01-27-2019 Insert St. MARK.pub

27 ene. 2019 - Communication, said to call St. Mark Church, so we did, and spoke to ... It made a world of difference. .
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January 27, 2019




As you may know, on January 11th, there was a tragic incident at Cascade Middle School, just down the street from St. Mark Church. It was a major emergency — the kind our school district prepares for, but one that we had never experienced. It could be described as a very intense situation, and our district had to quickly consider how we were going to re-unify 340 students with their parents. Although students were safe in the school, a number of parents wanted their kids to unite with them before the usual closing of the school day. When the call first came, the first question was where do we go? Pat McGillivray, Director of Communication, said to call St. Mark Church, so we did, and spoke to Mariah Harris about using the church as a re-unification site. Her immediate response was, “Yes, of course. We’ll see you soon.” We would like to offer our thanks to Mariah, Lonnie, the office staff, Fr. Michael, and the entire parish! Whatever we needed — they made it happen. They opened up the church, the parish center, both as a place for prayer and a spot for us to keep our supplies/materials. They provided tables, office supplies, water and even pens. Fr. Michael came and gave solace to the parishioners he recognized in the parking lot, and the St. Mark site quickly became a place of welcome, comfort, and support. It made a world of difference. That day we re-unified 170 students with their families. The rest of the students stayed in the school all day — and safely. We don’t know if other church organizations would have allowed us to do that with no notice, but Mariah and the folks at St. Mark did — our school district is incredibly grateful. We are spreading the word beyond Cascade Middle School, and letting all know how folks at St. Mark responded and helped to make a very difficult time more manageable for Bethel families and for us. We want to make sure the ‘rest of the parish’ know what a handful of your folks did, and recognize their efforts. We at Bethel School District thank you!



In the Book of Isaiah, God promises that he will appoint a new master of the royal household of his people: “He shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah. I will place the key of the House of David on his shoulder; what he opens, no one will shut, what he shuts, no one will open” (22:21-22). The Book of Revelation refers this prophecy to Jesus as the new master of God’s household ― the “new Jerusalem” (21:2), which is the Church. St. John calls him “the holy one, the true, who holds the key of David, who opens and no one shall close, who closes and no one shall open” (3:7). These passages take on additional significance when we read in Matthew’s Gospel that Jesus gives a special commission to his chief apostle: “You are Peter [literally, ‘Rock’], and upon this rock I will build my church” (16:18). This is the most direct biblical reference to the papacy. In this moment, our Lord establishes St. Peter as the first pope and leader of the Church, whose role is indispensable to its mission. Then notice what Jesus goes on to say to Peter: “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (126:19). Jesus then tells more about what it means for Peter to be the “Rock” of the Church: Peter and his successors, as keepers of the keys, will have a unique share in Christ’s authority. Alluding to the prophecy in Isaiah, Jesus foretells the role of the pope as a father to God’s people ― the word ‘pope’ literally means ‘father’ ― the head of God’s royal household, the one with divine authority to open and close the way to the heavenly kingdom. If such an office was needed in the first generation of the Church, then it is also necessary in every generation, as in the case of priests and bishops. St. Peter became the first bishop of Rome, so his unique office in the Church has been passed down to his episcopal successors.


Excerpt taken from The NEW Catholic Answer Bible

Mt 17:24-27 · Mk 16:7 · Lk 22:32 · Jn 21:15-17 · Acts 2:14-36; 3:1-26; 5:1-11; 15:7-11 · 1 Pt 5:1 · & Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) Nos. 440-443 · 552-556 · 737 · 765 · 768 · 771 · 815-816 · 834 · 862 · 874-887 · 891 · 914 · 936-937 · 981 · 1444 · 2034-2035 ·

UPCOMING RETREATS: GRIEF RECOVERY WEEKEND — Are you, or someone you love, grieving the end of a marriage from death, divorce or permanent separation? A Beginning Experience Weekend can help bring healing from such a loss. The next opportunity to attend a weekend is February 1-3, 2019 , at the Griffin Center in Milwaukie, OR (near Clackamas Town Ctr.). The retreat consists of presentations by Beginning Experience team members, periods for private reflection, and sharing in small groups. Please contact Judith at: 503-949-4592 or [email protected]. Website info at: http:// www.beginningexperienceoforegon.org LOOKING FOR A FRESH TAKE ON THE MASS READINGS? — Join Eugene Catholic Young Adults’ (ECYA) on Thursday evenings, 6:45pm, in St. Mary Parish Center (1062 Charnelton St.). ECYA is for everyone, ages 21-39. For more info. and other events coming up, contact: [email protected] (541-270-9329) & facebook.com/ EugeneCYA . ………..... ALSO — Theology on Tap every 2nd Thursday at the K of C Hall …………… HOSPICE

OF SACRED HEART — Caring men and women needed to provide practical help and emotional assistance to patients and families dealing with terminal illness, as well as the Palliative Care Program for those living with chronic illness. Info session is on Thursday, February 21, 21 1:001:00-3:00pm, at 677 E. 12th Ave (Eugene). Training will be the last week of April and first 2 weeks of May (2019). To register for the info meeting—no obligation! - please call Victoria at 458-205-7443, or email to: [email protected].




Como muchos de ustedes saben, el 11 de Enero, tuvimos un trágico incidente en la escuela Cascade Middle School. Fue una emergencia de tipo mayor… el tipo para el cual nuestro distrito se prepara, pero ese nunca se había experimentado. Era un tiempo muy intenso, y nuestro distrito tenía que considerar rápidamente como reunificar a 340 estudiantes con sus padres. Aunque los estudiantes estaban seguros en la escuela, un gran número de padres querían que sus hijos fueran a casa con ellos antes de terminar el día. Cuando recibí la llamada, mi primera pregunta fue, “A dónde vamos?” Llamé a Pat McGillivray, nuestro Director de Comunicación y él dijo: “Llama a San Marcos”. Hablé con Mariah en la oficina y pregunte si podíamos usar la iglesia como lugar de Reunificación. Su respuesta inmediata fue, “Si, por supuesto. Nos veremos pronto.” Queremos ofrecer agradecimiento a Mariah, Lonnie, el personal de la oficina, Padre Miguel, y a toda la parroquia porque lo que sea que necesitamos – ellos lo hicieron posible. Ellos abrieron la iglesia, el edificio anexo, salones y baños, y como tal lugar de oración, y un lugar para nosotros para mantener nuestros útiles. Nos proveyeron mesas, agua, y materiales de oficina. Padre Miguel vino y comenzó a confortar a los feligreses que el reconoció en el estacionamiento. San Marcos se convirtió en un lugar de bienvenida, consuelo y apoyo. Hizo un mundo de diferencia. Ese día reunificamos a 170 estudiantes con sus familias. El resto de los estudiantes quedaron en la escuela todo el día… todos los estudiantes estuvieron seguros. No sabemos si otra iglesia o congregación podría habernos permitido eso sin previo aviso, pero Mariah y el personal de San Marcos lo hicieron, y nuestro distrito escolar esta increíblemente agradecido. Estamos expandiendo la voz más allá de Cascade, dejando saber a todos como San Marcos respondió, y ayudo a hacer de un tiempo muy difícil un tiempo más manejable para las familias de Bethel, y para nosotros. Queríamos asegurarnos de que, el resto de la Parroquia supiera que nos dieron una gran mano sus amigos de San Marcos, y también, ustedes reconozcan sus esfuerzos. ¡Nosotros en el Distrito Bethel les damos muchísimas gracias!

Jill Robinson-Wolgamott