Cross Modal Content Based Objective for Learning Adequate ...

ein mann liegt neben geparkten autos auf einer bank . (= A man lies ... image caption generation with visual attention,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.03044 , 2015.
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Cross Modal Content Based Objective for Learning Adequate Multimodal Representations MVRL Workshop @ ICML 2016 Presenter: Seungwhan (Shane) Moon Adhiguna Kuncoro Akash Bharadwaj Volkan Cirik Louis-Philippe Morency Chris Dyer 1

Multimodal Machine Translation - Are pictures worth a thousand words?



“Two young, White males are outside near many bushes.”

Output: “Zwei junge weiße Männer sind im Freien in der Nähe vieler Büsche.”

Multimodal Machine Translation - Motivation

Current leading MT system output:

Multimodal Machine Translation - Reconciling Two Separate Tasks Multimodal Machine Translation Caption (Source Language)


Caption (Target Language)

Multimodal Machine Translation - Reconciling Two Separate Tasks Machine Translation Caption


(Source Language)

(Target Language)

Challenge: decoder is often overly fluent but inadequate

Image Captioning Image

Caption (Target Language)

Challenge: CNN representation is competent for a discriminative task, but not for a generative task


NMT Enc-Dec Model (= Baseline Unimodal Model: “Blind”)

NMMT (+ Text Attention)

Our Approach

CNN Filtering

Motivation for CNN Filtering Source text views may not be relevant since English and German captions are all i.i.d and crowdsourced

English Captions

German Captions

- A man in jeans is reclining on a green metal bench along a busy sidewalk and crowded street .

- viele autos am straße rand geparkt , auf diesem liegt ein mann auf einer bank (= many cars parked on the roadside , in this a man lying on a bench)

- A white male with a blue sweater and gray pants laying on a sidewalk bench .

- ein seite streifen mit parkenden autos und metall säulen die bis zum flucht punkt des bildes alle auf einer linie hinter einander stehen . (= a side strip with parked cars and metal columns that appear on a line to the vanishing point of the image , all in a row.)

- A man in a blue shirt and gray pants is sleeping on a sidewalk bench . - A man sleeping on a bench in a city area .

- ein mann liegt neben geparkten autos auf einer bank . (= A man lies next to parked cars on a bench .)

Filtering CNN Representation

Hypothesis: Strong regularization of projection from CNN features is useful for input to generative process

Filtering CNN Representation Bag of Verbs

Bag of content words

FC 7 (Optional)


laying sleeping leaning . . .

man bench cars . . .

To decoder for generative process

Bag of Nouns


green white blue . .

Bag of Adjectives

Filtering CNN Representation

CNN Filtering Training Objective:

Datasets ▪

Main Dataset: Flickr30k (Multi-Modal, Multi-Lingual): ▪

Training set: only 29k professionally-translated English-German captions.

Dev set: 1,014 sentences, blind test set: 1,000 sentences

Multi-lingual word embedding: trained to map each German and English word to the same space. Trained purely on the dataset (no external resources) using the Berkeley word aligner as pre-processing

Results ( Image+English → German ) Model

Visual Features


NMMT + Attention

fc7 + CNN Filter


NMMT + Attention




fc7 + CNN Filter









▪ Strong regularization of the CNN representation helps a generative process ▪ It is complementary with the real-valued FC7!

Relevant papers ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

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Cross Modal Content Based Objective for Learning Adequate Multimodal Representations

Questions? Presenter: Seungwhan (Shane) Moon [email protected]


Adhiguna Kuncoro Akash Bharadwaj Volkan Cirik Louis-Philippe Morency Chris Dyer