Page 1 | | Rinderschmorbraten | Rotweinjus | Maronen

Main Course includes a small salad. Der Preis für das Tagesgericht beinhaltet ein Wasser 0,2 l pro Person. The price for the daily special includes a water 0,2 l ...
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| Rinderschmorbraten | Rotweinjus | Maronen-Perlgraupenrisotto Beef pot roast | red wine jus | chestnut-pearl barley risotto

| Lachsforellenfilet | Kapern-Mandelbutter | Pesto | Kartoffelstampf Seatrout filet | capers-almond butter | pesto | mash potatoes

| Gebratene Rinderfiletstreifen | Peperonata | Kräuterreis Pan-fried beef filet stripes | peperonata | herb rice

| Doradenfilet | Artischocken-Kichererbsenragout Sea bream filet | artichoke-chickpeas ragout

| Kalbsrücken Piccata | Oliventapenade | Spaghetti Saddle of veal piccata | olive tapenade | spaghetti

| Hauptgang inklusive kleinem Beilagensalat Main Course includes a small salad Der Preis für das Tagesgericht beinhaltet ein Wasser 0,2 l pro Person The price for the daily special includes a water 0,2 l per person

EUR 18

Spinat-Ricotta-Ravioli | Datterino Tomaten | Rucola Spinach-ricotta-ravioli | datterino tomatoes | rocket salad
