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9. Juni, 2013

Sonntagschule 9:30am ~ Deutscher Gottesdienst 9:30am ~ Englischer Gottesdienst 11:00am

Willkommen in unserem Gottesdienst! Er ist der Abglanz seiner Herrlichkeit und das Ebenbild seines Wesens und trägt alle Dinge mit seinem kräftigen Wort und hat vollbracht die Reinigung von den Sünden und hat sich gesetzt zur Rechten der Majestät in der Höhe. Hebräer 1:3

Der Brief an die


Predigt: Heinrich Walde

Singen: Johannes Weber

23 Familien vom Boys und Girls Club spenden dieses Wochenende beim Cultus Lake. Bitte betet für sie. IN DER KING ROAD… stellen wir uns eine wachsende Gemeinde vor mit fürsorglichen, beherzten Nachfolgern Christi, die sich einer immer tieferen Beziehung zu Gott erfreuen und ihre Freunde, Nachbarn und die Welt für ihn gewinnen.

King Road Bekanntmachungen Überprüft die News auf unserer Website regelmäßig für Aktuelles. 1. DANKESCHÖN: Wir danken der C‘nC Gruppe ganz herzlich für den gut organisierten Ausflug nach Cultus Lake. Es war wunderschön und wir schätzen es sehr. Die Senioren der King Road Gemeinde 2. TREK CAMP: ♦ 8.-13. und 15.-20 Juli. Freiwillige benötigt beim Bau (6. Juli) und Abbau (20. Juli) des Lagers. Bitte mit Edgar Wiens in Verbindung treten. ♦ Wir benötigen noch 200 Dutzend Plätzchen. Bitte vermerken, wenn sie Nüsse enthalten. Ein Anmeldeformular ist beim Info Centre vorhanden. ♦ Wenn du ein Kind unterstützen möchtest dass aus finanziellen Gründen nicht zum Camp kommen kann bitte vermerk den Scheck Umschlag mit “TREK Camp”. ♦ Bitte betet, dass sich noch mehr Kinder für die zweite Woche (3-5 Klasse) beim TREKCamp anmelden. 3. FAITH IN ACTION - MCC BC AGM - 22. JUNI @ 8:30AM - 2:00PM Central Heights MB 1661 McCallum. Gastredner: Mark Sprunger, MCC Ost Afrika. Bitte meldet euch als Delegierte beim Info Centre an, und die Gemeinde bezahlt die Unkosten.

Unsere Pastore

Radio: 91.9 MHz, FM

Don Petker - Leitender Pastor - [email protected] Heins Schartner - Pastors Hilfe - [email protected] Leonard Klassen - Pastors Hilfe - [email protected] Johannes Weber - Musik Pastor - [email protected] Edgar Wiens - Jugend Pastor - [email protected] Janet Janz - Kinderarbeit - [email protected]

Predigten können via Internet ( gehört werden und CD’s oder DVD‘s können beim Info Centre oder im Gemeindebüro (604.864.0030) bestellt werden.

32068 King Rd., Abbotsford BC V2T 5Z5 ph. 604.864.0030 fax. 604.864.0031 [email protected]

June 9, 2013

Pray for/Bitte Betet Für ♦ Abbotsford Hospital: Gerhard Krueger, Viktor Boschmann, Esther Regehr ♦ Members Living in Care: Eric Klippenstein and Walter Regehr in Maplewood House; Alice Ediger, Susie Regehr, Irene Rennert, Aganetha Warkentin and Hildegard Warkentin in Menno Home; Katharina Falk, Tina Wesner and Wilhelmine Schmidt in Menno Hospital; Anna Janzen in Tabor Home; Martha Graewe in Sherwood Home. ♦ At Home: Sylvia Goosen, Willy & Elsa Neumann, Regina Reimer, Kaethi Matz, Maria Loewen, Maria Krueger, Rudolf Neufeld Mission News: ♦ DMI Malawi (June 5-24) Please pray for Ernst Thielmann and 7 more from North America, 13 from Malawi and 1 from Uganda. ♦ Lowell & Melissa Ens (MB Mission, Peru) ♦ Otto & Lidia Funk (MB Mission, Peru)

This Week/Diese Woche Check the Events on our website regularly for updates. Mon

Council Meeting ~ 7:00pm


German Bible Study ~ 9:30am C’nC Bible Study ~ Stahl’s ~ 7:30pm


Männerchor ~ 7:30pm


Mini-Roaders & Roaders ~Stanley Park ~ Leaving church at 6:00pm and coming back at 11:00pm. You can walk, run, skateboard or Rollerblade the Sea Wall. Bring $$ for McDonalds. Girls for God ~ Fathers and Daughters Evening ~ 7:00pm-9:00pm


NO Russian Bible Study 3rd Annual Eben-Ezer/King Road Golf Tournament 11:30am at Kinkora Golf Course 6:00pm Dinner at King Road


Sunday School ~ 9:30am Coffee fellowship time for all adults ~ 9:30am Baptism Service ~ 10:30am (will include a children's prelude) Daniela Stahl will share her testimony and be baptized Iwan Bergen, Lea Toews, Delbert & Yolanda Wiebe will share their testimonies and join our congregation

Coming Events/In Aussicht Check the Events on our website regularly for updates. June 20: June 22: June 23: June 23:

Männerchor ~ 7:30pm Farm Worker Dinner ~ 6:00pm ~ Gym Männerchor ~ 9:30am Sunday Night Worship Testimonies from Bruce Schmidt & Jason Warkentin July 6: Trek Set Up Day July 7: Testimonies of the persecuted church ~ 4:00pm July 8-13: Trek Week 1 (Grade 6-8) July 15-20: Trek Week 2 (Grade 3-5) July 20: Trek Take down July 20: Farm Worker Dinner ~ 6:00pm ~ Gym Aug 6” VBS Orientation ~ 7:00pm Aug 12-16: VBS (Kindergarten - Grade 6) ~ 9:30am - 12:00 (Noon) Aug 19-23: King Road Soccer Camp (Age 6-11) ~ 5:30pm - 8:30pm Sept 6-7: MCC Sale Sept 15: Combined Service at Jackson Elementary Sept 21-Oct6:DMI Mexico City Contact Peter L. 604-853-3173 or Ernst T. 604-850-9035 Oct 4-6: Youth Retreat @ Rock Ridge Canyon Oct 12: Thanksgiving Banquet Nov 1-17: DMI Columbia Dec 1: Together We Sing Dec 8: Seniors Banquet Dec 14: German Banquet Dec 21: Youth Banquet

CARE GROUPS are an important part of our walking through life together. They are a place for caring, sharing, prayer and study. Please contact Valter Warkentin or Leonard Klassen to become part of a Care Group. Interested in what’s happening in the community? See posters on the bulletin board or pick-up a Community Announcements (updated monthly) at the Info Centre.

June 2013

Bruce Schmidt & Jason Warkentin Second to last entry from Deutschland...who knew it would end this way? As some of you may know I rolled my ankle this past week. I am now sitting on a couch all  day unable to do much. I have a cast on and waiting till mid‐week to see the doctor and find  out if I have any fractures or if I tore any tendons. However there have been great blessings  that have arisen out of this injury. I have been keeping myself very focused on trying to get  things done here before we leave. In doing so I was neglecting some personal time with  God and reflecting time. This past week of lying here has been a big change in pace. It has  given me time to reflect, refocus, read, pray, and listen to God in a way I wouldn’t have if I  was fit and healthy. About a week ago I went for a haircut. As I sat in the chair the hairdresser and I started to  discuss what the cut was supposed to look like. My vocabulary of how to explain a haircut is  limited, so she asked where I was from. This ended up with me talking about missions and  the church here in Germany. Her response to the church was one of great confusion. She  had been to a few different churches but always came away confused. At a more  conservative church she felt judged and unaccepted. She didn’t “look” like they did. She  was divorced and had a child and the looks she received of those in the church were of  failure and inadequacy, as if why is this sinner here. Then she had been to a more liberal  church where they said she needed to speak in tongues if the Holy Spirit abounded in her.  As I sat and listened to her I was praying God would give me wisdom in how to speak. God  started a conversation between us that spoke of truth, which focused on Christ. I am  looking forward to my last haircut before we leave and hopefully to continue a  conversation with her. Now I want to share another story that I read in a book called The Heavenly Man by:  Brother Yun and Paul Hattaway. This book has to do with our Brother in China and the  underground church and how he and others suffered for our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. As  boarders opened up and the western church brought resources to them they also brought  their doctrine. These brothers and sister from different house churches, who loved each  other and brought together because of Christ, were now un unified and working against  each other because of these doctrine booklets. These booklets told them they must  worship a certain way, or they must speak in tongues to be a true believer, or that only if  they were baptized in Jesus’ names (instead of in the name of the Father, Son and Holy  Spirit) could they be saved. Other teachings focused on extreme faith, still others argued for  or against the role of women in the church. They have worked towards unity and to have a  common goal, this was achieved through repentance, humility, and a desire to see God’s  kingdom grow through the name of Jesus Christ. Now thinking about these stories side by side I couldn’t help but be moved. How often do  we cast judgment upon others because they don’t fit into our box, they don’t have my  doctrine. To see a person in your church with a tattoo, a piercing where you think it  shouldn’t be, a hair style that isn’t “acceptable”, someone who is now divorced, or a couple 

that got pregnant before marriage or…. Whether they are a believer or not do you see them  as God’s child that he loves or do you only see a sinful person that you now look down  upon. You are NO better!!  Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who  speaks against a brother or sister[a] or judges them speaks against the law and judges it.  When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. There is only  one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to  judge your neighbor? James 4:11‐12 (should start reading at the beginning of chapter 4)  This Hairdresser said this to me, if the church can’t accept me what will they think if a  prostitute comes to church. Will we see a lost soul that needs Christ? Only through the  Grace of God through Christ can we stand before him. Let us pray for God to open our eyes  and see his children the way he does.  Side note, I am not saying that we should ignore a life lived in sin. Sin needs to be  acknowledged, repented for and then forgiven through the blood of Christ. Sin should also  not be the white elephant in the room, for the grace of God comes through the  acknowledgment and repentance.  I know this is already longer than my other blogs but I want to leave one last thing with you  from our Brother Yun. He addresses the topic of the western world wanting a revival. When I’m in the West I see all the mighty church buildings and all the expensive equipment,  plush carpets and state‐of‐the‐art sound systems. I can assure the Western church with  absolute certainty that you don’t need any more church buildings. Church buildings will  never bring the revival you seek. The pursuit of more possessions will never bring revival.  Jesus truly stated “A man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Luke  12:15. The first thing needed for a revival to return to your churches is the Word of the Lord. God’s  Word is missing. Sure, there are many preachers and thousands of tapes and videos of Bible  teaching, but so little contains the sharp truth of God’s Word. It’s the truth that will set you  free. Not only is the knowledge of God’s Word missing, but obedience to that Word. There’s  not much action taking place. You can never really know the scriptures until you’re willing to be changed by them. All  genuine revivals of the Lord result in believers responding with action and soul winning.  When God truly moves in your heart you cannot remain silent. There will be a fire in your  bones, like Jeremiah, who said, “His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my  bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.” Jeremiah 20:9 Bruce Prayer requests: ‐ Bruce's foot, especially with travel coming up ‐ that the relationships with have started will have a good finish ‐ praise for a wonderful experience during the Oldentrup outreach (More to come next  blog, Jason)


Bruce sharing with the AHF School during chapel.

We made contact in November, and 7 months later were invited. God works quickly or slowly, but his timing is always perfect. We had a great time sharing in 3 chapels.

The meeting tent in Spannbrink Park, Bielefeld

Patrice, our Schietsrichter (referee) for Fußball.

Workshops for the kids.

Tournament champions on the last day!!!

A portion of the group with kids from the neighbourhood.

June 2013

David & Sieglinde Toews Good Morning to all of you. Thank you for being on our update list and your interest in our life has always been a big source of encouragement to us. Some thoughts and activities of the past months: -A team from South Abbotsford church came to visit us in March. We had a full packed schedule waiting for them, to show them what we are doing, and the efforts of many others to help the plautdietsch speaking people around us. We had a great time, and they left us greatly encouraged that so many people are praying for us "back in our other home", and so supportive to this cause. - David has used a couple months to equip the studio desk as it is now. He bought rolls and rolls of cables and with Jason Peters, (who is sitting at the drums set on the other side of the window in the picture "complete studio desk") soldered the cables together with the plugs on my kitchen table. Around 280m of cables are built into the studio and the desk. Oh, the joy when the assembled desk "worked".!!! The drums were "miked" and tested just this last week. Meanwhile he has recorded the "scratch" version of around 10 songs from a local ladies group, and is working on instrument tracks of this and a praise and worship album in Plautdietsch. The Ekkert Breeda CD should be out soon, there were some hold ups due to copyrights, but the wait should be over soon. He's also working a few own songs, that he wrote. The response to the Truhoatich Album has surprised us, and many have requested a Truhoatich 2. It is a dream to make that happen yet, but might have to pass to next year. - David has been teaching in different communities in group lessons. This year, a missionary friend took over his violin students so he doesn't have to learn that instrument to be able to teach to others... He is picking out a few local people that will be able to teach beginners next year, especially in guitar and piano. -Since we've become guest members at the Villa Nueva Evangelical Mennonite Church, we have put more energy in the local church as well, David in leading in singing, and myself in the 11 and 12year old Sunday school class. I would like to encourage you to pray for a pastor couple that would minister to this church plant.

- I have been a part of a neighbourhood Ladies bible study over the last months. There are 4 of us, and we have finished working through a book from Donna Partow, and now are working through "The abundant Life", a basic bible study for new-believers. We all enjoy each others company, and learn a lot from each other. I am glad that we can support each other in our very different lives. I am very excited to see that some might bring some of the biblestudy material to their own people/relatives that are craving for spiritual food, and needing support in the community/colonies they live in. These local sisters often have open doors in places we "foreign" missionaries don't. The group meets every Monday afternoon. -David was in Nueva Esperanza Colony (by the town of San Jose) a couple of weeks ago. He went to help out in the Bible Study Group that Bill and Martha Kehler are teaching, and ministering to, while they were in Canada. The picture "San Jose", shows a school that is being built for the children of the families that are coming together. Mr. Banman, (in jeans on the picture) with his sons are putting up the building on his yard in spite of huge resistance through colony people. He was also helping out on radio broadcasting at the TWR sending tower at San Jose town, while Bill Kehler was gone. He told David this story. One day, while he caught a ride in a taxi from home to the town of San Jose, he told the driver to rush since he needed to be there at a certain time. The driver asked him, if he was the "old colony guy" that was speaking on radio now, after saying yes, the taxi driver told him, that now, many passengers from the colony people, refused to take a ride in a taxi without radio, because they all wanted to hear what "one of their own" would say in the plautdietsch broadcast!.... Pray for radio ministry there, and for the Kehlers, that just came back from Canada to continue to minister the group. Talitha, Derek and Cianna are posing as butterflies at the Guembe Butterfly Gardens in Santa Cruz in the picture "the three Toews". I know many of you have been praying for the re adjustments of the kids to school and Bolivia life, and Thank you for doing just that. Please thank the Lord with me, that we are doing well in this area.

Thank you also, for continually praying that broadcast in plautdietsch would be received be ears that are willing to listen. Pray for changed hearts and the the Holy Spirit may give understanding of the Word of God. Greetings from the Toews Family, from Bolivia.