Curso 2008-2009 - Knowing-English

Not long ago life in Kamikatsu centred on cultivating rice. Now the tiny village in the densely wooded mountains of Shik
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UNIVERSIDADES PÚBLICAS DE LA COMUNIDAD DE MADRID PRUEBA DE ACCESO A ESTUDIOS UNIVERSITARIOS (LOGSE) Curso 2008-2009 (Junio) MATERIA: INGLÉS INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN l. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. 2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. 3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.

Do yon think you can recycle? Then you must meet the villagers of Kamikatsu, in Japan! Not long ago life in Kamikatsu centred on cultivating rice. Now the tiny village in the densely wooded mountains of Shikoku Island in south-west Japan has a new obsession: rubbish. Kamikatsu's aim is to end its dependence on incineration, and become Japan's first zerowaste community. An hour's drive from the nearest city, the village was forced to change the way it managed its waste in 2000 when new regulations on dioxin emissions forced it to shut down its two incinerators. "We were no longer able to bum our rubbish, so we thought the best policy was not to produce any" said Sonoe Fujii of the village's Zero Waste Academy, a non-profit organisation that controls the scheme. Household waste must be separated into no fewer than 34 categories before being taken to a recycling centre where volunteers reprimand firmly, but politely, anyone who forgets to remove the lid from a plastic bottle or to wash out an empty beer can. "At first it was very hard work" said a 65-yearold villager as she emptied another bowl of vegetable peelings into the electric garbage disposal unit next to her back door. "It took ages to sort everything into different types. But it comes naturally now." Any waste that is not organic is taken to the village's zero-waste centre. The site has a wide variety of items, from bottles, cans and newspapers to batteries, cigarette lighters, ballpoint pens and a surprisingly large number of broken mirrors. Despite some opposition, Kamikatsu's recycling rate has soared from 55% a decade ago to about 80% today.

Author: Patricia Herrero Pinilla

QUESTIONS 1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.

a) The people living in Kamikatsu had to stop burning their rubbish because of new laws. TRUE […] the village was forced to change the way it managed its waste in 2000 when new regulations on dioxin emissions forced it to shut down two incinerators. "We were no longer able to bum our rubbish, so we thought the best policy was not to produce any". b) The attempts to recycle in the village have not been very successful. (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)

FALSE "It took ages to sort everything into different types, But it comes naturally now". Any waste that is not organic is taken to the village's zero-waste centre. [...] Despite some opposition, Kamikatsu’s recycling rate has soared from 55% a decade ago to about 80% today. 2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do not copy from the text. a) What are the tasks involved in recycling the rubbish -organic and nonorganic- in the village?

There are more than 30 categories of recycling wastes. They have to put the organic rubbish in special containers, which are next to some of the town's houses, besides separating the non-organic trash, depending on its material, which are taken to a special centre for recycling them. b) What does one of the villagers think about the activity of recycling? (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)

One woman who lives in the town thinks that firstly, it was so hard at the beginning, and that it took some years to get used to separate the rubbish but nowadays, it is something natural. 3. Find the words in the text that mean: a) objective (paragraph 2) aim b) top (paragraph 3) lid c) a very long time (paragraph 3) ages d) classify (paragraph 3) sort (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)

4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the words in brackets when given. a) People know that if they 1 (not recycle) their rubbish, in a few years they 2 (have to abandon) the village of Karnikatsu.

Author: Patricia Herrero Pinilla

b) Villagers tie their newspapers into packets 3 (use) string made 4 recycled milk cartons. c) The problem of used cooking oil is solved. It ____5 ___ (make) into fertiliser, ____6____ is used in gardens. d) Rewrite the following sentence, beginning with the words given: When recycling bottles, you must classify them by colour. When recycling bottles, they ____7_____.

Solución. 1: don’t recycle 2: will have to abandon – Se trata de la primera condicional, usada para acciones probables en el presente o en el futuro. En este caso, se refiere a una acción futura, porque se refiere en unos años. 3: using – Utilizamos la forma de gerundio por el uso de la subordinada. 4: with – Preposición utilizada para hacer referencia a la procedencia de las cuerdas. 5: is made – Utilizamos la pasiva presente porque el sujeto es pasivo con respecto al verbo. 6: which – Defining relative clause, utilizamos el pronombre relativo de objetos. 7: must be recycled by colour: Pasamos de voz activa a voz pasiva, el objeto directo (them) pasa a ser sujeto paciente y el verbo to be ha de ser introducido en la frase pasiva en el mismo tiempo que el verbo principal de la frase activa. 5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics. a. Do you think it is important to recycle? Defend your point of view. b. Write the story of a broken mirror you found in the rubbish. (Puntuación máxima 3 puntos) Para este ejercicio es muy importante la organización del texto. Siempre respetando las tres partes fundamentales de introducción, cuerpo y conclusión final. Es importante buscar estructuras que nos sean conocidas para evitar cometer errores, sin caer en el simplismo.

a) Do you think it is important to recycle? Defend your point of view. First of all, I would like to say that the most important thing we can do is to avoid pollution, and of course, producing so much rubbish. On one hand, we should take into account that everything we can do is important. There are many times we think that we can do nothing to save our planet and it is not true! It’s important to think that we are part of this problem, and that we can also be part of the solution. On the other hand, we can’t apparently avoid CO emissions, because it’s a global business but if each person in the world has the same idea, nothing is going to be done, and the situation will be the same for ages, until everything collapse! Most of us, who are young people, look at the future and see ourselves married and with children in some years. But if we don’t take care of our planet, which kind of world are our children going to live in? We can do many things and we must start now, because tomorrow can be late. What we can do is walking a lot, travelling by bike and of course, recycling. There are lots of different containers in every city and every little town in developed countries. To sum up, I would like to ask the world a question… Are we doing everything we can to stop destroying our planet? I think, the obvious answer is no, because we aren’t doing it; and we mustn’t wait for longer. Author: Patricia Herrero Pinilla

b) Write the story of a broken mirror you found in the rubbish.

Firstly, I would like to say that stories like the one that I am going to tell are not usual, but sometimes, life is funnier than fiction! One day, as I was walking down the street, I found with my own image in front of me. I felt absolutely confused, and I could not understand what had happened… I wonder who was the person in front of me and with the same aspect as mine! When suddenly, a sun lightning appeared and blocked me up for a while, fact which made me realize that I was in front of a mirror. I couldn’t believe what it had happened, I felt embarrassed and obviously disappointed about the fact of not knowing my twin! As the majority of the people know, mirrors have been involved with mystery since cinema became famous. They have broadcasted many films and most of them talking about the other side of mirrors as if they could be a gate to reach another dimension. I don’t usually think about these stories (mirrors are only mirrors) but who knows? I don’t think mirrors could be strange objects or they could involve any other things but our own image, but sometimes, as I said before, reality is stranger than fiction! Expresiones más frecuentes para realizar el texto: INTRODUCCIÓN -

The purpose of this report The aim of this report This report looks at First of all As an introduction I would like to say Firstly To begin with


One of the main advantages/disadvantages of… Secondly From my point of view In my opinion I think/feel that On the one hand……on the other hand


In conclusion To sum up On balance Author: Patricia Herrero Pinilla


Last but not least


Although However In spite of (this) Some people…..while/whereas others…

VOCABULARIO RELACIONADO Trash: Basura Bin: Papelera Recycle: Reciclar Emissions: Emisiones Inherit: Herencia Take care, look after: Cuidar To block up: Cegar Image: Imagen To reflect: Reflejar

Author: Patricia Herrero Pinilla