Spanish 452: Advanced Spanish Writing

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Spanish 370: Spanish Writing and Stylistics - DL Fall 2015 Office located at AQ 329 Online Office Hours TR 1:30-2:30PM and by appointment Twitter Hashtag for this course: #370f15

Prof. Román Mendoza (703) 993-1232 [email protected] Skype: e.roman.mendoza Twitter: @eromanme

TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 REQUIRED READINGS AND ONLINE SERVICES ...................................................................................................................... 2 OTHER USEFUL RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................................. 3 ON TWITTER ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3 HARDWARE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 SOFTWARE AND ONLINE SERVICES ...................................................................................................................................... 3 GRADING ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 GENERAL RULES FOR ASSIGNMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 4 ONLINE LEARNING COMMUNITY ......................................................................................................................................... 4 ON BLACKBOARD ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 ON TWITTER ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4 ON SKYPE ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 ON ANY OTHER PLATFORM (VOLUNTARY) ........................................................................................................................................ 4 PROJECTS............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 CLASS JOURNAL ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 WEEKLY ONLINE ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................................................. 5 WIKI-BASED PORTFOLIO ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 STUDENT EXPECTATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 HONOR CODE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 MASONLIVE/EMAIL (GMU EMAIL)................................................................................................................................................. 6 PATRIOT PASS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 UNIVERSITY POLICIES .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 RESPONSIBLE USE OF COMPUTING .................................................................................................................................................. 6 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 STUDENT SERVICES .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES................................................................................................................................................................... 6 WRITING CENTER......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES..................................................................................................................................... 6 FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) ................................................................................................................. 7 IMPORTANT DATES ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 SPANISH 370- FALL 2015 – SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................. 8

SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza


DESCRIPTION This course is designed to help students improve writing skills in Spanish. Students will learn formal and stylistic concepts of the Spanish language, and will implement this knowledge through practice and exposure to different textual genres. With an interdisciplinary approach, this writing intensive course focuses on those fields that are useful for the future career of students of Spanish in the U.S. In addition, students will be able to develop their critical thought and their ability to put those thoughts into writing in Spanish. Writing exercises will be designed to promote a successful interaction of students in multilingual and multicultural environments. The course is structured in five blocks: Block 1, Frequent Challenges and Writing Techniques (concerning spelling, expression, and style); Block 2, Spanish for Professional Purposes; Block 3, Digital Literacy; Block 4, Spanish in Academia (including a review of formats for research papers); and, Block 5, Creative Writing Workshop. This course fulfills the writing requirement in the Spanish major (by completing five projects of 750 words, ten journal entries of 400 words, and a portfolio introduction of 1000 words). As a distance learning course, SPAN 370-DL requires students to study and practice the language following the guidance of the instructor. Students expected to read and do the exercises on their own. Questions about grammar will be discussed on the Blackboard (Dudas) forums and during office hours. Instructor will schedule individual online interviews with the students to discuss class progress on a regular basis. Learning a language on an online setting requires as much work as learning in the class, along with a great amount of discipline. I strongly advise you to set aside at least 6-10 hours per week for this course. OBJECTIVES  To develop different writing skills by implementing basic linguistic concepts  To expand the students’ vocabulary and improve the use of advanced grammatical structures  To provide students with tools and resources to solve common doubts (phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical, and semantic) when they are writing in Spanish  To improve the student’s ability to develop critical thinking in Spanish  To become aware of the notions of audience and purpose  To learn basic concepts for writing in Spanish in the online environment  To know different writing styles in Spanish, with especial attention to the use of written Spanish in the U.S.  To learn how to use the MLA/APA styles in research papers in Spanish and how compares with other style guidelines  To learn basic concepts of creative writing in Spanish REQUIRED READINGS AND ONLINE SERVICES Course Packet (links and sources available at our Blackboard course site: Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: MLA, 2009. [MLAH]. Alternatively, you can use Montolío, E. (dir.) (2014). Manual de escritura académica y profesional. Madrid: Planeta. (capítulos 1 y 2) Real Academia Española. Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. Madrid: Santillana, 2005. [DPD] Available online: Wikispaces ( will be used for the journal and to access information. Use or code HPP7RXX to join the Wiki before September 6. If you miss the deadline, please contact your instructor. Twitter: You may want to use a Twitter account for this class. If you don’t want to use your current Twitter account, please open a new one for this class. Use the hashtag #370f15 for all your tweets related to this course. Skype: Please share here your Skype account with the instructor so she can contact you for two informal interviews during the semester.

SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza


OTHER USEFUL RESOURCES APA Style Guide. Corpus del español. Diccionario argentino-español. Diccionario breve de mexicanismos. Diccionario de la Lengua de la Real Academia Española. 22ª edición. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2003. Also available online: Diccionarios del periódico El Mundo. Ideas afines. Manual del español urgente-Fundéu/BBVA. Sinó Wikilengua del español. ON TWITTER DelCorrector. Fundéu-BBVA: LenguayHabla: RAE Informa: A more detailed list of references is available in Blackboard under Syllabus and Documents. HARDWARE You will need access to a Windows or Macintosh computer with at least 2 GB of RAM and to a fast, reliable broadband Internet connection (e.g., cable, DSL). For optimum visibility of course material, the recommended computer monitor and laptop screen size is 13-inches or larger. You will need computer speakers or headphones to listen to recorded content. A headset microphone is recommended for live audio sessions using course tools like Blackboard Collaborate. For the amount of computer hard disk space required to take an online course, consider and allow for the space needed to: 1) install the required and recommended software and, 2) save your course assignments. For hardware and software purchases, visit Patriot Computers. SOFTWARE AND ONLINE SERVICES Web browser (See Blackboard Support for supported web browsers Blackboard Courses (Log into, select the Courses Tab) Blackboard Collaborate (select from the course menu) Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download) Flash Player (free download) Microsoft Office (purchase) or any other word processor Skype ( Twitter ( Tutorial available at Wikispaces ( Tutorial available at Note: If you are using an employer-provided computer or corporate office for class attendance, please verify with your systems administrators that you will be able to install the necessary applications and that system or corporate firewalls do not block access to any sites or media types. GRADING The final grade will be computed as follows: Online Community 10% Projects (5) 25% Wiki-based Class Journal 25%

SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza

Weekly Online Activities Portfolio

20% 20%


The final letter grade for the class will be assigned as follows: 94+ A+ 93-91 A 90-92 A-

87-89 B+ 83-86 B 80-82 B-

77-79 C+ 73-76 C 70-72 C-

60-69 D 0-59 F

GENERAL RULES FOR ASSIGNMENTS Course work must be submitted by the deadline so that the instructor can provide you with feedback and respond to your posts on a timely basis. Deadlines for each specific type of assignment are included in the following sections of this syllabus. ONLINE LEARNING COMMUNITY This course is offered completely online via Blackboard Courses (Log into, select the Courses Tab, and the course can be found in the Course List). Each week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. The Weekly Modules section includes links to all materials, activities and learning goals for each given week. They will be open for you the Friday before each given week, at 11:59PM. In our online learning community, we must be respectful of one another. Please be aware that innocent remarks can be easily misconstrued. Sarcasm and humor can be easily taken out of context. When communicating, please be positive and diplomatic. I encourage you to learn more about Netiquette. ON BLACKBOARD In order to build a true online community, you are required to participate in Blackboard discussions and provide feedback to your peers and instructor. There will be a weekly discussion forum for your questions about grammar, style, etc. in which you are expected to participate. These forums, called Dudas, will be open for you to post from Monday at 1:00AM to Thursday at 10:00PM. There is also a forum called Ask Your Instructor, which is meant for technical and course logistics questions. Make sure you choose a subject line for your post that clearly reflects its content. In addition, Professor Román Mendoza is available Monday at 9 am to Friday at 5 pm for student inquiries via email or Twitter. During this 5 day period, she will respond to student inquiries within 24 hours. ON TWITTER If you have a Twitter account you can follow the instructor´s updates on Twitter and contact her almost immediately. She will use the hashtag #370f15 for information related to this course content. You can use your current Twitter account or create a new one just for this course. Write your Twitter account handle (i.e., your @xxxxx) on this table: For directions on how to use Twitter, follow this link: You are not required to tweet if you don´t want to. ON SKYPE You will have two Skype interviews with the instructor and a final face-to-face interview during the day of the final exam. Use this table to add your skype contact. Skype interviews (5-10 minutes each) will be scheduled using a GoogleDrive document that will be made available during the week the interviews will take place. ON ANY OTHER PLATFORM (VOLUNTARY) You are strongly encouraged to create study groups with your peers on any given platform of your choice. If you do so, please include the instructor in your group so she can provide you with help if needed. PROJECTS Students will complete and submit 5 projects on the dates specified on the schedule. Each project will focus on a particular genre and a specific writing goal. Projects will have a minimum of 750 words and a maximum of 1000 words. All written assignments must be in Spanish, and typed in 12-point black New Times Roman font, 1 1/2spaced and margins of 1 inch. All written assignments need to include punctuation and spelling in Spanish. Include in the document date of submission, your name, and number of words. Use your last name and name of SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza


the assignment to name your file. Up to 5 points may be subtracted from your final grade if you do not follow these format guidelines. Electronic copies in MS Word or any other compatible format must be submitted by the proposed deadline. Any assignment that does not follow these guidelines will be returned and counted as a late assignment. Late assignments will cause a reduction of 10% on the total grade of the assignment per day up to 3 “regular” days. No assignments will be accepted after the third day they are late. The instructor will explain the purpose and contents of the project in the Projects Section of Blackboard. On the dates specified on the class schedule, students need to have posted the draft on Blackboard (Projects). Drafts are mandatory and will count as 10% of the grade for each project. Drafts are due by 10:00PM on Saturdays. Projects will focus on improving writing and style in Spanish, and will depend on the block of the course that is being covered. Students will respond to specific assignments, avoiding summaries or repetition of ideas discussed in class. Students need to incorporate suggestions and corrections from the instructor. The ability to summarize, correct one’s work, and to put critical thoughts into writing is essential for this class. The final version of each project is due on the following Wednesday by 10:00PM. CLASS JOURNAL Students will keep a journal in Spanish. The journal has to be written directly (no posting of Word documents, please) on the course wiki ( For more information on how to use Wikispaces, follow this link: Students will submit a new entry every week that the class convenes post it on the course wiki by 10:00PM on Sundays. Each entry will have a minimum of 400 words and a maximum of 600 words (please, include word count and write directly on the wiki. Do not upload Word documents on the wiki.). Each entry will be corrected with suggestions for improvement. The last week of classes, students need to have a final version of the journal entries on the class wiki. Corrections have to be made directly on the wiki, and not cut and pasted from Word. This final versions need to include corrections based on the instructor’s suggestions during the semester. A minimum of 10 entries have to be rewritten for the portfolio. It is strongly recommended that you make the corrections on a weekly basis and don´t wait until the end of the semester to do all that work. Journal entries need to show that students are up to date with the contents of the class, and that they can relate them to their academic background, their career, or current affairs. Critical thinking and interconnection of ideas and disciplines are especially important in the journal. Some of the entries may respond to a specific task assigned by the instructor. The best entries are analytical, specific and to the point, avoiding summaries or repetition of ideas discussed in class. Drawings, pictures, movies, music, collages, or any other creative materials are welcome as part of the journal. WEEKLY ONLINE ACTIVITIES Every week, a series of exercises, including mini quizzes will be posted for you to complete by Friday at 10:00PM. Weekly activities will relate to the readings and videos covered during that particular week. Clarity and effectiveness of writing, the ability to summarize, self-correction, style, and structure will be important. WIKI-BASED PORTFOLIO The day of the final, Tuesday, December15, 2015, students will turn in and submit online the final version of their wiki-based portfolio that must include all the class materials (projects and journal entries) corrected. The portfolio needs to demonstrate the process of correction carried out by the student during the semester and include a 1000-words introduction that addresses the writing process among any other topic related with the course. Students will be assigned a time slot from 10:30AM to 4:00PM on Tuesday, Dec. 15 to turn in her/his portfolio and have an exit oral interview about the course and its contents with Prof. Román Mendoza. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS

SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students must be responsible for their own work, and students and faculty must take on the responsibility of dealing explicitly with violations. The tenet must be a foundation of our university culture. [See]. HONOR CODE Students must adhere to the guidelines of the George Mason University Honor Code [See]. MASONLIVE/EMAIL (GMU EMAIL) Students are responsible for the content of university communications sent to their George Mason University email account and are required to activate their account and check it regularly. All communication from the university, college, school, and program will be sent to students solely through their Mason email account. [See]. PATRIOT PASS Once you sign up for your Patriot Pass, your passwords will be synchronized, and you will use your Patriot Pass username and password to log in to the following systems: Blackboard, University Libraries, MasonLive, myMason, Patriot Web, Virtual Computing Lab, and WEMS. [See]. UNIVERSITY POLICIES Students must follow the university policies. [See and]. RESPONSIBLE USE OF COMPUTING Students must follow the university policy for Responsible Use of Computing. [See]. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Check the GMU calendar at STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students with disabilities who seek accommodations in a course must be registered with the George Mason University Office of Disability Services (ODS) and inform their instructor, in writing, at the beginning of the semester [See]. Students are expected to follow courteous Internet etiquette. STUDENT SERVICES UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES University Libraries provides resources for distance students. [See]. WRITING CENTER The George Mason University Writing Center staff provides a variety of resources and services (e.g., tutoring, workshops, writing guides, handbooks) intended to support students as they work to construct and share knowledge through writing. [See]. You can now sign up for an Online Writing Lab (OWL) session just like you sign up for a face-to-face session in the Writing Center, which means YOU set the date and time of the appointment! Learn more about the Online Writing Lab (OWL) (found under Online Tutoring). COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES The George Mason University Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) staff consists of professional counseling and clinical psychologists, social workers, and counselors who offer a wide range of services (e.g., individual and group counseling, workshops and outreach programs) to enhance students' personal experience and academic performance [See]. SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza


FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), also known as the "Buckley Amendment," is a federal law that gives protection to student educational records and provides students with certain rights. [See]. IMPORTANT DATES First day of classes; last day to submit Domicile Reclassification Application; Payment Due Date; full semester waitlists removed

August 25

Labor Day, university closed

Sep 1

Last day to add classes—all individualized section forms due Last day to drop with no tuition penalty

Sep 2

Last day to drop with a 33% tuition penalty

Sep 16

Final Drop Deadline (67% tuition penalty)

Sep 26

Midterm progress reporting period (100-200 level classes)—grades available via Patriot Web

September 22 October 17

Selective Withdrawal Period (undergraduate students only)

September 29 October 24

Columbus Day recess (Monday classes/labs meet Tuesday. Tuesday classes do not meet this week)

October 13

Incomplete work from Spring-Summer 2014 due to Instructor

October 24

Incomplete grade changes from Spring-Summer 2014 due to Registrar

October 31

Last day of classes

December 6

Reading Days Reading days provide students with additional study time for final examinations. Faculty may schedule optional study sessions, but regular classes or exams may not be held.

December 89

Exam Period (beginning at 7:30 a.m.)

Wed Dec10 – Wed Dec 17

Commencement and Degree Conferral Date

December 18

SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza


SPANISH 370- FALL 2015 – SCHEDULE A selection of assignments for this class may be used for a self-study research project that the instructor is conducting about her teaching practices. Thanks for your cooperation. Readings (will be released Fridays before module starts )

Online Community (due by Thursdays, 10:00PM)

Week 0 (Before August 31). Introduction to Spanish 370 Read complete syllabus Foro de discusión 0: and check technical Presentaciones. ¿Quién requirements for this eres? ¿Por qué estudias course. español? ¿Qué esperas de esta clase? ¿Qué te gusta Create Wiki account using escribir? ¿Qué y dónde sueles escribir? n/HPP7RXX or code HPP7RXX Incluye una foto tuya en tu Blackboard Profile. Sign up for Skype and include your Skype name on the Wikispaces table: http://tallercreativo370f15 +contactos Block I: Challenges and Techniques Week 1 (August 31-September 6). Lecturas 1: Las reglas Foro de discusión - Dudas 1 generales de acentuación (versión breve) Lectura 2: Las reglas de acentuación en detalle.

SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza

Online Exercises (due by Fridays, 10:00PM)

Written Projects (Draft due by Saturdays, 10:00PM; final version by Wednesdays, 10:00PM)

Class Journal on Wiki (due by Sundays; 10:00PM)

Oral interaction

Blackboard Course Orientation Orientation Quiz Encuesta preliminar.

Ejercicios Semana 1

Entrada semana 1: won´t be graded). Presentaciones y expectativas. Puedes usar lo que escribiste en el Foro de Discusión 0. Es solo para que uses la wiki y te familiarices con ella.

Entrevista informal con la profesora en Skype: ¿qué esperas de esta clase? ¿cuáles son los retos y oportunidades de estudiar online? Sign up here qcipw


Week 2 (September 7-13). Foro de discusión - Dudas 2

Ejercicios Semana 2

Project 1 (borrador-12 de septiembre): ¿Qué actitudes se puede tener frente a los errores gramaticales, de puntuación y de estilo? ¿De qué dependen esas posturas? ¿Cuál debe ser el papel de la norma y las academias de la lengua? La Lectura 4b te servirá de ayuda para hacer esta actividad.

Entrada Semana 2: ¿Cuál es tu rutina para esta clase? ¿Cómo te organizas el tiempo para hacer la tarea? ¿Cómo estudias? ¿Has pensado crear un grupo de estudio con tus compañeros?

Foro de discusión - Dudas 3

Miniquiz 1

Project 1 (versión final-16 de septiembre)

Entrada Semana 3: Tema libre.

Lectura 3: Lo que el corrector ortográfico no sabe corregir. Lectura 4: Otros signos de puntuación.

Week 3 (September 14-20).

Block II: Spanish for Professional Purposes Week 4 (September 21-27). Lectura 5: diferentes tipos Foro de discusión - Dudas 4 de Curriculum Vitae.

Week 5 (September 28-October 4). Lectura 6: Cómo preparar Foro de discusión - Dudas 5 la carta de presentación para un trabajo o puesto, http://www.oficinaempleo .com/content/carta/carta1 .html Block III: Digital Literacy / Online Writing Week 6 (October 5-11). Lectura 7: Particularidades Foro de discusión - Dudas 6 de la escritura online. Autoría, plagio y privacidad en la era de Internet Week 7 (October 12-18). Lectura 8: Recursos online para el autoaprendizaje del español

Foro de discusión - Dudas 7

SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza

Ejercicios Semana 4

Entrada 4: ¿Qué tipo de empleo te gustaría encontrar? ¿A qué se dedican las personas que sigues en Twitter para este curso?

Ejercicios Semana 5

Proyecto 2 (borrador-3 de octubre): El CV y la carta de presentación

Entrada Semana 5: ¿Qué escribes en las redes sociales? ¿Cómo escribes? ¿Cómo escriben tus contactos?

Ejercicios Semana 6

Proyecto 2 (versión final-7 de octubre)

Entrada Semana 6: ¿Qué consejos darías a los adolescentes sobre el uso de las redes sociales? ¿Por qué?

Ejercicios Semana 7

Entrada Semana 7: De las herramientas vistas, ¿cuál te gustaría empezar a usar? ¿Por qué? 9

Week 8 (October 19-25). Foro de discusión - Dudas 8

Block IV: Academic Spanish Week 9 (October 26-November 1). Lecturas 9, 10 y 11 Foro de discusión - Dudas 9 (MLAH): Trabajos de investigación, borradores, plagio Week 10 (November 2-8). Lecturas 12 y 13 (MLAH): Citas y lista de obras citadas

Miniquiz 2

Proyecto 3 (borrador-24 de octubre): La comunicación online

Ejercicios Semana 9

Proyecto 3 (versión final-28 de octubre)

2º entrevista con la profesora

Entrada Semana 10: ¿Cuál ha sido tu mejor trabajo escrito durante tus estudios? ¿Y el peor? ¿Por qué?

Foro de discusión - Dudas 10

Ejercicios Semana 10

Entrada Semana 11: ¿Qué procedimiento usas para conseguir las fuentes para tus trabajos?

Foro de discusión - Dudas 11

Miniquiz 3

Proyecto 4 (borrador-14 de noviembre): Resumen y bibliografía de un trabajo académico.

Entrada Semana 12: ¿Qué has aprendido en este bloque IV?

Ejercicios Semana 12

Proyecto 4 (versión final-18 de noviembre): Resumen y bibliografía de un trabajo académico.

Entrada Semana 13: ¿Cuáles son tus autores de ficción favoritos? ¿Tus novelas favoritas? ¿Por qué?

Week 11 (November 9-15).

Block V: Creative Workshop Week 12 (November 16-22). Lectura 14: El perfecto Foro de discusión - Dudas 12 cuentista

Week 13 (November 23-29). THANKSGIVING WEEK Week 14 (November 30-December 6). Lectura 15: El arte del Foro de discusión - Dudas 13 cuento y la narración

Ejercicios Semana 13

Entrada Semana 14: ¿Qué preguntarías a tu autor favorito?

Week 15 (December 7-12). Foro de discusión - Dudas 14

Proyecto 5 (borrador-11 de diciembre): Cuento y poema

Week 16 (Exam Week). Entregar portfolio, incluida la versión final del Proyecto 5 – Tercera entrevista con la profesora – 15 de diciembre

SPAN 370-Fall 2015 / Prof. Román Mendoza