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30 may. 2018 - Chinese investment in Brazil brings advanced technology ... what he described as a “ruthless” economic ap
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CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL NEGINT Brasília, 30 de maio de 2018

Índice I. OMC _______________________________________________ 2 Japan's Abe Hits Back at Trump's Plan to Slap Tariffs on Ally ______________ 2 II. NEGOCIAÇÕES REGIONAIS E BILATERAIS _________________ 2 Trudeau Rejects ‘Race to the Bottom’ With U.S. ________________________ 2 Trudeau Says ‘Australian Colleagues’ Warned on China's Aecon Bid ________ 3 III. OUTROS ____________________________________________ 3 UE pide un esfuerzo en área automotriz al Mercosur para sellar el TLC ______ 3 Brazilian minister says Brazil-China Fund innovative, strategic ____________ 5 Chinese investment in Brazil brings advanced technology ________________ 6



I. OMC Japan's Abe Hits Back at Trump's Plan to Slap Tariffs on Ally Bloomberg (Estados Unidos) Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hit back at U.S. President Donald Trump’s push to impose higher tariffs on imported vehicles and metals. "We can’t accept this," Abe said in parliament on Wednesday in response to a question on the already-in-place metal tariffs and the possible introduction of new levies on cars. "From a security perspective, it’s very difficult to understand why this would be imposed on Japan, a military ally."

II. NEGOCIAÇÕES REGIONAIS E BILATERAIS Trudeau Rejects ‘Race to the Bottom’ With U.S. Bloomberg (Estados Unidos) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may be biting his tongue when it comes to his personal views on Donald Trump — but he's not holding back about his U.S. counterpart's signature tax cuts.His message? He's not Trump.“We have to ask the question whether the tax cuts that they’ve brought in in the United States are sustainable,” Trudeau told Bloomberg's Stephanie Flanders in an exclusive interview yesterday in which he outlined his economic vision.In pursuit of his goal of building an economy that can thrive over time, Trudeau said he's willing to accept losing a shortterm edge to the U.S.“We’re not engaging in a race to the bottom,” he said, rejecting what he described as a “ruthless” economic approach in the U.S. propped up by deficit spending.Instead, Trudeau championed investments in education and healthcare, targeted immigration and responsible borrowing as ways to quell populist unrest.It’s an economic philosophy he’s set to advance when he hosts the Group of Seven leaders’



summit next week in Quebec, and one that raises fresh questions about how directly he will take on his more powerful southern neighbor.

Trudeau Says ‘Australian Colleagues’ Warned on China's Aecon Bid Bloomberg (Estados Unidos) Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says “Australian colleagues” told his government about the challenges of allowing the Chinese to buy engineering companies before it made the decision to last week reject a bid by a unit of China Communications Construction Co. to purchase Toronto-based Aecon Group Inc. Canada cited national security concerns as its reason for blocking the C$1.2 billion ($921 million) deal with CCCI. Speaking Tuesday in a wide-ranging interview with Bloomberg, Trudeau said Canada was trying to balance Chinese investment and Canadian sovereignty and said again that Canadian national security agencies recommended nixing the deal.

III. OUTROS UE pide un esfuerzo en área automotriz al Mercosur para sellar el TLC El Cronista (Argentina) La Comisión Europea reclamó este martes "un esfuerzo considerable" a la Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y al Uruguay para avanzar en las discusiones de cara al ambicioso acuerdo de asociación estratégica, cuyo desenlace depende en buena parte de lograr um acercamiento en el capítulo automotriz, que se discutió días atrás y demandará a la brevedad nuevas negociaciones.



En la antesala de una nueva ronda entre las partes, que esta vez se desarrollará en Montevideo, donde se halla la Secretaría Administrativa de la unión aduanera y el Parlasur, voceros del órgano ejecutivo de la Unión Europea (UE) sostuvieron desde Bruselas que "todavía queda mucho trabajo por hacer sobre las cuestiones en suspenso", lo cual requeriría "un esfuerzo considerable por parte de los socios del Mercosur, de acuerdo a la agencia AFP. Los equipos de negociación del Mercosur y la UE se reunirán en Montevideo del 3 al 8 de junio, días antes que el Uruguay tome la presidencia pro témpore, que hoy ostenta Paraguay, al que se le dificulta liderar las conversaciones técnicas. Durante este encuentro, el foco volverá a estar en el capítulo automotriz, donde el bloque sudamericano parece ya haber fijado sus "líneas rojas" que no está dispuesto a traspasar. Los sudamericanos, especialmente argentinos y brasileños, pelean con los europeos por establecer qué cantidad de componentes de sendas industrias debe tener un vehículo para considerárselo de uno u otra región. Se trata de un debate eminentemente técnico, pero esencial para evitar triangulaciones de insumos y proteger las industrias, especialmente la autopartista. Por este contexto, el Mercosur quiere fijar el "componente importado máximo extrazona" en orden del 40%, tal como rige internamente, para admitir, en un período de tiempo todavía por definir, la caída de aranceles de importación que hoy pagan las casas europeas para traer, eminentemente, vehículos de alta gama. Pero Bruselas pelea por fijar en 50% la cantidad de piezas que un auto puede tener y cuyo origen no sea ni Europa ni América del sur. La otra discusión hace a la "curva de desgravación", esto es, de qué modo se aplica la quita gradual de aranceles. Uma alternativa es que se fije un esquema de caída en línea recta, con quitas progresivas año a año, o bien con un impacto más suave al comienzo y más pronunciado al final del período, que también está en discusión: puede fijarse en diez o 15 años. En esta ronda, la UE también quiere tratar temas que hacen al capítulo de Propiedad Intelectual, sobre todo las indicaciones geográficas. De acuerdo a un funcionario involucrado en las negociaciones, durante las últimas discusiones mantenidas en Bruselas "hubo buena predisposición", aunque "todavía no 4


está terminado", por lo que "ambos bloques tiene mucho por trabajar". El capítulo automotriz, según la misma fuente, es decisivo para acercarse a una ronda de conclusión y evitar un nuevo naufragio, especialmente por los profundos cambios que podría experimentar Brasil en un contexto incierto por las elecciones presidenciales de octubre. La Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay iniciaron hace casi 20 años sus negociaciones con la UE para lograr un acuerdo de libre comercio, que tras estar en punto de muerto entre 2004 y 2010, tomaron impulso con la llegada en 2016, dada la sintonía política entre los países sudamericanos y la necesidad de ampliar y diversificar las ofertas exportables.

Brazilian minister says Brazil-China Fund innovative, strategic Xinhua (China) Brazilian Minister of Planning, Development and Management Esteves Colnago said on Tuesday that the Brazil-China Cooperation Fund represents an innovative and strategic partnership between the two countries. In an interview with Xinhua on the sidelines of 2018 Brazil Investment Forum in Sao Paulo, Colnago said the fund has approved five projects in Brazil, without naming the projects. The Brazil-China initiative, launched at 2017 Investment Forum, foresees contributions of up to 20 billion U.S. dollars. The first five projects are expected to receive 2.4 billion out of the 20 billion dollars. "We hope that, by the end of the year, we may publicize the projects, which are all very interesting," the minister said. Colnago stressed China's importance as a partner and an investor to Brazil, saying that every two months, his ministry's secretariat for international affairs issues a bilateral bulletin on Chinese investments in Brazil. 5


"In the last report, the investments already totaled 54 billion dollars, which is a very significant amount, concentrated in the agriculture, mining and energy sectors," Colnago said. Colnago called on China to keep faith in Brazil, as it is a country with great potential and presenting several opportunities for China.

Chinese investment in Brazil brings advanced technology Xinhua (China) Chinese investment in Brazil is growing more diversified and has brought advanced technologies to the Latin American country, Secretary for International Affairs of Brazil's Ministry of Planning, Development and Management Jorge Arbache said here Tuesday. The relationship between Brazil and China in terms of investment has become more mature, Arbache told Xinhua on the sidelines of the 2018 Investments Forum. The relationship is good for Brazil-China relations as well as Latin America-China relations as a whole, Arbache said. The secretary is responsible for a bi-monthly report on Chinese investments in Brazil. In its latest issue, investment totaled 54 billion U.S. dollars. The reports have registered a growing trend of diversification of Chinese investment in both areas of manufacturing and service, including transportation, technology, banking and insurance, Arbache pointed out. In addition, Arbache said, the participation of Chinese private companies is increasing. "(China's ride-sharing company) DiDi recently entered Brazil through the acquisition of a Brazilian company, 99, a start-up which became a unicorn and provides urban transportation services, such as taxis," Arbache said.