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HSV Rapid Remedy PDF EBook Download Dr. Christine Buehler & Dr. Ken Languin Complete Program

WHAT IS GENITAL HERPES VViittaall IInnffoorrm maattiioonn YYoouu M Muusstt U Unnddeerrssttaanndd It is very important that you understand what herpes is if you want to control it. Herpes is a coated virus. It is basically a parasite that cannot survive alone, and so replicates itself by using your cells as a resource. Herpes is DNA code coated in a protein envelope. Herpes is a family of eight viruses and the full name for herpes is herpes simplex virus. This book covers only herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type- 2 (HSV-2), because these are the only types of the herpes virus which cause genital herpes. Each type of herpes virus has a “dwelling of preference” in your body. The HSV-2 virus likes to reside in the sacral ganglion and cause genital herpes, whereas the HSV-1 likes to remain dormant in the trigeminal ganglion, at the base of your neck, and cause oral herpes. For this reason, although the HSV-1 virus can very occasionally cause genital herpes this is unusual. Conversely the HSV-2 virus hardly ever produces oral herpes symptoms and is very unlikely to be transmitted orally. You need to know whether you have herpes type-1 or herpes type-2 because depending on which type you have, you may have more or less symptoms and the probability of transmitting herpes to your partner will vary greatly. A lot of people ask me, "Is it possible to cure herpes? Is it possible to get rid of herpes from the body?" I fully understand these questions because herpes can cause really painful symptoms and can be very scary. To cure herpes would mean removing all traces of herpes DNA in your system. Unfortunately, although the finest researchers are constantly seeking a cure, they have not yet found one. I have read claims of “miracle cures” but they are fraudulent. This does not mean a cure does not exist. Let me tell you the story of a young man starting law school, who I gave support to. He bought about three hundred and fifty dollars’ worth of products that were so-called "cures» and which you can find on the Internet. I told him, "These are not cures. They are homeopathic remedies. Even though they can suppress symptoms, it takes time. Taking a lot of them in a short period will not help you." The young

man would not listen to me. Several months later, he let me know how disappointed he was. He had been ripped off to the tune of three hundred and fifty dollars, with no results. It is important to understand that herpes is a virus and that once you have it, you have it for life. It is something, which we theoretically cannot remove from our bodies. What happens is that once herpes has entered a host (your body), it can "go to sleep" for a while. By that I mean that it can remain inactive and not cause any infection. It will just rest in the sacral ganglion or cluster of nerve cells where herpes stays as a silent virus. What I mean by “silent” is that herpes has found a way to make itself invisible to the immune system. Our immune system cannot detect it when it is asleep or dormant. When it wakes up, (I am going to use that image to make things simpler) it changes its structure. It starts duplicating itself by exhausting nerve cells. It takes all the resources in the nerve cells until they burst. It travels down the nerve paths this way and through the skin cells, where it causes redness, itchiness and blisters, and can sometimes be transmitted. Your immune system cannot detect herpes while it is not active. But when herpes is inactive, it cannot be transmitted. This is what scientific research has found. I do not believe there is no cure for herpes but to prove that a certain remedy or a combination of several remedies is in fact a cure would cost millions. In Today’s economy, it would be virtually impossible to raise enough money to research alternative treatments thoroughly enough to prove a natural remedy is a cure. That is why the purpose of this book is just to help you remain symptoms free and prevent herpes transmission. Even if you never experience any symptoms after reading this book, you cannot say you have been cured. Even if your blood test results change and you become very close to being negative, this cannot prove you have been cured. However, this will mean your likeliness to transmit herpes to someone will be much closer to 0% and that you will not have to suffer an outbreak ever again. I know I will sell fewer books by not guaranteeing a 100% that you will be cured but I have decided to tell you the truth. The reason why I am doing all this is to help you get a better life not to deceive you, get your money and run. I want you to get well and feel that herpes is not important and cannot hurt you anymore or anyone who comes close to you. Besides, even if you are cured, it will cost you thousands of dollars to prove that you have been cured. I want to help you save money not loose money with herpes tests. What you must understand is that people who claim they can cure you are lying to you. They just do not have any proof, just assumptions. This does not mean you cannot have phenomenal results at the

fraction of the cost of Today’s medicine. Actually, you can. Just imagine what it would be like knowing that you will never experience any dreadful outbreaks again and that your partner is safe with you. Imagine never having to say again, sorry honey we cannot do it Tonight, I’m having another outbreak. Wouldn’t it be wonderful? After going through embarrassing and shameful moments like these, I do think it is fabulous and my husband is delighted. He never had any genital herpes symptoms and we are entering our ninth year of love. I will assume that you have now been properly diagnosed and that you already know which type of genital herpes you have, type 1 or type 2, from the proper diagnosis, either a positive PCR Swab Test or a IgG specific blood test. What you can achieve with the help of this book is to keep herpes silent, remove outbreaks from your life and protect your partner from getting herpes from you. If you follow the guidelines presented in this book diligently you will change your views on herpes forever and it will no longer bother you.

UNDERSTANDING HERPES TRIGGERS A Allll YYoouu N Neeeedd ttoo K Knnoow wA Abboouutt H Heerrppeess TTrriiggggeerrss aanndd W Whhyy To stop herpes from tormenting you, you must understand what triggers herpes. Herpes triggers are vitally important yet often completely overlooked. Traditional medicine does not really know what “wakes up” herpes. They just know it “wakes up” and what happens then. Maybe it is stress, anxiety, or friction. Maybe it is a combination of stress, anxiety and bad diet, or maybe it is some other factor. I invite you to grab a pen and paper, or buy a little notebook, especially if it is less than two years after your first symptoms. It is very important that you start keeping a journal of your herpes triggers. You will not have to do this for ever. It is usually best to keep a journal for the first year or two. If you have never done it before then you should start now, even if it is two years or more since your first symptoms. It is very important that you start paying attention to what happens to your body and start working out what are your specific herpes triggers. Herpes triggers can be anything from a nervous condition to exhaustion, doing too much sport, eating too much sugar, or not taking enough exercise. You will notice a combination of two or three triggers that give you a 50% or more chance of causing a herpes outbreak when combined. If you do not believe your emotions and feelings can trigger herpes, please try this little test. Close your eyes. Feel a lot of fear and remember when you had pain. See herpes where it used to be, where it went, where it came, and where it hurt you. Feel it and see it there. Do that for too long and you will probably cause a herpes outbreak to return. Repeat the test only if you are really not convinced that your mind can trigger herpes. Your mind is your emotions, your thoughts, your beliefs; all of these are important. They affect your health, as much as what you eat and the lifestyle you lead. How you feel is just as important.

Common triggers Here I will present the most common herpes triggers.

Stress Stress is a very common trigger. When you have a lot of stress, all of a sudden you feel you have an itchy spot in an area you know very well. You feel it starting over again. I know people who sometimes relapse because of stress. They do not pay attention to their bodies, their thoughts and emotions, and they relapse. Fatigue Another trigger is fatigue. Fatigue often comes with stress, insomnia, poor diet or lack of exercise. Some people have asked me whether herpes causes fatigue or fatigue causes herpes. I believe herpes can sometimes temporarily cause fatigue but that most of the time fatigue is a symptom of something else, like poor diet. When you experience fatigue you must be very careful to monitor your body signs because you are more prone to getting an outbreak. You will receive all the information you need in this book to prevent herpes when fatigued. Depression / Emotional shock/ Emotional factors Sometimes depression, very strong emotions, or a state of shock can trigger herpes. Anger and tension in your domestic relationship can also cause herpes. I will give you simple remedies and techniques in this book that will help you get rid of any emotional triggers in no time. To my knowledge, no other book about herpes has disclosed this kind of information. It is worth the price of the book because emotional triggers cause at least 60% of all outbreaks. For example, stopping being afraid of herpes recurrences can cut the number of your outbreaks by at least 50% PMS / Hormonal imbalance / Pre-menopause / Menopause

Hormones can make herpes worse. Some women only get outbreaks during PMS or menstruation. Others remain asymptomatic all their lives until they reach pre-menopause or menopause Small scientific studies indicate that a certain type of prostaglandin (E2) exacerbates herpes virus proliferation while another (E1), suppresses it. Body levels of prostaglandin (E1) decrease during PMS and menopause while other types of prostaglandins naturally increase. Estrogen levels also seem to influence herpes replication. That is why some women will need to balance their hormones as well as treat herpes to achieve good results. Other conditions Another sickness can weaken your immune system and make you more herpes prone. This does not mean that you are likely to get an outbreak each time you have the flu or any other ailment, but herpes may become active without any visible signs. Yeast infection Yeast infection can make herpes much more severe that it would normally be. If mild herpes suppressive therapy fails, I always recommend my readers to take a supplement that will prevent herpes while killing yeast, fungi and Candida at the same time. If not taken care of, yeast can make it virtually impossible to remove herpes outbreaks from your life. Your immune system is extremely powerful and tends to adapt and “learn” how to kill pathogens better with time. As your immune system becomes better at taming herpes, you experience fewer and fewer symptoms. Some people, however, continue to experience symptoms on a weekly basis ten years after initially contracting herpes. I believe that undetected yeast infection may be an explanation. Yeast Infection suppresses the immune system by releasing a lot of toxins in the body. It drains energy from your body and promotes poor digestion and hormonal imbalance. More and more doctors are coming to realize that yeast infection can seriously affect the hormonal system. Whether you have an acute or a chronic yeast infection that does not seem very bothersome, an excess of yeast deprives your body of its full immune functions and disrupts its hormonal system.

To give you an example, I came across an article from a doctor who noticed that excess yeast could disrupt the normal function of the thyroid, which is very important to the immune system. I have discussed this with an Australian naturopath who has come to the same conclusion. He observed that most women who visited him became free of herpes outbreaks after treating yeast infection naturally. Yeast is an important factor that can damage your immune and hormonal systems, and cause herpes to come back. The same applies to any type of parasitic, fungal or Candida infestation. Women often experience vaginal yeast, but that is only one aspect of a larger problem. Vaginal yeast makes it more difficult for a woman to understand and recognize herpes symptoms because yeast infection and herpes symptoms can be confused. It makes it more difficult for a woman to protect her partner from catching herpes because she may mistake a herpes outbreak or herpes symptoms for a yeast infection or take too much vaginal yeast medication. You must get rid of yeast infection to become herpes free Foods / Diet Certain foods can be herpes triggers. Coffee, chocolate and tea all contain some sort of caffeine or a compound that is similar to caffeine. These compounds can really damage your immune system and can also cause a sort of unnatural stress. That is why I urge you to stop eating chocolate or drinking any type of caffeinated beverages while having any herpes symptoms. Eating too much sugar, too, can trigger herpes as can failing to eat enough probiotics or anything feeding the intestinal flora. I give very clear diet instructions for the treatment and prevention of herpes. I used to recommend tea for its antioxidant and antiviral properties but I am now convinced that tea as well as coffee should be replaced by herbal tea. Hiromi Shinya MD, Head of the surgical endoscopy unit at New York’s Beth Israel Medical Center and author of “The Enzyme Factor” also confirms that he has observed that people who drink a lot of tea have very poor digestion. He says that Japanese tea instructors all suffer from atrophic gastritis, which is a precursor to stomach cancer and therefore concludes that tea causes stomach problems. He and I also believe that good digestion and good health are directly related. He makes a further interesting point; yogurts and dairy products, he claims, do not help restore the intestinal flora; quite the opposite is true. Nonetheless, I think it is wise to eat plain (unsweetened) yogurt during herpes infections.

Too much exercise Too much exercise will weaken your immune system temporarily and may cause herpes to return. Friction on the skin: Sometimes local friction during exercise or sexual intercourse can trigger outbreaks. If this is the case you should take the homeopathic remedies I give in the treatment section of this book before each sexual intercourse or each time you are going to stress your skin. Also avoid wearing tights, tight underwear and jeans to diminish the cause of friction.

Your herpes trigger diary: You must write everything in your diary. "What did I eat this day? What was I thinking about this day? How was I feeling this day and about two days before?" It is very important to understand what triggers your herpes. My herpes triggers: My triggers are PMS, yeast, stress, marital problems, chocolate and peanuts… Fear of herpes was a big trigger at first. I believe that if you feel afraid of something and start obsessing about it, you are much more likely to experience it. That certainly holds true for herpes. Sometimes, I used to have symptoms when I was feeling angry at my husband. Deep inside I knew I was having those symptoms to push him away. Finding your triggers: It is unusual for just one trigger to cause herpes to become infectious. Normally it is a combination of two or three. To discover your triggers, you will have to play a little visualization game. Just close your eyes and scan your body. Try to scan your body and thoughts and look for clues as if you were reading a murder or thriller novel. Look for clues in your mind and then write down, "That day I ate this. The day before, I ate this." Usually herpes outbreaks occur because of something that happened one to five days earlier.

Write down everything. "I was stressed at that moment. I was feeling angry. I was feeling… (whatever you were feeling)" This will help you prevent herpes outbreaks for the rest of your life. You must react immediately and treat yourself as if you were having an outbreak each time you recognize these sets of triggers. You have to react as if you were having an infection even before it occurs. This is a simple but powerful way to prevent all outbreaks for the rest of your life. You do not have to treat yourself all the time, even though you must take certain remedies regularly to prevent herpes from coming back. All you need to do is learn what causes herpes to return or what sets of triggers are likely to lead to an outbreak. Knowledge is power. You can use all the herpes treatment information and guidelines, as if you were having a herpes infection, even though you may be just at the prodrome or very early symptom stage. In this way, you can gain complete control over herpes. You can get back to living your life and having fun. You just need to scan your body for thirty seconds and ask yourself, "How did I feel? What did I eat? What did I think? Did I have other symptoms? ”All of these are factors or a combination of factors that are likely to trigger herpes. Once you know that trigger combination, you can react before you are hurt. You have the advantage of striking first. Once you gain that knowledge, you will be able to control herpes to a level where an infection is not even manifested. As we are not discussing cold sores here, I am not going to get into all the things that can trigger them. I do, however want to mention one unusual trigger, which is exposure of your skin to the sun, which can sometimes be a herpes trigger. Unless you are a naturist, you should not be too affected by the sun, but if you are wearing a bikini, it is very important that you put on sunscreen. If you go somewhere that is likely to cause some stress, for example if you travel, go on a cruise, or have to be in a coach for a long time, you should act as if you were having a herpes outbreak. You need to realize that traveling weakens your immune system and is a potential source of trouble with herpes. I hope that you now understand how important it is to use all the information you can to make sure herpes is taken care of even before it shows itself. This is a very simple, yet extremely powerful strategy.

Now I want you to stop reading. Even if you are not having any symptoms right now, I want you to take a notebook. If you cannot find a notebook, just use pen and paper and buy a notebook later today or tomorrow. Copy what you have written to that notebook. Make a diary. Use your computer if you find that easier. If you are worried about privacy, password protect the document and name it in such a way that no one except you will understand what it is about. It does not matter if you do not have any symptoms today. Try to remember your last herpes outbreak and answer the questions: "How was I feeling? What was I thinking? What did I eat? What was happening in my life? Was I traveling? Did I have stress at home? Did I do some house cleaning?" (Sometimes pollution can really affect you too). "Was I exhausted? Did I eat something like almonds, chocolate, or anything containing too much arginine?” This is your first step to becoming completely in control of herpes. Scan your mind. Try to feel how it was and what was going on in your body. Write down where you had symptoms. After a while when you feel something that could indicate that herpes is coming back, you just have to check if your common triggers were present. If you have identified them and they are present then you should think, "Maybe herpes is coming back. I must take action". Below is a chart you can use each time you have an outbreak or remember having one

Foods and Drinks


Other factors:




Friction, Sport, Pollution, Sun exposure

Day 0


(When you first


notice the outbreak)

Dinner: Snacks and Sweets: Beverages (soda, beer, coffee…)

Foods and Drinks


Other factors:




Friction, Sport, Pollution, Sun exposure

Day -1

Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks and Sweets: Beverages (soda, beer, coffee…)

Day -2

Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks and Sweets: Beverages (soda, beer, coffee…)

Day -3

Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks and Sweets: Beverages (soda, beer, coffee...)

HERPES SYMPTOMS A Allll YYoouu N Neeeedd ttoo K Knnoow wA Abboouutt H Heerrppeess SSyym mppttoom mss aanndd W Whhyy We have just seen how important it is to identify herpes outbreak triggers. Triggers will tell you when you have a probability higher than fifty percent of having an outbreak. You will have to adapt and act immediately, as if you were having an outbreak, as soon as you recognize you have a combination of the triggers that led you to get a full-blown herpes outbreak in the past. This will be less and less necessary as you learn to suppress herpes successfully. Now, with herpes symptoms, you still have a chance, very early in an outbreak, to stop it. If you wait too long, and reach blister stage, it becomes almost impossible to stop a herpes outbreak from following its course, which means you will move from blister stage to sore stage to scab stage and then back to normal skin. This is a long process. Usually, without treatment, it takes between two to three weeks to heal. If this is your first outbreak, you are likely to have easily identifiable symptoms. However, symptoms may vary greatly among individuals, and most of the time the primary infection goes undetected. It is a subsequent outbreak that is noticed. The severity of the symptoms also varies from one person to another. Some people may experience a mild itch while others may feel severe pain, fever and headaches. Gynecologists usually differentiate between the primary infection and subsequent ones. The first outbreak following a primary infection is often the worst. This was not the case for me, but with time my outbreaks did become milder. During primary infection, the immune system does not know how to react to the virus and is unable to defend itself quickly. Some of us may experience flu-like symptoms, such as headaches, fever, and muscle aches. Some may also feel pain in the legs and the buttocks, swollen glands or lymph nodes, vaginal discharge, difficulty urinating, or other candidiasis-like vaginal symptoms.

I want to focus on the latter two symptoms. If you are a woman who experiences cystitis symptoms without an actual infection, your doctor may diagnose you with cystalgia. Doctors may tell you that it might be stress related. I strongly believe that many cystalgia cases are herpes related. I have noticed that I have experienced unexplained cystalgia since I contracted genital herpes. My homeopath told me that they were all somehow related, but I do not think he implied that herpes was causing cystalgia. People who develop herpes in the urethra, the canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder, may at times have difficulty urinating or feel pain when urinating. I have also been plagued with recurring vaginal itching since I contracted herpes. I was tested for the most common STDs only to find out that I had none. I wasn’t tested for herpes at the time. I kept wondering what it was until I realized I could have herpes. Furthermore, I was not aware that vaginal discharge could be associated with herpes. I thought it was just a recurring candidiasis infection, but my tests were negative. So remember to look for those unusual symptoms when trying to identify herpes. Of course, there is no need to become paranoid, although we tend to feel that way when we discover we might have herpes or when we are diagnosed with it. An initial outbreak will have some warning signs like flu like symptoms and swollen glands and will develop after 2 to ten days. It often starts with a tingling sensation in the skin usually followed by redness at the site of infection. Then a cluster of small, fluid-filled blisters erupt. They may then gather to form a large blister. The blister(s) then burst and become lesions. This is usually the most painful part of the infection. These blisters may appear in any part of the body but are usually located on the lips of the vagina or under pubic hairs in women and on the testicles or the shaft or tip of the penis in men. Both sexes can also develop blisters in the buttocks, the thighs, the urethra and the anus. After a few days, the ulcers scab over and heal, leaving no apparent scar. Sometimes people also develop a swelling before blisters appear. Symptoms will usually disappear within 2 to 3 weeks. Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you detect these symptoms. This is the best time to be tested to determine if herpes is causing these symptoms.

Stephen L. Sacks MD, in his book The Truth About Herpes, makes a distinction between nonprimary initial infection and primary initial infection. He explains that many people who contract genital herpes have already been in contact with the virus in its oral version and therefore have developed immunity to it over time. That’s why they may not have severe symptoms when infected with genital herpes. He also claims that HSV-1 might protect those who have it from an HSV-2 infection by reducing their risk of contracting an infection up to 50%. Maybe that explains why many people who have genital herpes do not know it. I highly recommend Dr. Sacks’s book. It explains everything a doctor should know about herpes. It is different from this book because it doesn’t explore alternative treatments seriously. If you really want to educate yourself about herpes, this book should be on your list. You can find it at Amazon. Here are some pictures taken out of their sexual context. I hate that all pictures available on the Internet expose so much of the genitals. I thought I would filter that out for you. I took these pictures from the IHMF.

Blister formation and redness

Redness, ulceration and several blisters

Understanding the different stages of an outbreak The first of the different stages of an outbreak is an asymptomatic infection, followed by a tingle or an itch, then a sting, redness, swelling (not always), vesicles (often several that may gather in one place), ulcers and crusts.

Asymptomatic infection The virus remains dormant in the ganglion. Sometimes it leaves the ganglion and travels nerve paths undetected by the body. This is called asymptomatic shedding. Asymptomatic periods can last 1 to 5 days. It is hard to predict these periods but it is possible to control them trough suppressive therapies. Suppressive therapy consists in taking antiviral medication twice a day. It has recently been proven that Valtrex could reduce asymptomatic shedding by 95%, reducing the risk of transmission by 50%. I believe we can do even better by combining natural therapies.

Prodromes If you do not want to experience another outbreak, you must learn to recognize a set of symptoms that are called "prodromes". Prodromes occur just before herpes reaches the skin, or just before it becomes physically obvious. Most people experience prodromes at the beginning of an outbreak. These should be taken as warning signs. It is very important to recognize them, as it is easier to stop outbreaks early on. The first prodrome often consists of flu-like symptoms. If you feel stiffness in your muscles, your back; feel like you are having a cold, are feverish, or maybe have a few chills, this could be the flu or it could be herpes coming back. You may also have swollen glands at this stage. Sometimes you may also feel tired, a little dizzy, or warmth or pain in the legs, buttocks or lower back. Muscle stiffness could occur also in your thighs, buttocks, back or you could simply have a general feeling of soreness of your skin or of aching in your muscles. Some people report they feel pain in their legs down to their ankles and feet. They feel that things taste different. For women, vaginal odor or discharge may sometimes occur. This may also be a yeast infection. If it is yeast, you should treat it nonetheless, because yeast makes it almost impossible to identify herpes prodromes.

Sometimes, people write to me about symptoms that I am not familiar with. You will have to recognize your own set of prodromes. I am just giving you the most common ones. Prodromes will soon move to itchiness in the skin; that is the beginning of an outbreak. It is the borderline between what I call prodromes and a full-blown outbreak. I often had a fever, headache and muscle ache. Whatever it is, learn your body’s sign language. Learn to identify your prodromal phase. This is one of the best ways to protect your partner (even if you take Valtrex) and to control your disease, because when you start having all these warning signs the virus may have already reached your skin and you may have become contagious. If you have flu-like symptoms, and you are not sure if it is just a cold, you should act as if you were having a herpes outbreak and start treatment immediately. Increase the number of supplements you take, change your diet, and do exactly what is written in the herpes treatment chapter. Prodromes are very simple to recognize but are very subtle. It will take you a bit of practice. It is very important to recognize them because until you can, you are losing ground in your battle against herpes.

Itchiness When the itchiness is very mild, very subtle, you are still in prodrome stage. If the itching becomes more intense, you are moving closer to having blisters and sometimes even painful symptoms. You can still stop herpes at the mild itching stage, but the closer you get toward blister stage, the less likely you are to abort herpes. Itchiness may occur before, during or after redness. Avoid skin to skin contact and sharing wet towels when you feel itchiness creeping under your skin.

Redness At this stage, the virus is developing in the skin. The immune system has sounded the alarm and a battle is raging causing inflammation in your skin. Do not have sex or sexual contact with anyone until your skin returns to normal.

Swelling This stage does not always occur. Few people experience it, and when they do it is mostly during the primary infection. As I have experienced it a few times, I have mentioned it here. Most of the time the swelling is small, but I had the “pleasure” of having one the size of a small thumb. It went away after 3 days, but it made a lasting impression on me. I haven not had any swelling since. Most doctors will agree that swelling rarely occurs after the first outbreak, if ever.

Vesicles Vesicles are usually the size of a needle head and generally gather in clusters. Sometimes they can merge into a larger blister. They are often filled with transparent, greenish or yellowish or bloody fluids. They may feel itchy and sometimes very painful. If you have large blisters, rush to your doctor to get a culture test. Culture tests are very time sensitive and herpes has to be present and alive in the cultures for the test to show a positive result. Sometimes vesicles are so small you may need a magnifying glass to identify them. Do not break them because it will not help, and they will break by themselves anyway. You may even risk re-infecting yourself somewhere else if you do.

Ulcers When the vesicles burst releasing their fluids, small rounded wet ulcers appear.

Crusts The wet ulcers begin to dry and a scab forms. Do not remove the scabs. They are part of the healing process. Your skin is growing back underneath, and soon your outbreak will be just a bad memory. The virus may still be present at this time. It is only when all the scabs have disappeared and that your skin is back to normal that you can consider having sex again with your partner. You may see a change in the color of your skin in the outbreak area, but it should be smooth and look healthy.

Outbreaks are likely to appear in the same place each time but can move occasionally. Having recurrent symptoms in the same genital area suggests that the cause is herpes. I usually have outbreaks exactly in the same spot, but it can vary from time to time and from person to person. Gynecologists usually say that recurrent outbreaks tend to become milder through time as the immune system learns to respond more efficiently to a virus attack. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. Outbreak frequency may vary from one outbreak every two weeks to one each year. I had several outbreaks the first year but the time lapse between them increased each time. For example, I had an outbreak 5 months after the first one, then 8 months after, and so forth. I haven’t had any for more than 5 years now. I have learned what preventive treatments work for me well enough to prevent herpes symptoms. These pictures were also taken from the IHMF. You can find the originals here.


Small lesions

Blisters and lesions

Does everyone have the same symptoms? No. Symptoms can range from barely detectable to very painful. You can have one or several blisters located in various areas. As you have read earlier, certain symptoms are not always present. Swelling,

for example, and sometimes crusts do not even appear. Prodromes may be quite different from one person to another, and sometimes they may not even be noticed. Also someone’s symptoms may vary through time. It can change spot, form, severity, frequency or duration.

Can I have an outbreak outside the genital area? You can have an outbreak anywhere on your body. Some people even get herpes in their eyes. Genital herpes has a tendency to return to the same spot each time. However, it can occasionally move. It may also appear on the thighs, the buttocks, the lower back, the groin and anywhere in the genital area. Even though unlikely, you may transmit herpes from one area to another during an outbreak by self-infection. So avoid touching your blisters and wash your hands after touching your genital area.

HERPES TREATMENT A Allll YYoouu N Neeeedd ttoo K Knnoow w ttoo A Abboorrtt aa H Heerrppeess O Ouuttbbrreeaakk iinn 7722 hhoouurrss oorr LLeessss This part is about herpes treatment and what you do when you are experiencing an outbreak. This is not about herpes prevention. Herpes treatment comes when you have already lost the battle and herpes has become active. I will show you a strategy that will abort a herpes outbreak, if you catch it soon enough. If you remember what we said in the previous chapter, it is very important for you to be able to acknowledge symptoms as soon as they appear. The mildest signs, such as the flu-like symptoms, have to be detected early for your treatment to be most effective. I will present several things you need to do here. You will need to change your diet, take certain supplements, drink certain things, and stop drinking others. You will have to take care of certain emotional aspects and I will show you exactly how to do that. You will also have to treat yourself externally. Combining all of these strategies will help you stop a herpes outbreak. Using just one or two, is not enough. You may still abort herpes with one or two remedies if you have a healthy lifestyle, including a good diet that is relatively free of antibiotics, chemicals and pollutants. Depending on your situation, you may be able to use fewer supplements or herbs to stop herpes from going through a fullblown outbreak to crusts. If this is the first time you are reading this book and you haven't had success dealing with your outbreaks, you will have to follow all of the suggestions in order to impact your outbreaks. I cannot guarantee you will manage to stop outbreaks on your first attempt, but if you learn exactly what to do and all the herpes prevention strategies in the second part of this book, treating genital herpes will only take you a few minutes and your outbreaks will be gone. You may still experience mild itching from time to time. This is about the only reminder of herpes that you may experience. There is a difference between HSV-1 Herpes Simplex 1, and Herpes Simplex 2 treatments. Certain herbs are more effective on Herpes Simplex 1 than on Herpes Simplex 2. I will tell you which ones you should use, depending on your situation.

You may be able to use fewer herpes remedies than the ones presented here and still abort a herpes outbreak in a few hours. However, if this is the first time you are reading this book and the first time you are trying this treatment, use every remedy presented in this section. As you get used to controlling herpes better, you may be able to discontinue some of the supplements. However, for you to gain confidence in your ability to prevent and stop herpes outbreaks, you have to start by using all of these recommended strategies.

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