Other Contributions 2014* Organization Description Value in

Verein zur Förderung der Arbeit des PKM e.V.. Sponsoring agreement for PKM Sommerfest. 5,014. Berliner Vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Sponsoring agreement for the Sommerfest by the Vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. 8,775. Junge Union Deutschlands. Sponsoring agreement for company representation at the ...
15KB Größe 2 Downloads 228 Ansichten Organization Germany** ProLogo Gesellschaft für Veranstaltungsorganisation mbH

Other Contributions 2014* Description Sponsoring agreement for FDP party convention


Berliner Vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

Sponsoring agreement for vorwärts Presseabend


CDU Sachsen Mittelstands- und Wirtschaftsvereinigung Sachsen

Sponsoring agreement for company representation at the "Zukunftsforum Saxony" Sponsoring agreement for the annual meeting of the Mittelstands- und Wirtschaftsvereinigung Sachsen

2,073 3,134

CDU Deutschlands

Sponsoring agreement for company representation space at the CDU party convention.


Verein zur Förderung der Arbeit des PKM e.V. Berliner Vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Junge Union Deutschlands ProLogo Gesellschaft für Veranstaltungsorganisation mbH CDU Deutschlands ProLogo Gesellschaft für Veranstaltungsorganisation mbH CDU Deutschlands Vitamin Fee GmbH CDU Deutschlands Jordan & Partner Unternehmens- und Kommunikationsberater CDU Sachsen CDU Sachsen CDU Berlin GKS Grundstücksverwaltung und Kommunikationsservice GmbH

Sponsoring agreement for PKM Sommerfest. Sponsoring agreement for the Sommerfest by the Vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Sponsoring agreement for company representation at the JU Deutschlandtag. Rental agreement for company representation at the FDP party convention. Sponsoring agreement for the CDU media night Sponsoring agreement for FDP fundraising dinner Sponsoring agreement for CDU Election Night event Sponsoring agreement for the EVP/EPP "14. Europäischer Abend" event Rental agreement for company representation at the CDU party convention Sponsoring agreement for event "40 Jahre Seeheimer Kreis" Sponsoring agreement for party convention Sponsoring agreement for company representation at event Sponsoring agreement for company representation at the CDU party convention Sponsoring agreement for the SPD party convention "Landesparteitag SPD Nordrhein-Westfalen"

5,014 8,775 9,402 11,039 13,799 6,899 7,522 10,029 5,529 13,790 1,254 8,775 1,254 6,111

SPD Sachsen Bavaria GmbH Werbe und Wirtschaftsdienste Network Media GmbH UK Labour Party Labour Party Conservative Party Conservative Party International International Democrat Union

Sponsoring agreement for the SPD party convention "Landesparteitag SPD Sachsen" Rental agreement for the CSU party convention. Sponsoring agreement for SPD Hoffest

8,274 6,545 5,438

Company representation at the Labour Party General Election Gala Dinner Company representation at the Labour Party Conference Company representation at the Conservative Party Conference Company representation at the Conservative Party Conference

2,906 1,798 1,264 614

General contribution

*General Disclaimer: payments were allocated in local currency and reported in USD with the exchange rate on payment day. ** Contractual payments for political party events are not considered political party contributions under local law

Value in $US
