Gesellschaft Alpiner Bücherfreunde. This

diary of a philosopher, translated from the French. The humor ous and delightfully ... Leslie Stephen: Der Tummelplatz Europas. Domenico Rudatis: Der Alpine ...
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Gesellschaft Alpiner Bücherfreunde. This organization, with headquarters in Munich, Theresienstrasse 78, was organized in 1928 for the purpose o f producing German versions o f rare and modern Alpine books for its members. The annual dues are R M . 10, plus R M . 1.60 for postage and shipping, this being the total amount that one pays in a given year for the books issued. W ith such men as W illi R. Rickmers and W alter Schmidkunz on the directing staff, this society is worthy o f every encourage­ ment and deserves the attention o f all American climbers. The following books have been issued to date : Saussure’s älteste Schrift überseine M ontblanc-Besteigung. A facsimile o f his Relation d’ un voyage à la cime du Montblanc, together with the first German translation: K u rzer Bericht über die Reise auf die Spitze des Montblanc. M a x R oh rer: Berglieder der Völker. A volume o f 300 pages, containing an extraordinary collection of poems and songs relating

to mountains, from Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Malayan, Greek, Roman and other sources. Pater Corbinian Steinberger: Leben und Schriften. The story o f a remarkable solo climber, the legendary first conqueror o f the Königspitze. E ugè ne Ram bert: Das M urmeltier mit dem Halsband. T h e diary of a philosopher, translated from the French. The humor­ ous and delightfully illustrated romance o f the marmot. Willi Rickm er R ickm ers: Querschnitt durch mich. A crosssectional autobiography o f a man who has had amazing experi­ ences and who writes o f them in fascinating style. Josias Simler: D ie Alpen. The first German translation o f the D e Alpibus commentarius, illustrated and annotated in schol­ arly manner. W alter Schmidkunz: D er B erg des H erzens. The battle with the “ Monte Cuore,” a romantic and thrilling story. Otto K n orr: D er Grossvenediger in der Geschichte des Alpinismus. A noteworthy history o f this white peak o f the Tauern groups, from which one cannot see Venice. H enry H o ek : D er denkende W anderer. A book of charm­ ing recollections by a pioneer in the art o f Alpine skiing. The two books last mentioned have appeared in 1932. Projected for this year, in addition, are : Karl Schuster: W eisse Berge, schwarze Zelte. Original adven­ tures o f a young guide and artist o f Berchtesgaden. Hermann B ühler: Alpine Bibliographie. The first volume o f a complete international title list. F or the future, the following titles have been selected : Charles G os: Die Nacht an der Dru. D es B ergführers Hans K ehrer Aufzeichnungen. D er B ergsteiger Hans Pfann. Leslie Stephen: D er Tummelplatz Europas. Dom enico Rudatis: D er Alpine Sport. Carl E gger und R udolf Singer: Die Eroberung des Kaukasus.