parish visitor

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First St. John’s Lutheran Church 140 W. King Street


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York, PA 17401-1307 Phone: 717-843-8597


Non Profit Org.

Be together at First St. John’s - Your Community Church and Your Family in JESUS

York, PA

Fax: 717-843-8597

Permit # 260

Pastor Rev. James A. Driskell RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED


The peace of the Lord to

Sometimes we need to step back and look at what’s been done over the past few months, and the people who have stepped up to the responsibilities of the functions of First Saint Johns. I want to thank our church council, our leadership team, has persevered through a lot and stayed positive and forward looking. We have been blessed with a great team and that team has seen a lot of opportunities and jumped into them. One thing you cannot say is that it’s boring, far from it, here at First Saint Johns. President of the congregation Geoff Abendschoen has been doing a great job helping to lead this congregation through a lot of challenges. No one ever promised that the Christian life was easy and Geoff has done much to cheerfully and optimistically lead us as we continue to project positive and faithful efforts serving the church of Jesus Christ here at First Saint Johns. Geoff also leads the Men’s Network group which is such a great and necessary group building up the fellowship and efforts of the men at First Saint Johns. Vice President Ed Abendschoen has been up front in working on our stewardship efforts, making our kitchen area a lot more inviting and helping others to use that area effectively. Ed has been dealing with some medical issues, but continues to persevere to serve his church. Secretary Carla Allison makes sure we keep excellent records and that we all are kept informed as to what is happening here at FSJ’s. Carla has also served on the church “Renewal Committee” and has helped us to push on in our planning for the future. Our efforts on this committee have lagged a little recently and if anyone would like to be involved to ramp this group up again and have the opportunity to be part of planning the FSJs future please let me know. Treasurer Hans Abendschoen, along with his wife Dianna have done a terrific job stepping into the treasurer’s position. It is a tough job, and there have been some difficult circumstances to deal with, but Hans, with assistance from Dianna, have stepped up to deal with the difficulties and guided us through. Make Hans’ job easier and send more money. Nancy Hildebrand and Lois Stambaugh spend a lot of time doing the leg work maintaining our financial records, a very necessary, kind of difficult job which certainly requires dedication to make sure things go smoothly. Wayne Hildebrand a seasoned veteran elder, always there to make sure things go well in worship along with Marge Driskell. A tremendous encourager and is always a positive and forward looking force here. Jose Montalvo our next elder with his family doing a tremendous job building a Spanish language ministry in the congregation and getting set to start a Specific Ministry Program which will make him a vicar and help Jose to grow in ministry and increase his effectiveness in all he does. He also makes great flan which he has been selling to raise money for the church. We could certainly use financial support for Jose as he prepares for ministry. Our newest elder Scott Rainville, is part of the discipling program here so he can help to build our ministry here to disciple others, who will learn and mature in their discipling of others. The more we have people working and growing with each other the more effective our ministry becomes. That is certainly the model the Acts church followed. Scott has also done so much to implement and maintain our internet capabilities here. So much of what we can do in cyberspace is because of Scott’s immense talents. Trustees Karl vanDyk, Jerry Allison and Dave Stambaugh have a tough job maintaining this great building, that was built as and has been the most visible monument to God in the York area. Needless to say a challenging task and we have people who do it so incredibly. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Pastor’s corner in Spanish on page 9



Big, hot prayer breakfast at the church. the last Tuesday of the month Neighbors are invited.

Don’t forget -

Breakfast is at 8:30 AM. We will have prayer following the breakfast .


Christian Education 9:00 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM 1:30 PM - Prayer Meeting Spanish Service

Monday -

5:00-6:00 PM Bible Study 6:00-6:30 PM Dinner 6:30-8:30 PM Service Pastor’s Day Off

Tuesday -

8:30 AM - Prayer Breakfast - First St. John’s (Last Tuesday of the month) 6:30 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous


10:00 AM - Morning Bible Study at Church 6:30 PM - Adult Choir


9:00 AM Matins 11:00 AM - Employment Support Group 3:30-5:00 PM - Kickboxing 5:30-6:00 PM - Private Confession in sanctuary 6:30 PM - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting


The past three months have brought us a number of wonderful new radio station volunteers. Retired York College instructor Tom Gibson will complete training before he goes to summer camp. If you are a volunteer interested to receiving free training before Tom leaves please contact him ASAP.

SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 AM Matins 10:30 AM Morning Service

SPANISH SERVICE 5:00-6:00 PM Bible Study 6:00-6:30 PM Dinner 6:30-8:30 PM Service Communion services are held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and the 5th Sunday of those months with 5 Sundays. (The third Sunday service is a Matins Service). Our healing service is on the second Sunday of the month (after the morning service).

1:00 PM - Martial Arts

Some projects the station management has been working on are: Adding a feature of Spanish/English educational content such as the "word of the day", etc; Increasing our urban program content,

Launching a funding effort to make the station self-sustaining to assure continuation of Community Radio 106.1 FM.

It was once written that “volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”-unknown. As a radio volunteer you are helping use radio for a higher purpose, providing our community with true, positive, useful information, and uplifting music. Radio helps motivate and start conversations, and we support other non-profit organizations in York to help make York a better place to live.



WELCOME The mission of this church is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Our major objective is for all to know Jesus as Lord and be an effective magnet involving lives for Jesus Christ. Worship should always be focused on God, the time honored traditions of worship are observed here, we want worship to be glorifying to God, honoring to God and reminding us of the greatness and glory of God. People say that they have truly worshipped after our Sunday morning service. We are a very welcoming church and we want to help you to know Jesus. Come in and talk to Pastor Jim and become part of the Body of Christ here at First St Johns Church. Contact us Pastor Rev. Jim Driskell Phone 717.843.8597 E-Mail: [email protected] First St. Johns Lutheran Church 140 W. King St., York PA 17401 Copyright © 2016 | All rights reserved.

Pastor Jim conducts a Bible study and coffee break each Wednesday at 10 AM, at the Green Bean Roasting Company. Members of the business community and the general public are invited to take a break and stop by. Free parking for the duration of the study may be had on the church's parking lot. For more information, phone 717-843-8597.

Joyce and Gordon Moul are traveling over the summer and both have worked to train and empower all our volunteers to continue the growth of the station during their vacation time. Pastor Jim Driskell is managing the station and is chief operator. Volunteer Imani Nesbit will replace Joyce as programmer.



The special offering for the month of

AUGUST LAMP-Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots

AUGUST 2017 PARISH VISITOR SEPTEMBER DEADLINE Articles Due August 18th - Friday Mail Date

August 24th - Thursday

To hear past sermons from

One more month of summer and then the Fall to Spring activities in the church begin. The Adult Choir will start practices on Wednesday, September 6, at 6:30 PM. Confirmation will begin on Sunday, September 17, at 9:00 AM. The fellowship hour, after the church service, will resume on Sunday, September 3.

This month, August, is a time when many people take their vacation. I will also be vacationing. Sylvia Heffner will be on the "bench" on Sunday, August 13. She is the lady that subbed for me when I was out last year for my surgery. Whether we go on vacation or someone visits us from out of town, there comes the time when we say "good-bye." There is a famous hymn that says good-bye in a Christian way. The hymn has been made famous as the closing music for the Morman Tabernacle Choir. The hymn is: "God be With You Till We Meet Again." The information on this hymn comes from the booklet, Stories of the Christian Hymns. "This is an emotional hymn of prayer written in 1882 by Jeremiah Eames Rankin, a Congregational minister of New England. His purpose for writing the hymn was to find a way for the Christian to say good-bye which was not contradictory to his faith and belief. He finally settled for the phrase "God be with you," which he felt was the Christian way of saying "good-bye until we meet again." The story is told that Rankin invited two composers to write music for the words. One composer was well known, the other unknown. He chose the work of the unknown composer, William G. Tomer. He certainly must have been inspired in his choice for there is no finer example of the harmony of words and music than in this hymn. Without doubt, the popularity of "God be With You Till We Meet Again" has been augmented considerably because of the melody."

Pastor Driskell go to


Please contact the church office for the form to do electronic transfer.

For More Information  

If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter by email please contact the church office at (717) 843-8597 or send an email to [email protected].

Call Vanco Payment Solutions at 800675-7430. Individuals may contact the organization benefiting from their giving. Call Thrivent Federal Credit Union at 800-688-6032.

If you or someone you know is a shut-in, has an illness or is unable to worship with us due to other circumstances, please let the pastor know. The church phone number is: 717-843-8597 OR

"It's coming!" "Are you ready?" "October is the month!" Ken Sanders Minister of Music


Griefshare is a very important ministry to comfort those who have lost loved ones with the peace and comfort of Jesus. Tammy Bosley has been doing a great job with this ministry She needs help to maintain this group. Please let Tammy know you will help her. No special training required, just a desire to serve others in Jesus. Thank you for your consideration and God bless you.

Sharon Hennig, Karen Hildebrand, Lois Hollinger,

Lois Stambaugh, Dave Stambaugh, Wally Smith

For more information call 717-968-0690.

MEETINGS IN AUGUST Worship Committee

Sunday 6th -12:00 Noon *

Church Council

Thursday 10th- 5:30 PM

*Worship Committee will meet at 12:00 Noon on the 1st Sunday of every Month


A veces necesitamos dar un paso atrás y ver lo que se ha hecho en los últimos meses, y las personas que han asumido la responsabilidad de las funciones de la primera Saint Johns. Quiero dar las gracias a nuestra iglesia, nuestro equipo de líderes del consejo, ha perseverado a través de un lote y quedé positivo y progresista. Hemos sido bendecidos con un gran equipo y que el equipo ha visto un montón de oportunidades y saltó hacia ellos. Una cosa que puedo decir es que es aburrido, lejos de ello, aquí en primera Saint Johns.


El presidente de la congregación Geoff Abendschoen ha venido haciendo un gran trabajo ayudando a conducir esta congregación a través de una gran cantidad de desafíos. Nunca nadie prometió que la vida cristiana es fácil y Geoff ha hecho mucho con gusto y optimismo nos llevan a medida que continuamos proyecto esfuerzos positivos y fiel servicio a la iglesia de Jesucristo aquí en primera Saint Johns. Geoff también lidera el grupo de red de hombres que es un grupo grande y necesario construir la fraternidad y el esfuerzo de los hombres en la primera Saint Johns.

La Secretaria Carla Allison asegura que mantenemos excelentes registros y que todos estén informados de lo que está sucediendo aquí en FSJ's. Carla también ha servido en la iglesia "Comité de Renovación" y nos ha ayudado a empujar en nuestra planificación para el futuro. Nuestros esfuerzos en este comité se han quedado un poco recientemente y si a alguien le gustaría estar involucrado en este grupo de rampa de nuevo y tener la oportunidad de ser parte de la planificación del futuro FSJs por favor hágamelo saber. Tesorero Hans Abendschoen, junto con su esposa, Dianna han hecho un trabajo terrifc entrando en la posición del Tesorero. Es un trabajo difícil, y ha habido algunas circunstancias difíciles de tratar, pero Hans, con asistencia de Dianna, han intensificado a enfrentarse con las dificultades y nos guió a través de. Hans" hacen más fácil el trabajo y enviar más dinero.


Lois Stambaugh Jerry Allison Scott Rainville

Consejeros Karl Vandyk, Jerry Allison y Dave Stambaugh tienen un trabajo difícil mantener este gran edificio, que fue construido y ha sido el monumento más visible a Dios en el área de York. Ni que decir tiene que una tarea desafiante y tenemos personas que hacerlo tan increíblemente.

Geoff Abendschoen

Nancy Hildebrand y Lois Stambaugh pasar mucho tiempo haciendo el trabajo de la pierna manteniendo nuestros registros financieros, muy necesario, una especie de difícil trabajo que ciertamente requiere dedicación para asegurarse de que las cosas van bien.


Other Thursday Events Kickboxing 3:30-5:00PM Private Confession 5-7 N. A. Mtg. 6:30 pm If not listed

Vicepresidente Ed Abendschoen se ha adelantado en el trabajo de nuestra mayordomía esfuerzos, haciendo que nuestra cocina mucho más acogedora y ayudando a los demás a usar esa zona con eficacia. Ed ha abordado algunas cuestiones médicas, pero continúa a perseverar para servir a su iglesia.


Prayer Breakfast 8:30 PM Spanish Bible Study/Dinner/Service 5:00-8:00 PM

Pentecost-C Green


Wayne Hildebrand como veterano elder, siempre está ahí para asegurarse de que las cosas van bien en el culto junto con Marge Driskell. Una tremenda encourager y siempre es una fuerza positiva y con visión de futuro. José Montalvo nuestro próximo elder con su familia haciendo un tremendo trabajo creando un ministerio en español en la congregación y preparan para iniciar un programa de ministerio específico que hará de él un vicario y José ayuda a crecer en el ministerio y aumentar su eficacia en todo lo que hace. También hace gran flan que ha estado vendiendo para recaudar dinero para la iglesia. Sin duda podríamos utilizar el apoyo financiero a José como él se prepara para el ministerio. Nuestro nuevo elder Scott Rainville, es parte del programa de discipulado aquí así que él puede ayudar a construir nuestro ministerio aquí a discipular a otros, que aprenderán y madurar en sus discipular a otros. Más tenemos gente trabajando y creciendo con cada otro más eficaz nuestro ministerio se convierte. Que es, sin duda, el modelo de la Iglesia actúa seguido. Scott también ha hecho mucho para implementar y mantener nuestras capacidades de internet aquí. Mucho de lo que podemos hacer en el ciberespacio es causa de Scott del inmenso talento.

*WORSHIP COMM. MTG. - 12:00 Noon First Sunday of the month

N. A. Mtg. 6:30 pm

9:00 AM MATINS Emp. Supp.Group 11am


10 AM Bible Study at Green Bean Roasting Co.


A.A. Mtg. 6:30pm

27 12th Sunday after

Spanish Bible Study/Dinner/Service 5:00-8:00 PM

Pentecost-NC Green

FOOD PANTRY Prayer 9:30 AM / Food 10:00-11:00 AM

28 Pastor’s Family Day 29

23 10 AM

A.A. Mtg. 6:30pm

22 21Pastor’s Family Day 20 11th Sunday after

Spanish Bible Study/Dinner/Service 5:00-8:00 PM

LAMP-Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots


Martial Arts 1:00 PM

Emp. Supp.Group 11am

24 9:00 AM MATINS

Bible Study at Green Bean Roasting Co.

N. A. Mtg. 6:30 pm

17 Bible Study GB

1610 AM 15 13

10th Sunday after Pentecost-C Green

14 Pastor’s Family Day

HOB Summer Meal 12:00 Noon-1:30 PM HOB Summer Meal 12:00 Noon-1:30 PM HOB Summer Meal 12:00 Noon-1:30 PM

Spanish Bible Study/Dinner/Service 5:00-8:00 PM

9th Sunday after Pentecost-NC Green

9:00 AM MATINS Emp. Supp..Group 11am





Martial Arts 1:00 PM


A.A. Meeting 6:30 pm


11 9:00 AM MATINS

Emp. Sup.Group 11am


Bible Study at Green Bean Roasting Co.

Pastor’s Family Day


.A.A. Meeting 6:30 pm

9 10 AM

N. A. Mtg. 6:30 pm HOB Summer Meal 12:00 Noon-1:30 PM


3rd Sunday Matins Service 5th Sunday - Communion Service

1:30 PM - Prayer Group.

Every Sunday



FOOD PANTRY Prayer 9:30 AM / Food 10:00-11:00 AM


HOB Summer Meal 12:00 Noon-1:30 PM

10 AM Bible Study at Green Bean Roasting Co.

Emp. Sup.Group 11am

4 2

A.A. Meeting 6:30 pm

3 9:00 AM MATINS


AUGUST 2017 10:00 AM (Weds) Mid week Bible Study

Martial Arts 1:00 PM


Martial Arts 1:00 PM



Cell Phone Number 717-

For updates refer to Website calendar at 10:30 AM Sunday Worship

140 West King Street, York, PA 17401 / 843-8597

9:00 AM 9:15 AM Christian Education Sunday School


First St. John’s Lutheran Church

Pastor Reverend James A. Driskell



Marge Driskell que ayuda mucho durante el culto, me ayuda en mi otra mitad para poder hacer mi mejor esfuerzo para ministrar eficazmente. Ella también ayuda a supervisar la Panera Bread programa, el banco de alimentos, ayuda con la beca tiempo después de culto, ha estado ayudando con el programa de la Escuela Lincoln donde ella obtiene una gran salsa juntos en beneficio de Lincoln School y primer Saint Johns. Lois Hollinger y Sharon Hennig también han estado dirigiendo el programa del Colegio Lincoln. Además Sharon pone juntos y ofrece un "sermón" de niños durante el culto y supervisa el vivero. Lois, un ex presidente de la Congregación, ha sido con Dave Stambaugh y otros, trabajando para conseguir una nueva, actualizada a la fecha de constitución terminó para la congregación. Susan Peregoy ha estado haciendo mucho, viejas y nuevas cosas, a mejorar nuestra divulgación de evangelismo, ella ha sido un gran testimonio de Jesús en su audacia y entusiasmo. Nuevos y futuros líderes son nuestros diáconos/deaconess, Tammy Bosely, quien también ha venido facilitando nuestra aflicción programa Share, Matt Lauer, y Wally Smith. Wally ha intensificado a ser iglesia sexton y ha hecho un gran trabajo ayudando a mantener la instalación. No puedo olvidar todo el increíble trabajo que ha sido hecho por Gordon y Joyce Moul en WYCO radio. Esto ha sido una increíble extensión y puede creer que tiene una enorme cantidad de tiempo a Gordon, Joyce y el resto de los voluntarios para realizar este programa de divulgación y vaya 24/7. Podemos usar su ayuda financiera con WYCO también! No puedo olvidar el resto de nuestro personal. Ken Sanders, Ministro de la música, que hace mucho más. Obteniendo todas las diferentes pantallas estacionales, ejecutar nuestra confirmación de primera clase, trabajo con nuestro coro. Bill Lupp nuestro gerente de oficina que se asegura de que mucho de lo que tomamos por sentado se hace y hace mucho para ayudarme a realizar mi trabajo. Si me he olvidado de algo o de alguien por favor perdóname. Tenemos un montón de personas dedicados y talentosos que lo más importante son grandes hermanos y hermanas de Jesús. Pero siempre estamos buscando nuevas y más gente para subir y ofrecen sus talentos en nuevas actividades o para ayudar con lo que está sucediendo ahora. Ser parte de la iglesia de Jesucristo es algo más que el domingo por la mañana. Tanto como lo estamos haciendo, que es impresionante, podemos hacer mucho más y necesitamos que todos los "Tiempo, talento y tesoro", a fin de servir eficazmente el reino de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. No dudes de que me agarra para hablar acerca de dónde usted piensa que el Espíritu Santo lleva a servir en la iglesia de Jesús.



August 27



AUGUST 2017“

Winston Churchill reportedly said that “we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” According to Churchill then, our lives are defined less by what we have gotten, and more by what we give away.

September 10 October 15, 22, 29

Our Lord’s life is defined in this way. He gave completely of Himself for us. He became man for us. He taught the truth of God’s Word. He healed those with many and various diseases. He died the death that we deserve because of sin. He gave of Himself in order to save us from sin, death, and hell. And so, it is that by giving completely of Himself, He got for Himself us, making us citizens of His eternal kingdom by grace.


September & October Beginning December 1st we will no longer purchase bulletin covers from Concordia Publishing House, but will design and print covers in-house. This should help with the cost of creating and printing the Sunday bulletins. If you have any ideas for the design of the covers please contact the pastor, church office or Worship Committee with your suggestions.

HARVEST OF BLESSING Provides an after school meal for children between the ages of 4-18 at the church. Registration is required. The summer meals will be served between July 10th and August 11th only. They will be served on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from: 12:00 Noon until 1:30 PM. The regular program will start again when school commences. The start date will be announced.

EMPLOYMENT WORKSHOP The Employment Workshop at First St. Johns Lutheran Church, 140 W. King St, York provides valuable working knowledge of the current job market and how to get through it. The classes are free and provide job leads, resume help, cover letter help, free use of a computer after the class, help with job applications and emotional and spiritual support in a faith based atmosphere.. Weekly meetings are held on Thursday at 11 AM. No pre-registration necessary. Call 717-843-8597 with any questions.

As it was for Jesus, so it is also for us. We get more from giving than we do from simply getting. For giving softens our hearts and frees us from the grip which the worries of this world and making a living has on us. For when we are singularly focused on making a living, we are singularly focused on what we get. That mindset begins to bleed into all areas of our lives—our relationships with friends and family, with neighbors and coworkers, and with the Lord. It shifts our focus from asking the question—How can I be a friend, family member, neighbor, and servant to others—to asking the question—what have they done for me lately. We become more selfish instead of selfless. But when we give, we do not have less, we have more because when we give we join in the bond of friendship and family, the bond of service to those around us out of love for them. And love is the fulfillment of the Law. It is the nature of God Himself, for God is Love. Thus we are reflecting the divine nature. As Jesus said “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

PASTOR’S CORNER - Continued from page 1 Marge Driskell who helps so much during worship, helps me as my other half to be able to do my best to minister effectively. She also helps to oversee the Panera Bread program, the Food Bank, assists with the fellowship time after worship, has been helping with the Lincoln School program where she gets a great salsa put together to benefit Lincoln School and First Saint Johns. Lois Hollinger and Sharon Hennig have also been directing the Lincoln School program. In addition Sharon puts together and delivers a “Children’s Sermon” during worship and oversees the nursery. Lois, a former president of the congregation, has been with Dave Stambaugh and others, working to get a new, up to date constitution finished for the congregation. Susan Peregoy has been doing so much, old and new things, to enhance our evangelism outreach, she’s been a great witness to Jesus in her boldness and enthusiasm. New and upcoming leaders are our deacons/deaconess, Tammy Bosely, who also has been facilitating our Grief Share program, Matt Lauer, and Wally Smith. Wally has stepped up to be the church sexton and has done a great job helping to maintain the facility. Can’t forget all the incredible work that’s been done by Gordon and Joyce Moul on WYCO radio. This has been an incredible outreach and you can believe it takes an immense amount of time for Gordon, Joyce and the rest of the volunteers to make this program and outreach go 24/7. We can use your financial support with WYCO too! Can’t forget the rest of our staff. Ken Sanders, minister of music, who does so much more. Getting all the different seasonal displays up, running our confirmation class, first rate job with our choir. Bill Lupp our office manager who makes sure so much of what we take for granted gets done and does so much to help me do my work. If I’ve forgotten something or someone please forgive me. We have a lot of really talented and dedicated people who more importantly are great brothers and sisters in Jesus. But we’re always looking for new and more people to step up and offer their talents in new efforts or to help with what is happening now. Being part of the church of Jesus Christ is about more than Sunday mornings. As much as we are doing, which is amazing, we could be doing so much more and we need everyone’s “time, treasure and talent” in order to effectively serve the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t hesitate to grab me to talk about where you think the Holy Spirit is leading you to serve in the church of Jesus.



PRAYERS Ruthetta Fogle Christians especially in the Middle East– persecuted Prayer Warriors—Spirit is moving Becky Lupp-illness Angie Linebaugh-Illness George Anthony Bob Visthum Barbara Brickner (Delores Rehmeyer’s daughter) Ed Abendschoen Gladys - Stroke (Delores Rehmeyer’s sister) Dawn Frey Deborah McMillan Robin Ocasio Joseph Roth-Cancer Patricia Kesselring Friar Thomas Uzhunnalil-kidnapped by terrorists Thomas Rojahn Edward (Nancy Hildebrand’s Brother) Susan Null-Cancer Christina Jake Mokris (Son of Kathy Mokris)-Israel Don Daugherty-Failing liver and kidneys For Carol and the Family of Peter Druekhammer ,who went to be with the Lord. Duane Hannigan Faith Bentz Helen Wu-Husband in nursing home Anne Warner Susan Peregoy Doug Skinner-Heart

FIRST TIME REQUESTS Paul and Cathy Weaver Pat

1st - Christina Lin 1st - Breana Wilson 6th - Norma Null 9th - Marguerite Beck 14th - Gordon Moul 15th - Alexis Stover 16th - Delores Rehmeyer 18th - Kay Markel 23rd - Edward Abendschoen III 24th - Chrystal Myers 25th - Tyler Fogle 26th - Daniel Montanez 26th - Jeanne Noll 27th - Idarae Lauer-Olinger

The food pantry is in need of food items. We will need more items than before due to opening the food pantry to the public. The food distribution will be on the dates listed Canned meats, toilet paper, shelf storable milk (not dry milk), and paper towels are in the highest demand. There is also a need for adult diapers. Please, make certain that the dates on products have not expired. Also, do not donate dented cans or items that have been opened (unless the contents are individually wrapped). Thank you for all you give!




PRAYER 9:30 AM / FOOD 10-11 AM

Please Note - On the 1st Sunday service of the month the birthdays for the month will be read. The Birthdays for the current month will be posted on the bulletin board

FREE Breads and Desserts

Early September Birthdays


3rd - Rhonda McKenzie 7th - Deborah Stover 9th - Adette Brady

Bonnie Abendschoen Joyce Devan Ruth Hermann Bill Hildebrand Betty Smith Bill Whitekettle Gloria Whitekettle

DONATED Weekly BY: Panera Bread to First St. John’s Lutheran Church 140 W. King St., York, PA 17401


LEADERS Church Pastor, Minister of Music Ken Sanders, Lay Leaders Pastor Cosgrove, Pastor Nzinski, Pastor Zimmerman, Pastor Reichel Pastor Brasso, Pastor Koontz, Pastor Gene Merrell, Pastor Banach, Pastor Robertson, Pastor Schaefer.

PRAISE & THANSGIVING For our Community Radio Station For 140 years For all of God’s Gifts Doreen Beckman - Skin Cancer Rhonda McKenzie Wally Smith James Driskell II-Hernia

SPIRITUAL NEEDS For all those who do not know Jesus as Lord For our “action” committees/task forces Our Community and Families


We remember in prayer those who are in need of God’s special presence in their lives due to special needs:



Between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm - Pickup at the church


Charlie Malley Jose Montalvo Blake McKinney Clay McKinney Sean Cooke Brent Kroh Jake Scott Justin Hinkley Ashlee DeSantis Samuel Taylor Kevin Kohn Lindsay Wood Jonathan Driskell Dakota Kaufman Matthew Holland Chuck Barrows Megan Messersmith Krista McKenzie Jonathan Cosgrove James Bova

U. S. Navy Chaplain U.S.A.F. - Alaska U.S.C.G. U.S.C.G. U. S. Navy Seal U.S.M.C. U. S. Army U.S.M.C. U. S. Army U. S. Army U.S.C.G. U.S.A.F. Massachusetts State Police U. S. Army in Kuwait U. S. Army U. S. Army U.S.A.F. U.S.A.F. U.S.M.C. U. S. Navy










The Pregnancy and Family Resource Center at 1049 N Hartley St., York PA 17404 this is a pro-life group that could use your help in time and resources, see Pastor Jim for details