Drop This to Heal Hemorrhoids

When it comes to hemorrhoids, most doctors blame constipation and a lack of fiber. But a new study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found no connection between these commonly blamed factors and hemorrhoids.
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Drop This to Heal Hemorrhoids

When it comes to hemorrhoids, most doctors blame constipation and a lack of fiber. However, a new study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found no connection between these commonly blamed factors and hemorrhoids. However, they did find a clear connection between other common conditions that plagues at least 33% of people over 60. In addition, by healing this underlying condition (which is quite easy), you could rid yourself of hemorrhoids automatically.

The authors of this new study found previous research linking metabolic syndrome with colonic diverticulosis, although no good research has been done on its relationship with internal hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed blood vessels in your rectum. Colonic diverticulosis is a condition in which non-inflamed pouches develop in the lining of your colon. These scientists decided to examine these links in elderly people, who are the most likely to have hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. These researchers obtained and reviewed the medical records of 590 elderly people from St. Luke’s University Health Network in Pennsylvania. All patients were over age 75, with an average age of 79; 60.6% of them were female. All of them had undergone a colonoscopy. Most of the patients (68%) had been diagnosed with colonic diverticulosis, while 30% had been diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids. One third of the participants (33.1%) had been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, a condition that involves high blood sugar, high LDL (bad) cholesterol, low HDL (good) cholesterol, high blood pressure, and a large waist circumference. One third of the American population suffers from this condition. The researchers found a 40% higher risk of diverticulosis and a 50% higher risk of internal hemorrhoids among the participants with metabolic syndrome. Male participants were the most likely to have internal hemorrhoids, and the relationship between aspects of metabolic syndrome and

internal hemorrhoids was strongest for the younger participants, between ages 75 and 84. However, the older participants were more likely than the younger ones to have internal hemorrhoids, which show that you should start preventing metabolic syndrome as early as possible. Interestingly, while constipation is often flagged as a cause of internal hemorrhoids, this study could not establish a relationship between the two, suggesting that elderly people may not fit this pattern. In fact, since internal hemorrhoids were common in the elderly group, while constipation was uncommon, this study demonstrates that metabolic syndrome was a much greater risk factor for hemorrhoids. However, regardless of whether you suffer from internal or external hemorrhoids, you are probably quite keen (to say the least) to rid yourself of them ASAP! Fortunately, this is quite easy to do. Thousands of readers have eliminated their hemorrhoids in days using the simple, natural home methods explained here… If you have high blood pressure, you will also want to do three easy exercises that drop blood pressure below 120/80—as soon as today… In addition, for high cholesterol, discover one ingredient that is responsible for all cholesterol plaque buildup (and you did not even know it existed)… Finally, for type-2 diabetes, here is the three-step strategy that will bring your blood sugar down to normal within three weeks…