Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

17 jun. 2018 - Bruce Barton once said, "I am tempted to think there are no little things." That is .... St. Joachim Chur
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June 17, 2018

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

M A S S S C H E DU L ES Sunday Mass in English Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:15 PM

Reconciliation Saturday 3-4:00 PM

Misas en Español Miércoles 7 PM

Daily Mass 7 & 8:30 AM (Saturday 8:30 AM)

Misas Dominicales en Español Sábado 6 PM, Domingo 2 & 6 PM

Reconciliación Miércoles 6-7 PM, Sábado 3-4:00 PM

United in faith and guided by the Holy Spirit

From the Pastor’s Desk: You probably don't recognize the name, Rita Antoinette Rizzo. Rita was bor n on April 20, 1923. She had a rough childhood which she spent mostly in poverty. When she was a young woman Rita decided to become a nun. At 21 she entered the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration, a Franciscan religious order for women. She believed that God was calling her into television ministry. At the time she didn't know anything about television except how to turn one on. But she prayed about it and decided to go ahead with the project, believing that everything would fall into place. With only two hundred dollars and a handful of other Sisters, she became the only woman in religious broadcasting to own a network. She went on to found a new house for the order in 1962 in Irondale, Alabama, where the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), is headquartered. In 1996 she initiated the building of the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady of the Angels monastery in Hanceville, Alabama. Until a few months before she died, Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, although semi-paralyzed, was seen by millions of people on her prerecorded twice-weekly program, "Mother Angelica Live." Her network, EWTN, is available 24 hours a day everywhere in the world. Visitors to the EWTN complex in Birmingham, Alabama cannot help but be impressed with what God has accomplished using this little nun - a monastery, network facilities complete with satellite dish, a print shop and a chapel. Whoever would have thought that Rita Rizzo, coming from an impoverished background, and starting on her own with only a few hundred dollars, could reach out and help millions of people to learn and appreciate their Faith? Whoever would have thought that such a tiny seed would become such a large shrub? That is the way the kingdom of God works. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Michelangelo, one of the world's great artists, was also a great sculptor. One day a visitor was looking at a statue that Michelangelo was making. The visitor said, "I can't see that you have made any progress since I was here last time." Michelangelo answered, "Oh, yes, I have made much progress. Look carefully and you will see that I have retouched this part, and that I have polished that part. See, I have worked on this part of the statue, and have softened the lines here." "Yes," said the visitor, "but those are all trifles." "That may be," replied Michelangelo, "but trifles make perfection and perfection is no trifle." Successful people are aware of the trifles. As an Ethiopian proverb puts it, "When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion." The great writer Bruce Barton once said, "I am tempted to think there are no little things." That is why Jesus compares the growth of the Kingdom of God to the growth of a tiny mustard seed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------A third-grader taught the teacher an important truth: The teacher asked, "How many great people were born in our city?" "None," replied the pupil. "There were no great people born. They were born babies who became great people."


Probablemente no reconocen el nombre, Rita Antoine!e Rizzo. Rita nació el 20 de Abril de 1923. Ella tuvo una niñez áspera la cual pasó en su mayoría en la pobreza. Cuando ella era una mujer joven, Rita decidió conver"rse en monja. A los 21 años ingresa a las Clarisas Pobres de Adoración Perpetua, una orden religiosa franciscana para mujeres. Ella creyó que Dios la estaba llamando al ministerio de la televisión. En el momento, no sabía nada de televisión excepto cómo encender una. Pero ella oró y decidió seguir adelante con el proyecto, creyendo que todo caería en su lugar. Con sólo doscientos dólares y unas pocas hermanas, ella se convir"ó en la única mujer en la difusión religiosa de una red propia. Ella fundó una nueva casa para la orden en 1962 en Irondale, Alabama, donde el Eterno Word Televisión Network (EWTN), "ene su sede. En 1996 inició la construcción de la Capilla del San#simo y del Monasterio Nuestra Señora de Ángeles en Hanceville, Alabama. Hasta pocos meses antes de morir, Madre Angélica María de la Anunciación, aunque parcialmente paralizada, fue vista por millones de personas en su programa pregrabado dos veces a la semana, "Madre Angélica en vivo". Su red, EWTN, está disponible las 24 horas del día en todas partes del mundo. Los visitantes de EWTN en Birmingham, Alabama quedan impresionados con lo que Dios ha realizado a través de esta pequeña monja - un monasterio, instalaciones de redes completas con satélite, una imprenta, y una capilla. ¿Quién hubiera pensado que Rita Rizzo, proveniente de un origen empobrecido y comenzando ella sola, con sólo unos pocos cientos de dólares, podría llegar a ayudar a millones de personas a aprender y apreciar su fe? ¿Quién hubiera pensado que una semilla tan pequeña se conver"ría en un arbusto tan grande? Esta es la manera como el Reino de Dios funciona. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Miguel Ángel, uno de los grandes ar"stas, fue también un gran escultor. Un día un visitante estaba mirando una estatua que hacía Miguel Ángel. El visitante dijo: “No puedo ver que has hecho algún progreso desde que estuve aquí la úl"ma vez”. Miguel Ángel respondió, "Oh, sí, he hecho mucho progreso. Mira cuidadosamente y verás que he retocado esta parte, y que he pulido esa parte. Mira, he trabajado en esta parte de la estatua y se han suavizado las líneas aquí." "-Sí-dijo el visitante," pero esas son pequeñeces". "Puede que," respondió Miguel Ángel, "pero pequeñeces hacen la perfección y la perfección no es trivial." Personas de éxito son conscientes de las bagatelas. Como dice un proverbio E#ope, "Cuando las telarañas se unen, pueden atar a un león". El gran escritor Bruce Barton dijo una vez, "Estoy tentado a pensar que no hay pocas cosas". Por esta razón Jesús compara el crecimiento del Reino de Dios con el crecimiento de una pequeña semilla de mostaza. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Un alumno de tercer grado le enseñó al maestro una verdad importante: el Maestro preguntó, "¿Cuántas personas grandes nacieron en nuestra ciudad?" "Ninguno", respondió el alumno. "No había grandes personas. Nacieron bebés que se convir"eron en grandes personas."

Nota de nuestro pastor:

WEEKLY READINGS Readings for the Week of June 17, 2018 Sun/Dom: Ez 17:22-24/Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34

Mon/Lunes: 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-6a, 6b-7 [2b]/ Mt 5:38-42

Tues/Martes: 1 Kgs 21:17-29/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 11 and 16 [3a]/Mt 5:43-48

Wed/Mier: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Ps 31:20, 21, 24 [25]/ Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

OFFICE INFORMATION Parish Office 783-2766 Parish Fax 783-2760 Parish Email [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM Bilingual available T,W,F 4-7:30 PM Saturday 10 AM-4 PM Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM Sunday 12 PM -4 PM Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM ——————————————

Rev. Joseph Antony Sebastian, SVD Thurs/Juev: Pastor Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,&Friday Sir 48:1-14/Ps 97:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7 [12a]/ Mt 6:7-15 10 AM to 12 PM 5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment) Fri/Vier: lunes, martes, miércoles, y viernes 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20/Ps 132:11, 12, 13-14, 10 AM a 12 PM 17-18 [13]/Mt 6:19-23 5 PM a 8 PM (con cita) Sat/Sab: Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVD 2 Chr 24:17-25/Ps 89:4-5, 29-30, 31-32, Parochial Vicar 33-34 [29a]/Mt 6:24-34 Monday,Wednesday,Thursday,&Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Next Sun./Dom.: 5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment) Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1-3, 13-14, 14-15 [14a]/ lunes, miércoles , jueves y viernes Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80 10:00 AM a 12:00 PM 5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)

THE WEEK AHEAD Sunday June 17th ~ Father’s Day

Faith Formation Office Oficina de Formación de Fe 785-1818 Glenda Aragón Director of Faith Formation [email protected] Braulio Gomez Faith Formation Coordinator/ Youth Minister 550-6878 / [email protected] Bertha Cruz Administrative Assistant —————————————— St. Joachim School Escuela de San Joaquín 783-3177 Armond Seishas Principal Sandra Garzon School Secretary St. Joachim Pre-School 783-0604 Marisa Melgarejo Director

Ariel Mayormita Musc Director/Director de Música Phone Ext. #223 [email protected] Flor Herce Bookkeeper

Monday June 18th St. Joachim School —- First day of Summer School

Saturday June 23rd Confirmation ~~ 10:00 AM Confirmation with the Bishop in the Church

Pat Ludwig Administrative Assistant —————————————— St. Vincent de Paul 783-0344 Office hours 1:00-2:30 PM ONLY Monday-Friday San Vicente de Paul Gary Enos, President


St. Joachim Pre-School Gradua!on—Class of 2027!

PRAY FOR Anne Smith Russnel Dela Cruz Mary Grace Dela Cruz Marites Pili Ryan James Pili Ray Pili Melba Bertush Karena McKinley Celes!na Enrique Leila Nocon Daniel Sarinas III Janel Sarinas Fides Castaneda Amelia Amaril Mercedes Solis Judy Ortega


DONATIONS St Vincent de Paul offering for next week:

Peanut Bu!er,Jelly or Crackers


June 10th The Plate Collec!on

$ 9,604.00

crema de cacahuate, mermelada o galletas Dona"ons are very much appreciated—but please no expired food. ~ Thank You

EFT Collec!on



On Line Giving

$ 362.00 TOTAL for the WEEK

$ 10,227.00

On June 11, 2018, the Va"can

VATICAN CORNER announced that Pope Francis

accepted the resigna"on of Bishop Juan Barros Madrid from his post as the head of the diocese of Osomo, Chile. Francis also accepted the resigna"ons of two other Chilean bishops who had reached the normal re"rement age of 70. Those three bishops were among the 34 who had offered their resigna"ons to Pope Francis a*er recently being summoned to the Va"can. On May 15-17 Francis met with 31 ac"ve and two re"red Chilean bishops to give them a severe reprimand for their role in covering up sexual abuse by priests and their “grave omissions” in caring for vic"ms. Before the mee"ng the Va"can issued a harsh statement that Pope Francis wanted to determine responsibility for the crisis and map out changes in the Chilean church to prevent these “devasta"ng wounds” from recurring. The statement went on to say “It is fundamental to re-establish trust in the church through good pastors …who know how to accompany the suffering of vic"ms and work in a determined and "reless way to prevent abuse.” During the mee"ng with the Chilean bishops Pope Francis read to them his conclusions and reflec"ons on the 2,300 page report that his two seasoned inves"gators prepared from their trip to Chile to get to the bo!om of the scandal. That report caused Francis to learn the truth and he then apologize to the vic"ms saying “I was part of the problem.” According to Auxiliary Bishop Perez, the secretary-general of the Chilean bishop’s conference, the Pope’s conclusions from the report clearly described a series of absolutely reprehensible acts that occurred in the Chilean church in rela"on to those unacceptable abuses of power, of conscience and sexual abuse. For years, sex abuse vic"ms have blasted the Chilean church hierarchy for discredi"ng their claims, protec"ng abusers, moving them around rather than repor"ng them to police and then handing out light sentences when church sanc"ons were imposed. The most vocal abused vic"ms of Rev. Fernando Karadima, accused Rev. Juan Barros Madrid (later becoming Bishop Barros) of being on hand during the abuse. According to cruxnow.com, the report Francis received “goes beyond Rev. Karadima and Bishop Barros, and names three other bishops who were part the Rev. inner circle. Also cruxnow reports that “even though Karadima was a ‘monster,’ he’s not the worst one.” .At the mee"ng with Pope Francis at the Va"can, the Chilean bishops defended their behavior, insis"ng that they were perfectly forthcoming with Francis about Bishop Barros and denied responsibility for the “lack of truthful and balanced informa"on” that Francis blamed them for, and which caused his missteps. However Bishop Perez said a*er reflec"ng on the Pope’s assessment, the bishops decided to hand in their resigna"ons “to be in greater harmony with the will of the Holy Father.” “In this way, we could make a collegial gesture in solidarity to assume responsibility – not without pain – for the serious acts that have occurred and so that the Holy Father can, freely, have us at his disposal.” A*er the news of the resigna"ons, Chilean abuse survivor Juan Carlos Cruz tweeted: I’m very excited about all of this. It does good to our beloved county, to so many people who have suffered because of lying and corrupt bishops, and all the survivors in the world who have been ignored.” “Now there’s no giving up. History changed.” Regarding the resigna"ons, there is no word yet if Pope Francis will be accep"ng more resigna"ons, we will see. ources: ewtnnews.com, sltrib.com, ncronline.org, cruxnow.com

Did you know that when you shop on Amazon — Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase to St Joachim Church?? It is simple —- Register at smile.amazon.com and select St. Joachim Church HAYWARD CA as your Charity of choice

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MASS INTENTIONS June 16-23, 2018

Saturday 4:30 PM Chris Reese (special inten!on) Elmer & Mary Ann Kriewaldt † Ramon V. Garcia † Donald Dy ( † birthday) Catalina Camaclang † Saturday 6:00 PM Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial (intencion especial) Maria G. Gu"errez (accion de gracia) Juan Tejada † (aniversario) Jonathan Tejada † (aniversario) Mauricio Mar"nez † Lino Andres Gonzalez † (3rd aniversario) Guadalupe Or"z †

Sunday 2:00 PM Antonio Sahagun (intencion especial) Amado Hernandez (intencion especial) Angelina Hernendez † (18 meses aniversario) Ramon & Consuelo Villanueva † Margarita Mendoza † (40th day) Paula & David Cruz † Animas del Purgatorio † Juan Quinonez Casares † Sunday 6:00 PM Laura Isabel Soto Campos (salud) Luis Moreno (salud) Ramiro Navarro Ramirez † Maria & Pedro Amaya † (2nd aniversario) Bernardo Hernandez Ramirez † Monday 7:00 AM The Community of St. Joachim

Wednesday 7:00 AM The Community of St. Joachim

Wednesday 8 :30 AM Nemesia Arriola † Emmanuel Resurrecion † (anniversary) Antonia Vergara † (1st anniversary) Wednesday 7:00 PM Marina Flores (accion de gracia) Paula & David Cruz † Thursday 7:00 AM The Community of St. Joachim Thursday 8:30 AM Joseph Michael Santos †(1st anniversary) Friday 7:00 AM Nguyet Family Ancestors †

Friday 8:30 AM Monday 8:30 AM Sunday 7:30 AM Cecilie Cabigao (birthday) Pete & Severina Omega Roberto & Ruth Holguin Paula Herrera † (3rd anniversary) (wedding anniversary) (40th wedding anniversary) Jericho Cuayzon ( † birthday) Yolanda Garzota (55th birthday) Bart Jovellana † Aurelia Garzota † Tuesday 7:00 AM Sunday 9:00 AM Saturday 8:30 AM The Community of St. Joachim Gabriel Garcia (birthday) Roberto Maglaya Jr. (thanksgiving) Pacita Paguia (thanksgiving) Tuesday 8:30 AM Mari a Nguyet † Teresa & Tess Salvador (thanksgiving) The Community of St. Joachim David Datayan ( † birthday) Alice & Manuel Ponte † Theresa & John Kim† Romeo S. Laureta † WHY DO WE DO THAT? - CATHOLIC TRADITIONS EXPLAINED Carlos A. Narciso Sr. † Ques!on: Edgardo C. Cometa † If God knows everything we do, why do we need to go to Confession? Francisco Camaclang † Sunday 10:30 AM Vida Francisco (thanksgiving) Jocelyn A. Alcantara † Rita S"tch † Bud Angellar † Freddie Lee Edmon † Manuel For"ch Sr. † Sunday 12:15 PM Lazaro Arquero † Theodore M. Owen Jr. † Eladio T. Bolos † Flocerfina C. Owen † Josephine Herrera †


Answer: Another term for the Sacrament of Confession is the Sacrament of Reconcilia"on. We go to this sacrament not only to confess our sins, but to be reconciled with God. Of course, this begs the ques"on, "If I can pray to God on my own, why can't I be reconciled to God on my own?" In the seven sacraments, we recognize the importance of community. Sacraments like Bap"sm or Matrimony happen in the context of the wider church to remind us of the communal impact of our lives. We are not alone in our walk of faith! We don't need to confess our sins in front of the whole community -- thank God! But going to the Sacrament of Reconcilia"on is a tangible reminder that our sins affect not only ourselves and our rela"onship with God, but others as well. Jesus gave his Apostles authority to forgive sins in his name. Through this sacrament, we are really, truly forgiven by God Himself. We receive an outpouring of grace and strength to sin no more and our rela"onship with Christ and his Body, the Church, are restored.

Faith Formation Registration: Catechism, Confirmation & RCIA 2018-2019 Registration dates for the 2018-2019 Faith Formation year - held in the Hall:

June 20th & 26th ~ 6-8pm Registration Requirements: 1. Must be a Registered Member of the Parish. Out-of-Parish/non-registered members will be accepted, if space is available, at a different tuition rate. 2. If this is your child’s first year, a copy of his/her Birth, Baptism and First Communion Certificates (for Confirmation registration) will be required at the time of registration. 3. If this is your child’s second year, tuition for their first year must have been paid in full and copies of Birth, Baptism and First Communion (for Confirmation registration) Certificates must be already in the office before registration as a continuing student.

Tuition Fees: 1 Child


Out-of-Parish/non-registered member


2 Children


Out-of-Parish/non-registered member


3 Children or more


Out-of-Parish/non-registered member



$ 50.00

Out-of-Parish/non-registered member

$ 75.00 (Per child)

Late registrations (after 6/26) will be accepted if space is available. There will be a $10 late fee assessed on late registrations. Tuition MUST be paid in full at the time of registration.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO automatic registration. ALL students MUST register. Inscripciones para clases de Catecismo, Confirmación y RICA 2018-2019 Inscripciones para las clases de Formación de Fe del año 2018-2019 en el Salón Social:

Junio 20 y 26 ~ 6-8pm Requisitos para la Inscripción: 1.

Debe de ser un miembro registrado en la Parroquia — Miembros de otra Parroquia o los que no están registrados serán aceptados, si hay espacio, a un costo diferente.


Si este es el primer año de su hijo/a, una copia de su Certificado de Nacimiento, Bautizo y Primera Comunión (para inscripción de Confirmación) es requerida el día de la inscripción.

3. Si este es el segundo año de su hijo/a, la matrícula del primer año debe de haber sido pagada en su totalidad y copias de su Certificado de Nacimiento, Bautizo y Primera Comunión (para inscripción de Confirmación) debe de estar en la oficina antes de la inscripción para continuar su segundo año.

Costo de Matricula: 1 Niño/a

$100.00 Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado


2 Niños/as

$140.00 Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado


3 Niños/as o mas

$150.00 Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado


Después de Comunión: $ 50.00 Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado

$ 75.00 (por niño/a)

Inscripciones después del 26 de Junio serán aceptadas si hay espacio. Habrá una multa de $10 para las inscripciones después de la fecha límite. La matricula DEBE de ser pagada en su totalidad en la fecha de inscripción.

ATENCIÓN: NO habrán inscripciones automáticas. TODOS los niños DEBEN de inscribirse. 7