Destinos 5

*All of the days of the week are masculine. El tiempo. Son las cinco. = It is five ... language, culture, religion, and
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UNIT 2 LESSON 3--La despedida (The Goodbye) Vocabulario de este episodio Los días de la semana lunes = Monday martes = Tuesday miércoles = Wednesday jueves = Thursday viernes = Friday sábado = Saturday domingo = Sunday *Note that the calendar begins with Monday. *To say “on Monday” we say el lunes, not en lunes. *All of the days of the week are masculine.

El tiempo Son las cinco. = It is five o’clock. Son las cinco y cuarto. = It is 5:15. Son las cinco y media. = It is 5:30. Son las seis menos cuarto. = It is 5:45. Son las cinco y trece. = It is 5:13. Son las seis menos cinco. = It is 5:55. Es el mediodía. = It is noon. Es la medianoche. = It is midnight. Son las cinco de la mañana. = It is 5:00 in the morning. Son las cinco de la tarde. = It is 5:00 in the afternoon. Son las nueve de la noche. = It is 9:00 at night. Es la una. = It is 1:00. los moros = the Moors The Moors were Muslims from northern Africa that made their home in Spain. They brought their language, culture, religion, and architecture with them. They conquered much of Spain and built beautiful palaces, many of which are still standing. The Moorish capital of Córdoba is thought to be the most civilized city in all of Europe during its time, the tenth century AD. Other contributions, such as irrigation systems and certain plants are still used. The Moors were eventually defeated in 1492. (Source: ONCE = organización nacional de los ciegoes Españoles = National Organization of Blind Spaniards