Most Rev. Luis Rafael Zarama

9 jun. 2019 - next wee as we prepare to celebrate this great devotional prayer of the Church honoring Our Lord in. His B
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J 9, 2019 

Most Rev. Luis Rafael Zarama, Bishop of Raleigh

Rev. Monsignor David D. Brockman, V.G., Pastor Rev. John A. Kane, Parochial Vicar | Rev. Pedro Muñoz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Michael Alig | Deacon Juan Banda C  S

A M  M   B   

Staff can be reached by using: [email protected]

Two New Priests for the Diocese of Raleigh ± Our Cathedral was honored this Saturday to host the ordination by Bishop Luis Zarama of two of our transitional deacons to the Priesthood. I know you join me in extending congratulations and prayerful best wishes to Father David Miller and Father Noe Ramirez. Father Miller served a full career in the United States Army Special Forces, much of it at Fort Bragg, after which he discerned a vocation to the Priesthood. Likewise in discernment, Father Ramirez is a native to North Carolina, having grown up in Robbins, NC, which is located just west of Pinehurst. Kindly keep both of these two new priests among your intentions as they begin then priestly ministry here in our Diocese. Remember as well to pray for all of our seminarians, especially our own Cathedral parishioner, Nick Rapkoch, who is assigned to study this summer at the Institute for Priestly Formation in Omaha, NE.   New Cathedral School Principal Search Process ± In collaboration with our Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Dr. Mike Fedewa and our Diocesan Director of Human Resources, Mr. Gary Rosia, I have initiated the search process for our new Cathedral School principal. I have representatives from among our school parents and faculty to serve on this committee to discern and recommend the candidate who will be well suited to serve our parents in the Catholic education and formation of their children, as well as their development as future leaders in the Church and the greater community. I express my gratitude to each of the committee members, Christine Bost, Holly Greeves, Ted Mooney, Dawn Neuman and to Tim Nichols, who is serving as the Chair for the Committee, and also to Mike Fedewa, our Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, who is working closely with the committee in this process. Kindly, keep the committee and their important work among your intentions and look for future updates.  Parish Center Review and Building Phases Update This Weekend ± This weekend, representatives from our Parish Council and our parish Building Committee will be in the narthex to invite your review of our new planned parish center and the accompanying site plan for the soccer field and other play field construction on our Cathedral campus.  As you know, these athletic fields are currently in the permitting process with the City of Raleigh, having received all of the necessary Diocesan approvals. We anticipate City of Raleigh approval for these fields to be complete by midJune 2019, after which construction on them will begin. With the decision to place artificial turf on the soccer field portion of these play areas, its regular use should begin in the Fall 2019, when all of the athletic field construction is planned to be completed.   See the insert flyer in this bulletin for further overall details on the planned parish center and the overall site plan and plan to stop by after Mass this weekend and next for a closer look and to see a Parish Council or Building Committee member with any questions. See there the much needed meeting rooms planned for our parish center, which will include a gym, meeting and social/ fellowship rooms and spaces.   Funding development on this phase of our Cathedral campus is planned to begin in the late Summer, early Fall 2019. Also included will be other infrastructure items for the Sacred Heart campus.   For now though, stop by after Mass for a closer look and let us know your thoughts and any questions as for our parish we continue, Growing in Faith, Building Together.   Celebrating Corpus Christi ± In twoweeks, we will join the Church throughout the world in celebrating the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Our Lord (Corpus Christi). Look for further details next week as we prepare to celebrate this great devotional prayer of the Church honoring Our Lord in His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament.

unless otherwise noted

 School Principal Vacant

 Executive Assistant  to the Pastor Anne Speicher 


Shirley Hilliard

 Business Manager Barbara Dear 

Communications Michelle Connors

 Contributions  & Records Shirley Hilliard

 Director of Facilities David Heinske

 Faith Formation 

Andrea Blanco, J.D., M.A. Stacie Miller

 Hispanic Ministry  Olga Salas


Francisco Salas  SHC Walter Hernandez  HNOJC


Michael Accurso, D.M.A. David D. Eaton, D.M.A. Harry Taylor, B.A.


Katia Roebuck [email protected]


Fr. John A. Kane

 Social Justice

Barbara Quinby, M.P.S.


Anne Speicher

 Youth Ministry Elizabeth Queen

Page 2 | June 9, 2019 

Please visit our parish website at for the details on Mass times usually included here. 

Pentecost Sunday

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First Reading  Acts 2:111

When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.

Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, "Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? Then how does each of us hear them in his native language? We are Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travelers from Rome, both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs, yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty acts of God."  

The Word of the Lord 

R. Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm  Ps 104:1, 24, 2930, 31, 34 

For the 5p, 7a an 10a Masses:

Please remember to silence your mobile devices before Mass begins. 

Sequence Veni, Sancte Spiritus

Come, Holy Spirit, come! And from your celestial home Shed a ray of light divine! Come, Father of the poor! Come, source of all our store! Come, within our bosoms shine. You, of comforters the best; You, the soul's most welcome guest; Sweet refreshment here below; In our labor, rest most sweet; Grateful coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe. O most blessed Light divine, Shine within these hearts of yours, And our inmost being fill! Where you are not, we have naught, Nothing good in deed or thought, Nothing free from taint of ill. Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our dryness pour your dew; Wash the stains of guilt away: Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go astray. On the faithful, who adore And confess you, evermore In your sevenfold gift descend; Give them virtue's sure reward; Give them your salvation, Lord; Give them joys that never end. Amen. Alleluia.  


For the 12p Mass:

R. Alleluia, alleluia. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.  R. Alleluia, alleluia. 

Gospel  Jn 14:1516, 23b26

Jesus said to his disciples: "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always. 

Second Reading²1 Cor 12:3b7, 1213  Brothers and sisters: No one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. 

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit;  there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.

As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. 

The Word of the Lord Pentecost Sunday

"Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. Those who do not love me do not keep my words; yet the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father who sent me.

"I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you." 

The Gospel of the Lord R. Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ.     

R. Thanks be to God. June 9, 2019 | Page 3 

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Weekend Mass Day Date Sat 6/8 Sun 6/9 Dom 6/9 Sun 6/9 Sun 6/9 Dom 6/9 Daily Mass Mon 6/10 Tue 6/11 Tue 6/11 Wed 6/12 Miér 6/12 Thu 6/13 Fri 6/14 Fri 6/14 Sat 6/15

Cindy Longo, Donna Anderson, Gregory McCallum, Florence Murray, Jan Fairweather, Melvin Meacham, Drew  Pescaro, Joanne Ragge, Trent Handley, Federico A. Gonzalez, Jennifer Pendergraft, Shawn Rolison, Darlene Duncan, Cresenciana Rodriguez, Mason Hiester, James Hiester,  Constance Prokop, Tiana  Pitstick, Jennifer Deloatch, Ron Crowson, Richard Garcia,  Kendall Family, William Houston, Aidan Day, Allen Roy,  Margaret Virginia Carter, Chuck Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Ken Hopper, Tom Greene, Frank Marshall, Elizabeth  Lewis, Malinn Welch, Reuben Mathews, Mike Szafran,  Christopher Luttz, Derek  Hazell, Terri Zito Lee, Angela Lombardo, Eric Fletcher,  Mildred Banks, Jake Hanley & family, Rik Kiszely, Lucina Chaverria, Alan Torres, Baby Hannah, Maria G., Jason,  Forrest, Philip Hatcher, Bill Wolf, Allen Willis IV, Tom Krisulewicz, Lori Cove, John George, Esther Cole, Brent Upton, Amanda Dennis, Jadon Kalp, Dennis Maestro, Bella Amodio, Infant Grace Mullis, Pat Skelly, Manolito Rodriguez, Joan Staryak, John McCauley, Leonard St. Peter, Loreto Correa Becerra, Cheryl Zelek, Murray Ingerham

Time Intention 5:00 pm  Pro Populo 7:00 am † John Dasnoit 8:30 am † Yamile Gil Gomez 10:00 am  CGHS & Cathedral Latin HS Alumni 12:00 pm † Nancy Lynch 1:30 pm † Carla Barrientos Sanchez 12:10 pm 7:00 am 12:10 pm 12:10 pm 6:30 pm 12:10 pm 7:00 am 12:10 pm 9:00 am

 Fr. Martin Flores (birthday)   † William Dolan † Aiofe Dunne † Margarita Maria Salamanca Jirón † Salvatore Marsico   † Karl L. Harrod  

Requested by:  Marie Dasnoit Andrea Blanco Susan Lee Gene & Eileen Nulty Luz Furtado Francisco & Mela Alvarez

 Anne Higgins Petz Ann Rolison Miryam Jirón Pinto Antonio Ruotolo  John Harrod 

Weekend Masses are at HNOJ; weekday daily Mass in English at 12:10 pm and 9:00 am Saturday Mass are at SHC; 7:00 am Daily Mass in English on Tue & Fri is at HNOJ; daily Mass in Spanish on Wednesday is at SHC

R    W A Mon Gen 3:915 or Acts 1:1214/Ps 87:12, 3 and 5, 67/Jn 19:2534 Tue Acts 11:21b26; 13:13/Ps 98:1, 23ab, 3cd4, 56 [cf. 2b]/Mt 5:1316 Wed 2 Cor 3:411/Ps 99:5, 6, 7, 8, 9 [cf. 9c]/Mt 5:1719 Thu 2 Cor 3:154:1, 36/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 1112, 1314 [cf. 10b]/Mt 5:2026 Fri 2 Cor 4:715/Ps 116:1011, 1516, 1718 [17a]/Mt 5:2732 Sat 2 Cor 5:1421/Ps 103:12, 34, 910, 1112 [8a]/Mt 5:3337 Next Sun Prv 8:2231/Ps 8:45, 67, 89 [2a]/Rom 5:15/Jn 16:1215

S5  O9 :    W Mon 6/10 Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church Tue 6/11 St. Barnabas, Apostle  Thu 6/13 St. Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor of the Church Fri 6/14 Flag Day

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For the weekend of Jun 12 Second Collection: Today, there is no second collection. Next weekend, we will collect for the monthly Mass Offertory $ 34,863 support of Cathedral school . The schedule for 2019 is Online Giving $ 5,752 posted on the parish website for your reference. Weekly Total $ 40,615

If you or a loved one requires a home visit or reception of the Holy Eucharist at home, please email Deacon Michael Alig at [email protected] or call the main office at 9198326030.

Priests’ Retire. $ 5,070

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You can call or email Katia in the parish office to request a Mass Intention to remember a departed loved one or for prayers of healing, Page 4 | June 9, 2019 

If you’ll be out of town in the coming months, please consider moving your weekly offering to an electronic platform so your giving remains consistent during your absence. Through online giving, our parish can be supported consistently while attendance drops as fellow parishioners travel. See the parish website for the many options for online giving. We thank you in advance for your efforts and generosity in supporting he Cathedral. 

Pentecost Sunday

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Liturgical Ministers  Time to Update Your Availability All ministers of the Mass (EMHCs, Readers, Ushers, Altar Servers and Cantors) are asked to log in to your MSP profile and update your availability by no later than Monday, June 17 to be considered for the Cycle D schedule, which will span Jul 6  Sep 1. Updates entered past the deadline cannot be worked into the schedule. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.  Catechists are Needed in all Formation Programs Have you ever considered sharing your faith with the children, youth, and adults of our parish? As our formation ministriesprepare for the 20192020 academic year they are in search of faithful Catholics who want to help prepare our Children, Youth, and Adults for the sacraments and travel with them as they continue ontheir spiritual journeys. The Directors of Elementary Faith Formation (both in Spanish and English), the Middle School and High School Youth Ministries, our Young Adult Ministry, and the RCIA ministry will be in theNarthex this weekend stop by and speak to them about the different ways you can support and participate in the programs of formation in the parish.  Parish Guilds, Ministries & Groups  Info Needed Rooms on the Sacred Heart campus are very much in use by all parish ministries. Please be considerate of your fellow parishioners by keeping a tidy calendar! Notify Michelle Connors ([email protected]) of your specific calendar adjustments for JuneSeptember. Keep in mind that use of the school is limited to the end of June and is not accessible at all for July, as it undergoes its annual refurbishing. Watch the bulletin for announcements later in the summer when we will open the meeting spaces for the 20192020 scheduling year, after the School’s and Formation Programs’ needs are met.   Have time to join the Greeter Ministry at HNOJ Cathedral?  The Greeter Ministry is still seeking additional guides to  welcome and assist visitors to our Cathedral. Consider sharing your love of our new worship home with those who come to tour or pray. Email [email protected] with your interest or complete an Volunteer Inquiry Form on the parish website.  Usher Ministry Seeks Additional Help Many volunteers are needed to ensure that our liturgies run smoothly and put forth a welcoming face to visitors and pilgrims. The parish is experiencing a high need of Ushers, especially at the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass. Registered parishioners willing to assist at weekend Masses should contact Peter Ferket at  [email protected] with their interest.   Single Slice of Service We had wonderful success with our Easter cards for the Women's Prisonthank you! Here is a great onetime project for you and your family this summer. The Women's Center of Wake County has an ongoing "Caring Crate Drive." You provide a 2031 gallon stackable, plastic storage tub with lid and fill it with items from your chosen category in one of the following: Beauty Products, Snack Attack, Pamper Me, Underneath It All, Spread the Word, Power Up, or Clean It Up. Then deliver the crate to The Women's Center at 112 Cox Ave. MF 9AM6PM or S/S 10AM 3PM. The complete list for each crate can be found at: https:// 2.pdf, This is a good way to teach your kids about our hidden homeless population and to learn more about The Women's Center. Happy collecting!

Pentecost Sunday

SAVE THE DATE: You and your family are cordially invited to join in the celebration of the Feast Day Mass of St. Josemaria Escriva, Saint of the Ordinary Daily Life and Founder of Opus Dei, on June 20, 2019, at 6:30 pm at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral celebrated by Bishop of Raleigh Luis Rafael Zarama, J.C.L. Please bring the entire family and invite other families and friends for a gracefilled evening.  St. Michael the Archangel Parish of Cary, NC will be hosting the Vatican International Exhibition ± “Eucharistic Miracles of the World” on Sat., June 22 from 12pm8pm & Sun., June 23rd from 8am 8pm in the Parish Hall. Come to learn about over 150 of these extraordinary Eucharistic miracles that are continuing right through to our present time! Did you know there was aEucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires in 1996 under the leadership of Cardinal Bergoglio (our current Pope Francis) and in Tixtla, Mexico on Oct 2006? For more info, please visit  Worldwide Marriage NonResidential Encounter Are there times you wonder why relationships are so difficult? The Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend helps married couples to communicate in all areas of their relationship. Get your marriage on the right path by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on June 2123, 2019, at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Cary, NC. This June weekend is a nonresidential weekend, meaning that couples will return to their homes at night. Early sign up is recommended. For more information and to apply, visit our website at: https:// or contact us at [email protected] or 7043152144. Like and follow our “North Carolina WWME” Facebook page for additional information and community updates.  The NPM National Convention is coming to Raleigh this July 1619! The National Association of Pastoral Musicians fosters the art of musical liturgy. The members of NPM serve the Catholic Church in the United States as musicians, clergy, liturgists, and other leaders of prayer. Join pastoral musicians from all over the U.S. as well as local musicians in this weeklong convention of inspiration and musicianship. This year’s theme is: Healing, Reconciliation and Anointing: A Journey through James 5 ... that you may be healed. Find out more by visiting  Free Sunday Clinic, operated by St. Joseph Primary Care Day of Grace offers a free clinic, operated by St. Joseph Primary Care at St. Ann Catholic Church in Clayton, NC is now open to everyone on every last Sunday of the month from 9am1pm.  Come, get well, and be examined and treated by one of our volunteer nurses & medical doctors. For appointments and information, please call (919) 3866866.  Single/Single Again Ministry If you are single, separated, divorced or widowed person, please join us for our 24th Annual Single/Single Again Beach Retreat,August 24, 2019, at Trinity Retreat Center in Salter Path, NC. It is a weekend of prayer, renewal and relaxation.The theme this year is "Come as you are ± Trust in God and see what He will do," and our retreat leader is Ms. Sally Orcutt, O.P. For more information, contact Celia Keator at [email protected]. 

June 9, 2019 | Page 5 

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The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit  that we are children of God, and if children,  then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Romans 8:1617 

Pentecost must have been a truly amazing time for the early followers of Jesus. All kinds of barriers are broken as seen in the free flow of communicationall God’s children speaking to each other! Lucas Ramirez, in his book, “Designed for More” (Hachette, 2018), writes, “What God had once split in the ancient story (Tower of Babel), was now bringing back together, not with a traditional language, but with the central language of love. This new universal language supersedes all previous kingdoms and brings unity again to humanity, but a unity with the right priorities and centrally focused on God” (210). In the gift of the Spirit of love, God restores human beings to unity with one another and with Godwhat God had intended at the very beginning of creation. Pope Francis states, “Indeed, we are a single human family that is journeying on toward unity, making the most of solidarity and dialogue among peoples in the multiplicity of differences” (5/24/13).  

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USCCB support of the Dream Act of 2019, the American Promise Act of 2019, and the Venezuela TPS Act of 2019 “ My brother bishops and I support the Dream Act of 2019 and the American Promise Act of 2019, as written, and the populations they seek to protect. We believe in defending the dignity of every human being, particularly that of our children and families, and have long stood in solidarity with Dreamers, TPS holders, and their families. These young people contribute to our economy, defend our country through military service, excel academically in our universities, and are leaders in our parishes and communities. It is both our moral duty and in our nation’s best interest to protect them and allow them to reach their Godgiven potential. … We urge you to support the Venezuela TPS Act of 2019, which would designate Venezuela for TPS for an initial period of 18 months. This bill would give Venezuelans here in the United States an opportunity to live with dignity, work lawfully and provide for their families’ wellbeing until they can safely return home.” … Bishop Joe Vásquez, USCCB Committee on Migration, May 21, 2019 (To learn more about these bills, visit  

Ramirez further writes that when the author of the Book of Acts  reports that the early believers gathered “in one accord,” this C C  : NC C V  Greek phrase, homothymadon, means “to rush along in unison” (211). Wouldn’t it be wonderful to recapture Christian New Dates Scheduled! Join NC Catholics Volunteer on the following dates: June 22nd (Tar River Deanery). Help as we unity with such intensity again?  repair homes damaged by Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane I look at the many ministries I have been involved in over the Florence in Edgecombe County and Cumberland County. Volunyears and realize that I have experienced the Christian unity that teers from all areas and of all experience levels are encouraged to love makes happen. There is something to be said for working participate! together on a common goal for the common good when the moti- If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Altenau at Danvating factor is love of the ‘other,’ who are unknown brothers and [email protected] or at (919) 8219767. Spots are limited sisters.  so sign up now!  The language of love can overcome anything when there is mutu-  al effort on both sides. It sometimes requires a leap of faith to step in to a seemingly impossible situation, such as the splinter- 25 A 2 R2  L  ing of Christians in so many different directions. What is a follower of Jesus to do today? SAVE THE DATE!25TH ANNUAL RUN FOR LIFE  We're  One solution would be to join an interfaith group. This could be a looking for runners,sponsors and volunteers for the annual 5k book club or a group working on a pressing social issue or a Run and 1 Mile Fun RunonSaturday, August 17,at Wake Med group of different faiths that just want to get to know each other Soccer Park in Cary. better. The main way to bring about unity of purpose is to build or www.runnc.comformore info. If you have any questions, please contact Eileen Mayhew,9196783004,or Kathy relationships with those you might otherwise fear. Klein,9198151369. Let the fire of Pentecost ignite your fire for unity.   Barbara Molinari Quinby, MPS  Director of Social Justice Ministries  

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Abortion is experienced by millions of women, many of whom are Catholic. The Project Rachel ministry assists women and men who have been wounded by abortion to find healing and peace. In June, wildlife fills our life with joy and refreshment. Songbirds There is a support group beginning in the Triangle area in late and birds of prey, squirrels and rabbits, butterflies and lightning August. If you have experienced an abortion and would like bugs all carry a message worth discovering in early summer. Do (confidential) information about the support group, contact Prowe see and hear them and appreciate them as the miracle they ject Rachel at (919) 8521021, visit the website: are, or do we overlook them, even despise them? Are they simply or email [email protected]. an annoyance, or do we come to know, love, and even serve these Calls and appointments are kept strictly confidential.  fellow creatures by providing protection and habitat? To Do This Month: Take a June Jaunt into nature and see what you can do to protect and nourish it.   

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Pentecost Sunday

June 9, 2019 | Page 6 

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Faith Formation Grades 1 ± 5 

June 9: Social Night ± “Summer Kickoff” ± 6:008:30 PM ± Cathedral School Hall ± We are welcoming in all our Rising 9th graders into the Youth Ministry! Please join us for this awesome event!   June 16: NO Life Teen ± We will return to regular Youth Group Sessions on July 14th!  

Registration for Elementary Faith Formation is now open for children in grades 1  5 who are baptized Catholic. To Register: 1) Navigate to the parish website at Click ’Catequesis’ in the main menú; click ‘Formation: Elementary Grades’ in the submenú. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the Registration Form. OR 2) Email Stacie Miller [email protected] for the form or to set an appointment to come into the office   If your child is over the age of 7, is not baptized or baptized in another faith, please email Stacie Miller to set an appointment to register for our Faith Formation.

Fundraiser Information  2ND ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL 


C  2020 R   I  In the Diocese of Raleigh, those who have been baptized in infancy as Roman Catholics and have received their First Holy Communion and entering the 8th grade may register for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation at the parish where they are registered. AllParents/Candidates must attend one of our meetings to register for C1  2020. These meetingswill take place in the  St. Monica Building on the Sacred Heart campus. TODAY        11:30 am in English  3:30 pm in Spanish July 28, 2019  11:30 am in English  3:30 pm in Spanish August 18, 2019 11:30 am in English  3:30 pm in Spanish

2nd Annual Summer Festival has been moved to July 27th following the 5pm Mass! This year the Summer Festival will be supporting both the Middle School and High School Youth Ministry Retreat and Mission Trip Funds. We are looking for people to donate for our Raffle and Silent Auction again this year!  

You were all so generous last year in your support and we hope that this year you will be just as supportive! To get more information about the Summer Festival or information on how to donate please contact Elizabeth Queen at [email protected] . 

Tickets on sale in the office and will be on sale outside of Masses closer to the Event. If you have already bought a ticket, please just hold on to it!!! 2 years old and Under Free Admission, $5.00 for kids tickets (3 years old to 12 years old child’s Ticket) and $10.00 for adult tickets (13 years of age and up Adult Ticket). 

M S EDGE Fun Friday's begin June 14! Calling all raising 5th through adults to come to our St. Monica's building to take part in our Fun Fridays. These days support the Helping Hands Mission children who attend summer camp on Poole Road. Our youth plan, prep and take part in games, activities, crafts, and sit for lunch with these children. We need many hands to make this summer a success. Sign up for one Friday or for all of them. Youth are welcome to bring a friend. To learn more about this summer service opportunity, email Stacie Miller.

"May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be." - St. Therese of Lisieux

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1.Live with intention. College will be full of new opportunities. Think carefully about your priorities for your new start. 2.Make the right friends. There will be plenty of new people! Concentrate on the ones who motivate you to be a better person. 3.It's a big world! Look for new perspectives, new opportunities, and new ideas that push you to grow. 4.Find a mentor. Building relationships with people who have "been there, done that" can be a great help. 5.Give yourself away. You may not need to volunteer anymore, but you'll surprised what you learn, how you grow,  

and who you meet when you serve.

6.Before you go, learn how to do your laundry, address an envelope, schedule a doctor's appointment, use public transportation, 

and cook basic meals (ramen doesn't count!).

7.Remember that God is in control. And that's a good thing!  Page 7 | June 9, 2019 

Pentecost Sunday

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Recuerde silenciar sus dispositivos móviles antes de que comience la misa.

Primera Lectura  Hch 2, 111


El día de Pentecostés, todos los discípulos estaban reunidos en un mismo lugar. De repente se oyó un gran ruido que venía del cielo, como cuando sopla un viento fuerte, que resonó por toda la casa donde se encontraban. Entonces aparecieron lenguas de fuego, que se distribuyeron y se posaron sobre ellos; se llenaron todos del Espíritu Santo y empezaron a hablar en otros idiomas, según el Espíritu los inducía a expresarse.

Ven, Dios Espíritu Santo, y envíanos desde el cielo tu luz, para iluminarnos.  Ven ya, padre de los pobres,  luz que penetra en las almas,  dador de todos los dones.  

Fuente de todo consuelo,  amable huésped de alma,  paz en las horas de duelo.

En esos días había en Jerusalén judíos devotos, venidos de todas partes del mundo. Al oír el ruido, acudieron en masa y quedaron desconcertados, porque cada uno los oía hablar en su propio idioma.

Eres pausa en al trabajo;  brisa, en un clima de fuego;  consuelo, en medio del llanto. 

Atónitos y llenos de admiración, preguntaban: "¿No son galileos, todos estos que están hablando? ¿Cómo, pues, los oímos hablar en nuestra lengua nativa? Entre nosotros hay medos, partos y elamitas; otros vivimos en Mesopotamia, Judea, Capadocia, en el Ponto y en Asia, en Frigia y en Panfilia, en Egipto o en la zona de Libia que limita con Cirene. Algunos somos visitantes, venidos de Roma, judíos y prosélitos; también hay cretenses y árabes. Y sin embargo, cada quien los oye hablar de las maravillas de Dios en su propia lengua". 

Ven, luz santificadora,  y entra hasta el fondo del alma  de todos los que te adoran.  

Sin tu inspiración  divina los hombres nada  podemos y el pecado nos domina. 

Lava nuestras inmundicias,  fecunda nuestras desiertos  y cura nuestras heridas. 

Palabra de Dios R. Te alabamos Señor.   Salmo Responsorial ± Salmo 103, 1ab y 24ac. 29bc30. 31 y 34 Doblega nuestra soberbia,  R. Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu, a renovar la tierra. Aleluya. calienta nuestras frialdad,  Bendice, al Señor, alma mía; endereza nuestras sendas. Señor y Dios mío, inmensa es su grandeza.  ¡Qué numerosas son tus obras, Señor! Concede a aquellos que ponen  La tierra está llena de tus creaturas. en ti su fe y su confianza  R. Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu, a renovar la tierra. Aleluya. tus siete sagrados dones.  Si retiras tu aliento, Danos virtudes y méritos,  toda creatura muere y vuelve al polvo. danos una buena muerte  pero envías tu espíritu, que da vida, y contigo el gozo eterno.  y renuevas el aspecto de la tierra.  R. Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu, a renovar la tierra. Aleluya. Aclamación antes del Evangelio   Que Dios sea glorificado para siempre R. Aleluya, aleluya. y se goce en sus creaturas. Ven, Espíritu Santo, llena los corazones de tus fieles Ojalá que le agraden mis palabras y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor.  y yo me alegraré en el Señor. R. Aleluya.  R. Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu, a renovar la tierra. Aleluya.   

Evangelio  Jn 14, 1516. 23b26

Segunda Lectura 1 Cor 12, 3b7. 1213

Hermanos: Nadie puede llamar a Jesús "Señor", si no es bajo la acción del Espíritu Santo. 

Hay diferentes dones, pero el Espíritu es el mismo. Hay diferentes servicios, pero el Señor es el mismo. Hay diferentes actividades, pero Dios, que hace todo en todos, es el mismo. En cada uno se manifiesta el Espíritu para el bien común. 

Porque así como el cuerpo es uno y tiene muchos miembros y todos ellos, a pesar de ser muchos, forman un solo cuerpo, así también es Cristo. Porque todos nosotros, seamos judíos o no judíos, esclavos o libres, hemos sido bautizados en un mismo Espíritu para formar un solo cuerpo, y a todos se nos ha dado a beber del mismo Espíritu.

El que me ama, cumplirá mi palabra y mi Padre lo amará y vendremos a él y haremos en él nuestra morada. El que no me ama no cumplirá mis palabras. Y la palabra que están oyendo no es mía, sino del Padre, que me envió. Les he hablado de esto ahora que estoy con ustedes; pero el Paráclito, el Espíritu Santo que mi Padre les enviará en mi nombre, les enseñará todas las cosas y les recordará todo cuanto yo les he dicho". 

Palabra del Señor 

Palabra de Dios R: Te alabamos Señor.      pagina 8 | 9 de junio del 2019

En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: "Si me aman, cumplirán mis mandamientos; yo le rogaré al Padre y él les dará otro Paráclito para que esté siempre con ustedes, el Espíritu de la verdad.

R: Gloria a ti Señor Jesús.

Domingo de Pentecostés

M   J2: 2

R       C  20192020

9 de junio: Noche social  “Inicio de verano”  6: 008: 30 PM  Salón de la escuela Cathedral  ¡Damos la bienvenida a todos nuestros alumnos de 9º grado en el Ministerio de la Juventud! Por favor, únase a nosotros para este evento impresionante!  16 de junio: NO Life Teen  ¡Volveremos a las sesiones regulares de grupos juveniles el 14 de julio! 

En la diócesis de Raleigh, aquellos que han sido bautizados en la infancia como católicos romanos y han recibido su primera Santa Comunión y entrando al menos en el grado 8º, pueden inscribirse para la celebración del Sacramento de la confirmación en la parroquia donde están Registrado. Todos los padres/candidatos deben asistir a una de nuestras reuniones para inscribirse en el C12020. Estas reuniones se llevará a cabo en St. Monica en nuestro campus sagrado corazón 9 de junio 11:30 AM en inglés 3:30 PM en Español

Información para recaudar fondos

     ¡El 2º Festival Anual de Verano se trasladó al 27 de julio después de la misa de las 5 pm! Este año, el Festival de verano apoyará los fondos para el viaje de la misión y el retiro del ministerio juvenil de la escuela media y la escuela secundaria. ¡Estamos buscando personas para donar para nuestra Rifa y Subasta Silenciosa de nuevo este año! ¡Todos fueron tan generosos el año pasado en su apoyo y esperamos que este año sean igual de solidarios! Para obtener más información sobre el Festival de verano o información sobre cómo donar, póngase en contacto con Elizabeth Queen en [email protected] 

Entradas a la venta en la oficina y estarán a la venta fuera de las Misas más cerca del Evento. Si ya ha comprado un boleto, por favor, ¡espere! Entrada gratis para menores de 2 años, $ 5.00 para boletos para niños (boleto para niños de 3 a 12 años) y $ 10.00 para boletos para adultos (mayores de 13 años).

¿Alguna vez ha considerado compartir su fe con los niños, jóvenes y adultos de nuestra parroquia? Mientras nuestros Ministerios de Formación se preparan para el año académico 20192020, están en busca de católicos fieles que quieran ayudar a preparar a nuestros niños, jóvenes y adultos para recibir los sacramentos y acompañarlos mientras continúan su viaje espiritual. Las Directoras de Formación de Fe Primaria (tanto en español como en inglés), los Ministerios Juveniles de Escuelas Intermedias y Escuelas Secundarias, nuestro Ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos y el Ministerio de RICA estarán en el Narthex (a la entrada de la Catedral) en el día de hoy; deténgase un momento, conózcalos y hable con ellos sobre las diferentes maneras en que Ud. puede apoyar y participar en los Programas de Formación de la Catedral. Estaremos muy agradecidos si Ud. puede contribuir a que los niños y jóvenes, sigan siendo los católicos del mañana. Para más información por favor comunicarse con Andrea Blanco J.D. M.A. Directora de Formación en la Fe Hispana 9198326030 Ext. 113. (También estaremos entregando hojas de inscripción para las clases de Catecismo en español).

Domingo de Pentecostés

28 de julio 11:30 AM en inglés 3:30 PM en Español 18 de agosto 11:30 AM en inglés 3:30 PM en Español  

L   J         Inscríbase esta semana en nuestro campus del sagrado corazón: x Al edificio de Santa Mónica: hoy 6:009:00 PM x La oficina parroquial martes 12:002:00 PM o miércoles 4:008:00 PM  

¡L      14  !

Llamando a todos los mayores de 5 a través de adultos para venir a nuestro St. Monica edificio para tomar parte en nuestros Fun Friday. Estos días apoyan a los niños de la misión ayudar a las manos que asisten al campamento de verano en Poole Road. Nuestro plan juvenil, preparar y participar en juegos, actividades, artesanías, y sentarse a almorzar con estos niños. Necesitamos muchas manos para que este verano sea un éxito. Regístrate para un viernes o para todos ellos. Los jóvenes son Bienvenidos a traer un amigo. Para obtener más información sobre esta oportunidad de servicio de verano, correo electrónico Stacie Miller.

J    5 J CK2    : 

El día lunes 10 de junio de 6:30 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. en el salón de la escuela de la Catedral (Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, 219 W. Edenton St. Raleigh NC, 27603) estaremos llevando a cabo la primera jornada de inscripción para la Catequesis en español del año 20192020. Si Ud. desea más información, o si todavía no ha inscrito a sus niños, lo invitamos a que asista este día y así pueda asegurar su espacio para el próximo año. La segunda jornada será el día viernes 28 de junio en el mismo horario y en el mismo lugar. Para más información por favor comunicarse con Andrea Blanco J.D. M.A. Directora de Formación en la Fe Hispana 9198326030 Ext. 113. 

9 de junio del 2019 | pagina 9

M  H 5  Horas de Oficina: La oficina parroquial está ubicada en 219 W Edenton St. 

Lunes, Martes y Jueves  9:00 am4:00 pm 

Miércoles  4:008:00 pm 

Domingo 10:00 am²3:00 pm  

Clero | Padre Pedro Muñoz 9197586275 Coordinadora | Olga Salas 

Para solicitar una cita con el P. Pedro, llame al 9198326030, x104 y hable con Olga Salas. 

Horas de Misas Domingo

Catedral de Santo Nombre de Jesús

8:30 am | 1:30 pm 

Misa Diaria Iglesia Sagrado Corazón  Miércoles | 6:30 pm 

Hora Santa

L J2   5  L  I    

USCCB Carta en Apoyo al Dream Act de 2019, la Ley Americana Promesa de 2019, y la Ley de 2019 Venezula TPS “Mis hermanos obispos y yo apoyamos al Dream Act de 2019 y la Ley Americana Promesa de 2019, y las poblaciones a las que tratan de proteger.Creemos en la defensa de la dignidad de cada ser humano, en particular el de nuestros hijos y familias, y han defendido durante mucho tiempo en solidaridad con los soñadores, los titulares de TPS, y sus familias.Estos jóvenes contribuyen a nuestra economía, defender nuestro país a través del servicio militar, sobresalir académicamente en nuestras universidades, y son líderes en nuestras parroquias y comunidades.Es tanto nuestro deber moral y en el mejor interés de nuestra nación para protegerlos y que les permita alcanzar su potencial dado por Dios… Le instamos a apoyar la Ley de TPS Venezuela de 2019, que designaría Venezuela para el TPS por un período inicial de 18 meses.Este proyecto de ley daría a los venezolanos aquí en los Estados Unidos la oportunidad de vivir con dignidad, trabajar legalmente, y proporcionar para el bienestar de sus familias hasta que puedan regresar a salvo a casa.” …Mons Joe Vásquez, Presidente del Comité sobre Migración, 21 de mayo de 2019 (Para aprender más, visite  

E DM  G   

El Día de Gracia (la Clínica Dominical Gratuita operada por St. Joseph Primary Care) en la Iglesia Católica Santa Ana en Clayton, NC está abierto para todos cada último domingo del mes de 9 am a 1 pm. Venga, y hágase examinar y ser atendido por nuestras enfermeras y médicos voluntarios. Para citas e información, por favor llame al (919) 3866866.  

M  J E: N  

Miércoles a las 5:30 pm Jueves a las 6:00 pm

El Espíritu de Dios viene de la mano de la paz de Cristo y debemos recibirlo con el Corazón abierto. Antes de irse, Jesús les promete a sus discípulos que enviará al Espíritu Santo: "Y cuando venga él, el Espíritu de la Verdad, los guiará, en todos los caminos de la verdad". (Juan 16:13). Las personas tienen la experiencia que el Espíritu siempre deja huella, cambia la vida, y produce efectos. Así es que, algunos dicen: "abrí mi corazón al Espíritu Santo y cambio mi vida, ahora soy diferente. Menos egoísta, más justo con mí esposa y mis hijos". Hoy es el día que Dios regala su Espíritu al mundo, y a cada uno en particular. 

Quinceañeras Llame a la oficina parroquial para programar una cita con el coordinadora de ministerio hispano, Olga Salas.   

Lo vemos en los primeros testigos de la Iglesia primitiva; del miedo cambiaron al valor, de la incertidumbre su corazón se lleno de la paz de Cristo. El Papa Francisco nos dice lo siguiente: "El Espíritu cambia los corazones, cambia los acontecimientos, actúa como fuerte reconstituyente y orienta hacia Dios y hacia el mundo". Y agrego, "... es el "Espíritu" el que "libera los corazones cerrados por el miedo y vence las resistencias" continuó Francisco, de modo que  a quien se conforma con medias tintas  "le ofrece ímpetus de entrega". También "ensancha los corazones estrechos", "anima a servir a quien se apoltrona en la comodidad", "hace caminar al que se cree que ya ha llegado" y "hace soñar al que cae en tibieza".

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón 

Jueves | 7:00 pm 


Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón  

RK2   5  B2 L 

Certificado de Nacimiento del niñno (a) que se bautizara, Los Padrinos deben tener 16 años de edad y recibido el sacramento de Confirmación. Prácticante católica en Buena communion con la Iglesia. Padres y padrinos asistir a las pláticas o traer comprobante de su parroquia de que participó en las pláticas prebautismales.  

¿Qué podemos cambiar de nuestra vida al recibir el Espíritu Santo? ¿Qué te ha impresionado del mensaje del Papa Francisco? ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! 


Usted y su familia están cordialmente invitados a la celebración de la Misa de la fiesta de San Josemaría Escrivá, Santo de la vida ordinaria y Fundador del Opus Dei, que se realizará el día 20 de junio a las 6:30 p.m. en la Catedral del Santo Nombre de Jesús, que celebrará el Obispo de Raleigh, Luis Rafael Zarama, J.C.L. Usted, su familia y sus amigos están invitados. Esperamos verlos allí!

L L2    S   Lunes: Gn 3, 915 o Hch 1, 1214/Sal 87, 12. 3 y 5. 67/Jn 19, 2534 Martes: Hch 11, 2126. 13, 13/Sal 98, 1. 23, 34, 56 [cfr. 2]/Mt 5:1316 Miércoles: 2 Co 3, 411/Sal 99, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. [cfr. 9]/Mt 5, 1719 Jueves: 2 Co 3, 154, 1. 36/Sal 85, 9 y 10. 1112. 1314 [cfr. 10]/Mt 5, 2026 Viernes: 2 Co 4, 715/Sal 116, 1011. 1516. 1718 [17]/Mt 5, 2732 Sábado: 2 Co 5, 1421/Sal 103, 12. 34. 910. 1112 [8]/Mt 5, 3337 Domingo Siguiente Prov 8, 2231/Sal 8, 45. 67. 89 [2]/Rom 5, 15/Jn 16, 1215

pagina 10 | 9 de junio del 2019

Domingo de Pentecostés


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