CoreMedia Design Manual

20459 Hamburg. Deutschland. Tel. +49 .40 .32 55 87 .0. Fax +49 .40 .32 55 87 .999 [email protected] .... German Pension Fund | GMX | Gütermann | | Hamburger Sparkasse | Kaba. Helaba (Landesbank ... in place to ensure that this growth doesn't stifle the open-.
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create CoreMedia Design Manual

>> Januar 2006 // 01

>> Design Manual // Seite 5

Logo >> Das Logo ist eine Wort-Bild-Marke, die in ihren Bestandteilen und Größenverhältnissen nicht verändert

werden darf.

>> Positiv

Wortmarke: Pantone 446 Bildmarke: Pantone 279

>> Negativ

Wortmarke: Weiß Bildmarke: Pantone 279

>> Design Manual // Seite 9

Farben sind unterschiedlich gewichtet. Basisfarben sind Silizium und Grau. Die Logofarbe Blau dient der Akzentuierung. Rot kann als Signalfarbe sparsam verwendet werden.

>> Die Hausfarben

>> Silizium

Pantone 4535



>> Grau

rgb 212r 204g 170b CMYK 20C 20M 40Y 0K Powerpoint rgb 164r 150g 110b

rgb 226r 219g 197b CMYK 12C 12M 24Y 0K Powerpoint rgb 200r 190g 161b

rgb 241r 238g 227b CMYK 6C 6M 12Y 0K nicht geeignet für Beamer

>> Blau

Pantone 446

60% 60%


rgb 61r 66g 66b CMYK 15C 0m 0y 70K Powerpoint rgb 69r 84g 91b

rgb 159r 164g 171b CMYK 9C 0m 0y 42K Powerpoint rgb 175r 182g 185b

rgb 207r 212g 216b CMYK 5C 0m 0y 21K nicht geeignet für Beamer

Pantone 279



>> Signalrot

rgb 65r 137g 221b CMYK 70C 30M 0Y 0K Powerpoint rgb 45r 108g 167b

rgb 165r 187g 224b CMYK 42C 18M 0Y 0K Powerpoint rgb 165r 193g 237b

rgb 211r 221g 240b CMYK 21C 9M 0Y 0K nicht geeignet für Beamer

rgb 255r 51g 0b CMYK 0C 87m 79y 0K

>> Design Manual // Seite 10

Typografie >> Die Schriften geben der Marke ihren Charakter.




>> Conduit Light

>> CoreMedium Regular

>> Verdana Regular

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ,.-#+1234567890ß


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ,.-#+1234567890ß

>> Conduit

>> CoreMedium


>> Conduit Medium

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ,.-#+1234567890ß >> Conduit Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WX YZ ,.-#+1234567890ß >> Conduit, die Satzschrift, wird in Dokumenten

verwendet, die im professionellen Druckverfahren hergestellt werden. Zeilenabstand 100% Farbe Blau, Silizium, Grau

>> Verdana

>> Verdana Bold >> CoreMedium dient als Schmuckschrift

für Akzente. Zeilenabstand 130% Farbe Blau >> Achtung: Die CoreMedium muss in einer

kleineren Punktgröße gesetzt werden als der folgende Text, damit die Schriften optisch gleich groß wirken.

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ,.-#+1234567890ß

>> Verdana dient als Korrespondenz- und

Screenschrift und wird für alle digital genutzten Dokumente verwendet. Zeilenabstand 100% Farbe Schwarz, Grau, Blau

>> Design Manual // Seite 12

Headwords werden nie allgemein und breit eingesetzt. Sie dürfen nie direkt das Bild wiederholen (etwa: „sweat©“ auf Schweißband). Die Headwords spiegeln die starke, smarte CoreMedia Haltung wider und sind charakterstarke Richtungsweiser.

>> Headwords

>> Headword

Conduit Medium Zeilenabstand 100% Farbe Weiß Fond Bild oder Farbfläche


change 1 x Nachbreite

1 x Nachbreite

besser sein

>> Design Manual // Seite 14

Designelemte >> Designelemente

verleihen CoreMedia einen unverkennbaren Look.

>> Ecke

Alle Flächen und Linien werden mit einer Ecke versehen. Generell befindet sich diese Ecke am rechten unteren Bildrand und gibt damit auch den Logostand auf der Seite an (siehe Beispiele).




>> Phase


Design Manual

Für Zusatzinformationen wie z.B. Webadressen oder Pagina werden die Bildmotive mit einer weiteren Phase beschnitten. Die Größe der Phase richtet sich nach der Schriftgröße (X). >> Textabschluss

Zur Übersichtlichkeit kann unter einen Textabschluss eine Linie gesetzt werden, die mit der nebenstehenden Spalte bündig abschließt.

lici ac tates Cessio.

uoties magno negetio pares ammaticem. At oponio faciliundem aut amplius. Aportet, . At oponio facilime sumitor. us Quando quidem. Quando quino negetio pares Aportet, vel t oponio facilime sumitor. Quea

Aportet, vel levissima, uti grammaticem. At oponio facilime sumitor. Quea tamen tantundem aut amplius Quando quidem res ipsas ali Quoties magno negetio pares Aporte. Quea tamen tantundem aut amplius. Quando quidem res ipsas ali Quoties magno negetio pares Aportet, vel levissima, uti grammaticem. At oponio facilime sumitor. Quea tamen tantundem aut amplius. Aportet, vel levissima, uti gramma-

>> Doppelpfeil

Der Doppelpfeil >> steht vor Headlines und Highlights, optisch gleich groß an die Versalhöhe angepasst. Der Pfeil wird immer in der CoreMedium gesetzt, auch wenn in Headlines die Conduit Medium folgt.

>> Lorem ipsum est Dolor iseam quanto minoris Constat haec felici ac tates Cessio.

Quando quidem res ipsas ali Quoties magno negetio pares Aportet, vel levissima, uti grammaticem. At oponio facilime sumitor. Quea tamen tantundem aut amplius. Aportet, vel levissima, uti grammaticem. At oponio facilime sumitor. tamen tantundem aut amplius Quando quidem. Quando quidem res ipsas ali Quoties magno negetio pares Aportet, vel

Quando quidem res ipsas ali Quoti Aportet, vel levissima, uti gramm me sumitor. Quea tamen tantund quidem res ipsas ali Quoties mag Quea tamen tantundem aut am ipsas ali Quoties magno negetio p uti grammaticem. At oponio fac tantundem aut amplius. Aportet,

>> Design Manual // Seite 16

Layout >> Das Layout

ist großzügig und flächig angelegt. Die weiße Rahmengestaltung bringt Klarheit in das Design.

>> CoreMedia // Seite 02

>> CoreMedia // Lorem ipsum est Dolor

besser sein YOU


>> Die Informationsgesellschaft wächst weiter. Und mit ihr die Menge an digitalen Inhalten. Um 80% etwa erhöht sich jedes Jahr

das Volumen von Firmenwebsites. Kein Wunder: Viele Unternehmen nutzen die Vorteile digitaler Informationen in ihren Geschäftsprozessen. Immer mehr anspruchsvolle Inhalte wie Broschüren, Bedienungsanleitungen und Multimedia-Inhalte werden in digitaler Form zur Verfügung gestellt. Zudem müssen im Zuge der Globalisierung geschäftsrelevante Informationen mehrsprachig verbreitet und verschiedene Marken und Standorte einbezogen werden können. Die Informationsgesellschaft ist auf dem besten Weg, sich selbst ad absurdum zu führen: Wenn man nicht mehr weiß, was man alles schon weiß, weiß man eigentlich gar nichts.


>> Wie intelligent man Informationen im eigenen Unternehmen nutzt, ist zu einem marktentscheidenden Faktor geworden. Digitale Inhalte werden als Teil der Wertschöpfung und auch als eigenständiges Produkt immer wichtiger. Unternehmen stehen damit vor neuen Herausforderungen. Wenn der Wandel der Märkte die einzige Konstante ist, wie geht man mit ihm um? Wie kann man die Zukunftsfähigkeit seines Unternehmens sichern? Wer Geschäftsprozesse verbessern und sich neue Erlösquellen erschließen will, braucht ein Enterprise Content Management System, das sich schnell an neue Strategien anpassen lässt. Ein System, das so flexibel und integrationsfähig ist, dass es mit der Konsolidierung von IT-Systemen keine Schwierigkeiten hat. Ein System, das höchste Ansprüche an Skalierbarkeit und Ausfallsicherheit erfüllt. Ein System, das es ermöglicht, den Markt aktiv zu gestalten. Kurz: ein System von CoreMedia.

>> CoreMedia // Seite 06

>> Die intelligenteste Information

nutzt nichts, wenn sie nicht intelligent genutzt wird.



Wächst mit, wenn die Anforderungen wachsen: CoreMedia CMS 2005.

>> CoreMedia CMS 2005 begleitet digitale Informationen auf ihrem Weg durch das Unternehmen – und sorgt dafür, dass sie zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort zur Verfügung stehen. Dem Umfang des Projektes sind dabei keine Gren-

zen gesetzt: Das Enterprise Content Management System von CoreMedia hat sich im Betrieb mit 2 bis über 100 Servern bewährt. Hier die Vorteile im Überblick: Flexibilität durch Content-Strukturierung: Das dynamische System deckt viele verschiedene Anwendungsfälle im Unternehmen ab. Im Laufe der Zeit wächst das System mit den Anforderungen. Es kann jederzeit einfach erweitert und angepasst werden. Wegweisende Usability: Die innovative und benutzerfreundliche Gestaltung erleichtert die Erstellung und Verarbeitung von Content. Der hohe Vorfertigungsgrad und gut gekapselte Schnittstellen ermöglichen die einfache Anpassung an individuelle Kundenbedürfnisse. Interoperabilität: Offene, auf Standards basirende Schnittstellen ermöglichen die nahtlose Integration von Drittsystemen Unkomplizierter Betrieb: CoreMedia CMS 2005 lässt sich nahtlos in die IT-Landschaft einpassen und erlaubt eine lineare Skalierbarkeit auch im laufenden Betrieb. Die Unterstützung umfasst sowohl kommerzielle, als auch Open-Source SoftwareProdukte (z.B. Linux, Tomcat).


>> Umfangreiche Management-Funktionen erlauben die automatisierte und manuelle Erstellung, die effiziente Verwaltung und die hochperformante, personalisierte Ausspielung von Inhalten über mehrere Kanäle wie Internet, Print, Mobilfunk oder interaktives TV (MHP). >> Vorteile bei der Erstellung von Inhalten

>> Vorteile bei der Erstellung von Inhalten

Automatisierte Erstellungs-, Änderungs- und Freigabeprozesse entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette, die beliebig an die Bedürfnisse des Unternehmens angepasst werden können, ermöglichen einen effizienten Workflow. Intuitive Bedienung direkt aus der Preview sowie eine Vielzahl von Eingabemöglichkeiten von web-basierten und installierten Clients über Portal Server bis hin zur Integration in u.a. MS Office für Gelegenheits- und Intensivnutzer Collaborations, verlässliche Versionierung und Archivierung erlauben paralleles Arbeiten und dokumentieren Änderungen

Automatisierte Erstellungs-, Änderungs- und Freigabeprozesse entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette, die beliebig an die Bedürfnisse des Unternehmens angepasst werden können, ermöglichen einen effizienten Workflow. Intuitive Bedienung direkt aus der Preview sowie eine Vielzahl von Eingabemöglichkeiten von web-basierten und installierten Clients über Portal Server bis hin zur Integration in u.a. MS Office für Gelegenheits- und Intensivnutzer Collaborations, verlässliche Versionierung und Archivierung erlauben paralleles Arbeiten und dokumentieren Änderungen

>> Vorteile bei der Verwaltung von Inhalten

Intranet-Lösung: Editieren im Vorschaumodus ohne HTML-Kenntnisse

Content-Strukturierung und Linkmanagement ermöglichen höchste Flexibilität, Konsistenz und Informationsqualität für alle Datentypen Internationales Multi-Site-Management für den kosteneffizienter Betrieb mehrerer Sprach- und Länderversionen, voll mandantenfähig und mehrsprachig Fehlertolerante Hochleistungssuche in über 200 Datenformaten, die Redakteuren und Endanwendern die Arbeit erleichtert und für hohe Nutzerakzeptanz sorgt Zentrale Zugriffsrechteverwaltung für Endanwender und Redakteure mit hierarchischer Rechtevergabe für ein sicheres Rollen- und Rechte-Management

>> CoreMedia Content Editor Browser Desktop Tools


Portal Server








CoreMedia CMS: Nahtlose Integration in bestehende Unternehmensinfrastruktur




Head Office Hamburg CoreMedia AG Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 18 20459 Hamburg Deutschland

Tel. +49 .40 .32 55 87 .0 Fax +49 .40 .32 55 87 .999 [email protected]

London CoreMedia Ltd. Regus Green Park 200 Brook Drive Reading Berkshire RG2 6UB United Kingdom Tel. +44 .11 .8925 .3390 [email protected]

Chicago CoreMedia Corporation Two Prudential Plaza 180 North Stetson, Suite 3500 Chicago, IL 60601 USA Tel. +1 .312 .268 .5633 Fax +1 .312 .268 .5801 [email protected]

Singapore CoreMedia 25 International Business Park #03-106 German Centre Singapore 609916

Tel. +65 .6562 .8866 [email protected]

Companies become social networks

>> Network your customers, employees and business partners.


Do you want your websites to reach as many people as ­possible, while adapting flexibly to new challenges? Do you want to find out what these people think about you, your website or themselves? Do you think web video is a great idea? With software and services from CoreMedia, you can simply and easily realize these goals and many others. Maintain your content using CoreMedia CMS: the userfriendly, scalable content management system. Output your content to a wide choice of content channels – personalized or protected as required. Involve your users in your web presence with CoreMedia Social Software. Enable comment and rating functions and utilize content generated by your users to both improve your website and create a visitor community. Use the CoreMedia Web TV service to enable easy, centralized video management. Upload films, edit them online and publish them to the web – with no software installation necessary!

social ­software “We don’t just sell our customers software. We work in partnership with them to create the best solution.” Florian Grebe, Executive Director, Sales and Professional Services

Rapidly implement new services, add further CoreMedia extensions or integrate third-party systems. As time goes on, your initial web presence can mature into a strategic component that helps you keep your company more than one step ahead of the competition. >> We focus on the people.

We live in a Web 2.0 age: not only customers, but also your employees expect tailor-made services that are intuitive to use. They want to easily locate the information they need, and in a format that they can use – whether as a traditional website for browsing on a PC, as an MP3 podcast, or as a video for viewing a cell phone. They are accustomed to rate content, give their opinion on it, and learn from others who do the same. The decisive factor is not how much content you have stored on your servers, but how well your visitors can use this content. Is your content people-centric™? CoreMedia’s strategic content management software supports you in this dialog with your users, ensuring that you can not only create such content quickly and easily, but also manage, publish, analyze and – where necessary – protect your content.

content management

web TV

» Dialog platform for user-generated

» Platform for strategic content and

» End-to-end Web TV online service

content » Recommendation marketing, collective knowledge management » Blogs, ratings, comments and tags

communication » Rapid launch for convergent services » Award-winning usability paired with innovation » Excellent scalability » High levels of pre-configuration

» Quick start, easy-to-use » Video for communication and marketing » Reports analyze usage and manage-

ment of video on your site

understand people centric™ content management

Sometimes you have to take a step back, to see the bigger picture

>> Our products offer everything that you would expect from people-centric™ content management software.

Intuitive software use: utilize our editing tools in your daily work – tools awarded prizes for their usability. Store your data in structures that you can define as you wish, use workflows for management, let your users categorize your content, and run full-text searches across your website. CoreMedia software is already in use in intranets run by debitel (call center), DAK and Deutsche Telekom, meaning that over 250,000 members of staff are profiting from CoreMedia technology. Both Continental and DB now entrust their major portals to CoreMedia software. Personalized, relevant communication: offer your customers personalized information, dynamically tailored to their requirements – and on all of your important channels. Protect your content with our rights protection and monitor the

usage of your websites with CoreMedia Analytics. Highlyscalable, failure-tolerant components from CoreMedia are used for music distribution (Vodafone), for shop systems (O2), for online banking consultancy (Dresdner Bank) or for vehicle configuration services (SEAT). Direct feedback: create multi-lingual websites for the international market, offering your information in many formats. Let your customers respond to your content, and analyze the response from your site visitors.

Meet some of CoreMedia’s customers: ARD | ARTE | Barmer Ersatzkasse BAWAG | Bertelsmann | | BMI | CAIRO | Claas | Continental | DAK | debitel Deutsche Bahn | Deutsche Presse Agentur | Douglas | dm-drogerie markt Deutsche Telekom | Federal Employment Agency | German Foreign Office German Pension Fund | GMX | Gütermann | | Hamburger Sparkasse | Kaba Helaba (Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen) | Loyalty Partner | MAN | MetzlerBank | MLP Mobilkom Austria | NEC | Nokia | O2 | PLUS | Relius Coatings | Rhein-Main Transport Group | RWE | Schwenk Zement | SEAT | SWR | Techniker Krankenkasse T-Online | Vodafone | Wincor Nixdorf | ZDF | Find more of our customers at

>> CoreMedia is a reliable partner for companies that have great things planned for the future.

Whether catching up on a missed film with ZDF’s “Media Library”, browsing through T-Online’s extensive website or downloading a song from Vodafone to a cell phone – CoreMedia is powering all of these services, handling customer queries quickly and easily. And of course, even the Federal Republic of Germany itself relies on CoreMedia. Over 100 government departments now provide information about their services via the “BundOnline” initiative, based on CoreMedia CMS. On our website you can read more about our 200 customers and their trust in CoreMedia’s excellence. The figure of 97% customer loyalty speaks for itself – we unite innovation with reliability. >> Partners are essential for CoreMedia.

Our customers can rely on a network of more than 90 partners to plan and implement their projects – including

5 Platinum and 13 Gold Partners. Our partners develop their own solutions based on CoreMedia software, designing innovative products to support your projects and open up new business areas, while some partners also provide hosting services. Our partners are leading software providers, system retailers and corporate consultants, and include such companies as Cap Gemini, CSC, HP, IBM, LogicaCMG, Materna, Siemens, Sun Microsystems und T-Systems. Over 500 consultants experienced in CoreMedia products help drive the further improvement of our solutions by their comprehensive project involvement. CoreMedia also offers its own in-house professional consultancy services to support its first-class products: CoreMedia Professional Services. Our consultants provide you with technical consulting, training and support, and also take care to ensure that you stay within both time and budget. The largest portals in Europe are already entrusting their sites to CoreMedia technology – portals that together serve over 30 million customers, handling 3 billion page impressions per month.

Growth needs change. Especially from within.

make it happen >> On the Internet, all bets are off.

>> We make it our business to look at things differently.

Convergent markets, business without borders, new ­alliances and new business models offering new chances: like society, the world of commerce is changing faster than ever before. A challenge for each and every company. And a challenge that you can only meet by doing the same: if needs change, then you need to change with them. Flexibility and the capability to learn, to continuously ­reinvent one’s business, have become three of the critical factors for sustainable success.

Since our formation in 1996 as a spin-off of the University of Hamburg, we have never stopped loving a challenge. And when advising our customers, we keep an eye on the new and the unconventional in matching solutions to their requirements. One source of innovative ideas for our company comes from our close contacts with universities and research institutes. Innovative ideas that in 2006 and 2007 were recognized by the awarding of the Siemens Business Innovation Award and the Innovation Area Award to CoreMedia.

We at CoreMedia have taken on this challenge and are ready to accompany and advise your company as you follow this path. As a provider of people-centric™ social software, CoreMedia has successfully positioned itself in the highlydynamic, worldwide market for Internet technology. Creativity and collective learning are hallmarks of our company culture, while the success of our introduction of Enterprise 2.0 methods and tools has been shared by CoreMedia’s products. Build on our experience and use our content management solutions to fully exploit the potential of communication both internal and external to your company. As you begin to involve your staff and customers, you will create flexibility for your company’s future. That future is people-centric™.

CoreMedia has been growing organically and also profitably since its founding year, and its simple organization, flat hierarchies and modern communications infrastructure are all in place to ensure that this growth doesn’t stifle the openness, curiosity and creativity that are typical of the company. More than 150 members of staff worldwide know: CoreMedia is a great place to work.

“Working at CoreMedia means learning as part of a team. It's great fun.” Manon Obenhaupt, Training Manager

>> CoreMedia CMS

content management CoreMedia CMS for SAP Portals >> At a glance >> >> >> >> >> >>

SAP portals with web content provided by CoreMedia CMS are as user-friendly as public websites.


>> >>

Web Content Management for SAP Netweaver portals with CoreMedia CMS Professional, high-performance editing interface in SAP portals Use the same set of tools to work on both content and navigation structure Edit content without the need for programming or HTML skills Newsletter and RSS feeder functions Single sign-on via the SAP authorization concept Continue to exploit existing SAP investments through SAP standards; integration of TREX search Reliable versioning and archiving of web documents Multi-site management and multi-language versions with translation management

Popularity boost for portals

All editorial tools are accessable via Preview Based Editing directly in the SAP portal.

Managing business processes in a web browser can be so easy: many enterprises bundle access to applications and information using SAP NetWeaver portals. However, return on investment in portals is only assured if they are extensively used by staff. In order to exploit the enormous potential of SAP portals, enterprises must ensure that their web-based applications and context-relevant information are just as user-friendly and easy to understand as the World Wide Web itself.

>> CoreMedia CMS

Web content management with SAP portal

CoreMedia CMS for SAP Portals enable large enterprises to transform their SAP portal into a high-performance web content management system. With it, structured and unstructured HTML and XML content that otherwise challenges the technological limits of SAP portals can be edited with ease – and without the need for specialized IT skills. CoreMedia CMS for SAP Portals lets you create content with the look and feel of your portal intranet, while also enabling multi-site management of content of external websites. The system manages user-generated content, such as ratings, comments and recommendations, as efficiently as your own editorial content. Each content item needs to be edited and saved only once – even if it is to be used across a number of different pages or sites.

ideal technology platform for the structural transformation to Enterprise 2.0. As the intermediary between the internal and external worlds of the modern organization, CoreMedia CMS connects customers, partners and employees. CoreMedia CMS manages editorial and user-generated content in the form of text, images, downloads, videos or audio files. Thanks to its outstanding usability, scalability, accessibility and stability, CoreMedia CMS supports successful corporate strategy in a dynamic and evolutionary way. The system offers high-performance modules – including the Starter Kit, Social Software Extension, Portlet Extension, Social Application Connector and Analytics – enabling easy implementation of lean operational solutions. SAP expertise powered by HO2

Easy-To-use editing tools

The high-performance editing tools of CoreMedia CMS are seamlessly integrated in the familiar user interface of the SAP portal. CoreMedia CMS control elements and functions are all completely accessible via the web browser. The portal can display web content that is dynamically generated or statically generated. All iViews – even ones that use applications – can be positioned anywhere on the page using simple drag-and-drop. The Preview Based Editing mode lets you work directly in the preview of the page layout. Regardless of programming or HTML training, you can make changes to the layout and navigation structure of portal pages. Sending newsletters and RSS feeds via the system is effortless. Exploit SAP resources

CoreMedia for SAP Portals uses your IT resources efficiently, utilizing the standards of the SAP NetWeaver portal. The content management system is fully integrated in SAP rights and role management. To log in, users simply need to sign on to the SAP portal, i.e. with single sign-on convenience. Personalization ensures that the browser desktop of the portal displays exactly the web content and tools that are required by that individual user. CoreMedia CMS for return on engagement

CoreMedia CMS delivers people-centric™ content management: it puts the focus of IT on the person and offers an

For further information about CoreMedia, please visit, send an email to [email protected] or phone us on +49 40 32 55 870

CoreMedia CMS for SAP Portals is the result of a co-operative development project with the proven SAP specialist and technology partner, HO2 Systemberatung GmbH. An internationally active consultancy, HO2 Systemberatung GmbH designs, develops and implements future-proof IT architecture that is based on comprehensive and detailed analysis of client-side business processes. HO2 has been awarded the title of "Special Expertise Partner in SAP Portals” by SAP Germany, in recognition of its industry expertise and project experience in SAP NetWeaver and portals. People-centric™ content management

CoreMedia is the leader in innovative people-centric™ content management software. Founded in 1996, CoreMedia maintains a global network of implementation partners and subsidiaries. The Enterprise 2.0 company is characterized by its innovative and creative culture, and by the focus on collective learning, and these values are mirrored in CoreMedia’s products. Over 200 companies worldwide rely on CoreMedia’s content management, web TV and digital rights management solutions – including ARD, Bild, Claas, Continental, Deutsche Telekom, Generali, Nation Media, RWE, SOS Kinderdorf, T-Mobile and ZDF.

>> CoreMedia CMS

CoreMedia CMS People-centric™ content management flexible, secure and user-friendly A stable system is a good start. One that

>> At a glance

amazes its users is even better.

A powerful, tried-and-tested content management system is indispensable for a stable IT infrastructure. CoreMedia’s content management system has seen over 1,000 installations and these sites are currently serving several billions of requests from many millions of users every month. CoreMedia CMS is based on open standards and has been developed with the secure operation of business-critical applications specifically in mind. CoreMedia software enjoys 97% customer retention and many of our clients have been with us for over 10 years. CoreMedia CMS doesn’t just stop there, however. Stability must also provide usability if it is to truly benefit its users. After all, people just want to get on with entering content or administrating the system. While the system must be responsive and always-on, it also needs to present its content consistently and provide good standards of accessibility. Ultimately, people just want dialog with one another: readers with editing staff, employees

>> >> >> >> >>

Increase revenue with recommendation marketing Direct feedback from your customers Collective production of intranet content Content infrastructure integrates editorial and user-generated content Get ready for Enterprise 2.0

with the CEO, consumers with their provider – and, importantly, consumers with one another. CoreMedia has been focusing on the people that use a service for some time now. Experience our people-centric™ content management software, and connect your users to one another with our award-winning usability and embedded social software. CoreMedia CMS helps your manage your knowledge, reach out to your customers and extend your services

Rely on the flexibility and open architecture of CoreMedia CMS to meet your strategic CMS requirements. Our customers demonstrate the variety of strategies matched by CoreMedia CMS. Corporate website: examples of a global, uniform, high-quality brand presence include BARMER and Continental.

Intuitive editing and simple management of content: CoreMedia CMS 2008 Editor.

Intranets and portal integration: via intranets, knowledge workers can get the information they need quickly and easily; portal server integration – whether IBM or SAP – is also available. The Douglas Group, the financial services provider MLP and Deutsche Bahn AG all utilize CoreMedia CMS for their corporate intranets and a total of 250,000 members of staff.

>> CoreMedia CMS

Customer self-service portals: a personalized customer contact point to enhance service provision is in place at debitel, RWE AG and Techniker Krankenkasse. Shop portals: the backbone of an online shop, always available even under heavy load. O2, the discounter PLUS and SEAT, S.A. have all implemented CoreMedia CMS successfully. E-government: CoreMedia CMS for government departments and public administration, state and communal offices, public institutions and non-profit companies. The German Government has selected CoreMedia CMS as the standard content management solution for over 400 online services provided by federal authorities. Social networks and Enterprise 2.0: communication in the Web 2.0 era. Self-organizing knowledge management plus community creation. CoreMedia Social Software is already being implemented in a number of projects, such as at Our team of consultants are on-hand to ensure that your social software project is a success and that you get the most out of your system, as are our Training Center and support staff (24x7 availability possible), plus 500 external consultants with many years of CoreMedia project experience. CoreMedia CMS lowers your costs sustainably, letting your business take off

Minimize your operating costs and increase efficiency: CoreMedia CMS offers everything you would expect from an Enterprise CMS: powerful search, centralized data storage, personalization, customizable workflows and multi-site management. The simple connection to leading translation management systems increases the efficiency of your management of international sites. The open architecture enables the optimal integration of your ERP, CRM or shop applications and can easily be extended via new or existing plug-ins. And now, thanks to the CoreMedia Starter Kit, you can get your projects off the ground fast with a complete enterprise reference implementation. Of course, as with any CoreMedia CMS system, your Starter Kit installation can be easily extended at a later date. Create more value: acting as your central content platform for intranet, extranet and Internet, CoreMedia CMS optimizes your brand presence and the quality of your online products and services. CoreMedia helps you strengthen user loyalty with consistent content provision, award-winning usability, acces-

For further information about CoreMedia, please visit, send an email to [email protected] or phone us on +49 40 32 55 870

sibility and stable performance. Our Social Software Extension transforms your online services into a dialog-oriented Web 2.0 platform, supporting user-generated content and recommendation marketing. CoreMedia Analytics is seamlessly integrated into our CMS and thus provides you with precise data about user patterns, also forming the foundation for dynamic content delivery. CoreMedia means partnerships

CoreMedia doesn’t lose interest when you’ve settled the invoice. User groups, Developer Days, Open Spaces and a discussion platform open to our customers: all of these are places where you can ask questions, get ideas for your next project, or just give us feedback on our products. After all: the best customer relationships are partnerships, supported by a process of mutual listening and learning. >> System Requirements

Content Management >> Automated input, modification and approval processes >> Preview-based editing for intuitive usability plus Java and Web Editors, customized input systems, integration of portal servers and MS Office >> Collaboration features with reliable versioning and backup >> International, multi-site management with connectivity to translation management systems >> Centralized management of end-user and editing staff access rights >> Open standards enable real-time integration into company infrastructure Content Delivery >> Accessibility compliant with BITV >> Superior user experience >> Centralized data storage >> One-source multi-channel delivery for Internet, cell phone and TV >> Dynamic content: personalized and fully-automated >> Failure-resistant caching even under strongly fluctuating usage

>> Instant Web Kit

Instant Web Kit – Best of Breed Hardware and Software for Your Website

Fast and secure high-end Internet projects

Websites with highly volatile traffic – such as event or product launch sites – require a secure and stable technical foundation just as much as the web-based product catalog from a mid-sized enterprise. After all, slow page access, cryptic error messages and downtime are not the best way to advertise your products or services. For these reasons, half-hearted solutions based on Open Source and hardware that buckles under heavy loads is not a choice you want to make. The software and hardware you use for your business must come from leading manufacturers, so that you can be safe in the knowledge that top-level quality, guarantees and support are provided. And you do not want to spend time on a lengthy market analysis: you need the best software and hardware now, provided as one integrated package, instal-

>> At a glance >>

>> >> >>

Hardware and software from market leaders, in one integrated package. CeBIT Special €55,000 (for orders until March,31st 2007) Installed and ready to go with all software needed for the immediate start of your project Ideal for the mid-size enterprise, as well as for time-critical projects with heavy traffic Scalable at any time to meet any demand

led and ready-to-go, and capable of supporting a rapid implementation of your project in hand. And all this at a fair price, since your position in the company means you are responsible for making decisions on sustainable investments. Instant Web Kit: pre-configured first-class software

Instant Web Kit: pre-configured first-class software The Instant Web Kit meets your demands at the highest level.

The Instant Web Kit meets your demands at the highest level. First, you get CoreMedia’s strategic content management software for websites and intranets at a competitive price –software with prize-winning usability, complete scalability and which is already being used in high-traffic, high-profile sites. Complementing the software is an IBM System p server, developed to handle the high loads that result from transaction-intensive applications and analysis tools. All included components – CMS, AIX OS, DB2 database and WebSphere Application Server – are preinstalled by system technicians from c.a.r.u.s. Systems.

>> Instant Web Kit // IBM

>> Facts & Figures SOFTWARE >>

CoreMedia “CMS 2006 Base Bundle SMB Edition” >> Neartime reporting: CoreMedia Standard Analytics >> Search engine: FAST InStream >> Content delivery: Content Application Engine


IBM (pre-configured with AIX OS) >> Application server: WebSphere 6.0 (WAS) >> Database: DB2 8.2.4


Robust server hardware powers the high-performance CoreMedia CMS

Proven teamwork from first-rate components

With the Instant Web Kit, you profit from the coordinated integration of proven components. CoreMedia CMS already works hand in hand with hardware and software products from IBM, bringing success and stability to many demanding Internet and Intranet projects. Heavy traffic is no longer a problem for your website – no customers are lost because of underpowered server technologies. To leverage the full potential of an all-in-one solution IBM consulting services may be aligned directly with the Instant Web Kit. This ensures that technical product knowledge is used to the full in assessing options for fulfilling the particular needs of your project. The flexibility of CoreMedia CMS further ensures that any scaling model is available to you in the future, whether in the area of multimedia, internationalization, content scope or number of editing staff.

For further information about CoreMedia please visit our website:, or send us an e-mail: [email protected], or simply phone +49 .(0)40 .3 25 58 7 587 .

IBM System p Server with AIX 5.3 Quad-core module (QCM) technology: 4 POWER5+ 1.65GHz processor cores 8 GB RAM Rock-solid storage security with RAID 5 2 x 1 Gbit network interfaces

>> Success Story // Public

The project: >> Relaunch of the high-traffic portal, >> Multi-layered and personalized web resources for citizens, investors and visitors to the city >> Homogenization of a hybrid system within a very limited timeframe >> Intranet for government administration of Germany’s second-largest city >> The advantages >> User participation thanks to Web 2.0 features >> Social network with user profiles,

comments, ratings and uploads of location-specific tips

>> for local tips from editors and users;

results display in Google Maps

>> Step-by-step addition of new features

including mobile services

The numbers >> Northern Germany’s largest city portal >> Web portal with two million visitors and 17 million page impressions per month >> Intranet for 30,000 employees

>> Europe’s first city portal 2.0 The client:

Internet portals represent an indispensable element for a modern city’s marketing strategy. The city website of the northern German city of Hamburg,, is the perfect example of this. As the single point of entry for the region, the portal offers both visitors and residents Hamburg-relevant information and services. Operated by the Axel Springer media group, the govern­ ment of Hamburg and a number of local financial institutions, the business model is based on income from advertising and partner commissions. It attracts over two million visitors and delivers more than 17 million page impressions monthly, making it the leading city portal in northern Germany. The challenge: Citizen participation via the internet

The citizen’s online portal and the citywide intranet for around 30,000 city employees had been operating on the basis of CoreMedia CMS since 2002. Parallel to this, however, all of the portal’s commercial and editorial information has been managed using a purpose-designed second system. After five years, the limits of this hybrid system became apparent. Usability, interactivity and structure were not able to meet Web 2.0 requirements, and user numbers and advertising revenue stagnated while the expenses associated with the site’s features and maintenance were excessive. The time had come for a relaunch. The objective: improved usability, greater user participation and a merging of the individual portal sections. Standard software was preferred, in order to limit development costs of the project and to support the project targets. selected CoreMedia CMS with the Social Software Extension. This decision was based on the usability of the CoreMedia Editor and the system’s Web 2.0 features, together with the organization’s positive experiences with CoreMedia as a business partner. The project team joined with CoreMedia partners, tallence and w//center to execute the project. The timing was tight: the renewed portal was to be ready for relaunch in just six months.

For further information on CoreMedia, please visit or write us an e-mail at [email protected]

>> Success Story // Public

“Here in Hamburg, we’re able to not only read information, but also to take part in the process ourselves. That’s a milestone.” Georg Konjovic, Director of

The solution: Social networks with social software

Following the relaunch, all content of the portal is now managed by CoreMedia CMS. The site is now equipped with the technology to eliminate the division between government and commercial content, and enables user-participation functions. The new structure consistently follows user interests. Newcomers to Hamburg are able to quickly find useful information for each part of the city, including citizen registration forms, accommodation marketplaces, doctor’s practices and even jogging paths – all with just a few clicks. Along with flexible advertising spaces, the portal integrates a wide range of external online services, including newsfeeds, hotel bookings, accommodation finders and a ticket service. The new Web TV service has gone into operation with two site-specific video formats. Local information can be searched for within a geographically limited area, with the

People-centricTM Content Management

CoreMedia CMS puts the focus on the person. The standard software aggregates and distributes text, images, audio and video to the people who want it, ensuring reliable and instant access to all corporate websites, intranets, high-traffic media portals, social networks and mobile services that an enterprise wishes to operate. Unlimited scalability, outstanding accessibility and an extremely broad range of integration options make CoreMedia CMS to the preferred content management system for large-scale organisations. Success with CoreMedia

results displayed in Google Maps. The relaunched site is the first city portal in Europe that allows its users to participate in the site. The CoreMedia CMS Social Software Extension enables to offer a wide selection of Web 2.0 features. Every visitor can rate content, comment, save items as social bookmarks or become a registered member of the Hamburg City Community. Registered users can present their own profile, network with neighbors, send messages or upload their own text, videos and images. The favorites list serves as an online repository for local tips and recommendations by community members. All the tips from members within one’s own neighborhood are automatically saved in the “My Neighborhood” list, creating a digital neighbor community. For its own communication, uses a blog and Twitter, the micro-blogging service. And this is only the beginning. Step by step, the portal is being enhanced with new features such as mobile services. As the web grows, so does – fast, stable and cost-effective, thanks to CoreMedia CMS.

To get more information, contact us at any time: CoreMedia AG Blog: Phone: +49-40-325 587-587 Visit: E-Mail: [email protected]

More than 200 companies on five continents from all industries trust content management system, Web TV and digital rights management from CoreMedia – including ARD, ARTE, BBC, Bertelsmann, BILD, Continental, DAK, Daimler, debitel, Deutsche Telekom, EPCOS, Generali, GMX, IKK, NEC, Nokia, MLP, Motorola, MLP, O2, Olma, Panasonic, Plus, PREMIERE, Quelle, Samsung, SEAT, Singapore Press Holdings, Softbank, Sony Ericsson, SWR, T-Mobile, T-Online, Vodafone, ZDF and the 115 public bodies from within the German government. Contact CoreMedia for further Success Stories about our work with our clients.

>> Success Story // Industry

>> Company-wide Enterprise

The project >> Strategic content management in an

international enterprise >> Harmonious web presence in the intranet, extranet and internet worldwide. >> The advantages

>> Personalized portals for employees

and customers

>> Management of multiple brands

within one system

>> Central administration of all digital

assets for online and print media

>> Integrated translation management

thanks to SDL Trados integration

The numbers >> Central corporate website with two

million page impressions per month >> Intranet with 25,000 users and 300,000 page impressions per month Partner >> w//Center Consulting GmbH

Content Management

The client: Continental AG

Continental is one of the world’s leading component suppliers for the automobile industry, specializing in tire and brake technology, dynamic stability systems, automotive electronics and sensors. Its goal is to make individual mobility safer and more comfortable. It currently employs around 89,000 employees at more than 100 locations (production plants, research centers and test tracks) in 28 countries. The challenge: Efficient management of global websites

Prior to the introduction of CoreMedia CMS, data maintenance had become a highly time-intensive task for the employees responsible for the Continental websites. Content could only be edited by a limited number of employees. It was extremely difficult to use content on different sites or independently of its layout. Outsourcing content maintenance or structural changes of the websites lead to excessive delays in each update, resulting in high external costs. Furthermore, the creation and maintenance of websites for Continental’s range of brands demanded a great deal of time and resources, and it was practically impossible to ensure that corporate design guidelines were consistently followed on all national websites. The new system needed to meet a range of demands: the introduction of new content models that were not purely page-based but instead object oriented; the integration and expansion of third-party systems; the simultaneous production of different formats from one central database; and the establishment of more efficient workflows for employees. In addition, the system had to support the localization of central content for all international markets. The solution: Harmonized appearance and simplified site maintenance with CoreMedia CMS

In order to ensure a consistent online presence, Continental chose CoreMedia CMS upon which to base its websites. Following the successful completion of

For further information on CoreMedia, please visit or write us an e-mail at [email protected]

>> Success Story // Industry

“CoreMedia CMS provides ideal support for editing processes and internal workflows. Websites can be maintained quickly and easily, and new websites can be created without the need for external resources.” Monika Andrae, Head of Online Relations, Continental AG the internet project for the German market, the world-wide roll-out of the Continental online portal was commenced, along with a number of brand micro-sites, with the support of the CoreMedia partner, w//Center Consulting. After this, the intranet, extranet and media asset management tools were all migrated to CoreMedia CMS. To date, 50 individual websites from various divisions and business units are being maintained and kept up-to-date by CoreMedia CMS. Cost-cutting synergies are being realized through CoreMedia CMS, thanks to fact that the layout templates are

People-centricTM Content Management

CoreMedia CMS puts the focus on the person. The standard software aggregates and distributes text, images, audio and video to the people who want it, ensuring reliable and instant access to all corporate websites, intranets, high-traffic media portals, social networks and mobile services that an enterprise wishes to operate. Unlimited scalability, outstanding accessibility and an extremely broad range of integration options make CoreMedia CMS to the preferred content management system for large-scale organisations. Success with CoreMedia

based on the same structure as the web sites themselves. Continental employees from various departments are able to contribute to website maintenance regardless of location, working with content objects directly in the layout preview. No extensive training is needed. Localization of central content for each different market site is efficiently supported by the translation workflow of the CoreMedia CMS and SDL Trados integration. In addition, the CoreMedia system ensures that content from existing product data systems can be automatically integrated, and that diverse web applications can be used effortlessly. Connection to the ERP system is also assured. The Continental extranet and intranet enables users to personalize page content according to their individual requirements. Greater customer satisfaction thanks to CoreMedia CMS: the content management system from CoreMedia enables Continental AG to achieve its goal of offering speedy, needs-relevant access to information for all its divisions and its diverse target groups, through a uniform internet presence. Continental has been trusting CoreMedia CMS since 2001. In this time – and most recently after the 2007 relaunch - the website has continually evolved, to become a multi-layered, multimedia and truly global enterprise portal.

To get more information, contact us at any time: CoreMedia AG Blog: Phone: +49-40-325 587-587 Visit: E-Mail: [email protected]

More than 200 companies on five continents from all industries trust content management system, Web TV and digital rights management from CoreMedia – including ARD, ARTE, BBC, Bertelsmann, BILD, Continental, DAK, Daimler, debitel, Deutsche Telekom, EPCOS, Generali, GMX, IKK, NEC, Nokia, MLP, Motorola, MLP, O2, Olma, Panasonic, Plus, PREMIERE, Quelle, Samsung, SEAT, Singapore Press Holdings, Softbank, Sony Ericsson, SWR, T-Mobile, T-Online, Vodafone, ZDF and the 115 public bodies from within the German government. Contact CoreMedia for further Success Stories about our work with our clients.

>> Success Story // Telco

>> Infrastruktur für konvergente Medienmärkte

Projekt >> Konzernübergreifendes Content >> >> >>

Management Internet, Intranet und Extranet High Traffic CMS für eines der meistbesuchten Portale Deutschlands,, u.v.m.

Vorteile >> Leistungsfähiges Content Manage>> >> >> >>

ment für verschiedene Divisionen Hohe Performanz auch bei Peaks Strategisches Investment dank Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit Einfache Bedienbarkeit Einheitliche Markenführung und konsistente Inhalte

Zahlen >> 3,5 Milliarden Seitenabrufen pro Monat,

13,5 Millionen registrierte Nutzer ( >> Intranet mit 14.000 Seiten und 1,3 Millionen Seitenabrufen pro Monat

Der Kunde: Deutsche Telekom AG

Weit über 200.000 Mitarbeiter in mehr als 50 Ländern kümmern sich um das gesamte Spektrum der Telekommunikation: Mobilfunk für rund 70 Millionen Kunden weltweit von T-Mobile, Internet für 13,5 Millionen Kunden von T-Online, Festnetz für über 60 Millionen Kunden von T-Com sowie komplexe IT- und Telekommunikationslösungen für Geschäftskunden von T-Systems. Die Herausforderung: Wandel und Wachstum

Auf den globalen T.I.M.E.S-Märkten wachsen Telekommunikation, Informationstechnik, Medien, Entertainment sowie Security im High-Speed-Tempo zusammen. Nur durch permanente Innovationen ist die Telekom in der Lage, im globalen Wettbewerb der Konvergenzbranche erfolgreich zu bestehen. Wichtig wurden flexible, hochskalierbare und leistungsfähige IT-Lösungen, die die getrennten Welten der Telefon-, Daten und Rundfunknetze überspannen und unternehmensweite Infrastrukturen ohne Systembrüche ermöglichen. Die Lösung: Ein System macht Karriere

Bereits seit 2001 unterstützt CoreMedia die Telekom bei ihrem großen Ziel: dem Aufbau einer technischen Infrastruktur, die fit und flexibel auf die Zukunft der Telekommunikation vorbereitet. Das Enterprise Content Management System CoreMedia CMS wird nicht nur bei der Konzernwebsite eingesetzt, sondern in allen Divisionen der Deutschen Telekom. Für T-Online war der Umstieg auf das hochskalierbare und belastbare CMS von CoreMedia die folgerichtige Reaktion auf die rapide steigenden Kundenzahlen. Es brachte zudem Features wie die unmittelbare und variable Anpassung an neue Marktentwicklungen und Businessmodelle sowie die Bereitstellung von individualisierten Diensten für jeden der 13,5 Millionen registrierten Nutzer. 70 Redakteure arbeiten mit dem nutzerfreundlichen redaktionellen Interface, um bei über 3,5 Milliarden Seitenabrufen pro Monat immer topaktuell zu sein – auf mehreren Portalen

Für weitere Informationen zu CoreMedia besuchen Sie bitte oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an: [email protected]

>> Success Story // Telco

gleichzeitig und auf jedem Endgerät. Auch der Zusatzdienst mit über 3.500 Filmen für Breitband-Download oder iTV wurde als Mandant in das System integriert. 2003 konnten zudem dank der offenen Architektur des Portals die stark genutzten Angebote (jetzt und (jetzt problemlos integriert werden. Auch beim Kundenberater-Intranet PRODI und weiteren internen Portalen der Telekom hat CoreMedia CMS die Redaktionsprozesse beschleunigt und vereinfacht. 10 Redakteure bearbeiten mit CoreMedia 14.000 Seiten – und damit eines der größten Intranets der Welt. Die Telekom fühlt sich hervorragend für die Zukunft gerüstet: In allen Divisionen des Konzerns hat CoreMedia in der Praxis eindrucksvoll seine Stärken bewiesen: zentrales Management aller digitalen Dienste, Markenführung und konsistente Inhalte, Barrierefreiheit auf hohem Niveau, Stabilität bei hoher Last, kostengünstige und schnelle Implementierung und Erweiterung, einfache Bedienung und außerordentlich hohe Flexibilität. Und ein Ende ist nicht absehbar...

Kunde: >> Deutsche Telekom AG, 242.000 Mitarbeiter >> (600 Seiten, 5 Mio. Seitenab-

rufe, 20 Redakteure),, einkauf., Intranet Telekom, Meeting Point, Intranet Telekom ComIn, Intranet DeTeFleet Services u.v.m. Plattformwechsel Partner: sd&m,T-Systems Multimedia Solutions >> Intranet „PRODI“ (1,3 Mio. Seitenabrufe, 25 Redakteure), Intranet

„Zielmarktinformationen“, Extranet „VHD“ (14.000 Seiten)

>> T-Systems Multimedia Solutions

>> (3,5 Mrd. Seitenabrufe, 70 Redakteure), Partner: Capgemini, sd&m

>>, 3500 Leihfilme

Kunde: >> T-Systems, 46.000 Mitarbeiter >> >> Intranet T-Systems

Partner: T-Systems Multimedia Solutions

Nehmen Sie für weitere Informationen gern Kontakt mit uns auf: CoreMedia AG Blog: Phone: +49-40-325 587-587 Visit: E-Mail: [email protected]

People-centricTM Content Management

CoreMedia CMS stellt den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt. Die Standardsoftware aggregiert und verteilt Text, Bild, Audio und Video zielgruppengenau, zuverlässig und hochverfügbar auf beliebig viele Corporate Websites, Intranets, High-Traffic-Medienportale, Soziale Netzwerke und mobile Dienste. Unbegrenzte Skalierbarkeit, Hochverfügbarkeit und zahlreiche Integrationsmöglichkeiten machen CoreMedia CMS zum bevorzugten Content Management System großer Organisationen. Erfolgreich mit CoreMedia

Über 200 Unternehmen auf 5 Kontinenten in allen Branchen vertrauen auf Content Management Systeme, Web TV und digitales Rechtemanagement von CoreMedia – darunter ARD, ARTE, BBC, Bertelsmann, BILD, Continental, DAK, Daimler, debitel, Deutsche Telekom, EPCOS, Generali, GMX, IKK, NEC, Nokia, MLP, Motorola, MLP, O2, Olma, Panasonic, Plus, PREMIERE, Quelle, Samsung, SEAT, Singapore Press Holdings, Softbank, Sony Ericsson, SWR, T-Mobile, T-Online, Vodafone, ZDF sowie die Deutsche Bundesregierung mit über 115 öffentlichen Verwaltungen und Behörden. Für viele dieser Kunden stehen Ihnen weitere Success Stories zur Verfügung.

Corporate presentation April 2008

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 1

Enterprise 2.0

Companies are becoming social networks

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 2

People-centric™ content management Focus on the people

Personal Personalization

Intuitive Usability

Participative Social Software

Relevant Analytics

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 3

Proven performance

226 Sites in 170 languages 70,000

videos on demand (ZDF Mediathek)

on one installation

10.000 editors 60.000 users of corporate intranet

More than

2 bn. PI´s/month

50% reduction of operation costs

2 m. content objects

(11 GByte) in one system

Extranet with 2.000 external consultants

2,1 Mio. media products on offer, 40.000 new products every week Content syndication: 2.400 provider in one system

More than 50.000 PI´s/minute highest peak load

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 4

People-centric™ content management convinced 200 customers worldwide

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 5

CoreMedia CMS - Accelerate your business » » » »

People-centricTM content management Internet, Intranet, Extranet Editorial & User Generated Content Rapid service development © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 6

People-centricTM content management

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 7

CoreMedia CMS extracts the most value from content and processes Create Usergenerated Content Editor

Webeditor Editing services Office tools


Production Delivery Content structuring


Archiving & repository

Social Software Extension


Portal server integration

Versioning & differencing

Dynamic content & personalization

Role & privileges management

Layout & templating

Workflow & collaboration


Globalization & multi site management

Business logic


Multichannel & syndication

System Reporting


Search Rights management Micro Applications

Portal server

Scaling & Performance

Web services

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 13

CoreMedia Starter Kit Website reference implementation Cut project time by 3 months » Out of the box website » Tutorial » Pre-defined contenttypes, page layouts and styles » Pre-integrated CoreMedia features » Navigations-Editor » Multi-sites & multi-language » Plug-in interface

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 14

CoreMedia Social Software Extension User feedback via Web 2.0 features User-Generated Content

Authentication User profiles Comments Ratings Tagging Collaborative filtering Search, Starter Kit Approval of usergenerated content » Manage users and groups » » » » » » » »

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 15

CoreMedia Social Software Extension Recommendation Engine Neighborhoods help with searching

» P and U are neighbors, because they rated Article 1 in the same way. » The Recommendation Engine now recommends Article 2 to U, because her neighbor P also found it interesting.



3 © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 16

CoreMedia Plug-Ins & Contributions Interface for micro applications Easy, rapid integration projects » Extensibility via plug-Ins » Modular configuration » Clear naming and storage of plug-ins » Use CoreMedia Partner Solutions » Contributions as community projects

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 18

CoreMedia Analytics 360° analytics for clicks and content Analyze user‘s behavior » Dashboard: > 20 standard and custom reports » Click rates » Content overview repository » Updated every hour » Drill down by time range, site, category » Download as PDF, Excel, XML » In-Site Analytics in preview mode » Supplied with CoreMedia CMS or via a standalone license © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 19

CoreMedia Portal Server Integration Prize-winning portal usability Content management functions for portals » Preview Based Editing » Navigation integrated » User management

» Out-of-the-box » Single-source, multi-channel

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 20

CoreMedia Content Application Engine Business logic for innovative services Content out of every source

Content Application Engine CAE


Online-Shop User Generated Content

Editorial Content

» Third party content » Keep business logic and layout separate » Multiple use of business objects » Fast delivery of mixedsource content (incl. fragments) via multistage caching » Connection to Apache web server » Connection to content delivery networks such as Akamai © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 21

CoreMedia Preview Based Editing What you see is what you get Navigate and work in preview

» Immediately understandable » Context menues » Insert, edit, delete, move » Start workflow » Track changes

» Customizing

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 22

CoreMedia Webeditor Browse - login and edit Content maintenance via web browser

Out-of-the-box Customizable Full-text search

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 23

Versioning & differencing Trace and approve changes Transparent approval process

Versioning for all content types Traceable changes Coloured markings

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 24

CoreMedia Search Engine Power and convenience Speed & relevance, convenient navigation

» More than 220 binary formats » Short response time » Linguistic features » Multi-language » Intelligent filtering

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 25

Dynamic content & personalization Push your click rates Rules to automate content management » Improve relevance » Control content by » rights (filter) » user preferences » rules

» Automatic positioning via input of » Analytics » Social Software Extension

» Short response time by indexing » Individual views for users

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 26

Multi site management Global content management Several sites from one system

» Standard or independent structure » Reuse of content » Unlimited layouts » Central control of layout

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 27

CoreMedia CMS is open flexible and easily scalable Content delivery environment

Portal Server Search Engine

Search Engine


Replication Live Server

Importer Content Management Server

WebEditing Server


Master Live Server

Workflow Server

External systems

LDAP Server

SNMP Management

Content Application Engine / SSE

Content Application Engine / SSE

Replication Live Server

Preview Content Application Engine

Content Application Engine / SSE


Content management environment

Content Application Engine / SSE

Content Application Engine / SSE

ERP Systems

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 28

Innovative mobile portal and personalized shop

Success with CoreMedia

Our partners

O2 Germany

CoreMedia CMS

Personalized multichannel content and shopping platform

Mobile and fixed-line, less time-to-market, location-based services, profiling © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 35

GMX updates its high traffic portal in seconds instead of half an hour

Success with CoreMedia

Leading German internet service provider GMX High traffic portal, webmail services

CoreMedia CMS Faster update, stability, time-to-market

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 38

50 % cost savings

Success with CoreMedia

Deutsche Bahn: mobility and logistics Platform for 60.000 employees

Our partner

CoreMedia CMS Saving 50 % of costs compared with former system, 60 websites, 15 intranets © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 41

Germany goes e-Government

Success with CoreMedia

German federal government Portal access to 400 online services

Our partners

Government Site Builder based on CoreMedia CMS Efficient public administration, 100 % accessable © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 42

Multiple brands – one system… with CoreMedia

Success with CoreMedia

Our partner

Continental: global automotive supplier

CoreMedia CMS with SAP Portal Integration

Content platform for intranet, extranet, Internet and print

70 online services in 27 countries © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 44

Central information platform connects employees with partners and customers

Success with CoreMedia

Claas agriculture technology Platform for Intranet, Extranet, corporate website

Our partner

CoreMedia CMS Centralized content pool, efficient information management through personalization © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 45

We integrate reliability with continual innovation » » » »

People-centric content management 150 employees, 4 locations worldwide 500 experienced Partner Consultants 11 years of profitable growth


customer loyalty after 12 years Result of audit from TellSell

“Unique among CMS providers, comparable with provision of strategic infrastructure, e.g. ERP systems”* © CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 57

Gartner 2007:

CoreMedia Top 10 ECMS in Europe

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 58


content management

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 59

We’re all in this together

Hamburg [email protected] tel +49.40.32 55 87.0

Chicago [email protected] tel +1.312.268.5633

London [email protected] tel +44. 207.849.3317

Singapore [email protected] tel +65.6562.8866

© CoreMedia | 10 March 2009 | 62