Business04 meeting 09 01

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Business English | Business Meeting 09 _LEVEL 7_

Business Meeting 09: Delivering a Presentation Practice 1 | Useful Expressions Directions: Listen and repeat.

invest in something - to commit (money, capital, effort, time) into something hoping for a return from it, hoping to gain something

have high expectations of something - to expect a certain level of performance

have high expectations for something - to have hopes for something in the future

projected sales - estimated sales

pick up - to go faster (in this case)

prolong - to lengthen in duration

shelf life - the length of time that an item may be stored before becoming unfit for use or consumption (usually used for fresh and uncooked food, like vegetables)

point out - to draw attention to

supplement - a tablet in which vitamins and other nutrition are artificially added to keep your nutrient balance

ship something out - to deliver something somewhere; to send it somewhere

mean to - to intend to

work on - to try hard to improve or achieve something

the whole picture; overview - the whole description

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Business English | Business Meeting 09 _LEVEL 7_

Practice 2 | Dialogue Directions: Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Harry is delivering a presentation about the new supplement his company is about to sell.

Harry : Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today I am going to present to you the projected outcome of this new supplement.

Boss : Let’s hear it. Go ahead, Harry.

Harry : Thank you. As you may know, we have been working on this product for over 5 months. We have invested a lot in it. Therefore, it is natural to have high expectations of it.

Boss : Indeed we do.

Harry : Our Market Research shows us that it should have a good opening on the market. As you can see, projected sales are quite high. It might move a bit slower initially but it should pick up quite quickly. Furthermore, once the product is established on the market, we can start adding other extra components to it to further prolong its shelf life. As you can see from the graph, we mean to introduce several additional extras for the product. I would also like to point out that our test subjects have given us a lot of positive feedback.

Boss : When will we be able to launch the product?

Harry : We should launch the product with an effective sales promotion. The Marketing Department is working on it and they will show me the whole picture of the promotion shortly. It should be ready in two weeks and after that we will be ready to ship it out. Are there any questions?

Boss : Thank you for your presentation, Harry. Let’s take a 10-minute break. I’ll see everyone back here at 5:00 P.M.

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Business English | Business Meeting 09 _LEVEL 7_

Check your understanding: Answer the following questions.

1. What is Harry’s presentation about?

2. How was the feedback from the test subjects?

3. When will the product be launched?

4. How long have they worked on the product?

5. What are the projections regarding the sales?

6. What do they plan to add in the future and why?

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Business English | Business Meeting 09 _LEVEL 7_

Practice 3 | Role-Play Directions: Have a role-play with your teacher in the following situation.


Hold a presentation on a subject of your choosing (related to your work, your study, etc. anything will do).


work on

mean to


the whole picture

a clear picture

high expectations

invest a lot of time/money/efforts

point out

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Business English | Business Meeting 09 _LEVEL 7_

Practice 4 | Discussion Directions: Discuss these topics and exchange thoughts with your teacher.

1. Have you ever delivered a presentation?

2. Do you like to use some tools (like a projector) or presentation software in delivering presentations, or just do it only with your words?

3. What do you think are some essential things to keep in mind when making a presentation?

4. Do you practice a lot before delivering a presentation?

5. Are presentations useful in your company?

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