Nabi Nunhue - Maastricht Housing

2.7 Maintenance, protection and expansion of the nature reserve. 2.8 Pachamili: opening of a temple with pre-Colombian shamanic pottery. General goals. 2.9.
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Nabi Nunhue A project for the preservation of the indigenous knowledge

about healing plants and the shamanic art of healing in Colombia

Project description and donation request

CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4.

Thirteen years Nabi Nunhue Goals at a glance Explanation of the goals Pictures of the projec

Nabi Nunhue

A project for the preservation of indigenous knowledge about healing plants and shamanic art of healing

1. T HIRTEEN YEARS N ABI N UNHUE Nabi Nunhue is a Colombian project for the preservation of the indigenous knowledge about healing plants and the shamanic art of healing in Colombia. Nabi Nunhue means House of the Jaguar in the Kogi language. The project was founded in 2001 with support from the Dutch Foundation for Small Development Projects (SKOP). Nabi Nunhue and SKOP have worked together in close collaboration since then. The project is led by the Colombia shaman Kajuyali Tsamani. His life and work provide a unique bridge between indigenous and Western knowledge. Over the last 30 years, he has studied, trained and practiced with various shamans of different tribes and traditions in Colombia. He also brings together shamans from other indigenous traditions around the world to exchange knowledge. The valuable knowledge he embodies faces near extinction as progressively fewer members of these tribes are able to continue the traditions, and many of the tribes themselves are disappearing. Nabi Nunhue is located in the highlands of southern Colombia and extends to an area of 9 hectares. This includes a large organic garden with medical plants, herbs, organic agriculture and fruit trees. Six hectares are part of a protected nature reserve. Also on the land are various ritual spaces used for ceremonies from different traditions. These include La Loma, a ceremonial space in the Kogi tradition; the Inipi, a sweat lodge, in the Lakota tradition; the Ochoka is a space for ceremonial dancing and music; Pacha Manca, a circle where people cook food in the Inka tradition; and a ceremonial Moon space dedicated to women. The Maloka, is a large ceremonial hut (picture on the front page) where exchanges of shamanic and cultural activities take place. In the past, shamans from different Colombian tribes (Huitoto, Kofan and Camenza) visited the Maloka. More recently, regular visitors include shamans from the Kogi, Guambiano and Sikuani tribes (all Colombian) and medicine men and women from the Lakota (USA). The project has supported and inspired several shamans and tribes to resume and preserve their traditional arts of healing. Twice per year, Nabi Nunhue organises international events with participation from shamans of various traditions. Every September equinox, Nabi Nunhue hosts an international event with female shamans. Nabi Nunhue collaborates with the Kogi people on an important project to restore their historical gold artefacts. The Kogi are one of the last indigenous tribes of the Americas, that continues to live according to its traditional values. For more information on this project, visit: Many visitors, both local and international, have found and continue to find personal healing at Nabi Nunhue, and have acquired from it valuable and enriching knowledge about shamanic culture and arts of healing. 2

Nabi Nunhue

A project for the preservation of indigenous knowledge about healing plants and shamanic art of healing

View from the compound of volcano Las Galeras



Short term goals 2.1

Expansion and increased efficiency of medical plant cultivation and organic agriculture


Opening of a guesthouse


Construction of a space for individual healing treatment


Construction of an arts and crafts studio

Long term goals 2.5

Sustainable and self-sufficient water and energy systems


Acquisition of land for housing of members of Nabi Nunhue


Maintenance, protection and expansion of the nature reserve


Pachamili: opening of a temple with pre-Colombian shamanic pottery

General goals 2.9

Sharing and development of Shamanic knowledge 3

Nabi Nunhue 3.

A project for the preservation of indigenous knowledge about healing plants and shamanic art of healing


Short term goals 3.1

Expansion and increased efficiency of medical plant cultivation and organic agriculture:

Organic coffee: The coffee plantation will be expanded. Coffee will be sold as a proprietary brand product with the name ‚Nabi Nunhue’, first to friends of the project and later to a broader market. This will generate an income for the project and for members of Nabi Nunhue. Herb garden: The cultivation of medicinal plants and herbs will be expanded. Seeds and plants will be bought and a plant nursery will be built. Plant products and medicine will be produced and sold. Compost: The system for composting will be expanded and optimised. Garden storehouse: A shed will be built where products can be processed and tools can be stored. Beekeeping


Opening of a guesthouse:

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Nabi Nunhue recently acquired a neighbouring house. It will be renovated and converted into a guesthouse. As soon as the guesthouse is opened, friends of Nabi Nunhue will be invited to visit the project and stay there. This will generate and income for the project and members of Nabi Nunhue. 3.3

Construction of a space for individual healing treatment: A cabin will be built in a beautiful spot in nature where shamans and others can perform individual treatments. It will also be used for meditation.


Construction of an arts and crafts studio: Arts and crafts are important aspects of indigenous shamanic cultures. A studio will be built and equipped with various artistic tools for working with wood, ceramics, textile, etc. Adornments, jewellery and musical instruments will also be made here. The studio will include a gold forge. Some products will be sold to generate an income for the project and it’s members.


Nabi Nunhue

A project for the preservation of indigenous knowledge about healing plants and shamanic art of healing

Long term goals


Sustainable and self-sufficient water and energy systems:

A nearby piece of land with a water spring will be acquired. A facility for transporting water from the spring to the irrigation system that covers the compound will be installed.

Installation of a facility for the re-cycling of rain water.

Installation of a solar/water heating facility.

Installation of solar panels for power generation.


Acquisition of land for housing of members of Nabi Nunhue


Maintenance, protection and expansion of the nature reserve:

The nature reserve shall be expanded by 20 hectares.

Nature trails will be improved and new trails built.

Former agricultural area will be reforested.


Pachamili: A large collection of beautiful pottery has been offered to Nabi Nunhue. The pieces were made by pre-Columbian tribes that lived in the region. A temple will be built where the objects will be displayed so that they can be honoured and used in accordance with the shamanic traditions for which they were created. .


Nabi Nunhue

A project for the preservation of indigenous knowledge about healing plants and shamanic art of healing

General goals 3.9

Sharing and development of Shamanic knowledge:

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Medicinal plant and organic agriculture workshops will continue. International events involving shamans from different tribes will continue. These events allow for the exchange of knowledge between shamans of different traditions and others who are interested in learning. The project activities are meant as an example and inspiration to others at the local, national and international levels.



The guesthouse for events The construction of the Maloka in 2002

Botanic garden

Exchange of plant knowledge


Nabi Nunhue

A project for the preservation of indigenous knowledge about healing plants and shamanic art of healing


Kogi shamans

Taita Juan Bautista, Camenza

International shamanic event in Pasto with Kajuyali Tsamani and Iktomi Sha, Lakota


Nabi Nunhue

A project for the preservation of indigenous knowledge about healing plants and shamanic art of healing