Argentina— Central Andes

This high peak lies northwest of Cerro Alma Negra, in the Mercedario ... Mauricio Manzi, Manuel Maurí n, Iván Nobre and
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Argentina— Central Andes C erro San Juan, 1991. This high peak lies northw est o f C erro A lm a N egra, in the M ercedario group. Silvia Tejada, H um berto C am podónico, Luis G ó m ez, M auricio M anzi, M anuel Maurí n, Iván N obre and Fabián O livieri from the city o f San Juan placed cam p in the upper valley o f the C olorado River. On January 8, 1991, they headed for A lm a N egra, but having m istaken the route, they clim bed instead P 5850 (19,197 feet), a first ascent. They nam ed the peak Cerro San Juan. M arcelo Sc a n u ,

G rupo de M ontaña H u a m á n , B uenos Aires