Translation Theme 1: Being a young person in Spanish-speaking ...

Theme 1: Being a young person in Spanish-speaking society. Educational and employment ... Internet ha permitido la creac
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Theme 1: Being a young person in Spanish-speaking society Educational and employment Opportunities

Translation Traduce al inglés Aprender idiomas siempre ha sido el punto flaco de los españoles. Actualmente, muchos desempleados quieren mejorar esta falta en su currículo. El principal inconveniente es el coste de los cursos. ¿Se puede aprender un idioma de forma gratuita? Internet ha permitido la creación de numerosos portales en los que se puede acceder a material didáctico e incluso poder practicar el idioma con otros vía webcam sin costes.

Traducción propuesta Learning languages has always been the weak point of Spaniards. At present, many unemployed people want to improve this missing item in their CVs. The main drawback is the cost of courses. Can one learn languages for free? The Internet has allowed the creation of many portals through which it is possible to access learning materials and even practise a language for nothing with others via webcam.