additions to add to your vocabulary. Next you are going to focus on learning an easy new Spanish structure to multiply your ability to express yourself in Spanish. More Essential Spanish Words


Pronunciation The Spanish word for seen is visto. (VEE STOH) If you are into grammar you’ll recognize seen as an irregular past participle. But, for the rest of us, there’s no need to get bogged down with labels. Just recognize visto as seen and You’ll have no trouble making the many phrases that use visto.


The Spanish word for summer is verano. Imagine going to see someone called Vera in summer.



The Spanish word for Baby is bebé. ¿Fácil verdad? Easy isn’t it?



The Spanish word for the payment is el pago. You already know pagar is to pay, derived from the same root el pago is the payment



The Spanish for impressive is impresionante. (EEM PREH SEEON AHNT EH) Spanish speakers often use muy impresionante when something has an impact on them.


The Spanish word for Tuesday is martes. You learned the Spanish word for Monday is lunes, named after the moon. La luna = the moon, El lunes = Monday


Tuesday is named after mars. marte = mars, martes = Tuesday


Ejercicio 37A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The 13. The 14. The 15. The

English English English English English English English English English English English English English English

word for martes is word for impresionante is word for pago is word for bebé is word for verano is word for visto is word for malo is word for lunes is word for enero is word for como is words for fui are words for estudiar are words for los lunes are words for el martes are

Respuestas del ejercicio 37A 1. Tuesday 2. impressive 3. payment 4. baby 5. summer 6. seen 7. bad 8. Monday 9. January 10. as/like 11. I went 12. to study 13. on Mondays 14. on Tuesday


Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 34 add m-ma The rule to create Spanish from English Many words In English that end in em, im, am or om can be made into Spanish by change the m to ma.

Ma es masculino y dad es femenino. Ma – is masculine and dad is feminine. This is a small category but an interesting and useful one. The funny thing about ma words is they are masculine. So, in Spanish ma words are usually masculine yet dad words are feminine. Ma El problema El idioma El sistema

dad La universidad La electricidad La identidad

Also notice: el idioma is frequently used to mean the language.

Here are 15 Spanish words you can use right away. el axioma el clima (climate) el emblema el ecosistema el problema el programa el diagrama el telegrama

el poema el prisma el sistema el epigrama el monograma el idioma (language)* el teorema (theorem)

* If you want to talk about idioms, idiomatic expressions or slang use modismo. Here are 5 more Spanish words in the ma category that are the same as English words. el enigma el dilema el dogma el drama el panorama


Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 3 Now The Conversation Really Begins Here’s an easy way to express even more in the past Once you learn this easy pattern you be ready for make some real Spanish dialog. Try these easy steps

Step 1 Take any infinitive verb you know that ends in +ar, you know hundreds from the chapters 19, 20, 22, 26, 30 in Shortcut to Spanish. Change the ar to ado Rentar analizar invitar decorar

= = = =

rentado analizado invitado decorado

step 2 Spanish has two ways to say, you have 1) tiene e.g. tiene una casa

you have (possess something) you have (possess) a house

2) ha e.g. ha rentado

you have (done something) you have rented

step 3* Ha is a conjugation of the power verb Haber. By using ha + ar verb changed to ado, you can make thousands of sentences. ¿Ha analizado los documentos? ¿Ha verificado la información? Ha rentado una casa. ¿Ha visitado las pirámides? Ha decorado la casa muy bien. ¿Ha decorado el árbol de Navidad?

Have you analyzed the documents? Have you verified the information? You have rented a house. Have you visited the pyramids? You have decorated the house very well. Have you decorated the Christmas tree?



You can now use 507 instant Spanish verbs, plus all the other ar verbs you know, to create muchísmo comunicación en español. Ahora está listo (ready) para diálogos en español en el pasado.


Ejercicio 37B Traduzca de español a inglés pagué = I paid 1. ¿Ha visto al nuevo bebé de Juan y Lupita?* Sí, fui al hospital ayer. 2. Ha sistematizado la producción; puedo ver que es mucho más eficiente. Gracias, ahora el sistema funciona muy bien. 3. ¿Ha visto el nuevo emblema? Sí, es muy impresionante. 4. ¿Ha encontrado un vuelo económico para mí? Sí, encontré uno con Aeroméxico. 5. ¿Ha terminado el poema? Sí, terminé el poema anoche. 6. ¿Ha terminado de ver el diagrama? No, necesito más tiempo, por favor. 7. ¿Ha estudiado otros idiomas? No, sólo español. 8. ¿Ha pagado el telegrama? Sí, pagué con mi tarjeta de crédito. 9. ¿Ha arrestado al criminal?* Ayer arresté a un hombre de treinta años en el centro. 10. ¿Ha pagado el vuelo? Sí, pagué por teléfono con una tarjeta de crédito. 11. ¿Ha auditado la compañía este año? No, pero audité la compañía el año pasado antes del fin del año fiscal. 12. ¿Ha contratado a los trabajadores para terminar el jardín? Sí, contraté a tres trabajadores mexicanos el martes. 13. ¿Ha informado a la policía del robo? Sí, informé a la policía por teléfono. 14. ¿Ha instalado Microsoft Word en la computadora? Sí, instalé todos los programas de MS Office. 15. ¿Por qué ha limitado las promociones a una por cliente? Porque no tengo mucho inventario. 16. Ha insultado a mi esposa. Lo siento. 17. ¿Qué ha plantado en el jardín este año? Planté brócoli, coliflor y lechuga. 18. ¿Qué ha programado para hoy? Voy a visitar las pirámides de Teotihuacan. 19. Ha economizado mucho en el sistema de producción. Es muy impresionante. Sí, necesité reducir el costo de producción. 20. ¿Ha hablado al doctor? Sí, hablé con el doctor por teléfono. 21. ¿Ha estudiado la lección? Sí, estudié la lección dos veces. Una vez anoche y otra vez en la mañana. 22. ¿Ha pagado el hotel? Sí, pagué con tarjeta de crédito. 23. ¿Ha exportado frutas antes? Sí, exporté papaya de Nayarit a Los Ángeles por tres años. 24. Aún no ha visto mucho, hay mucho más para ver. al = a contraction of “personal a + el” see page 49.


Respuestas del ejercicio 37B 1. Have you seen Juan and Lupita´s new baby? Yes, I went to the hospital yesterday. 2. You have systematized the production; I can see that it is much more efficient. Thank you, now the system functions very well. 3. Have you seen the new emblem? Yes, it is very impressive.

4. Have you found an economical flight for me? Yes, I found one with Aeromexico. 5. Have you finished the poem? Yes, I finished the poem last night. 6. Have you finished seeing (to see) the diagram? No, I need more time, please. 7. Have you studied other languages? No, only Spanish. 8. Have you paid for the telegram? Yes, I paid with my credit card. 9. Have you arrested the criminal? Yesterday I arrested a man of 30 years (in the) downtown. 10. Have you paid for the flight? Yes, I paid by phone with a credit card. 11. Have you audited the company this year? No, but I audited the company last year before the end of the fiscal year. 12. Have you contracted the workers(in order)to finish the garden? Yes, I contracted three Mexican workers on Tuesday. 13. Have you informed the police of the robbery? Yes, I informed the police by telephone. 14. Have you installed Microsoft Word on the computer? Yes, I installed all the programs of MS office. 15. Why have you limited the promotions to one per customer? Because I don’t have much inventory. 16. You have insulted my wife. I am sorry. 17. What have you planted in the garden this year? I planted broccoli, cauliflower and lettuce. 18. What have you programmed for today? I am going to visit the pyramids of Teotihuacán. 19. You have economized a lot the production system. It is very impressive. Yes, I needed to reduce the cost of production. 20. Have you spoken to the doctor? Yes, I spoke with the doctor by telephone. 21. Have you studied the lesson? Yes, I studied the lesson twice. Once last night and again in the morning. 22. Have you paid for the hotel? Yes, I paid with (a) credit card. 23. Have you exported fruits before? Yes, I exported papaya from Nayarit to Los Angeles for three years. 24. You still haven’t seen much, there is a lot more to see.


Ejercicio 37C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The 13. The 14. The

Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

word for Tuesday is word for impressive is word for payment is word for baby is word for summer is word for seen is word for bad is word for Monday is word for January is word for as or like is word for I went is word for to study is words for on Mondays are words for on Tuesday are

Respuestas del ejercicio 37C 1. martes 2. impresionante 3. pago 4. bebé 5. verano 6. visto 7. malo 8. lunes 9. enero 10. como 11. fui 12. estudiar 13. los lunes 14. el martes


Ejercicio 37D Traduzca de inglés a español Have you spoken = ha hablado 1. Have you analyzed the documents? Yes, I analyzed the documents on Tuesday. 2. Have you (terminated) finished the adoption? Yes, I adopted a baby from El Salvador. 3. I like the climate of Spain. 4. Have you reserved a table? Yes, I reserved a table. 5. Have you connected the computer to the Internet? Yes, I connected with AOL. 6. Have you deposited the check? Yes, I deposited the check when I went (to the) downtown in the morning. 7. What have you bought? I bought a hat. 8. Have you spoken with Robert? Yes, I spoke with Robert last night. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

I spoke= hablé 9. Have you imported the car? Yes, I imported the car the last month; I have all the documents in the house. 10. Have you rented a house for the summer? Yes, I rented a house in Acapulco. 11. Have you visited Mexico before today? Yes, I went to Mexico the last summer, it is very impressive. 12. Have you optimized your computer? No, I don’t know how to do it. 13. Can I make my payment with (a) credit card? Yes, it is all right. 14. Have you finished the class? No, still we have more time. 15. The summer vacation (the vacations of summer). 16. Have you seen the hotel? Yes, it’s very impressive. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 37D 1. ¿Ha analizado los documentos? Sí, analicé los documentos el martes. 2. ¿Ha terminado la adopción? Sí, adopté un bebé de El Salvador. 3. Me gusta el clima de España. 4. ¿Ha reservado una mesa? Sí, reservé una mesa. 5. ¿Ha conectado la computadora al Internet? Sí, conecté con AOL. 6. ¿Ha depositado el cheque? Sí, deposité el cheque cuando fui al centro en la mañana. 7. ¿Qué ha comprado? Compré un sombrero. 8. ¿Ha hablado con Roberto? Sí, hablé con Roberto anoche. 9. ¿Ha importado el carro? Sí, importé el carro el mes pasado; tengo todos los documentos en la casa. 10. ¿Ha rentado una casa por el verano? Sí, renté una en Acapulco. 11. ¿Ha visitado México antes de hoy? Sí, fui a México el verano pasado, es muy impresionante. 12. ¿Ha optimizado su computadora? No, no sé como hacerlo. 13. ¿Puedo hacer mi pago con tarjeta de crédito? Sí, está bien. 14. ¿Ha terminado la clase? No, aún tenemos más tiempo. 15. Las vacaciones de verano. 16. ¿Ha visto el hotel? Sí, es muy impresionante.


!Felicidades! Congratulations!

Felicidades! You have learned and effectively used 30 new words, plus you know there are 240 Instant Spanish words you can recognize right away. Among the instant Spanish words, 26 are essential Spanish words you have already been using successfully. More importantly you learned your first two Spanish Conversation Booster Patterns and took two big steps to using Spanish in the past. The last chapter was indeed an intense chapter. You have made sense of increasingly complex dialog and conversation. If you feel in control, extra congratulations. If you feel a little lost here and there, I suggest you repeat the chapter, then move on, as the repetition in the course will help you get a natural feel for these new Spanish structures. In the next lessons you’ll learn more Essential Spanish Words and Instant Spanish Vocabulary, plus you’ll use the new structures to interact on many different themes. Then in chapter 41, you will learn another Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern that you can use instantly and speak even more conversationally. Remember, this is not like most schools where you learn for an exam, then forget everything you have learned. Instead, you are going to be able to take this Spanish and use it for the rest of your life in the real world!


Nivel Dos Lección treinta y ocho Level 2 lesson 38

Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 35 just add a The rule to create Spanish from English You learned in nivel uno leccíon dos most English words that ending in IST can be made into Spanish by adding the letter a. This lista doesn’t include the ista words. The words en esta lista don’t have a predictable pattern like the ista words, but you can easily incorporate the most important words, they are in bold, into your Spanish vocabulary. Here are 89 Spanish words you can use right away. acróbata acta alarma* alerta amalgama amazona aritmética arma* arpa (harp) astronauta Atenas (Athens) Los Aztecas balística banda bautista (baptista) bayoneta barra bola bomba bota (boot) botella (bottle) calculadora (calculator) calma candela (candle) caravana carpa caverna celta cerámica cisterna clínica columna conquista (conquest) el cometa compatriota

conducta costa (coast) crema (cream) cresta demanda demócrata déspota entusiasta firma forma frontera (frontier border) guitarra hectárea idiota Irlanda (Ireland) jarra (jar) jurista línea manera (manner way) el mapa masa* (mass) matemática matrona medalla (medal) menta (mint) metáfora monarca nota orbita pacto palma pantera (panther) patriota persona el planeta

planta poeta pompa princesa profeta (prophet) protesta pistola pupila reforma renta resina roca (rock) rígida ruina secta suma tableta tarifa violeta


Notes about just add a words 1) Notice el planeta, el cometa and el mapa, they are masculine words and the odd ones out. All the other nouns, like most words that end in the letter a, are feminine. 2) *Sometimes words have two meanings; here are some to watch out for. Arma is a type weapon; the arm attached to your shoulder is called brazo. Masa is a great quantity; the mass of the catholic church is called misa. Firma is a company; firm meaning solid is estable or firme.


Ejercicio 38A Traduzca de español a inglés Larga = long

enseñar = to teach

La Habana = Havana

1. ¿Ha encontrado la calculadora? No, no sé donde está. 2. Hoy fui a ver las ruinas mayas en Tulum. 3. ¿Ha estudiado el mapa? Sí, sé a donde vamos. 4. ¿Cuál sistema operativo ha instalado en la computadora? Instalé Windows XP. 5. ¿Por qué ha limitado a las personas que pueden participar en la clase? Porque no tengo mucho espacio. 6. ¿Cuales clases tiene hoy? Tengo matemáticas, español, educación física y ciencia. 7. ¿Por qué ha comprado una pistola? Para proteger a mi familia, pero no tengo la intención de usarla. 8. ¿Ha hablado con el profesor? Sí, hablé con él ayer. 9. Ayer fui a ver Teotihuacan y las pirámides aztecas. Hoy voy a ir a Xochimilco para ver los canales. 10. ¿Ha estudiado el sistema? Sí, comprendo como usarlo. 11. Mi bebé es una princesa. 12. ¿Ha comprado el tequila para papá? Sí, compré una botella de Don Julio. 13. Puede comprar los famosos cigarros de La Habana, no son ilegales aquí como en los Estados Unidos. 14. Compré tres hectáreas de terreno en Baja California. 15. Organicé un sistema de administración nuevo. 16. Anoche fui a una clínica de belleza y compré una crema cosmética. 17. Hay un guardia de seguridad con pistola en la casa de cambio. 18. Ayer fui a ver a una banda en el auditorio. 19. El año pasado creé una buena manera para enseñar español. 20. No me gusta la música de bandas rancheras. 21. Los Latinoamericanos son una bomba de energía. 22. La costa de Quintana Roo en la Riviera Maya es preciosa. 23. Hay muchas palmeras en Acapulco y una gran industria de coco. 24. Fui a las Cavernas de Carlsbad en Nuevo México. 25. ¿Ha comprado un seguro para el motorhome para las vacaciones en Baja este verano? No, voy a comprarlo en la frontera. 26. Fui a comprar las tabletas en la farmacia. 27. Limité el número de personas que pueden entrar al concierto. 28. Hay dos lunas que orbitan el planeta Marte. 29. La línea en la frontera es muy larga. 30. Optimicé la manera en que atendemos a los clientes.


Respuestas del ejercicio 38A 1. Have you found the calculator? No, I don’t know where it is. 2. Today I went to see the Mayan ruins in Tulum. 3. Have you studied the map? Yes, I know (to) where we are going. 4. Which operating system have you installed on the computer? I installed Windows XP. 5. Why have you limited the persons who can participate in the class? Because I don’t have much space. 6. Which classes do you have today? I have mathematics, Spanish, Physical Education and Science. 7. Why have you bought a pistol? In order to protect my family, but I don’t have the intention of using it. 8. Have you spoken with the professor? Yes, I spoke with him yesterday. 9. Yesterday I went to see Teotihuacán and the Aztec pyramids. Today I am going to go to Xochimilco(in order)to see the canals. 10. Have you studied the system? Yes, I (comprehend) understand how to use it. 11. My baby is a princess. 12. Have you bought the tequila for dad? Yes, I bought a bottle of Don Julio. 13. You can buy the famous Havana cigars; they are not illegal here like in the United States. 14. I bought three hectares of (terrain) land in Baja California. 15. I organized a new System of administration. 16. Last night I went to a beauty clinic and bought a cosmetic cream. 17. There is a security guard with (a) pistol in the currency exchange. 18. Yesterday I went to see a band in the auditorium. 19. The last year I created a good (manner) way to teach Spanish. 20. I don’t like the ranchera band music. 21. The Latin Americans are a bomb of energy. 22. The coast of Quintana Roo on the Mayan Riviera is (precious) lovely. 23. There are many palm trees in Acapulco and a big coconut industry. 24. I went to the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. 25. Have you bought (an) insurance for the motor home for the vacation in Baja this summer? No, I am going to buy it (on) at the border. 26. I went to buy the tablets in the pharmacy. 27. I limited the number of people who can enter (to) the concert. 28. There are two moons that orbit the planet Mars. 29. The line at the border is very long. 30. I optimized the (manner) way in that we attend to our clients.


Ejercicio 38B Traduzca de inglés a español Streets =calles

Irish music = música irlandesa

1. Have you reserved the table? Yes, I reserved a table for four persons. 2. What have you bought? I bought a bottle of Kahlua. 3. I want to rent a house on the coast. 4. The band has two guitarists. 5. I want to go to Ireland this year. 6. There is a ceramic exhibition in the museum. 7. I am going to import ceramics from Uruguay. 8. Have you (terminated) finished the bottle? No, still there is more. 9. I organized a protest. 10. The last year I went to Ireland in January. 11. Do you have a calculator? No, I don’t have a calculator. 12. I need a map with the new streets. 13. It is his (manner) way. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

14. Have you connected the alarm? 15. Do you like the Irish music? Yes, I like (it). 16. I want to pay for the band in your party. 17. Have you paid the rent? 18. Latin America is a bomb of energy. 19. We are going to see the ruins tomorrow. 20. Where is the doctor’s clinic? 21. We need a map of Baja California. 22. How many persons are in your family? There are five. 23. This food has a lot of chili, it’s a bomb. 24. Do you have the map? No, but I know where it is. 25. Have you visted the plant this year? Yes, I went in January. 26. The diversity of ecosystems in Latin America is impressive. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 38B 1. ¿Ha reservado la mesa? Sí, reservé una mesa para cuatro personas. 2. ¿Qué ha comprado? Compré una botella de Kahlúa. 3. Quiero rentar una casa en la costa. 4. La banda tiene dos guitarristas. 5. Quiero ir a Irlanda este año. 6. Hay una exhibición de cerámica en el museo. 7. Voy a importar cerámicas de Uruguay. 8. ¿Ha terminado la botella? No, aún hay más. 9. Organicé una protesta. 10. El año pasado fui a Irlanda en enero. 11. ¿Tiene una calculadora? No, no tengo una calculadora. 12. Necesito un mapa con las nuevas calles. 13. Es su manera. 14. ¿Ha conectado la alarma? 15. ¿Le gusta la música irlandesa? Sí, me gusta. 16. Quiero pagar la banda en su fiesta. 17. ¿Ha pagado la renta? 18. América Latina es una bomba de energía. 19. Vamos a ver las ruinas mañana. 20. ¿Dónde está la clínica del doctor? 21. Necesitamos un mapa de Baja California 22. ¿Cuantas personas hay en su familia? Hay cinco. 23. Esta comida tiene mucho chile, es una bomba. 24. ¿Tiene el mapa? No, pero sé donde está. 25. ¿Ha visitado la planta este año? Sí, fui en enero. 26. La diversidad de ecosistemas en América Latina es impresionante.


Nivel dos Lección treinta y nueve Level 2 Step 39

More Essential Spanish Words 163.

The Spanish word for less is menos. Just think of menos as minus, in fact in equations menos also means minus, e.g. 2-2=0 dos menos dos es cero.


The Spanish word for water is agua. An aquarium has a lot of water.

Pronunciation (MEH NOHS)


El agua Agua is a feminine word, so why does the headline say el agua? The pronunciation of agua is stressed on the first letter a, so to avoid an awkward clash of sounds with la and ag, instead of la - el is used. The water

el agua

In plural it is back to normal for a feminine word, las is used. The waters

las aguas

Minor stuff; let’s move on.


The Spanish word for cash is efectivo. If you want a discount it is more effective to pay in cash.


The Spanish word for to call is llamar. When you are a way from home it is a good idea to call ya ma.


The Spanish word for to change is cambiar. We all know sometimes to change can be a drag.


The Spanish word for Wednesday is miércoles. You learned the Spanish word for Monday is lunes, named after the moon - la Luna and Tuesday is martes named after mars – marte.





Like Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday also has to do with los planetas de nuestro sistema solar. Miércoles is the Day of Mercury – mercurio.


Ejercicio 39A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English word for miércoles is 2. The English words for cambiar are 3. The English words for llamar are 4. The English word for efectivo is 5. The English word for agua is 6. The English word for menos is

Respuestas del ejercicio 39A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Wednesday to change to call cash water less


Ejercicio 39B Traduzca de español a inglés Beber = to drink

lo siento = I am sorry

pequeño = small

1. ¿Ha reportado el problema? Sí, llamé ayer para reportarlo. 2. ¿Cuánto ha economizado? La suma de los costos del departamento es 50 por ciento menos que el año pasado. 3. ¿Ha cambiado todos sus dólares a pesos? No, aún tengo veinte dólares. 4. ¿Ha llamado al guardia de seguridad? 5. ¿Ha llamado a su familia? Sí, llamé a mi familia anoche. 6. Seis menos dos es cuatro. 7. No voy a comprar agua en el hotel, el costo es ridículo, no quiero pagarlo. 8. Ayer llamé a mi mamá. 9. Anoche fui a la clínica de cirugía plástica en Tijuana porque los costos son menos que en los Estados Unidos. 10. ¿Tiene agua embotellada? 11. Hay muy poca agua en el desierto de Baja California. 12. Mercurio es el más misterioso de los planetas. Mercurio no tiene satélites, es pequeño, denso y tiene cráteres. 13. Tiene que beber mucha agua en los vuelos. 14. No aceptamos cheques personales o tarjetas de crédito, sólo pagos en efectivo. 15. Necesito comprar una tarjeta de teléfono para llamar a mi mamá. 16. Voy a pagar el agua hoy. 17. Necesito cambiar el boleto. 18. Para cambiar el verbo hablar a primera persona en el pasado tiene que terminar el verbo con é por ejemplo hablé = I spoke. 19. ¿Qué hay en el calendario de eventos el miércoles? 20. El miércoles utilicé la computadora por la primera vez. 21. Hay mucho tráfico en la frontera entre Tijuana y San Diego. 22. ¿Ha encontrado un vuelo económico para mí? Sí, encontré un descuento pero sólo si paga en efectivo. 23. ¿Ha cambiado el bebé? 24. ¿Ha pagado el hotel? Sí, pagué con tarjeta de crédito. 25. Esta comida tiene mucho chile, lo siento no puedo comerla. ¿Puedo cambiarla? 26. Si usted necesita cambiar dólares a pesos, hay varias casas de cambio y bancos en el centro. 27. Primero tengo un vuelo a Paris y luego tengo que cambiar el avión para el vuelo a Madrid. 28. ¿Va a pagar en efectivo o con una tarjeta de crédito? ¿Aceptan American Express? No, todos las tarjetas menos American Express. Aceptamos Visa y Mastercard. No hay problema, voy a pagar en efectivo. 29. El miércoles voy a hacer el último pago de la casa. 30. ¿Ha hablado con Juan sobre los problemas que tenemos con los trabajadores? Sí, hablé con Juan ayer y ahora tenemos menos problemas. 31. Mercurio es un planeta que no tiene luna. 32. El sistema de agua opera automáticamente.


Respuestas del ejercicio 39B 1. Have you reported the problem? Yes, I called yesterday(in order)to report it. 2. How much have you economized? The sum of the costs of the department is 50 percent less the last year. 3. Have you changed all you dollars to pesos? No, I still have twenty Dollars. 4. Have you called the security guard? 5. Have you called your family? Yes, I called my family last night. 6. Six less two is four. 7. I am not going to buy water in the hotel, the cost is ridiculous, and I don’t want to pay it. 8. Yesterday I called my mom. 9. Last night I went to a plastic surgery clinic in Tijuana because the costs are less the in the United States. 10. Do you have bottled water? 11. There is very little water in the desert of Baja California. 12. Mercury is the most mysterious of the planets. Mercury doesn’t have satellites; it is small, dense and has craters. 13. You have to drink a lot of water in the flights. 14. We don’t accept personal checks or credit cards, only payments in cash. 15. I need to buy a phone card to call my mom. 16. I am going to pay the water (bill) today. 17. I need to change the ticket. 18. In order to change the verb to speak to the first person in the past you have to end the verb with é for example hablé = I spoke. 19. What is there in the calendar of events on Wednesday? 20. On Wednesday I utilized the computer for the first time. 21. There is a lot of traffic on the border between Tijuana and San Diego. 22. Have you found an economical flight for me? Yes, I found a discount but only if you pay in cash. 23. Have you changed the baby? 24. Have you paid for the hotel? Yes, I paid with a credit card. 25. This food has a lot of chili, I am sorry I can’t eat it. Can I change it? 26. If you need to change dollars to pesos, there are (various) several currency exchanges and banks (in the) downtown. 27. First I have a flight to Paris and then I have to change the plane for the flight to Madrid. 28. ¿Are you going to pay in cash or with a credit card? ¿Do you (all) accept American Express? No, all the cards (less) except American Express. We accept Visa and MasterCard. (There is) no problem, I am going to pay in Cash. 29. On Wednesday I am going to make the last house (repayment) payment. 30. Have you spoken with Juan about the problems that we have with the workers? Yes, I spoke with Juan yesterday and now we have less problems. 31. Mercury is a planet that doesn’t have a moon. 32. The water system operates automatically.


Ejercicio 39C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for Wednesday is 2. The Spanish word for to change is 3. The Spanish word for to call is 4. The Spanish word for cash is 5. The Spanish word for water is 6. The Spanish word for less is

Respuestas del ejercicio 39C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

miércoles cambiar llamar efectivo agua menos


Ejercicio 39D Traduzca de inglés a español I paid = pagué

strings = cuerdas

1. I want to go on Wednesday. 2. I need to change my dollars to pesos. 3. It is an instrument like the guitar but with two strings less. 4. The payment is 1000 pesos less than the last month. 5. (An) other taco but with less chili please. 6. What have you bought? I bought a bottle of water. 7. Have you paid the rent this month? Yes, I paid yesterday in cash. 8. How much do I have to pay now? You have to pay 1000 pesos in cash. 9. I went to Spain the last year and I want to go again in summer. 10. I am going to pay my credit card on Wednesday. 11. The flight is on Wednesday. 12. Are you going to pay in cash or with a credit card? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

13. I am going to go to Spain on Wednesday. 14. I want to buy a guitar. 15. More or less 16. Can you change the music, please? 17. There are only two flights on Wednesdays. 18. I have less confusion with (the) Spanish thanks to “Shortcut to Spanish”. 19. Have you finished? Yes, I finished on Wednesday. 20. When do you finish? I finish on Wednesday. 21. I need more cash; I am going to go to the bank. 22. I cancelled (the class of Monday) Monday’s class. 23. I deposited the check on Tuesday. 24. Have you changed the diagram? 25. If you (all) need to change dollars to pesos, there is a currency exchange in the hotel. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 39D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Quiero ir el miércoles. Necesito cambiar mis dólares a pesos. Es un instrumento como la guitarra pero con dos cuerdas menos. El pago es 1000 pesos menos que el mes pasado. Otra taco pero con menos chile por favor. ¿Qué ha comprado? Compré una botella de agua. 7. ¿Ha pagado la renta este mes? Sí, pagué ayer en efectivo. 8. ¿Cuánto tengo que pagar ahora? Tiene que pagar 1000 pesos en efectivo. 9. Fui a España el año pasado y quiero ir otra vez en verano. 10. Voy a pagar mi tarjeta de crédito el miércoles. 11. El vuelo es el miércoles. 12. ¿Va a pagar en efectivo o con tarjeta de crédito? 13. Voy a ir a España el miércoles. 14. Quiero comprar una guitarra. 15. Más o menos 16. ¿Puede cambiar la música, por favor? 17. Hay sólo dos vuelos los miércoles. 18. Tengo menos confusión con el español gracias a “Shortcut to Spanish”. 19. ¿Ha terminado? Sí, terminé el miércoles. 20. ¿Cuándo termina? Termino el miércoles. 21. Necesito más efectivo; voy a ir al banco. 22. Cancelé la clase de lunes. 23. Deposité el cheque el martes. 24. ¿Ha cambiado el diagrama? 25. Si necesitan cambiar dólares a pesos, hay una casa de cambio en el hotel.


Nivel dos Lección Cuarenta level 2 Step 40

Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 36 just add um-o The rule to create Spanish from English Most English words that end in um can be changed into Spanish by changing um to o. Here are 21 Spanish words you can use right away. acuario aluminio auditorio calcio cráneo (skull) decoro delirio emporio equilibrio (balance) estadio (stadium) gimnasio máximo medio mínimo milenio museo opio óptimo péndulo petróleo podio sanitario

Notes about add um words Memorandum is the same in Spanish just add an accent on the memorándum (and of course pronounce it with the correct Spanish pronunciation.) Curriculum vitae is curriculum in Spanish. Curriculum of a course is plan de estudios. Medio is a very useful word in Spanish as it is also often used to for middle and half. Aluminio If we take the British Spelling of aluminium and change um to o, we get the Spanish aluminio.


More Essential Spanish Words 169.

The Spanish word for to ask is preguntar. It is a good idea for a pregnant woman to ask a lot of questions.

Pronunciation (PREH GOON TAHR)

You learned in lesson 35 the noun la pregunta. means the question. The verb to ask is simply preguntar. 170.

The Spanish word for to work is trabajar. You'll be in trouble if you don't go to work.



The Spanish word for to sign is firmar. To confirm a contract you have to sign it.



The Spanish word for to forget is olvidar. Imagine the blockbuster attendant saying, "some old videos are hard to forget".



The Spanish word for to listen to is escuchar. Imagine a grumpy teacher saying “Excuse me; I would like you to listen to me”.



The Spanish word for to return is regresar. To regress is to go back and to go back is to return.


Multipurpose word When it comes to the many synonyms of to return, Spanish cuts to the chase with one single word, regresar, which you can almost always use for all these English words. To To To To To To

return go back give back come back bring back take back

Six Spanish words for the price of one.


Ejercicio 40A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The

English English English English English English English English English English English English

words for regresar are words for escuchar are words for olvidar are words for firmar are words for trabajar are words for preguntar are word for miércoles is words for cambiar are words for llamar are word for efectivo is word for agua is word for menos is

Respuestas del ejercicio 40A 1. to return 2. to listen to 3. to forget 4. to sign 5. to work 6. to ask 7. Wednesday 8. to change 9. to call 10. cash 11. water 12. less


Overcoming the verb confusing and getting a natural feel for how spanish works Did you notice all the new words were verbs? They are the words that give you the most ability to express yourself in Spanish. Maybe you have taken a Spanish course before and struggled with verbs. It is very common for people to have difficulty with Spanish verbs; after all, Spanish has a very different verb system to English. The problem is that because verbs are so important in Spanish, just about every teacher, course and class tends to overwhelm you with grammar. It has been my experience that this leads to confusion and very hesitant speaking. The listener has to endure a long pause while you try and figure out which of the 96 conjugations to use. There is a simple solution. (Not simple for me, it takes me months of writing to make it smooth for you). There are a handful of patterns in Spanish that occur very frequently which even native speakers use 80% of the time.** So why not learn those first. It is much easier to get comfortable with just a handful of frequently used conjugations. Once you know them you can speak freely and confidently on just about any subject. All you have to do is complete the written exercises in this guide and then use the audio lessons, take it step by step and you will develop a natural feel and understanding of how the Spanish verbs work. What’s more, you will be able to reproduce them at will whenever you want. When you have a feel for the verbs, your understanding is practical and comfortable, not academic and stiff. So, it’s much easier for you to use the language with confidence in the real world. And using Spanish is what this course is all about, so let’s make sure you know how to use the most common Spanish verbs, in their most frequently used patterns, for excellent communication. Go ahead to the next page and check how you are doing with your understanding of Spanish verbs so far.

** My Synergy Spanish course is completely dedicated to exploring patterns of Spanish that give you the ability to make thousands of sentences with just a handful of words.


Start with your new Spanish infinitives Preguntar Trabajar Firmar Olvidar Escuchar Regresar

to to to to to to

ask work sign forget listen to return

Write the English translation for the conjugations of your new Spanish verbs. Ejercicio 40B Traduzca de español a inglés 1. trabajé 2. ha trabajado 3. trabajo 4. pregunté 5. preguntamos 6. firmé 7. ha firmado 8. escucho 9. escuché 10. olvido 11. olvidé 12. ha olvidado 13. regresé 14. ha regresado 15. regreso


Respuestas del ejercicio 40B 1. I worked 2. You have worked 3. I work 4. I asked 5. We ask 6. I signed 7. You have signed 8. I listen 9. I listened 10. I forget 11. I forgot 12. you have forgotten 13. I returned 14. you have returned 15. I return

How did you do? if you got 13 - 15 correct felicidades (congratulations), you are already developing a strong understanding of Spanish Verbs. However if you got between 10- 12, I recommend you make a review of the earlier chapters. If you had less than 10 correct answers, sorry, you have missed something. But don’t worry, everything you need is in this course. Slow down, take your time and make a serious review of Shortcut to Spanish Level 2 and a quick review of Shortcut to Spanish Level 1. Email me if you are having trouble or feel confused by anything. [email protected]


Ejercicio 40C Traduzca de español a inglés partido de fútbol = football match

baños = bathrooms/restrooms

1. Es medio tiempo en el partido de fútbol. 2. Necesito una hora y media más. 3. ¿Cuándo es la fiesta? El lunes a las ocho y media. 4. Compré una maleta de aluminio. 5. Necesito más calcio en mi dieta. 6. El salario mínimo es cuatro dólares por día. 7. ¿Cuánto es el precio mínimo que puede aceptar usted? 8. Garantizamos el precio mínimo para el cliente. 9. El Acuario de Veracruz es el más grande en América Latina. 10. El aluminio es un metal ligero pero resistente. 11. Compré un libro conmemorativo del 50 aniversario del Auditorio Nacional. 12. Necesito más equilibrio entre la familia y el trabajo. 13. Pagué el balanceo mínimo en mi tarjeta de crédito. 14. No voy a renovar mi membresía en el gimnasio, los precios son ridículos. 15. Tengo que decir algo sobre el estado de los baños en el gimnasio. 16. Anoche fui al auditorio para ver el concierto. 17. ¿Ha analizado el efecto del sodio en la dieta? Sí, analicé el efecto y no es bueno. 18. La computadora no funciona a la velocidad óptima. 19. ¿Ha pagado la membresía este mes? Sí, pagué el miércoles con un cheque. 20. ¿Cuánto es el mínimo que podemos pagar? 21. Quiero preguntar algo. 22. Olvidé el número de teléfono. 23. Fui a España el año pasado para trabajar y quiero ir otra vez en mis vacaciones de verano. 24. Un momento, tengo que regresar la tarjeta de crédito al cliente. 25. Silencio por favor, quiero escuchar la guitarra. 26. ¿Qué días trabaja? Trabajo de lunes a miércoles. 27. ¿Va a firmar el contrato? No, no voy a firmarlo. 28. ¿Ha trabajado con computadoras antes? Sí, trabajé con computadoras por 3 años. 29. ¿No ha escuchado sobre el nuevo sistema? 30. Anoche fui al gimnasio después de trabajar todo el día. 31. Ahora vamos a invitar al director Héctor González al podio.


Respuestas del ejercicio 40C 1. It is half time in the football match. 2. I need an hour and a half more. 3. When is the party? On Monday, at half past eight. 4. I bought an aluminum case. 5. I need more calcium in my diet. 6. The minimum (salary) wage is four dollars a day. 7. How much is the minimum price that you can accept? 8. We guarantee the minimum price for the clients. 9. The aquarium of Veracruz is the biggest in Latin America. 10. The aluminum is a light but resistant metal. 11. I bought a commemorative book of the 50th anniversary of the national auditorium. 12. I need more (equilibrium) balance between family and the work. 13. I paid the minimum balance in my credit card. 14. I am not going to renew by membership in the gymnasium, the prices are ridiculous. 15. I have to say something about the state of the bathrooms in the gymnasium. 16. Last night I went to the auditorium to see the concert. 17. Have you analyzed the effect of the sodium in the diet? Yes, I analyzed the effect and it’s not good. 18. The computer doesn’t (function) work at optimum (velocity) speed. 19. Have you paid the membership this month? Yes, I paid on Wednesday with (a) check. 20. How much is the minimum that we can pay? 21. I want to ask something. 22. I forgot the telephone number. 23. I went to Spain the last year(in order)to work and I want to go again in my summer vacation. 24. One moment, I have to (return) give back the credit card to the (client) customer. 25. Silence please, I want to listen to the guitar. 26. What days do you work? I work from Monday to Wednesday. 27. Are you going to sign the contract? No, I am not going to sign it. 28. Have you worked with computers before? Yes, I worked with computers for 3 years. 29. Haven’t you heard about the new system? 30. Last night I went to the gymnasium after (to work) working all (the) day. 31. Now we are going to invite the director Hector Gonzalez to the podium.


Ejercicio 40D Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The

Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

word word word word word word word word word word word word

for for for for for for for for for for for for

to return is to listen is to forget is to sign is to work is to ask is Wednesday is to change is to call is cash is water is less is

Respuestas del ejercicio 40D 1. regresar 2. escuchar 3. olvidar 4. firmar 5. trabajar 6. preguntar 7. miércoles 8. cambiar 9. llamar 10. efectivo 11. agua 12. menos


Ejercicio 40E Traduzca de inglés a español The milk = la leche

contract = contrato

1. Where is the gymnasium? 2. When are we going to go to the stadium? 3. I want to buy an (suitcase of aluminum) aluminum suitcase. 4. I need information about (the) calcium. 5. Where can I find a gymnasium? 6. The milk has a lot of calcium. 7. First I am going to go to the gymnasium and then I am going to go to a restaurant (in order) to eat with my friends. 8. I went to the gymnasium in the morning. 9. I need to work today. 10. What have you forgotten? I forgot to buy the bottle of tequila for dad. 11. We have to (return) go back, I forgot my credit card. 12. I am going to (return) to Spain this year. 13. I want to listen to the guitar. 14. Can you sign here please?

15. Have you worked this week ? Yes, I worked on Wednesday. 16. I forgot (about) the class (of the) on Tuesday. 17. I am going to ask if there are tables. 18. I want to (return) to the hotel. 19. I worked in Ireland (the) last year. 20. I want to work in Ireland again this year. 21. Have you signed the cheque? Yes, I signed the check. 22. Do you like to listen to music? Yes, I like (it). 23. I forgot the map. 24. Have you (returned) to Mexico this year? Yes, I went in May. 25. Have you signed the contract? Yes, I signed the contract on Tuesday. 26. How much time have you worked here? Three years.

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Respuestas del ejercicio 40E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

¿Dónde está el gimnasio? ¿Cuándo vamos a ir al estadio? Quiero comprar una maleta de aluminio. Necesito información sobre el calcio. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un gimnasio? La leche tiene mucho calcio. Primero voy a ir al gimnasio y luego voy a ir a un restaurante para comer con mis amigos. 8. Fui al gimnasio en la mañana. 9. Necesito trabajar hoy. 10. ¿Qué ha olvidado? Olvidé comprar la botella de tequila para papá. 11. Tenemos que regresar, olvidé mi tarjeta de crédito. 12. Voy a regresar a España este año. 13. Quiero escuchar la guitarra. 14. ¿Puede firmar aquí por favor? 15. ¿Ha trabajado esta semana? Sí, trabajé el miércoles. 16. Olvidé la clase del martes. 17. Voy a preguntar si hay mesas. 18. Quiero regresar al hotel. 19. Trabajé en Irlanda el año pasado. 20. Quiero trabajar en Irlanda otra vez este año. 21. ¿Ha firmado el cheque? Sí, firmé el cheque. 22. ¿Le gusta escuchar música? Sí, me gusta. 23. Olvidé el mapa. 24. ¿Ha regresado a México este año? Sí, fui en mayo. 25. ¿Ha firmado el contrato? Sí, firmé el contrato el martes. 26. ¿Cuánto tiempo ha trabajado aquí? Tres años.


Nivel dos Lección Cuarenta y uno level 2 Step 41

In this lesson, you’ll learn an easy pattern, so you can express yourself even more clearly when you are talking about what happened in the past. First, a quick review. Translate the following words into Spanish Ejercicio 41A 1. to 2. to 3. to 4. to 5. to 6. to 7. to 8. to 9. to 10. to 11. to 12. to 13. to 14. to 15. to 16. to 17. to 18. to 19. to 20. to 21. to 22. to 23. to 24. to 25. to

call eat return finalize import ask change reserve celebrate say participate see negotiate go find decorate install finish (terminate) pay verify buy have utilize export rent


Respuestas del ejercicio 41A 1. llamar 2. comer 3. regresar 4. finalizar 5. importar 6. preguntar 7. cambiar 8. reservar 9. celebrar 10. decir 11. participar 12. ver 13. negociar 14. ir 15. encontrar 16. decorar 17. instalar 18. terminar 19. pagar 20. verificar 21. comprar 22. tener 23. utilizar 24. exportar 25. rentar

How did you go? By now, you should be getting most answers correct. We can have tolerance if you made a spelling mistake here or there. The main thing is that you know the words. However you may want to review if; A)

You made any more than 1 mistake on numbers 2, 10, 12, 14, 15, or 21 take the time to make a quick review of the vocabulary from Shortcut to Spanish book 1


If you made more than 1 mistake on numbers 1, 3, 6, 7, 19 or 22 take the time to make a quick review of the vocabulary from this book.


If you made more than 1 mistake on numbers, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25 a quick review of chapters 19, 20, 22, 26, and 30 of Shortcut to Spanish will help you remember the patterns to change English to Spanish.

Okay, let’s add some extra expression to your Spanish.


Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 4, Say A Lot More With The Spanish You Already Know. I just learned more Spanish expression with Power Verbs Acabo de aprender más expresión de español con verbos de poder In this chapter you are going to learn to say a lot more in the past with a pattern that is fast to use. Plus it’s easy! You only need to know two words to be able to say a lot more using Spanish that you already know. One of the most user friendly verbs in Spanish is the infinitive. In chapter 19, 20, 22, 26, 30, of Shortcut to Spanish you learned easy ways to make 551 infinitives from English words. If you did my Synergy Spanish course you know how expressively you can communicate in Spanish with just a few words. All you need to know is how to combine them. Before we add to your expressiveness, here’s a quick refresher. An infinitive is any verb in English that begins with to; in Spanish infinitives end with the letter r. To To To To

eat see go rent

comer ver ir rentar

If you want to talk about the recent past, something you just did, it is easy the key is simply to combine acabo de + infinitive, Option 1 I just ate I just went I just rented I just saw

acabo acabo acabo acabo

de de de de

comer ir rentar ver

In English we also convey more or less the same meaning with, I have just Option 2 I have just I have just I have just I have just

eaten gone rented seen

acabo acabo acabo acabo

de de de de

comer ir rentar ver

We’ll use option 1 through out the book. Spare a thought for our Spanish speaking friends who are learning English, they have to deal with eat-eaten, saw seen, went, gone. All you need to remember is acabo de + infinitive. There’s nothing to it so let’s jump into exercise 39


Ejercicio 41B Traduzca de español a inglés tan famosas como = as famous as cuanto antes = as soon as possible

más de = more than empleo = job

1. ¿Ha visto el nuevo estadio de béisbol en San Diego? Sí, acabo de ir al centro es muy impresionante. 2. ¿Ha encontrado a los trabajadores que necesitamos para el proyecto? Sí, acabo de contratar a tres buenos trabajadores. 3. ¿Ha hablado a la policía? Sí, acabo de hablar por teléfono. ¿Qué van a hacer? ¡Nada! 4. ¿Ha instalado los programas de MS Office? Acabo de instalar MS Word pero aún tengo que instalar Excel. 5. ¿Ha finalizado los pagos de su casa? Sí, acabo de terminar de pagar el mes pasado. 6. ¿Ha hablado al doctor? Sí, acabo de hablar con él y todo está bien 7. ¿Ha reservado una mesa? Sí, acabo de llamar al restaurante, reservé una mesa para cinco personas. 8. ¿Qué va a comprar? Quiero comprar pantalones. Acabo de comprar una blusa, quiero pantalones en el mismo estilo y color. 9. ¿Renta usted o ha comprado su casa? Acabo de comprar una casa después de ocho años de rentar. 10. ¿Ha terminado la clase? No, acabo de decir que tenemos que terminar el ejercicio 11 antes de terminar la clase. 11. Acabo de ver las ruinas en el Tajin, no son tan famosas como Tulum o Chichen Itza pero son muy interesantes. 12. Acabo de comprar el paquete turístico que incluye Teotihuacan, Xochimilco y la Basílica de Guadalupe. 13. ¿Ha llamado a su mamá? No, pero acabo de comprar una tarjeta de teléfono para llamar a mi mamá. 14. Acabo de pagar la cuenta de gas y ahora voy pagar el agua. 15. Acabo de cruzar la frontera entre Tijuana y San Diego. 16. Acabo de reservar un vuelo para mañana. 17. Acabo de ir a España en el verano y quiero regresar cuanto antes. 18. ¿Está a dieta? Sí, acabo de comprar el libro sobre la dieta de South Beach. 19. ¿Ha trabajado con computadoras antes? No, pero acabo de terminar un curso en computación la semana pasada. 20. ¿No ha escuchado sobre el nuevo sistema? 21. ¿Quiere comer en McDonald´s? No, acabo de ir al gimnasio, no quiero comer comida mala preferiría una ensalada. 22. ¿Ha trabajado esta semana? No, porque acabo de encontrar un nuevo empleo, voy a iniciar el lunes. 23. Acabo de hablar con mi amigo en Irlanda. Utilicé y sólo pagué un dólar por más de una hora. 24. Acabo de preguntar sobre la renta, son 400 dólares por mes.


Respuestas del ejercicio 41B 1. Have you seen the new Baseball Stadium in San Diego. Yes, I just went downtown it is very impressive. 2. Have you found the workers that we need for the project? Yes, I just contracted 3 good workers. 3. Have you spoken to the police? Yes, I just spoke by phone. What are they going to do? Nothing! 4. Have you installed the Microsoft office programs? I just installed MS word but I still have to install Excel. 5. Have you finalized the payments of your house? Yes, I just finished (to pay) paying the last month. 6. Have you spoken to the doctor. Yes, I just spoke with him and everything is alright. 7. Have you reserved a table? Yes, I just called (to) the restaurant, I reserved a table for 5 persons. 8. What are you going to buy? I want to buy pants. I just bought a blouse, I want pants in the same style and color. 9. Do you rent or have you bought your house? I just bought a house after eight years of (to rent) renting. 10. Have you finished the class? No, I just said that we have to finish (the) exercise 11 before finishing the class. 11. I just saw the ruins in el Tajin, they aren’t as famous as Tulum or Chichen Itza but they are very interesting. 12. I just bought the tourist package that includes Teotihuacan, Xochimilco and the basilica de Guadalupe. 13. Have you called your mom? No, but I just bought a phone card(in order)to call my mom. 14. I just paid the gas bill and now I am going to pay the water (bill). 15. I just crossed the border between Tijuana and San Diego. 16. I just reserved a flight for tomorrow. 17. I just went to Spain in the summer. I want to go back as soon as possible. 18. Are you on a diet? Yes, I just bought a book about the South Beach diet. 19. Have you worked with computers before? No, but I just finished a computer course last week. 20. Haven’t you heard about the new system. 21. Do you want to eat in McDonald´s? No, I just went to the Gymnasium, I don’t want to eat bad food, I would prefer a salad. 22. Have you worked this week? No, because I just found a new job I am going to start on Monday. 23. I just spoke with my friend in Ireland. I utilized and I only paid one dollar for more than one hour. 24. I just asked about the rent, it is 400 dollars per month.*

*When you talk about price, if the price is one use es (it is), if the price is more than one use son (they are). For example; Es 1 dolar. (it’s 1 dollar) Son 2 dolares. (literally they are 2 dollars) Es 1 peso. Son 80 pesos.


Ejercicio 41C Traduzca de inglés a español Cockroach = cucaracha

repair = reparar

1. I just installed the new system. 2. Do you want to eat? No, I just ate, thanks. 3. I just calculated the cost, it’s a lot. 4. Is (it all right) the computer all right? Yes, it’s all right now because I just eliminated a virus, 5. I just decorated my house with Mexican art. 6. Do you have cockroaches in the house? Not now, (now not) I just fumigated the house. 7. I am happy, I just negotiated a new contract. 8. I just participated in my first Pilates class. 9. When are you going to (return) go back? I just reserved a flight for (the) Tuesday. 10. I am going to pay for the food. It’s all right I just paid. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

11. I just finished the Spanish class. 12. I want to celebrate because I just finished the article. 13. I reserved a table for us in the restaurant tonight. 14. Do you have pesos? Yes, I just changed the dollars in a currency exchange. 15. I just imported two cars from the United States a Chevrolet and a Mustang. 16. I (returned) got back yesterday. 17. I just finalized the payments. 18. Have you paid? Yes, I just paid. 19. I went to a Spanish class today. 20. I just repaired the car. 21. Do you have a television? Yes, I bought a television the last week. 22. Have you spoken with Andrea? No, but I just spoke with her mom. 23. I just celebrated my graduation from the university. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 41C 1. Acabo de instalar el nuevo sistema. 2. ¿Quiere comer? No, acabo de comer gracias. 3. Acabo de calcular el costo, es mucho. 4. ¿Está bien la computadora? Sí, está bien ahora porque acabo de eliminar un virus. 5. Acabo de decorar mi casa con arte mexicano. 6. ¿Tiene cucarachas en la casa? Ahora no, acabo de fumigar la casa. 7. Estoy feliz, acabo de negociar un nuevo contrato. 8. Acabo de participar en mi primera clase de Pilates. 9. ¿Cuándo va a regresar? Acabo de reservar un vuelo para el martes.* 10. Voy a pagar la comida. Está bien, acabo de pagar. 11. Acabo de terminar la clase de español. 12. Quiero celebrar porque acabo de terminar el artículo. 13. Reservé una mesa para nosotros en el restaurante esta noche. 14. ¿Tiene pesos? Sí, acabo de cambiar los dólares en una casa de cambio. 15. Acabo de importar dos carros de los Estados Unidos, un Chevrolet y un Mustang. 16. Regresé ayer. 17. Acabo de finalizar los pagos. 18. ¿Ha pagado? Sí, acabo de pagar. 19. Fui a una clase de español hoy. 20. Acabo de reparar el carro. 21. ¿Tiene una televisión? Sí, acabo de comprar una televisión la semana pasada. 22. ¿Ha hablado con Andrea? No. pero acabo de hablar con su mamá. 23. Acabo de celebrar mi graduación de la universidad.

* Why is para used in this answer? Yes, we have been using por with time, however, por is used for a length of time. When referring to a specific time you use para. El martes - on Tuesday is a specific time so we use para.


Nivel dos Lección Cuarenta y dos Level 2 Step 42

More Essential Spanish Words Pronunciation (YEH GAHR)


The Spanish word for to arrive is llegar. Imagine saying “Don’t be late, ya gotta arrive on time”.


The Spanish word for student is estudiante. (EH STOO DEE AHNT EH) You can see stud of student wrapped up in estudiante.


The Spanish word for to learn is aprender . Imagine the police apprehending the students who don't learn.


The Spanish word for to ask for is pedir. Imagine saying, “I am going to ask for a pediatric dentist for my child”.


The Spanish word for expensive is caro. Imagine seeing a Hummer, you point and say “that car is expensive”.


The Spanish word for store is tienda. Imagine drinking tea in the store.






Ejercicio 42A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English word for caro is 2. The English word for tienda is 3. The English words for aprender are 4. The English words for pedir are 5. The English word for estudiante is 6. The English words for llegar are

Respuestas del ejercicio 42A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

expensive store to learn to ask for ( to request) student to arrive


Español Claro, Conciso y Bien Expresado To ask for/ to request In Spanish to ask for and to ask are different. To ask a question To ask for something (a request)

preguntar pedir

You may need to ask for a doctor Pedir un doctor

To ask for (to request) a doctor

Then you may want to ask the doctor a question Preguntar al doctor sobre una medicina. To ask the doctor about a medicine.

Otros ejemplos Quiero preguntar algo sobre el agua. Quiero pedir algo, un favor.

I want to ask something about the water. I want to ask for something, a favor.

In Spanish it sounds silly to say To ask a question

preguntar una pregunta

In Spanish, there is nothing else you can ask preguntar except a question, otherwise, if it is not a question then you are going to ask for (to request), pedir. It can seem confusing at first but after a while, pedir and preguntar in will feel natural to use the right one. Another distinction; ordenar vs. pedir In Spanish you can use pedir or ordener, for to order for example; Quiero pedir una cerveza. Voy a ordenarlo con mi tarjeta.

I want to order (ask for) a beer. I am going to order it with my card.

¿Qué va a pedir usted? Voy a pedir una paella

What are you going to order (ask for)? I am going to order (ask for) a paella.

Pedir, is perhaps a little more polite, so in this course we are going to use pedir.


Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 37 just add E The rule to create Spanish from English You learned in nivel uno leccíon siete y ocho most English words ending in ant and ent can be made into Spanish by adding the letter e. This list doesn’t include those words. The words on this list can be made into Spanish with minor spelling changes and adding the letter E. They don’t have a predictable pattern like the ante ente words, but you can easily incorporate the most important words, they are in bold, into your Spanish vocabulary. Here are 27 Spanish words you can use right away.

aire árabe arte banquete bate brazalete broche cadete clarinete clase contraste filete firme fraude gabinete (cabinet) galante grande héroe inerte limite lote molde parte pasaporte pirámide poste presente soporte (support) uniforme


Ejercicio 42B Traduzca de español a inglés toco = I play

gritan = they yell

1. Casi todas las tiendas aceptan dólares, pero si ustedes quieren usar pesos pueden cambiar sus dólares en las casas de cambio. 2. Acabo de pedir un filete de salmón. 3. Está bien, el gas es inerte. 4. No tengo direcciones, voy a ir a la tienda para comprar un mapa. 5. Acabo de aprender cómo utilizar el correo electrónico. 6. Acabo de aprender cómo se llama "water" en español. 7. ¿Ha estudiado la lección? No, acabo de llegar a casa pero ahora voy a estudiar. 8. Toco la guitarra y el clarinete. 9. Ha llegado al límite de horas de su plan. 10. Acabo de ir a la tienda, compré una botella de agua. 11. La gramática es una parte, otra parte es el vocabulario y la pronunciación. 12. Me gusta el uniforme que usan los soldados. 13. Acabo de descubrir el fraude. 14. Necesito un nuevo gabinete. 15. ¿Ha pedido el menú? Sí, acabo de pedirlo. 16. En México cada año celebran la independencia y gritan los nombres de los héroes de la nación. 17. Soy de Irlanda pero soy residente de España. 18. El pasaporte es el único documento de identidad que aceptan. 19. Para las mujeres está prohibido usar pantalón con su uniforme. 20. Los estudiantes van a aprender mucho en esta clase. 21. ¿Es su primera vez en México? Sí, es mi primera vez, acabo de llegar pero me gusta mucho. 22. El padre de Shakira, la famosa cantante de pop, es árabe de la ciudad de Zahle en Líbano. 23. Hay una exposición de arte contemporáneo en España este mes. 24. Esta sección contiene información sobre fraude de tarjetas de crédito. 25. Tengo una casa grande. 26. Acabo de llegar. ¿Quiere ir al hotel? No, preferiría comer primero. 27. Ahora sé cómo hablar español en pasado. 28. Hay una buena tienda de música latinoamericana en el centro. 29. La tienda tiene materiales para plomeros y electricistas. 30. Acabo de castigar a los estudiantes. 31. ¿Ha pedido la comida? Sí, acabo de pedirla. 32. ¿Cuándo va a aprender español? Acabo de iniciar una nueva clase de español el miércoles. 33. ¿Ha encontrado a sus amigos? Sí, acabo de encontrar a mis amigos.


Respuestas del ejercicio 42B

1. Almost all the stores accept dollars, but if you want to use pesos you can change your dollars in the currency exchange. 2. I just (asked for) ordered a salmon fillet. 3. It is okay the gas is inert. 4. I don’t have directions, I am going to go to the store and buy a map. 5. I just learned how to utilize the electronic mail. 6. I just learned how you say water in Spanish. 7. Have you studied the lesson? No, I just (arrived) got home but now I am going to study. 8. I play the guitar and the clarinet. 9. You have (arrived at) reached the limit of hours of your plan. 10. I just went to the store, (I) bought a bottle of water. 11. The grammar is a part, another part is the vocabulary and the pronunciation. 12. I like the uniforms that the soldiers (use) wear. 13. I just discovered the fraud. 14. I need a new cabinet. 15. Have you asked for the menu? Yes, I just asked for it. 16. In Mexico every year they celebrate the independence and they yell the names of the heroes of the nation. 17. I am from Ireland but I am a resident of Spain. 18. The passport is the (unique) only document of identity that they accept. 19. For the women it is prohibited to (use) wear pants with their uniform. 20. The students are going to learn a lot in this class. 21. Is it your first time in Mexico? Yes, It is my first time, I just arrived, but I like (it) a lot. 22. The father of Shakira, the famous pop singer, is an (Arab) from the city if Zahle in Lebanon. 23. There is an exposition of contemporary arte in Spain this month. 24. This section contains information about credit card fraud. 25. I have a big house. 26. I just arrived. ¿Do you want to go to the hotel? No, I would prefer to eat first. 27. Now I know how to speak Spanish in (the) past. 28. There is a good Latin American music store downtown. 29. The store has materials for plumbers and electricians. 30. I just (castigated) punished the students. 31. Have you (requested) ordered the food? Yes, I just (requested) ordered it. 32. When are you going to learn Spanish? I just started a new (class of Spanish) on Wednesday. 33. Have you found your friends. Yes, I just found my friends.


Ejercicio 42C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for expensive is 2. The Spanish word for store is 3. The Spanish word for to learn is 4. The Spanish word for to ask for (request) is 5. The Spanish word for student is 6. The Spanish word for to arrive is

Respuestas del ejercicio 42C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

caro tienda aprender pedir estudiante llegar


Ejercicio 42D Traduzca de inglés a español Passport = pasaporte

father = padre

1. I just (requested) asked for a passport. 2. I just asked about my passport. 3. I bought a lot in Baja California. 4. In Mexico Pancho Villa is a hero. 5. There is a lot of dust in the air. 6. I just changed the dollars. 7. My hero is Mohammed Ali. 8. I just rented a car. 9. I need to go to the store. 10. I just used the telephone in the hotel; it’s very expensive. 11. I just got back from the gymnasium. 12. I am going to the store, do you want (something) anything? No it’s okay, I just bought a bottle of water. 13. I just finished the class.

14. I just got back yesterday. 15. I just learned something new. 16. I don’t like this store because it is very expensive. 17. There is a lot of (contamination) pollution in the air today. 18. Now I can speak Spanish in (the) present and (the) past. 19. Shakira´s father (the father of Shakira) is an Arab. 20. I just arrived. 21. Is there a class today? No, I just cancelled the class, there are not enough students. 22. I just activated my credit card. 23. How are you going to (arrive) get there? I am going to (arrive) get there by train.

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Respuestas del ejercicio 42D 1. Acabo de pedir un pasaporte. 2. Acabo de preguntar sobre mi pasaporte. 3. Compré un lote en Baja California. 4. En México Pancho Villa es un héroe. 5. Hay mucho polvo en el aire. 6. Acabo de cambiar los dólares. 7. Mi héroe es Mohammed Ali. 8. Acabo de rentar un carro. 9. Necesito ir a la tienda. 10. Acabo de usar el teléfono en el hotel; es muy caro. 11. Acabo de regresar del gimnasio. 12. Voy a la tienda, ¿quiere algo? No, está bien, acabo de comprar una botella de agua. 13. Acabo de terminar la clase. 14. Acabo de regresar ayer. 15. Acabo de aprender algo nuevo. 16. No me gusta esta tienda porque es muy cara. 17. Hay mucha contaminación en el aire hoy. 18. Ahora puedo hablar español en presente y pasado. 19. El papá de Shakira es un árabe. 20. Acabo de llegar. 21. ¿Hay clase hoy? No, acabo de cancelar la clase, no hay suficientes estudiantes. 22. Acabo de activar mi tarjeta de crédito. 23. ¿Cómo va a llegar? Voy a llegar en tren.


Libro Dos Lección Cuarenta y tres Book 2 Step 43

Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 5, Object Pronouns Without An Ounce Of Bewilderment. Smoother Spanish Español más suave Useful pronouns LO and LA Look at this question and answer. Can you buy the house? Yes, I can buy it

¿Puede comprar la casa? Sí, puedo comprarla

Notice how in the answer la of la casa attaches to the infinitive comprar and becomes comprarla. Comprarla = to buy it Here is how to make the plural Can you buy the houses? Yes, I can buy them

¿Puede comprar las casas? Sí, puedo comprarlas

Las of las casas joins onto comprar and becomes comprarlas Comprarlas = to buy them With masculine in singular it is a little different. Can you sign the contract? Yes, I can sign it.

¿Puede firmar el contrato? Sí, puedo firmarlo.

Notice how in the answer el of el contrato changes to lo and joins onto the infinitive firmar and becomes firmarlo. Lo is used with masculine subjects. firmarlo = to sign it The plural is even easier Can you sign the contracts? Yes, I can sign them.

¿Puede firmar los contratos? Sí, puedo firmarlos.

Los of los contratos, joins onto firmar and becomes firmarlos firmarlos = to sign them Got it? Okay let’s get some practice in Exercise 43A.


Ejercicio 43A Traduzca de español a inglés Tratar de = to try

hecho = made/done

esperar = to wait for

1. ¿Ha comprado las cervezas? No, voy a comprarlas en la tienda Oxxo. 2. ¿Ha reportado los problemas? Sí, fui a la oficina en la mañana para reportarlos. 3. ¿Puede ver las pirámides? Sí, puedo verlas. 4. ¿Qué va a hacer con las flores? Voy a plantarlas en mi jardín. 5. Los sitios arqueológicos me interesan, voy a visitarlos mañana. 6. ¿Dónde están los boletos? No puedo encontrarlos. 7. Usted tiene que abrirlos con precaución. 8. Tengo tres cheques, necesito depositarlos en el banco. 9. ¿Ha pagado la membresía este mes? No, acabo de cancelarla. 10. ¿Ha comprado un seguro? Sí, acabo de comprarlo. 11. ¿Ha reportado el robo? Sí, acabo de ir al centro para reportarlo a la policía. 12. ¿Ha conectado la computadora al Internet? Acabo de tratar de conectarlo pero el servicio está desconectado. 13. ¿Cuánto más tengo que pagar? Tiene que pagar 1000.00 pesos más. ¿Está seguro? Acabo de pagar 500.00 pesos ayer. Sí, estoy seguro, pero si quiere podemos verificarlo con el contador. 14. Tenemos un grupo grande, ¿Cuantas mesas ha reservado? Reservé dos mesas grandes con capacidad para 20 personas. 15. ¿Ha comprado los pantalones? Sí, acabo de comprarlos en Walmart. 16. Hay un paquete turístico para ver Tulum que incluye la comida y autobús. ¿Quiere comprarlo? 17. ¿Ha pagado las cuentas de gas y agua? Sí fui al centro en la mañana para pagarlos. 18. ¿Ha hecho las reservaciones? Sí, acabo de hacerlas. 19. ¿Ha regresado los videos a Blockbuster? No, ¿cuándo tengo que regresarlos? Tiene que regresarlos hoy antes de las 4:00 de la tarde. 20. Si hay virus en su computadora, necesita instalar el software de antivirus. Sí, acabo de instalarlo para eliminarlos. 21. ¿Ha cambiado sus dólares a pesos? Sí, acabo de cambiarlos. ¿Necesita pesos? 22. ¿Usted tiene pasaporte? No, acabo de pedirlo, tengo que esperar 12 días más. 23. ¿Dónde va a rentar el carro usted? Voy a rentarlo en el aeropuerto. 24. Represento dos compañías norteamericanas en México, pero no quiero representarlas más.


Respuestas del ejercicio 43A 1. Have you bought the beers? No, I am going to buy them in the Oxxo store. 2. Have you reported the problems? Yes, I went to the office in the morning(in order)to report them. 3. Can you see the pyramids? Yes, I can see them. 4. What are you going to do with the flowers? I am going to plant them in my garden. 5. The archeological sites (they) interest me, I am going to visit them tomorrow. 6. Where are the tickets? I can’t find them. 7. You have to open them (with precaution) carefully. 8. I have three checks, I need to deposit them in the bank. 9. Have you paid the membership this month? No, I just cancelled it. 10. Have you bought (an) insurance? Yes, I just bought it. 11. Have you reported the robbery? Yes, I just went downtown(in order)to report it to the police. 12. Have you connected the computer to the Internet? I just tried to connect it but the service is disconnected. 13. How much more do I have to pay? You have to pay 1000 pesos more. Are you sure? I just paid 500 pesos yesterday. Yes, I am sure, but if you want we can verify it with the accountant. 14. We have a big group, how many tables have you reserved? I reserved 2 big tables with capacity for 20 persons. 15. Have you bought the pants? Yes, I just bought them in Wal-Mart. 16. There is a tourist packet(in order)to see Tulum that includes food and bus. Do you want to buy it? 17. Have you paid the gas and water bills? Yes, I went downtown in the morning(in order)to pay them. 18. Have you made the reservations? Yes, I just made them. 19. Have you returned the videos to Blockbuster? No, when do I have to return them? You have to return them today before 4:00 p.m. (in the afternoon) 20. If there are viruses in your computer you need to install antivirus software. Yes, I just installed it (in order)to eliminate them. 21. Have you changed you dollars for pesos?

Yes, I just changed them. Do you need pesos? 22. Do you have a passport? No, I just (requested) asked for it, I have to wait 12 days more. 23. Where are you going to rent the car? I am going to rent it in the airport. 24. I represent two American companies in Mexico, but I don’t want to represent them (any) more.


Ejercicio 43B Traduzca de inglés a español baseball = béisbol

the pyramids = las pirámides

1. When can you connect the computer? I can connect it now. 2. Can I deposit the checks here? Yes, you can deposit them here. 3. Are there tables? One moment please, they are going to prepare one for you (all). 4. Have you seen all the movies of (the) Matrix? No, but I want to see them. 5. Are you going to connect the computers today? No, I can’t connect them today. 6. Have you signed the checks? Yes, I just signed them. 7. Why have you limited the promotion to one per (client) customer? I just changed it, now there is no limit. 8. Where is the ticket, I can’t find it.

9. Are you going to buy the apartments? No, I am not going to buy them, I don’t have enough money. 10. Have you seen the new baseball stadium in San Diego? No, but I want to see it. 11. Have you installed the programs in the computer? Yes, I just installed them. 12. I am going to pay for the food. It’s alright, I just paid for it. 13. Do you want to visit the pyramids in Tulum? Yes, I want to see them. 14. Are there classes today? No, I just cancelled them. 15. When are you going to learn Spanish? I want to learn it before (to go) going to my vacation.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 43B 1. ¿Cuándo puede conectar la computadora? Puedo conectarla ahora. 2. ¿Puedo depositar los cheques aquí? Sí puede depositarlos aquí. 3. ¿Hay mesas? Un momento por favor, van a preparar una para ustedes. 4. ¿Ha visto todas las películas de “Matrix?” No, pero quiero verlas. 5. ¿Va a conectar las computadoras hoy? No, no puedo conectarlas hoy. 6. ¿Ha firmado los cheques? Sí, acabo de firmarlos. 7. ¿Por qué ha limitado la promoción a una por cliente? Acabo de cambiarla, ahora no hay límite. 8. Dónde está el boleto, no puedo encontrarlo. 9. ¿Va a comprar los apartamentos? No, no voy a comprarlos, no tengo suficiente dinero. 10. ¿Ha visto el nuevo estadio de béisbol en San Diego? No, pero quiero verlo. 11. ¿Ha instalado los programas en la computadora? Sí, acabo de instalarlos. 12. Voy a pagar la comida. Está bien, acabo de pagarla. 13. Quiere visitar las pirámides en Tulum? Sí, quiero verlas. 14. ¿Hay clases hoy? No, acabo de cancelarlas. 15. ¿Cuándo va a aprender español? Quiero aprenderlo antes de ir a mis vacaciones.


Nivel dos Lección Cuarenta y cuatro Level 2 Step 44

More Essential Spanish Words Pronunciation (EEN VEE EHR NOH)


The Spanish word for winter is invierno. Imagine being in Vienna in winter.


The Spanish word for bill is cuenta. Remember cu is pronounced like qu in English. Use the rhyme “I went ta the counter to pay the cuenta”.


The Spanish word for book is libro. Imagine seeing a lot of books in a library.


The Spanish word for cold is frío. A fridge keeps everything cold.



The Spanish word for children is niños. Just think of the weather pattern el Niño, which means the little boy or the child Christ, because the pattern usually arrives around Christmas. Therefore niño - boy child Niña - girl child niños - children.



The Spanish word for next is próxima. The next month is approximately 30 days from now.




The next week La próxima semana

To say the next week is easy The next week

la próxima semana

In Spanish, month and year are masculine, so, we have to change la próxima to el próximo. The next year The next month

el próximo año el próximo mes

Same with winter and summer The next winter The next summer

el próximo invierno el próximo verano


Ejercicio 44A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The 13. The 14. The 15. The 16. The 17. The

English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English

word for próxima is word for niños is word for frío is word for libro is word for cuenta is word for invierno is word for caro is word for tienda is words for aprender are words for pedir are word for estudiante is words for llegar are words for la próxima semana are words for el próximo mes are words for el próximo año are words for el próximo invierno are words for el próximo verano are

Respuestas del ejercicio 44A 1. next 2. children 3. cold 4. book 5. bill 6. winter 7. expensive 8. store 9. learn 10. to ask (for) 11. student 12. to arrive 13. the next week 14. the next month 15. the next year 16. the next winter 17. the next summer


Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 38 Des- Dis The rule to create Spanish from English Many Spanish words are similar to English words when you change the prefix des to dis.

Here are 31 Spanish words you can use right away.

desacreditar desanimado desanimar desaparecer desaprobar desarmar descalificar desconectar la desconfianza desconfiar descontar descontinuar descortés el descubrimiento descubrir el descuento desfiguar deshonestidad deshonesto deshonor desilusión desinfectar desintegración desleal desmantelar desmembrar desobediente destilar

to discredit discouraged to discourage to disappear to disapprove to disarm to disqualify to disconnect the distrust to distrust to discount to discontinue discourteous impolite the discovery to discover the discount to disfigure dishonesty dishonest dishonor disillusion / disappointment to disinfect disintegration disloyal to dismantle to dismember disobedient to distil


Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 39 Des- Un The rule to create Spanish from English Many Spanish words are similar to English words when you change the prefix des to un. Here are 6 Spanish words you can use right away.

desafortunado desbloquear desempleado desfavorable deshabitado desigual

unfortunate to unblock unemployed unfavorable uninhabited uneven unequal

Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 40 Des- De In The rule to create Spanish from English Many Spanish words are similar to English words when you change the prefix des to de or in.

desinflar desistir desmoralizar descifrar descafeinado desconsiderado

to deflate to desist to demoralize decipher decaffeinated inconsiderate


Are you Spanish Detective? ¿Es usted un detective de español?

¿Puede descifrar el español? Can you decipher the Spanish? How well are you developing your Spanish detective ability. Let’s see how well you do with these Spanish words.

Ejercicio 44B See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. desconsiderado 2. descafeinado 3. deshonesto 4. desinfectar 5. descifrar 6. desconectado 7. desconfianza 8. descontar 9. descubrir 10. descubrimiento 11. descuento 12. desacreditar 13. desafortunado 14. desmantalar 15. desaprobar 16. desigual 17. desempleado


Respuestas del ejercicio 44B 1. inconsiderate 2. decaffeinated 3. dishonest 4. disinfect 5. decipher 6. disconnected 7. distrust 8. to discount 9. to discover 10. discovery 11. discount 12. to discredit 13. unfortunately 14. to dismantle 15. to disapprove 16. unequal 17. unemployed

How did you do? I am sure you where able to get more than half right, even though you only saw the words in isolation. When you see words in context, it is even easier. In fact, when you see words in complete sentences, you can often guess the meaning of words, even if they are not similar to English. I noticed when I was learning (I am still learning) that when I would read a word I had been learning, it somehow seemed to make the word much more permanent in my memory. For that reason, I take a lot of time creating reading exercise in which you are challenged to decipher Spanish. I include them with every step of Shortcut to Spanish because I know how valuable this ability is to your progress with Spanish. Deciphering Spanish is a great skill and a huge boost to your Spanish progress. Reading and deciphering meaning is a great way to expand your Spanish. If you read newspapers, magazines, comics, anything written in Spanish is great complement to this course. Let’s experiment with some more des words, and your new essential Spanish words, in context in exercise 44C.


Ejercicio 44C Traduzca de español a inglés On line = en línea

biblioteca = library

esquiar = to ski

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

El Código de Da Vinci es uno de los libros más populares de este año. ¿Está desconectado el teléfono? Mucha gente aún desconfía de las compras por Internet. Hay un clima de desconfianza sobre los resultados de las elecciones. Si usted paga antes de fin de mes voy a descontar 10 por ciento. Es una película sobre el descubrimiento de América. Ellos necesitan descontar 5 por ciento. ¿Hay un problema? Sí, acabo de descubrir un fraude. 9. Tenemos una tarjeta para obtener descuentos en gasolineras, hoteles y restaurantes. 10. ¿Hay un descuento si pago en efectivo? 11. ¿Ha descontado de mi cuenta el error en el recibo de mayo 7? 12. La defensa de Jackson va a desacreditar a la madre del niño. 13. “Afortunado en el juego desafortunado en amor”. 14. La mayoría de Baja California está deshabitado. 15. El último disco de U2 se llama “como desmantelar una bomba atómica”. 16. No tengo mi cuenta de gas. 17. ¿Cuándo usted va a pagar la cuenta? 18. El correo en México es muy malo, la cuenta de American Express siempre llega después del día que tengo que pagarla. 19. Vamos a escapar del frío de aquí este invierno. Tenemos planes de ir a México para el invierno. 20. Mucha gente del norte de los Estados Unidos y Canadá van a Arizona y México para el invierno. Se llaman Snow Birds. 21. ¿Cuántos libros hay en la biblioteca? No sé cuantos hay. 22. El próximo invierno voy a ir a Europa para esquiar. 23. Renté una casa en las montañas para este invierno. ¿Dónde ha rentado? Lake Tahoe. Guau, Lake Tahoe es muy impresionante. 24. Fui a México el invierno pasado para escapar del frío. 25. Los niños son nuestro futuro. 26. ¿Ha descontado los costos de la gasolina? 27. Para comprarlo en línea, prepare su tarjeta de crédito, ahora simplemente necesita hacer un clic en el logo para entra la página de pagos. 28. Acabo de terminar el libro. 29. El libro está en el formato PDF. 30. Don Quijote es el libro español más famoso en el mundo. 31. Nuestro próximo evento es enero 26. 32. Hay un descuento de 30% en medicina de patente. 33. ¿Ha terminado las clases de este semestre? No, voy a terminarlas la próxima semana.


Respuestas del ejercicio 44C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The Da Vinci Code is one of the most popular books of this year. Is the phone disconnected? Many people still distrust (of) in (the) purchases by Internet. There is a climate of distrust about the results of the elections. If you pay before the end of the month I am going to discount 10 percent. It is a film about the discovery of America. They need to discount 5 percent. Is there a problem? Yes, I just discovered a fraud. 9. We have a card (in order)to obtain discounts in gas stations, hotels and restaurants. 10. Is there a discount if I pay in cash? 11. Have you discounted from my account the error in the receipt of May 7. 12. The defense of Jackson is going to discredit the mother of the child. 13. “Lucky (fortunate) in the game (unfortunate) unlucky in love.” 14. (the majority) Most of Baja California is uninhabited. 15. The last disc of U2 is called “How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb”. 16. I don’t have my gas bill. 17. When are you going to pay the bill? 18. The post in Mexico is very bad, the American Express bill always arrives after the day that I have to pay it. 19. We are going to escape form the cold (of) here this winter. We have plans of (to go) going to México for the winter. 20. Many people from the north of the United States and Canada go to Arizona and Mexico for the winter. They are called Snow Birds. 21. How many books are there in the library? I don’t know how many there are. 22. The next winter, I am going to go to Europe(in order)to ski. 23. I rented a house in the mountains for this winter. Where have you rented? Lake Tahoe Wow, Lake Tahoe is very impressive. 24. I went to Mexico the last winter(in order)to escape from the cold. 25. The children are our future. 26. Have you discounted the cost of the gasoline (petrol)? 27. In order to buy it on line, prepare your credit card, now you simply need to make a click on the logo(in order)to enter the payment page. 28. I just finished the book. 29. The book is in PDF format. 30. Don Quixote is the most famous Spanish book in the world. 31. Our next event is January 26. 32. There is a 30% discount on patent medicine. 33. Have you finished the classes of this semester? No, I am going to finish them the next week.


Ejercicio 44D See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The 13. The 14. The 15. The 16. The

Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

word for next is word for children is word for cold is word for book is word for bill is word for winter is word for expensive is word for store is word for to learn is word for to ask for (request) is word for student is word for to arrive is words for the next week are words for the next year are words for the next month are words for the next winter are

Respuestas del ejercicio 44D 1. próxima 2. niños 3. frío 4. libro 5. cuenta 6. invierno 7. caro 8. tienda 9. aprender 10. pedir 11. estudiante 12. llegar 13. la próxima 14. el próximo 15. el próximo 16. el próximo

semana año mes invierno


Ejercicio 44E Traduzca de inglés a español On line = en línea

at this price = a este precio

1. Have you disconnected the computers? Yes, I just disconnected them. 2. The poem is called, “The Winter of Our Discontent”. 3. I want a coffee, but decaffeinated please. 4. Nescafe has a decaffeinated cappuccino. 5. The children are very dishonest. 6. I don’t know how to dismantle the bomb. 7. The winter in Chicago is very cold. 8. I don’t like (the) winter. 9. I am not going to buy it at this price. 10. How many books do you have? I have a lot. 11. The bill please! 12. It is a cold house. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

13. Have you finished the books from the class? Yes, I just finished them last night. 14. I need to go (to the) downtown(in order)to buy two books. Why don’t you buy them on line? Where can I buy them? You can buy them on (in) 15. Do you have decaffeinated coffee? 16. Do you have the book that we need? No, but I can (request) order it for you (all), if you (all) want. 17. Have you finished the course. No, I am going to finish in May. 18. When are you going to pay the bill? Can I pay it (the) next week? 19. I am going to buy a house (the) next year. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 44E 1. ¿Ha desconectado las computadoras? Sí, acabo de desconectarlas. 2. El poema se llama, “El Invierno de Nuestro Descontento”. 3. Quiero un café pero descafeinado por favor. 4. Nescafe tiene un capuchino descafeinado. 5. Los niños son muy deshonestos. 6. No sé como desmantelar la bomba. 7. El invierno en Chicago es muy frío. 8. No me gusta el invierno. 9. No voy a comprarla a este precio. 10. ¿Cuantos libros tiene? Tengo muchos. 11. ! La cuenta por favor. 12. Es una casa fría. 13. ¿Ha terminado los libros de la clase? Sí, acabo de terminarlos anoche. 14. Necesito ir al centro para comprar dos libros ¿Por qué no comprarlos en línea? ¿Dónde puedo comprarlos? Puede comprarlos en 15. ¿Tiene café descafeinado? 16. ¿Tiene el libro que necesitamos? No, pero puedo pedirlo para ustedes, si quieren. 17. ¿Ha terminado el curso? No, voy a terminarlo en mayo. 18. ¿Cuándo va a pagar la cuenta? ¿Puedo pagarla la próxima semana? 19. Voy a comprar una casa el próximo año.


Nivel dos Lección Cuarenta y cinco Level 2 Step 45

More Essential Spanish Words Pronunciation (YAH)


The Spanish word for already is ya. Someone asks “Have you done it”? you answer “Ya, it’s already done”.


The Spanish word for to have dinner is cenar. Imagine you don’t have much time to have dinner so you call to send a pizza.


Cenar can also mean, to have for dinner. E.g. cenar comida cubana = to have Cuban food for dinner. cené pescado y ensalda = I had fish and salad for dinner. 189.

The Spanish word for with him is con él. You know con = with, so it’s easy to remember, con él = with him.


The Spanish word for with her is con ella. You know, con = with, and you also know, ella = she, ella can also mean her (more on this later).


The Spanish word for quickly/fast is rápido. Just think of rapid.


The Spanish word for hour is hora. I am sure you can see hour wrapped up in hora.





three times a lady tres veces una dama You may remember from Shortcut to Spanish level one, time on a clock is El tiempo

the time

But to ask what time something is, in Spanish you say, ¿A qué hora es la fiesta?

At what time (hour) is the party?

And for times or occasions, use vez una vez dos veces la próxima vez

once twice the next time


Ejercicio 45A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English word for ya is 2. The English words for cenar are 3. The English words for con él are 4. The English words for con ella are 5. The English word for rápido is 6. The English word for hora is 7. The English words for a qué hora are

Respuestas del ejercicio 45A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

already to have dinner or to have for dinner with her with him fast/quickly hour at what time


Ejercicio 45B Traduzca de español a inglés con ellos = with them sólo = only - solo (without accent) = alone

unos = some

1. Necesita ir con Aneliza al centro para comprar los libros. Ya fui con ella en la mañana. 2. Tiene que hablar con Teresa sobre la renta, es muy cara. Sí, acabo de hablar con ella, tenemos una reducción de $100 dólares por mes. 3. ¿Ha hablado con el doctor? Sí, acabo de hablar con él y todo está bien. 4. ¿Ha hablado con el piloto sobre los problemas en el vuelo? Sí, ya hablé con él. 5. ¿Dónde va a aprender el español? Voy a practicar con Marío. Aprendo muy rápido cuando practico con él. 6. ¿Ha cenado? Sí, cené con María. 7. ¿Ha visto a Juan? No, ¿por qué? Necesito hablar con él, es urgente. 8. ¿Ha hablado con el policía? Sí, hablé con él, luego fui al centro y reporté el robo. 9. ¿Habla con la niña mucho? Sí hablo con ella todos los días. 10. ¿Ha visto Xochimilco en la ciudad de México? Sí, la primera vez que fui a la ciudad de México con mi esposa, fui a Xochimilco con ella y su familia. 11. Anoche llamé a mi esposo y hablé con él por tres horas. 12. Si necesita cambiar pesos a dólares, David tiene dólares y quiere cambiarlos. Bueno, voy a cambiarlos con él. 13. ¿Va a aprender el español con su esposo? No, no quiero aprenderlo con él, él no tiene suficiente paciencia. 14. ¿Va a ir al nuevo estadio de béisbol con su amigo gringo? Sí, voy a ir con él y también con unos amigos mexicanos de Tijuana. 15. Si usted y David van a abrir una tienda juntos, van a necesitar un contrato. Sí, ya firmé un contrato con él. 16. ¿Va a ir al fútbol con Rodrigo? Sí, voy a ir con él al fútbol el lunes. ¿A quién van a ver? Vamos a ver al Real Madrid. 17. ¿Ha hablado con los trabajadores sobre el jardín? No, voy a hablar con ellos hoy. 18. Necesito aprender más español para hablar con ella. 19. ¿Va a celebrar su aniversario con toda su familia o solo con su esposa? Voy a celebrar solo con ella. 20. Acabo de hablar por teléfono con mi amigo en Barcelona por más de una hora. 21. Ayer hablé con ella por la primera vez en español.


Respuestas del ejercicio 45B 1. You need to go with Ana (to the) downtown(in order)to buy the books. I already went with her in the morning. 2. You have to speak with Teresa about the rent, it is very expensive. Yes, I just spoke with her, we have a reduction of 100 dollars per month. 3. Have you spoken to the doctor? Yes, I just spoke with him and (all is well) everything is fine. 4. Have you spoken with the pilot about the problems in the flight. Yes, I already spoke with him. 5. Where are you going to learn Spanish. I am going to learn with Marío, I learn very fast when I practice with him. 6. Have you had dinner? Yes, I had dinner with María. 7. Have you seen Juan? No, Why? I need to speak with him, it is urgent. 8. Have you spoken with the policeman.** Yes, I spoke with him, then I went (to the) downtown and reported the robbery. 9. Do you speak with the girl much? Yes, I speak with her (all the days) everyday. 10. Have you seen Xochimilco in Mexico City? Yes, the first time that I went to Mexico city with my wife, I went to Xochimilco with her and her family. 11. Last night I called my husband and I spoke with him for three hours. 12. If you need to change pesos to dollars, David has dollars and he wants to change them. (Good) Okay, I am going to change them with him. 13. Are you going to learn Spanish with your husband? No, I don’t want to learn with him, he doesn’t have enough patience. 14. Are you going to go to the new baseball stadium with your gringo friend? * Yes, I am going to go with him also with some Mexican friends from Tijuana. 15. If you and David are going to open a shop together, you are going to need a contract. Yes, I already signed a contract with him. 16. Are you going to go to the football with Rodrigo? Yes, I am going to go with him on Monday. Who are you going to see? We are going to see Real Madrid. 17. Have you spoken to the workers about the garden? No, I am going to speak with them today. 18. I need to learn more Spanish to speak with her. 19. Are you going to celebrate your anniversary with all your family or alone with your wife? I am going to celebrate alone with her. 20. I just spoke by phone with my friend in Barcelona for more than one hour. 21. Yesterday I spoke with her for the first time in Spanish.

* **

Gringo is used these days as a synonym for American and is inoffensive. La policía means the police (force) or policewoman, el policía means the policeman.


Ejercicio 45C See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for already is 2. The Spanish word for to have dinner is 3. The Spanish words for with him are 4. The Spanish words for with her are 5. The Spanish word for fast/quickly is 6. The Spanish word for hour is 7. The Spanish words for at what time are

Respuestas del ejercicio 45C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

ya cenar con él con ella rápido hora a qué hora


Ejercicio 45D Traduzca de inglés a español At home = en casa at 5:00 = a las 5:00 1. Do you want to have dinner in a restaurant or at home? I want to have dinner at home. 2. Have you spoken with Sara and her family? Yes, I just spoke with her but I didn’t speak with her family. 3. I am going to have dinner with her tomorrow (in the) night. 4. (at what hour) What time are you (all) going to have dinner? We are going to have dinner at 5:00. 5. Have you studied the Spanish lesson with María? I studied with her the last week. 6. We need to speak more Spanish with her? 7. I have to speak with her about the problem. 8. Have you spoken with Juan? No, but I am going to have dinner with him tomorrow. 9. Have you studied with David? No, but I want to study with him. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

by phone = por teléfono

10. (already) It is already late. 11. Have you worked with the professor? No, but I am going to work with him (the) next week. 12. Do you like to practice Spanish with Juan. No, I don’t like to practice Spanish with him, he speaks very fast. 13. Are you going to go back with Leo? Yes, I am going to go back with him. 14. Have you spoken with the doctor? Yes, I just spoke with him by telephone. 15. Have you studied the lesson with Luis? Yes, I studied with him last night. 16. Have you spoken with Elena about the payment of the credit card? Yes, already I spoke with her. 17. Are you going to speak with Robert about the bill? Yes, I already spoke with him last night. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 45D 1. ¿Quiere cenar en un restaurante o en casa? Quiero cenar en casa. 2. ¿Ha hablado con Sara y su familia? Sí, acabo de hablar con ella pero no hablé con su familia. 3. Voy a cenar con ella mañana en la noche. 4. ¿A qué hora van a cenar? Vamos a cenar a las 5:00 5. ¿Ha estudiado la lección de español con María? Estudié con ella la semana pasada. 6. Necesitamos hablar más español con ella. 7. Tengo que hablar con ella sobre el problema. 8. ¿Ha hablado con Juan? No, pero voy a cenar con él mañana. 9. ¿Ha estudiado con David? No, pero quiero estudiar con él. 10. Ya es tarde. 11. ¿Ha trabajado con el profesor? No, pero voy a trabajar con él la próxima semana. 12. ¿Le gusta practicar español con Juan? No, no me gusta practicar español con él, habla muy rápido. 13. ¿Va a regresar con Leo? Sí, voy a regresar con él. 14. ¿Ha hablado con el doctor? Sí, acabo de hablar con él por teléfono. 15. ¿Ha estudiado la lección con Luis? Sí, estudié con él anoche. 16. ¿Ha hablado con Elena sobre el pago de la tarjeta de crédito? Sí, ya hablé con ella. 17. ¿Va a hablar con Roberto sobre la cuenta? Sí, ya hablé con él anoche.


Nivel dos Lección Cuarenta y seis Level 2 Step 46

More Essential Spanish Words 193.

The Spanish word for better is mejor. Imagine asking “when is the weather better May or June”.


The Spanish word for I prefer is prefiero. ¿Fácil no?


The Spanish word for butter is mantequilla. Imagine a man holding two keys in a big vat of butter.


The Spanish for to have breakfast is desayunar. Des says "una Cornflakes for breakfast please”.


The Spanish word for strong is fuerte. Fuerte means strong and El fuerte is the Fort, the fort is always a strong place like Fort Knox.


The Spanish word for hug is abrazo. Don’t expect much of a hug if you give your girlfriend a brass ring.

Pronunciation (MEH HOHR)






To Un-Fast desayunar

Interestingly in English the morning meal, breaks the fast. In Spanish Ayunar, means

to fast

Therefore Desayunar

to un fast

Desayunar can also be used for “to have for breakfast” Siempre desayuno huevos. Desayuno frutas. No desayuné.

Always I have eggs for breakfast (eggs). I have fruits for breakfast (fruits). I didn’t have breakfast.


Ejercicio 46A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The 13. The

English English English English English English English English English English English English English

word for abrazo is word for fuerte is words for desayunar are word for mantequilla is words for prefiero are word for mejor is word for ya is words for cenar are words for con él are words for con ella are word for rápido is word for hora is words for a qué hora are

Respuestas del ejercicio 46A 1. hug 2. strong 3. to have breakfast/to have for breakfast 4. butter 5. I prefer 6. better 7. already 8. to have dinner 9. with him 10. with her 11. fast/quickly 12. hour 13. at what time


Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 41 just add ine- ina The rule to create Spanish from English Most English words that end in ine can be made into Spanish by changing ine to ina. Here are 24 Spanish words you can use right away.

cafeína calamina cocaína disciplina doctrina femenina(o) gabardina gasolina

gelatina glicerina heroína mandarina máquina (machine) margarina marina masculina (o)

medicina mina morfina nectarina nicotina rutina (routine) sardina vaselina

Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 42 just add in- ina The rule to create Spanish from English Most English words that end in in can be made into Spanish by changing in to ina. Here are 8 Spanish words you can use right away.

aspirina cabina lanolina

mandolina parafina penicilina

proteína vitamina


Ejercicio 46B Traduzca de español a inglés gordo = fat competencia = competition

peces = fish la pesca = the fishing la cocina = the cooking/the kitchen

1. Voy a desayunar frutas. 2. Prefiero el mariachi que la música de Rap. 3. ¿Quiere desayunar? No gracias, ya desayuné. 4. Hay competencia fuerte en el mercado. 5. Prefiero el Elvis gordo que el Elvis flaco. 6. Obviamente hay cafeína en el café pero también hay cafeína en el té y el chocolate. 7. La mandolina es un instrumento de origen italiano. 8. La penicilina es un antibiótico. 9. Me gusta desayunar frutas; nectarinas, mangos y mandarinas. 10. Este tipo de comida tiene muchas vitaminas. 11. En Tecolutla Veracruz, en México hay un santuario para la protección y conservación de la tortuga marina. 12. Tengo que reducir mi consumo de cafeína. 13. El restaurante es famoso por su receta de pollo con mandarina. 14. Es parte de mi rutina diaria. 15. Esta es la rutina de ejercicios de Miss Venezuela para mantener su figura. 16. En el estado de Tabasco, en México hay una festividad de origen prehispánico que se llama la ceremonia de la pesca de la sardina. 17. El tofu tiene mucho calcio y proteínas. 18. ¿Es la democracia el mejor sistema para Irak? 19. Si usted quiere escuchar la mejor música gratis, aquí puedes ver videos de música y escuchar el radio gratis. 20. El perro es el mejor amigo del hombre. 21. No hay nada mejor que la cocina de mi mamá. 22. Los niños necesitan abrazos. 23. Hay un gran debate sobre cuál es mejor: mantequilla o margarina. 24. En Arabia hay una leyenda sobre el descubrimiento del café. 25. Los cigarros de la Habana son los mejores. 26. Siempre desayuno café negro y pan con mantequilla. 27. La sardina tiene más cantidad de vitamina A y D de todos los peces. 28. El estudiante es el mejor de la clase. 29. La Universidad tiene una famosa facultad de medicina. 30. “La Máquina del Tiempo” es un libro de HG Wells. 31. Los mineros sobrevivieron después de 14 días atrapados en la mina de oro en Beaconsfield, Tasmania. 32. Garantizamos el mejor precio y servicio. 33. El libro se llama, “Como Comer Mejor en Casa”. 34. Un fuerte abrazo


Respuestas del ejercicio 46B 1. I am going to have fruit for breakfast (have for breakfast fruit). 2. I prefer the mariachi (music) than the rap music. 3. Do you want to have breakfast now? No, thanks I already had breakfast. 4. There is strong competition in the market. 5. I prefer the fat Elvis to the thin Elvis. 6. Obviously there is caffeine in (the) coffee but also there is caffeine in (the) tea and (the) chocolate. 7. The mandolin is an instrument of Italian origin. 8. The penicillin is an antibiotic. 9. I like to have (for) breakfast fruits; nectarines, mangoes and mandarins. 10. This type of food has a lot of vitamins. 11. In Tecolutla Veracruz, in Mexico there is a sanctuary for the protection and conservation of the marine turtle. 12. I have to reduce my caffeine consumption. 13. The restaurant is famous for it’s mandarin chicken recipe. 14. It is part of my daily routine. 15. This is the exercise routine of miss Venezuela(in order)to maintain her figure. 16. In the state of Tabasco, in Mexico there is a festivity of origin pre-hispanic that is called the ceremony of the fishing of the sardine. 17. The tofu has a lot of calcium and proteins. 18. Is (the) democracy the best system for Iraq? 19. If you want to listen to the best music free, here you can see music videos and (to) listen to radio free. 20. The dog is (the best friend of (the) man) man’s best friend. 21. There isn’t anything better than my mum’s cooking. 22. The children need hugs. 23. There is a great debate about which is (the) best: (the) butter of (the) margarine. 24. In Arabia there is a legend about the discovery of coffee. 25. The Havana cigars are the best. 26. I always have for breakfast black coffee and bread and butter. 27. The sardine has the most quantity of Vitamin a and D of all (the) fish. 28. The student is the best (of) in the class. 29. The university has a famous faculty of medicine. 30. The (machine of the time) “Time Machine” is a book of HG Wells. 31. The miners survived after 14 days trapped in the gold mine in Beaconsfield, Tasmania. 32. We guarantee the best price and service. 33. The book is called, “How to Eat Better at Home”. 34. A strong hug.


Ejercicio 46C See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for hug is 2. The Spanish word for strong is 3. The Spanish word for to have breakfast/to have for breakfast is 4. The Spanish word for butter is 5. The Spanish word for I prefer is 6. The Spanish word for better is 7. The Spanish word for already is 8. The Spanish word for to have dinner is 9. The Spanish words for with him are 10. The Spanish words for with her are 11. The Spanish word for fast/quickly is 12. The Spanish word for hour is 13. The Spanish word for at what time are

Respuestas del ejercicio 46C 1. abrazo 2. fuerte 3. desayunar 4. mantequilla 5. prefiero 6. mejor 7. ya 8. cenar 9. con él 10. con ella 11. rápido 12. hora 13. a qué hora


Ejercicio 46D Traduzca de inglés a español silver mines = minas de plata you prefer = prefiere 1. My best friend is Elena. 2. My best friend is Marcus. 3. Have you bought the aspirins? Yes, I just bought them. 4. Do you want to have breakfast here? 5. Have you bought the gasoline? Yes, I bought the gasoline in Pemex. 6. The students don’t have much discipline. 7. There are many silver mines en Taxco, Mexico. 8. I prefer margarine than butter. 9. I need to find a pharmacy(in order)to buy medicine. 10. Do you have aspirin? 11. You need more vitamins in your diet. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

pharmacy = farmacia

12. I am going to change my routine in the gymnasium. 13. I like (the) strong coffee. 14. The film Grease is called Vaseline in Spanish. 15. I prefer to have breakfast (in) at home. 16. It is the best film of the year. 17. Which do you prefer, Spain or Ireland? I prefer Spain because the climate is better. 18. Have you had breakfast? Yes, I (breakfasted) had breakfast with Geraldo. 19. The man is strong. 20. Always I have cereal for Breakfast (have for breakfast cereal). _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 46D 1. Mi mejor amiga es Elena. 2. Mi mejor amigo es Marcus. 3. ¿Ha comprado las aspirinas? Sí, acabo de comprarlas. 4. ¿Quiere desayunar aquí? 5. ¿Ha comprado la gasolina? Sí, compré la gasolina en el PEMEX. 6. Los estudiantes no tienen mucha disciplina. 7. Hay muchas minas de plata en Taxco, México. 8. Prefiero margarina que mantequilla. 9. Necesito encontrar una farmacia para comprar medicina. 10. ¿Tiene aspirina? 11. Necesita más vitaminas en su dieta. 12. Voy a cambiar mi rutina en el gimnasio. 13. Me gusta el café fuerte. 14. La película Grease se llama Vaselina en español. 15. Prefiero desayunar en casa. 16. Es la mejor película del año. 17. ¿Cuál prefiere, Irlanda o España? Prefiero España porque el clima es mejor. 18. ¿Ha desayunado? Sí, desayuné con Geraldo. 19. El hombre es fuerte. 20. Siempre desayuno cereal.


Nivel dos Lección Cuarenta y siete Level 2 Step 47

More Essential Spanish Words 199.

The Spanish word for until is hasta. Maybe you have heard the Spanish farewell hasta mañana amigo = until tomorrow friend.


The Spanish word for daughter is hija. I said yee ha when I had my hija.


The Spanish word for giirlfriend is novia. Imagine your girlfriend (or someone’s girlfriend) with Nobbly knees.

Pronunciation (AH STAH)



sons and daughters hijos y hijas Of course, to say son and boyfriend you just change the final letter A to O Mi hija se llama Aneliza. Ahora tengo un hijo.

My daughter is called Aneliza. Now I have a son.

Tengo un novio puertorriqueno. Mi novia es mexicana.

I have a Puertorican boyfriend. My girlfriend is Mexican.

When talking about children in general you say los niños. To talk about your own children you can say mis hijos or mis niños.


The Spanish word for to introduce is presentar. When you introduce someone you present them.


The Spanish word for to take is llevar. Imagine your mother says “I want you to take the garbage outside, yeah far from the house”.


The Spanish word for Thursday is jueves. Thursday is the day where there’s just one more day till the weekend.





Ejercicio 47A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English word for jueves is 2. The English words for llevar are 3. The English words for presentar are 4. The English word for novia is 5. The English word for novio is 6. The English word for hijo is 7. The English word for hija is 8. The English word for hasta is

Respuestas del ejercicio 47A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Thursday to take to introduce girlfriend boyfriend son daughter until


Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 6, Using Object Pronouns Even More, Yet Still Without An Ounce Of Bewilderment Or Confusion. Even Smoother Spanish Español aun más suave

More ways to make your conversation flow with pronouns LO and LA Read the following sentences. Quiero verlo hoy

I want to see him today.

Quiero visitarla mañana

I want to visit her tomorrow.

So far, You have been using lo and la to mean it, notice how you can also use la to mean her and you can use lo to mean him. verlo

= to see him


= to visit her

Here are some more examples Necesito encontrarla.

I need to find her.

No puedo escucharlo.

I can’t hear him.

Tengo que acompañarla a casa.

I have to accompany her home.

It’s easy to get the hang of it; in fact, if you completed Synergy Spanish you are already a master. Go ahead and practice these pronouns in exercise 47B, plus a mixture of the other concepts you have learned so far.


Ejercicio 47B Traduzca de español a inglés acuerdo = agreement

placer = pleasure

1. ¿Ha visto a la profesora de su hija?* No, pero necesito verla pronto. 2. ¿Ha llamado al cliente?* Voy a llamarlo ahora. 3. ¿Cuándo podemos cenar con su nuevo novio? Si ustedes están de acuerdo, voy a invitarlo a la casa el jueves. 4. ¿Mi hijo va bien en la clase de español? Sí, va bien, pero quiero verlo en la clase con más frecuencia. 5. ¿Ha visitado a Luis esta semana?* No, voy a verlo en la fiesta mañana en la noche. 6. ¿Ha llamado a Andrés?* No, no puedo contactarlo hasta mañana. 7. ¿Quiere ir a ver una película esta noche? No, no puedo ir al cine, tengo que estudiar. 8. ¿Ha llamado a Don?* No, ¿por qué? Porque necesito verlo hoy en mi oficina. 9. No quiero escuchar más sobre los problemas entre su novio y usted. 10. ¿Dónde podemos encontrar a Alex?* ¿Por qué quieren encontrarlo? Queremos invitarlo a nuestra fiesta. Pueden encontrarlo en casa hasta las 11:00 de la mañana. 11. ¿Doctor, puede ver a mi hijo hoy?* No, no puedo verlo antes de mañana. 12. ¿Por qué usted no escucha cuando él habla? Porque tengo que escucharlo todos los días y no quiero escucharlo más. 13. Él necesita hablar más fuerte, no puedo escucharlo muy bien. 14. ¿Cuándo va a presentar a su novia con su familia?* Voy a presentarla mañana. 15. Por favor, no interrumpirlo. 16. No quiero intimidarla. 17. ¿Usted puede presentarme a esa mujer?* 18. Es mejor no criticarla. 19. Él puede acompañarla a la escuela. 20. El doctor va a examinarlo mañana. 21. Es un placer tenerla con nosotros. 22. Usted no va a impresionarla así. 23. Quieren encontrar al artista con la mejor voz para convertirlo un ídolo. 24. Ana quiere ir al cine, ¿puede llevarla? Sí, pero después tengo que ir al centro para trabajar, ¿Quién va a regresarla a la casa? Yo puedo ir por ella.


There is an in depth explanation of the personal a (the letter a in bold) on page 140, following the answers to this exercise.


Respuestas del ejercicio 47B 1. Have you seen the professor (teacher female) of your daughter? No, but I need see her soon. 2. Have you called the client? I am going to call him now. 3. When can we have dinner with your new boyfriend? If you (all) are (of) in agreement, I am going to invite him to the house on Thursday. 4. Is (my son) he going well in the Spanish class? Yes, he is going well, but I want to see him with more frequency. 5. Have you visited Luis this week? No, I am going to see him in the party tomorrow (in the) night. 6. Have you called Andres? No I can’t contact him until tomorrow. 7. Do you want to go and see a movie tonight? No, I can’t go to the cinema, I have to study. 8. Have you called Don? No, why? Because I need to see him today in my office. 9. I don’t want to listen (any) more about the problems between your boyfriend and you. 10. Where can we find Alex? Why do you want to find him? We want to invite him to our party. You can find him at home until 11:00 o’clock in the morning. 11. Doctor, can you see my son today? No, I can’t see him before tomorrow. 12. Why don’t you listen when he speaks? Because I have to listen to him (all the days) everyday and I don’t want to listen to him (any) more. 13. He needs to speak more (strong) loudly, I can’t hear him very well. 14. When are you going to introduce your girlfriend (with) to your family? I am going to introduce her tomorrow. 15. Please don’t interrupt him. 16. I don’t want to intimidate her. 17. Can you introduce me to that woman? 18. It is better not to criticize her. 19. He can accompany her to the school. 20. The doctor is going to examine him tomorrow. 21. It is a pleasure to have her with us. 22. You are not going to impress her like that. 23. They want to find the artist with the best voice(in order)to convert him (or her) into an idol. 24. Ana wants to go to the cinema, can you take her? Yes, but afterwards I have to go (to the) downtown (in order) to work, who is going to bring her back (to the house) home? I can go for her.


Español Claro, Conciso y Bien Expresado People get an A If you use the Spanish verb "invitar" it is always followed by the letter a, like this; Voy a invitar a Diego.

I am going to invite Diego.

In Spanish when a verb is followed by a person you use the "personal a". To invite is always followed by a person so you always use the personal a. Me gustaría invitar a David. Voy a invitar a mi amigo.

I would like to invite David. I am going to invite my friend.

Sometimes to visit is personal The verb to visit can be followed by a person and the "personal a". For example Voy a visitar a Mario en la casa.

I am going to visit Mario in the house.

And sometimes to visit is not personal If you visit a place not a person. For example Voy a visitar México.

I am going to visit Mexico.

Only when it is personal do we use the personal a. Take a look at a few more examples with people and the "personal a". Voy Voy Voy Voy

a a a a

visitar a mi amigo. invitar a la familia. llamar a la profesora. ayudar a la gente.


am am am am

going going going going

to to to to

visit my friend. invite the family. call the professor (teacher). help the people.

When you use the pronoun lo or la there is no need for the personal “a”. Voy a visitarlo hoy. Voy a invitarlo el jueves.

I am going to visit him today. I am going to invite him on Wednesday.

When you use the con or para there is no need for the personal “a”. Voy a hablar con David hoy. Es para Juan.

I am going to speak with David. It is for Juan.

The personal a is bolded throughout this book.


Be Bold With Your Spanish The following is an excerpt from Synergy Spanish Okay, it is time to call a spade a spade. The personal a that I have just taught you is grammar. Grammar yuck! Grammar can be unhealthy to your Spanish. Too much focus on grammar can cause hesitation. If you hesitate trying to use perfect grammar, you’ll lose your listener. I have seen it many times. It is horrible to watch. I have seen people's communication ability go backwards as they try to be perfect. They speak so slowly nobody can stand to listen to them. Instead… 

Be bold!

Risk making a mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes.

Mistakes help you learn.

The worst thing I could do to you is to cause hesitation in your Spanish. When you get out there in the real world and use Spanish, you’ll have to be bold. If you get bogged down in the minor stuff, you’ll lose the opportunity to communicate. And communication is what all my courses are about. So I have shown you the "personal a" so you can do the exercises. But the "personal a" is minor stuff. when it comes to Spanish communication. Actually… You’ll find by practicing the language most grammar falls into place naturally, anyway. Yes, you’ll gain much more ability from using the language than from analysis, So, make your goal to communicate in Spanish and be understood. Get perfect later. Go ahead and learn the Spanish "personal a". You’ll need it to do the exercises. But when it comes to speaking remember, be bold.


Ejercicio 47C See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for Thursday is 2. The Spanish word for to take is 3. The Spanish word for to introduce is 4. The Spanish word for girlfriend is 5. The Spanish word for boyfriend is 6. The Spanish word for son is 7. The Spanish word for daughter is 8. The Spanish word for until is

Respuestas del ejercicio 47C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

jueves llevar presentar novia novio hijo hija hasta


Ejercicio 47D Traduzca de inglés a español 1. I have to take my son to the doctor. 2. Have you introduced your boyfriend to (with) your family? Not yet (still no), I want to invite him to the house (in order) to eat. 3. Have you invited David to the party? No, I don’t want to invite him. 4. When do you want to see dad? I want to see him on Thursday. 5. ¿Are you going to see Luis again? Yes, I am going to visit him in Mexico (the) next month. 6. When are you going to see Alonzo? I am going to see him soon. 7. Can you see him tomorrow? No, I can’t see him until the next week. 8. Have you introduced your girlfriend to your family? Yes, I just introduced her yesterday. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

9. You have to call your wife. Yes, I am going to call her now. 10. When do you need to see David? I need to see him soon. 11. When are you going to see him again? I am going to see him tomorrow. 12. Do you have (the telephone number of John) John’s phone number? Yes, why? I want to invite him to the party. 13. Have you visited dad this week? No, I can’t visit him until the next week. 14. Have you seen mom this week? Yes, I went to visit her on Thursday. 15. I can’t forget her. 16. Have you taken you son to the doctor? Yes, (all) everything is alright. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 47D 1. Tengo que llevar a mi hijo al doctor. 2. ¿Ha presentado a su novio con su familia? Aún no, quiero invitarlo a la casa para comer. 3. ¿Ha invitado a David a la fiesta? No, no quiero invitarlo. 4. ¿Cuándo quiere ver a papá? Quiero verlo el jueves. 5. ¿Va a ver a Luis otra vez? Sí, voy a visitarlo en México el próximo mes. 6. ¿Cuándo va a ver a Alonso? Voy a verlo pronto. 7. ¿Puede verlo mañana? No, no puedo verlo hasta la próxima semana. 8. ¿Ha presentado a su novia a su familia? Sí, acabo de presentarla ayer. 9. Tiene que llamar a su esposa. Sí, voy a llamarla ahora. 10. ¿Cuándo necesita ver a David? Necesito verlo pronto. 11. ¿Cuándo va a verlo otra vez? Voy a verlo mañana. 12. ¿Tiene el número de teléfono de John? Sí, ¿por qué? Quiero invitarlo a la fiesta. 13. ¿Ha visitado a papá esta semana? No, no puedo visitarlo hasta la próxima semana. 14. ¿Ha visitado a mamá esta semana? Sí, fui a visitarla el jueves. 15. No puedo olvidarla. 16. ¿Ha llevado a su hijo al doctor? Sí, todo está bien.


Nivel dos Lección Cuarenta y ocho Level 2 Step 48

More Essential Spanish Words 205.

The Spanish word for country is país. In some countries the pace is slow and in other countries the pace is fast.


The Spanish word for appointment is cita. Imagine you sit and wait for a doctor’s appointment.


The Spanish word for little is poco. You have probably already heard the expression, “hablo un poco de español” (I speak a little (of) Spanish).

Pronunciation (PAH EES)



Little vs. Small Poco vs. Pequeño o Chico When little doesn’t mean small, but rather, a little, use poco. Hablo un poco de español. Trabajé poco la semana pasada. Una poca de gracia Poco a poco

I speak a little (of) Spanish. I worked a little last week. A little (of) grace Little by little

When little means small use, chico or pequeño. A little (small) house on the prairie A little red corvette Little Italy

Una pequeña casa en la pradera Un pequeño Corvette rojo Pequeña Italia


The Spanish word for truth is verdad. Sometimes we verify things to make sure they are the truth.


The Spanish word for to help is ayudar. Imagine getting slow service and saying, “ay you there you need to help right now”!


The Spanish word for Friday is viernes. Another planet, viernes is the name for Friday from Venus.





Ejercicio 48A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The 13. The 14. The

English English English English English English English English English English English English English English

word for país is word for cita is word for poco is word for verdad is words for ayudar are word for viernes is word for jueves is words for llevar are words for presentar are word for novia is word for novio is word for hijo is word for hija is word for hasta is

Respuestas del ejercicio 48A 1. country 2. appointment 3. little 4. truth 5. to help 6. Friday 7. Thursday 8. to take 9. to introduce 10. girlfriend 11. boyfriend 12. son 13. daughter 14. until


Ejercicio 48B Traduzca de español a inglés desde = from (one place to another)

tomarlo = to take it

1. Desde el interior del país puede llamar sin costo, desde los estados unidos el costo es sólo 3 pesos por minuto. 2. Linda, ¿qué días estudia? Siempre estudio las noches de lunes a jueves. No estudio los viernes en la noche, prefiero cenar con mis amigas. 3. Para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia. 4. No puedo encontrar a mi hija. ¿Pueden ayudarme a encontrarla? 5. La película se llama “El Precio de la Verdad”. 6. ¿Cómo va la clase? Es difícil y un poco rápida para mí. Es mejor tomarlo poco a poco. ¿No hay clases más básicas? Es una clase básica pero para mi es avanzada. 7. Tengo una cita con Mario Lama a las 2:00 de la tarde. 8. ¿Por qué no le gusta su país? Me gusta, pero no hay mucha oportunidad para trabajar. 9. ¿Usted tiene una cita para cenar esta noche? 10. Usted tiene que decir la verdad. 11. Cancelé el vuelo, voy a cambiarlo para el lunes. 12. ¿Cuándo es la cita? Es el viernes a las diez y media. 13. Pavarotti es un tenor, ¿verdad? 14. ¿A qué hora van a llegar ustedes? Llegamos un poco antes de las cinco. 15. La Argentina es el país más desarrollado de América Latina. 16. ¿Cuándo va a regresar? Regreso el viernes. 17. Chile es el país menos corrupto de Latinoamérica. 18. Ella puede ayudar a Jorge con el español. 19. Brasil es el país menos racista del mundo. 20. ¿Qué días trabaja? Trabajo de lunes a viernes de las nueve de la mañana a las cinco de la tarde. 21. Todos los países de Centro América son países tropicales. 22. ¿Ha visto el Estadio Azteca? Sí, pero sólo desde el autobús, quiero ir para ver un partido de fútbol. 23. Todo es maravilloso aquí, pero prefiero mi país. 24. Necesitamos descubrir la verdad. 25. ¿Ustedes pueden ayudarme por favor? 26. Un cappuccino pequeño por favor ¿Para aquí o para llevar? Para aquí.


Respuestas del ejercicio 48B 1. From the interior of the country you can call without cost, from the United States the cost is (only) just 3 pesos per minute. 2. Linda, what days do you study? I always study on the nights of Monday to Thursday. I don’t study on Friday night, I prefer to have dinner with my (girl) friends. 3. In order to dance la Bamba (is needed) a little (of) grace is needed. 4. I can’t find my daughter. Can you (all) help me (to) find her? 5. The film is called “The Price of the Truth”. 6. How is the class going? It is difficult and a little (bit) fast for me. It’s better to take it little by little. Aren’t there more basic classes? It is a basic class but for me it is very advanced. 7. I have an appointment with Mario Lama at 2:00 p.m. (in the afternoon) 8. Why don’t you like your country? I like it, but there isn’t much opportunity (in order) to work. 9. Do you have an (date) appointment (in order) to have dinner tonight? 10. You have to say (tell) the truth. 11. I cancelled the flight, I am going to change it for (the) Monday. 12. When is the appointment? It is on Friday at half past ten. 13. Pavarotti is a tenor, (truth) isn’t he? 14. At what time are you (all) going to arrive? We arrive a little before five o’clock. 15. (the) Argentina is the most developed country in Latin America. 16. When are you going to return? I return on Friday. 17. Chile is the least corrupt country of Latin America. 18. She can help Jorge with the Spanish. 19. Brazil is the least racist country in (of) the world. 20. What days do you work? I work Monday to Friday from nine (of) in the morning to five (of) in the afternoon. 21. All the countries of Central America are tropical countries. 22. Have you seen (the) Aztec Stadium? Yes, but only from the bus, I want to go (in order) to see a football match. 23. Everything is wonderful here, but I prefer my country. 24. We need to (discover) uncover the truth. 25. Can you (all) help me please? 26. A small cappuccino please. For here or (for) to take (out)? For here.


Ejercicio 48C See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The 13. The 14. The

Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

word word word word word word word word word word word word word word

for for for for for for for for for for for for for for

country is appointment is little is truth is to help is Friday is Thursday is to take is to introduce is girlfriend is boyfriend is son is daughter is until is

Respuestas del ejercicio 48C 1. país 2. cita 3. poco 4. verdad 5. ayudar 6. viernes 7. jueves 8. llevar 9. presentar 10. novia 11. novio 12. hijo 13. hija 14. hasta


Ejercicio 48D Traduzca de inglés a español Fuerte = strong and also means loud 1. I am going to invite him to the house on Friday. 2. Do you want more? Yes, A little more please. 3. Can you help dad today? No, I can’t today, tomorrow is better. 4. We only have a little (of) time. 5. I have Spanish classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 6. When are you going to help Lisa with the Spanish? 7. Do you like the food? Yes, but I prefer a little less chili. 8. I am going to see her on Friday. 9. We have an important appointment on Monday. 10. The country is very big. 11. It is not the truth. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

12. When is the next appointment? It is next Wednesday at 5:00. I can’t go on Wednesday. Do you want to change it? Yes, for me (the) Thursday is better than (the) Wednesday. 13. I am going to go back to my country. 14. Is David going to arrive today? Yes, he arrives a little after (the) 2:00. 15. The music is a little loud for me. 16. I have an appointment tomorrow. 17. Have you deposited the check? No, I can’t deposit it until (the) Monday. 18. I can’t go, I have (an appointment with the doctor) a doctor’s appointment. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 48D 1. Voy a invitarlo a la casa el viernes. 2. ¿Quiere más? Sí, un poco más por favor. 3. ¿Puede ayudar a papá hoy? No puedo hoy, mañana es mejor. 4. Sólo tenemos un poco de tiempo. 5. Tengo clases de español los lunes, miércoles y viernes. 6. ¿Cuándo va a ayudar a Lisa con el español? 7. ¿Le gusta la comida? Sí, pero prefiero un poco menos chile. 8. Voy a verla el viernes. 9. Tenemos una cita importante el lunes. 10. El país es muy grande. 11. No es la verdad. 12. ¿Cuándo es la próxima cita? Es el próximo miércoles a las 5:00. No puedo ir el miércoles. ¿Quieres cambiarla? Sí, para mi el jueves es mejor que el miércoles. 13. Voy a regresar a mi país. 14. ¿David va a llegar hoy? Sí, llega un poco después de las 2:00. 15. La música es un poco fuerte para mi. 16. Tengo una cita mañana. 17. ¿Ha depositado el cheque? No, no puedo depositarlo hasta el lunes. 18. No puedo ir, tengo una cita con el doctor.


Nivel dos Lección Cuarenta y nueve Level 2 Step 49

More Essential Spanish Words 211.

Pronunciation The Spanish word for manager is gerente. (HEH REHN TEH) Imagine your friend is paying too much rent and you wonder, “is she going to talk to the manager about her rent”.


The Spanish word for world is mundo. Imagine sitting on the moon looking at the world.


The Spanish word for west is oeste . Think of the west in Spanish as the old west.


The Spanish word for east is este. You can see the English word east wrapped up in este.




Homonyms Este has two meaning En este mundo En el extremo este

in this world in the (extreme) far east

You can always tell the meaning from context. See if you can work out whether este means east, or this, in the phrases below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Este mes Es del este Este libro Este estudiante Este producto Este curso El este del país

Answers at the bottom of the page


The Spanish word for sand is arena. Imagine a big sand pit in a sporting arena. (notice the pronunciation in brackets)


The Spanish word for warm is calido. Southern California is very warm.

1. 5.

This month This product

2. It is (of) the east 6. This course



3. This book 4. This student. 7. The east of the country


Ejercicio 49A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English word for calido is 2. The English word for arena is 3. The English word for este is 4. The English word for oeste is 5. The English word for mundo is 6. The English word for gerente is

Respuestas del ejercicio 49A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

warm sand east west world manager


Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 42 an - ano The rule to create Spanish from English Most English words that end in an can be made into Spanish by changing an to ano. Here are 26 Spanish words you can use right away.

americano artesano australiano boliviano centroamericano colombiano cubano dominicano humano inhumano

italiano latinoamericano luterano meridiano mexicano océano órgano pagano peruano (Peruvian) pelicano

puritano suburbano sudamericano (South American) urbano vaticano vegetariano


Ejercicio 49B Traduzca de español a inglés América del Sur = South America Cómodo = comfortable

América del Norte = North America de hecho = in fact

1. ¿Cual es el país más pobre de América del Sur? Bolivia es el país más pobre de América del Sur. 2. La Catedral de Puebla tiene uno de los órganos más grande del mundo. 3. México es uno de los países más caros para llamar por teléfono. 4. El Océano Atlántico separa América del Norte y América del Sur, en el oeste, de Europa y África, en el este. 5. ¿Cuándo usted puede ayudar a Alberto con el trabajo? 6. De hecho el Vaticano es un país, el nombre oficial es Ciudad-Estado del Vaticano. 7. Países bajos es otro nombre para Holanda. 8. Las repúblicas sudamericanas del Pacífico son Colombia, Perú, Ecuador y Chile. 9. ¿Cuándo quiere ver el museo? Quiero ir a verlo el viernes. 10. La Playa de Mancora tiene gran atracción turística, por sus cálidas aguas y arenas blancas, sobre el Pacífico Peruano. 11. ¿Hay muchos dominicanos en las grandes ligas de béisbol en los Estados Unidos? Sí, hay muchos, diez por ciento de los jugadores en las grandes ligas son dominicanos. 12. Es un artículo sobre el genoma humano y la clonación. 13. El petróleo es uno de los más importantes productos en el mundo. 14. Es un reportaje sobre la construcción del tren suburbano en el Valle de México. 15. El Océano Pacífico es la masa de agua más grande del mundo ocupa la tercera parte de la superficie del mundo. 16. "El Informe Pelícano" es una novela del popular escritor de best-seller John Grisham y ahora es una película con Julia Roberts y Denzil Washington. 17. Tiene que decir algo al gerente del gimnasio sobre el mal estado del los baños. Sí, voy a hablar con él. 18. El explorador portugués Fernando de Magallanes durante su expedición alrededor del mundo al servicio de la Corona de España, nombró a este Océano Pacífico. 19. Arabia Saudita está en la región del medio este. 20. El libro se llama “Cristóbal Colón y el descubrimiento del nuevo mundo”. 21. ¿A qué se dedica su hijo? Es gerente de banco. 22. Hay mucha arena en el desierto sonorense. 23. Es cómodo y calido en el restaurante. 24. Quiero ir a Roma para ver la Ciudad del Vaticano. 25. David Beckham es el futbolista mejor pagado del mundo.


Respuestas del ejercicio 49B 1. Which is the poorest country in South America? Bolivia is the poorest country in South America. 2. The Cathedral of Puebla has one of the biggest organs (of)in the world. 3. Mexico is one of the most expensive countries to call by telephone. 4. The Atlantic Ocean separate North America and South America , on the west, from Europe and Africa, on the east. 5. When can you help Alberto with the work? 6. In fact the Vatican is a country, the official name is Vatican City State. 7. Low countries (Netherlands) is another name for Holland. 8. The south American republics of the Pacific are Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Chile. 9. When do you want to see the Museum? I want to go to see it on Friday. 10. The beach of Mancora has a great tourist attraction (for) because of it’s warm waters and white sand on the Peruvian Pacific. 11. Are there many Dominicans in the (big) major leagues of Baseball in the United States? Yes, there are a lot, ten percent of the players in the major leagues are Dominican. 12. It is an article about the Human genome and (the) cloning. 13. The petroleum is one of the most important products in the world. 14. It is (news) report about the construction of the suburban train in the valley of Mexico. 15. The Pacific Ocean is the biggest water mass in the world it occupies (the) a third part of the surface of the world. 16. “The Pelican Brief” is a novel (of) by the popular writer of best-sellers John Grisham and now it is a film with Julia Roberts and Denzil Washington. 17. You have to say something to the manager of the gymnasium about the bad state of the restrooms. Yes, I am going to speak with him. 18. The Portuguese Explorer Fernando de Magallanes during his expedition around the world at the service of the crown of Spain, named this (the) Pacific Ocean. 19. Saudi Arabia is in the region of the Middle East. 20. The book is called “Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of the New World”. 21. (In what does he dedicate himself your son) What does your son do? He is (a) bank manager. 22. There is a lot of sand in the Sonoran desert. 23. It is comfortable and warm in the restaurant. 24. I want to go to Rome to see the Vatican City. 25. David Beckham is the best paid footballer in the world.


Ejercicio 49C See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for warm is 2. The Spanish word for sand is 3. The Spanish word for east is 4. The Spanish word for west is 5. The Spanish word for world is 6. The Spanish word for manager is

Respuestas del ejercicio 49C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

calido arena este oeste mundo gerente


Ejercicio 49D Traduzca de inglés a español friendly = amigable 1. I need to speak with the manager please. 2. It is the (more big) biggest (of) in the world. 3. Is Sammy Sosa Dominican or Cuban? He is Domican. 4. The sand in Cancun is beautiful. 5. The Vatican City (City of the Vatican has a population of only 890. 6. I cancelled Friday’s class. Why? Because I have to go to the doctor. 7. It is on the West Coast. 8. Have you spoken with him in Spanish? Yes, I speak with him in Spanish (all the days) everyday. 9. Have you spoken with her about the problem? Yes, I spoke with her (the) last Friday. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

England = Inglaterra 10. I like a lot the Mexican football but I prefer (the) Columbian football. 11. What is he called, the Australian on the CDs? He is called Marcus. And the Mexican (woman), what is she called? She is called Elena. 12. Have you studied? Yes, I studied all (the) week. 13. The people of Mexico are very warm and friendly. 14. There isn’t much sand on the beaches of England. 15. Who is the manager of the store? 16. It is a new world. 17. From the east to the west there are 287 kilometers. 18. There are more people on the east coast. 19. The climate is warm. 20. She is the general manager. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 49D 1. Necesito hablar con el gerente por favor. 2. Es el más grande del mundo. 3. ¿Es Sammy Sosa dominicano o cubano? Es domicano. 4. La arena en Cancún es bonita. 5. La Ciudad del Vaticano tiene una población de sólo 890. 6. Cancelé la clase de viernes. ¿Por qué? Porque tengo que ir al doctor. 7. Está en la costa oeste. 8. ¿Ha hablado con él en español? Sí hablo con él en español todos los días. 9. ¿Ha hablado con ella sobre el problema? Sí hablé con ella el viernes pasado. 10. Me gusta mucho el fútbol mexicano pero prefiero el fútbol colombiano. 11. ¿Cómo se llama, el australiano en los CDs? Se llama Marcus. ¿Y la mexicana como se llama? Se llama Elena. 12. ¿Ha estudiado? Sí, estudié toda la semana. 13. La gente de México son muy calidos y amigables. 14. No hay mucha arena en las playas de Inglaterra. 15. ¿Quién es el gerente de la tienda? 16. Es un mundo nuevo. 17. Del este al oeste hay 287 kilómetros. 18. Hay más gente en la costa este. 19. El clima es calido. 20. (Ella) es la gerente general.


Nivel dos Lección Cincuenta Level 2 Step 50

Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 7 Another easy way to ask questions in Spanish Otra manera fácil para hacer preguntas en español In Spanish you can make questions simply by tagging a statement with ¿verdad? or ¿no? Making questions with ¿no? Español es fácil, ¿no? Es muy caro, ¿no? Hoy es miércoles, ¿no?

Spanish is easy, isn’t it? It’s very expensive, isn’t it? Today is Wednesday, isn’t it?

Making questions with ¿verdad? Es la verdad, ¿verdad? El coche es nuevo, ¿verdad? Hoy es el 22 de enero, ¿verdad?

It’s the truth, isn’t it? The car is new, isn’t it? Today is January 22, isn’t it?

It’s so much easier than English. Here’s the great thing with tagging with ¿verdad? or ¿no?, they can be used in place of many English question (auxiliary) verbs, let me show you what I mean. Ella es Bonita, ¿verdad? Ha estudiado, ¿verdad? A usted le gustan los tacos, ¿no? El es mexicano, ¿no? Ellos van a comer, ¿verdad? A ella le gusta España, ¿verdad? A el le gusta México, ¿verdad?

She is pretty, isn’t she? You have studied, haven’t you? You like the tacos, don’t you? He is Mexican, isn’t he? They are going to eat, aren’t they? She likes Spain, doesn’t she? He likes the Mexico, doesn’t he?

All these tags, Isn’t he, haven’t you, don’t you, isn’t he, aren’t they, doesn’t she, doesn’t he, aren’t I, (and it could go on and on) can be replaced with either ¿no? or ¿verdad?, Once again, we can take advantage of an Spanish pattern that is much easier than English.


Ejercicio 50A Traduzca de español a inglés equipo = team

cumpleaños = birthday

abogado = lawyer

1. Necesitamos reservar una mesa, ¿verdad? Está bien, reservé una mesa para cuatro personas. ¿Oh, sólo para cuatro? Vamos a necesitar una mesa más grande. ¿Por qué? Porque Juan y Susana van a llevar a sus hijos. 2. Su papá renta una casa en las montañas, ¿no? Sí, renta en Lake Tahoe. Guau, Lake Tahoe es muy impresionante, ¿por qué Lake Tahoe? Porque mi papá le gusta esquiar. 3. Ha firmado el contrato, ¿no? No, no firmé, no voy a firmarlo. Tengo que hablar con mi abogado primero. 4. Ha visto el nuevo estadio de béisbol en San Diego, ¿no? Sí, fui anoche al estadio, es muy impresionante pero el equipo de San Diego es muy malo. 5. Ha encontrado a los trabajadores que necesitamos, ¿verdad? Sí, contraté a cuatro trabajadores la semana pasada. 6. Podemos ir, ¿verdad? No, aún tienen que estudiar un poco más. 7. Ha trabajado con computadoras antes, ¿no? Sí, pero sólo un poco, no tengo mucha experiencia con computadoras. 8. Ha estudiado el español, ¿verdad? No, no estudié esta semana. ¿Por qué? Porque tengo mucho trabajo. 9. No ha presentado a su novio con su papá, ¿verdad? No aún no. ¿Por qué? Porque mi novio quiere invitarlo a un restaurante. 10. Ha llamado al cliente, ¿verdad? ¡No! Voy a llamarlo ahora. 11. Va a comprar el seguro, ¿verdad? Sí, voy a comprarlo. 12. Ha regresado los libros a la biblioteca, ¿verdad? No, ¿cuándo tengo que regresarlos? Tiene que regresarlos antes del 10 de mayo. 13. La computadora está conectado al Internet, ¿no? Lo siento no tenemos conexión ahora. 14. ¿Qué ha organizado para el cumpleaños de su mamá? Organicé una fiesta sorpresa en casa.


Respuestas del ejercicio 50A 1. We need to reserve a table, don’t we? It’s okay, I reserved a table for four people. Oh, only for four? We are going to need a bigger table. Why? Because Juan y Susana are going to take their children. 2. Your father rents a house in the mountains, doesn’t he? Yes, he rents in Lake Tahoe. Wow, Lake Tahoe is very impressive, why Lake Tahoe? Because my dad likes to ski. 3. You have signed the contract, haven’t you? No, I didn’t sign, I am not going to sign it. I have to speak with my lawyer first. 4. You have seen the new baseball stadium in San Diego, haven’t you? Yes, I went last night to the stadium, it’s very impressive but the San Diego team is very bad. 5. You have found the workers we need, haven’t you? Yes, I contracted the four workers last week. 6. We can go, can’t we? No, you all still have to study a little more. 7. You have worked with computer before, haven’t you? Yes, but only a little, I don’t have a lot of experience with computers. 8. You have studied the Spanish, haven’t you? No, I didn’t study this week. Why? Because I have a lot of work. 9. You haven’t introduced you new boyfriend to (with) you dad, have you? No, still (not) I haven’t. Why? Because my boyfriend wants to invite him to a restaurant. 10. You have called the client, haven’t you? No! I am going to call him now. 11. You are going to buy (an) insurance, aren’t you? Yes, I am going to buy it. 12. You have returned the books to the library, haven’t you? No, when do I have to return them? You have to return them before the 10th of May. 13. The computer is connected to the Internet, isn’t it? I am sorry, we don’t have (a) connection now. 14. What have you organized for your mother’s birthday? I organized a surprise party at home.


Ejercicio 50B Traduzca de inglés a español

1. You have bought a lot, haven’t you? No, it’s not a lot. 2. You have bought the tequila, haven’t you? Yes, I bought the tequila yesterday. 3. It’s a lot of money, isn’t it? Yes, it is a lot. It’s very expensive. 4. You have asked about the rent, haven’t you? Yes, it’s a lot of money. 5. You are going to (return) go back to Mexico this year, aren’t you? Yes, I am going to go back in May. 6. You have spoken with the police, haven’t you? Yes, I spoke with the police. 7. You have had dinner on the flight, haven’t you? Yes, I had dinner thanks. 8. You have forgotten the appointment, haven’t you? No, I didn’t forget the appointment, I am going to go now. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

9. You have spoken to the doctor, haven’t you? Yes, I spoke with him yesterday. 10. You have called mom, haven’t you? No, I don’t have a phone card. 11. You are going to sign the check, aren’t you? I already signed the check. 12. You have paid the bill, haven’t you? Yes, I just paid it. 13. You have bought gasoline, haven’t you? Oops no, I am going to buy it now. 14. You have had breakfast, haven’t you? Yes, I already had breakfast (breakfasted) thanks. 15. You have disconnected the electricity haven’t you? Yes, I just disconnected it. 16. You are going to report the problems, aren’t you? Yes, I am going to report them now. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 50B 1. Ha comprado mucho, ¿no? or ¿verdad? No, no es mucho. 2. Ha comprado el tequila, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, compré el tequila ayer. 3. Es mucho dinero, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, es mucho. Es muy caro. 4. Ha preguntado sobre la renta, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, es mucho dinero. 5. Va a regresar a México este año, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, voy a regresar en mayo. 6. Ha hablado a la policía, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, hablé con la policía. 7. Ha cenado en el vuelo, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, cené gracias. 8. Ha olvidado la cita, ¿no? or ¿verdad? No, no olvidé la cita, voy a ir ahora. 9. Ha hablado al doctor, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, hablé con él ayer. 10. Ha llamado a mamá, ¿no? or ¿verdad? No, no tengo una tarjeta de teléfono. 11. Va a firmar el cheque, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Ya firmé el cheque. 12. Ha pagado la cuenta, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, acabo de pagarla. 13. Ha comprado gasolina, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Oops no, voy a comprarla ahora. 14. Ha desayunado, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, ya desayuné gracias. 15. Ha desconectado la electricidad, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, acabo de desconectarla. 16. Va a reportar los problemas, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, voy a reportarlos ahora.


¡Felicidades! Congratulations! As well as learning to make tag questions with ¿verdad? or ¿no? you were also able to successfully use the other 6 Spanish Conversation Booster Patterns. If you feel like you missed something, just try and understand why you made mistakes and review the 7 Spanish conversation booster patterns. If you completed this chapter easily, again, felicdades! You are doing very well and you are progressing nicely. You have now mastered the first half of Spanish conversation booster patterns. There are 7 more patterns for you to learn. You can look forward to increasing your understanding and communication ability in Spanish even more with the other 7 patterns.


Nivel dos Lección Cincuenta y uno Level 2 Step 51

More Essential Spanish Words Pronunciation 217. The Spanish word for far is lejos. Imagine laying the eggs far from the chicken house. 218.


The Spanish word for to take is tomar. Imagine telling tom to take a break.


Tomar vs. llevar round one We already learned llevar means to take, now we have another translation of to take as tomar. ¿Qué pasa? (What’s going on?) I hear you ask. Llevar is - to take - when you take/carry something or something from one place to another. Llevar a los niños a la escuela. Voy a llevar mi pasaporte conmigo.

To take the kids to school. I am going to take my passport with me.

Tomar is used for all the other expressions. Tomar un curso. Tomar un asiento. Tomar un taxi.

to take a course. to take a seat. to take a taxi.

See the page 169 for tomar vs. llevar round 2.


The Spanish word for beautiful is bonito. My bonny* lies over the ocean and she’s beautiful.


*Of course, my bonny would be bonita, Bonito is for masculine, bonita is for feminine; e.g. casa bonita, hotel bonito. 220.

The Spanish word for parking is estacionamiento. Imagine parking at the parking station.



The Spanish for cheap is barato. Imagine a baritone singing in the street for coins, the baritone is cheap.


The Spanish word for bathroom/restroom and bath is baño. Imagine an angry wife, telling her husband, “I am going to ban you from the bathroom if you don’t put the seat back down”.




Ejercicio 51A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The 9. The 10. The 11. The 12. The

English English English English English English English English English English English English

word for baño is word for barato is word for bonito is word for estacionamiento is words for tomar are word for lejos is word for calido is word for arena is word for este is word for oeste is word for mundo is word for gerente is

Respuestas del ejercicio 51A 1. bath 2. cheap 3. beautiful 4. parking 5. to take 6. far 7. warm 8. sand 9. east 10. west 11. world 12. manager


Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 43 ute - uto The rule to create Spanish from English Most English words that end in ute can be made into Spanish by changing ute to uto. Here are 9 Spanish words you can use right away. absoluto astuto atributo bruto instituto irresoluto minuto substituto tributo


Español Claro, Conciso y Bien Expresado Tomar vs. Llevar round two Tomar vs. Llevar asalto dos As you advance in your Spanish you will become more sensitive and adept at navigating the subtle differences in the two languages. Sometimes, to really understand more Spanish, it helps to look a little closer at English. For example,

English two word verbs Grammarians would call them phrasal verbs. However, when I taught English to Spanish speakers, I used to call them two-word verbs, it makes it easier to explain them. Here’s what I mean, In English we Look over something Look into something Look for something Look at something We can even, overlook something, which has nothing to with, to look over something. All these examples, use the word look. However, their meanings are all different. Look Look Look Look

over something into something for something at something

examine something investigate something search for something look/see something

You have probably have never given this a second thought. You know all these structures so well. Yet, imagine the confusion it causes our friends learning English. Following are the best Spanish translation of the two-word verbs. Look Look Look Look

over something into something for something at something

examinar algo investigar algo buscar algo mirar/ver algo

In time you will become sensitive to these subtle differences. A good tool to have is a good bilingual dictionary that also has these variations. For my review of the best dictionaries that include idiomatic and two word verbs, go to

The verb to take in English, tomar in Spanish, have many idiomatic uses in both languages. In exercise 51B, you get the opportunity to use your imagination, see if you can work them out (solucionarlos). So, go ahead and see if you can figure out (resolver) the Spanish.


Ejercicio 51B Traduzca de español a inglés fue fundado = was founded

alguien = someone

1. Es muy barato, ¿no? Sí, es barato, pero de calidad superior. 2. Ha tomado más interés en los estudios este año, ¿verdad? Sí, estoy mucho más dedicado. 3. ¿Puede tomar la llamada? Lo siento, no tengo tiempo ahora. 4. Tomo la posición contraria. 5. Necesito un minuto y medio más. 6. ¿Quién va a tomar la responsabilidad de la comida? 7. Ustedes necesitan tomar su lugar en la mesa por favor. 8. Hoy tenemos un profesor substituto. 9. Es mejor tomar las cosas con calma. 10. Tiene que tomar notas en la clase. Sí, siempre tomo muchas notas. 11. El Instituto Tecnológico de Massachussets fue fundado en 1861 por el geólogo William Barton Rogers para crear un nuevo tipo de institución educacional independiente dedicada a la industrialización de los Estados Unidos de América. 12. Voy a tomar una siesta. 13. ¿Cómo llego a la universidad? Está lejos de aquí, es mejor tomar un taxi. 14. Hay pueblitos bonitos pero baratos en México; por ejemplo en Tecolutla, Veracruz puede encontrar un hotel con aire acondicionado, televisión por cable y piscina por sólo 25 dólares por noche. 15. Hay muchos baños termales en Baja California. 16. ¿Dónde está el estacionamiento? Lo siento, no tenemos estacionamiento. 17. Cuando decoré el baño compré una tabla que sirve como cambiador para los niños. 18. La Unión Europea (UE) y los gobiernos del Grupo de los 25 mantienen un absoluto silencio en el caso del terrorista de origen cubano Luis Posada Carriles, detenido esta semana después de entrar ilegalmente en Estados Unidos. 19. Tiene que tomar de la mano a los niños. 20. Vamos a tomar una pausa. 21. Alguien tiene que tomar la iniciativa. 22. Es mejor no tomarlo literalmente. 23. Tenemos que tomar el control de la situación. 24. ¿Va a tomar su turno? Sí, tomé mi turno. 25. Tomé lecciones de español por dos años. 26. Usted puede tomar su tiempo, si quiere. 27. ¿Ha visto al bebé de Marcus y Elena? Sí, que bonito bebé.


Respuestas del ejercicio 51B 1. It is very cheap, isn’t it? Yes, it is cheap, but (of superior quality) high grade. 2. You have taken more interest in the studies this year, haven’t you? Yes, I am much more dedicated. 3. Can you take the call? I am sorry, I don’t have time now. 4. I take the (contrary position) opposite view. 5. I need a minute and a half more. 6. Who is going to take responsibility (of) for the food? 7. You (all) need to take your place at the table please. 8. Today we have a substitute teacher. 9. It’s better to (take the things with calm) take it easy. 10. You have to take notes in the class. Yes, I always take a lot of notes. 11. The Massachusetts institute of Technology was founded in 1861 by the geologist William Barton Rogers, in order to create a new type of independent education institution, dedicated to the industrialization of The United States of America. 12. I am going to take a nap. 13. How do I (arrive) get to the university? It is far from here, it is better to take a taxi. 14. There are beautiful but cheap towns in Mexico; for example in Tecolutla, Veracruz you can find a hotel with air-conditioning, cable television and a swimming pool for only 25 dollars per night. 15. There are a lot of (thermal baths) hot springs in Baja California. 16. Where is the parking? I am sorry, we don’t have any parking. 17. When I decorated the bathroom I bought a (table) board that serves as a (changer for the children) baby changer. 18. The European Union (EU) and the governments of the group of (the) 25 (maintain) keep an absolute silence on the case of the terrorist of Cuban origin Luis Posada Carriles, detained this week after (to enter) entering illegally (in) into the United States. 19. You have to take (of the hand the children) the children by the hand. 20. We are going to take a (pause) break. 21. Someone has to take the initiative. 22. It is better not to take it literally. 23. We have to take (the) control of the situation. 24. Are you going to take your turn? Yes, I took my turn. 25. I took Spanish lessons for two years. 26. You can take your time, if you want. 27. Have you seen (the baby of Marcus and Elena) Marcus and Elena’s baby? Yes, what (a) beautiful baby (boy).


Ejercicio 51C See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for bath is 2. The Spanish word for cheap is 3. The Spanish word for beautiful is 4. The Spanish word for parking is 5. The Spanish word for to take is 6. The Spanish word for far is 7. The Spanish word for warm is 8. The Spanish word for sand is 9. The Spanish word for east is 10. The Spanish word for west is 11. The Spanish word for world is 12. The Spanish word for manager is

Respuestas del ejercicio 51C 1. baño 2. barato 3. bonito 4. estacionamiento 5. tomar 6. lejos 7. calido 8. arena 9. este 10. oeste 11. mundo 12. gerente


Ejercicio 51D Traduzca de inglés a español cuesta = costs 1. Have you (taken) made your decision? No, I need more time please. 2. The parking costs forty pesos per hour. 3. Have you found a cheap hotel? Yes, I found a cheap hotel in Tecolutla. 4. I like the store, it is cheap but it has beautiful things. 5. There are no parking (places of parking) spaces. 6. I am going to take (the place of my manager) my manger’s place for three weeks. 7. It is very cheap, isn’t it? Yes, It’s cheap but it is good also. 8. There are many beautiful places in Mexico, aren’t there? Yes, It is a beautiful country. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

9. We have to take action. 10. Where is the bathroom? 11. She is a beautiful woman. 12. Have you bought something for mom? No, but I found a store with a lot of beautiful things. Do you want see it? 13. You need to take a bath. 14. You have taken a lot of photos, haven’t you? Yes, I took a lot. 15. Do you (all) want a beautiful hotel or a cheap hotel? We want a cheap and beautiful hotel. 16. It’s going to take place on the 31 (31st) of January. 17. Is it far from here? No, it’s not far. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 51D 1. ¿Ha tomado su decisión? No, necesito más tiempo por favor. 2. El estacionamiento cuesta cuarenta pesos por hora. 3. ¿Ha encontrado un hotel barato? Sí, encontré un hotel barato en Tecolutla. 4. Me gusta la tienda, es barato pero tiene bonitas cosas. 5. No hay lugares de estacionamiento. 6. Voy a tomar el lugar de mi gerente por tres semanas. 7. Es muy barato, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, es barato pero es bueno también. 8. Hay muchos lugares bonitos en México, ¿no? or ¿verdad? Sí, es un país bonito. 9. Tenemos que tomar acción. 10. ¿Dónde está el baño? 11. (Ella) es una mujer bonita. 12. ¿Ha comprado algo para mamá? No, pero encontré una tienda con muchas cosas bonitas. ¿Quiere verlo? 13. Necesita tomar un baño. 14. Ha tomado muchas fotos, ¿verdad? Or ¿no?* Sí, tomé muchas.* 15. ¿Quieren un hotel bonito o un hotel barato? Queremos un hotel bonito y barato. 16. Va a tomar lugar el 31 de enero. 17. ¿Está lejos de aquí? No, no está lejos.

* Why muchas and not muchos? Foto ends in o, so you would think it would be a masculine word. In Spanish you say, la foto, muchas fotos, un foto etc. The reason is foto is a short for fotografia, which ends in a, and is a feminine word. Minor stuff, don’t get bogged down.


Nivel dos Lección cincuenta y dos Level 2 Step 52

More Essential Spanish Words 223.

Pronunciation (EHR MAN OH)

The Spanish word for brother is hermano. Imagine a jealous brother who doesn’t like his sister’s boyfriend, he doesn’t like her man. Of course, sister is hermana.


The Spanish word for ever is alguna vez. Ever can mean different things depending on the context. Let’s examine the words you already know that contain vez to understand when to use alguna vez as ever. Spanish Una vez Dos veces Muchas veces A veces Otra vez Alguna vez

English one time two times many times at times another time any time


The Spanish word for never is nunca. I have never seen a nun drive a race car.


The Spanish word for autumn/fall is otoño. If you sound it out with the pronunciation in brackets you can hear autumn in otoño.


The Spanish for you went or did you go is fue.


The Spanish word for you have gone are ha ido.


English Synonym once twice often sometimes again ever (NOON CAH)



Power Verbs - ha ido y fue Ha ido and fue can be used as Synergy verbs and combined with brick verbs (infinitives) to create a lot of expressiveness from just a handful of words. ¿Ha ido a pagar la renta? Fue a pagar las cuentas, ¿verdad? ¿Ha ido a ver a mamá? ¿Fue a cambiar su dinero? ¿Fue a trabajar hoy? Ha ido a comprar los boleto, ¿verdad ¿Fue a visitar a mamá?

Have you gone to pay the rent? You went to pay the bills, didn’t you? Have you gone to see mom? Did you go to change your money? Did you go to work today? You have gone to buy the tickets, haven’t you?

Did you go to visit mom?


Ejercicio 52A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The The The The The The The

English English English English English English English

words for ha ido are words for fue are word for otoño is word for nunca is word for alguna vez is word for hermano is word for hermana is

Respuestas del ejercicio 52A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

You have gone You went autumn never any time/ever brother sister


Ejercicio 52B Traduzca de español a inglés conmigo = with me 1. ¿Ha ido al Distrito Federal? Sí, fui varias veces el año pasado. 2. ¿Dónde fue hoy? Fui al centro para hacer los pagos del gas y el agua. 3. ¿Alguna vez ha ido a la opera? No, nunca. 4. ¿Fue a ver el nuevo bebé de Juan y Elizabet? Sí, fui al hospital ayer. ¿Cómo se llama la bebé? Se llama Marisol. Marisol, que bonito nombre. 5. ¿Dónde fue en la mañana? Fui a un café Internet para llamar a mi hermano con el 6. Fui a España en el otoño e invierno pasado para escapar del frío de Inglaterra.* 7. ¿Ha ido al museo para ver la exhibición de Dalí? Sí, fui el lunes, es muy impresionante. 8. ¿Fue a pagar las cuentas? Sí, pagué todas. 9. ¿Ha ido a ver a su hermana esta semana? Sí, fui a verla ayer. 10. ¿Dónde fue anoche? Fui a un restaurante con mi novia. ¿Cual restaurante? Sanborns en la Avenida Revolución. 11. ¿Fue a cambiar los dólares a pesos? Sí, fui a un banco en el centro. Es mejor cambiarlos en las casas de cambio, el tipo de cambio es mejor. 12. ¿Ha ido alguna vez a Las Vegas? No, no me gustan los casinos. 13. ¿Fue al parque? Sí, fui por una hora en la mañana para hacer ejercicio. 14. ¿Fue a la universidad para hablar con el profesor? No, no fui a la universidad, pero hablé directamente con el profesor por teléfono. 15. ¿Ha ido a el club de jazz? No, ¿cómo es? No sé, voy a ir por primera vez el viernes en la noche. ¿Quiere ir conmigo? Gracias por la invitación pero no puedo, tengo que trabajar el viernes en la noche. 16. ¿Ha ido alguna vez a Acapulco? Sí, fui el año pasado. Este año quiero ir otra vez para llevar a mi esposa y los niños. 17. Nunca ha visto una telenovela mexicana, ¿verdad? No, pero quiero ver la telenovela con Ninel Conde. 18. ¿Cuantas veces ha ido a México? Sólo una vez, fui a Cancún y Mérida el otoño pasado. * Otoño e invierno --e = and -- e is used instead of y when the next word starts with a vowel.


Respuestas del ejercicio 52B 1. Have you gone to the Federal District? Yes, I went (various) several times the last year. 2. Where did you go today? I went downtown(in order)to make the payments of the gas and the water. 3. Have you ever gone to the opera? No, never. 4. Did you go to see the new baby of Juan and Elizabet? Yes, I went to the hospital yesterday. What is she called (the baby girl). She is called Marisol. Marisol, what a beautiful name. 5. Where did you go in the morning? I went to an Internet cafe(in order)to call my brother with the 6. I went to Spain in the last autumn and winter to escape from the cold of England. 7. Have you gone to the museum to see the Dali Exhibition? Yes, I went on Monday, it is very impressive. 8. Did you go to pay the bills? Yes, I paid (them) all. 9. Have you gone to see you sister this week? Yes, I went a see her yesterday. 10. Where did you go last night? I went to a restaurant with my girlfriend. Which restaurant? Sanborns in the Revolution Avenue. 11. Did you go to change the dollars to pesos? Yes, I went to a bank downtown. It is better to change the money in a currency exchange, the exchange rate is better. 12. Have you (any time) ever gone to Las Vegas? No, I don’t like the casinos. 13. Did you go to the park? Yes, I went for an hour in the morning (in order) to do exercise. 14. Did you go to the university to speak with the professor. No, I didn’t go to the university, but I spoke directly with the professor by phone. 15. Have you gone to the Jazz club? No, how is it? I don’t know I am going to go for (the) first time on Friday night. Do you want to go with me? Thanks for the invitation but I can’t, I have to work on Friday night. 16. Have you (any time) ever gone to Acapulco? Yes, I went the last year. This year I want to go again (in order) to take my wife and children. 17. You have never seen a Mexican Soap opera, have you? No, but I want to see the soap opera with Ninel Conde. 18. How many times have you gone to Mexico? Only once, I went to Cancun and Merida the last autumn/fall.


Ejercicio 52C See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The The The The The The The

Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

words for you have gone are word for you went is word for otoño is word for never is words for any time/ever are word for brother is word for sister is

Respuestas del ejercicio 52C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

ha ido fue otoño nunca alguna vez hermano hermana


Ejercicio 52D Traduzca de inglés a español 1. When did you go to Spain? I went the last autumn/fall. 2. With whom did you go the party? I went with David and Joanna. 3. Have you gone to see him? Not yet, (still no) I am going to see him tonight. 4. Have you bought anything to eat on the flight? Yes, I went to the shop and bought tamales. 5. The last year I went to Spain (in order) to work. I just (returned) got back from Madrid in January. 6. Have you gone to visit your brother this week? Yes, I went to visit him yesterday. 7. Where did you go? I went (to the) downtown. With whom did you go? I went with my brother. 8. When did you go to visit dad? I went last night. 9. Did you go to the beach? No, I didn’t go. 10. Why didn’t you go to work today? 11. Better late than never. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

12. I went to Costa Rica in 2000 (in order) to study Spanish. 13. Why did you go downtown? I went to the bank (in order) to pay my credit card. 14. Did you go to the currency exchange? Yes, I went in the morning. 15. You have never gone (never have you gone) to Mexico, have you? Yes, I went one time with my family. 16. Did you go to Panama last year? No, I went to a lot of countries in Central America but I didn’t go to Panama. 17. You have never gone (never have you gone) to China, have you? Yes, I went the last year. 18. Ever (any time) have you gone to Disneyland? Yes, I took the children the last year. 19. Where did you go this autumn/fall? 20. Ever (any time) have you gone to the United States? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 52D 1. ¿Cuándo fue a España? Fui el otoño pasado. 2. ¿Con quién fue a la fiesta? Fui con David y Joanna. 3. ¿Ha ido a verlo? Aún no, voy a verlo esta noche. 4. ¿Ha comprado algo para comer en el vuelo? Sí, fui a la tienda y compré tamales. 5. El año pasado fui a España para trabajar. Acabo de regresar de Madrid en enero. 6. ¿Ha ido a visitar a su hermano esta semana? Sí, fui a visitarlo ayer. 7. ¿Dónde fue? Fui al centro. ¿Con quién fue? Fui con mi hermano. 8. ¿Cuándo fue a visitar a papá? Fui anoche. 9. ¿Fue a la playa? No, no fui. 10. ¿Por qué no fue a trabajar hoy? 11. Mejor tarde que nunca. 12. Fui a Costa Rica en 2000 (dos mil) para estudiar Español. 13. ¿Porque fue al centro? Fui al banco para pagar mi tarjeta de crédito. 14. ¿Fue a la casa de cambio? Sí, fui en la mañana. 15. Nunca ha ido a México, ¿verdad? Sí, fui una vez con mi familia. 16. ¿Fue a Panamá el año pasado? No, fui a muchos países en Centroamérica pero no fui a Panamá.* 17. Nunca ha ido a China, ¿verdad? Sí, fui el año pasado. 18. ¿Alguna vez ha ido a Disneylandia?** Sí, llevé a los niños el año pasado. 19. ¿Dónde fue este otoño? 20. ¿Alguna vez ha ido a los Estados Unidos?

* **

Centroamérica you can also use América Central Did you remember to use the verb llevar when you take something from one place to another?


Nivel dos Lección Cincuenta Y tres Level 2 Step 53

More Essential Spanish Words Pronunciation (SAH LOO DAR)


The Spanish word for to say hello to or to greet is saludar. Just think of saluting to say hello.


The Spanish word for to look for is buscar . Imagine you need transport and you look for a bus or a car.



The Spanish word for parents is padres. Padre means father, padres means parents. If you have been around any Spanish speakers, who are new to English, you will often hear them refer to their parents as my fathers.



The Spanish word for with them is con ellos. You will remember, with him - con él. To make the plural with them (males or mixed group) you simply add los and remove the accent to make con ellos.



The Spanish for to meet is conocer. Imagine the teacher introduces you to Conan. He says "I want you to meet Conan" and you say, "I have already met Conan sir".



The Spanish for to look after or to take care of is cuidar. Imagine cooking a gourmet meal for special guests, you take extra care of the cuisine.



Español Claro, Conciso y Bien Expresado To meet for the first time vs. to meet a friend In Spanish you will use a different word for - to meet - depending on if it is To meet for the first time or to meet someone you know; for example: I am going to meet my girlfriend’s parents. (for the first time) Voy a conocer a los padres de mi novia. I am going to meet my girlfriend(in order)to have dinner. Voy a encontrar a mi novia para cenar. I am going to meet my wife. (For the first time, arranged marriage) Voy a conocer a mi esposa. I am going to meet my wife. (in order to see a movie) Voy a encontrar a mi esposa. (para ver una película)


Ejercicio 53A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English words for cuidar are 2. The English words for conocer are 3. The English words for con ellos are 4. The English word for padres is 5. The English words for buscar are 6. The English words for saludar are

Respuestas del ejercicio 53C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

to take care of/to look after to meet (for the first time) with them parents to look for to say hello to/ to greet


Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 8 Even Smoother Spanish Español aun más suave Useful pronouns Las and Los Read the following sentences. ¿Va a cuidar a Joe y Pepe? Sí, voy a cuidarlos.

Are you going to take care of Joe & Pepe? Yes, I am going to take care of them.

¿Cuándo quiere conocer a Jon y Mary? Quiero conocerlos pronto.

When do you want to meet Jon and Mary? I want to meet them soon.

Notice how you can use los to mean them, if you are speaking about the two guys, in this case Miguel y Jose. Also if you are talking about the mixed group, in the example, Jon and Mary, you also use los.

Read the following conversation about a group of only females. ¿Dónde están Lisa y Anna? No sé, voy a buscarlas.

Where are Lisa and Anna? I don’t know, I am going to look for them.

This time the group was only females, Lisa and Anna, so you use las. verlos

= to see them (males or mixed group)


= to visit them (a group of only females)

Aquí hay algunos ejemplos más. ¿Puede cuidar a Andre y Pepe? No puedo cuidarlos.

Can you take care of Andre and Pepe? I can’t take care of them. (males)

¿Puede acompañar a Anne y Pepe? Sí, puedo acompañarlos.

Can you accompany Anne and Pepe? Yes, I can accompany them. (mixed)

¿Dónde están Anne y Elena? Tengo que buscarlas.

Where are Anne and Elena? I have to look for them. (females)

It’s easy to get the hang of it; in fact, if you completed Synergy Spanish you are already a master. As always practice not analysis is the primary ingredient in your success with Spanish. Go ahead and get a feel for these Spanish pronouns in exercise 53B.


Ejercicio 53B Traduzca de inglés a español nadie = nobody/anybody

mariscos = seafood

1. ¿Dónde podemos encontrar a Alex y su esposa? ¿Por qué quieren encontrarlos? Queremos invitarlos a nuestra fiesta. Pueden encontrarlos en casa hasta las 11:00 de la mañana. 2. ¿Va a castigar a los estudiantes? Sí voy a castigarlos; no puedo tolerarlo más. 3. Es mejor no criticarlos. 4. ¿Profesor, mis hijos van bien en la clase de español? Sí, van bien, pero quiero verlos en la clase con más frecuencia. 5. ¿Ha visto a Andrés? No, está fuera de la ciudad, no puedo contactarlo hasta mañana. 6. ¿Puede llamar a los trabajadores? Sí, ¿Por qué? Porque necesito verlos hoy en mi oficina para hablar con ellos. 7. Voy a visitarlos hoy. 8. Voy a invitarlos el jueves. 9. ¿Cuándo podemos cenar con su nuevo novio? Si ustedes están de acuerdo voy a invitarlo a la casa el jueves. 10. ¿Cuándo quiere conocer a mis padres? Quiero conocerlos pronto pero estoy nervioso. 11. ¿Cuándo necesita ver a David? Necesito verlo pronto. 12. ¿Tiene el número de teléfono de John y Linda? Sí, ¿por qué? Quiero invitarlos a la fiesta. 13. No puedo olvidarlas. 14. ¿Ha saludado a Juana y Peter? No, voy a saludarlos ahora. 15. No puedo ir el sábado, no tengo a nadie para cuidar a los niños. Si quiere, puedo cuidarlos. 16. Es mejor no interrumpirlos. 17. El doctor va a examinarlos el sábado. 18. ¿Cuándo va a verlos otra vez? No hasta la próxima semana porque ya fui a verlos esta semana. 19. Usted puede ayudarme a buscar los niños por favor. 20. ¿Ha visitado a sus padres esta semana? Sí, fui a visitarlos el jueves. 21. ¿Cuándo quiere ver los museos? Quiero verlos el viernes. 22. ¿Quién puede llevar a los niños a su clase? Puedo llevarlos. 23. Buscamos un lugar donde comer. El restaurante Los Arcos es muy bueno. ¿Qué tipo de restaurante es? Es un restaurante de mariscos.


Respuestas del ejercicio 53B 1. Where can we find Alex and his wife? Why do you (all) want to find them? We want to invite them to our party. You (all) can find them at home until 11:00 a.m. in the morning. 2. Are you going to (castigate) punish the students? Yes, I am going to punish them; I can’t tolerate it (any) more. 3. It is better not to criticize them. 4. Professor, are my children going well in the Spanish Class? Yes, they are going well, but I want to see them in the class (with more frequency) more often. 5. Have you seen Andres? No, he is out of the city, I can’t contact him until tomorrow. 6. Can you call the workers? Yes, why? Because, I need to see them today in my office(in order)to speak with them. 7. I am going to visit them today. 8. I am going to invite them on Thursday. 9. When can we have dinner with your new boyfriend? If you all are (of) in agreement, I am going to invite him to the house on Thursday. 10. When do you want to meet my parents? I want to meet them soon but I am nervous. 11. When do you need to see David? I need to see him soon. 12. Do you have the John and Linda’s telephone number? Yes, why? I want to invite them to the party. 13. I can’t forget them (females). 14. Have you said hello to Juana y Peter? No, I am going to say hello to them now. 15. I can’t go on Saturday, I don’t have (nobody) anybody (in order) to look after the children. If you want, I can look after them. 16. It is better not to interrupt them. 17. The doctor is going to examine them on Saturday. 18. When are you going to see them again? Not until the next week because I already went to see them this week. 19. Can you help me look for the children please. 20. Have you visited your parents this week? Yes, I went to visit them on Thursday. 21. When do you want to see the museums? I want to see them on Friday. 22. Who can take the children to their class? I can take them. 23. We are looking for a place (where) to eat. The restaurant Los Arcos is very good. What type of restaurant is it? It is a seafood restaurant.


Ejercicio 53C Write the Spanish words on the line. The Spanish word for to take care of / to look after is The Spanish word for to meet (for the first time) is The Spanish words for with them are The Spanish word for parents is The Spanish word for to look for is The Spanish word for to say hello to / to greet is

Respuestas del ejercicio 53C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

cuidar conocer con ellos padres buscar saludar


Ejercicio 53D Traduzca de inglés a español recently = recientemente 1. Have you seen Luis and Susana recently? Yes, I went to see them the last month. 2. I want to say hello to them. 3. Doctor can you see my daughters? No, I am sorry, I can’t see them before tomorrow. 4. Have you invited David and his wife to the party. No, I don’t want to invite them. 5. Have you visited Manuel and his family in Mexico? Yes, I went to visit them (the) last year. 6. I can’t forget them. 7. Have you said hello to my parents? Yes, I just said hello to them. 8. I want to meet them. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

I am sorry = lo siento 9. I am going to say hello to him. 10. I want to visit them (females) tomorrow. 11. Do you want to meet my parents? Yes, I want to meet them. 12. When are you going to see them again? Not until the next week, I already went to see them this week. 13. Have you seen the children recently? No, but I am going to look after them the next week. 14. Are you going to look for them? No, I just found them. 15. Are you going to go with Mario and Humberto? Yes, I am going to go with them. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 53D 1. ¿Ha visto a Luis y Susana recientamente? Sí, fui a verlos el pasado mes. 2. Quiero saludarlos. 3. ¿Doctor, puede ver a mis hijas? No, lo siento, no puedo verlas antes de mañana. 4. ¿Ha invitado a David y su esposa a la fiesta? No, no quiero invitarlos. 5. ¿Ha visitado a Manuel y su familia en México? Sí, fui a visitarlos el año pasado. 6. No puedo olvidarlos. 7. ¿Ha saludado a mis padres? Sí, acabo de saludarlos. 8. Quiero conocerlos. 9. Voy a saludarlo. 10. Quiero visitarlas mañana. 11. ¿Quiere conocer a mis padres? Sí, quiero conocerlos. 12. ¿Cuándo va a verlos otra vez? No hasta la próxima semana ya fui a verlos esta semana. 13. ¿Ha visto a los niños recientamente? No, pero voy a cuidarlos la próxima semana. 14. ¿Va a buscarlos? No, acabo de encontrarlos. 15. ¿Va a ir con Mario y Humberto? Sí, voy a ir con ellos.


Nivel dos Lección cincuenta y cuatro Level 2 Step 54

More Essential Spanish Words 235.

Pronunciation (GAH NARH)

The Spanish word for to win is ganar. Think of someone bragging and saying “I’m gunna win”. To earn vs. to win

When you talk with native Spanish speakers in English, sometimes, they talk about winning money from their work. The reason is that Spanish uses the same words for to earn and to win. Gané el torneo. Gané más en Canadá que en México. Felicidades ha ganado un premio. No ha ganado mucho dinero este año.

I won the tournament. I earned more in Canada than in Mexico. Congratulations you have won a prize. You haven’t earned much money this year.


The Spanish word for trip is viaje. When you take a trip people often say, “bon voyage”. This is, of course, from French and very similar to the Spanish buen viaje.


The Spanish word for so is tan. Imagine getting tan and being so brown.


The Spanish word for life is vida. Ricky Martin sang “living la vida loca”, living the crazy life.



Power Verb The Spanish for you have just is acaba de. See page 193 The Spanish word for song is canción. I can see them on the stage but I can’t hear the song.







Ejercicio 54A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The The The The The The

English English English English English English

word for canción is words for acaba de are word for vida is word for tan is word for viaje is words for ganar are

Respuestas del ejercicio 54A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

song you have just life so trip to win / to earn


Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 9 You just learned how to express yourself more in Spanish Acaba de aprender como expresarse más en español You have already learned how to talk about yourself (first person) and your recent past by combining the Power Verb acabo de with Brick Verbs or infinitives. To talk directly to some else (second person) about their recent past you just use this pattern; Acaba de + infinitive Acaba de aprender. Acaba de ganar. Acaba de insultarlas. Acaba de terminar. La canción que acaba de escuchar.

You You You You The

just learned. just won. just insulted them. just finished. song that you just listened to.

Now you know this easy pattern, your Spanish can become even more expressive and conversational. Take a few moments before you look at the translations to see if you can figure out these conversations. ¿Por qué acaba de interrumpirlas? Si no, pueden hablar para siempre.

Why did you just interrupt them? If not, they can talk forever.

Quiero comer mas. Acaba de comer y ya quiere comer otra vez!

I want to eat more. You just ate and already you want to eat again!

Necesito encontrar un baño. Acaba de ir, no más café para usted!

I need to find a bathroom. You just went, no more coffee for you!

Acaba de ver más de Janet Jackson que es necesario, ¿verdad? ¡Sí, cierto!

You just saw more of Janet Jackson than is necessary, didn’t you? yes, certainly! (for sure)

It’s that easy to have some fun with Spanish while being expressive and conversational. Move on now to exercise 54B and practice understanding this new Spanish pattern.


Ejercicio 54B Traduzca de inglés a español corazón = heart viaje en avión = plane trip lo que = that which

negocios = business viaje en autobús = bus trip peligro = danger

1. Voy a hacer un viaje la próxima semana. Acaba de regresar de Australia y ya tiene otro viaje. Sí, pero éste viaje no es de vacaciones, es un viaje de negocios. 2. Felicidades, acaba de firmar un importante contrato. 3. ¿Cual canción le gusta más: lo que acaba de escuchar o la canción de Luis Miguel? 4. Usted va a hablar sobre su más reciente exposición fotográfica que acaba de presentar en España, ¿verdad? 5. El proceso que acaba de aprender es para personas que quieren hablar con más expresión. 6. ¿Acaba de tener un bebé? 7. Acaba de decir mi historia con su canción.* 8. Hay algo ilógico en el texto que acaba de leer, ¿qué es? 9. Si acaba de llegar a España o Latinoamérica, este es el curso ideal para aprender como hablar español en poco tiempo. 10. Tan buenos resultados y en tan poco tiempo. 11. Acaba de ganar mi corazón. 12. Nunca ha visto cambios tan grandes en tan poco tiempo. 13. ¿Por qué es Pancho Villa tan popular en México? 14. ¿Es su primer viaje en avión con el bebé? No, es nuestro segundo viaje en avión con el bebé. 15. La alternativa más económica es el viaje en autobús. 16. La mujer es tan bonita. 17. ¿Por qué hay tan poco movimiento en la ciudad hoy? Porque es un día festivo. 18. El viaje en avión a Puerto Escondido cuesta 3 mil 545 pesos en clase económica. 19. No es tan fácil, ¿verdad? 20. Cancún es tan caro. Es más como los Estados Unidos que México. Es mejor ir a Playa del Carmen o Cozumel. 21. México es un viaje a otro mundo. 22. No hay problema para usted hacer el viaje en tren, ¿verdad? 23. Felicidades acaba de ganar un pase doble para ir al cine este viernes. 24. ¿Hay vida en Marte? 25. Acaba de pasar de nivel uno a nivel dos. 26. ¿Dónde hay una agencia de viajes? 27. Es un viaje virtual de la ciudad por Internet. 28. Descubra cuál es el viaje perfecto para usted. 29. La canción de Celia Cruz se llama “La Vida Es Un Carnaval”. 30. Nunca anticipé una diferencia tan grande. 31. Las vidas de los mineros están en peligro.

* decir = to say, and also, to tell


Respuestas del ejercicio 54B 1. I am going to (make) take a trip next week. You just returned from Australia and you already have another trip. Yes, but this trip is not (on) a vacation, it is a business trip. 2. Congratulations, you just signed an important contract. 3. Which song do you like (more) most: that which you just listened to or the song (of) by Luis Miguel? 4. You are going to speak about your most recent photographic exposition that you just presented in Spain, aren’t you? 5. The process that you just learned is for people who want to speak with more expression. 6. Have you just had a baby? 7. You just told my (history) story with your song. 8. There is something illogical in the text that you just read what is it? 9. If you just arrived in Spain or Latin America, this is the ideal course(in order)to learn how to speak Spanish in little time. 10. (So) Such good results in so little time. 11. You have just won my heart. 12. Never have you seen changes so big in so little time. 13. Why is Pancho Villa so popular in Mexico? 14. Is it your first plane trip with the baby? No, it’s our second plane trip with the baby. 15. The most economical alternative is the bus trip. 16. The woman is so beautiful. 17. Why is there so little movement in the city today? Because it is a (festive day) holiday. 18. The plane trip to Puerto Escondido costs 3 thousand 545 pesos in economy class. 19. It is not so easy, is it? 20. Cancun is so expensive. It is more like the United States than Mexico. It is better to go to Playa del Carmen or Cozumel. 21. Mexico is a trip to another world. 22. There isn’t (any) problem for you to (make) take the trip on a train, is there? 23. Congratulations you just won a double pass to go to the cinema this Friday. 24. Is there life on Mars? 25. You just passed from level one to level two. 26. Where is there a travel agency? 27. It is a virtual trip of the city by Internet. 28. Discover which is the perfect trip for you. 29. The song of Celia Cruz is called “The Life is a Carnival”. 30. I never anticipated such a big difference (a difference so big). 31. The lives of the miners are in danger.


Ejercicio 54C See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The The The The The The

Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

word for song is word for life is word for so is words for trip are word for to win/to earn is words for you have just are

Respuestas del ejercicio 54C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

canción vida tan viaje ganar acaba de


Ejercicio 54D Traduzca de inglés a español Bus trip = viaje en autobús car trip = viaje en carro 1. I earned more this year than the last year. 2. You just (made) took the best decision of you life. 3. The bus trip between the airport and (the) downtown is only 15 minutes. 4. You just learned something new. 5. What film did you just buy? I bought Bambi for my daughter. 6. The book that you just finished, what opinion do you have? Everything (all) in the book is the truth. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

airport = aeropuerto

7. Real Madrid is going to win. 8. Like always, I have so little time. 9. It is impossible to do it in so little time. 10. Did you just arrive? Yes, I just arrived. 11. Why is it so expensive? 12. Do you like this song? No, I don’t like this song. 13. We don’t earn much money. 14. You just won a trip to Los Cabos. 15. Happy trip. 16. Now (the) life is good. 17. It is a book of songs for a car trip. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 54D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Gané más este año que el año pasado. Acaba de tomar la mejor decisión de su vida. El viaje en autobús entre el aeropuerto y el centro es sólo 15 minutos. Acaba de aprender algo nuevo. ¿Qué película acaba de comprar? Compré Bambi para mi hija. 6. El libro que acaba de terminar, ¿qué opinión tiene? Todo en el libro es la verdad. 7. Real Madrid va a ganar. 8. Como siempre, tengo tan poco tiempo. 9. Es imposible hacerlo en tan poco tiempo. 10. ¿Acaba de llegar? Sí, acabo de llegar. 11. ¿Por qué es tan caro? 12. ¿Le gusta esta canción? No, no me gusta esta canción. 13. No ganamos mucho dinero. 14. Acaba de ganar un viaje a Los Cabos. 15. Feliz viaje. 16. Ahora la vida es buena. 17. Es un libro de canciones para un viaje en carro.


Nivel Dos – Lección cincuenta y cinco Level 2 – lesson 55

Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 10 Easy way to express even more in the past and make it more conversational As you saw in the last chapter to create even more first and second person conversation is easy and fun. In Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern number 3, you used the power verb Haber, in the second person. Ha rentado Ha ganado Ha hablado

You have rented you have won you have spoken

Good news! Using the power verb haber in the first person is just as easy… All you do is combine - he + ar verb changed to ado For example; He analizado He rentado He ganado

I have analyzed I have rented I have earned

With one little two-letter verb you can multiplied you conversation ability. Check out these conversations ¿Ha analizado los documentos? Sí, he analizado los documentos.

Have you analyzed the documents? Yes, I have analized the documents.

¿Ha verificado la información? No, no he verificado la información.

Have you verified the information? No, I haven’t verified the info.

¿Ha rentado una casa? Sí, he rentado uno en Cancún.

Have you have rented a house. Yes, I have rented one in Cancún.

Ahora que usted ha multiplicado su abilidad de conversar en español, usted está listo (ready) para más diálogos y conversaciones en español en el pasado.


Ejercicio 55A Traduzca de español a inglés 1. He firmado el contrato. Ha tomado una de las mejores decisiones de su vida. 2. Casi he terminado el segundo nivel de Shortcut to Spanish. 3. La cuenta es de cincuenta dólares. Ya he pagado la cuenta. 4. He prepagado el hotel y los vuelos. 5. ¿Qué van a hacer esta noche? Vamos a celebrar el cumpleaños de mi esposa, he reservado una mesa en el mejor restaurante de la ciudad. 6. ¿Ha encontrado a mi hija? Sí, todo bien, he encontrado a su hija. Está segura en mi casa con mi esposa. 7. He estudiado el mapa, pero no sé como llegar al aeropuerto. 8. Cada año rento una casa en Acapulco, pero este año he rentado una en San Blas. ¿Por qué ha cambiado de Acapulco a San Blas? Cada año hay más gente en Acapulco, prefiero un lugar más tranquilo. 9. He instalado el programa pero no sé como usarlo. 10. Nunca he hablado con él. 11. He pasado del nivel uno de Shortcut to Spanish a nivel dos y casi he terminado el nivel dos también. 12. He estudiado español por mucho tiempo. 13. ¿Por qué no puede comprarlo? Ya he comprado muchas cosas este mes, no puedo comprar más hasta el próximo mes. 14. He terminado mi clase de español, ahora voy a ir a España para practicarlo. 15. ¿Por qué tan feliz? He ganado un viaje al Caribe gratis. 16. Ha preguntado sobre la renta, ¿verdad? Sí, he preguntado, es mucho dinero. 17. No he firmado el cheque. 18. ¿Ha visto el nuevo estadio de béisbol en San Diego? No, aún no he visto el estadio. 19. Ha trabajado con computadoras antes, ¿verdad? No, no he trabajado con computadoras antes. 20. Ha pagado la cuenta, ¿verdad? Sí, he pagado la cuenta. 21. Ha hablado con el gerente sobre los problemas, ¿verdad? Sí, he hablado con él. 22. He comprado gasolina, comida y tengo el dinero. ¿Qué más necesito?


Respuestas del ejercicio 55A 1. I have signed the contract You have (taken) made one of the best decisions (of) in your life. 2. I have almost finished the second level of Shortcut to Spanish. 3. The bill is (of) fifty dollars. I have already paid the bill. 4. I have prepaid the hotel and the flights. 5. What are you (all) going to do tonight? We are going to celebrate the birthday of my wife, I have reserved a table in the best restaurant (of) in the city. 6. Have you found my daughter? Yes, everything (is) fine, I have found your daughter. She is safe in my house with my wife. 7. I have studied the map, but I don’t know how to get to the airport. 8. Every year I rent a house in Acapulco but this year I have rented one in San Blas. Why have you changed from Acapulco to San Blas? Every year there are more people in Acapulco, I prefer a (more tranquil) quieter place. 9. I have installed the program, but I don’t know how to use it. 10. I have never spoken with him. 11. I have passed from level one to level two of Shortcut to Spanish and I have almost finished level two also. 12. I have studied Spanish for a (lot of) long time. 13. Why can’t you buy it? I have already bought many things this month, I can’t buy (any) more until the next month. 14. I have finished my Spanish class, now I am going to go to Spain(in order)to practice it. 15. Why so happy? I have won a free trip to the Caribbean. 16. You have asked about the rent, haven’t you? Yes, I have asked, it is a lot of money. 17. I haven’t signed the check. 18. Have you seen the new baseball stadium in San Diego? No, I still haven’t seen the stadium. 19. You have worked with computers before, haven’t you? No, I haven’t worked with computers before. 20. You have paid the bill, haven’t you? Yes, I have paid the bill. 21. You have spoken with the manager about the problems, haven’t you? Yes, I have spoken with him. 22. I have bought gasoline, food and I have money. What (more) else do I need?


Ejercicio 55B Traduzca de inglés a español 1. Have you forgotten something? No, I haven’t forgotten (nothing) anything. 2. Have you seen Juan? No, I haven’t seen Juan for (much time) a long time. 3. I have almost finished the book. 4. I have spoken with the doctor and (all) everything is fine. 5. Have you connected the cable? Yes, I have connected (all) everything. 6. I have rented a house in La Paz. 7. Have you have called mom? No, I haven’t spoken with her because I don’t have a phone card. 8. I have bought the film of Bambi for my daughter. 9. I haven’t studied this week. 10. Have you spoken with the doctor? No, I haven’t spoken with him, but I have an appointment tomorrow. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

11. Have you found a hotel? Yes, I have found a beautiful hotel and it is not very expensive. 12. I have bought a hat for you. 13. I have arrived. 14. I have worked a lot this week. 15. I have seen something that I don’t like. 16. I have changed a lot of things in my life. 17. I have organized a party for you (all). 18. I have studied Spanish a lot this year. 19. Have you (returned) gone back to Mexico this year? Yes, I have gone back twice (two times). 20. You have to speak with the police. I already have spoken with them. 21. Have you had breakfast? Yes, I have had breakfast. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 55B 1. ¿Ha olvidado algo? No, no he olvidado nada. 2. ¿Ha visto a Juan? No, no he visto a Juan por mucho tiempo. 3. Casi he terminado el libro. 4. He hablado con el doctor y todo está bien. 5. ¿Ha conectado el cable? Sí, he conectado todo. 6. He rentado una casa en La Paz. 7. ¿Ha llamado a mamá? No, no he hablado con ella porque no tengo una tarjeta de teléfono. 8. He comprado la película de Bambi para mi hija. 9. No he estudiado esta semana. 10. ¿Ha hablado con el doctor? No, no he hablado con él, pero tengo una cita mañana. 11. ¿Ha encontrado un hotel? Sí, he encontrado un hotel bonito y no está muy caro. 12. He comprado un sombrero para usted. 13. He llegado. 14. He trabajado mucho esta semana. 15. He visto algo que no me gusta. 16. He cambiado muchas cosas en mi vida. 17. He organizado una fiesta para ustedes. 18. He estudiado español mucho este año. 19. ¿Ha regresado a México este año? Sí, he regresado dos veces. 20. Tiene que hablar con la policía. Sí, ya he hablado con ellos. 21. ¿Ha desayunado? Sí, he desayunado.


Nivel Dos – Lección cincuenta y seis Level 2 – lesson 56

Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 32 Spanish verbs add ERThe rule to create Spanish from English Some English verbs can be made into Spanish by adding ER Here are 17 more Spanish words you’ll recognize right away.

Absorber aprehender ascender comprender conceder convencer defender depender descender

exceder extender mover ofender proceder reconocer responder suspender


Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 11 Using Spanish verbs that end in ER to speak about the past

Verbs ending in AR account for 85% of all Spanish verbs. That’s why, you have been giving the AR verbs a lot of attention. Yet, we haven’t ignored the ER verbs, far from it, in fact you already know some of most frequently used ER verbs in Spanish. Tener Aprender Conocer Comer Hacer Ver

to to to to to to

have learn meet/to know (a person or place) eat do/to make see

In this chapter you will learn the rest of the most frequently used ER verbs, but first you are going to learn… How to use ER verbs in the first person past (perfect) – it’s very easy… Just combine - he + Er verb ending changed to ido He He He He He

tenido. aprendido. comido. comprendido. podido.


have have have have have

had. learned. eaten. understood. been able.

This structure is great for conversational Spanish. ¿Ha tenido suficiente tiempo? No, no he tenido suficiente tiempo.

Have you had enough time? No, I haven’t had enough time.

¿Ha comido? Sí, he comido, gracias

Have you eaten? Yes, I have eaten, thanks.

¿Ha respondido al email? No, no he podido responder.

Have you responded to the email? No, I haven’t been able to reply.

Ahora que ha aprendido como usar los verbos que terminan con ER, es tiempo de aprender más de los verbos ER. Los nuevos infinitivos que usted va a aprender en la próxima página, están los verbos ER más comunes, y los verbos ER que se usan con más frecuencia.


More Of The Most Commonly Used ER verbs More Essential Spanish Words 241. The Spanish word for done is hecho. (EH CHOH) Imagine an artist finishing an etching and saying “it’s done”.

Irregular verbs / no trouble Sometimes verbs fall outside of the normal pattern. These are called irregular verbs. However, although you may not realize it, you are already successfully using the irregular verb ver. verb ver

no /wrong he vido

yes irregular and correct he visto

hacer is another Er verb that has an irregular pattern. verb hacer

no /wrong he hecido

yes irregular and correct he hecho*

That’s all there is to it. Just learn the irregular parts of these verbs as individual words, as you did with visto. Then, there’s no mystery or complicated grammatical explanation, you just learn to use them (by using them). * The verb hacer means, to do, or, to make. Therefore, he hecho, can mean, I have done, or, I have made. It depends on the context.


The Spanish word for to lose is perder. Imagine a balding man saying I seem to lose 1000 hairs per day.



The Spanish word for to bring is traer. Imagine a teacher tells a student who always comes without their things to try to bring them next time.



The Spanish word for to sell is vender. Think of vendors and vending machines that sell things.


The Spanish for to be able is poder. Imagine having sore feet and your friend recommends podiatrist to be able to fix your feet".



The Spanish word for to read is leer. Imagine reading a book in a Lear jet.




Ejercicio 56A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English word for hecho is 2. The English words for perder are 3. The English words for traer are 4. The English words for vender are 5. The English words for poder are 6. The English words for leer are

Respuestas del ejercicio 56A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

done/made to lose to bring to sell to be able to read


Ejercicio 56B Traduzca de español a inglés regalos = gifts

periódico = newspaper

1. ¿Ha respondido a la oferta? Sí, he respondido afirmativamente. 2. Lo siento, no he podido terminar a tiempo. 3. He perdido mucho tiempo en este proyecto. 4. He traído mi guitarra. 5. Tengo que llamar a la embajada, he perdido mi pasaporte. 6. He vendido mucho hoy. 7. He leído en el periódico que hay una elección presidencial en México en Julio. 8. He hecho muchas cosas nuevas hoy. 9. Usted tiene que leer el contrato cuidadosamente. 10. No he podido reservar una mesa en el restaurante esta noche. 11. Mi mamá va a traer la comida. 12. Gracias a ella, he comprendido mejor el lenguaje. 13. Acabo de tener una hija. 14. Leer entre líneas. 15. Ellos venden a credito. 16. He suspendido las clases 17. He extendido la garantía por tres meses más. 18. He aprehendido al criminal. 19. Voy a perder el equilibrio. 20. Estoy muy contento, he comprendido todo el español por la primera vez. 21. ¿Ha tenido tiempo para ver la ciudad? Sí, he tenido suficiente tiempo para ver mucho de la ciudad. 22. ¿Quiere comer? Ya he comido, gracias. 23. ¿Ha aprendido algo? Sí, he aprendido como hablar más en pasado. 24. Voy a perder la paciencia. 25. La comida está hecha en casa. 26. He traído regalos para los niños. 27. Quiero vender mi casa. 28. No he podido encontrar a David. 29. He hecho copias de todos los documentos. 30. He tenido un día muy malo. 31. ¿Quién va a defenderlo?


Respuestas del ejercicio 56B 1. Have you responded to the offer? Yes, I have responded affirmatively. 2. I am sorry, I haven’t been able to finish on time. 3. I have lost a lot of time on this project. 4. I have brought my guitar. 5. I have to call the embassy, I have lost my passport. 6. I have sold a lot today. 7. I have read in the paper that there is a presidential election in Mexico in July. 8. I have done a lot of new things today. 9. You have to read the contract carefully. 10. I haven’t been able to reserve a table in the restaurant for tonight. 11. My mother is going to bring the food. 12. Thanks to her, I have (comprehended) understood the language better. 13. I just had a daughter. 14. To read between (the) lines. 15. They sell on credit. 16. I have suspended the classes. 17. I have extended the guarantee for three more months. 18. I have apprehended the criminal. 19. I am going to lose (the) balance. 20. I am very content (happy), I have understood all the Spanish for the first time. 21. Have you had enough time (in order) to see the city? Yes, I have had enough time to see a lot of the city. 22. Do you want to eat? I have already eaten, thanks. 23. Have you learned (something) anything? Yes, I have learned how to speak more in the past. 24. I am going to lose (the) patience. 25. The food is homemade. 26. I have brought gifts for the children. 27. I want to sell my house. 28. I haven’t been able to find David. 29. I have made copies of all the documents. 30. I have had a very bad day. 31. Who is going to defend him?


Ejercicio 56C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for done is 2. The Spanish word for to lose is 3. The Spanish word for to bring is 4. The Spanish word for to sell is 5. The Spanish word for to be able is 6. The Spanish word for to read is

Respuestas del ejercicio 56C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

hecho perder traer vender poder leer


Ejercicio 56B Traduzca de inglés a español 1. I haven’t done (nothing) anything today. 2. I haven’t been able to do it. 3. I have lost a lot of money. 4. I am not going to be able to do it. 5. Are you going to sell the car? No, I am not going to sell it. 6. I have lost my hat. 7. I still haven’t been able to use my credit card. 8. I haven’t brought (nothing) anything from the United States. 9. I don’t want to lose (any) more time. 10. I am not going to be able to see them until the next week. 11. I have sold my house in Acapulco. 12. I have to sell my house. 13. I have read three books in Spanish. 14. I have learned a lot of Spanish this year. 15. I haven’t eaten (in) all (the) day. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

16. I have had an accident, I need a doctor. 17. I have read a lot about Mexico. 18. Have I (responded to) answered all your questions? 19. I have understood everything. 20. When are you going to bring the contract? I am going to bring it tomorrow. 21. Have you read Don Quixote? No, I haven’t read Don Quixote but I want to read it. 22. You have learned a lot, haven’t you? Yes, I have learned a lot. 23. Have you eaten? Yes, I have eaten, thanks. 24. When are you going to read the book? I am going to read it on the flight. 25. Have you finished the book? The truth is that I haven’t had enough time. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 56B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

No he hecho nada hoy. No he podido hacerlo. He perdido mucho dinero. No voy a poder hacerlo. ¿Va a vender el carro? No, no voy a venderlo. 6. He perdido mi sombrero. 7. Aún no he podido usar mi tarjeta de crédito. 8. No he traído nada de los Estados Unidos. 9. No quiero perder más tiempo. 10. No voy a poder verlos hasta la próxima semana. 11. He vendido mi casa en Acapulco. 12. Tengo que vender mi casa. 13. He leído tres libros en español. 14. He aprendido mucho español este año. 15. No he comido en todo el día. 16. He tenido un accidente, necesito un doctor. 17. He leído mucho sobre México. 18. ¿He respondido a todas sus preguntas? 19. He comprendido todo. 20. ¿Cuándo va a traer el contrato? Voy a traerlo mañana. 21. ¿Ha leído Don Quijote? No, no he leído Don Quijote pero quiero leerlo. 22. Ha aprendido mucho, ¿verdad? Sí, he aprendido mucho. 23. ¿Ha comido? Sí, he comido, gracias. 24. ¿Cuándo va a leer el libro? Voy a leerlo en el vuelo. 25. ¿Ha terminado el libro? La verdad es que no he tenido suficiente tiempo.


Nivel dos Lección cincuenta y siete Level 2 Step 57 We sure have covered a lot of ground. You are making so many sentences in Spanish on some many different subjects. •

You are making statements

Asking questions

Participating in dialog and conversation

Understanding long and complex sentences

The language you are using is very natural

So much Spanish, yet, we have so much more possible expression. Now it’s time to round out everything so you can express yourself even more naturally. It’s time to add another structure to considerably multiply your conversational ability in Spanish. However, there are some subtleties of pronunciation you’ll need to negotiate, so make sure you make good use of the audio part of this lesson and go through it a few times. Before you go to the audio, discover more about this new Spanish structure that will multiple you expression in Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 12.


Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 12, Saying More With The Most Common Spanish Verbs. How to use the +AR* category to speak in the past 2nd person. How to speak about what some else did in the (preterit) past.

Step 1 rentar necesitar

- ar - ar

= rent = vot

Step 2 add ó emphasize the accented ó emphasize the accented ó

rentó votó

(rent OH) (votoOH)

Congratulations! Now you can talk about what someone else did in the past Rentó Votó

= you rented = you voted

Here’s some more Depositó = you Canceló = you Visitó = you Usó = you

deposited cancelled visited used

The emphasis on the accent is important in this structured Uso el dicionario. Usó el dicionario.

I use the dictionary. You used the dictionary.

No voto en las elecciónes. No votó en la elección.

I don’t vote in the elections. You didn’t vote in the election.

Here are some more examples. Habló muy bien. No terminó la comida. Pagó demasiado. Olvidó la clase. Hoy trabajó mucho.

You spoke well. You didn’t finish the food. You paid too much. You forgot the class. Today you worked a lot.


Another way to ask questions and always be understood, even if you don’t nail the pronunciation. The subtlety of the accented ó can seem a little intimidating. However, let’s consider this English sentence for a moment. I put on my shoe. It could be the present or the past. Am I saying “I put on my shoe everyday’, or am I saying, “I put my shoe on yesterday”? The English verbs, cut, bet, set also don’t change between present and past. Yet, we don’t get confused. My point is, context will give your listener a lot of clues. So, even if you don’t get the pronunciation 100% right, you are still likely to be understood from the context of what you are saying. In Spanish you can ask questions simply by the intonation in your voice. ¿Usted usó el diccionario? (voice rises?) ¿Usted no votó en la elección? (voice rises?) ¿Ella habla español? (voice rises?) ¿David trabaja en España? (voice rises?)

Did you use the dictionary? Didn’t you vote in the election? Does she speak Spanish? Does David work in Spain?

Spanish doesn’t have an equivalent of the auxiliaries do, does, or did to indicate a question. However, you can indicate a question by changing the word order, as you saw in Conversations 1-4. You can place the pronoun or noun (underlined) after the verb (bold) ¿Usó usted el dicionario? (word order) ¿No votó usted en la elección? (Wrd ordr?) ¿Habla ella español? (word order) ¿Trabaja David en España? (word order)

Did you Use the dictionary? Didn’t you vote in the election? Does she speak Spanish? Does David work in Spain?

If there is a past participle the pronoun/noun is after the participle. ¿Ha visto usted el fútbol? ¿Dónde ha estudiado usted español?

Have you seen the football? Where have you studied Spanish?

If there are two verbs the pronoun/noun is after the second verb or participle. ¿Va a ver usted el fútbol? ¿Va a comer usted con nosotros? ¿Va a ir David a España?

Are you going to see the football Are you going to eat with us? Is David going to go to Spain?

This is a good way to ask questions when using the Spanish structure that you learned in this chapter. With this word order, even if you don’t perfectly pronounce the accented ó, your question will still, most likely, be understood. So, for the rest of the course we will make questions with the inverted word order. Get a feel for this word order and all the ways to use verbs in the following conversations.


Ejercicio 57A Enjoy these Spanish conversations, check your understanding of Spanish against the English translations.

Advanced Conversación 1 Usted habla español muy bien.

You speak Spanish very well.

Gracias, hablo español lo más posible.

Thank you, I speak Spanish as much as possible.

¿Tiene usted mucha oportunidad para hablar español? (word order)

Do you have much opportunity(in order)to speak Spanish?

No pero hablé mucho español cuando visité España.

No but I spoke a lot of Spanish when I visited Spain.

¿Y su mamá y papá hablan español también? (voice rises?)

And your mom and dad, do they speak Spanish also?

Sí, pero no hablan muy bien. Pero hablamos en español cuando estamos con la familia de Alejandro porque ellos no hablan inglés.

Yes, but they don’t speak very well. But we (all) speak in Spanish when we are with Alejandro’s family because they don’t speak English.

Pero Alejandro habla inglés, habló en la boda de Juan.

But Alejandro speaks English, he spoke (in) at Juan’s wedding.

Sí, Alejandro habla inglés muy bien, pero su mamá y papá no hablan nada de inglés.

Yes, Alejandro speaks English very well, but his mom and dad (they) don’t speak (nothing of) any English.

Advanced Conversación 2 ¿Vota usted en las elecciones para el alcalde? (word order)

Do you vote in the elections for mayor?

No, no voto en las elecciones para el alcalde.

No, I don’t vote in the elections for the mayor.

Pero usted votó en las últimas elecciones para el presidente, ¿verdad?

But you voted in the last election for (the) president, didn’t you?

Sí, voté en la última vez, pero nunca voy a votar más.

Yes, I voted the last time, but I am never going to vote again.


Advenced Conversación 3 ¿Dónde depositó usted el cheque? (word order)

Where did you deposit the check?

No he depositado el cheque.

I haven’t deposited the check.

¿Por qué no ha depositado usted el cheque? (word order)

Why haven’t you deposited the check?

Fui al centro para depositarlo pero no encontré el banco.

I went (to the) downtown (in order) to deposit it but I didn’t find the bank.

Advanced Conversación 4 ¿Por qué canceló usted la clase? (word order)

Why did you cancel the class?

No he cancelado la clase

I haven’t cancelled the class.

Pero no hay nadie en la sala de clase.

But there isn’t (nobody) anybody in the classroom.

Cambié el lugar, ahora tenemos un nueva sala de clase

I changed the place, now we have a new classroom.

O, ha cambiado el lugar, ¿cuándo?

Oh, you have changed the place, when?

Acabo de cambiarlo hoy.

I just changed it today.

Por favor avíseme la próxima vez.

Please advise me the next time.

Understanding Spanish Intuitively Amigo, what you were just able to do is the essence of dominating Spanish verbs. Understanding Spanish in context is so much more useful than parrot-like conjugations. Instead, what you want to do is develop an intuitive feel for the Spanish language. If you understood the conversations 1-4 you are already developing a feel for Spanish. You can master this language. Of course, you need more practice, so go ahead to exercise 57B to develop you Spanish intuition further.


Ejercicio 57B Traduzca de inglés a español 1. ¿Renovó usted su licencia? Sí, renové mi licencia en abril. 2. ¿Usó usted discos compactos para estudiar español? Sí, usé discos compactos en la casa y casetes en el carro. 3. ¿Contrató usted los trabajadores que necesitamos? No, aún no he contratado a los trabajadores. 4. ¿Terminó usted el curso? No aún tengo tres clases más. 5. Va a editar el documento antes de publicarlo, ¿verdad? Ya he editado el documento. 6. Inventó una buena manera para enseñar español. 7. Ha tomado muchas fotos. Sí, tomé muchas. 8. ¿Desayunó (usted)? Sí, desayuné en el vuelo, gracias. 9. ¿Habló (usted) con el gerente sobre su salario? Sí, va a aumentar mi salario. ¡Felicidades! 10. ¿Llevó (usted) a los niños a la escuela hoy? No, sólo llevo a los niños a la escuela los miércoles. 11. Limitó (usted) la duración de la promoción, ¿verdad? Sí, limité la duración de la promoción, va a terminar el jueves. 12. ¿Qué plantó (usted) en el jardín este año? Planté tomate, espárrago, coliflor, brócoli, y lechuga en mi jardín. 13. ¿Programó (usted) el video para grabar Los Sopranos? Por supuesto, no voy a olvidar grabar Los Sopranos. 14. ¿Reportó (usted) el robo a la policía? No, no he reportado el robo y no voy a reportarlo. ¿Por qué no? Porque la policía no va a poder hacer nada. 15. ¿Encontró (usted) a sus amigos? No, no sé donde están. 16. ¿A qué hora abordó (usted) el vuelo? Abordé a las 10:00 de la tarde. 17. ¿Qué compró (usted) en el mercado? Compré mucha fruta. Compré un kilo de mangos, un melón y una piña. 18. ¿Aseguró (usted) el carro para México? No, la compañía no asegura carros para México. 19. ¿Cuántos años ha hablado (usted) español? Acabo de aprender este año. ¡Acaba de aprender este año! Es muy impresionante como habla. 20. ¿Instaló (usted) el programa? No, aún no he instalado el programa. 21. ¿Cuándo va a terminar (usted)? Ya terminé. Different word order for questions Verbs in bold letters (pronoun underlined and in parenthesis) Please note; the pronoun usted is optional. It is often left out, if it is obvious from the context who you are talking about.


Respuestas del ejercicio 57B 1. Did you renew your license? Yes, I renewed my license in April. 2. Did you use compact disks (in order) to study Spanish? Yes, I used compact disks at home and cassettes in the car. 3. Did you contract the workers that we need? No, I still haven’t contracted the workers. 4. Did you finish the course? No, I still have three more classes (more). 5. You are going to edit the document before publishing it, aren’t you? I have already edited the document. 6. You invented a good (manner) way to teach Spanish. 7. You have taken a lot of photos. Yes, I took a lot. 8. (Did you breakfast?) Have you had breakfast? Yes, I had breakfast on the flight, thanks. 9. Did you speak with the manager about you salary? Yes, he is going to (augment) increase my salary. Congratulations! 10. Did you take the children to school today? No, I only take the children to school on Wednesdays. 11. You limited the duration of the promotion, didn’t you? Yes, I limited the duration of the promotion, it is going to finish on Thursday. 12. What did you plant in the garden this year? I planted tomato, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli and lettuce in my garden. 13. Did you program the video to record The Sopranos? Of course, I am not going to forget to record The Sopranos. 14. Did you report the robbery to the police? No, I didn’t report the robbery and I am not going to report it. Why not? Because the police are not going to be able to do (nothing) anything. 15. Did you find your friends? No, I don’t know where they are. 16. What time (at what hour) did you board the flight? I boarded at 10:00 p.m. (in the afternoon) 17. What did you buy in the market? I bought a lot of fruit. I bought a kilo of mangos, a cantaloupe and a pineapple. 18. Did you insure the car for Mexico? No, the company doesn’t insure cars for Mexico. 19. How many years have you spoken Spanish? I just learned this year. You just learned this year! It is very impressive how you speak. 20. Did you install the program? No, I still haven’t installed the program. 21. When are you going to finish? I (am) already finished.* *

Ya is used in a lot of Spanish expressions. Ya terminé is used expressively, something like the American expression, I’m done. e.g.

Have you finished? I’m done.

¿Ha terminado? Ya terminé.


Ejercicio 57C Traduzca de inglés a español 1. Did you visit mom yesterday? No, but I visited dad and I am going to visit mom today in the afternoon. 2. When did you finish? I finished last night. 3. Where did you study Spanish? I studied at home. 4. Did you invite Juan to the party? Yes, I invited Juan and his wife also. 5. Did you vote in the election? No, I didn’t vote in the election. 6. Did you go to (the party of Annalisa) Annalisa’s party? No, I didn’t go. 7. Did you rent a house in Acapulco this year like always? No, I didn’t rent in Acapulco this year. Instead of (in place of) Acapulco I rented in Puerta Vallarta. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

8. Did you deposit the check? Yes, I deposited the check yesterday. 9. It is very expensive in Ixtapa, we are going to rent in Acapulco. 10. Did you cancel the class? I am sorry, I forgot to cancel it. You have to notify the students. 11. Did you confirm the reservation? Yes, I have confirmed the reservation. 12. Did you consider all the options? Yes and my answer is yes. 13. Did you find a hotel? Yes, I found a wonderful hotel. 14. Do you want to buy something (more) else? No, I have bought enough. What did you buy? I bought a hat and a bottle of tequila. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 57C 1. ¿Visitó (usted) a mamá ayer? No pero visité a papá ayer y voy a visitar a mamá hoy en la tarde. 2. ¿Cuándo terminó (usted)? Terminé anoche. 3. ¿Dónde estudió (usted) español? Estudié en casa. 4. ¿Invitó (usted) a Juan a la fiesta? Sí, invité a Juan y su esposa también. 5. ¿Votó (usted) en la elección? No, no voté en la elección. 6. ¿Fue (usted) a la fiesta de Annalisa? No, no fui. 7. ¿Rentó (usted) una casa en Acapulco este año como siempre? No, no renté en Acapulco este año. En lugar de Acapulco renté en Puerta Vallarta. 8. ¿Depositó (usted) el cheque? Sí, deposité el cheque ayer. 9. Es muy caro en Ixtapa. Vamos a rentar en Acapulco. 10. ¿Canceló (usted) la clase? Lo siento, olvidé cancelarla. Tiene que notificar los estudiantes. 11. ¿Confirmó (usted) la reservación? Sí, he confirmado la reservación. 12. ¿Consideró (usted) todas las opciones? Sí y mi respuesta es sí. 13. ¿Encontró (usted) un hotel? Sí, encontré un hotel maravilloso. 14. ¿Quiere comprar (usted) algo más? No, he comprado suficiente. ¿Qué compró (usted)? Compré un sombrero y una botella de tequila.

Different word order for questions Verbs in bold letters (pronoun in brackets) Please note; the pronoun usted is optional and it’s placement in the question is flexible. It will also often be left out if it is clear to whom you are directing the question.


Nivel Dos – Lección cincuenta y ocho Level 2 – lesson 58

Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 44 Spanish verbs add IR The rule to create Spanish from English Some English verbs can be made into Spanish by adding IR. Here are 33 more Spanish verbs you can use instantly admitir asistir asentir coexistir combatir consentir consistir convertir desistir dividir emitir exhibir (exhibit) existir expandir freír (to fry) impartir incurrir (incur)

insistir interferir ocurrir omitir permitir persistir preferir referir remitir rescindir resistir revertir subdividir subsistir sucumbir transmitir

Category 45 Spanish verbs remove E then add IRThe rule to create Spanish from English Some English verbs can be made into Spanish removing the final letter E and then adding IR Here are 25 more Spanish verbs you’ll recognize right away. aludir asumir consumir decidir definir dividir eludir evadir excluir (exclude) infringir interferir impedir incluir (include) * presumir is often also used as, to show off.

invadir persuadir presidir presumir* producir reducir requerir (require) recibir (receive) revivir seducir sumergir (submerge) urgir


More of the most common IR verbs More Frequently Used IR verbs 247.

The Spanish word for to live is vivir. Imagine reviving them so they are able to live.


The Spanish word for to follow is seguir. After the first gear follows the second gear.


The Spanish for to come is venir. Imagine a tradesman has come to your house to replace the veneer.


The Spanish word for to write is escribir. We sometimes use scribe when talking about writing We also have the word script.


The Spanish word for to repeat is repetir. Can you see repeat wrapped up in repetir?


The Spanish word for to leave is salir Imagine you are in a restaurant and your friend says "I don't want to leave yet, they have good salad here".








Ejercicio 58A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 253.

The English words for repetir are


The English words for salir are


The English words for escribir are


The English words for venir are


The English words for seguir are


The English words for vivir are

Respuestas del ejercicio 58A 7. to 8. to 9. to 10. to 11. to 12. to

repeat leave write come follow live


Ejercicio 58B Traduzca de español a inglés tiempo libre = free time temprano = early

evitar = to avoid palabras = words maquiladora = assembly plant*

1. No quiero repetirlo otra vez. 2. Mucha gente en el mundo existe con poco dinero. 3. La compañía va a expandir sus operaciones. 4. No voy a interferir en su matrimonio. 5. Las hermanas van a subdividir el rancho en 3 lotes iguales. 6. No es bueno consumir alcohol sin comida. 7. Vamos a dividir la comida que tenemos en partes iguales. 8. Ellos van a exhibir mis esculturas en la galería. 9. No quiero excluir la posibilidad de trabajar en España. 10. No sé nada de qué escriben mis hijos en las sesiones de Chat. 11. No quiero interferir en su tiempo libre. 12. El gobierno y la burocracia en México impedir mucho del progreso en el país. 13. Usted necesita incluir los niños en sus planes. 14. ¿Ellos van a invadir Irán? 15. No puedo persuadirla que hay otras opciones. 16. Voy a presumir el carro. 17. La maquiladora va a producir menos este año que el año pasado.* 18. Tengo que remitirlo antes de marzo 31. 19. Van a requerir dos tipos de identificación. 20. Fui a la casa de mi amigo para presumir a mi bebé. 21. Voy a seguir su plan. 22. No puedo vivir con este salario. 23. ¿Podemos salir de la clase temprano hoy? 24. Necesito vivir en Los Ángeles para trabajar. 25. No podemos salir sin nuestras visas. 26. No es suficiente, no puedo vivir con sólo 100 dólares por semana. 27. Vamos a salir temprano para evitar el tráfico. 28. Tengo que escribir un artículo para el periódico. 29. Tienen que venir a México en sus próximas vacaciones. 30. Voy a seguir el método para aprender español rápido. 31. Puedo escribir más rápido en la computadora. 32. ¿Con quién va a venir usted? 33. Él no quiere admitirlo. 34. ¿Va a incluir usted a todos los miembros? 35. Voy a repetir la lección. 36. ¿Le gusta vivir aquí? Sí, me gusta vivir aquí, pero prefiero mi país. 37. Lo siento, no puedo verla porque tengo que salir temprano hoy. 38. Sé como usar palabras del inglés y convertirlas al español. 39. Elena tiene que escribir un artículo esta noche.

* The term maquiladora doesn’t appear in my dictionary, yet, it is used extensively to describe the assembly plants and factories along the USA/Mexico border, of which, in Tijuana alone, and there are one thousand.


Respuestas del ejercicio 58B 1. I don’t want to repeat it again. 2. Many people in the world exist with little money. 3. The company is going to expand its operations. 4. I am not going to interfere in their (matrimony) marriage. 5. The sisters are going to subdivide the ranch into 3 equal lots. 6. It’s not good to consume alcohol without food. 7. We are going to divide the food that we have in equal parts. 8. They are going to exhibit my sculptures in the gallery. 9. I don’t want to exclude the possibility of working in Spain. 10. I don’t know anything about what my children write in the chat sessions. 11. I don’t want to interfere in your free time. 12. The government and the bureaucracy in Mexico impede a lot of (the) progress in the country. 13. You need to include the children in your plans. 14. Are they going to invade Iran? 15. I can’t persuade her that there are other options. 16. I am going to show off the car. 17. The factory is going to produce less this year than last year. 18. I have to remit it before March 31. 19. They are going to require two types of identification. 20. I went to my friend’s house to show off my baby. 21. I am going to follow your plan. 22. I can’t live with this salary. 23. Can we leave the class early today? 24. I need to live in Los Angeles(in order)to work. 25. We can’t leave without our visas. 26. It is not enough, I can’t live with only 100 dollars per month. 27. We are going to leave early(in order)to avoid the traffic. 28. I have to write an article for the newspaper. 29. You (all) have to come to Mexico in your next vacation. 30. I am going to follow the method(in order)to learn Spanish quickly. 31. I can write faster on the computer. 32. With whom are you going to come? 33. He doesn’t want to admit it. 34. Are you going to include all the members? 35. I am going to repeat the lesson. 36. Do you like (to live) living here? Yes, I like (to live) living here, but I prefer my country. 37. I am sorry, I can’t see her because I have to leave early today. 38. I know how to use English words and convert them into Spanish. 39. Elena has to write an article tonight.


Ejercicio 58C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The Spanish word for to repeat is 2. The Spanish word for to leave is 3. The Spanish word for to write is 4. The Spanish word for to come is 5. The Spanish word for to follow is 6. The Spanish word for to live is

Respuestas del ejercicio 58C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

repetir salir escribir venir seguir vivir


Ejercicio 58D Traduzca de inglés a español 1. I want to convert the dollars to pesos. 2. I want to live in Barcelona. 3. I don’t want to insist but you have to do it. 4. I am not going to repeat it again. 5. You have to decide soon. I am going to decide tomorrow. 6. You need to follow the instructions. 7. I am going to live in the United States. 8. You have to repeat the class. 9. We are going to return the next year(in order)to live here. 10. We can’t leave before tonight. 11. When are you (all) going to come here? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

12. In what part of Mexico are you (all) going to live? We are going to live in Puerto Vallarta. 13. I am going to repeat it only one more time. 14. Where do you want to live? I want to live in Australia. 15. Can you come to my house? 16. We can’t leave until tomorrow. 17. We are going to divide the money. 18. Are you going to write a new book this year? Yes, I am going to write two books. 19. We have to leave early tomorrow. 20. I don’t want to write (any) more. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 58D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Quiero convertir los dólares a pesos. Quiero vivir en Barcelona. No quiero insistir pero (usted) tiene que hacerlo. No voy a repetirlo otra vez. Tiene que decidir pronto. Voy a decidir mañana. 6. Necesita seguir las instrucciones. 7. Voy a vivir en los Estados Unidos. 8. Tiene que repetir la clase. 9. Vamos a regresar el próximo año para vivir aquí. 10. No podemos salir antes de esta noche. 11. ¿Cuándo van a venir (ustedes) aquí? 12. ¿En qué parte de México van a vivir (ustedes)? Vamos a vivir en Puerto Vallarta. 13. Voy a repetirlo sólo una vez más. 14. ¿Dónde quiere vivir (usted)? Quiero vivir en Australia. 15. ¿Puede venir (usted) a mi casa? 16. No podemos salir hasta mañana. 17. Vamos a dividir el dinero. 18. ¿Va a escribir (usted) un nuevo libro este año? Sí, voy a escribir dos libros. 19. Tenemos que salir temprano mañana. 20. No quiero escribir más.


Nivel Dos – Lección cincuenta y nueve Level 2 – lesson 59

Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 13 Using Spanish verbs that end in IR to speak about the past The IR suffix, like the ER/AR suffix, makes verbs infinitives. These suffixes function in the same way as using to in front of English verbs. for example; sentir pedir vivir ir

to to to to

feel ask for / to request / to order live go

How to use IR verbs in the first and second person past (perfect) – it’s easy…

Because IR verbs follow exactly the same patterns as ER verbs. In the first person just combine - he + IR verb ending changed to ido Primera Persona he pedido he permitido he sentido

First Person I have asked for I have permited /allowed I have felt

2nd Person to make the second person you just combine - ha + IR verb ending changed to ido In fact you have already used this structure. Ir Ha ido

To go You have gone

Here are some more second person examples; Segunda Persona Ha salido Ha repetido Ha venido

Second person You have left You have repeated You have come

Again this structure is very useful in Spanish dialogs. ¿Ha pedido usted el menú? Sí, he pedido el menú.

Have you asked for the menu? yes, I have ordered the menu.

¿Ha ido usted a México? No, nunca he ido a México.

Have you gone to Mexico? No, I have never gone to Mexico.

¿Cuántos años ha vivido usted aqui? He vivido aqui 4 años.

How many years have you lived here? I have lived here 4 years.


Español Claro, Conciso y Bien Expresado Irregular verbs / no trouble The endings ido and ado are called past participles. Past participles have a different function to the past form of the verb, e.g. wrote/written saw/seen did/done. The great majority of Spanish past participles use either ido or ado. However, some commonly used verbs form the past participle with to and cho. In fact you have already successfully been using these endings. ¿Ha visto usted la casa? Sí, he visto la casa. ¿Qué ha hecho usted? No he hecho nada. ¿Ha hecho usted las tortillas? No, no he hecho las tortillas.

Have you seen the house? Yes, I have seen the house? What have you done? I haven’t done anything. Have you made the tortillas? No I haven’t made the tortillas.

Here are some more examples of past participles using to and cho with frequently used verbs.

Important IR verbs with cho verb decir

no /wrong decido

yes irregular p/part and correct dicho

Important Ir verbs with to verb abrir escribir

no /wrong abrido escribido

yes irregular p/part and correct abierto escrito

Coversations with to and cho participles. ¿Ha dicho usted algo? No he dicho nada.

Have you said anything? No I haven’t said anything.

¿Qué ha escrito usted? No he escrito nada.

What have you written I haven’t written anything.

¿Ha abierto usted la tienda? Sí, he abierto la tienda.

Have you opened the store? Yes, I have opened the store.

I suggest you learn dicho, abierto and escrito as individual words, as you did with visto and hecho.


More uses of the most common IR verbs and new words


The Spanish word for written is escrito. Imagine warning someone, “it is a permanent record, I hope you have written discreetly”.


The Spanish word for I have said are he dicho. Imagine that you see grumpy celebrity and some one asks “do you have a boyfriend”? She replies, “No I have already said to you that I ditched him”.


The Spanish word for you have opened are ha abierto. Imagine asking a guy called Alberto, “have you opened the store”?




More Essential Spanish Words 262.

The Spanish word for to go out is salir. You already know salir as to leave, you can also use Salir for to go out, or, to get out. For example; No voy a salir esta noche. No puede salir con mi hija. ¿Cuándo puede salir del trabajo?


I am not going to go out tonight. You can’t go out with my daughter. When can you get out of work?


The Spanish word for letter is carta. Imagine a postman carting a bag full of letters.


The Spanish word for step is paso. Imagine pacing back and forward and taking short steps. Or imagine doing the two step in El Paso, Texas.




Ejercicio 59A See how well you remembered your new Spanish words. Write the English words on the line. 1. The English words for ha abierto are 2. The English words for he dicho are 3. The English word for escrito is 4. The English words for salir are 5. The English words for carta is 6. The English word for paso is

Respuestas del ejercicio 59A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

You have opened I have said written to leave / to go out / to get out letter step


Ejercicio 59B Traduzca de español a inglés mesero = waiter 1. ¿Ha recibido usted el fax? No, no he recibido el fax. 2. He reducido los costos de la producción. 3. He producido muchas nuevas lecciones este año. 4. ¿Ha recibido usted el email? No, no he recibido el email. 5. Nunca he salido del país. 6. He repetido todas las lecciones tres veces. 7. Nunca he salido con personas que he conocido por Internet. 8. Si no estoy en casa, es porque he salido con mi esposa al cine. 9. ¿Cuántos libros ha escrito usted? Hasta ahora, he escrito tres y voy a escribir otro este año. 10. He seguido todas instrucciones paso por paso pero aún no funciona. 11. He venido para practicar el español. 12. Nunca he vivido en México. 13. Es abierto a discusión. 14. Es abierto por todo el año. 15. ¿Ha abierto usted la página Web? Sí, he abierto la página Web, estoy en la página principal. 16. Quiero olvidar las cosas que he dicho. 17. ¿Ha escrito usted el artículo? No, no he escrito el articulo tengo que hacerlo ahora. 18. Va a hablar con el mesero sobre los problemas, ¿no? No, no voy a hablar con él, voy a escribir una carta al gerente. 19. Ha reducido su consumo de café y tabaco, ¿verdad? Sí, he seguido todas las recomendaciones de mi doctor. 20. He salido con ella varias veces. 21. ¿Ha seguido usted el manual del programa? Sí, he seguido todos los pasos. 22. He venido para hablar pero también para escuchar. 23. He vivido con mis padres por muchos años. 24. Siempre he salido para comer con Elena en el día de San Valentín. 25. ¿Ha seguido usted la dieta? Sí, he seguido la dieta todos los días. 26. He venido para buscar mejores oportunidades en este país. 27. He venido por los documentos.


Respuestas del ejercicio 59B 1. Have you received the fax? No, I haven’t received the fax. 2. I have reduced the costs of the production. 3. I have produced a lot of new lessons this year. 4. Have you received the email? I haven’t received the email.* 5. I have never left (from) the country. 6. I have repeated all the lessons three times. 7. I have never gone out with people that I have met by Internet. 8. If I am not at home, it is because I have gone out with my wife to the cinema. 9. How many books have you written? Up to (Until) now, I have written three and I am going to write another this year. 10. I have followed all the instructions step by step but it still doesn’t (function) work. 11. I have come to practice (the) Spanish. 12. I have never lived in Mexico. 13. It is open to discussion. ** 14. It is open all the year. ** 15. Have you opened the web page? Yes, I have opened the web page, I am on the (principle/main) home page. 16. I want to forget the things that I have said. 17. Have you written the article. No, I haven’t written the article, I have to do it now. 18. You are going to speak with the waiter about the problems, aren’t you? No, I am not going to speak with him I am going to write a letter to the manager. 19. You have reduced your consumption of coffee and tobacco, haven’t you? Yes, I have followed the all recommendations of my doctor. 20. I have gone out with her (various) several times. 21. Have you followed the program manual? Yes, I have followed all the steps. 22. I have come (in order) to talk but also (in order) to listen. 23. I have lived with my parents for many years. 24. I always have gone out (in order) to eat with Elena on (the) Valentines Day. 25. Have you followed the diet? Yes, I have followed the diet (all the days) everyday. 26. I have come (to look for) in search of better opportunities in this country. 27. I have come for the documents.

* **

Some would say the correct Spanish for email is correo electronic, however I have found most Spanish speakers use the word email. Past participles are often also used as adjectives, e.g. una carta abierta = an open letter. un filete muy hecha = a well (very) done steak una edición limitada + a limited edition


Ejercicio 59C Write the Spanish words on the line. 1. The Spanish words for you have opened are 2. The Spanish words for I have said are 3. The Spanish word for written is 4. The Spanish word for to go out / to leave is 5. The Spanish word for letter is 6. The Spanish word for step is

Respuestas del ejercicio 59C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

ha abierto he dicho escrito salir carta paso


Ejercicio 59D Traduzca de inglés a español 1. Have you received the book? No, I still haven’t received he book. 2. Today I haven’t left the house. 3. I haven’t written much today. 4. Have you followed the instructions? Yes, I have follow all the instructions step by step. 5. I have come (in order) to see David. 6. I have lived in many houses but this house is my favorite. 7. Have you said anything about the problem with the room? 8. I have come here (in order) to work. 9. What have you done? I haven’t done anything. 10. I have opened a store downtown. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

11. Have you received the contract? Yes, I have received the contract but I am not going to sign it. 12. Never have I gone out with a woman as (so) beautiful as you. 13. Why haven’t you written the letter? I don’t know what to write. 14. I have come with my wife. 15. How many years have you lived here? I have lived here six years. 16. Have you opened the case? . 17. What have you said? I haven’t said (nothing) anything. 18. I have lived among Latinos all my life. 19. I haven’t said (nothing) anything publicly. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 59D 1. ¿He recibido usted el libro? No, aún no he recibido el libro. 2. Hoy no he salido de la casa. 3. No he escrito mucho hoy. 4. ¿Ha seguido usted las instrucciones? Sí, he seguido todas las instrucciones paso por paso. 5. He venido para ver a David. 6. He vivido en muchas casas pero esta casa es mi favorita. 7. ¿Ha dicho usted algo sobre el problema con la habitación? 8. He venido aquí para trabajar. 9. ¿Qué ha hecho usted? No he hecho nada. 10. He abierto una tienda en el centro. 11. ¿Ha recibido usted el contrato? Sí, he recibido el contrato pero no voy a firmarlo. 12. Nunca he salido con una mujer tan bonita como usted. 13. ¿Por qué no ha escrito usted la carta? No sé que escribir. 14. He venido con mi esposa. 15. ¿Cuantos años ha vivido usted aquí? He vivido aquí seis años. 16. ¿Ha abierto usted la maleta? 17. ¿Qué ha dicho usted? No he dicho nada. 18. He vivido entre latinos toda mi vida. 19. No he dicho nada públicamente.


Nivel Dos – Lección sesenta Level 2 – lesson 60 Ejercicio 60A Here is an easy review test, cover the answers and write the English on the line opposite. 1. utilizó 2. estudió 3. organizó 4. ¿Votó usted? 5. llamó 6. cambió 7. celebró 8. preguntó 9. olvidó 10. trabajó

11. ¿Firmó usted? 12. escuchó 13. regresó 14. desconectó 15. ¿Cenó usted? 16. ayudó 17. tomó 18. verificó 19. presentó

Respuestas del ejercicio 60A 1. you utilized 2. you studied 3. you organized 4. Did you vote? 5. you called 6. you changed 7. you celebrated 8. you asked 9. you forgot 10. you worked

11. Did you sign? 12. you listeded 13. you returned 14. you disconnected 15. Did you have dinner? 16. you helped 17. you took 18. you verified 19. you presented


Español Claro, Conciso y Bien Expresado Speaking about him and her in the past You will have recognized that all the verbs in exercise 60A were in the second person. The second person is used to talk directly with someone else, using you. The third person is used to talk about he, she or it. In Spanish, the same verbs can be used in the second person and the third person. * Therefore, olvidó, which, means you forgot, can also mean, he forgot, she forgot, it forgot. Does this make Spanish harder or easier? It depends on your outlook. I think it is good to know you already have all the knowledge you need to instantly speak in the third person he, she and it. For example if you want to say, he called very late you just say the same as you called very late – llamó muy tarde? Here are some more examples. Votó a favor. Organizó una fiesta para nosotros. Olvidó la chequera. Firmó un nuevo contrato. Regresó ayer.

He voted in favor. He organized a party for us. She forgot the checkbook. She signed a new contract. He went back yesterday.

What if the sentence is ambiguous and your listener may be unsure if it is referring to he, she, it or you? If the sentences is ambiguous use pronouns or nouns, for example; Ella olvidó la checkera. Él Organizó un fiesta para nosotros. Sarah firmó un nuevo contrato.

She forgot the checkbook. He organized a party for us. Sarah signed a new contract.

Spanish doesn’t use did to make questions. To be absolutely clear whom your question is directed to, you can put the pronoun, noun or person’s name after the verb ¿Olvidó Ella la checkera? ¿Organizó él una fiesta para nosotros? ¿Cuándo regresó Jessica?

Did she forgot the checkbook? Did he organize a party for us? When did Jessica go back?

Go ahead and see how much you can express with these structures in exercise 60B. * Spanish also has an informal way of speaking for more details go to


Ejercicio 60B 1. Mi amiga recomendó el restaurante. 2. El senador informó al presidente de los eventos en Irak. 3. ¿Quién preparó la comida? Mi mamá preparó la comida. 4. La compañía exportó frutas. 5. El doctor necesitó más pacientes. 6. La compañía importó arte mexicano para venderlo en los Estados Unidos. 7. Joyce usó discos compactos para estudiar español. 8. El profesor inventó una nueva manera para enseñar español. 9. ¿Habló el gerente sobre nuestro pago? Sí, va a aumentar el salario. 10. ¿Qué plantó su mamá en el jardín este año? Plantó sólo lechuga. 11. ¿Programó David el video para grabar los Wiggles para los niños? 12. ¿A qué hora tomó María el vuelo? Tomó el vuelo a las 2:00 de la tarde. 13. La mujer le gustó mucho la experiencia de su maternidad. 14. Bill habla español muy bien, ¿verdad? Sí, habla bien pero su acento es muy malo. 15. David habló mucho español cuando visitó España. 16. ¿Renovó él su pasaporte? No sé. 17. La mujer encontró a sus hijos, ¿verdad? Sí, no hay problema, encontró a sus hijos. 18. El mecánico reparó el carro. 19. Él tomó muchas fotos, ¿verdad? Sí, tomó muchas. 20. ¿Desayunó su papa? No, no desayunó. 21. El autor finalizó el libro y ahora quiere publicarlo. 22. ¿Quién llevó a los niños a la escuela? Elena llevó a los niños a la escuela. 23. ¿Quién lleva a los niños a la escuela? Andre lleva a los niños a la escuela. 24. ¿Quién pagó? Yo Pagué. Muchas gracias. 25. ¿Aseguró ella el carro para México? No sé.


Respuestas del ejercicio 60B 1. My friend recommended the restaurant. 2. The senator informed the president of the events in Iraq. 3. Who prepared the food? My mother prepared the food. 4. The company exported fruit. 5. The doctor needed more patients. 6. The company imported Mexican art(in order)to sell it in the United States. 7. Joyce used compact disks(in order)to study Spanish. 8. The teacher invented a new way to teach Spanish. 9. Did the manager speak about our pay? Yes, he is going to increase the salaries. 10. What did your mother plant in the garden this year? She only planted lettuce. 11. Did David program the video(in order)to record the Wiggles for the children? 12. At what time did Maria take the flight? She took the flight at 2:00 p.m. (in the afternoon) 13. The woman liked very much the experience of her maternity. 14. Bill speaks Spanish very well, doesn’t he? Yes, he speak well but his accent is very bad. 15. David spoke a lot of Spanish when he visited Spain. 16. Did he renew his passport? I don’t know. 17. The woman found her children, didn’t she? Yes, there is no problem, she found her children. 18. The mechanic repaired the car. 19. He took a lot of photos, didn’t he? Yes, he took a lot. 20. Did your father (have) breakfast? No, he didn’t (have) breakfast. 21. The author finalized the book and now he wants to publish it. 22. Who took the children to school? Elena took the children to school. 23. Who take the children to school? Andre takes the children to school. 24. Who paid? I paid.* Thanks a lot. 25. Did she insure the car for Mexico? I don’t know.

In this sentence using the pronoun yo adds more emphasis, Yo pagué. = I paid. 242

Ejercicio 60C When making questions in this exercise use the verb followed by a pronoun word order. Where it applies, the pronouns/names are in underline and the verbs are bold. 1. When did he finish the Spanish class? He finished (the) last week. 2. What did David buy? He bought a lot of things. 3. Did he pay? No he didn’t pay. 4. Did Miguel work today? Yes, he worked a lot. 5. How did he (arrive) get here? He took a taxi. 6. Who won? Andres won. 7. Did she change the money? Yes, now she has pesos. 8. Where is Furio? He (returned) went back to Italy? 9. Why did the professor cancel the class? Because there are not enough students. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

10. When did Roman arrive? He arrived on Friday. 11. He forgot the appointment, didn’t he? 12. Did she sign the checks? 13. Who called today? Only Juan called. 14. Who used the car last night? Roman used the car last night. 15. When is David going to finish the house? He already finished last month. 16. Where did Elizabeth study Spanish? She studied at home. 17. Did she confirm the reservation? Yes, she confirmed the reservation in the morning. 18. Did Albert deposit the check? Yes, he deposited the check yesterday. 19. Did he find a hotel? Yes he found a hotel downtown. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 60C 1. ¿Cuándo terminó él la clase de español? Terminó la semana pasada. 2. ¿Qué compró David? Compró muchas cosas. 3. ¿Pagó él? No, (él) no pagó. 4. ¿Trabajó Miguel hoy? Sí, trabajó mucho. 5. ¿Como llegó él? Tomó un taxi. 6. ¿Quién ganó? Andres ganó. 7. ¿Cambió ella el dinero? Sí, ahora tiene pesos 8. ¿Dónde está Furio? Regresó a Italia. 9. ¿Por qué canceló el profesor la clase? Porque no hay suficientes estudiantes. 10. ¿Cuándo llegó Román? Llegó el viernes. 11. (Él) Olvidó la cita, ¿verdad? 12. ¿Firmó ella los cheques? 13. ¿Quién llamó hoy? Sólo Juan llamó. 14. ¿Quién usó el coche anoche? Román usó el coche anoche. 15. ¿Cuándo va a terminar David la casa? Ya terminó el mes pasado. 16. ¿Dónde estudió Elizabeth español? Estudió en casa. 17. ¿Confirmó ella la reservación? Sí, confirmó la reservación en la mañana. 18. ¿Depositó Alberto el cheque? Sí, depositó el cheque ayer. 19. ¿Encontró él un hotel? Sí, encontró un hotel en el centro.


Nivel Dos – Lección sesenta y uno Level 2 – lesson 61

Spanish Conversation Booster Pattern 14 Using your Power Verb haber to create Conversations. You have used conjugations of haber to make dialog and questions in the second person, now you can also use it for third person narratives, questions and dialogs for example. Mi hijo ha terminado en la universidad.

My son has finished in the university.

Él no ha pagado.

He hasn’t paid.

¿Ha terminado Jenna el curso? No, no ha terminado

Has Jenna finished the course? No, she hasn’t finished.

¿Ha pagado el cliente la cuenta? No, aún no ha pagado.

Has the client paid the bill? No he still hasn’t paid.

The conversational patterns with acabar de, and fue can also be used in the third person. Él acaba de ir a España. Ella acaba de comprar una casa. David fue a comer con Julio.

He just went to Spain. She just bought a house David went to eat with Julia.

The conversation patterns and power verb haber work very well in dialogs. Mary fue a España, ¿verdad? No, no fue a España fue a Portugal.

Mary went to Spain, didn’t she? No, she didn’t go to Spain she went to Portugal.

¿Fue a comprar David el pan? Sí, acaba de regresar con el pan.

Did David go to buy the bread? Yes, he just (returned) got back with the bread.

¿Ha llamado él? No, el no ha llamado.

Has he called? No he hasn’t called.

Once again we see that a pronoun (él, ella), noun (el cliente) or name (David) can come after the verb in questions. As always, the best advice is to go ahead and practice.


Ejercicio 61A abuelo = grandfather

mundial = world cup

lenguas = languages

1. El cliente aún no ha pagado la cuenta. 2. ¿Ha depositado Adan los cheques? Sí, fue al banco en la mañana. 3. ¿Qué ha comprado Benjamín? Compró un sombrero ridículo. 4. ¿Ha llamado el esposo de Elena? Sí, él ha llamado, Elena aún no ha tenido el bebé. 5. ¿Ha firmado el actor el contrato? No, no firmó. Fue a hablar con su agente. 6. El vuelo llegó temprano. 7. ¿Ha cenado su mamá? Sí, cenó en el vuelo. 8. ¿Ha tomado Lupita el vuelo? No, hay un problema, los aviones no van a volar hasta mañana. 9. Su padre ha ido a México antes, ¿verdad? Sí ha ido dos veces. 10. ¿Dónde está Alberto? Ha ido a comprar una botella de vino. 11. ¿Dónde está Papá? Ha ido a pagar su cuenta de American Express. 12. Benedicto XVI ha saludado en varias lenguas. 13. ¿Ha venido el plomero? No, aún no ha llegado. 14. ¿Cuántos libros ha pedido la secretaria? Ha pedido doce. 15. ¿Cuántos libros ha escrito su esposo? Ha escrito tres. 16. ¿Está Guillermo en la ciudad o aún está en España? Aún está fuera de la ciudad, va a regresar de España la próxima semana. 17. Ronaldino acaba de firmar un nuevo contrato de tres años con Barcelona FC. 18. ¿Cómo está su hija? Esta bien. Acaba de tener un bebé, soy abuelo por la primera vez. ¡Felicidades! 19. ¿Dónde fue Gabriela? Fue a visitar a su mamá. 20. ¿Dónde está Elena? Fue al parque. ¿Llevó a Aneliza? Sí, llevó a Aneliza. 21. ¿Ha llamado él? Sí, acaba de llamar, todo está bien. 22. Ella fue a Inglaterra para aprender inglés. 23. Susana fue con sus amigas para cenar. 24. Guatemala nunca ha ido a un Mundial.


Respuestas del ejercicio 61A 1. The client still hasn’t paid the bill. 2. Has Adan deposited the checks? Yes, he went to the bank in the morning. 3. What has Benjamin bought? He bought a ridiculous hat. 4. Has Elena’s husband called? Yes he has called. Elena still hasn’t had the baby. 5. Has the actor signed the contract? No, didn’t signed. He went to speak with his agent. 6. The flight arrived early. 7. Has your mother had dinner? Yes, she had dinner on the flight. 8. Has Lupita taken the flight? No, there is a problem, the planes are not going to fly until tomorrow. 9. Your father has gone to Mexico before, hasn’t he? Yes, he has gone twice. 10. Where is Alberto? He went to buy a bottle of wine. 11. Where is dad? He has gone to pay his American Express bill. 12. Benedicto XVI has said hello in (various) several languages. 13. Has the plumber come? No, he still hasn’t arrived. 14. How many books has the secretary (asked for) ordered? She has ordered twelve. 15. How many books has your husband written? He has written three. 16. Is Guillermo in the city or is he still in Spain? He is still out of (the city) town, he is going to return from Spain the next week. 17. Ronaldino just signed a new three year contract with Barcelona FC. 18. How is your daughter? She is well. She just had a baby. I am a grandfather for the first time. Congratulations! 19. Where did Gabriela go? She went to visit her mother. 20. Where is Elena? She went to the park. Did she take Aneliza? Yes, she took Aneliza. 21. Has he called? Yes, he just called, everything is alright. 22. She went to England (in order) to learn English. 23. Susana went with her friends (in order) to have dinner. 24. Guatemala has never gone to a world cup.


Ejercicio 61B 1. Has he rented a house? Yes, he has rented in the best part of the city. 2. Antonio went to change his money. 3. Has the author finished the book? Yes, he finished today. 4. Where is Humberto? He went to the store(in order)to speak with the manager. 5. Has Anne studied today? Yes, she has studied a lot. 6. He has forgotten the appointment, hasn’t he? Yes, he has forgotten again. He always forgets. 7. Where is Alex? He went to the beach with his friends. 8. Has your mother arrived? No, she arrives tomorrow. 9. Where is Pepe? He has gone to visit a friend. 10. Teresa has had a daughter. 11. Has the baby eaten? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

12. Andrew hasn’t learned much Spanish, has he? No, he didn’t study. 13. Jose has opened a store downtown. 14. My wife has written three books. 15. My friend just bought a house in Baja California. 16. Where is Andres? He went to pay the bills. 17. When did your mom go to Chile? She went in January. 18. How many years has she spoken Spanish? She just learned the last year. 19. David has finished his Spanish class, hasn’t he? Yes, he finished the last month. 20. He hasn’t called? 21. Did she go to Spain? 22. Alberto didn’t go. 23. Why didn’t David go to the party? He needed to study. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Respuestas del ejercicio 61B 1. ¿Ha rentado él una casa? Sí, ha rentado en el mejor parte de la ciudad. 2. Antonio fue a cambiar su dinero. 3. ¿Ha terminado el autor su libro? Sí, terminó hoy. 4. ¿Dónde está Humberto? Fue a tienda para hablar con el gerente. 5. ¿Ha estudiado Anne hoy? Sí, ha estudiado mucho. 6. Él ha olvidado la cita, ¿verdad? Sí, ha olvidado otra vez. Siempre olvida. 7. ¿Dónde está Alex? Fue a la playa con sus amigos. 8. ¿Ha llegado su mamá? No, llega mañana. 9. ¿Dónde está Pepe? Ha ido a visitar un amigo. 10. Teresa ha tenido una hija. 11. ¿Ha comido el bebé? 12. Andrew no he aprendido mucho español, ¿verdad? No, no estudió. 13. José ha abierto una tienda en el centro. 14. Mi esposa he escrito tres libros. 15. mi amigo acaba de comprar una casa en baja California. 16. ¿Dónde está Andres? Fue a pagar las cuentas. 17. ¿Cuándo fue su mamá a Chile? Fue en enero. 18. ¿Cuántos años ha hablado ella español? Acaba de aprender el año pasado. 19. David ha terminado sus clases de español, ¿verdad? Sí, terminó el mes pasado. 20. Él no ha llamada. 21. ¿Fue ella a España? 22. Alberto no fue. 23. ¿Por qué no fue David a la fiesta? Necesitó estudiar.


!Felicidades! Congratulations!

!Enhorabuena! Congratulations! (synonym)

!Bien hecho! Well done!


Congratulations, well done and good job. Thanks for taking this journey with me. Having made it this far, you are well on your way to mastering Spanish. I am right now creating an extended audio SuperCourse of Shortcut to Spanish level 2. This audio course will give you the opportunity to practice all the Spanish Conversation Patterns, Essential Spanish Vocabulary and Instant Spanish Words. You will be able to interact with the 15 hours of audio to make your Spanish flow even more naturally. I expect November 2006 will be the release date. If you would like free samples, send an email to [email protected] with “Shortcut to Spanish 2 Supercourse” in the subject line. I am also in the process of creating a level 2 version of my other course, Synergy Spanish. The formats between Synergy Spanish and Shortcut to Spanish are very similar. However, there are some parts of Spanish that you will pick up almost effortlessly with Synergy Spanish that I haven’t been able to cover in this course. Synergy Spanish is focused mostly on speaking. So, if you live in a Spanish speaking country or have a lot of contact with native Spanish speakers, I am sure you will get a lot from Synergy Spanish. If you would like to be among the first to receive samples of Synergy Spanish level 2 send an email to [email protected] with “Synergy Spanish level 2” in the subject line. Writing this course was a labor of love, but I am pooped. It took a long time to complete, almost a year, so I a going to take little a break. However, I do have more ideas and much more Spanish to share with you, so if you are ready to go even further with your Spanish please let me know. If I hear from you, I will give you access to drafts of anything new I create, before they are released. I appreciate any feedback, so if you have any comments on this course, I would love to hear from you.


How They Speak Newsletter I live in Mexico, so I spend a lot of time connecting with real Spanish. In fact, I have to force myself to speak English to my daughter because she understands Spanish better than English. For us, communicating in Spanish is easier, but of course, I want her to learn English as well. Living here in Mexico, I’m surrounded by Spanish. The living language has a lot of expressiveness and color. Everything you have learned in my courses is real Spanish, however as you get better and better at the language you will notice subtle variations in how people use Spanish expressively. For example, a simple word like nada, you can use to say para nada (not at all), nada más (nothing else) nada del otro mundo (nothing special, nothing out of this world) and de nada (your welcome). We have covered a few of these variations already in the course and if you move among Spanish speakers you will have heard them all the time. I am thinking of creating a monthly audio newsletter focused on how native speakers use Spanish to greater expressiveness in everyday speaking. There will be just a small fee to receive at least a CD worth of audio content every month. I’ll guide you to understand and use the expressions commonly used in Spanish. We’ll look indepth at the ways Spanish speakers twist words to create subtle variations in meaning. Variations that can sometimes be confusing when Spanish is not your first language. Plus, I have some other ideas to make the newsletter an enjoyable dose of Spanish that is fun to involve yourself with every month. If this sounds like something for you, email me at [email protected] Thanks again for taking this journey with me.

Hasta la próxima amigo (a) (Until next time friend) Marcus Santamaria