E-Voting Bibliography - Semantic Scholar

20.05.2014 - "E-Democracy jenseits von E-Voting: Demokratische Option oder Schimäre?". 2005. Universität Zürich. Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Science. 2012. Swiss Electoral Studies (Selects) 2011: Swiss Abroad. Befragung der Wählerinnen und Wähler nach den Wahlen - 2011. Université de Lausanne.
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E-Voting Bibliography Version 4.0

Flurin Conradin, Alicia Portenier [email protected] 20.05.2014

Collected with the kind support of Dr. Robert Krimmer, Mr. Ero Liivik, Dr. Josep Mª Reniu, Mrs. Signe Bock Segaard, PhD and Dr. Uwe Serdült

Contents 1.

Australia .................................................................................................................................................................... 1


Austria ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2.1.


Official Reports ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Belgium ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2


Official Reports ..................................................................................................................................................... 3


Canada ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3


Denmark.................................................................................................................................................................... 3


Estonia ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 6.1.


Official Reports ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Europe ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Official Reports ..................................................................................................................................................... 7


France ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7


Germany .................................................................................................................................................................... 7


Italy ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9


Netherlands .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

11.1. 12.

Official Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 10

Norway .................................................................................................................................................................... 10


Official Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 11


Poland ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11


Portugal .................................................................................................................................................................. 11


Slovenia ................................................................................................................................................................... 11


Spain ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11


Switzerland ............................................................................................................................................................. 12

17.1. 18.

UK ............................................................................................................................................................................. 16

18.1. 19.

Official Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 15

Official Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 18

USA .......................................................................................................................................................................... 18


Official Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 20


Turkey ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20


Africa ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20


Asia .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20


Latin America ......................................................................................................................................................... 21


International ........................................................................................................................................................... 21

Grouping of references: A reference is listed under a country if it is specific to this country, e.g. if an author looks at possibilities of using e-voting in the US presidential election, this would be listed as a US reference. Reports written or mandated by a government are official reports. Finally, references that are not country specific are listed as international references.



Barry, Colin, Paul Dacey, Tim Pickering, and Tim Evans. 2002. eVolution Not Revolution. Electronic Voting Status Report. Australian Electoral Commission. Sydney. Boughton, Carol. 2008. "Maintaining Democratic Values in E-Voting with eVACS." In Electronic Voting (EVOTE 2008). 3rd International Conference, ed. Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 181–90. Electoral Council of Australia and New Zealand. 2013. Internet Voting in Australian Election Systems. Sydney. http://www.eca.gov.au/research/files/internet-voting-australian-election-systems.pdf (Accessed January 21, 2014). Hill, Lisa and Kate Alport. 2007. "Reconnecting Australia's Politically Excluded. Electronic Pathways to Electoral Inclusion." International Journal of Electronic Government Research 3 (4):1–19. Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters. 2009. Report on the 2007 Federal Election Electronic Voting Trials. Canberra. Sheridan and Associates. 2009. "Trial of Remote Electronic Voting for Australian Defence Force Personnel Serving Overseas. Evaluation Approach." In Report on the 2007 Federal Election Electronic Voting Trials. Canberra, 15–43. Smith, Rodney. 2009. International Experiences of Electronic Voting and Their Implications for New South Wales. University of Sydney. Sydney. The Allen Consulting Group. 2011. Evaluation of Technology Assisted Voting Provided at the New South Wales State General Election March 2011. Sydney.



Bauer, Werner T. 2003. Internet und Demokratie. Mehr Demokratie durch das Netz? Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikberatung und Politikentwicklung. Wien. Fuchs, Lisa. "Digitalisierung studentischer Partizipation. Moderne Demokratietheorien und hochschulpolitische Praxis in Österreich." 2011. Masterarbeit. Donau Universität Krems. Heindl, Patricia. 2004. "E-Voting in Austria. Legal Requirements and First Steps." In Electronic Voting in Europe Technology, Law, Politics and Society, eds. Alexander Prosser, and Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 165–70. Heppner, Björn. "E-Demokratie und E-Voting in Österreich. Erfahrungen, Einstellungen und Absichten der politisch Verantwortlichen und IT-Leiter der Länder und Gemeinden." 2010. Dissertation. Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Krimmer, Robert. "e-Voting.at - Elektronische Demokratie am Beispiel der österreichischen Hochschülerschaftswahlen." 2002. Arbeitspapier. Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Krimmer, Robert. 2003. "E-Voting in Österreich." In Zwischen Rechtstheorie und E-Government. Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik 2003, eds. Erich Schweighofer, Thomas Menzel, Günther Kreuzbauer, and Doris Liebwald. Wien: Verlag Österreich, 271–8. Krimmer, Robert, Andreas Ehringfeld, and Markus Traxl. 2010. E-Voting bei den Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaftswahlen 2009. Evaluierungsbericht. Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung. Wien. Krimmer, Robert, Andreas Ehringfeld, and Markus Traxl. 2010. "The Use of E-Voting in the Austrian Federation of Students Elections 2009." In Electronic Voting 2010 (EVOTE 2010). 4th International Conference, ed. Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 33–44. Lehner, Christoph. "Die Wahlen zur Österreichischen Hochschülerinnen-und Hochschülerschaft." 2010. Dissertation. Universität Wien. Menzel, Thomas. 2001. "E-Voting an österreichischen Hochschulen." In Auf dem Weg zur ePerson. Aktuelle Fragestellungen der Rechtsinformatik 2001, ed. Erich Schweighofer. Wien: Verlag Österreich, 281–91. Poier, Klaus. 2000. "E-Government und Online-Voting - die Cyberdemokratie als paradiesische Vision?" In 3. Fakultätstag der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät, ed. Dietmar Pauger. Graz, 239–55. 1

Poier, Klaus. 2001. "Grundrechte und E-Voting." In Grundrechte in der Informationsgesellschaft, ed. Österreichische Juristenkommission. Wien: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 102–18. Prosser, Alexander, Robert Kofler, and Robert Krimmer. 2003. "e-Voting.at ‐ Ein Implementierungsbericht." In Quo Vadis E-Government: State-of-the-art 2003, ed. Maria A. Wimmer. Wien: Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 469–80. Prosser, Alexander, Robert Kofler, and Robert Krimmer. 2003. "Deploying Electronic Democracy for Public Corporations." In Electronic Government (EGOV 2003). Second International Conference, ed. Roland Traunmüller. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 234–9. Prosser, Alexander, Robert Kofler, Robert Krimmer, and Martin Karl Unger. "e-Voting.at. Entwicklung eines Internetbasierten Wahlsystems für öffentliche Wahlen." 2002. Arbeitspapier. Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Prosser, Alexander, Robert Kofler, Robert Krimmer, and Martin Karl Unger. "Die erste Internet-Wahl Österreichs: Ein Erfahrungsbericht von E-Voting.at. The first Internet-Election in Austria: The Findings by e-Voting.at." 2003. Arbeitspapier. Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Prosser, Alexander, Robert Kofler, Robert Krimmer, and Martin Karl Unger. "e-Voting Wahltest zur Bundespräsidentschaftswahl 2004." 2004. Arbeitspapier. Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Prosser, Alexander, Karl Schiessl, and Martin Fleischhacker. 2008. "E-Voting. Usability and Acceptance of Two-Stage Voting Procedures." In Electronic Government (EGOV 2008). 7th International Conference, EGOV 2008, Torino, Italy, August 31 - September 5, 2008. Proceedings, eds. Maria A. Wimmer, Jochen Scholl, and Enrico Ferro. Berlin, New York: Springer, 378–87. Rittler, Robert. "E-Voting in Österreich." 2003. Diplomarbeit. Universität Wien. Rittler, Robert. 2003. "Der zu vermutende Einfluss von E-Voting auf die Wahlbeteiligung und das Wahlergebnis bei österreichischen Nationalratswahlen." In E-Democracy: Technologie, Recht und Politik, eds. Alexander Prosser, and Robert Krimmer. Wien: Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 189–210. Rupp, C. 2004. "E-Democracy in E-Austria." In Electronic Voting in Europe - Technology, Law, Politics and Society, eds. Alexander Prosser, and Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 17–20. Schweighofer, Erich, ed. 2001. Auf dem Weg zur ePerson. Aktuelle Fragestellungen der Rechtsinformatik 2001. Wien: Verlag Österreich. Stein, Robert and Gregor Wenda. 2005. "E-Voting in Österreich. Status Quo und Ausblick." SIAK-Journal – Zeitschrift für Polizeiwissenschaften und Polizeiliche Praxis 3:3–11.


Official Reports

Bundesministerium für Inneres. 2004. Unterarbeitsgruppe 3 (Internationales) Endbericht;. Anhang zum Abschlussbericht zur Arbeitsgruppe "E-Voting". Bundesministerium für Inneres. Wien. Bundesministerium für Inneres. 2004. Unterarbeitsgruppe 1 (Legistische Belange) Endbericht. Anhang zum Abschlussbericht zur Arbeitsgruppe. Bundesministerium für Inneres. Wien. Bundesministerium für Inneres. 2004. Unterarbeitsgruppe 2 (Technische Belange) Endbericht. Anhang zum Abschlussbericht zur Arbeitsgruppe "E-Voting". Bundesministerium für Inneres. Wien. Bundesministerium für Inneres. 2004. Abschlussbericht zur Arbeitsgruppe "E-Voting". Bundesministerium für Inneres. Wien.



Delwit, Pascal, Jean-Benoit Pilet, and Erol Kulahei. 2007. "Electronic Voting in Belgium." In Encyclopedia of Digital Government, eds. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko, and Matti Mälkiä. 3 vols. Hershey [etc.]: Idea Group Reference, 670–9. Vegas González, Carlos. 2012. "The New Belgian E-voting System." In Electronic Voting (EVOTE 2012). 5th International Conference, ed. Manuel J. Kripp. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 199-211. 2


Official Reports

Barrat i Esteve, Jordi. 2004. Compliance of the BeVoting Study with the Recommendation (2004) 11 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to Member States on Legal, Operational and Technical Standards for E-Voting. Strasbourg. BeVoting. 2007. "Study of Electronic Voting Systems. Part 1.“ http://www.ibz.rrn.fgov.be/fileadmin/user_upload/Elections/fr/presentation/bevoting-1_gb.pdf (December 13, 2013). BeVoting. 2007. "Study of Electronic Voting Systems. Part 2." http://www.ibz.rrn.fgov.be/fileadmin/user_upload/Elections2011/fr/presentation/bevoting-2_gb.pdf (May 14, 2014). OSCE/ODIHR. 2006. Expert Visit on New Voting Technologies for the 8 October 2006 Local Elections in the Kingdom of Belgium.



Delvinia Interactive. 2007. Understanding the Digital Voter Experience. The Delvinia Report on Internet Voting in the 2006 Town of Markham Municipal Election. Toronto. Delvinia Interactive Inc. 2004. Internet Voting and Canadian E-Democracy in Practice. The Delvinia Report on Internet Voting in the 2003 Town of Markham Municipal Election. Toronto. Elections BC. 2011. Discussion Paper: Internet Voting. British Colombia. Goodman, Nicole. 2010. "The Experiences Of Canadian Municipalities with Internet Voting." CEU Political Science Journal 5 (04):492–520. Goodman, Nicole. 2011. eDemocracy and Citizen Engagement: The Delvinia Report on Internet Voting in Town of Markham. Delvinia Interactive Corp., Toronto. Goodman, Nicole. 2014. "Internet Voting in a Local Election in Canada." In The Internet and Democracy in Global Perspective. Voters, Candidates, Parties, and Social Movements, eds. Bernard Grofman, Alexander H. Trechsel, and Mark Franklin. Switzerland: Springer. Goodman, Nicole Janine, Jon H. Pammett, and Joan DeBardeleben. A Comparative Assessment of Electronic Voting. Prepared for Elections Canada by Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue. 2010. Independent Panel on Internet Voting British Columbia. 2013. Preliminary Report - October 2013. Kamenova, Kalina and Nicole Goodman. 2013. "The Edmonton Citizens’ Jury on Internet Voting." Canadian parliamentary review 36:13–20. Obradovic, Goran, James Hoover, Nick Nikonomakism, and John Poulos. 2006. "Election Workflow Automation Canadian Experiences." In Electronic Voting 2006. 2nd International Workshop, ed. Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 131–42. Pammett, Jon H. and Nicole Goodman. 2013. Consultation and Evaluation Practices in the Implementation of Internet Voting in Canada and Europe. Elections Canada.



Pedersen, Karina and Jo Saglie. 2005. "New Technology in Ageing Parties. Internet Use in Danish and Norwegian Parties." Party Politics 11 (3):359–77. 3



Alvarez, Michael R., Thad E. Hall, and Alexander H. Trechsel. 2009. "Internet Voting in Comparative Perspective: The Case of Estonia." PS: Political Science and Politics 42 (3):497–505. Bochsler, Daniel. 2010. Can Internet Voting Increase Political Participation? Remote Electronic Voting and Turnout in the Estonian 2007 Parliamentary Elections. Prepared for Presentation at the Conference ‘Internet and Voting’, Fiesole. Drechsler, Wolfgang. 2006. The Estonian E-Voting Laws Discourse: Paradigmatic Benchmarking for Central and Eastern Europe: Citeseer. Drechsler, Wolfgang and Ülle Madise. 2004. "Electronic Voting in Estonia." In Electronic Voting and Democracy: A Comparative Analysis, eds. Norbert Kersting, and Harald Baldersheim. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 97–108. Heiberg, Sven, Peter Laud, and Jan Willemson. 2012. "The Application of I-Voting for Estonian Parliamentary Elections of 2011." In E-Voting and Identity (VoteID 2011). Third International Conference: Revised Selected Papers, eds. A. Kiayias, and H. Lipmaa. Heidelberg: Springer, 208–23. Maaten, Epp. 2004. "Towards Remote E-Voting: Estonian Case." In Electronic Voting in Europe - Technology, Law, Politics and Society, eds. Alexander Prosser, and Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 83–90. Maaten, Epp and Thad Hall. 2008. "Improving the Transparency of Remote E-Voting: The Estonian Experience." In 3rd International Conference on Electronic Voting (EVote08), eds. Robert Krimmer, and Rüdiger Grimm. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 31-46. Madise, Ü. and P. Vinkel. 2011. "Constitutionality of Remote Internet Voting: The Estonian Perspective." Juridica International. Iuridicum Foundation 18:4–16. Madise, Ülle. 2008. "Legal and Political Aspects of the Internet Voting: Estonian Case." In E-Voting: The Last Electoral Revolution, ed. Josep M. Reniu. Barcelona: Institut de Ciencies Pollitiques i Socials. Madise, Ülle and Epp Maaten. 2010. "Internet Voting in Estonia." In E-Democracy: A Group Decision and Negotiation Perspective, eds. David Rios Insua, and Simon French. Dordrecht: Springer, 301–21. Madise, Ülle and Tarvi Martens. 2006. "E-Voting in Estonia 2005. The First Practice of Country-Wide Binding Internet Voting in the World." In Electronic Voting 2006. 2nd International Workshop, ed. Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 15–26. Vassil, Kristjan and Till Weber. 2011. "A Bottleneck Model of Internet Voting. Explaining the Limited Impact of Technology on Electoral Participation." New Media & Society 13 (8):1336–54.


Official Reports

Breuer, Fabian and Alexander H. Trechsel. 2006. E-Voting in the 2005 Local Elections in Estonia. Report for the Council of Europe. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute. Florence. Madise, Ülle, Priit. Vinkel, and Epp Maaten. 2005. Internet Voting at the Elections of Local Government Councils on October 2005. http://www.vvk.ee/public/dok/report2006.pdf (Accessed January 30, 2014). OSCE/ODIHR. 2007. Republic of Estonia, Parliamentary Elections, 4 March 2007. OSCE/ODIHR Election Assessment Mission Report. Warsaw. OSCE/ODIHR. 2011. Estonia, Parliamentary Elections, 6 March 2011. OSCE/ODIHR Election Assessment Mission Report. Warsaw. Trechsel, Alexander H., Guido Schwerdt, Fabian Breuer, Michael R. Alvarez, and Thad Edward Hall. 2007. Internet Voting in the March 2007 Parliamentary Elections in Estonia. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute. Florence.


Trechsel, Alexander H. and Kristjan Vassil. 2010. Internet Voting in Estonia. A Comparative Analysis of Five Elections since 2005. Report for the Council of Europe. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute. Florence. Trechsel, Alexander H. and Kristjan Vassil. 2011. Internet Voting in Estonia. A Comparative Analysis of Five Elections since 2005. Report for the Estonian National Electoral Committee. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute. Florence. Vabariigi Valimiskomisjon. 2013. "Statistics about Internet Voting in Estonia." http://www.vvk.ee/voting-methods-inestonia/engindex/statistics (Accessed January 30, 2014).



Beckert, Berndt. 2011. E-Voting in Europe: Why We Should Look at it, Which Arguments We Should Consider and What to Expect in the Future. A Background Paper for the Workshop on "E-Voting in Europe". Breuer, Fabian. 2006. E-Voting: Lessons Learnt and Future Challenges. Tallinn (Estonia), 27-28 October 2006, Conference Report. Council of Europe, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, e-Governance Academy (Tallinn). Buchsbaum, Thomas M. 2004. "E-Voting: International Developments and Lessons Learnt." In Electronic Voting in Europe - Technology, Law, Politics and Society, eds. Alexander Prosser, and Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 31–41. Chadwick, Andrew and Christopher May. 2003. "Interaction between States and Citizens in the Age of the Internet: “E-Government” in the United States, Britain and the European Union." Governance 16 (2):271–300. Delwit, Pascal, Jean-Benoit Pilet, and Erol Kulahei. 2007. "Stumbling Blocks of Electronic Voting Revealed by U.S. and European Experiences." In Encyclopedia of Digital Government, eds. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko, and Matti Mälkiä. 3 vols. Hershey [etc.]: Idea Group Reference, 1479–84. Gibson, Rachel. 2005. "Internet Voting and the European Parliament Elections: Problems and Prospects." In The European Union and E-Voting: Addressing the European Parliament’s Internet Voting Challenge, eds. Alexander H. Trechsel, and Fernando Mendez. London: Routledge, 29–59. Grönlund, Kimmo. 2004. "Cyber Citizens: Mapping Internet Access and Digital Divides in Western Europe." In Electronic Voting and Democracy: A Comparative Analysis, eds. Norbert Kersting, and Harald Baldersheim. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 20–38. Kies, Raphaël and Kriesi Hanspeter. 2005. "Internet Voting and Opinion Formation: The Potential Impact of a PreVoting Sphere." In The European Union and E-Voting: Addressing the European Parliament’s Internet Voting Challenge, eds. Alexander H. Trechsel, and Fernando Mendez. London: Routledge, 147–65. Kies, Raphaël, Fernando Mendez, Philippe C. Schmitter, and Alexander H. Trechsel. 2002. Evaluation of the Use of New Technologies in Order to Facilitate Democracy in Europe. Scientific and Technological Options Assessment Series. 116. Euopean Parliament. Luxembourg. Krimmer, Robert. 2008. "The Development of Remote Electronic Voting in Europe." In E-Voting: The Last Electoral Revolution, ed. Josep M. Reniu. Barcelona: Institut de Ciencies Pollitiques i Socials, 11–26. Kubicek, Herbert and Hilmar Westholm. 2005. "Scenarios for Future Use of E-Democracy Tools in Europe." International Journal of Electronic Government Research 1 (3):33–50. Kushchu, Ibrahim, and M. Halid Kuscu, eds. 2005. EURO mGOV 2005. The First European Mobile Government Conference. Brighton, UK: Mobile Government Consortium International LLC. Ladeur, Karl-Heinz. 2005. "E-Voting: A New Political Institution for the Network Society? New Life for an Old Democratic Procedure." In The European Union and E-Voting: Addressing the European Parliament’s Internet Voting Challenge, eds. Alexander H. Trechsel, and Fernando Mendez. London: Routledge, 202–22. Magkos, E., P. Kotzanikolaou, and C. Douligeris. 2007. "Towards Secure Online Elections. Models, Primitives and Open Issues." Electronic Government: An International Journal 4 (3):249–68.


McGaley, Margaret and Joe McCarthy. 2004. "Transparency and E-Voting: Democratic vs. Commercial Interests." In Electronic Voting in Europe - Technology, Law, Politics and Society, eds. Alexander Prosser, and Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 153–64. Mendez, Fernando and Alexander H. Trechsel. 2004. The European Union and E-Voting (Electronic Voting). London: Taylor & Francis. Mendez, Fernando and Alexander H. Trechsel. 2005. "The European Union and E-Voting Upgrading Euro-Elections." In The European Union and E-Voting: Addressing the European Parliament’s Internet Voting Challenge, eds. Alexander H. Trechsel, and Fernando Mendez. London: Routledge. Monnoyer-Smith, Laurence and Eric Maigret. 2002. "Electronic Vote and Internet Campaining. State of the Art in Europe and Remaining Questions." In Electronic Government (EGOV 2002). First International Conference, eds. Roland. Traunmüller, and Klaus Lenk. Berlin, New York: Springer, 280–3. O'Donnell, David, ed. 2010. 10th European Conference on eGovernment (ECEG 2010). Reading: Academic Publ. Limited. Oxford Internet Institute, ed. 2004. A New Agenda for E-Democracy. Position Papers for an OII Symposium. Oxford. Pammett, Jon H. and Nicole Goodman. 2013. Consultation and Evaluation Practices in the Implementation of Internet Voting in Canada and Europe. Elections Canada. Prandini, Marco and Marco Ramilli. 2011. "Taking the Best of Both Worlds: A Comparison and Integration of the U.S. and EU Approaches to E-Voting Systems Evaluation." In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, ed. Ralph H. Sprague. Los Alamitos, Calif: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pratchett, Lawrence, Melvin Wingfield, Ben N. Fairweather, and Simon Rogerson. 2005. "Balancing Security and Simplicity in E-Voting: Towards an Effective Compromise?" In The European Union and E-Voting: Addressing the European Parliament’s Internet Voting Challenge, eds. Alexander H. Trechsel, and Fernando Mendez. London: Routledge, 166–84. Prosser, Alexander, and Robert Krimmer, eds. 2004. Electronic Voting in Europe - Technology, Law, Politics and Society. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik. Prosser, Alexander and Robert Krimmer. 2004. "The Dimensions of Electronic Voting." In Electronic Voting in Europe - Technology, Law, Politics and Society, eds. Alexander Prosser, and Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 21–8. Remenyi, Dan, ed. 2009. 9th European Conference on E-Government (ECEG 2009). Dublin: ECEG. Remmert, Michael. 2004. "Towards European Standards on Electronic Voting." In Electronic Voting in Europe Technology, Law, Politics and Society, eds. Alexander Prosser, and Robert Krimmer. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, 13–6. Schmitt, Hermann. 2005. "Second-Order Elections to the European Parliament: Is E-Voting the Solution?" In The European Union and E-Voting: Addressing the European Parliament’s Internet Voting Challenge, eds. Alexander H. Trechsel, and Fernando Mendez. London: Routledge, 91–107. Schmitter, Philippe C. 2005. "E-Voting, E-Democracy and EU-Democracy: A Thought Experiment." In The European Union and E-Voting: Addressing the European Parliament’s Internet Voting Challenge, eds. Alexander H. Trechsel, and Fernando Mendez. London: Routledge, 187–201. Svensson, Jörgen and Ronald Leenes. 2003. "E-Voting in Europe: Divergent Democratic Practice." Information Polity 8 (1):3–15. Tambouris, Efthimios. 2002. "An Integrated Platform for Tele-Voting and Tele-Consulting within and across European Cities. The EURO-CITI Project." In Electronic Government (EGOV 2002). First International Conference, eds. Roland. Traunmüller, and Klaus Lenk. Berlin, New York: Springer, 350–7. Tambouris, Efthimios and Stelios Gorilas. 2003. "Evaluation of an E-Democracy Platform for European Cities." In Electronic Government (EGOV 2003). Second International Conference, ed. Roland Traunmüller. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 43–8. Trechsel, Alexander H. and Fernando Mendez. 2005. The European Union and E-Voting: Addressing the European Parliament’s Internet Voting Challenge. London: Routledge.



Official Reports

Beckert, Berndt. 2011. E-Public, E-Participation and E-Voting in Europe - Prospects and Challenges. Final Report. Brussels. Caarls, Susanne. 2010. E-Voting Handbook: Key Steps in the Implementation of E-Enabled Elections: Council of Europe. Council of Europe. 2004. Legal, Operational and Technical Standards for E-Voting. Council of Europe Publishing. Council of Europe. 2011. Guidelines on Transparency of E-Enabled Elections. Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs. Council of Europe. 2011. Guidelines on Transparency of E-Enabled Elections. Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs. Grabenwarter, Christoph. 2004. Report on the Compatibility of Remote Voting and Electronic Voting with the Standards of the Council of Europe. Council of Europe. Strasbourg.



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