Ken Sanders. Minister of Music ..... Kimberly Thompson. Wayne & Nancy ... Church Pastor, Minister of Music Ken Sande
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First St. John’s Lutheran Church 140 W. King Street


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York, PA 17401-1307 Phone: 717-843-8597


Non Profit Org.

Be together at First St. John’s - Your Community Church and Your Family in JESUS

York, PA

Fax: 717-843-8597

Permit # 260

Pastor Rev. James A. Driskell



The peace of the Lord to

There has been so much done here at First Saint Johns in the last seven years. Certainly we give glory to God in all that has been done. As brothers and sisters in Christ and certainly in His Church, we look to follow His will in prayer. Often the Holy Spirit will put things right in front of us and we are often guided by Him, even though we really don’t understand where we’re going, what we’re doing, or how we’re doing it. The Christian faith is one that really doesn’t always provide hard and fast guidelines. Most other belief systems do. It’s the difference between what is referred to as “legalism”, that is everything is essentially spelled out, you follow the dots, do everything exactly right and, hopefully, because there are never any guarantees in legalism, except punishment of course, you get your “Get out of Jail Free” card, go to Nirvana, anyplace that isn’t bad. In Jesus we are saved solely and surely by grace, what you learned in confirmation sola gratia, by grace alone. We are human, we will sin, we will fail, but we have an all loving God, who in Jesus, and only through Jesus are we saved strictly through what Jesus did. Nothing about what we did, didn’t do or just didn’t like. One of the basics that we need to be reminded of on a regular basis. Certainly, that doesn’t mean we sit around all nice in a rigid stasis, where everything is the same. Go back to Genesis 2:5, God is finishing creation and He is now putting the cap on His creation, His crowning achievement, He makes man! ESV Genesis 2:5 When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up- for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, 7 then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. 8 And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. 15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. God made His creation and then He put us in charge of it in order to maintain it and build on it. Too many people today have this sort of 1960’s perspective that says we should ultimately just end up laying around, eating fruit and well, let’s just say, any other pleasure that’s available, but should avoid any effort on our part. We certainly see way too much of that attitude in our culture today. As Christians that’s not what we’re about. Everyone in the Gospel had vocations; Jesus was a carpenter, Paul was a tentmaker, Peter, John, James, fishermen, Matthew a tax collector. They understood and we understand we weren’t put here to lounge about, and, spoiler alert, we won’t be in the eternal Resurrection. Christians don’t retire, they don’t stop serving. In view of that we are here at First Saint John’s losing some of that edge, about serving, about working for the good of Jesus’ Church and our brothers and sisters. We have so much going on, we are coming to a critical point with WYCO radio, the people who’ve been running things need others to step up and help out. Perhaps you have relatives, friends, people you know who have children and would welcome the opportunity. We have done so much, and the family in Jesus here at First Saint Johns is to be hugely commended and I know all of our members do have areas that they contribute so much to the church in. But we do need help in a lot of areas to build on what’s been done, certainly WYCO radio. This is another part of our stewardship as Christians. I hope that you will consider what else you could be involved in in the ministries that are here. And other people you could ask to be involved in these ministries who aren’t yet a part of the church. You would be doing everyone involved a huge service by stepping out where the Holy Spirit leads you to include others in the amazing ministries being performed here at First Saint John’s. Pastor’s corner in Spanish on page 9



Don’t forget - Big, hot prayer breakfast at the church. the last Tuesday of the month. Neighbors are invited. Breakfast is at 8:30 AM.

We will have prayer following the breakfast.

ALL SAINTS DAY - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2017 We remember before You with thanks for the blessings of body and soul You gave those who have preceded us to glory. Likewise, our hearts are full, recalling the blessings You showered on us through these, our brothers and sisters in Christ.


Christian Education 9:00 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM 1:30 PM - Prayer Meeting Spanish Service 5:00-6:00 PM Bible Study 6:00-6:30 PM Dinner 6:30-8:30 PM Service

SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 AM Matins 10:30 AM Morning Service SPANISH SERVICE


5:00-6:00 PM Bible Study

Tuesday -

8:30 AM - Prayer Breakfast - First St. John’s

6:00-6:30 PM Dinner

(Last Tuesday of the month)

6:30-8:30 PM Service




10:00 AM - Morning Bible Study at Church 6:30 PM - Adult Choir 9:00 AM Matins 11:00 AM - Employment Support Group 3:30-5:00 PM - Kickboxing 5:30-6:00 PM -Private Confession in sanctuary 6:30 PM - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting 1:00 PM - Martial Arts



Communion services are held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and the 5th Sunday of those months with 5 Sundays. (The third Sunday service is a Matins Service).

Pastor Rev. Jim Driskell Phone 717.843.8597 E-Mail: [email protected] First St. Johns Lutheran Church 140 W. King St., York PA 17401 Copyright © 2016 / All rights reserved.

UPCOMING SPECIAL SERVICES 2017 VETERANS DAY SERVICE NOVEMBER 12TH Part of the 10:30 AM Sunday morning worship service. THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE 7:00 PM November 22nd

Our healing service is on the second Sunday of the month (after the morning service).


We print bulletins in English (small and large print), Spanish and Chinese for morning worship.


WELCOME The mission of this church is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Our major objective is for all to know Jesus as Lord and be an effective magnet involving lives for Jesus Christ. Worship should always be focused on God, the time honored traditions of worship are observed here, we want worship to be glorifying to God, honoring to God and reminding us of the greatness and glory of God. People say that they have truly worshipped after our Sunday morning service. We are a very welcoming church and we want to help you to know Jesus. Come in and talk to Pastor Jim and become part of the Body of Christ here at First St Johns Church. Contact Us


Monday -

6:30 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous


November 29th 6th

December 13th December 20th HOLLY TEA & CONCERT

The LWML is sponsoring the Holly Tea & Concert on Sunday, December 10th at 3:00 PM.

Light Refreshments will follow the concert. Pastor Jim conducts a Bible study and coffee break each Wednesday at 10 AM, at the Green Bean Roasting Company. Members of the business community and the general public are invited to take a break and stop by. Free parking for the duration of the study may be had on the church's parking lot. For more information, phone 717-843-8597.


Sunday, December 17th, 4:00 PM. Light Refreshments with a German theme will follow the service.

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Saturday, December 24th, 11:00 P.M.



The special offering for the month of

NOVEMBER Peace Officers

NOVEMBER 2017 PARISH VISITOR DECEMBER DEADLINE Articles Due November 24th - Friday Mail Date November 29th- Thursday

The harvest time is here. We begin the month of November with All Saints Sunday, November 5. This is the time when we remember all the people that have gone to be with Jesus and have joined all the saints from the past. The main hymn that we sing that day is “For All the Saints”. If you have a hymnal at home the number for the hymn is: Lutheran Service Book # 677; Lutheran Worship # 191; and The Lutheran Hymnal # 463. The words of this hymn can give us comfort as we think of our loved ones that are no longer with us. It can also give us strength as we think of all the trials and tribulations that come our way.

To hear past sermons from

There will not be a sermon that day as were are doing a chancel drama entitled: "Luther Speaks to Our Day." This is part of the 500th Reformation celebration.

Please contact the church office for the form to do electronic transfer.

Pastor Driskell go to


The first mid-week Advent worship will be on Wednesday, November 29. We will again begin with a light supper at 6:00 P.M. in the Bible class room. Then we will have the service in the same room, as we did last year.

 

Sunday, November 12's service will be our observance of Veteran's Day, so it will be more patriotic in nature. We ask that those who served in the armed forces and still have their uniforms to please wear them that day. Then on Wednesday, November 22 at 7:00 P.M., we will have our Thanksgiving Eve worship. We will again use the order of worship we used last year: "Of Land and Seasons."

For More Information

The December newsletter is going out later in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday. December events are included in this newsletter. See page 11. If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter by email please contact the church office at (717) 843-8597 or send an email to [email protected].

Call Vanco Payment Solutions at 800675-7430. Individuals may contact the organization benefiting from their giving. Call Thrivent Federal Credit Union at 800-688-6032.

If you or someone you know is a shut-in, has an illness or is unable to worship with us due to other circumstances, please let the pastor know. The church phone number is: 717-843-8597 OR

The first Sunday of Advent is on December 3rd.

As you can see, November will offer a variety of worship opportunities and focused themes. Ken Sanders

Minister of Music


Sharon Hennig, Karen Hildebrand, Lois Hollinger,

Lois Stambaugh, Dave Stambaugh, Wally Smith

Griefshare is a very important ministry to comfort those who have lost loved ones with the peace and comfort of Jesus. Tammy Bosley has been doing a great job with this ministry She needs help to maintain this group. Please let Tammy know you will help her. No special training required, just a desire to serve others in Jesus. Thank you for your consideration and God bless you. For more information call 717-968-0690.


Sunday 5th -12:00 Noon *

Church Council

Thursday 9th- 5:30 PM

*Worship Committee will meet at 12:00 Noon on the 1st Sunday of every Month

Peace Officers



Martial Arts 1:00 PM

Tanto se ha hecho aquí en primera Saint Johns en los últimos siete años. Ciertamente damos gloria a Dios en todo lo que se ha hecho. Como hermanos y hermanas en Cristo y en su Iglesia, ciertamente esperamos seguir su voluntad en la oración. A menudo el Espíritu Santo pondrá las cosas justo en frente de nosotros, y a menudo somos guiados por él, aunque realmente no entendemos hacia dónde vamos, qué estamos haciendo, o cómo lo estamos haciendo. La fe cristiana es uno que realmente no siempre proporcionan unas directrices estrictas y rápidas. La mayoría de los otros sistemas de creencias. Es la diferencia entre lo que se conoce como "legalismo", que es todo lo que es esencialmente escrito, siga los puntos, hacer todo exactamente a la derecha y, con suerte, porque nunca hay garantías en el legalismo, salvo la sanción por supuesto, obtendrá su "Salir de la cárcel Libre" tarjeta, vaya al Nirvana, lugar que no es malo.

If not listed

Wally Smith Wayne Hildebrand Tammy Bosley

Carla Allison

Other Thursday Events Kickboxing 3:30-5:00PM Private Confession 5-7 N. A. Mtg. 6:30 pm


Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30

C White

Church Year

Spanish Bible Study/Dinner/Service 5:00-8:00 PM

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 PM

Prayer Breakfast 8:30 PM

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 PM

30 Advent Evening Service 7:00 PM

29 A.A. Mtg. 6:30pm

28 27 Pastor’s Family Day 26 Last Sunday of the

Young Lives 6-8 pm

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30


N. A. Mtg. 6:30 pm

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 PM Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 PM

Adult Choir 6:30 PM Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30


FOOD PANTRY Prayer 9:30 AM Food 10:00-11:00 AM

NC Green


Spanish Bible Study/Dinner/Service 5:00-8:00 PM

Emp. Supp.Group 11am

23 9:00 AM MATINS

Bible Study at Green Bean Roasting Co.

22 10 AM

20 Pastor’s Family Day 21 19 24th Sunday after

A.A. Mtg. 6:30pm

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 PM Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 PM

Spanish Bible Study/Dinner/Service 5:00-8:00 PM

C Green


Adult Choir 6:30 PM

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 PM

9:00 AM MATINS Emp. Supp..Group 11am


10 AM Bible Study at Green Bean Roasting Co.


A.A. Meeting 6:30 pm

14 13 Pastor’s Family Day 12 23rd Sunday after

Young Lives 6-8 pm

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30

Adult Choir 6:30 PM

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 PM

NC White

Spanish Bible Study/Dinner/Service 5:00-8:00 PM




Martial Arts 1:00 PM




10 9:00 AM MATINS CHURCH COUNCIL. MTG 5:30 PM N. A. Mtg. 6:30 pm


Bible Study at Green Bean Roasting Co.

8 10 AM Pastor’s Family Day

5* All Saints Day

*WORSHIP COMM. MTG. - 12:00 Noon First Sunday of the month



10:00 AM (Weds) Mid week Bible Study


Election Day

A.A. Meeting 6:30 pm

FOOD PANTRY Prayer 9:30 AM Food 10:00-11:00 AM Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 PM

Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30 Harvest of Blessing 3:00-4:30

Adult Choir 6:30 PM

N. A. Mtg. 6:30 pm

3 9:00 AM MATINS

Emp. Sup.Group 11am


10 AM Bible Study at Green Bean Roasting Co.




Martial Arts 1:00 PM


Martial Arts 1:00 PM



Cell Phone Number 717-

For updates refer to Website calendar at 10:30 AM Sunday Worship

140 West King Street, York, PA 17401 / 843-8597

9:00 AM 9:15 AM Christian Education Sunday School


First St. John’s Lutheran Church

Pastor Reverend James A. Driskell



En Jesús somos salvos únicamente por la gracia, y seguramente lo que has aprendido en la confirmación sola gratia, solamente por la gracia. Somos seres humanos, vamos a pecar, fracasaremos, pero tenemos un Dios amoroso, que en Jesús, y sólo a través de Jesús nos salvó estrictamente por lo que hizo Jesús. Nada de lo que hicimos, no hizo o simplemente no me gusta. Uno de los conceptos básicos que debemos recordar sobre una base regular. Ciertamente, eso no significa que nos sentemos a todos agradables en un rígido estasis, donde todo es lo mismo. Volver a Génesis 2:5, Dios está terminando la creación y que ahora está poniendo el tapón en su creación, su mayor logro, él hace el hombre! La ESV en Génesis 2:5 Cuando no bush del campo estaba aún en la tierra y ninguna planta pequeña del campo todavía no había aparecido por el Señor Dios no había causado la lluvia sobre la tierra, y no había ningún hombre para trabajar la tierra, 7 Entonces Jehová Dios formó al hombre del polvo de la tierra, y sopló en su nariz aliento de vida, y fue el hombre un ser viviente. 8 Y Jehová Dios plantó un huerto en Edén, al oriente, y puso allí al hombre que había formado. 15 Tomó, pues, Jehová Dios al hombre y lo puso en el jardín del Edén para trabajar y mantenerlo. Dios hizo Su creación y luego él nos puso a cargo de la misma, con el fin de mantener y construir sobre ella. Muchas personas hoy en día tienen este tipo de perspectiva de 1960 que dice que debemos finalmente terminan tumbados, comer fruta y bien, digamos, cualquier otro placer que está disponible, pero debe evitar cualquier esfuerzo por nuestra parte. Sin duda vemos demasiado a esa actitud en nuestra cultura actual.

Como cristianos, eso no es lo que somos. Todos en el Evangelio había vocaciones; Jesús era un carpintero, Pablo estaba en una carpa-maker, Pedro, Juan, Santiago, pescadores, Mateo el publicano. Entendieron y entendemos que no se ponga aquí a pasearse, y alerta de spoiler, no pensamos en la resurrección eterna. Los cristianos no se jubilan, no dejan de servir. En vista de que estamos aquí en primera Saint John's perder esa ventaja, por servir, a trabajar por el bien de la Iglesia de Jesús y a nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Tenemos mucho que hacer, estamos llegando a un punto crítico con WYCO radio, la gente que ha estado ejecutando cosas necesitan de otras personas para subir y ayudar. Quizás usted tiene parientes, amigos, personas que saben que tienen hijos, y acogería con beneplácito la oportunidad. Hemos hecho mucho, y la familia de Jesús aquí en primera Saint Johns va a ser muy elogiado y sé que todos nuestros miembros tienen áreas que contribuyen mucho a la iglesia. Pero necesitamos ayuda en muchas áreas para construir sobre lo que se ha hecho, ciertamente WYCO radio. Esta es otra parte de nuestra mayordomía como cristianos. Espero que usted considere lo que podría estar involucrado en los ministerios que están aquí. Y otras personas que podrían pedir que participen en estos ministerios que todavía no son parte de la iglesia. Usted estaría haciendo un gran servicio a todos los implicados por salir donde el Espíritu Santo le lleva a incluir a otros ministerios en la increíble llevando a cabo aquí en primera Saint Johns.


HARVEST OF BLESSING Provides an after school meal for children between the ages of 4-18 at First St. John’s Lutheran church, 140 West King Street, York PA 17401. Phone number [717-843-8597]. Registration is required. The meals are served Monday through Thursday from 3:00–4:30 PM.


STEWARDSHIP: NOVEMBER 2017 “Our Father in heaven has claimed us as His own. By the shedding of His Son’s blood, by the His death for our sins and His resurrection for our justification, God the Father has received us back into His family. By water combined with His Word, promise, and name, the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in us. We belong to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is in us, and we are in Him. And being in Him, all things are ours. In Him, we are richly and abundantly blessed. Our true treasure and wealth is that we belong to the most holy Trinity and everything that is His belongs also to us: righteousness, peace, eternal life. Even our temporal treasures are gifts from His fatherly divine goodness and mercy. We receive our treasures from Him, and thus, as (good stewards of His varied grace,) (1 Peter 4:10) we manage them in such a way that they may be returned to Him. We bring them to Him, hallowed through prayers of thanksgiving and God’s holy Word, as an offering. Thus, all our possessions, as gifts from God, are also offerings to Him, from which we eat to nourish our bodies, share with our family, neighbors, and fellow Christians, with the poor and even our enemies, as holy things given by the holy God. His temporal gifts are blessings to and for us, and bring blessing upon us even as they are pressed into His service for His kingdom and the souls that receive them. Thus we place all that we have into God’s hands, and He never fails to remember us and pours out the fullness of His promises upon us. We give thanks for all that He has done, is doing, and will continue to do. We give thanks by not taking for ourselves, but giving to all even as our heavenly Father has given to us.


November 12

The bulletin covers will be printed in-house starting with the December 3rd Service. If you have any ideas for the Christian cover content please call 717-843-8597.

As we prepare for the celebrations of Thanksgiving, may we all give thanks continually for all that we are and all that we have because of God’s providential care. And may we be all the more diligent in bringing everything that we have received from God to Him, so that He may bless it and employ it for the good of all — even for us. “For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance” (Matthew 13:12).

EMPLOYMENT WORKSHOP The Employment Workshop at First St. Johns Lutheran Church, 140 W. King St, York provides valuable working knowledge of the current job market and how to get through it. The classes are free and provide job leads, resume help, cover letter help, free use of a computer after the class, help with job applications and emotional and spiritual support in a faith based atmosphere.. Weekly meetings are held on Thursday at 11 AM. No pre-registration necessary. Call 717-843-8597 with any questions.



PRAYERS Ruthetta Fogle Christians especially in the Middle East– persecuted Prayer Warriors—Spirit is moving Becky Lupp-illness Angie Linebaugh-Illness George Anthony Bob Visthum Barbara Brickner (Delores Rehmeyer’s daughter) Ed Abendschoen Gladys - Stroke (Delores Rehmeyer’s sister) Dawn Frey Deborah McMillan Robin Ocasio Joseph Roth-Cancer Patricia Kesselring Thomas Rojahn Edward (Nancy Hildebrand’s Brother) Susan Null-Cancer Christina Jake Mokris (Son of Kathy Mokris)-Israel Don Daugherty-Failing liver and kidneys Duane Hannigan Faith Bentz Helen Wu-Husband in nursing home Anne Warner Susan Peregoy Doug Skinner-Heart We remember in prayer Paul and Cathy Weaver those who are in need of Pat God’s special presence in Carol Clark The people of Charlottesville-Healing their lives due to special Bob Fitz-Liver failure needs: Keith Fogle-Cancer Charles Rausher James Driskell II-Pulmonary Embolism Kimberly Thompson Wayne & Nancy Hildebrand Jerry Allison Beth Smith The people of Charlottesville for healing The people of the states of Texas and Florida, also Puerto Rica and the Carribean Countries who suffered from the effects of the recent hurricanes. Eddie Rivera The people of Las Vegas - For healing FIRST TIME REQUESTS Roy Bose- Heart issues Jeff Rehmeyer (Step-son of Delores Rehmeyer) -Heart Issues Carl Roth-Heart and eye problems SHUT-IN MEMBERS Bonnie Abendschoen Joyce Devan Ruth Hermann Bill Hildebrand Betty Smith Bill Whitekettle Gloria Whitekettle LEADERS Church Pastor, Minister of Music Ken Sanders, Lay Leaders Pastor Cosgrove, Pastor Nzinski, Pastor Zimmerman, Pastor Reichel Pastor Brasso, Pastor Koontz, Pastor Gene Merrell, Pastor Banach, Pastor Robertson, Pastor Schaefer. PRAISE & THANSGIVING For our Community Radio Station For all of God’s Gifts Wally Smith Ed Abendschoen

For 140 years Doreen Beckman - Skin Cancer Friar Thomas Uzhunnalil-released by terrorists

FOOD PANTRY 2017 3rd - David Myers, Jr. 5th - Pastor James Driskell 6th - Chase Abendschoen 6th - Graham Abendschoen 7th - Wayne Hildebrand III 13th - Tyr Abendschoen 14th - Carol Adair 17th - Shirley Dennis 22nd - Gary Fogle 23rd - Gloria Whitekettle

The food pantry is in need of food items. We will need more items than before due to opening the food pantry to the public. The food distribution will be on the dates listed Canned meats, toilet paper, shelf storable milk (not dry milk), and paper towels are in the highest demand. There is also a need for adult diapers. Please, make certain that the dates on products have not expired. Also, do not donate dented cans or items that have been opened (unless the contents are individually wrapped). Thank you for all you give!




PRAYER 9:30 AM / FOOD 10-11 AM

Please Note - On the 1st Sunday service of the month the birthdays for the month will be read. The Birthdays for the current month will be posted on the bulletin board Early December Birthdays 3rd - Karl vanDyk 4th - Amy McNutt PRAYERS

FREE Breads and Desserts DONATED Weekly BY: Panera Bread to First St. John’s Lutheran Church 140 W. King St., York, PA 17401


SPIRITUAL NEEDS For all those who do not know Jesus as Lord For our “action” committees/task forces Our Community and Families

EVERY MONDAY Between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm - Pickup at the church

MILITARY Charlie Malley Jose Montalvo Blake McKinney Clay McKinney Sean Cooke Brent Kroh Jake Scott Justin Hinkley Ashlee DeSantis Samuel Taylor Kevin Kohn Lindsay Wood Jonathan Driskell Dakota Kaufman Matthew Holland Chuck Barrows Megan Messersmith Krista McKenzie Jonathan Cosgrove James Bova

U. S. Navy Chaplain U.S.A.F. - Alaska U.S.C.G. U.S.C.G. U. S. Navy Seal U.S.M.C. U. S. Army U.S.M.C. U. S. Army U. S. Army U.S.C.G. U.S.A.F. Massachusetts State Police U. S. Army in Kuwait U. S. Army U. S. Army U.S.A.F. U.S.A.F. U.S.M.C. U. S. Navy










The Pregnancy and Family Resource Center at 1049 N Hartley St., York PA 17404 this is a pro-life group that could use your help in time and resources, see Pastor Jim for details