Nevado de Cocuy. Six Colombian students

Nevado de Cocuy. Six Colombian students, Santiago Perez, Pancho and Sergio Gaviria, Juan Manuel Diaz, Andrés Uribe and P
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N evado de Cocuy. Six Colom bian students, Santiago Perez, Pancho and Sergio Gaviria, Juan M anuel Diaz, A ndrés U ribe and Pepe Luis M oreno, climbed R itacuba Blanco ( 17,926. feet) on M arch 25. M oreno and S. G aviria also m ade the first Colom bian ascent of R itacuba N egro ( 17,681 feet) the next day. A crevasse on the latter, w here some equip­ m ent was found, appears to be the spot where Ian H arverson and Peter Jennings were lost in D ecem ber 1973 (A .A .J ., 1974, p. 123).