The world used to be divided into two groups': dog people and cat people. ... place to accommodate ___them___ with the r
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SEPTIEMBRE 2007 INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES 1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente 2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. 3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.

Not without my dog! Mary Marcus of New York City takes her dog, Pluto, everywhere: to the sushi restaurant down the street, to work, in and out of the neighborhood shops, even on the subway, which has a no-dog policy. “I wrap him up and take him in the last carriage," confesses Marcus, a photographer. "We take him everywhere, and we don't even think it's inappropriate." Pluto is a vivacious 8-year-old, 11 Kg., French bulldog. Marcus says that Pluto often has easy access to places that are not particularly dog-friendly: "Everyone loves him because he's so funny. He's hilarious. " Not everyone is laughing. The world used to be divided into two groups': dog people and cat people. There was no common ground. Like smokers and non-smokers. But now it seems the canine world is dividing even further: dog lovers who want their pet to be part of every party, and those who don't want them around at all. With this take-your-dog-everywhere trend growing as quickly as it seems to be, Marcus can't understand why the hotel industry doesn't offer pet and non-pet room s like smoking and nonsmoking rooms. At Loews Hotels, which has accepted dogs for four years, the reaction has been positive, with the pet business doubling every year, although it still remains a small market. "It's worked out well for us," says Emily Goldfischer, the manager of Loews, which began accepting four-legged friends after realizing pets were becoming more important to American families. "People are treating their pets differently than, say, even 10 years ago," she says. "They don't want to leave them at borne."

Autora: Patricia Herrero Pinilla


1. Are the following statements TRUE or F ALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or F ALSE. a. Pets are welcome in the New York public transport system. FALSE ‘Mary Marcus of New York city takes her dog, Pluto, to everywhere […] even on subway

which has a no-dog policy…‟ b. Marcos believes that all hotels should offer rooms where you can stay with your pet. TRUE

„Marcus can‟t understand why the hotel industry doesn‟t offer pet and no-pet rooms‟ (Puntuación maxima: 2 puntos)

2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. a. What do you know about Pluto and his character?

Pluto is a very happy dog which is always making people funny things in order to make them laugh. b. How has the attitude towards pets in the United States changed?

In the USA, pets have increasingly become more important thanks to the tendency of "takeyour-dog-everywhere" and although the hotel industry doesn't allow to have pets in guests' rooms, some USA hotel chains such as "Loews Hotels" started to accept them four years ago and they have realized that pets are very important to American families. (Puntuación maxima: 2 puntos)

a. b. c. d.

3. Find the words in the text that mean: unsuitable (paragraph 1) inappropriate lively (paragraph 1) vivacious tendency (paragraph 3) trend discovering (paragraph 3) realizing

(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)

4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given. a. Pets have become __so____ important for their owners that the hotel industry has to find a place to accommodate ___them___ with the rest of the family. b. But Marcus has ___to admit___ (admit) that every now and then she meets people who __don’t like____ (not like) dogs. c. Several years ago, sociologists ___began___ (begin) to study the differences

Autora: Patricia Herrero Pinilla

___between___the behaviour of cat and dog owners. d. Before ___leaving___ (leave) for holidays, Mary said: "1 cannot imagine little Pluto sleeping ___on___the floor."

a.1- so: Comparativa de igualdad, sería posible el uso de as a.2- them: Pronombre complemento de tercera persona de plural (a ellos) b.1- to admit: Modal “have to” no confundir con el tiempo verbal present perfect b.2- don’t like: Negativa de people (ojo, tercera persona de plural) c.1- began: Past simple verbo begin (irregular) c.2- between: Preposición entre d.1- leaving: Detrás de preposición/adverbio SIEMPRE usamos –ing d.2- on: Preposición sobre

(Puntuación maxima: 2 puntos)

5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics. a. Which is your favourite pet? Describe it and explain why you like it. b. Should public places like hotels and restaurants have strict regulations that limit access to pets? Discuss. (Puntuación máxima 3 puntos)

Para este ejercicio es muy importante la organización del texto. Siempre respetando las tres partes fundamentales de introducción, cuerpo y conclusión final. Es importante buscar estructuras que nos sean conocidas para evitar cometer errores, sin caer en el simplismo.

a. Which is your favourite pet? Describe it and explain why you like it. First of all, I would like to say that I have never had a pet in the sense that most of people could understand. I have only had a little fish, when I was small, which used to be inside its fish bowl. Its name was “Red Cap”, (because it had a red area over its head), and we really loved it. We had several fishes before, but Red Cop lived three years with us. We kept it very carefully, both my parents and I (my brother was very small by then). One day, it appeared upside-down inside the fish bowl. We realized it was its end… The most important thing I learnt it is that we all have to take care of pets, either dogs, cats, fishes, or rabbits.

Autora: Patricia Herrero Pinilla

b. Should public places like hotels and restaurants have strict regulations that limit access to pets? Discuss.

I think this is a very difficult question to answer because of a lot of reasons. On one hand, there are some people who think that their pets are part of their family, and it‟s probably certain in most of cases! For example, I remember a girl (who was my girlfriend some time ago), who has a dog called Whitney. It‟s a lovely dog, very funny and it‟s really part of their family. On the other hand, there are some dangerous and wild animals which sometimes people keep as wall as pets. Then …do you imagine being in a restaurant next to a snake, a spider or a tiger? It could be frightening! To sum up, I think regulations concerning pets in public or private places are right and must not be changed.

Expresiones más frecuentes para realizar el texto: INTRODUCCIÓN -

The purpose of this report The aim of this report This report looks at First of all As an introduction I would like to say Firstly To begin with


One of the main advantages/disadvantages of… Secondly From my point of view In my opinion I think/feel that On the one hand……on the other hand


In conclusion To sum up On balance

Autora: Patricia Herrero Pinilla


Last but not least


Although However In spite of (this) Some people…..while/whereas others…

VOCABULARIO RELACIONADO Pets: Mascotas Snake: Serpiente Wild: Salvaje Fish: Pez Company pet: Animal de compañía Leather strap: Correa Drinkable: Bebedero

Autora: Patricia Herrero Pinilla