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pertinent data from the Application being annexed hereto and made a part hereof,. And there ... 33, including the service of any proceeding taken thereunder*.
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R E G . NK, 1317-1953.

C B A T A E G U T T ,

Foranst^ende varemaerke er optaget i varemterkeregistret, sAledes som omstAende udskrift udviser.

Direktoratet for patent- og varemserkev^senet. Afdelingen for registrering af varemairker og monstre. KBhenhatMy den 1 6 ,




pQcm. 3}0. 4ROVED

pi) Page 2, 9* The applicant hereby nanea and appolnta Marke it Clerk of 56 Sparka Street, In the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, to represent it and stand In Itb place and stead for all the purpoaes of the Unfair Competition Act, 19 2, Chap. 33, including the service of any proceeding taken thereunder* Signed at Ottawa, Ontario, Canada thla 3rd day of March, 1954.

Agents for AppTlaattt



Jilxhibits "B" ^

concerning the

A F 1'' 1 i) A V I T

of Trade Hark

in the matter


O r i g i n a l o r a e r s ana our c o r r e s p o n d i n g i n v o i c e s .

Orders of the following- firms t ^) Roy & Company, iiomtiay-^ o r d e r dated 1-5-19^1) our i n v o i c e No.iii-476 of 12-5-1959 b) National Homoeo Litores, D e l h i - 6 » order dated ^^1-7-1958- our invoice No.ii:-653 of 25''7-i95e

c) N a t i o n a l homoeo J t o r e s > fielhi-6 j order Uo.NHS/59 dated 16-12-1959^ our invoice No.£-11? of 5-1-1960 d) I^ational Homoeo Jtores, Kelhi' 6 ^ order Ko.i.'HS/60 dated 19-4-1960,'our invoice ilo.1.-429 of 25-4-1960 e) Dr. .... A. Husain i^i, Esabhai, Na^'pur-1 order dated January 1958* "^i' invoice i'J0.ji;-254 of 4-3-195S