Believe Grow Achieve

Safe Environment Week is a great time to think about what we as individu- als and parents can ... participated in the “S
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Believe Grow Achieve

The week of April 23 - April 27, 2017 has been declared Safe Environment Week in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. HAVE COURAGE, GO FORWARD

Menu April Breakfast

The month of April is designated as National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Within this important month, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has designated the week of April 23rd as Safe Environment Week. This is a week when we celebrate our children and the incredibly important job of protecting our children from harm.

Monday: Fruit cup/and or juice, WG cereal, Cheese Stick, and milk Tuesday: Fruit cup/ and or juice, WG crackers, Yogurt and milk

As the Archdiocese of Milwaukee states, “To know that we are children of God is to live in complete love, with deep abiding security and the ability to dream, to sing, to create, to laugh, and to play without worry. As we grow older, we face a new reality--we cannot approach all God’s creation with the same trust and confidence. We learn, through sometimes hurtful and damaging experiences, that some people reject the ability that God gave them to love and respect others--they ignore God’s call. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s program to safeguard children helps remind us of these very facts. With the help of this program, the faithful are guided and educated about the responsibility of how to keep God’s children protected and safe.”

Wednesday: Fruit/and or juice,WG muffin or bagel, Cheese stick and milk, hard boiled egg Thursday: Fruit/and or juice, WG granola bar or WG crackers, Yogurt and milk Friday: Fruit/and or juice, WG cereal, Cheese stick and milk

Lunch 4/23-4/27 Mon.: Chicken nuggets, noodles, steamed carrots coins and fruit Tues.: Pizza, chilled fruit, mixed veggies and salad

It is our moral responsibility as adults to protect possible victims of child abuse or neglect by reporting the suspected abuse of a minor to the proper authorities or Child Protective Services. Please read the following links for more information:

Wed.: Sloppy joes, smile fries, chilled fruit and pork and beans

Thurs.: Salad bar, ham, turkey, cheese, fresh veggies, roll and chilled fruit Fri.: Chicken tacos, broccoli, rice and chilled fruit

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 Mission Statement John Paul II Academy is a Catholic school providing a faith-based education that embraces the teachings of the Gospel in order to develop the whole child. We exist in partnership with the parents, parishes and the community to meet the needs of each individual student. We will help each student develop life skills for cooperation with and involvement in the community based on respect for God, one’s self, and society.

April 20, 2018

Safe Environment Week - Proclamation (English, Spanish) 10 Ways to Promote Healthy Parent-Child Relationships (English,Spanish) Positive Communication (English, Spanish) The Five Things Strong Families Have in Common (English, Spanish) Social Media and digital Communication Parent Tips (English, Spanish) Safeguarding All Of God’s Family Charter (English,Spanish) Invitation to the Mass of Atonement

Safe Environment Week is a great time to think about what we as individuals and parents can do to help protect our children. First, if you haven’t participated in the “Safeguarding All of God’s Family” class consider signing up now. This will allow you to be even more involved by allowing you to volunteer at school or go on field trips. Second, make sure you know where your children are spending their time. Know the adults and kids your child interacts with. Third, watch your child’s behavior. When children exhibit dramatic behavioral changes, make sure to find out what is causing these changes. Never miss an opportunity to talk to, listen to, or observe your child. Finally, take every opportunity to have conversations with your child about safety, both in person and in the digital world. Together, we can help keep the world a safe place for all children. John Paul II Academy

2023 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-637-2012 Fax: 262-637-5130

Monday 24

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JASP 5k-2nd Grade -2:30-3:30pm

25 

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Thursday 26

8th Grade Washington Trip Mass 7:45am 6th Grade JASP 3rd-5th Grade-2:30 -3:30pm

Birthdays Coming up! Cumpleaños que se acercan! April 25– Vinny P. April 28-Daniel G-R April 28– Marvelle W. April 30– Jacqueline L May 1– Olivia H, May 6-Daymon B-F. May 8– Jureimmy C. May 8-Angela S-M. May 10-Landyn S.

Friday 27



JASP 6 -8 Grade-2:303:30pm

Music Day

Summer School Sign up is currently happening through RUSD Summer School. We encourage everyone to take a look at the brochure there is something for everyone. Summer school help your children to be ahead and prepare for next year.

Here is the link to register your child: and follow the step-by-step registration instructions.

Kremer Foundation Applications are on the website under "About Us Enrollment Info" or you can request a paper application from the office. Applications are based on financial need and household size. These are due to Mrs. Schumacher by May 21st Notification of aid, preliminary by June1stFinal notice in September Thank you.

John Paul II Academy

2023 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-637-2012 Fax: 262-637-5130

Muffins with Mom/Panecillos con Mama Monday, May 14, 2018 7:25 am-8:15 am Come and spend some time enjoying muffins, juice and some time in your child’s classroom. Lunes, Mayo 14, 2018 7:25am-8:15am Vengan y tomen un tiempo disfrutando panecillos, jugo, y tiempo en el salón de su hijo (a).

C arnival This year's carnival we're launching a new feature called the Treasure Chest Gift Card Pull. For $10 you can choose from the treasure chest and you are guaranteed to get at least $10 back in the form of a gift card. In order to launch this game we are looking for donations of gift cards for the Carnival. Gift cards should be in denominations of $10 or more. What kind of gift cards are we looking for? Any and every card will be accepted: gas, grocery, restaurant, stores, etc. Please submit your donation to the school office by Monday, April 23rd. Thank you!


JUSTICE/JUSTICIA To choose to do what is right even when it is difficult. You stand up for what is right and fair, even when you stand alone. Escoger hacer lo correcto incluso cuando es difícil. Se pone de pie para lo que es correcto y justo, incluso cuando está solo.

Dine Out Night - Potbelly Sandwich Shop Please join us for our next Dine Out Night Fundraiser. Potbelly will be giving 25% of all sales back to our school. When: Wednesday April 25th Time: 5pm- 8pm Where: Potbelly Sandwich shop. 5910 Washington Ave. Racine, WI

John Paul II Academy

2023 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-637-2012 Fax: 262-637-5130

Carnival News: The 2nd Annual JPIIA Family Carnival is right around the corner! The Carnival is our school’s biggest fundraiser and we are hoping for a HUGE success. As you know, these events are not possible without the help and support of all families. Please support our school in one way or another – there are many options: volunteer, donate and/or join us that day for lots of fun! Each classroom has been assigned a carnival game and will be responsible for staffing that game booth. In the coming days you will receive an online invitation from inviting you to sign up for a shift. We respectfully ask that every class parent consider taking a shift so all parents can enjoy the carnival with their families. Carnival Donations A big thank you to all the families who have sent in cash donations for the classroom baskets! A big thank to everyone who donated items during the Drop & Dash days. Our raffle baskets and silent auction items are going to be amazing!! Donated items and cash are still needed and can be dropped off in the school office at any time! Teacher Raffle One of the carnival highlights for the students is the Teacher Raffle. Our teachers and staff generously donate items to a special student only raffle. The raffle items will be displayed beginning Monday, April 30th, with tickets being sold during lunch periods through Friday, May 4th. The winners will be chosen by Mrs. Schumacher during the carnival. See the flyer in this week's Friday folder for additional information!

Noticias del Carnaval: El carnaval anual 2 º de familia JPIIA está a la vuelta de la esquina! El carnaval es el evento más grande de nuestra escuela y esperamos un gran éxito. Como ustedes saben, estos eventos no son posibles sin la ayuda y el apoyo de todas las familias. Por favor, apoye nuestra escuela en una forma u otra, hay muchas opciones: voluntarios, donar o acompañarnos ese día para un montón de diversión! Cada clase se le ha asignado un juego de carnaval y se encargará de personal cabina de juego. En los próximos días que recibirá una invitación en línea de te invita a firmar para arriba para un cambio. Le pedimos respetuosamente que todos los padres clase consideren teniendo un cambio para que todos los padres puedan disfrutar de los carnavales con sus familias. Donaciones de carnaval Gracias a todas las familias que han enviado donaciones en efectivo para las cestas de la clase! Un gran agradecimiento a todos los que donaron artículos durante los días de la caída y el tablero. ¡Nuestras canastas de rifa y subasta artículos va a ser increíble! Dinero en efectivo y artículos donados aún es necesarias y puede ser dejado en la oficina de la escuela en cualquier momento! Maestro rifa Uno de los aspectos más destacados de carnaval para los estudiantes es la rifa del maestro. Nuestros profesores y personal generosamente donan artículos a un sorteo único de estudiantes especiales. Los artículos de la rifa se mostrarán a partir del lunes 30 de abril, los boletos se venden durante los períodos de almuerzo viernes 4 de mayo. Los ganadores serán elegidos por la Sra. Schumacher durante el carnaval. ¡Ver el flyer en carpeta de viernes de la semana para obtener más información!

Field Day - Come and join the fun! JPIIA will be holding it's annual Field Day Friday, June 1st with a rain out date of Tuesday, June 5th. This is a full day filled with games, fun, food, friends, teamwork and memories! In order for this to happen, we need volunteers to help plan the day as well to work on Field Day. Volunteers are needed for part of the day and/or the entire day. Please contact Mr. Andersen at [email protected] to volunteer. Thank you! John Paul II Academy

2023 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-637-2012 Fax: 262-637-5130

Mark Your Calendar!/Marca tu Calendario! 


No School/ No habrá Escuela


School Committee Meeting at 6pm/ Junta de comite de la escuela alas 6pm


School Carnival/ Carnaval de la escuela


SPA Meeting 7:45am/ Junta de Padres de Asociación de la escuela 7:45am Mother Son Bowling/ Boliche con Madre e Hijo


Muffins with Mom / Panecillos con mama


Choir and Band Concert / Concierto de coro y banda


Memorial Day NO School/ No escuela

Save The Date! The 3rd Annual Mother Son Fun Night is coming! Date: Friday, May 11th Time: 5:30 pm – 8 pm Location: The Lanes Bowling Alley 6501 Washington Ave Racine Cost: $15 per person (extra donation are welcome!) This fun evening will include bowling, pizza, soda, prizes and fun! Moms, Grandmothers, Aunt's, and female caregiver and special friends are welcome! For additional information, contact Amy Sasse at [email protected] or text 262-672-9221.

Guarda el día! Viene la 3 º noche anual de diversión de madre hijo Fecha: Viernes, mayo 11 Horario: 5:30pm-8:00pm Locación: The Lanes Bowling Alley 6501 Washington Ave. Racine Costo: $15 por persona (extra donaciones son bienvenidas ) Esta divertida velada incluirá bowling, pizza, refresco, regalos y diversión! Mamas, abuelas, tias, mujeres de cuidado y amigas especiales! Para información adicional, contacte a Amy Sasse al [email protected] o por un mensaje de texto al 262-672-9221.

SCRIP Tip Now that Spring is here, it’s not too early to think about Summer! Start planning for your summer vacation by buying a $25 gas gift card each week. By the time you are ready to go, you will have enough cards to pay for all the gas you need. Now THAT’S a vacation! Want to know more? Check out SCRIP under the Support Us tab on the school website.

John Paul II Academy

2023 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-637-2012 Fax: 262-637-5130