German Paulina Tasha Band vereint in ihrem ... - Backstage PRO

Jazz, Rhythm and Blues und Pop. Feine Arrangements ... The Band around Paulina (Singing, Songwriting), Tasha (Instruments, Songwriting) and. Alex (Drums) ...
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German Paulina Tasha Band vereint in ihrem Programm Elemente des Soul, Jazz, Rhythm and Blues und Pop. Feine Arrangements, zartes und kraftvolles Zusammenspiel gepaart mit Hingabe und Leidenschaft bieten dem Zuhörer unverwechselbare Musik: groovig, sanft, explosiv und expressiv. International Paulina Tasha Band creates a unique music vibe with elements of Soul, Rhythm and Blues, Jazz and Pop. The Band around Paulina (Singing, Songwriting), Tasha (Instruments, Songwriting) and Alex (Drums) was formed in 2012 and is located in Germany.