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21 nov. 2018 - 21.11.2018. 2. I. OMC. WTO to set up panels to rule on US tariff. Economic Times (Índia). The World Trade
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CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL NEGINT Brasília, 21 de novembro de 2018

Índice I. OMC _______________________________________________ 2 WTO to set up panels to rule on US tariff _____________________________ 2 II. NEGOCIAÇÕES REGIONAIS E BILATERAIS _________________ 3 Chile and Brazil sign trade deal in boost to regional integration ____________ 3 Bank of England Warns of a Large Economic Shock in Case of Brexit 'No-Deal' 4 III. OUTROS ____________________________________________ 5 ¿Bajo qué circunstancias podría Brasil salir del Mercosur? ________________ 5



I. OMC WTO to set up panels to rule on US tariff Economic Times (Índia) The World Trade Organization agreed Wednesday to hear complaints from a range of countries over new US steel and aluminium tariffs, as well as complaints from Washington over retaliatory duties. The WTO's Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) agreed to establish panels to review US President Donald Trump's decision to hit a long line of countries with tariffs of 25 per cent on steel and 10 per cent on aluminium. The DSB will create separate panels for the complaints by the European Union, China, Canada, Mexico, Norway and Russia, after the US said it would not agree to a single panel to hear all of them. A seventh request from Turkey for a panel will be discussed during a meeting later Wednesday. The DSB agreed Wednesday to Washington's request for three panels to rule on the legality of retaliatory tariffs imposed by Canada, China and the European Union. It also agreed to a US call for a panel to be created to review "certain Chinese measures pertaining to the protection of intellectual property rights." Marking a departure from a decades-long US-led drive for free trade, Trump has justified the steep tariffs with claims that massive flows of imports to the United States threaten national security. The tariff spat has escalated into an all-out trade war between the US and China and growing trade tensions between Washington and many of its traditional allies. The decision to establish the panels follows rounds of failed consultations between the parties and mark an escalation in an ongoing showdown at the WTO around Trump's controversial trade policies.



The first requests to establish the panels were rejected last month, prompting the sides to file second requests. Under WTO regulations, parties in a dispute can block a first request for the creation of an arbitration panel, but if the parties make a second request, it is all but guaranteed to go through. The creation of a DSB panel usually triggers a long and often costly legal battle that sometimes takes years to resolve.

II. NEGOCIAÇÕES REGIONAIS E BILATERAIS Chile and Brazil sign trade deal in boost to regional integration Reuters (Reino Unido) Chile and Brazil signed a free trade agreement on Wednesday that scraps red tape and tariffs between the two South American economies, in a move both governments said would give a boost to regional integration. Brazil President Michel Temer traveled to Santiago to sign the deal with his counterpart, Chilean President Sebastian Pinera. The agreement eliminates tariffs from 17 key areas, including service sectors and electronics, and wipes away additional cell phone charges between the two countries. Both countries touted the deal as critical to reinforcing integration in Latin America. Chile is a member of the Pacific Alliance, which also includes Mexico, Colombia and Peru. Brazil, together with Argentina, leads Mercosur, which also includes Uruguay and Paraguay. The agreement, which was negotiated in under 6 months, “unites the Mercosur and Pacific Alliance,” Temer said during the signing ceremony.



Trade between the two countries reached $7.2 billion dollars between January and September, an increase of 13 percent over the previous year. Wednesday’s agreement eliminates the last remaining tariffs between the two South American economies. The majority were previously slashed as part of a complementary agreement signed between Chile and Mercosur bloc countries.

Bank of England Warns of a Large Economic Shock in Case of Brexit 'NoDeal' Sputnik News (Rússia) UK central bank’s governor Mark Carney on Tuesday backed the provisional withdrawal arrangement with the European Union, warning of an economic shock in the event of a no-deal Brexit. "We welcome the transition arrangements at the heart of the withdrawal agreement… Our job is to put the financial sector in a position where it is resilient, where it can take a large shock, and this would be a large negative shock to the economy, no deal, no transition," he said. The Bank of England governor spoke at the Treasury Select Committee hearing in parliament a week after the UK cabinet approved the Brexit draft plan that envisages a 21-month transition period with a possibility for an extension. With just months left before the exit next March, the blueprint needs the endorsement of the UK parliament where it faces an uphill struggle after opposition lawmakers and rebel Conservatives said they would vote against it. The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in a referendum in June 2016 and is expected to do so by late March 2019 despite a number of stumbling blocks that impede talks, namely, the Irish border and the post-Brexit UK-EU economic relations. Following more than a year of tough talks on Brexit conditions, London and Brussels have finally completed a draft agreement. EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has



revealed the contents of the provisional deal, which included agreements on citizens' rights, London's financial settlement, future trade relations, transitional period in the London-Brussels relations and the Irish border issue, among other things. However, Rebel Conservatives and opposition Labor lawmakers have been calling on the government to allow the repeat of the vote after the Brexit draft deal was unveiled last week. In turn, Theresa May has repeatedly and emphatically rejected the possibility of a second referendum, saying it was her responsibility to deliver on the 2016 vote.

III. OUTROS ¿Bajo qué circunstancias podría Brasil salir del Mercosur? Sputnik News (Rússia) La futura ministra de Agricultura de Brasil, Tereza Cristina Da Costa, advirtió que su país podría abandonar el Mercosur (Mercado Común del Sur) si el bloque no es sometido a una profunda revisión. "Tenemos que sentarnos y ver los intereses: o Brasil intenta fortalecer el Mercosur y decir lo que quiere o si no, sale, en un caso extremo; pero no debe continuar como está, para nosotros es desventajoso", dijo en declaraciones al diario O Globo. Añadió que actualmente el Mercosur es "desigual" y causa problemas a los productores agrícolas y ganaderos brasileños, y citó los casos de la leche que llega de otros países y del arroz. Además, apostó por "revisar" el Mercosur sin dejar de lado el protagonismo de Brasil ni las relaciones con los países vecinos, pero haciendo un acuerdo "más moderno y mejor". La futura ministra del Gobierno ultraderechista de Bolsonaro también citó a China, la India, Indonesia e Irán como los mercados prioritarios de Brasil, sobre todo para la exportación de carne, debido al ascenso de la clase media en esos países.



Respecto a los posibles problemas que puedan surgir con los países árabes por la voluntad de Bolsonaro de trasladar la embajada de Brasil en Israel, de Tel-Aviv a Jerusalén, se mostró cauta. Confió en que el futuro canciller, Ernesto Araújo, conozca los números de la balanza comercial con el mundo árabe para manejar con destreza la situación, y dio a entender que intentará convencer a Bolsonaro para que suavice su postura. "Si la cuestión de la embajada es un punto focal del presidente, tendremos que pensar cómo hacer eso sin causar daño; vamos a presentar los números, la decisión final es del presidente", afirmó la ministra. Da Costa, ingeniera agrónoma e integrante del partido conservador Demócratas (Dem), era hasta hace poco la máxima representante de la bancada de los llamados diputados "ruralistas", que reúne a parlamentarios de varios partidos con intereses en el sector agrícola y ganadero, uno de los más importantes en la economía del país.