AYSO Region 112 Coach Fall Guidelines

Dimas. Time spent in service to the children of our community is truly a great ... and be fully trained and certified in
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Thank you for your decision to volunteer for AYSO Region 112, La Verne/San Dimas. Time spent in service to the children of our community is truly a great use of your valuable time! Our coaches are the front-line representatives of our principles. All coaches and assistant coaches must complete the Safe Haven Certification Course and be fully trained and certified in their designated division for the fall season. You will not be eligible to be a coach or assistant coach if you do not complete these courses. Your “Job Duties” as a head coach are also enclosed as well as other important information. Please look over this packet completely, and keep it handy as a resource during the season. Communication is the key to a successful season. Please know that we are here to support you. We will communicate regularly with you and we want you to communicate regularly to your parents. Please provide your Division Coordinator with your team information sheet, enclosed, by picture day. Finally, remember that YOU are the front lines of AYSO. It is for this reason that we will hold the bar high on what we expect of you, as you fulfill the capacity of being a coach. Every year you coach, you are introduced to new families and families are introduced to AYSO. Please know and model the 6 Philosophies of AYSO, they are there to guild everything you do. As Coach Administrator, my team and I will hold you to these Philosophies and you can expect them of us! If you have any questions regarding this packet please contact your Division Coordinator or you can email – [email protected] or you can visit our website www.ayso112.org Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Paul Ryan & Tarrie Sillert Regional Coach Administrator


To develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on AYSO’s SIX PHILOSPHIES:


One Hundred Ways to Praise a Child

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hey, I love you! * Way to go * You're special * Outstanding * Excellent You are fun * You're a real trooper * You're on target * Outstanding performance * Great * Looking good * You brighten my day ☺ Good Well done ♥ Remarkable * Super * I knew you could do it * Nice work What an imagination * I'm proud of you ♪ Super star * Fantastic You're on top of it *You're catching on * Now you've got it * How smart Good job * You are the clever one * You are just delightful * That's incredible * Remarkable job * You're Beautiful ♥ You're a winner You make me happy * Dynamite * Hip, Hip Hooray * You're important Magnificent ◦Beautiful * Super job♪You're the best ☺ You're on your way How nice * You're Spectacular * You are a Darling * Beautiful work Good for you ● Nothing can stop you now * You're fantastic * Wow You're a legend ♥ Great Discovery ♦ You've discovered the secret Fantastic job ●You're a champion * Awesome * You're precious Marvellous * You are responsible * Terrific * You are exciting * You're growing up * You tried hard ♥ Neat * You figured it out ♫♪♫ You're unique * What a good listener * You're a treasure * Super work You mean a lot to me * You're a good friend * You deserve a big hug You are an absolute gem*You're incredible ♥I like you♥ Now you're flying I respect you *You're sensational ♪ Phenomenal*Hooray for you*You care* Creative job * You belong * You made my day * You are nice to be with You mean the world to me * You're important * You've got a friend You're a joy * You make me laugh ● You're A-OK * You're my buddy I trust you ☺ You're perfect * Bravo * You're wonderful ☺ A big kiss ♥ Exceptional performance ♫ That's correct * Hey, I love you!

♥ PS Remember a HUG is worth 1000 words! ♥

Grandioso * Así se hace * Sobresaliente * Sensacional * Excelente trabajo * Te ves guapísimo(a) * Imponente * Bien por ti * Adelante * Excelente * Sabía que tú podías hacerlo * Es un trabajo impresionante * Bien hecho * Qué lindo * Me siento orgulloso(a) de ti * Extraordinario * Has hecho mi día * Fantástico * Buen trabajo * Se ve bien * Estás bella * Es maravilloso conocerte * Bravo * ¡Lo has logrado! * Maravilloso * Eres especial * Lo estás captando * Lo lograste * Bingo * ¡Un hurra para ti! * Novedoso * Vas camino al objetivo * Explosivo * Vas en camino * Qué listo eres * Un super trabajo * Qué gran ayuda eres para mí * Iluminas mi vida * Artístico * Eso es increíble * Fantástico trabajo * Me caes bien * Eres único * Nada te puede detener ahora * Saber escuchar * Es un trabajo espectacular * Eres muy valioso * Magnífico * Buen descubrimiento * Super * Lo dedujiste * Iluminas mi día * Significas el mundo entero para mí * Buena idea * Fue un desempeño excepcional * Qué chivo * Me importas * Eres mi alegría * Eres emocionante * Qué imaginación * Bravo bravo hurra * Tres aplausos para ti * Trabajo creativo * Uno se divierte contigo * Hiciste lo mejor que pudiste * Un gran abrazo * Tú eres importante * Lograrás mucho * Maravilloso * Te quiero * Te amo * Fenomenal * Un trabajo de primera * Me haces sonreír * Encajas bien * Eres tan entusiasta * No hay nadie como tú * Significas mucho para mí * Te respeto * Espectacular * Eres un tesoro * Eres maravilloso * Estás bien * Me haces reír * Eres más dulce que la miel * Continúa con tan buen trabajo * Te ves radiante * Qué radiante * Estás madurando * Eres mi compañero * Confío en ti * Te admiro * Qué encantadora / encantador te ves * Brillante idea * Muy bien tiene el espíritu * Así se hace * Eres asombroso * No sería igual sin ti * Eres tan responsable * Eres tan gracioso * Gracias por tu ayuda ... mírele en los ojos y sonría.