Borderlands Poesía en Voz Alta Fall 2018 Poems

or a new one, in addition to another one from the secondary selection. Before reciting ... Students can choose the same
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Borderlands Poesía en Voz Alta Fall 2018 Poems Middle School Category Classroom level: Students must memorize and recite one poem from the secondary selection from the approved list provided. Before reciting the poem, the student must introduce him/herself with his/her first and last name and the title of the poem and its author. At the end of the recitation, the student has the option to state “gracias” or simply finish. The champion and runner-up from each classroom advances to the school level round. If there is only one classroom participating in the contest then your school should follow the school level instructions below. School level: Students must memorize and recite two poems from the secondary selection from the approved list provided. Students can choose the same poem they read for the classroom level or a new one, in addition to another one from the secondary selection. Before reciting the poem, the student must introduce him/herself with his/her first and last name, the class and teacher he/she represents, and the title of the poem and its author. For the second poem, the student must state the title of the poem and its author. At the end of the recitation, the student has the option to state “gracias” or simply finish. The champion and runner-up from each school level round advances to the championship round at NMSU. Championship level at NMSU: Students must memorize and recite two poems from the approved list provided, the poem from the mandatory selection and another from the secondary selection. This is the same list as the one for the school level. Students can choose the same secondary selection poem they read for the school level or replace it if he/she chooses to do so. Before reciting the poem, the student must introduce him/herself with his/her first and last name, the school he/she represents, and the title of the poem and its author. For the second poem, the student must state the title of the poem and its author. At the end of the recitation, the student has the option to state “gracias” or simply finish. First place, second place, and third place awards will be announced at the end of the judging that day. Mandatory Selection for Championship Level “Guitarra” por Nicolás Guillén Fueron a cazar guitarras, bajo la luna llena. Y trajeron ésta, pálida, fina, esbelta, ojos de inagotable mulata, cintura de abierta madera. Es joven, apenas vuela. Pero ya canta cuando oye en otras jaulas aletear sones y coplas. Los sonesombres y las coplasolas. Hay en su jaula esta descripción: “Cuidado: sueña”.

Secondary Selections

“Al oído de una muchacha” por Federico García Lorca No quise. No quise decirte nada. Vi en tus ojos dos arbolitos locos. De brisa, de risa y de oro. Se meneaban. No quise. No quise decirte nada.

“Paz” por Alfonsina Storni Vamos hacia los árboles... el sueño Se hará en nosotros por virtud celeste. Vamos hacia los árboles; la noche Nos será blanda, la tristeza leve. Vamos hacia los árboles, el alma Adormecida de perfume agreste. Pero calla, no hables, sé piadoso; No despiertes los pájaros que duermen.

“XIV” por Pablo Neruda ¿Y qué dijeron los rubíes ante el jugo de las granadas? Pero ¿por qué no se convence el jueves de ir después del viernes? ¿Quiénes gritaron de alegría cuando nació el color azul? ¿Por qué se entristece la tierra cuando aparecen las violetas?