Diploma/Master Thesis

built a workflow management system that is tailored specifically for the ... business domain providing a global view on the interconnection of independent.
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Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dimka Karastoyanova Andreas Weiß Institut für Architektur von Anwendungssystemen Universität Stuttgart

Diploma/Master Thesis Monitoring of Choreographies/ Monitoring von Choreographien Beginning: immediately Background The SimTech Cluster of Excellence [1] studies multi-scale and multi-field simulation methods. These methods aim for combining different scales (e.g. cells, tissue, bone, skeleton) and different scientific fields (e.g., chemistry, biology, and physics) into one overall simulation. The Institute of Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS) has built a workflow management system that is tailored specifically for the requirements and needs of scientists [2]. The workflow system allows to model simulations as workflows in order to make them more flexible and improve automation. The workflows can be modeled, executed, adapted, monitored, and analyzed. The current system orchestrates different simulation components into one workflow using either only one scale or an approximation of all scientific fields/scales onto one scale. The monitoring information is displayed inside the modeling environment as an overlay on the modeled scientific workflow. Activities of the workflow are colored differently according to their life cycle phase. This enables scientists to experience modeling, execution, and the monitoring of execution in one tool as one coherent experimentation phase. Technically, this is realized by consuming and producing events during workflow execution via a messaging system [3]. An event model describes all possible events and their relation [4]. In order to extend the system for handling the coupling of separate simulation workflows operating on different scales and scientific fields, we want to introduce the notion of choreographies to simulations. Choreographies are a concept of the business domain providing a global view on the interconnection of independent organizations communicating without a central coordinator. The business logic of each organization (also called choreography participants) is implemented/ enacted by workflows. We use the choreography language BPEL4Chor [5], [6] to model choreographies of simulation workflows. A BPEL4Chor choreography itself is not executable but can be transformed into the BPEL workflows that represent the participants in a choreography. In the work of [7] a choreography designer, the ChorDesigner, has been developed.

Tasks In order to support the monitoring of multi-scale and multi-field simulations, the ChorDesigner has to be extended. Monitoring information must be incorporated into the modeled participants and their communication activities to display the current state of a particular participant and the overall choreography. Furthermore, the existing BPEL event model and the especially the existing event messages must be extended to incorporate the fact that the enacting workflows collaborate in a choreography.

In this work the following tasks have to be fulfilled:  Literature analysis of the state-of-the-art with regard to choreography monitoring  Conceptual definition of choreography monitoring including an extension of the BPEL event model and the existing event messages  Identification which parts of the SimTech prototype have to be extended  Implementation of the concepts  Evaluation of the implemented concepts

Required previous knowledge and experiences:  Java programming skills  Workflows [8]  WS-BPEL [9], [10] The lectures ”Services and Service Composition”, “Business Process Management”, and the listed literature are recommended for preparation. The student has to manage his schedule including the work packages and milestones by himself. A helpful guide for planning and writing a thesis can be found in [11] and [12]. The thesis can be written in English or German. Literature [1] [2] [3]




http://www.simtech.uni-stuttgart.de/ http://www.iaas.uni-stuttgart.de/forschung/projects/simtech/ A. Eichel. Interaktives Monitoring von wissenschaftlichen Workflows. Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diplomarbeit Nr. 3004 (2010). T. Steinmetz. Ein Event-Modell für WS-BPEL 2.0 und dessen Realisierung in Apache ODE. Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2729 (2008). G. Decker, O. Kopp, F. Leymann, M. Weske. BPEL4Chor: Extending BPEL for Modeling Choreographies. In Proceedings of the IEEE 2007 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS). 2007. G. Decker, O. Kopp, F. Leymann, M. Weske. Interacting services: from specification to execution. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 68(10):946–972, 2009.


[8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

O. Sonnauer. Modellierung von Scientific Workflows mit Choreographien. Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diplomarbeit Nr. 3429, 2013 F. Leymann, D. Roller. Production Workflow – Concepts and Techniques, PTR Prentice Hall, 2000. OASIS. Web Services Business Process Execution Language Version 2.0. 2007. T. van Lessen, D. Lübke und J. Nitzsche. Geschäftsprozesse automatisieren mit BPEL. Heidelberg. dpunkt.verlag, 2011. J. Zobel. Writing for Computer Science. The Art of effective Communication. Springer. 2004. M. Deininger, H. Lichter, J. Ludewig, K. Schneider. Studien-Arbeiten – ein Leitfaden zur Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Betreuung von Studien-, Diplom-, Abschlussund Doktorarbeiten am Beispiel Informatik. vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.



Andreas Weiß Pfaffenwaldring 5b, Room 01.020 [email protected]

Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dimka Karastoyanova