Mission Giving - Spanish - United Methodist Women

sidere una Tarjeta de Donación Memorial, la cual representa una ofrenda para la misión a través de las Mujeres Metodista
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¿Le gustaría recordar a un ser querido ya fallecido? ¿Le gustaría honrar la memoria A Gift Gift inalguien in Memory Memory honors honors the the memory memory AA Gift Memory honors the de in que ha tocado sumemory vida de una of a loved a loved one. one. Gift Gift in Memory Memory cards cards significativa? Pues entonces conof of a manera loved one. Gift in in Memory cards represent represent a gift a gift to to mission mission through through sidere una Tarjeta de Donación Memorial, represent a gift to mission through la cual representa una ofrenda para la United United Methodist Methodist Women, Women, making making United Methodist Women, making misión a través de las Mujeres Metodistas additional additional mission mission work work possible possible in in thethe additional Unidas.mission work possible in the

United United States States and and around around the world. world. United States and around thethe world. Check Check with your your treasurer for ordering ordering Unawith Tarjeta de treasurer Donación Memorial hace Check with your treasurer forfor ordering information. information. posible un mayor trabajo misional en los information. Estados Unidos y alrededor del mundo. Hable con su tesorera sobre cómo ordenarla.


Mujeres Metodistas Unidas

¿Quisiera celebrar las bendiciones de Dios en su vida y en la vida de aquellas personas alrededor suyo? World World Thank Thank Offering Offering gifts gifts areare sponspon-

United UnitedMethodist Methodist United Methodist Women Women Women

Donaciones Misionales

World Thank Offering gifts are spontaneous taneous additional additional gifts gifts given given outout of of taneous gifts given of Celebreadditional estas bendiciones con out una Ofrengratitude gratitude for for God’s God’s abundance abundance and and gratitude for de God’s abundance da Mundial Acción de Graciasand durante in celebration celebration of the the joys joys of of life. life. Coloin in celebration of of the joys ofnombre. life. el servicio anual del mismo

Mission Mission Giving Giving

que su ofrenda en una cajita especial y

People People place place joy offerings offerings in conságrela enthese elthese altarjoy junto a las ofrendas People place these joy offerings in in de otras mujeres durante este servicio de special special boxes boxes and and join join them them with with special boxes and join them with the thethe acción de gracias que se incluye en offerings offerings of others others during during thethe annual annual offerings of of others during annual el Libro de Programa de lasthe Mujeres World World Thank Thank Offering Offering service. service. This This World Thank Offering service. This Metodistas Unidas. service service of of thanksgiving thanksgiving is is included included service of thanksgiving is included each each year year in the United United Methodist Methodist También puede encontrar este servicio each year in in thethe United Methodist Women Women Program Program Book. Book. de adoración en inglés en nuestra direcWomen Program Book.

Las mujeres miembros de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas han estado movilizando su fe, su esperanza y su amor en favor de la mujer, la infancia y la juventud alrededor del mundo durante más de ciento cuarenta años. Vea de qué manera usted puede ser parte de esta misión siempre en crecimiento deWomen las Mujeres Members Members of of United United Methodist Methodist Women Members United Methodist Women MetodistasofUnidas a nivel local, nacional e can’t can’t allall travel travel the the world, world, can’t travel internacional aalltravés dethe losworld, cinco canales but but their their mission dollars dollars can can and and do. do. demission Donaciones Misionales. but their mission dollars can and do.

ción electrónica: www.unitedmethodist women.org/donate/world-thank.

Para mayor información sobre Donaciones Misionales visite: For For more more information information about about Mission Mission Giving Giving For more information about Mission Giving www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/donate go go to to the the website: website: go to the website: www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/give www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/give www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/give

Photographs by Paul Jeffrey


Fotografías: Paul Jeffrey Photographs Photographs byby Paul Paul Jeffrey Jeffrey

Donaciones Gift Gift in in Memoriales Memory Memory

Ofrenda Mundial World World de Acción Thank Thank de Gracias Offering Offering

www.umwmissionresources.org 1-800-305-9857 Papel sin cloro M5250


Promesa Pledge Pledge para to lato Misión

Mission Mission ¿Quisiera comprometerse con el trabajo misional de las Mujeres Metodistas Pledge Pledge Pledge toto to Mission Mission Mission is is is the the the largest largest largest channel channel channel Unidas?

ofof of Mission Mission Mission Giving Giving Giving and and and the the the foundation foundation foundation forfor for the the the mission mission mission work work work ofof of United United United Methodist Haga una Promesa para Methodist la Methodist Misión y Women. Women. Women. ayude a llevar a cabo el PROPÓSITO de las Mujeres Metodistas mediante una contribución alcome canal más Pledges Pledges Pledges toto to Mission Mission Mission come come from from fromgrande de Donaciones Misionales. members members members ofof of local local local units. units. units.Each Each Each woman woman woman fillsfills fills out out out a apledge a pledge pledge card card card and and and gives gives gives it to itit to to the the the Complete una tarjeta de promesa y local local local treasurer treasurer treasurer to to to help help help fulfill fulfill fulfill the the the entréguesela a su tesorera local. PURPOSE PURPOSE PURPOSE ofof of United United United Methodist Methodist Methodist Women. Women. Women.

Misionero Special Special Especial

Mission Mission

Recognition Recognition ¿Quisiera reconocer a una amiga o amigo que está trabajando en la misión? Pues entonces obséquiele un broche de Reconocimiento Misionero Especial. Cualquier individuo, círculo o pins unidad Special Special Special Mission Mission Mission Recognition Recognition Recognition pins pins are are are puede reconocer mediante un broche de given given given toto to honor honor honor those those those working working working in in in mission. mission. mission. Reconocimiento Misionero Especial a una AnAn An individual, individual, individual, circle circle circle oror or unit unit unit may may may give give give the the the mujer o un hombre que está trabajando pins pins pins toto to honor honor honor one one one whose whose whose work work work in in in mismismismisionalmente.

sion sion sion is is is exceptional. exceptional. exceptional. There There There are are are several several several categories categories categories ofof of pins, pins, pins, each each each representing representing representing Usted puede elegir de entre varias categorías degiving broches; cada unaEach representa levels levels levels ofof of giving giving forfor for mission. mission. mission. Each Each pin pin pin un diferente nivel de donación misional. comes comes comes with with with a acertificate a certificate certificate bearing bearing bearing the the the names names names ofof of the the the recipient recipient recipient and and and the the the donor donor donor Usted recibirá un hermoso broche y un and and and is is is signed signed signed by by by the the the Women’s Women’s Women’s Division Division Division certificado con el nombre de la persona deputy deputy deputy general general general secretary. secretary. secretary. reconocida y el de la que ofrece el reconocimiento. Este certificado lo firma la secretaria general adjunta de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas.

Donación Gift Gift to parato la Misión Mission Mission ¿Quisiera reconocer a alguna persona por su servicio misional inspirado por Cristo?

A AA Gift Gift Gift toto to Mission Mission Mission card card card is is is sent sent sent toto to anan an honoree honoree honoree bytarjeta by by anan an individual individual individual oror or local local local unit unit unit Envíele una de Donación para la as as as a a notification a notification notification of of of a a gift a gift gift to to to mission mission mission Misión. Hay una gran variedad de tarjetas y made sobres para diferentes ocasiones. Estas made made in in in her her her or or or hishis his honor. honor. honor. A AA wide wide wide varivarivaritarjetas se venden individualmente o en etyety ety ofof of cards cards cards are are are available available available and and and cantidad y con los siguientes títulos (en appropriate appropriate appropriate forfor for allall all occasions, occasions, occasions, includincludincludinglés): Peace (Paz), Thank-You (Gracias), ing ing ing birthdays, birthdays, birthdays, thank-yous, thank-yous, thank-yous, and and and recrecrecCongratulations (Felicitaciones), Thinking ognition ognition ofof of Christlike Christlike Christlike mission mission service. service. service. ofognition You (Pensando en Ti),mission Special Day (Día Cards Cards Cards and and and envelopes envelopes envelopes are are are available available available Especial), A New Baby (Nacimiento), In the Service (Al Servicio de Cristo), singly singly singly orofor or inChrist in in prepackaged prepackaged prepackaged sets sets sets ofof of 10. 10. 10. Happy Birthday (Feliz Cumpleaños) y Available Available Available cards cards cards include include include Peace, Peace, Peace, ThankThankThankChristmas (Navidad). You, You, You, Congratulations, Congratulations, Congratulations, Thinking Thinking Thinking ofof of You, You, You, AComuníquese AA Special Special Special Day, Day, Day, A A A New New New Baby, Baby, Baby, In In In the the the con su tesorera para ordenar Service Service Service of of of Christ, Christ, Christ, Happy Happy Happy Birthday Birthday Birthday and and estas tarjetas impresas. También puedeand reconocer a una persona mediante una Christmas. Christmas. Christmas. Check Check Check with with with your your your treasurer treasurer treasurer Donación para la Misión a través del internet: forfor for ordering ordering ordering information. information. information. www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/donate