The Jewish Christ: Problems of Self-Presentation and Socio ... - jstor
Once they have chosen him it seems to them that they too are of the chosen, or at least that the blot upon them is forgotten; their inferiority is covered over.68. 68.
London, 1987); and R. S. Wistrich, TheJews of ... Vienna (Associated University Presses: London,. 2002). 5. ...... Altenberg, Schiele, Heinrich Mann and the.
32 Diary entry from 11 September 1914, quoted in Hugo Thimig erzählt von seinem ..... in future. Perhaps the war will lead to a renaissance of dialect drama and.
that the wartime boom in light entertainment, which reached its peak in 1915 and 1916 â with some works set against an idyllic rural background and others.
Sciences/, BYULLETEN', EKSPERIMENTAL'NOY BIOLOGII I MEDITSINY, 1942,. WOL ll, No 10, Issue li, pp 63-72. Walker, "Extrasensory Perception--Is This a ...
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