Saint Patrick Parish

Human Concerns: Kim Flitcroft…… ………215-6899. Knitting Group: Cherie ... Benjamin Flores 745-7262; floreshrn@gmail,.com.
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Saint Patrick Parish 107 W Walworth, Elkhorn, WI 53121

We welcome you to our community! Whether you are visiting or seeking a parish home, we pray God blesses you abundantly!

INVITATION TO WORSHIP Sat: 5:30 pm; Sunday: 7:30 & 10:30 am

April 29, 2018 Fifth Sunday of Easter

Domingo: 1:30 pm Misa en español Weekday: Wed. & Fri. 8am Communion Service: Thurs 8:00 am Adoration: Thurs 8:30 am - 6:30pm Rosary Prayer: Wednesday 6:00 pm SACRAMENTAL LIFE Sacrament of Reconciliation: Fridays 6:00pm or by appointment Anointing (Home & Hospital Visits): Contact Parish Office 723-5565 Baptismal Preparation & RCIA: Contact Ray Henderson, 723-5565 Marriage: Contact us 6 mos. in advance. PARISH OFFICE: (262) 723-5565 Monday-Friday: 8:00 — 4:00 Pastor: Rev. Oriol Regales, ext. 114 [email protected] Associate: Rev. José Zapata, ext. 116 [email protected] Secretary: Kris Parker, ext. 110 [email protected] Bulletin: Sindy Morales ext. 115 [email protected] DAS: Lynda Wulf, ext. 112 [email protected] DRE: Ray Henderson, ext. 119 [email protected] Hispanic Min: Sr. Graciela, Mfj, ext. 113 [email protected]

We exist to PRAY recognizing diversity, GROW placing higher values on faith formation and SERVE with Christian compassion.










MASS INTENTIONS Join us for Mass!

Are you ready for a trim? In today's Gospel, we hear the familiar teaching of the vine and the branches. Jesus reminds us that if we remain close to him-living in humility, following God's law, loving our neighbor-we will notice a positive change in our life and the lives of those around us. "Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit." The Holy Spirit is life-giving. He is fruitful. The Spirit of God won't refuse grace to a heart that is open.

Saturday, April 28, 2018 5:30 pm †Tom Puralewski (Elaine) Sunday, April 29, 2018 Fifth Sunday of Easter 7:30 am †Decessed Member of the Knights of Columbus †Werner Christen (Traditional Choir) 10:30 am †Bratsven & Toth Families (Guitar Choir) 1:30 pm The Parish (Santa Cecilia)

As we progress through life, learning how to live and love, we grow. Our personalities flower. We discover what it is to be a blessing to others. We also experience lack, loss, and the results of our failures. We know what it is like to "wither" at times, particularly the times when we willingly separate ourselves from Jesus. "Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me." For most of us, this experience of being disconnected and off track generates a desire to return to what is right and good, to return to the vine.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 Saint Joseph the Worker Wednesday, May 2, 2018 Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 8:00 am The Parish Thursday, May 3, 2018 Saints Philip and James, Apostles 8:00 am Communion Service (Bob Graff)

But this Gospel is more than "Are you in or are you out?" Even when we remain in God, when we follow Jesus, we are not exempt from the challenge, the pruning. "Everyone that [bears fruit] he prunes." A prudent trim is necessary in the natural world of trees and vines. Dead wood, broken shoots, and diseased branches need to be cut back in order for the plant to bear fruit. Jesus wants us to be healthy! He says as much himself: "By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples." Take a look at your life today. Where are you bearing fruit? Where do you need to be pruned?

Friday, May 4, 2018 10:30 am †Chuck Statz Saturday, May 5, 2018 5:30 pm †Shatha Abdulahad (Elaine) Sunday, May 6, 2018 Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:30 am The Parish (Guitar Choir) 10:30 am †Marilyn A. Geegan †Lavonne Piotrowski (Traditional Choir) 1:30 pm The Parish (Santa Cecilia)

Parish Council Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. All parishioners are welcome! Matt Wallace 723-3635; [email protected] Ann Fincutter 742-4187; [email protected] Benjamin Flores 745-7262; floreshrn@gmail,.com Regan Homan 723-7219; [email protected] Jesus C. Mendoza 725-3566; [email protected] James Duquette 758-8201; [email protected] Connie Poggensee 723-7644; [email protected] Brian Schopf 723-4437; [email protected] Leo Ehlen, Nathan Chapman, Julia Pulokas (youth) Trustees Tim Lockwood 248-6099; [email protected] Pat Romenesko 903-2647; [email protected]

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee will be holding it’s annual Priest Spring Assembly next, and both Fr. Oriol and Fr. Jose will be attending. Therefore, there will be NO 8AM Mass on Wednesday, May 9th.

Men’s Breakfast Group will meet on Saturday, May 5th at 6:30am, in St. Anthony Hall.

Parish Organizations Knights of Columbus George Fincutter…….742-4187 Young Squires: Richard Kieszkowski…….….248-1864 Columbiettes: Ann Fincutter………………..742-4187 Ladies Guild: Amy Block……………………..374-0771 Human Concerns: Kim Flitcroft…… ………215-6899 Knitting Group: Cherie Swick……………….742-3318 Mt. Olivet Cemetery: Mark Weseman……..742-4125

We are a faith community, a family. Remember, you are part of our St. Patrick’s family. Please, tell us how can we pray for you. Email us at office @ or call our prayer line at 262-723-7644. You can use your name or it can be anonymous, but let us pray with you. The power of prayer cannot be overstated.







Calendar of Events





Scripture for the week of April 29, 2018

Monday, April 30th 6:00 pm AA Meeting - Reading Room Tuesday, May 1st 10:00 am Knitting Group - Conference Room 11:30 am Joint Staff Meeting - Conference Room 5:00 pm Joint Prayer & Worship - Conference Room 6:00 pm Human Concerns - DM 6:30 pm Finance - Conference Room 6:30 pm Joint Faith Formation - OLG 6:30 pm WINGS - Family Room Wednesday, May 2nd 5:00 pm First Communion Rehearsal - Church 5:00 pm Wisdom Wednesday - LRC 7:00 pm Wisdom Wednesday - Trinity/ SAH Thursday, May 3rd

(Lecturas para la semana del 29 de abril) Sunday: Acts 9:26-31/Ps 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32 [26a]/1 Jn 3:18 -24/Jn 15:1-8 Monday: Acts 14:5-18/Ps 115:1-2, 3-4, 15-16 [1ab]/Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28/Ps 145:10-11, 12-13ab, 21 [cf. 12]/Jn 14:27-31a St. Joseph the Worker: Gn 1:26--2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24/ Ps 90:2, 3-4, 12-13, 14 and 16 [cf. 17b]/Mt 13:54-58 Wednesday: Acts15:1-6/Ps122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5[cf. 1]/Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: 1 Cor 15:1-8/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [5]/Jn 14:6-14 Friday: Acts 15:22-31/Ps 57:8-9, 10 and 12 [10a]/Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10/Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 5/Jn 15:18-21 Next Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4 [cf. 2b]/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17

8:30 am Eucharistic Adoration - Church

Friday, May 4th 11:30 am Luncheon following Mass - SAH Saturday, May 5th 6:30 am Men’s Breakfast Group - SAH 4:00 pm Hombres de Emaus 4to Dia - Trinity Center Sunday, May 6th 8:30 am Women’s CRHP - OLG 11:00 am Hombres de Emaus - DM 11:00 am Grupo Juvenil - OLG 5:00 pm Men’s Group - SAH

This weekend, April 28th & 29th, after each Mass we will be having the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. We will also be having a special Mass on Friday, May 4th at 10:30am. A luncheon will follow downstairs in St. Anthony Hall. There will be NO 8:00 am Mass that day. Call the parish office if you have any questions.

AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE Let us Rejoice and Pray for these soon-to-be married couples:

Banns II Katelynn Parker & Brandon Fraher





May 5 5:30 pm

May 6 7:30 am

May 6 10:30 am


John Hall

Connie Poggensee

John Kara


Pat Romenesko

Barb Angermeier

James Duquette


Virginia Weigand Linda McCormick Beth Sukala Kathy Sheahan Kris LaFavor

Mark Weseman Rebecca Hanson Lisa Amburgey Cheryl Kunkel Eleanor Montano Paul Kremer Pat Anderson

John Kara Melita Ellington Rosemarie Zawacki Maria Huerta Marge Boutelle Mike Cartina Jason Robinette


Gabe Vorpagel Lauren Vorpagel

Anastasia Grochowski Mitch Grochowski

Evan Bednarek Paulson Yesbeck


The Pope’s Prayer Intentions for April 2018 Universal – For those who have Responsibility in Economic Matters That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths.






Programs at Siena Retreat Center, 5637 Erie St., Racine call 262-898-2590 for more info or visit and click on Retreat Programs.





PLEASE PRAY FOR… Remember in your prayers all parish members and friends who are ill, in nursing homes, home-bound or hospitalized. May they continue to receive the Lord’s blessings. Gladys Myjak Issy Kostenko Jerry Koetterhagen Duane Lehn Paula Allmann Gerry Thelen Cindy Koetterhagen Tom Burke

SoulCollage®, Saturday, May 5, 9:00am-3:00pm, Missy Isely-Poltrock and Pat Shutts SoulCollage® is a process of creating, over time, a personal deck of unique collaged cards from found and personal images for the purpose of self-exploration, self-acceptance, soul-tending. We will take time to make cards and seek what they might be saying to us in a quiet reflective atmosphere. The theme is “Holy”. Cost of $40 includes $10 non-refundable deposit, noon meal, and supplies.

Join us for our Hospitality Weekend on May 5 & 6. After the 5:30pm, 7:30am, and 10:30am Masses in our Gathering Space to meet other parishioners and enjoy refreshments and conversation. Hospitality this month is hosted by Parish Council. All are welcomed and encouraged to stay after the Masses.

Transformation in Times of Uncertainty, May 18-20, Friday at 7pm – Sunday after the noon meal, Nancy Sylvester, IHM, former President of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. It seems as if everything we thought we knew about how the world works is being turned upside down. It is a time of great uncertainty. What hope does a spirituality rooted in the Gospel offer us? This weekend will explore the power of contemplation as a transformative practice so necessary in our world today. Cost: $225 includes $50 non-refundable deposit, accommodations and meals.

May is the month of Mary The month of May is traditionally dedicated to Mary in many cultures. May is considered the season of the beginning of new life. For Catholics, it is the month named for and dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which started sometime in the 18th century by the Jesuits in Rome. There are many ways for us to honor Mary: the May Crowning, praying the rosary, planting a Mary garden, even setting up a small statue of Mary in your home. Do your own investigating. The important thing is that Mary be honored in some special way. We honor her as one chosen by God to bear his Son, our Salvation. She is the perfect follower of Christ.

Retro Night 2018 HURRY – SEATING LIMITED. Join Archbishop Listecki for dinner and an evening of Sing-a-Long Songs as we remember the Church Folk Music of the 60s and 70s. May 4, 2018 at the Cousins Center, 3501 S. Lake Drive, Milwaukee, $25 each. Tickets for this event are limited – more information and register at

Ladies Guild – On Monday, May 7th @6:00 pm Lower Level Guadalupe Room. We will honor the Blessed Virgin Mary with a crowning of flowers and recitation of the rosary. Refreshments will be provided. All are welcomed to join us for this special event.

Reading Room – We hope you’ve taken advantage of our Parish Library for your reading. If you haven’t, come browse over 1000 titles – you’re sure to find something that interests you. We have titles like “Where Faith and Real Life Come Together”, “Search and Rescue”, “Rome Sweet Rome”, “Holiness Revolution”, “Nothing Is Impossible With God”, “My Monastery Is A Minivan”, by authors such as Patrick Madrid, Scott Hahn, Allen Hunt, Raymond Arroyo, and many more. Our Reading Room is located in the hallway toward the office on your right and is always open.

Outreach (Human Concerns)

Covenant House sent us a thank you for our in kind $100 donation, which was tripled in a matching contribution, to support homeless children in New York City." This week the Elkhorn Food Pantry is in particular need of the following items: *Hand Soap *Laundry/ Dish Soap *Toilet Paper/ Paper Towels *Tooth Paste/ Brushes Items can be brought to the cart in back of church and we will deliver them!! Thank you for sharing!

The following have joined our parish in recent weeks and we welcome them: Joan Bales, Gilberto & Miriam Huerta Moreno and Family, William Collins, Brenda Welsh, Jennifer Lepkowski and Family, Joe & Elaine Sellenheim and Family, Renee Blechner, Laura Tidwell.







Happy 5th week of Easter! Our 7th graders celebrated the Easter season by creating (delicious) Resurrection rolls! Before the rolls go in the oven you see the marshmallow inside of it....once it comes out of the oven, the marshmallow is gone! What a creative and exciting was to learn about the burial and resurrection of our King! Thanks to our 7th grade catechists for teaching in the kitchen! We can learn about the love of Christ EVERYWHERE!! “and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures” -1 Corinthians 15:4





PARISH SUPPORT Fiscal Year June 2017 to July 2018

Collected 4/15 - 103 envelopes Offertory We gave

$7,810.50 $1,435.44 $9,245.94

Collected 4/22 - 145 envelopes Offertory We gave

$11,590.00 $944.95 $12,534.95

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR MINISTRIES Consider using online banking to make your monthly

contribution. Simply set up a recurring payment of your pledge amount to St. Patrick’s as an automatic bill to pay. Honoring our past, Building for the Future Campaign Report

It is with a great deal of excitement and delight, that I am pleased to share the loan that St. Patrick’s Parish entered into for the “Honoring Our Past Building For the Future” capital campaign has reached a goal of under $100,000 balance due. As of the end of February 2018 we owe $99,425. Through the generosity of you the parishioners, especially in December when a special end of the year drive was held, St. Patrick’s was able to make a very generous payment to the principle of the loan. Thank you to all for your generosity and your faith in St. Patrick’s Parish as we strive to reach our final goal of zero balance. We are almost there!!

Saint Benedict's has a Bereavement group for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We would invite your parishioners / readers all who are experiencing this and would like to come to a support group. We would really appreciate if you could advertise this in your Bulletin / Newspaper. Thank you for your support. Hopeful Horizons: St. Benedict Bereavement Group for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We meet the second Wednesday of every month at 10:00am. Our next meeting will be May 9th . All grieving people are welcome to this ecumenical group. St. Benedict is located at 137 Dewey Ave. Fontana Any Questions Call Margaret Moser 847-370-1437 or Pat Grove 262-607-6025 I walked a mile with sorrow and ne'er a word spoke she. But Oh! the things I learned from her when sorrow walked with me. Robert Browning

LOVE IS OUR MISSION Nazareth Family Day at Holy Hill Basilica and the National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians, at Holy Hill Sunday, July 8, 2018 - 12:30 P.M. 1525 Carmel Rd., Hubertus 53033 Cost: $25.00 per family (includes meal after Mass) Families are invited to this special day which will begin with Mass at 12:30 p.m. (Confessions will be heard from 11:30 am 12:30 pm). Mass will be followed by a picnic, games for all ages, face painting, music, relay races, a "bouncy house" for younger children and a Rock Climbing Wall for older children! For questions, contact Emily Burds at [email protected] or 414-758-2213.

New Parishioner Registration: Once a month on our Hospitality Weekends you can register with the parish in the Gathering Area. Our next hospitality weekend will be May 5/6. You can also stop in anytime Monday thru Friday from 8-4 to register. We would also be happy to give you a quick tour of our parish grounds if you’d like. Call 723-5565 with any questions. Welcome to St. Pat’s! Enjoy this moment in your 20s or 30s Socials. Events. Small Groups. Retreats. Conferences. Theology on Tap. And more. Brew City Catholic is the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s initiative for 20s and 30s. Get connected at Follow us on Instagram @brewcitycatholic Thank you to all those who have donated for Easter and the Easter Season. Donations were made in memory of: Dunham & Turkofski Families.











V Domingo de Pascua (29 de Abril 2018) “Yo soy la vid, ustedes los sarmientos; el que permanece en mí y yo en él, ése da fruto abundante, porque sin mí nada pueden hacer” (Jn 15,1-8) “El que permanece en mí como yo en él, ése da mucho fruto”: Soy cristiano y católico porque un día fui bautizado. Pero, ¿soy verdaderamente de Cristo? Dice el Señor: «Con esto recibe gloria mi Padre, en que ustedes den fruto abundante; así serán discípulos míos» (15, 8). Para quien ama a Dios y desea glorificarlo con toda su vida, ser discípulo de Cristo es fundamental. Discípulo es aquel que tiene un maestro, porque busca aprender todo lo que él desde su sabiduría y experiencia le enseña, porque, más aún, quiere asemejarse a él, quiere ser como él. Por otro lado, el verdadero maestro es el que hace mucho más que impartir un conjunto de conocimientos: enseña una sabiduría profunda, un camino de superación y realización personal, una moral que se refleja en su propio modo de vida, etc. El discípulo descubre en tal maestro un modelo apelante, digno de ser imitado y seguido. Lo admira, encuentra en él respuestas a sus propios anhelos y búsquedas de verdad y de felicidad, su modo de vida lo atrae. Entre el maestro y el discípulo se establece un vínculo de confianza, así como una profunda sintonía. El discípulo, porque confía en su maestro, porque sabe que lo llevará por el sendero que conduce a su máximo bien, hace lo que le dice, le presta obediencia aunque a veces implique renuncias exigentes y costosas. Para reflexionar: - Ahora puede preguntarse: ¿Soy yo verdaderamente discípulo de Cristo? ¿Procuro conocer sus enseñanzas y vivir de acuerdo a ellas? ¿O soy cristiano sólo de nombre? - Tomemos conciencia de que no basta con decir: “yo creo en Él”. No es discípulo quien dice que cree, sino quien vive como enseña Cristo. Decía Santiago, el Apóstol: «¿Tú crees que hay un solo Dios? Haces bien. También los demonios lo creen y tiemblan» (2,19) No basta, pues, con creer. Son necesarios los frutos, las obras que manifiestan la fe. Es necesario «vivir como vivió Él» (2, 6), vivir de acuerdo a las enseñanzas que Él proclamó. Para ser discípulo de Cristo es necesaria una adhesión afectiva a su Persona y a sus enseñanzas. - Somos sarmientos. Pero, ¿en qué vid estamos implantados? ¿En la vid verdadera o en la falsa? ¿Permanezco fiel a Jesús? ¡Es muy importante encontrarnos con Él todos los días, leer los Evangelios y hacer silencio para escuchar Su voz y procurar poner por obra sus enseñanzas! Que la Eucaristía de hoy renueve nuestro cuerpo y nuestro espíritu. Que Bendiciones a todos...

Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica


755: «La verdadera vid es Cristo, que da vida y fecundidad a los sarmientos, es decir, a nosotros, que permanecemos en Él por medio de la Iglesia y que sin Él no podemos hacer nada»

MISA Y ADORACION NOCTURNA Invitamos a todos los líderes y los que quieran vivir esta experiencia de Dios, en la Adoración Nocturna al Santísimo Sacramento el viernes 4 de Mayo, a las 7:00 pm, en la Iglesia. ¡Todos están invitados!

¡Bendiciones a todos! PLÁTICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES PRÓXIMAS Sabado, 5 de mayo, 9:30am (San Andres) Martes, 8 de mayo, 6:00pm (San Patricio) Sabado, 19 de mayo, 9:00am (San Patricio)

MISA DE SANACION El Viernes 11 de Mayo tendremos una Misa de Sanación con el P. José Germán Zapata a las 7:00 pm, todos están invitados a vivir momentos de Oración y recibir Sanación física y espiritual. ¡Ven, no faltes!!!

Nota: Recordarles que para las pláticas pre-bautismales y para todos los sacramentos y celebraciones hay que registrarse antes en la parroquia. Favor de llamar a Sindy Morales 723-5565 de lunes a miércoles o 728-6211 jueves y viernes.

CONFESIONES, MISA Y GRUPO DE ORACION Les recordamos que la oración es poderosa, invitamos a los lideres, grupos y a toda la comunidad de fe a las confesiones, Misa y al Grupo de Oración todos los Viernes a las 7:00 pm, y no se olviden de alimentar y llenar su espíritu con la visita al Santísimo Sacramento todos los Jueves en el horario que usted guste en la Iglesia. ¡El Señor quiere que lo visites!!! SANTO ROSARIO Les recordamos que todos los domingos a la 1:00pm tenemos el Santo Rosario en la Iglesia, todos están invitados para orar juntos. ¡JESUS ESTA VIVO…!