Palouse Junction High School Student Handbook

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Palouse Junction High School Student Handbook Mission Statement (2018-2019) “Tomorrow is the mirror of what we accomplish today.”

Student Personal Creed I am a valuable person; I have dignity and worth. I will make the world a better place because I am in it. I am exceptional-not because I say it, but because I work hard at it. I will not falter in the face of any obstacle placed before me. I am dedicated, committed, and focused. I never succumb to mediocrity, uncertainty, or fear. I never fail because I never give up. I make no excuses. I choose to live honestly, nonviolently, and honorably. I respect myself and, in doing so, respect all people. I have a future for which I am accountable. I have a responsibility to my family, community and world. I am my brothers’ keeper. I believe in myself. I believe in others. I can do or be anything I want to do or be.

PJHS Expectations          

It is important I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following: Attend School regularly. Conform to the rules in the PJHS Handbook. Take responsibility for myself and my possessions. Be considerate and respectful of others. Respect all staff, students, and property. Use proper language at all times. No bullying or harassment. Turn all cell phones off. Dress appropriately and keep to handbook standards.

PJHS Principal Pledge Bullying has no place in our school: As a principal, I am dedicated to ensuring every child in my school receives a quality education, and I will work daily to model and nurture the behaviors that form the basis for a safe and supportive educational experience, including mutual respect, friendship, compassion, honesty, and self-esteem. I am profoundly aware the impact bullying in all of its forms can have a profoundly negative impact on a student’s development. It can destroy positive school, community, & culture. As Principal of this school, I pledge to foster a school climate based on mutual respect and tolerance for every individual in every school, to hold everyone in the school community accountable for preventing bullying, and to intervene in bullying incidents whenever they occur. I pledge to do all I can to give educators and staff the knowledge and skills they need to create a school culture that supports every child’s wellbeing, safety, and self-confidence. My door will always be open to help students, staff, and parents.

ADDITIONAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: INITIATING A FIGHT A student deemed responsible for initiating a fight will receive the following consequences: First Offense – the student is suspended for ten days. Parent conference. Second Offense – The student will be placed on an Emergency Suspension which can result in permanent removal from Palouse Junction High School.

MUTUAL FIGHTING Students who are involved in a mutual fight will receive the following consequences: First Offense – The student is suspended; Principal will decide how long. Parent conference. Second Offense – The student is suspended for ten days. If the students has past discipline issues and Administrator may place the student on an Emergency Suspension, which can result in permanent removal from Palouse Junction High School.


Palouse Junction is a closed campus during lunch, unless authorization is given by the principal. Anyone who leaves campus during lunch will be given consequences decided by the principal.

Transportation: Good behavior is of utmost importance on our busses so that the driver can drive safely. Bus riding is a privilege and not a right. Exceptional misbehavior will result in a loss of bus riding privileges for an indeterminate period of time. Other chronic misbehaviors will also result in loss of the privilege for a varying amount of time.

DRESS AND APPEARANCE Palouse Junction High School encourages students to “dress for respect.” A student’s personal appearance should not disrupt or detract from the educational environment of the school. The school administrator has the right to designate which types of dress or appearance are not acceptable. Students must wear shoes with safe/hard soles. Students must adhere to the following guidelines regarding school dress: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Students must wear shoes with safe/hard soles. Slippers, pajama pants, are not considered appropriate, as they do not offer sanitary or safety protection. PJHS School Uniforms (Polo or Hooded Sweatshirts) must be worn to attend school. Shorts, leggings of spandex and dresses that disrupt or detract from the educational environment will not be allowed. Shorts are allowed, but must be hemmed and at least fingertip length. Skirts, slacks, and shorts must be hemmed and at least fingertip length. Note: Fingertip length means the point reached when the student’s arm, hand, and fingers are fully extended against the student’s leg.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Clothing with slogans or advertising references to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, that is controversial, obscene, or gang related in nature is prohibited. Fashions including bandanas and “do-rags” that become a health or safety hazard will not be allowed. Because of safety concerns, baggy clothes or extremely oversized clothing and sagging pants, will no longer be allowed. Camouflage clothing from head to toe is not allowed.

Consequences At the beginning of the school year, if a student violates the dress code he/she will be given a warning by school staff. School staff will notify school administrators with the student’s name. School administrators will notify parent(s) guardian(s) of the warning. The student must correct the clothing violation at that time, prior to returning to his/her class schedule. Refusal to change clothes will constitute insubordination. After the first 3 school days of the new year, the warning system will be terminated and the following sequential and progressive discipline plan will be followed. First Offense 1. Parent(s)/guardian(s) notified. 2. Student must change clothing. 3. Student warned of consequence for second offense.

Second Offense 1. Parent(s)/ guardian(s) notified. 2. Student must change clothing violation. 3. Parent conference with Principal before returning to school.

Attendance All Students: The law states that all students must be in class 75 out of 90 days during a semester (WAC180.051.050). Therefore if a student misses 15 days he/she will NOT receive that quarter or semester credit in that class. When 11 absences are attained the student will be withdrawn (depending on circumstances) or placed on a Second Chance Contract (Principal’s discretion). Students exceeding the above amount will be dropped for the remainder of the semester and placed at the bottom of the waiting list for the quarter. Absences are an indication of lack of commitment. Consequently, our first priority will be to give opportunities to those that seem interested and want to continue their education. Therefore, new students will receive preference and will be placed at the top of the waiting list.

Regular school attendance is necessary for mastery of the educational program provided to students. Parents are discouraged from requesting a student’s absence for any reason other than prescribed by law. It is recognized that, at times, students may be appropriately absent from class. Therefore, the following procedures shall be in effect: 

Students returning from an absence or who have a note to be excused during the school day, should report to the office before first period. A student arriving at school more than 15 minutes late will be considered absent.

Students needing a bus pass need to get it at the beginning of the day, before school starts.

Students who are absent from school all day will not be allowed to participate in after school activities on that day, unless the absence was a school sponsored activity or doctor appointment.

Excused Absences: To be excused, a student must present a note to the office, signed by a parent/guardian, or a Doctor’s note. Valid excuses include: illness/injuries, family emergencies, religious holidays, authorized student activities, doctor/dentist appointments, and absences which, at the principal’s discretion, may be excused but are not covered in the above instances. Truancy An unexcused absence from school is truancy. The consequence for truancy is: 1st time- Consequence decided by Principal 2nd time- Suspension TBD Unexcused absences are considered to be truancies. When a student receives 5 unexcused absences within a month or 10 within a school year, the school is required to file a petition with the Benton-Franklin County Juvenile Justice Center. An absence is unexcused if a student is truant or unable to present a verifiable excuse upon returning to school. It is at the teacher’s discretion whether to allow students with an unexcused absence to make up the work missed. TARDY POLICY Each time a student is tardy to class, the teacher must interrupt the flow of teaching to change the attendance. The student’s late entry, together with the interruption of teaching, constitutes a “classroom disruption,” especially if that tardiness becomes habitual. To encourage students to arrive on time to class, five minutes have been scheduled for passing time. This is adequate time for reaching each classroom on campus. Consequences that will apply:  1st tardy student will be given a warning  2nd tardy student will have consequence give by Principal immediately  3rd tardy parent(s)/ guardian(s) will be contacted  Continuous tardy will result in removal from class

Accidents: It is the responsibility of the student to report all accidents to a teacher or the school office. Parents will be notified in the event of an emergency.

Athletics A student must meet eligibility requirements to participate in school sports. Students need to meet the following requirements: A. It is the student’s and parents’ primary responsibility to fulfill CHS) eligibility requirements. B. A student’s eligibility/grades will be checked at the beginning of each season and then at three week intervals. A student must be passing PJHS classes.

General Information

Closed Campus Palouse Junction is a closed campus. Students will be allowed to leave campus during lunch time only if a parent/guardian physically checks them out during lunch. If a student must leave campus for an excused reason anytime during the school day, he/she must sign out with the principal or secretary. Cell phones and other electronic devices (IPOD, MP3 players, CD players etc…) which are brought to school are brought at the students own risk and students need to understand that they are easily stolen or taken from their possession.

Student Relationships: Public displays of affection such as kissing, arms around the waist, neck, or shoulders are considered inappropriate behaviors at school. Refrain from such displays. No handholding will be allowed. Substitute Teachers: A substitute teacher has the same rights and responsibilities as the regular classroom teacher. This teacher is an important visitor whose impressions of our school and students will be carried to other schools and into the community. Visitors: Students are not allowed to bring visitors to school.

STUDENT HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM 2016-2017 Please complete this form and return to the 1st period class by September 2018. Student Name: _________________________________ Grade: _______________ Our signatures indicate that we have received, read, understood and discussed the information in the student handbook with my child and agree to work with North Franklin School District along with my child to follow the guidelines and expectations set forth in this handbook. Student Signature: ______________________________Date: ______________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________Date: ______________

Network/Internet User Agreement I have read and discussed with my child the Network/Internet User Agreement and the Code of Conduct on page ? of the Student Handbook. I commit to work together with the NFSD to teach responsible use of the powerful technologies available to my child. Student Signature: ______________________________Date: ______________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________Date: ______________

Por favor, completa y regresa esta forma a su primer clase del dia antes del 5 de Septiembre, 2018. Nombre del Estudiante:______________________________ Grado:_____________________ Nuestras firmas indican que hemos recibido, leido, comprendido y discutido la información en el manual de los estudiantes con mi niño/a y estamos de acuerdo de trabajar con el Distrito Escolar de North Franklin y también con mi niño/a a seguir las reglas, lineamientos y expectativas establecidas en este manual. Firma del Estudiante:_________________________________ Fecha:____________________ Firma del Padre/Guardian __________________________________ Fecha:___________________ Contrato de Usar El Internet/Network y Computadores Hemos leído y comprendido El Contrato de Usar el Internet/Network y Computadores y también el Codigo de Conducto en la página ¿ del Manual de Estudiante. Estamos de acuerdo de trabajar juntos con el distrito escolar de enseñar el uso responsable de la technología. Firma del Estudiante:___________________________________ Fecha:______________________ Firma del Padre/Guardian: _____________________________________ Fecha: _________________

Information for Student Handbooks WHAT IS DISCRIMINATION? Discrimination is the unfair or unequal treatment of a person or a group because they are part of a defined group, known as a protected class. Discrimination can occur when a person is treated differently, or denied access to programs, services or activities because they are part of a protected class. Discrimination can also occur when a school or school district fails to accommodate a student or employee's disability. Harassment (based on protected class) and sexual harassment can be forms of discrimination when it creates a hostile environment.

What is a Protected Class? A protected class is a group of people who share common characteristics and are protected from discrimination and harassment by federal and state laws. Protected classes defined by Washington State Law include: • Sex • Race/Color • Creed/Religion • National origin • Disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal • Sexual orientation • Gender expression or identity • Honorably discharged veteran or military status What should I do if I believe my child is being discriminated against? You should report your concerns to your child's teacher or principal immediately! This will allow the school to respond to the situation as soon as possible. If you cannot meet with the teacher or principal, you can always contact your school district's main office. Each school district will have someone who is responsible for responding to complaints about discrimination. Sometimes this person is called the Title IX Coordinator or for issues related to disability, the Section 504 Coordinator.

¿QUE ES LA "DISCRIMINACION"? La discriminación es el trato injusto 0 desigual hacia una persona 0 un grupo de personas por ser parte de un grupo definido, conocido como clase protegida. La discriminación puede ocurrir cuando una persona reciba un trato diferente o cuando se le niegue el acceso a programas, servicios o actividades por ser parte de una clase protegida. También puede haber una situación de discriminación cuando una escuela o distrito escolar no satisface las necesidades de un estudiante 0 empleado con discapacidad. EI hostigamiento (basado en una clase protegida) y el acoso sexual pueden ser formas de discriminación cuando generan un ambiente hostil. ¿Qué es una clase protegida? Una clase protegida es un grupo de personas que comparten características comunes y están protegidas contra la discriminación y el acoso por leyes federales y estatales. Las clases protegidas definidas por el Estado de Washington incluyen: • Sexo • Raza/Color • Credo/Religión • País de origen • Discapacidad o uso de un perro adiestrado 0 animal de asistencia • Orientación sexual, • Identidad o expresión de genera • Grado militar 0 veterano de guerra retirado con honores ¿Qué debe hacer si creo que se discrimina a mi hijo? Usted debe manifestar sus inquietudes al maestro de su hijo 0 al director de la escuela inmediatamente, 10 cual permitirá que la escuela se ocupe de la situación 10 antes posible. Si usted no puede reunirse con el maestro 0 el director, puede contactarse con la oficina central del distrito escolar. Cada distrito escolar cuenta con una persona a cargo de responder a las quejas por discriminaci6n. Algunas veces, esa persona se denomina Coordinador del Título IX Patrick Nunan o para problemas relacionados con discapacidad, Coordinador de la Sección 504, Evangeline Ellwein. Cuando un problema no puede resolverse con una reuni6n, usted tiene derecho a presentar una queja en el Distrito Escolar.

Discipline (Schools - each buildings procedures and steps)

Health Information State law requires that orders from a licensed health care provider for medication and/or treatments and a nursing care plan be in place before a student with a life-threatening health condition attends school (RCW 28A.210). A “life-threatening condition” means a health condition that will put the child in danger of death during the school day if a medication or treatment order and a nursing plan are not in place.

Información de Salud La ley del estado requiere que las órdenes para medicamento y/o tratamientos y un plan de cuidado de enfermería de un proveedor de cuidados para la salud autorizado se hayan dado lugar antes de que un(a) estudiante con una condición de salud que amenace su vida asista a la escuela (RCW 28A.210). Una “condición que amenace su vida” significa una condición de salud que pondría al niño(a) en peligro de muerte durante el día de clases si no se ha dado lugar a un medicamento u orden de tratamiento y un plan de enfermería expresamente.

Teachers Qualifications Under federal law, parents and guardians are entitled to request information about the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers. Such requests should be made to the Office of the Superintendent.

Cualificaciones de Maestros Bajo la ley federal, los padres y guardianes legales están autorizados a solicitar información acerca de las calificaciones profesionales de los(as) maestros(as) de sus hijos(as). Tales solicitudes deberán hacerse a la Oficina del Superintendente.

Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises North Franklin School District Policy No. 4210 states that it is a violation of district policy and state law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, school-provided transportation or areas of other facilities and nonschool facilities being used exclusively for school activities. Our district posts “Gun-Free Zone” signs and all violations of this policy and RCW 9.41.280 are reported annually to the Superintendent of Public instruction.

Armas de Fuego Prohibidas Es una violación a la política distrital y a la ley estatal y federal que cualquier persona porte un arma de de fuego o arma peligrosa dentro de las premisas escolares, transporte proveído por al escuela, o en instalaciones no-escolares que estén siendo usadas para llevar a cabo actividades escolares (RCW 9.41.250 and RCW 9.41.2880).

Prohibition of Tobacco The North Franklin School District Policy No. 4215 states that any use of tobacco products by staff, students, visitors and community members shall be prohibited on school district property. Possession or distribution of tobacco products by minors is prohibited (RCW 28A.210.310).

Prohibición de Uso de Tabaco La Política No. 4215 del Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin establece que cualquier uso de productos de tabaco por el personal, estudiantes, visitantes y miembros de la comunidad deberá estar prohibido dentro de la propiedad del distrito escolar. La posesión o distribución de productos de tabaco por menores de edad está prohibida (RCW 28A.210.310).

Viewing of Public Records Pursuant to Chapter RCW 42.17, parents and other members of the public have the right to inspect and copy public records retained by the District, including records pertaining to employee discipline, unless the records are exempt from public disclosure under state law.

Registros para Vista al Público En concordancia al Capítulo RCW 42.17, los padres y otros miembros del público tienen el derecho a inspeccionar y copiar archivos públicos retenidos por el Distrito, incluyendo registros pertenecientes a la disciplina de empleados, a menos que los archivos estén exentos de divulgación pública bajo la ley del estado.

Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying The North Franklin School District is committed to a safe and civic educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers and patrons free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. Board Policy No. 3207 defines “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” as any intentionally written message or image, including those that are electronically transmitted, a verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by any characteristic in RCW 9A.36.080(d), (race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or mental or physical disability), or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act: • Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property; or • Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; or • Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or • Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

Prohibición de Acoso,Intimidación y Acosomoral (Bullying) El Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin está comprometido a un ambienté seguro y de educación civil para todos los estudiantes, personal, voluntarios y visitantes, libre de acoso, intimidación o acoso moral (bullying). (RCW 9A.36.080.) “Acoso, intimidación o acoso moral” significa cualquier imagen o mensaje escrito intencional – incluyendo aquellos que son transmitidos electrónicamente – verbal, o acto físico, incluyendo pero no limitado a uno demostrado haber sido motivado por la raza, color de piel, religión, linaje, nacionalidad de origen, género, orientación sexual o mental o discapacidad física, u otras características distintivas, cuando el acto: n Físicamente dañe a un estudiante o dañe a la propiedad del estudiante; o n Tenga el efecto de interferir substancialmente con la educación de un estudiante; o n Sea tan severo, o penetrante que cree un ambiente educativo amenazante o intimidante; o n Tenga el efecto de perturbar substancialmente la operación ordenada de la escuela. Los individuos que crean que han sido víctimas de acoso, intimidación o acoso moral (bullying), o que sepan de un incidente tal, pueden contactar a su administrador o consejero(a) escolar o a la oficina del Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin.

Drug-Free Schools, Community and Workplace The board has an obligation to staff, students and citizens to take reasonable steps to assure safety in the workplace and to provide safety and high quality performance for the students that the staff serves. “Workplace” is defined to mean the site for the performance of work done in connection with a federal grant. That includes any school building or any school premises; any school-owned vehicle or any other school-approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or school activities; off school property during any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the jurisdiction of the school district where work on a federal grant is performed. For these purposes, the board declares that the following behaviors will not be tolerated: A. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol, illegal chemical substances or opiates. B. Using, possessing, transmitting alcohol, illegal chemical substances (including anabolic steroids) or opiates in any amount or in any manner on district property at any time. Any staff member convicted of a felony attributable to the use, possession, or sale of illegal chemical substances or opiates will be subject to disciplinary action, including immediate termination. C. Using district property or the staff member's position within the district to make or traffic alcohol, illegal chemical substances or opiates. D. Using, possessing or transmitting illegal chemical substances and opiates in a manner which is detrimental to the interest of the district.

Escuelas Libres de Drogas y Alcohol El Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin prohíbe la ilícita posesión, uso de, o distribución de drogas ilegales y alcohol por cualquier empleado y/o estudiantes. El cumplimiento de estos parámetros es absolutamente obligatorio. El Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin cumple con todas las regulaciones locales, estatales, y federales en cuanto a alcohol y drogas ilícitas se refiere. Además, el Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin cumple con las regulaciones de ambas Actas: el Acta de Lugares de Trabajo Libres de Drogas (the Drug Free Work Place Act) de 1988 y las Enmiendas al Acta de Escuelas y Comunidades Libres de Drogas (the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments) de 1989. Los(as) estudiantes que ilegalmente estén en posesión de, usen, o distribuyan drogas ilícitas o alcohol dentro de las premisas escolares, paradas de autobuses escolares designadas, o como parte de cualquier actividad escolar, quedarán sujetos(as) a acciones disciplinarias inmediatas. Los(as) estudiantes que estén lidiando con problemas relacionados a drogas ilícitas o alcohol pueden buscar ayuda. La información está disponible con un(a) consejero(a) escolar o el/la directora(a) del plantel.

Directory Information The Family Education Rights to Privacy Act, or FERPA, permits the disclosure of certain information as directory information that may be released publicly without the permission of the parent. This information is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information has been identified as the following: name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in activities and sport, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of enrollment, diploma and awards received, and most previous school attended. parents or eligible students who do not wish to have this information released must contact the school principal in writing.

Información del Directorio El Acta de Derechos Educativos Familiares a la Privacidad, o FERPA (por sus siglas en inglés), permite la divulgación de cierta información como información del directorio que pudiera ser difundida públicamente sin el consentimiento de los padres. Esta información es generalmente no considerada como perjudicial o como una invasión a la privacidad si es divulgada. La información del directorio ha sido identificada como lo siguiente: nombre, domicilio, número telefónico, fecha y lugar de nacimiento, campo principal de estudio, participación en actividades y deportes, peso y estatura de miembros de equipos deportivos, fechas de inscripción, diplomas y reconocimientos recibidos, y la escuela más reciente a que ha asistido. Los padres o estudiantes elegibles que no deseen tener esta información divulgada deben contactar al director(a) de la escuela por escrito.

Escuelas Libres de Drogas y Alcohol El Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin prohíbe la ilícita posesión, uso de, o distribución de drogas ilegales y alcohol por cualquier empleado y/o estudiantes. El cumplimiento de estos parámetros es absolutamente obligatorio. El Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin cumple con todas las regulaciones locales, estatales, y federales en cuanto a alcohol y drogas ilícitas se refiere. Además, el Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin cumple con las regulaciones de ambas Actas: el Acta de Lugares de Trabajo Libres de Drogas (the Drug Free Work Place Act) de 1988 y las Enmiendas al Acta de Escuelas y Comunidades Libres de Drogas (the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments) de 1989. Los(as) estudiantes que ilegalmente estén en posesión de, usen, o distribuyan drogas ilícitas o alcohol dentro de las premisas escolares, paradas de autobuses escolares designadas, o como parte de cualquier actividad escolar, quedarán sujetos(as) a acciones disciplinarias inmediatas. Los(as) estudiantes que estén lidiando con problemas relacionados a drogas ilícitas o alcohol pueden buscar ayuda. La información está disponible con un(a) consejero(a) escolar o el/la directora(a) del plantel.

Parent and Community Involvement The North Franklin School District promotes the involvement of parents and other family members in the educational programs of their children. The District seeks to establish partnerships with parents and community members to encourage literacy, service, participation, and communication. Information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and activities is available in alternative formats, upon request. The public is invited to attend North Franklin public meetings. School Board meetings are held at the North Franklin School District Board Room, located at 1100 West Clark Street in Clarkston. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. If you require any reasonable accommodation to attend and/or participate, please contact the District Office at 509-234-2021 forty-eight hours prior to the meeting.

Involucramiento de los Padres y la Comunidad El Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin promueve el involucramiento de los padres y de otros miembros de la familia en los programas educativos de sus hijos. El Distrito busca establecer asociaciones con los padres y miembros de la comunidad para promover el alfabetismo, el servicio, la participación, y la comunicación. Información relacionada a programas escolares y de padres, reuniones, y actividades está disponible en formatos alternativos, bajo petición. El público está invitado a asistir a las reuniones públicas del Distrito del Norte de Franklin. Las juntas del Comité Escolar se llevan a cabo en el Salón de Comité del Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin, localizado en 1100 West Clark Street en Clarkston. Las juntas se llevan a cabo el segundo y cuarto Martes de cada mes. Si ustedes requieren de cualquier adecuación razonable para asistir y/o participar, por favor contacten a la Oficina del Distrito al 509-234-2021 dentro de cuarenta y ocho (48) horas previas a la reunión.

Pregnant and Parenting Students State and federal law prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex (RCW 28A.640.010; Title IX, 34 C.F.R. Part 106). This includes pregnancy, parental status, and pregnancy-related conditions including termination or miscarriage. North Franklin School District gives all pregnant and parenting students equal access to our school programs, extracurricular activities, athletic programs, and educational opportunities. North Franklin School District encourages students to stay in their regular classes, if possible. The District will not cause a student to drop out of school programs, extracurricular activities, athletic programs, or educational programs. The decision to drop any of these activities shall be the student and guardian(s) (if the student is a minor.) In the event of medical or other reasons a student is unable to attend classes then NFSD offers a variety of online classes which are available to all students. NFSD offers an afterschool program four nights a week. Staff is available from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. to help with any questions that may arise. In all cases, the North Franklin School District strives to support pregnant and parenting students by helping them continue their education.

Estudiantes Embarazadas y Alumnos Que son Padres La ley estatal y federal prohíben la discriminación con base a sexo (RCW 28A.640.010; Título IX, 34 C.F.R. Parte 106). Esto incluye embarazo, estado civil, y condiciones relacionadas al embarazo incluyendo el término o el aborto. El Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin otorga a todas las estudiantes con un embarazo o siendo padres igual acceso a nuestros programas escolares, actividades adicionales al plan de estudios, programas deportivos, y oportunidades educativas. El Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin motiva a los estudiantes a permanecer en sus clases regulares, si es posible. El Distrito no ocasionará que un(a) estudiante abandone los programas escolares, actividades adicionales al plan de estudios, programas deportivos, o programas educativos. La decisión de abandonar cualquiera de estas actividades deberá recaer en el estudiante y su(s) guardian(es) (si el/la estudiante es un(a) menor de edad.) En caso de que por una razón médica o cualquier otra razón, un(a) estudiante sea incapaz de asistir a clases, entonces el Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin (NFSD) ofrece una variedad de clases por Internet que están disponibles para todos los estudiantes. NFSD ofrece un programa después de horas de escuela cuatro noches por semana. El personal está disponible de 7:00 am a 3:30 pm para ayudar con cualquier pregunta que pueda surgir. En todos los casos, el Distrito Escolar del Norte de Franklin se esfuerza por apoyar a alumnas embarazadas o que sean padres ayudándoles a continuar su educación.