Amazon removes “I love Hitler” T-shirts following protests

10.03.2018 - Gillibrand, the acting US Assistant Secretary of State for legislative affairs ... Europe Must Reject Palestinian Unilateral Gambit, WJC Leader Dan Diker ...... World Jewish Congress leaders call on United Nations Security Council to ......
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WJC expresses support for anti-Assad Syrian protesters Jerusalem Post Online, Israel 6 June 2011 19:25 By JPOST.COM STAFF The World Jewish Congress on Monday expressed support for the Syrian opposition "in their quest to free themselves of a brutal dictatorship," and official statement said. The WJC in the statement called on the international community "to take urgent measures to stop further bloodshed." Commenting on reports that Syrians were paid by President Bashar Assad to try and break through the Israeli border during Naksa Day events Sunday, WJC President Ronald S. Lauder said "The international community cannot let this criminal regime continue to murder its own people and to destabilize the entire region.‖ Lauder added, ―It seems that, like his Iranian masters on whose support he depends, Mr. Assad is far more comfortable in wreaking havoc than in bringing stability and encouraging peace and democracy in Syria and in the region."


US to stay out of 'ugly, intolerant' Durban follow-up Jewish Chronicle, UK 2 June 2011 By Jennifer Lipman The Obama administration has given official confirmation that it will not take part in the follow-up to the controversial Durban conference, set to take place at the United Nations headquarters in September. In a letter to New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, the acting US Assistant Secretary of State for legislative affairs, Joseph Macmanus, said the US did not want to take part in an event which commemorated "ugly displays of intolerance and antisemitism". The UN World Conference Against Racism took place in Durban, South Africa, in 2001. The event was criticised for descending into a forum to attack Israel, with Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat denouncing Israel in a speech and an attempt to reintroduce the "Zionism equals racism" UN resolution of 1975. A review conference in Geneva in 2009 caused a similar outcry after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was invited to make the opening-day address. In his speech he accused Israel of being racist. The United States, Israel and several other nations chose not to attend the event. The UK delegation walked out of Ahmadinejad's speech, but senior UN figures, including the UN Human Rights Commissioner, remained there. Mr Macmanus pointed out that in December, the US voted against the resolution establishing the follow-up event because the original had "unfairly singled out Israel and included language inconsistent with US traditions of robust free speech." He said: "We share your concern about the Durban commemoration's timing and venue as just days earlier, we will have held solemn ten-year memorials for those murdered in the September 11 terrorist attacks." "The United States is fully committed to upholding the human rights of all people and to combating racial discrimination, xenophobia, intolerance, and bigotry." Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, praised the US's "determination to not participate in nor lend legitimacy to another international event that politicises and undermines the battle against racism and discrimination by promoting anti-Israel canards". He added: "We call upon the other member states of the UN to join the US and Canada in not attending."


Europe Must Reject Palestinian Unilateral Gambit, WJC Leader Dan Diker Tells Italian Lawmakers WJC Press Release 31 May 2011 Rome seminar on future of Middle East co-sponsored by World Jewish Congress ROME, May 31, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- At a conference at the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome, organized by the foreign affairs think-tank SUMMIT of Italian MP Fiamma Nirenstein, co-sponsored by the World Jewish Congress (WJC) and attended by senior Italian government officials and parliamentarians, WJC Secretary General Designate Dan Diker has urged the European countries to oppose the planned endorsement by the United Nations of a unilaterally declared Palestinian state. Noting that Italy and Germany were the only two European states that categorically rejected the Palestinian unilateral statehood scheme, Diker said: "The European Union is a witness signatory to the Oslo Interim Accords which continue to govern relations between the Palestinian Authority and Israel until a negotiated final peace deal. If the EU were to back a premature resolution at the UN to endorsing a Palestinian state on the 1967 lines, it would severely undermine its integrity as an honest broker. Europe's credibility test is whether or not it will reject the Palestinian unilateral gambit." The seminar, entitled 'New scenarios in the Middle East: the Fatah-Hamas agreement, unilateral Palestinian declaration of statehood and threat of a Third Intifada', featured panelists including Senator Luigi Compagna, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and Umberto Ranieri, former undersecretary for foreign affairs. Speakers agreed that Hamas constitutes the main obstacle to peace as it has no intention to recognize Israel's right to exist. Diker also noted that the Hamas-Fatah regime was a non-starter by European and US law. "Mahmoud Abbas has thrown sand in eyes of President Obama by accepting his support for a Palestinian state and then partnering with a terror group such as Hamas," Diker said. He pointed out that Hamas was not just a more Islamic version of Fatah, but had spawned terror masterminds such as Khaled Sheikh Mohammad of the Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood, one of the engineers of the 9/11 terror attacks, and Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian cleric who was a mentor to Osama Bin Laden. Bassam Eid, the founder and director of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, stressed the failures of the Palestinian leadership, specifically in Gaza, where after Israel's disengagement in 2005, Hamas invested more money in


missiles against the Israeli civilian population than in meeting the needs of the population in the coastal enclave. Eid also explained that Palestinian civil society had accepted the need for coexistence with Israel more than the Palestinian leadership dared to show publicly or in the negotiations. Eid said hardly any Palestinian believed that refugees would eventually return to what is today Israel. He urged the international community to take more of an interest in the nature of a future Palestinian state, in order to prevent it from becoming a dictatorship like other states in the region. "We don't need another Gaddafi," he concluded. In her closing remarks, MP Fiamma Nirenstein reasserted the need to have Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accepting Netanyahu's invitation to declare in front of his population that he recognizes the State of the Jews. "This is a necessary precondition for a real peace process between Israelis and Palestinians." 7&fromOtherPageToDisableHistory=Y&menuName=News&sId=&sInfo=


WJC: Probe attack on Argentine rabbi Ynetnews, Israel 15 May 2011 According to reports, Rabbi Moshe Cohen accosted by man who yelled ‗Dirty Jew‘, hit him on head with martial-arts weapon The leadership of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) has strongly condemned a vicious anti-Semitic attack against Rabbi Moshe Cohen, the director of an Orthodox Jewish school in Buenos Aires, last week. According to reports, he was accosted by a man who yelled ‗Dirty Jew‘ and other insults against him and hit him on the head with a nuchaka, an oriental martial-arts weapon. Cohen had to be treated in hospital. Police have detained the suspected aggressor. The WJC is calling for a probe of the incident. ―Clearly, this brutal attack is an anti-Semitic hate crime. Its background needs to be investigated urgently and thoroughly by the Argentine authorities. The fact that this happened on the eve of Yom Ha‘atzmaut – Israel‘s Independence Day – is quite disturbing,‖ WJC Secretary General Dan Diker declared. He added, ―Argentina has always provided a good and tolerant climate for Jews, and thankfully, anti-Semitic incidents such as this are rare. "However, the authorities in Buenos Aires should not ignore the writing on the wall. They need to do everything they can to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.‖,7340,L-4068242,00.html


Convicted Nazi guard, 91, walks free Financial Times, UK 13 May 2011 MUNICH, May 12 – A German court convicted John Demjanjuk on Thursday for his role in the killing of 28,000 Jews in the Sobibor Nazi death camp, then set the 91year-old free because of his age. Holocaust survivors at first welcomed the Munich court‘s verdict that Mr Demjanjuk, who was exonerated in another war crimes case in Israel two decades ago, was an accessory to mass murder as a guard at Sobibor camp in Poland during the second world war. However, that turned to dismay at Judge Ralph Alt‘s decision to free Mr Demjanjuk, despite handing down a five-year sentence. ―At the end he threw everyone in the courtroom a curve ball and destroyed the hopes of the survivors of Sobibor,‖ Martin Mendelsohn, counsel for the Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Center and the lawyer for the two co-plaintiffs in the case, told Reuters. Mr Demjanjuk showed no reaction while the judge read out his verdict. It said guards played a key role at extermination camps such as Sobibor, where at least 250,000 Jews are thought to have been killed despite only 20 German SS officers being there. ―He knew from the beginning exactly what was going on in the camp,‖ Judge Alt said. But he said because Mr Demjanjuk had already been imprisoned on remand for two years, more time seemed inappropriate at his age. A court statement cited two other reasons: he had spent eight years in prison in Israel and the crime occurred 68 years ago. Mr Demjanjuk was initially sentenced to death two decades ago in Israel for being the notorious ―Ivan the Terrible‖ camp guard at Treblinka in Poland. The guilty verdict was overturned on appeal in 1993 after new evidence emerged. Ukraine-born Mr Demjanjuk has been in a German jail since he was extradited from the US two years ago and his lawyers had sought his release on age and health grounds. He attended the 18-month court proceedings in Munich in a wheelchair, and sometimes lying down and spoke only to deny the charges. Stephan J. Kramer, secretary-general of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, told Reuters the verdict was ―not revenge but the execution of justice, even 65 years later‖. Victims‘ groups refrained from criticising the decision.


―For us, the important thing is that he got convicted,‖ said Michael Thaidigsmann, spokesman for the World Jewish Congress. ―It‘s not up to an organisation like us to say whether he should be in jail or not.‖ Mr Demjanjuk, who once topped the Wiesenthal Center‘s list of most wanted Nazi war criminals, said he was drafted into the Soviet army in 1941, then taken prisoner of war by the Germans. His son, John Demjanjuk Jr, said before the verdict that his father was a victim of the Nazis and of postwar Germany. Prosecutors had faced several hurdles in proving Mr Demjanjuk‘s guilt, with no surviving witnesses.


Nazi guard Demjanjuk convicted -- and then released Daily Telegraph, UK & Irish Independent, Ireland By Matthew Day in Warsaw John Demjanjuk, the Nazi death camp guard, was found guilty yesterday of 28,000 counts of accessory to murder and sentenced to five years in prison, only to be immediately released because of his age. The Munich court freed Demjanjuk (91), pending his appeal against conviction and sentence for crimes he committed as a guard at the Sobibor concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Poland. Judge Ralph Alt cited Demjanjuk's age and that he posed no danger to the public as justification for his release. But Efraim Zuroff , the chief Nazi hunter at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, expressed his disappointment over the decision, which followed an 18-month trial. "Until I heard the news of his release I was satisfied as the verdict sent a very powerful message that Nazi war criminals will eventually face justice, but now I have my reservations," he said. "He was released on the basis of age, but we think that is irrelevant. The people he sent to death in Sobibor didn't have that privilege and he should be behind bars." Sitting in a wheelchair, Demjanjuk had remained impassive as the court delivered its verdict. He waived the right to make a final statement. Judge Alt said it was clear that Demjanjuk had played a role in the extermination of thousands at Sobibor, adding that he was a piece in the Nazi "machinery of destruction". "The court is convinced that the defendant... served as a guard at Sobibor from March 27, 1943, to mid-September 1943. As guard he took part in the murder of at least 28,000 people," the judge said at the end of the 18-month trial. Born in Ukraine, Demjanjuk always protested his innocence, claiming that he had been a prisoner of war after being captured by the advancing German army in 1942. He later moved to the United States, working in an Ohio car factory. Although there was no evidence that Demjanjuk committed a specific crime, the prosecution was based on the theory that, if he was at the camp, he was a participant in the killing.


It produced an SS identity card carrying a picture of a young Demjanjuk as a key piece of evidence. The conviction and release is the latest chapter in a 30-year legal drama. Demjanjuk was initially sentenced to death two decades ago in Israel for being the notorious "Ivan the Terrible" camp guard at Treblinka death camp in Poland. The guilty verdict was overturned on appeal by Israel's supreme court in 1993 after new evidence emerged pointing to a case of mistaken identity. Stephan J Kramer, secretary general of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said that the verdict was "not revenge but the execution of justice, even 65 years later". Victims' groups said the main point for them was the guilty verdict and they refrained from criticising the decision to set Demjanjuk free. "For us the important thing is that he got convicted," World Jewish Congress spokesman Michael Thaidigsmann said. "It's not up to an organisation like us to say whether he should be in jail or not." - Matthew Day in Warsaw


JOHN DEMJANJUK: THE LAST NAZI CRIMINAL? The Express, UK 13 April 2011 by Simon Edge JOHN Demjanjuk, who hid his evil past when he began a new life in America, was finally convicted of helping kill almost 30,000 Jews. Yet, aged 91, he may never be jailed. The journey from the Sobibor extermination camp in German- occupied Poland to a prison cell in Munich turned out to be a long, slow and tortuous one for the young, blond Ukrainian guard recruited by the Nazi SS. Yesterday, however, 91-year-old John Demjanjuk was finally found guilty for his part in the murder of 28,000 Jews in the summer of 1943. Sitting in a wheelchair, he showed no reaction as German judges sentenced him to five years in prison. Convicted 68 years after the barbarous events in which he took part, he has already been condemned to execution in Israel for atrocities in another Nazi death camp. On that occasion, his lawyers proved he was the victim of mistaken identity and he was freed after five years on death row. But when an SS identity badge placed him at Sobibor, there was no such escape from justice. ―After 70 years, there is no way to right what has happened so that the people involved can gain from this in their future,‖ said the lawyer for two of the coplaintiffs in the case, both rare survivors from Sobibor. ―Justice, as far as it was possible, has been done as far as my clients are concerned. But they don‘t have much left after so much time.‖ Ivan Demjanjuk was born in Ukraine in 1920, two years before that country was absorbed into the USSR. He survived the man-made famine that claimed some 10 million Ukrainian lives in the early Thirties and was a Red Army soldier during the Second World War. At some stage – during a battle on the Crimean peninsula in May 1942 according to prosecutors – he was captured by the Germans and held as a prisoner-of-war. He emigrated to the US in 1952 with his wife and daughter. Anglicising his name to John, he settled in Cleveland, Ohio, had two more children and took citizenship in 1958.

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Working at the Ford car factory, he lived in obscurity until 1977 when five Holocaust survivors involved in the prosecution of another Ukrainian said they recognised him as a notoriously sadistic camp guard from the Treblinka death camp. The guard had been nicknamed ―Ivan the Terrible‖ and it was Demjanjuk, they said. After a long extradition battle and trial, he was found guilty of all charges against him in Israel in 1988 and sentenced to death by hanging. But in a remarkable twist, KGB documents that came to light after the collapse of the Soviet Union appeared to show that he was not Ivan the Terrible after all. The Israeli Supreme Court released him – but the judges did not absolve him completely. He may not have been the notorious brute from Treblinka, they said, but it was likely he had been a guard at Sobibor. Like Treblinka, Sobibor was barely a camp at all. Jews who had been told they were going to a labour camp were brought in by train, told to strip for a bath, and then herded 80 at a time into a tiny room, measuring 12ft by 12ft, where they were gassed with diesel engine exhaust fumes. Death was slow and agonising – screams could be heard for up to half an hour – but most people were dispatched in a matter of hours. The Germans were in charge but many of the guards were former prisoners-of-war co-opted into the SS. Three thousand such men were recruited by the Germans to help them run their death factories and Demjanjuk was accused of being one of them. After his capture by the Nazis he had been been held captive at the Trawniki concentration camp in Poland. Here he was given the chance to join an SS training facility in return for food, money, a uniform and a guarantee of safety. Other guards from Sobibor have testified that the arrival of a train was an allhandsto- the-pumps operation and so anyone who worked there would have been involved in whipping and herding the Jews to their death. The German court, to which he was extradited after another long battle, ruled that it was not necessary to produce evidence he had committed a specific crime. If he was there, he must have been an accessory to murder. And his ID records showed he was at Sobibor between March and July 1943, during which 13 trainloads arrived from Holland. That meant he must have helped kill nearly 30,000 Dutch Jews. Demjanjuk himself did not speak during his trial, which began in November 2009 and was conducted at a snail‘s pace because his doctors said he was too infirm to attend court for more than three hours a day, two days a week.

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For much of the time he sat hunched in a wheelchair, his face hidden behind a baseball cap and dark glasses. On other occasions he was brought in on a stretcher and spent the proceedings lying in a bed. But through his two lawyers he put up a vigorous defence. He tried to argue he had never been there at all: he claimed the ID card was a fake manufactured by the KGB to incriminate him. Even if he had been there, added his lawyer Ulrich Busch, he would have been acting under duress. Foreign guards ―were just like the Jews who were forced to work in the gas chambers‖, said Busch. ―Either they did their job or were killed themselves.‖ Lawyers for the co-plaintiffs – survivors or their relatives – angrily rejected this, saying that the men trained at Trawniki were well fed, allowed to take holidays and profited from the property they looted from prisons, none of which applied to Jewish prisoners who were co-opted to work. The judges accepted the argument and yesterday found Demjanjuk guilty on all charges as a willing part of the Nazis‘ ―machinery of destruction‖. He showed no emotion as the verdict was announced. The convicted man was promptly released pending appeal, to the consternation of some. ―We don‘t think that‘s appropriate given the heinous nature of his crimes,‖ said Nazi-hunter Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. But World Jewish Congress spokesman Michael Thaidigsmann said: ―For us the important thing is that he got convicted. It‘s not up to an organisation like us to say whether he should be in jail or not.‖ Nobody claims that Demjanjuk was an important figure in the Holocaust. One Dutch Nazi war crimes expert, Professor Christiaan Ruter, has said he was ―the littlest of the little fishes‖. But his conviction represents a huge turnaround for the German judiciary, which at one stage notoriously acquitted German-born death camp guards on the grounds that they were only following orders. The successful prosecution of Demjanjuk may actually increase the willingness of a new generation of German judges to bring to trial those who enabled the genocide to happen while in the employ of the murderous Nazi state, no matter how old they are. And with hundreds of investigations still pending and one 97-yearold on trial in Hungary for massacring 1,200 Jewish, Serbian and gypsy civilians, the silent man in the baseball camp and shades may not be the last after all.

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Sometimes guilty verdicts are punishment enough The Times, UK 13 May 2011 Roger Boyes commentary Is there any future for Nazi-hunting? War crimes investigators were, it fading away along with the ageing Nazi criminals they sought, and the survivors so essential to prosecutions. But the pursuit and sentence of Demjanjuk has upset the line of thinking that justice cannot be served from so long ago.

seemed, Holocaust John for crimes

Demjanjuk‘s sentence is not a question of showing mercy; it is about finding a just solution. He will end his days in a German old people‘s home, but he will be a convicted accomplice to mass murder and when he shifts his wheelchair through the streets, the chances are that he will be shunned or criticised. That, on balance, is probably better than allowing him to die unobserved in a prison infirmary. And it will help to convince the Germans that the hunt has to continue. Ron Lauder, of the World Jewish Congress, welcomed the sentence. ―There must never be impunity or closure for those who were involved in mass murder and genocide, irrespective of their age,‖ he said. The German authorities have also made clear their intent to put in the dock anyone openly identified with the perpetrators of mass murder if they were at the scene of Nazi crimes. It does not matter that there is no one alive to testify that Demjanjuk stabbed a Jew. It is sufficient that he was wearing a German uniform, was under German command, was part of a killing organisation and did not try to escape his duties. All this can be established with a paper trail rather than by tracking down ever more elusive witnesses with dimming memories. There are plenty of 90-year-olds with blood on their hands. One investigator spoke yesterday of a female dog handler in Ravensbrück concentration camp. Written testimony leaves little doubt about her guilt; the dogs tore people apart. Now she, and half a dozen others, may find themselves in court. The Hungarians, apparently inspired by the conduct of the Demjanjuk affair, have just put a 97-year-old in the dock, accused of wartime murder. Perhaps he too will be allowed to end his days in a home or feeding pigeons on a park bench. But first, if he is indeed guilty, he will be made to face up to his crimes. That is an important message.

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John Demjanjuk convicted then freed by German court Jerusalem Post, Israel 13 May 2011 By BENJMAIN WEINTHAL JPOST CORRESPONDENT 91-year-old sentenced to 5 years but let out due to age; Demjanjuk convicted for killing 27,900 as guard at death camp Sobibor. BERLIN – A court in Munich on Thursday convicted John Demjanjuk, 91, of assisting in the murder of at least 27,900 Jews as a Nazi guard at the Sobibor extermination camp in Poland, but then immediately released him pending an appeal against his conviction and five-year sentence. Legal proceedings against Demjanjuk, a former Ohio autoworker who was born in Ukraine, have unfolded in Israel, the United States and Germany over a threedecade period, culminating in Thursday‘s verdict and sentence. The appeal procedure may now take another year. Pending an appeal from Demjanjuk‘s attorney, Ulrich Busch, and the court‘s statement that there was no compelling reason to keep him in jail until the sentence could be legally imposed, Judge Ralph Alt declared, ―The defendant is released.‖ Demjanjuk is not deemed at risk of fleeing Germany because of his age and the fact that he is stateless, Alt said. The five-year sentence cannot be implemented until the appeal process is exhausted. In a signal that Demjanjuk may not serve the entire term, or even any of it, even if his appeal fails, Alt said that an incarceration period of five years is ―not commensurate‖ with such an elderly defendant. Demjanjuk has been in German jail for two years. ―It doesn‘t seem likely that Demjanjuk will actually serve any more time in the end. The appeal will take at least a year and at that time his health may not allow putting him in prison,‖ Alt told journalists after the court ruling. Demjanjuk cannot return to the United States because the US government stripped

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him of his citizenship in 2002. Demjanjuk showed no reaction in court – not when Alt delivered the verdict and sentence, and not when the judge said he would be released. Alt said non-German guards played an important role at extermination camps like Sobibor, where at least 250,000 Jews are thought to have been killed despite only 20 German SS officers being there. ―He knew from the beginning exactly what was going on in the camp,‖ Alt said. Jewish organizations, a leading Jewish attorney in Germany, Holocaust survivors and their family members initially welcomed the guilty verdict, but news about Demjanjuk‘s release triggered sharp criticism. Dr. Efraim Zuroff, of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Jerusalem Post, ―We were very pleased with verdict until he was released. It is totally inappropriate and an insult to the victims. It is totally unacceptable to release someone who was convicted for the murder of at least 30,000 people.‖ Zuroff said that the Ukrainian community in Munich was set to ―host him.‖ According to Zuroff, widely considered to be the world‘s leading hunter of Nazis, the Demjanjuk case is the second case within 24 hours in which ―the German legal system failed to respond appropriately to cases related to Holocaust crimes.‖ The other case was that of Klaas Carel Faber, who is living in Bavaria and was convicted in a court in the Netherlands. On Wednesday, Germany refused to extradite him. Faber is the No. 3 most wanted Nazi on the Simon Wiesenthal Center list, and the Dutch court had convicted him as a Nazi collaborator in the Netherlands who helped murder 22 people. Zuroff and the Wiesenthal Center had encouraged the German authorities to prosecute Demjanjuk. He said on Thursday that the Israeli prosecutors, the Office of Special Prosecution in the United States and the German prosecutors ―deserve the credit‖ for the conviction. Nathan Gelbart, a member of the Berlin Jewish community and a prominent attorney, told the Post that the Demjanjuk trial and verdict constituted an ―important sign that some people here care for those people who survived the concentration camps and their heirs. One reason to punish is for the satisfaction of the victims and justice.‖

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Gelbart noted that ―only a handful of Nazi criminals have been put on trial in this country.‖ He said ―The Ministry of Justice did not make overwhelming efforts to follow or pursue extradition‖ in cases involving Nazis, citing Germany‘s refusal to push the Syrian regime to release Austrian Nazi Alois Brunner, who fled to Syria after the war, and who had helped Adolf Eichmann carry out the destruction of European Jewry. Germany ―knew where he was. And they did not pursue him in Syria,‖ Gelbart said. Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, issued a statement, saying ―There must never be impunity or closure for those who were involved in mass murder and genocide, irrespective of their age.‖ He continued that ―John Demjanjuk was one of many perpetrators, and there are still a few old men out there who have the blood of innocent Shoah victims on their hands. The World Jewish Congress will continue to press for them to be tried before the courts of law.‖ Stephan J. Kramer, secretarygeneral of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said the verdict was ―not revenge but the execution of justice, even 65 years later.‖ Vera Dejong, whose family were Sobibor victims, said she was ―very much relieved that I don‘t have to have all the stress every time I have to come and sit here and hear all the horrible things that happened during the war and to my family.‖ Demjanjuk has claimed he was drafted into the Soviet army in 1941, and then taken as a prisoner of war by the Germans. His son, John Demjanjuk Jr., said in an e-mail before the verdict that his father was a victim of the Nazis and of post-war Germany. ―While those who refuse to accept that reality may take satisfaction from this event, nothing the Munich court can do will atone for the suffering Germany has perpetrated upon him to this day,‖ he said. Prosecutors had faced several hurdles in proving Demjanjuk‘s guilt, with no surviving witnesses to his crimes and heavy reliance on wartime documents, notably a Nazi ID card that defense attorneys said was a fake made by the Soviets. Guards at Nazi death camps such as Sobibor were essential to the mass killing of Jews because extermination was the focus of such facilities, prosecutors said.

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Defense attorney Busch told the court that even if Demjanjuk did become a prison guard, he did so only because as a prisoner of war he would otherwise have either been shot by the Nazis or died of starvation. Reuters and Jerusalem Post staff contributed to this report.

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Ronald Lauder: „Demjanjuk received fair trial and a mild sentence, considering his actions at Sobibor‟ European Jewish Press, Belgium 12 May 2011 18:05

World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder: 'We urge authorities there – and in other European countries – not to relent in their quest for bringing the perpetrators of the Holocaust to justice." NEW YORK / BRUSSELS (EJP)---The World Jewish Congress (WJC) welcomed Thursday‘s conviction by a court in Munich of Ukrainian-born Ivan John Demjanjuk for helping to murder at least 27,900 Jews while serving as a guard in the Nazi death camp Sobibor during WWII. Demjanjuk was sentenced to five years in prison by the court but presiding judge Ralph Alt ordered his immediate release, pending a final decision by a federal court and possible appeal, saying the accused no longer posed a threat to society . ―There must never be impunity or closure for those who were involved in mass murder and genocide, irrespective of their age,‖ said WJC President Ronald S. Lauder in a first reaction. Lauder added: ―Despite endless and sometimes dubious attempts by Mr. Demjanjuk‘s defense to discredit this trial, the judges have now handed down a clear verdict. Although he did not cooperate with the court in any way or admit remorse, Mr. Demjanjuk received a fair trial and a mild sentence, considering his

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actions at Sobibor.‖ ―Belatedly, justice has now been done, and the family members of those who were brutally murdered in Sobibor will certainly welcome this verdict. We praise Germany for continuing to prosecute Nazi war criminals and their helpers, and we urge authorities there – and in other European countries – not to relent in their quest for bringing the perpetrators of the Holocaust to justice,‖ the WJC president said. ―John Demjanjuk was one of many perpetrators, and there are still a few old men out there who have the blood of innocent Shoah victims on their hands. The World Jewish Congress will continue to press for them to be tried before the courts of law,‖ Lauder added.

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Demjanjuk guilty of Nazi war crimes, German court finds CNN Wire, USA 12 May 2011 13:23 GMT

(CNN) -- John Demjanjuk was found guilty Thursday of involvement in the murder of tens of thousands of Jews by a court in Germany, capping a 30-year international legal saga over whether he was a Nazi camp guard during World War II. He was sentenced to five years in prison, the court told CNN. German prosecutors accused the 91-year-old former Ohio auto worker of being a guard at the notorious Nazi death camp of Sobibor in Poland. He was charged with being an accessory to about 27,900 murders. Prosecutors had asked for a sentence of six years in what is likely the last major Nazi war crimes trial in Germany. Demjanjuk declined to address the court Thursday before the verdict was handed down, German press reports said. He did not speak once during the trial, the German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported. Jewish groups hailed the verdict soon after it was announced. Israel's Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, said the trial and ruling showed there was no statute of limitations for the crimes of the Holocaust. "While no trial can bring back those that were murdered, holding those responsible to justice has an important moral and educational role in society," museum chairman Avner Shalev said. "The conviction today of Demjanjuk underscores the fact that even though the policies of the 'Final Solution' -- the systematic murder of 6 million European Jews - were set and carried out by the German Nazi regime, the murder could not have taken place without the participation of myriads of Europeans on many levels. Their role was also criminal," he added.

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"Despite endless and sometimes dubious attempts by Mr. Demjanjuk's defense to discredit this trial, the judges have now handed down a clear verdict," said Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress. "Although he did not cooperate with the court in any way or admit remorse, Mr. Demjanjuk received a fair trial and a mild sentence, considering his actions at Sobibor," Lauder added. Demjanjuk's defense team argued that he was a prisoner of war who was forced to do what the Nazis wanted. The Munich state prosecutor brought the charges against Demjanjuk for his alleged role at Sobibor, where the Nazis and their sympathizers killed at least 167,000 people, according to the U.S Holocaust Memorial Museum. His trial opened in November 2009, after he was stripped of United States citizenship and deported to Germany. It took a year longer than expected. The accusations against Demjanjuk date to the late 1970s, when the U.S. Justice Department accused him of being a Nazi guard known as "Ivan the Terrible." His U.S. citizenship was revoked in 1981, and he was extradited to Israel in 1986. Demjanjuk was convicted in an Israeli court in 1988 and sentenced to death, but that conviction was overturned in 1993 amid evidence that someone else was "Ivan the Terrible." A U.S. federal court restored Demjanjuk's citizenship, ruling the government withheld evidence supporting his case. But his citizenship was revoked again in 2002 after a federal judge ruled that his 1952 entry into the United States was illegal because he hid his past as a Nazi guard. Demjanjuk lost a U.S. Supreme Court case against his deportation. His lawyers had asked the high court to consider their claims that he was too ill and frail to be sent overseas. They also raised human rights and other legal issues. After decades spent fighting accusations that he was a Nazi camp guard, Demjanjuk changed his line of defense when the Munich trial opened 18 months ago. The native Ukrainian was a prisoner of war during the conflict, and would have been killed had he not done what the Nazis ordered, his defense team argued. Defense attorney Ulrich Busch said when the trial began that the court was imposing a "moral and judicial double standard." The guards forced to help the Nazis were "victims, not culprits -- survivors, not murderers," Busch said. Higher-ranking German SS officers in a similar situation have been found not guilty of war crimes, the defense argued. About 30 relatives of victims joined the prosecution case. In Germany, it is possible for the families to join the prosecution case as co-plaintiffs, representing named

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individuals who died in the death camps. There are very few remaining survivors of Sobibor. Demjanjuk's defenders say he was a Soviet prisoner of war sent to the Trawniki concentration camp, where Nazis trained prisoners to assist with the extermination of about 2 million Jews in occupied Poland. Those prisoners of war had no choice but to assist, the defense said. The German court originally accused him of complicity in about 29,000 murders. The prosecutor's office said it revised the number to about 27,900 murders because some of those who had allegedly died in the camp when Demjanjuk was there were already dead during the transport to Sobibor.

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European Jewish, Muslim leaders denounce extremism Jewish Telegraphic Agency, USA 10 May 2011 PARIS (JTA) -- Jewish and Muslim leaders in several European countries are joining to denounce the rise of far-right extremist groups in their countries. In a monthlong initiative co-sponsored by the European Jewish Congress, the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, the Muslim Jewish Conference, the World Council of Muslims for Interfaith Relations and the World Jewish Congress, Jewish and Muslim community leaders are uniting to speak out against the increasing popularity of far right extremist groups throughout Europe. On May 8th, under the auspices of the Amitié Judeo-Musulmane de France, or Jewish-Muslim Friendship of France, participants called on Muslims and Jews to reject the right-wing National Front Party, which has been gaining in the polls since its new leader, Marine Le Pen, has taken power. ―We are holding this event to make unmistakably clear that the Jewish and Muslim citizens of France stand united in opposition to the National Front,‖ said Rabbi Michel Serfaty, president of the Jewish-Muslim Friendship of France. ―Despite claims to the contrary, Marine Le Pen has not changed one iota the racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic politics of her father,‖ he said according to reports.

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WJC President Lauder: Fatah-Hamas pact is „prize for terror‟ European Jewish Press, Belgium 8 May 2011

World Jewish Congress President Ronald S.Lauder: "The Fatah-Hama pact is also an assault against the United States. He recalled that on Monday, Hamas' leader Ismail Haniyeh condemned America's "assassination" of Osama Bin Laden and called it a "continuation of the US policy of spilling Arab and Muslim blood." NEW YORK / JERUSALEM (EJP)---The World Jewish Congress (WJC) expressed its outrage and condemnation of Wednesday's agreement signed between the main Palestinian government rivals, Fatah and Hamas, in Cairo. "The Fatah-Hamas agreement is a prize for terror and a setback for peace," said Ronald S.Lauder, WJC president. He added that the pact is also an assault against the United States, recalling that on Monday, Hamas' leader Ismail Haniyeh had condemned America's "assassination" of Osama Bin Laden and called it a "continuation of the US policy of spilling Arab and Muslim blood. Haniyeh called Bin Laden "an Arab holy warrior". "While Fatah agreed to release all Hamas prisoners, the Hamas leadership reiterated its commitment to "armed resistance" against Israel," Lauder said. "It is a worrying indication that PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas told the Arab media that there was no need to demand that Hamas recognize Israel." "Hamas's tribute to Bin Laden is a wakeup call to the free world," said Dan Diker,

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secretary general designate of the WJC. "And today, the implications for this dangerous Palestinian Unity government are even more severe. "Palestinian terrorists who celebrated 9/11 and now mourn Bin Laden's death are demanding that the United Nations recognize a unilaterally declared Palestinian state whose mandate remains the destruction of Israel." The World Jewish Congress urged the United States and all other donor countries to freeze financial aid to the Hamas-Fatah regime and to clarify their opposition to any premature UN recognition of Palestinian statehood.

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Umstritten: «Der Mann, der ins KZ einbrach» Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Germany 17 May 2011 Von Sybille Peine Berlin (dpa) Die Geschichte erscheint fast unglaublich. Als junger britischer Kriegsgefangener schleicht sich Denis Avey ins KZ von Auschwitz ein und wird dort Zeuge ungeheuerlicher Verbrechen. 60 Jahre schweigt er über seine traumatischen Erlebnisse. Erst als alter Mann wird Avey eher zufällig von einem BBC-Reporter während einer Recherche über Kriegsrentner entdeckt. Rob Broomby ist fasziniert von der einzigartigen Geschichte. Er dreht einen Film über Avey und macht ihn berühmt. Als «Hero of the Holocaust» wird der Kriegsveteran sogar vom britischen Premierminister geehrt. Die Erinnerungen des 92-Jährigen werden zum Bestseller. Jetzt liegen sie unter dem Titel «Der Mann, der ins KZ einbrach» auch auf Deutsch vor. Doch nicht alle glauben diese Heldengeschichte. In seinem Buch schildert Avey zunächst seine Zeit als britischer Soldat. Er kämpft in Nordafrika, wird verwundet und von den Deutschen gefangen genommen. Über Umwege gerät er schließlich in das Kriegsgefangenenlager E715. Es liegt direkt neben dem Konzentrationslager Auschwitz III (Monowitz). Es handelt sich um ein jüdisches Arbeitslager, in dem sich die ausgemergelten Gefangenen unter dem Kommando brutaler SS-Männer zu Tode schuften. Obwohl auch die Kriegsgefangenen zu schwerer Arbeit herangezogen werden, geht es ihnen doch unvergleichlich besser. Sie haben wärmere Kleidung, gehaltvollere Nahrung. Eines Tages sieht Avey die «Gestreiften»: «Sie erinnerten an sich bewegende Schatten, gestaltlos und verschwommen, als könnten sie jeden Augenblick ins Nichts verblassen (.).Den bemitleidenswerten Gestalten war fast alles genommen worden, was das Menschsein ausmacht, das sah ich sofort.» Er erfährt, dass alle Juden, die zum Arbeiten zu schwach waren «durch den Schornstein» gehen. «Dass ich nichts dagegen tun konnte, besudelte mich und mein Leben. Ich konnte nicht zulassen, dass es so weiterging.» So entsteht in ihm die riskante Idee, seinen relativ privilegierten Platz eines britischen Kriegsgefangenen mit dem jüdischen KZ-Insassen Hans zu tauschen. Er trifft detaillierte Vorkehrungen. Und tatsächlich wechseln er und Hans für kurze Zeit die Seite, beim dritten Mal geht es fast schief. Für einen anderen KZ-Insassen namens Ernst kann Avey die Verbindung zu seiner Schwester in England herstellen. Er schmuggelt für ihn Zigaretten ins KZ, die dort so wertvoll wie Geld sind. Jahrzehnte später erfährt Avey, dass Ernst überlebt hat. Von Hans dagegen hört er

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nie wieder etwas. Nach dem Krieg will keiner Aveys Geschichte über das Innenleben in Auschwitz hören. Nur Heldenstorys sind gefragt. Er selbst ist traumatisiert und schweigt. Sein langes Schweigen erscheint vielen heute jedoch verdächtig. In den letzten Wochen sind immer mehr skeptische Stimmen laut geworden, die Aveys Geschichte anzweifeln. Dazu gehören sowohl ehemalige Kriegsgefangene, die sich im selben Lager wie Avey aufhielten, als auch jüdische Organisationen und Historiker. Die ehemaligen Kriegsgefangenen bestreiten, dass es möglich gewesen sei, unbemerkt den Platz einfach so mit einem jüdischen KZ-Insassen zu tauschen. Die HolocaustGedenkstätte Yad Vashem hat bisher niemanden finden können, der Aveys Erzählung bestätigen könnte. Piotr Setkiewicz, Chef-Historiker in Auschwitz, hält das Ganze nicht nur für unglaubwürdig, sondern sogar für gefährlich. Solche unplausiblen Geschichten lieferten nur den Holocaust-Leugnern Zündstoff, zitiert ihn die Daily Mail. Der World Jewish Congress hat inzwischen Aveys Verlag aufgefordert, die Geschichte des Autoren zu überprüfen. Auf das Ergebnis darf man gespannt sein. Denis Avey und Rob Broomby - Der Mann, der ins KZ einbrach - Bastei Lübbe Verlag Köln - 350 Seiten, 19,99 Euro - ISBN 978-3-431-03839-2 1232 ach___Umstrittene_Aus.html,1650761 Summary translation Denis Avey‘s claim that he broke into Auschwitz is controversial. The World Jewish Congress has in the meantime called on the publisher of his book, which is co-authored by Rob Broomby, to verify the claim. The outcome of this will be interesting.

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Veteran defends Auschwitz heroics story YNet, Israel 3 May 2011 Jewish groups, former concentration camp inmates say they have serious misgivings over some parts of Denis Avey's book about his time as prisoner in nearby labor camp in Nazi-occupied Poland

A British World War II veteran and his publisher have defended his account of smuggling himself into Auschwitz concentration camp to witness firsthand the horrors of the Holocaust after doubts surfaced about the story. Denis Avey, 92, wrote "The Man who Broke into Auschwitz" about his time as a prisoner in a nearby labor camp in Nazi-occupied Poland. The book, published by Hodder & Stoughton, generated significant media coverage. But a subsequent investigation by the Daily Mail quoted historians, Jewish groups and former Auschwitz inmates who said they had serious misgivings about some of its content. The main point of contention was Avey's account of how he twice swapped places with a Dutch Jew in order to smuggle himself into Auschwitz III camp following weeks of planning including bribes to a guard. Piotr Setkiewicz, head of research at the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial and museum, told Reuters that while it was impossible to prove or disprove Avey's swap story due to the absence of survivors personally involved, it was a problematic account. "Theoretically it is possible to do such a thing, but for practical reasons it would be extremely difficult," he said. "It is a question of confirmation, and I can't see any way to confirm Mr. Avey's story. Nevertheless, privately, I don't think this (the swap) happened. He said it was almost certain the swap would have been detected even if a guard was bought off and a handful of fellow prisoners kept informed.

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Setkiewicz added that the "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign under which Avey said he marched almost certainly did not exist at Auschwitz III, although he did not have conclusive proof. 'It is a fact' Hodder & Stoughton issued a point-by-point rebuttal of the Daily Mail article by Guy Walters, while Avey and co-author Rob Broomby stood by their story. "I am certainly not distancing myself from the book at all," said Broomby. "I stand by everything in the book." Broomby, a journalist, said he saw Avey shortly after the Mail article appeared and he made the following statement: "I am disappointed and sorry that they have doubted my word. This sort of thing is deeply unpleasant ... I did what I did and that is it. In war everything you do is more extreme. I stand by my account. It is a fact." Setkiewicz said he had nothing personal against Avey, but argued that it was important to scrutinise accounts of what happened in the concentration camps to avoid providing ammunition to Holocaust deniers. "Perhaps 80 or 90% of what Mr. Avey says is true, but the problem is that deniers have this wonderful habit of fixing on every single thing which is obviously not true." Nazi Germany killed six million Jews during the Holocaust and Auschwitz-Birkenau was the largest Nazi concentration and extermination camp. Hodder & Stoughton said it was "proud to publish" Avey's book, adding: "We have never doubted Mr. Avey's testimony. It confirmed that it received a fax from the World Jewish Congress asking to have the book verified, and that it responded to the questions and sent a copy of the book "so they can read the detailed explanation". Yad Vashem, the Holocaust remembrance authority, said it was unable to honor Avey with the title "Righteous Among the Nations" because it was unable to substantiate his account of the prisoner swap. A spokeswoman said the organization was not criticizing Avey's account, and Hodder argued that the lack of survivors from that time meant it was "not at all surprising" that the necessary corroboration could not be found.

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Schoa zum Anfassen / Denis Avey: Ein Held, dem keiner mehr glaubt Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany 3 May 2011 Gab es das: einen britischen Kriegsgefangenen, interniert in der unmittelbaren Nähe von Auschwitz, der eines Tages, nachdem er viel von den Greueln gehört hatte, den tollkühnen Entschluss fasste, sich die Vernichtungsstätte einmal selbst anzusehen, mit einem Juden die Uniform tauschte, nach Auschwitz hineingelangte, Zeuge furchtbarer Untaten wurde, sich alles einprägte, dann wieder hinausgelangte, über Jahrzehnte schwieg und dann endlich, mehr als neunzig Jahre alt, dem BBCJournalisten Rob Broomby seine wahre Geschichte erzählte, die eines unbesungenen Helden? Gab es das? Denis Avey, geboren 1919, wurde vom damaligen britischen Premierminister Brown ausgezeichnet, er erhielt 2010 den Titel eines "British Hero of the Holocaust". Der Titel der deutschen Ausgabe von Aveys Buch "Der Mann, der ins KZ einbrach" zitiert eine Rezension der "Times": Die Zeit für die Veröffentlichung sei "endlich" gekommen, "jetzt, da die Augenzeugen aussterben und die Holocaustverleugnung wieder zunimmt". Dass aber die deutsche Ausgabe des Buches ausgerechnet beim Verlag Lübbe erschien, der nicht gerade zu den führenden Publikationshäusern historischer Werke gilt und eher Unterhaltungsliteratur im Programm hat, mag zu der auffallenden Zurückhaltung in der deutschen Rezeption geführt haben. Besprochen wurde das Werk nämlich nicht; nur das Magazin der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" brachte am 14. Januar eine Art Home-Story des deutschen, in London ansässigen Journalisten Serge Debrebant, der indes bisher nur mit einem Schmunzelbuch hervorgetreten war ("Japanische Schweine machen buubuu", 2007); besondere zeitgeschichtliche Kompetenz konnte Debrebant also nicht vorweisen. Kenner ließen die Finger von Aveys Werk. Schon Debrebant gestand in seinem Artikel übrigens durchaus zu, dass es "Zweifler" gab. Auch das Publikationshaus Hodder & Stoughton, der Verlag der englischen Originalausgabe "The man who broke into Auschwitz", hat eher Unterhaltung auf Lager; die einschlägige Abteilung, in der Aveys Buch ihren Platz fand, heißt bezeichnenderweise "History and Adventure". Trotz vieler Warnungen scheint der Bedarf nach einer weniger sachlichen als menschlich nahen Schilderung der Massenmorde in den Vernichtungslagern auch heute noch eine Literatur hervorzubringen, die oft sentimental romantisiert oder, im schlimmeren Fall, auf freche Fälschung hinausläuft. Aveys Buch ist nicht das erste Werk dieser Gattung, hoffentlich bleibt es das letzte. Jede Halb- oder Fünftelwahrheit auf diesem Gebiet ist nämlich eine Schädigung der wirklichen historischen Aufklärung, und kein Interesse an "Zeitzeugen" kann hier

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als Entschuldigung angeführt werden. Inzwischen hat der Jüdische Weltkongress den englischen Verlag in deutlichen Worten zu einer Prüfung der Authentizität von Aveys Abenteuern aufgefordert. Die Einrichtung warnt vor einer "Trivialisierung" des Holocaust und erinnert an die Vorgänger-Fälle Binjamin Wilkomirski alias Bruno Doesseker und Herman Rosenblat (F.A.Z. vom 2. Januar 2009). Die israelische Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem hat eine Ehrung von Avey nun abgelehnt: Unter den echten Zeugnissen aus Auschwitz gebe es keine, die Aveys Behauptungen auch nur entfernt bestätigten. Zu den Zeugen der Verteidigung gehört indes - oder gehörte? - der sehr bekannte britische Historiker Martin Gilbert. Dies überrascht umso mehr, als Gilbert zwar mit seiner Churchill-Biographie einer entschieden heroisch-patriotischen Schule der Geschichtsschreibung angehört, aber andererseits die Geschichte des Holocaust und die des osteuropäischen Judentums zu seiner Sache gemacht hat; auch hat er ein Buch über jene "Gerechten unter den Völkern" veröffentlicht, die den verfolgten Juden halfen. Eine Äußerung von Gilbert wäre insofern sicher erwünscht. Einen Greis wie Avey zum Phantasieren zu bringen ist kein Ruhmesblatt, und ihn nun als Fabulierer entlarvt zu sehen, sollte das Publikum auch nicht befriedigen. Fragen muss sich ein anderer gefallen lassen. Denn geschrieben wurde das Buch wohl von Rob Broomby, der auch auf dem Umschlag als Mitautor genannt ist. 2009 meldete die BBC, dass Avey demnächst von Yad Vashem ausgezeichnet werde. Autor des Berichts war wiederum Broomby, offenbar der böse Geist hinter der ganzen Affäre, Berichterstatter und Mittäter in einer Person. Broomby ist ein an sich kaum bekannter Journalist, der einmal, 2000, für die BBC über Rassismus in Deutschland berichtet hatte, ein anderes Mal über Rassismus in der Schweiz. Wahrlich keine große Leuchte, sondern ein Mann, der mit wenig historischen Skrupeln eine Milchkuh für den eigenen schnellen Weg zum Ruhm gewittert haben muss. Fragen über ihre Qualitätsstandards muss sich deshalb auch die BBC stellen. LORENZ JÄGER

Summary translation Denis Avey: a hero whom nobody believes There are serious doubts that Denis Avey‘s account that he broke into Auschwitz is true. The German edition of the book has so far hardly been reviewed, which may have been due to the fact that it is published by Lübbe, which otherwise offers mainly light fiction. Hodder & Stoughton, the British publishers of the book, have it listed in the section ‗History & Adventure‘. Despite many warnings, there seems to be a demand for more personalised accounts of the mass murder in the death

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camps, which as a consequence has led to more sentimental books about the Holocaust – and in some cases to hoaxes. Avey‘s book is not the first of this kind, but hopefully it remains the last, because every half-truth in this area does harm to the search for historic facts, and no personal interest of ―eye witnesses‖ should be used as an excuse. In the meantime, the World Jewish Congress has addressed clear words to the English publishing house and urged it to verify the authenticity of Avey‘s adventures. The affair also casts a shadow on Avey‘s co-author, the BBC journalist Rob Broomby, a man who is not a luminary and who seems to be milking a cow for his personal fame. The BBC should answer questions about its own quality standards.

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Holocaust hero ... or hoax? New York Post, USA 24 April 2011 By MAUREEN CALLAHAN The idea, he says today, was to tell the world of these atrocities. So, as a British prisoner of war, Denis Avey snuck into a concentration camp in the middle of 1944: ―I wanted the names of the SS officers responsible for the obscenity around me,‖ he writes. ―I could bear witness.‖ Since its publication in the UK three weeks ago, Avey‘s memoir, ―The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz,‖ has become a best-seller and will now be published in 10 countries, including the US this summer. His recent interview on the BBC drew millions of viewers. He became a national hero, the embodiment of British resolve and bravery, wreathed in laurels by former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and put under consideration to be named ―Righteous Among the Nations‖ by Israel‘s National Holocaust Museum, Yad Vashem. Avey, 92, is now no longer under consideration. ―His story cannot be confirmed,‖ says Neil Tweedie, who interviewed Avey for Britain‘s daily paper The Guardian. ―It‘s a bizarre thing to make up. In the end, it comes down to taking his word.‖ The World Jewish Congress has asked the UK publisher to launch an independent investigation. Perseus Books, the US publisher, did not return calls from The Post asking if they would do the same. Parts of Avey‘s story can be verified: He joined the Rifle Brigade in 1939 and was taken as a prisoner of war in Libya in 1940. He was imprisoned in a series of camps before his internment, in 1943, at a POW camp called E715, which was adjacent to Auschwitz III. During day labor, Avey befriended an Auschwitz prisoner named Ernst Lobethal, to whom he smuggled cigarettes — a life-saving form of currency in the camps. (This was verified by the Shoah testimony given by the now-deceased Lobethal.) Avey also claims to have befriended a prisoner of Auschwitz named Hans, and here‘s where the story becomes impossible to prove: Avey doesn‘t know Hans‘ last name, and isn‘t even sure Hans was an actual birth name. Avey says he convinced Hans to secretly switch clothes and identities, with Avey sneaking into Auschwitz as Hans, and Hans reporting to the POW camp as Avey — not once, but twice. Avey can remember the names of only two co-conspirators: Bill Hedges and Jimmy Fleet. Both men are dead, and there is no record of survivors or descendants.

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Avey‘s details of Auschwitz III would be known to most anyone who‘s read about the Holocaust. He claims to have seen a dead body, head shaven, hanging from a gibbet, or gallows. He describes the barracks as squat, the food as sparse. He writes of the stench from the crematorium and the piles of bodies. He claims to have seen the ―Arbeit Macht Frei‖ sign upon walking in to Auschwitz III, though most Holocaust historians maintain that it was erected over Auschwitz I. (The famed author and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi claimed to have seen it over Auschwitz III.) Avey has stood by his account, as has his co-author Rob Broomby, a journalist for the BBC. ―This poor man had the supreme misfortune to end up a witness to the most supreme injustice of all time,‖ Broomby says today. ―Those around him had no idea who would survive to tell what happened. The Jews said to him, ‗Please, if you get home, tell the world. Tell the world.‘ He did what he could.‖ American and British officials first heard of Auschwitz through the Riegner telegram of August 1942, sent by a member of the World Jewish Congress in Switzerland. It was met by both nations with disbelief. In July 1943, Jan Karski, a member of the Polish underground who‘d infiltrated a transit camp — a town without boundaries where Jews were held for transport — personally informed President Roosevelt of Nazi atrocities. Finally, two Slovak Jews named Alfred Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba escaped from Auschwitz in April 1944, and their detailed accounts of the grotesqueries within were broadcast to the world through the mainstream media in June of that year. ―The range of knowledge of what was happening was relatively limited,‖ says Peter Black, senior historian of the US Holocaust Museum. As unbelievable as it may seem today, the average American, he says, was unaware of the full scale and scope of Nazi atrocities until the Nuremberg trials. If Avey did, in fact, smuggle himself into Auschwitz with the singular purpose of alerting the world, why has he waited until 2011 to alert the world? ―He was not a well man,‖ says co-author Broomby. ―When he came back, he was questioned by military officers, and he sensed that people didn‘t want to hear about it. So he just shut down.‖ Aside from lack of evidence, Avey‘s account suffers from actions that defy common and historical sense. Why would Hans, if he existed, agree to risk his life, and the lives of his fellow prisoners, to switch identities under the cruel proviso that he return to Auschwitz? How did Hans access the British POW camp without the proper military papers, which German guards inspected upon each entry and exit? How did Avey, who spoke only English, stay under the radar in Auschwitz, where most prisoners spoke either German or Polish? For that matter, how were other nonEnglish-speaking prisoners brought into such an elaborate and potentially fatal WJC SELECTED PRESS ARTICLES- 09/2010-05/2011: PAGE 34 OF 243

conspiracy? Why wasn‘t the knowledge Avey absorbed from working in extreme proximity to Auschwitz enough? How was Avey able to ask Hans to go along with this plan not once, but twice, without absorbing its psychological barbarism? ―If he minded swapping back, he never said so,‖ Avey writes, somewhat antiseptically. ―He was a decent chap and I knew he would do the job.‖ The hero of this story, say his defenders, is Avey. ―Denis is a thoroughly oldfashioned guy who was brought up with the idea that you don‘t walk away from injustice,‖ says Broomby. ―The Brits were smuggling food and cigarettes into Auschwitz, but a lot of them were becoming inured.‖ Avey, Broomby maintains, was a man apart: ―So many kept their heads down, but Denis was a strapping, fiery 25-year-old,‖ he says. ―He remained angry, and wanted to see and learn what he could.‖ ―It would be very difficult for any individual to smuggle himself into the camps without being able to convincingly portray themselves as a Polish or German prisoner,‖ says historian Black. The most common infiltrators were members of the Polish underground, who not only had contacts inside and outside but relied on a far less dangerous method: They‘d get themselves arrested. ―It wasn‘t such an easy thing to do, break into a concentration camp,‖ Black says. ―Let alone break out of one.‖ One assertion of Avey‘s most disturbs Black: his claim that the military, in their post-war debrief of Avey, did not want to hear what had transpired. ―That would surprise me,‖ says Black. ―Right at the end of the war, the British and US military were looking for evidence of atrocities and for suspects to indict. They were very eager. It could well be that if Avey‘s story wasn‘t credible enough, they didn‘t want to hear more from him.‖ Should Avey‘s account prove false, it won‘t be the first. Nor will it be unique: ―The Password is Courage,‖ published in 1954, told the story of a British POW named Charles Coward, who was held in the same camp as Avey — E715, adjacent to Auschwitz III. Coward, now deceased, claimed to have traded identities with a Jewish prisoner of Auschwitz and to have smuggled Jewish prisoners out of the camp. He became a national hero, the subject of a 1962 feature film, a Yad Vashem honoree. And, like Avey, his claims have since come under dispute: None of the hundreds of men Coward claimed to have saved has ever been identified or come forward. The false Holocaust memoir is a curious and disturbing subgenre, including ―Fragments,‖ Binjamin Wilkomirski‘s 1995 account of his childhood internment in a

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concentration camp. It was later revealed that Wilkomirski was born in a Swiss orphanage in 1947, two years after World War II ended. In 2008, Herman Rosenblat‘s ―Angel at the Fence‖ — the story of meeting his future wife as a child in a concentration camp — was also revealed to be a lie. That same year, the author of ―Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years‖ admitted that her chronicle of hiding from the Nazis while being raised by a pack of wolves was a fiction. The damage done by such hoaxes are incalculable, an affront not only to those who lived and died in the camps but to history itself. ―It gives Holocaust deniers ammunition,‖ says Black, who adds that not every Holocaust hoax is the product of nefarious intentions. ―I must say, not all of these things are deliberate. Post-war repetition and discussion with other survivors work their way into memories.‖ And then there are those fabricators, he concedes, with an insatiable need for mass adulation. ―Think of the attention Holocaust survivors get,‖ he says. ―You automatically become a thing of reverence.‖

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Did this British PoW really smuggle himself into Auschwitz to expose the Holocaust... or is his account pure fantasy and an insult to millions who died there? Daily Mail, UK 9 April 2011 By Guy Walters

Fact or fiction: In his book The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz, Denis Avey says he smuggled himself into the death camp - but his claims are becoming more and more refuted The story of Denis Avey is one of deep compassion and breathtaking heroism. It is a wartime story that he has kept to himself for several decades, before finally revealing the full account in a book that was published this month. Called The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz, the book is already a best-seller. It tells how Mr Avey was held by the Germans in a PoW camp next to Auschwitz, and how he risked his life by swapping places with a Jewish inmate on two

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occasions and smuggling himself into the concentration camp to record for posterity the horrors of history‘s greatest crime. The book also tells how Avey saved the life of another Jewish inmate, called Ernst Lobethal, by supplying him with cigarettes. Lobethal had been raised in an orphanage in Breslau in what is now Poland, and in January 1943 he was sent to Auschwitz, where he had to use all his wits to survive. He was able to trade the cigarettes for new soles on his shoes — shoes vital to his survival in a forced ‗death‘ march from the camp through snow at the end of the war. When he was Prime Minister, Gordon Brown presented Avey with a British Hero Of The Holocaust Award at a reception at 10 Downing Street. His name was also put forward to Yad Vashem, Israel‘s official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, to be made ‗Righteous Among The Nations‘, an honour given to Gentiles who saved Jews during the war, held by Oskar Schindler. Avey has been dubbed a man of ‗limitless moral and physical courage‘ by a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Henry Kamm, and his book carries a foreword by the renowned historian Sir Martin Gilbert. He has given countless talks about his experiences and has appeared many times on TV and radio. Just last week, Avey made millions pause for thought when he gave a lengthy and humbling interview to BBC Breakfast, in which he revealed his horrific experiences. Avey‘s story is reaching a huge audience — his book is being published in at least ten countries. And he is taken aback by all the attention. ‗On reflection,‘ he says, ‗I can‘t really believe that people would believe what I did.‘ The trouble is that increasing numbers of people don‘t believe him. They include former Auschwitz prisoners, historians and Jewish organisations — and they all doubt very much that he broke into Auschwitz. This week Dr Piotr Setkiewicz, the head historian at Auschwitz, said that he did not believe Mr Avey‘s story of the swap. He said that his fear was the story could provide ammunition for Holocaust deniers who are keen to exploit implausible memoirs in order to ‗prove‘ that the Holocaust did not take place.

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Witness? Avey claims that while being held by the Germans in a PoW camp near Auschwitz, he was able to swap places with a Jewish prisoner and gain access to the notorious compound The World Jewish Congress has now called on Mr Avey‘s publishers to verify the historical accuracy of the book. ‗We are deeply concerned about the charge that a significant part of Mr Avey‘s story — ie that he supposedly smuggled himself into the Auschwitz-Buna concentration camp — is exaggerated if not completely fabricated,‘ said the organisation. It also emerged this week that Yad Vashem felt unable to honour Mr Avey with Righteous Among The Nations, because it could not back up his claims. ‗We didn‘t find anyone to confirm it,‘ said Irena Steinfeldt, a spokeswoman for Yad Vashem. ‗We went through several testimonies of Jewish inmates, and none of them mentioned that it happened. There was nothing to substantiate it.‘ Ms Steinfeldt added: ‗We often get recommendations that show that the applicant has won an honour from a government, but that in itself is not evidence.‘ Former prisoners at Auschwitz and at camp E715 — the British PoW camp next door in which Mr Avey was held — have also strongly disputed Mr Avey‘s story, arguing that the swap would have been impossible. Let us look in detail at his main claim — that he smuggled himself into Auschwitz,

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Born in 1919, Avey was enlisted into the Rifle Brigade in 1939 and was sent to Egypt. He was captured by the Afrika Korps in Libya in November 1940 and after a succession of PoW camps, including a year in Italy, ended up at the PoW camp E715. There he worked as a labourer and was housed only a few hundred yards from one of the major parts of Auschwitz, known as Auschwitz III or Monowitz. It was while he saw the horrific treatment being meted out to the Jewish inmates of Auschwitz with whom he worked in the same chemical factory that he came up with the idea of swapping place with a Jewish prisoner. His motive, he claims, was to see what was happening for himself so that he ‗could bear witness‘ and help hold the Nazis to account after the war. 'To do something like that you need to have several people helping on both sides — our side and the Jewish side' According to Avey, the plan relied on an enormous amount of preparation. For weeks, he says, he had studied the Jewish prisoners at the Auschwitz III camp and had learned how to imitate them. He shaved his head, smeared his face with dirt, and then found a Jewish prisoner with whom he swapped. He says he used cigarettes as a bribe to obtain a pair of wooden clogs that were worn by the Jewish inmates and bribed a ‗kapo‘ — or guard — to turn a blind eye to the swap. One day, as the two work columns of the Jewish and the British prisoners drew close, the Jewish prisoner and Avey ducked into a nearby hut, quickly swapped their clothes, and then darted back into each other‘s columns. While he was inside Auschwitz III, Avey claimed to have seen a corpse hanging from a gibbet, endured a night in the barracks alongside groaning and screaming Jewish inmates, and breakfasted on rotten cabbage and potato peelings. He says he returned to E715 and later swapped places with the prisoner a second time, although both decided that to risk another attempt would be tempting fate. Both knew the penalty would be death if they were caught. However, the idea that both men could have simply switched columns, twice, without being seen by German guards or spotted afterwards is implausible. ‗I don‘t believe it,‘ says Brian Bishop, 91, a survivor of Dunkirk who had been captured in Africa in 1942 and was at camp E715, ‗I can‘t understand how he did it.

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To do something like that you need to have several people helping on both sides — our side and the Jewish side.‘ Sam Pivnik, 84, a Polish Jew, was sent to Auschwitz aged 16 in August 1943 and held there as prisoner 135913 until January 1945. He shares similarly strong doubts. ‗Avey‘s story seems to me highly unlikely,‘ he says. ‗Swapping places with an Auschwitz prisoner wasn‘t just risking his own life, but those of everyone else in his block; and he was taking a huge risk that he wouldn‘t be informed on. It isn‘t a chance that I would have taken. Prisoners in Auschwitz were so desperate, you couldn‘t take the risk of trusting them.‘

Nightmare: The infamous gate at Auschwitz I, which Avey claims to have seen at Auschwitz III... which is some six miles away Auschwitz historian Dr Setkiewicz agrees with both survivors. He points out that many people would have had to have been involved in such an exchange, and it would have been extremely risky as there were many spies in the camp: ‗As there are no testimonies by other survivors, I certainly would not include this story in any book that I wrote.‘

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Then there is the inconsistency in Mr Avey‘s accounts both of the identity of the man with whom he swapped and where the swap took place. In his book, he writes that he swapped places with a Dutch Jewish inmate called ‗Hans‘ and smuggled himself from the British PoW camp into the part of the death camp known as Auschwitz III. However, in an interview he gave to the Daily Mail in December 2009, Mr Avey — who says he was called ‗Ginger‘ when he was in the camp — claimed to have swapped with prisoner Ernst Lobethal, the man to whom he smuggled cigarettes. In the same interview — and in a talk he gave subsequently to students at Oxford — Mr Avey said that Ernst was in Auschwitz II, or Birkenau, which is some four miles from Auschwitz III. In his book, Mr Avey also writes of passing under the infamous ‗Arbeit Macht Frei‘ sign — ‗Work Sets You Free‘ — as he enters Auschwitz III. As Dr Setkiewicz confirms, there was no such sign there; it was at the Auschwitz I camp some six miles away. Mr Avey claims the clothes he borrowed from the Jewish inmate were infested with lice. This detail is doubted by former inmate Sam Pivnik. ‗We were made to be scrupulously clean at all times in Auschwitz III work-camps, and you risked a severe beating if you got dirty,‘ Pivnik says. ‗The SS were terrified of typhus outbreaks and the prisoners‘ uniforms, bedding and barracks were endlessly disinfected and deloused.‘

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Serving soldier: Denis Avey (left) and 'Lads Army', a photograph which features in 'The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz' - but did this soldier go on to trade places with a Jewish prisoner? Mr Avey‘s claim to have broken into Auschwitz is even dismissed by Ingrid Lobet, the daughter of Ernst Lobethal. While Ms Lobet says she has no reason to doubt that Mr Avey did indeed smuggle some of the ‗the magical international currency‘ of cigarettes to her father, she does not accept the story of the swap. ‗I don‘t believe this happened,‘ she says. ‗Where is the detail in what he saw there that can‘t be gleaned from the vaguest Holocaust account? ‗The British PoWs were fed,‘ she adds. ‗The Jews were not. The Jews looked starving, the British did not. Most of the Jews spoke only Yiddish. How is some starving, Yiddish-speaking Jew going to be mistaken for a British PoW while in PoW barracks? ‗Did ―Ginger‖ memorise the switched survivor‘s number in German so that he could respond to it at a roll call?‘

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What would he say? Photo of Ernst Lobethal - taken during the Second World War who Avey sometimes claims to have 'swapped' places with in Auschwitz What is also troubling is that the story of Mr Avey‘s swap is almost identical to that told by another former PoW at camp E715 called Charles Coward. In a post-war trial, Coward gave testimony — now widely discredited by Holocaust scholars — in which he claimed to have smuggled himself into Auschwitz by swapping places with a Jewish inmate. This tall tale is included in a book about Coward‘s exploits which is called The Password Is Courage and billed on the jacket as The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz — the very same title as Avey‘s book. The chance that two British PoWs both independently thought up the lifeendangering idea to swap places with an inmate of Auschwitz for the night stretches credibility to breaking point. The similarity between the two tales also raises the question of why Mr Avey took so long to speak about his wartime experiences. It was in 2001 that Mr Avey‘s experiences at E715 first appeared, featuring in a book called Spectator In Hell by Colin Rushton, a poet and historian.

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Mr Avey revealed much that was traumatic, including an incident in which he lost an eye after being pistol-whipped by an SS officer, and the deaths of 38 PoWs in an Allied bombing raid. But he never once mentioned the swap. On July 16, 2001, Mr Avey gave a five-hour interview to the Imperial War Museum in which he spoke about his incarceration, as well as the psychological impact of the war and his problems with nightmares. Not once in this interview did Mr Avey talk about smuggling himself into Monowitz.

Honest account: Avey with sister Winifred, on leave in August, 1940 - Avery's account of smuggling himself into Auschwitz to expose the Holocaust is becoming a heated debate amongst historians In September 2004 and January 2005, Avey was interviewed by the journalist Diarmuid Jeffreys for his book Hell‘s Cartel. He mentioned the pistol-whipping incident but again failed to talk about the swap or about Ernst or Hans. Only in 2009, in an interview with the BBC journalist Rob Broomby, did Mr Avey first mention that he had smuggled himself into Auschwitz III. And Rob Broomby went on to co-write the book that has now appeared. Mr Broomby has explained that Mr Avey left it so long to tell the story because he suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when he came back from the war.

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Why, then, was he able to talk about all those other experiences of the war in the preceding years? Professor Kenneth Waltzer, the director of the Jewish Studies Program at Michigan State University and a world authority on the Nazi concentration camps, is sceptical: ‗The pattern of sustained silence, despite interviews, and then the tumbling out of the story does indeed raise suspicions.‘ Mr Avey‘s former fellow PoW, Brian Bishop, is more scathing: ‗Why does he start telling this story now? I don‘t understand why all these stories are coming out now. It looks like they‘re waiting for everybody to die and then no one can contradict them.‘

Doubt: Many critics are saying that Avey's account is fantasy and an insult to those who died at Auschwitz As well as being traumatised, Mr Avey also claims that his reticence was born from the fact that the military authorities did not want to hear his story after the war — according to him, the mood among the authorities was one of wanting to move on and not wishing to hear about the horrors of the camp.

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However, the opposite seems to be the case. In 1947, Mr Avey was approached by American prosecutors via the War Office to ask if he would like to make an affidavit of his experiences to help build a case in a war crimes trial. But he declined. This week, Mr Avey was unable to explain the inconsistencies in his story. When asked why he did not mention the swap to the Imperial War Museum, he said: ‗I don‘t know why. I didn‘t choose to establish it then. But what I wrote in the book is the truth. I don‘t have to defend it. I don‘t mind what anybody says. I know what I‘ve done.‘ His co-writer, Rob Broomby, was also unable to confirm whether Mr Avey‘s story of the swap was actually true. ‗It‘s very difficult to verify at this stage,‘ he said. ‗You‘re not going to find people 70 years afterwards. It‘s only when you‘ve spent time with Denis that you know what he‘s like. ‗This is not footnoted academic history. You have to look into the man‘s eyes and know what sort of man this is.‘ There are some who think it inappropriate to question the words of an elderly man — Mr Avey is now 92. But it is vital that stories such as that of Mr Avey are subjected to proper scrutiny. As none other than the late Ernst Lobethal wrote to the New York Times in February 1994: ‗I think it is important to point out inaccuracies, lest Holocaust revisionists do it for us.' Additional reporting by Jeremy Duns and Adrian Weale.

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OP-ED – Dan Diker: Justin Bieber and Israel‟s missed opportunity Jerusalem Post, Israel 24 April 2011 The teen mega-idol‘s visit to this country could have been a major PR victory. By DAN DIKER

Justin Bieber, the hottest pop music sensation on the planet, just spent a week in Israel. It could have been a public diplomacy bonanza for the Jewish nation-state. This was a no-brainer. The mega teen idol commands a bigger following on Twitter alone (six million followers) than Fox News commands for its top-rated prime time shows. Add to that the hundreds of millions of people, perhaps far more, whom Bieber reaches through the Web, print, television, live performances, online downloads and discs, licensing and merchandising sales. And he just spent seven days in Israel. It was not the usual ― in and out‖ visit made by most visiting performers. Bieber prayed at the Western Wall and worshiped at Christian Holy sites in Jerusalem, Tiberias and the Galilee. Bieber tweeted his fans that he ―wanted the chance to walk where Jesus walked in Israel.‖ He stayed so long that he had time to go bowling at a mall in Jerusalem three days after his concert in Tel Aviv‘s Hayarkon Park, where he performed for more than 22,000 ecstatic fans. My teenage daughter showed me Bieber‘s Twitter account, where he described the experience as ―AMAZING FANS, AMAZING CONCERT, AMAZING PLACE.‖ Despite the perfect setup for a major Israeli public diplomacy victory, official Israel did not reach out to the teen icon. And to be frank, from an international media standpoint, Israel needs Bieber more than Bieber needs Israel. According to news reports, a last-minute approach by the teen idol to the Prime Minister Binyamin

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Netanyahu failed to generate a meeting, despite sincere and determined efforts by the prime minister‘s advisers to make it happen. Some news reports indicated that the singer‘s team opposed the political overtones of the prime minister‘s request that children from the South who suffered incessant Hamas rocket attacks should also take part in the meeting. Curiously Bieber‘s manager publicly denied requesting a meeting, while Bieber tweeted his fans online that ―I want to see this country and all the places I‘ve dreamed of and whether it‘s the paps [paparazzi] or being pulled into politics it‘s been frustrating.‖ While the incident‘s details are less important, this episode raises a larger strategic public diplomacy issue. Israel only dealt with the Bieber visit at the last minute. In the best case, it would seem that a month or so before Bieber‘s arrival, in view of his international super profile, his positive predisposition toward Israel via his Christian faith, and his Jewishly identified team – they and Bieber reportedly say Shema Yisrael backstage before every concert – the Prime Minister‘s Office, the Foreign Ministry, the Culture and Sport Ministry and the Tourism Ministry might have might have met to determine the most effective strategy to create a PR winwin for Israel and its guest. In this case, a strategic opportunity was lost. It‘s not hard to imagine seeing the pop superstar on every major TV news network in the world – including Al Jazeera – from Israel: visiting, playing and laughing with its ―rainbow coalition‖ of children, Jews of all ethnic backgrounds, Druse, and Muslim and Christian Arabs. This would reflect Israel‘s true character as the free, democratic and pluralistic nation-state of the Jewish people – and on the eve of Pessah, to boot. A senior government minister could easily have taken Bieber to visit one of the country‘s world-renowned children‘s hospitals, an immigrant absorption center, a school – even one for the performing arts, where he may well have agreed to give a master class. THE CONTEXT of the visit is significant. In the past year, some major international artists have joined the ongoing cultural assault against Israel. Acts like Elvis Costello, Pink Floyd and Carlos Santana, to name a few, have submitted to pressure by the Palestinian Authority and its Western supporters and boycotted the country. It was no small achievement that Bieber withstood that pressure. Aside from his own firm Christian faith, the strong Jewish identity of his manager, Scooter Braun, and his grandmother, a Holocaust survivor, whom Bieber honored at the concert,

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there were additional elements for Israel to consider. His Jewishly identified lead guitarist Dan Kantor picked out ―Hatikva‖ on his electric guitar to kick off the April 14 show. An official and public embrace of Bieber, his band and his entourage would only have enhanced the so-called ―third party validation‖ of Israel, which would likely have radiated across the international music scene. One cannot overestimate the force multiplier effect of one of the world‘s most popular song-and-dance men since Elvis Presley speaking well of the nation-state of the Jewish people in the media, which today quotes Bieber even more frequently than it misquotes Israeli leaders and misreports Israel‘s story. The resulting ―echo effect‖ would have helped counter the poisonous and grotesque Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel that has gripped Europe and even some circles in Hollywood. Bieber‘s overall experience ended up rebounding from a negative to a positive one, as he noted in his post-concert exuberance. However, it might better serve Israel‘s overall public diplomacy interests if government leaders were to reach out to highprofile visitors, and especially mega-stars like Bieber, well in advance of their planned visits to increase the prospects of Israel‘s receiving the positive, accurate and critically important exposure it desperately deserves. The writer is secretary-general-designate of the World Jewish Congress.

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OP-ED Ronald S. Lauder: Goldstones Widerruf muss die Welt erschüttern Der Uno-Untersuchungsbericht zu Israels Militäraktion im Gazastreifen diente als Vorwand, um Israel an den Pranger zu stellen. Nach dem teilweisen Widerruf durch seinen Autor müssen die Regierungen über die Bücher. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland 11 April 2011 Besser spät als nie, aber doch bei weitem nicht ausreichend. Das war wohl der Gedanke vieler Menschen in Israel und der jüdischen Welt, als sie den Beitrag des pensionierten südafrikanischen Richters Richard Goldstone in der «Washington Post» lasen. Darin distanzierte er sich deutlich von wesentlichen Teilen des unrühmlichen Berichts einer Uno-Kommission zu Israels Militäraktion gegen die Hamas-Terroristen im Gazastreifen Ende 2008 / Anfang 2009, welcher er selbst vorsass.

Seit er im September 2009 veröffentlicht wurde, hat der Goldstone-Bericht den Feinden Israels in aller Welt Munition gegeben. Antisemiten aus aller Herren Ländern konnten ebenso frohlocken wie jene Aktivisten, die dem jüdischen Staat seine Existenzberechtigung absprechen.

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Haltlose Anschuldigungen Der Goldstone-Bericht wurde von jenem Uno-Menschenrechtsrat in Auftrag gegeben, in dem die Gegner Israels den Ton angeben. Jetzt plötzlich erfährt nun die Welt, dass der Hauptautor selbst seinen Report nicht mehr ertragen kann. So schreibt Richard Goldstone, er wisse nun, dass die zentrale Anschuldigung – nämlich, dass es Israels Politik war, gezielt Zivilisten in Gaza unter Beschuss zu nehmen – völlig haltlos gewesen sei. Im Lichte der von Israel vorgelegten Fakten und Beweise räumt Goldstone ein, dass die Untersuchungskommission wahrscheinlich zu einem anderen Urteil hinsichtlich der Vorwürfe gelangt wäre, die israelische Armee habe absichtlich Zivilisten angegriffen und Kriegsverbrechen oder gar Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit begangen. Dieses Eingeständnis ist von zentraler Bedeutung und kommt spät, sehr spät. Man muss froh sein, dass Goldstone überhaupt zu dieser Erkenntnis gekommen ist. Dennoch: Ein blosser Ausdruck des Bedauerns reicht bei weitem nicht. Man darf nicht vergessen, dass seit Monaten dieser Goldstone-Bericht die amtliche Grundlage für eine Kampagne in der ganzen Welt liefert, in der israelische Politiker und führende Militärs bezichtigt werden, «Kriegsverbrechen» begangen zu haben. Das mindeste, was Goldstone jetzt tun müsste, ist, öffentlich die Vereinten Nationen aufzufordern, seinen Bericht zurückzuziehen. Den diversen Uno-Gremien dient das Papier immer noch als Vorwand, Israel ständig an den Pranger zu stellen. Am besten wäre es, wenn Goldstone dies direkt im Uno-Menschenrechtsrat täte und dessen Vorsitzenden aufforderte, es ihm gleichzutun. Doch es gilt noch andere Aspekte zu berücksichtigen, die wichtiger sind als die Gewissensbisse eines – teilweise – reuigen ehemaligen Richters. Schliesslich sind anständige, ehrliche und objektive Beobachter der Lage im Nahen Osten schon längst zu denselben Schlussfolgerungen wie Goldstone gekommen, dass es nämlich zum Beispiel in Israel nicht Regierungspolitik ist, Zivilisten absichtlich unter Beschuss zu nehmen und zu töten. Israel ist eine freiheitliche westliche Demokratie und ein Rechtsstaat, der die Menschenrechte hochhält. Die Menschen dort – auch die israelischen Soldaten – orientieren sich an denselben Grundwerten wie die Bürger anderer westlicher Staaten auch. Warum sind dennoch so viele Regierungen in der Welt augenscheinlich nur allzu gerne bereit, sich die überzogene Israel-Kritik, wie sie im Goldstone-Bericht zum Ausdruck kommt, zu eigen zu machen? Warum haben so viele Länder in Europa, die sich als Freunde Israels und des jüdischen Volkes bezeichnen, bereitwillig die Weiterleitung des Berichts in den Gremien der Vereinten Nationen befördert und zuletzt gar in der Vollversammlung für ihn gestimmt? Warum haben die Freunde

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des jüdischen Staates bereitwillig die üble Nachrede geglaubt? Warum ist niemand aufgestanden, um offenkundig falsche Anschuldigungen und Schmähungen an die Adresse Israels in aller Deutlichkeit zurückzuweisen? Warum wurde Israel auf eine Ebene gestellt (ja vielleicht sogar noch ein Stückchen darunter) mit der Hamas, einer Organisation, die sich die Auslöschung des jüdischen Staates auf die Fahnen geschrieben hat und die in ihrer Gründungscharta ganz offen die notorischen «Protokolle der Weisen von Zion» als Inspiration für den Kampf gegen die Juden in Palästina nennt, obwohl seit Jahrzehnten doch jeder weiss, dass diese das Machwerk eines Antisemiten waren? Haltung gegenüber Israel überdenken Nein, es ist nicht nur Richard Goldstone, der sich entschuldigen muss, sondern auch all jene Regierungen in Europa und anderswo, die seinen Bericht für bare Münze genommen haben. Wenn denn noch etwas Gutes aus dieser Affäre erwachsen soll, welche Israel zu Unrecht so viel Schaden und auch Demütigungen eingebracht hat, dann sollten die Staatsmänner der westlichen Welt jetzt endlich einmal innehalten und ihre Haltung dem jüdischen Staat gegenüber überdenken. Israel verdient es, dass bei seiner Beurteilung die gleichen Massstäbe angelegt werden wie bei allen anderen Ländern. Kritik ist erlaubt, aber die Doppelmoral und Heuchelei – gerade im Westen – muss ein Ende haben! Wenn sie denn ernst gemeint ist, könnte eine solche Läuterung dazu führen, dass die fast schon reflexhafte Ablehnung des Staates Israel ein Ende findet. Dazu braucht es aber Anstand und Mut zur Ehrlichkeit. Wir Juden verlangen nicht viel vom Rest der Welt, nur das eine: Behandelt uns so, wie ihr selbst von anderen behandelt werden möchtet. Oder ist das schon zu viel verlangt? Ronald S. Lauder, 67, ist Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses (WJC).

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OP-ED Ronald S. Lauder: Goldstone‟s retraction should be a watershed for the world and Israel Jewish Standard, USA 7 April 2011 Better late than never, but not much better. How else can one respond to the belated retraction by Judge Richard Goldstone of the key allegations in the outrageous report he authored about Israel‘s Operation Cast Lead against Hamas terrorists in Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009? Blatantly dishonest and biased, what became known as the Goldstone Report served as the most vicious instrument of defamation and de-legitimization against the Jewish state for decades. It gave heart to terrorists; it gave hope to anti-Semites; and it gave every twisted calumny against the State of Israel a new lease on life. So now we find that even its author can no longer stomach it. Writing in the Washington Post last week, we learn that he now knows that its central allegation was a lie: ―[C]ivilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy,‖ he says. Referring to evidence provided by Israel, he adds: ―I regret that our fact-finding mission did not have such evidence explaining the circumstances in which we said civilians in Gaza were targeted, because it probably would have influenced our findings about intentionality and war crimes.‖ Well, this is better late than never. But a mere statement of regret is surely not enough. Let us recall that the Goldstone Report has served as a pretext for ―war crimes‖ charges leveled against Israeli officials across the world. The least Goldstone can now do is issue a public statement calling for his report to be withdrawn from the United Nations, through whose institutions it is still making its passage. He should do it at the United Nations itself, and he should encourage the head of the U.N. Human Rights Council — where the report originated —to do likewise. But there are even bigger issues to consider, and they go far wider than the pangs of conscience of a partially repentant judge. After all, Goldstone‘s retraction tells us nothing that decent, honest, and objective observers didn‘t know already — that ―civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy.‖ But Israel never targets civilians as a matter of policy. It is not that kind of country. It is a humane, liberal democracy. It is governed by the rule of law. It is a normal Western country whose people, and soldiers, abide by normal Western values. So, why were so many governments around the world so willing to jump on board the anti-Israeli bandwagon that the Goldstone Report represented? Why did so

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many countries in Europe, countries that call themselves allies of Israel and friends of the Jewish people, give it credence at the United Nations, many in the last ballot at the General Assembly voting in favor of its continued passage? Why were so many of Israel‘s nominal friends so willing to believe the worst about her? Why were transparently obvious lies and libels not instantly dismissed with the contempt that they so richly deserved? Why was Israel put on the same footing as, perhaps even a lower footing than, Hamas, an organization committed to the obliteration of the Jewish state, an organization for which the notorious anti-Semitic forgery, the Protocols of Zion, functions as the inspiration for its founding charter? Surely, it is not just Goldstone who should be apologizing, but every government and international body that gave his report the time of day. In short, if anything good at all can come out of this affair, despite all the damage that has been done, despite all the pain and humiliation that has been suffered, then let it be this. Let this be a watershed moment in the way the world deals with the Jewish state. Let Israel now be treated by a common standard, and not by a double standard. Let it be a moment of true catharsis. Let it be a new beginning where truth, honor, and decency reassert themselves and where reflexive hostility to the State of Israel is finally put to rest. The Jewish people do not ask for much from the world, but we do ask for this: Treat us as you would like to be treated yourselves. Is that really too much to ask? Ronald S. Lauder is president of the World Jewish Congress. shed_for_the_world_and_israel/18014

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Comunidad judía asegura que Colombia no reconocerá a Palestina El Tiempo, Colombia 31 March 2011 Redacción Como una victoria en Latinoamérica para Israel fue presentada un supuesto compromiso de Colombia para no reconocer al estado palestino, contrario a la tendencia que mostraron el año pasado Brasil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile y Guyana, que sí lo hicieron. La versión de la Agencia Judía de Noticias indica que el presidente colombiano Juan Manuel Santos le habría dicho a una delegación del Congreso Judío Mundial que su Gobierno no procedería a hacer ese reconocimiento, como un tema de principio. La información, que también fue difundida por el portal de noticias InfoBAE, incluye un reconocimiento al mandatario colombiano de Ronald Lauder, presidente del Congreso Judío Mundial. "Valoramos su amistad y coraje por Israel y el pueblo judío". "También apreciamos que haya aguantado la presión de reconocer un estado palestino de otros líderes de Latinoamérica", añadió el Presidente del Congreso Judío. "El anuncio en Bogotá representa una victoria diplomática inusual para Israel en la región", dice la agencia. El Gobierno colombiano aún no ha hecho una declaración oficial sobre esta información. Sin embargo, en enero, la canciller María Ángela Holguín, en entrevista con EL TIEMPO.COM, el pasado mes de enero, afirmó que el reconocimiento de un estado palestino sólo se daría "el día en que se logre llegar a un acuerdo de paz con Israel". "Nosotros hemos apoyado a Naciones Unidas en el sentido de que palestinos e israelíes encuentren la paz no simplemente por imposición. Tenemos en Colombia, desde el año 96, una misión especial de Palestina. Colombia apoya todas las iniciativas para la paz en Oriente Medio y hay un reconocimiento del anhelo de Palestina de ser un país independiente", dijo Holguín en ese momento. En caso de confirmarse la negativa de Colombia, habría que evaluar el impacto que tendría esta decisión en el continente, que se ha mostrado más inclinado a apoyar la causa palestina.

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Como antecedente está el caso de que Colombia apoyó la resolución del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas para proteger a los civiles en Libia, contrario a la posición que expresaron algunos países de la región, como Ecuador y Venezuela. Sin embargo, este voto de Colombia no produjo ruido en sus relaciones con los vecinos. El Congreso Judío Mundial es un grupo que representa a las comunidades judías de 92 países.

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Colombia: We will not recognize Palestinian state Jerusalem Post Online, Israel 31 March 2011 By GIL SHEFLER Israel wins rare victory in Latin America with Colombian President Calderon announcement at World Jewish Conference in Bogota.

After suffering a series of diplomatic defeats to the Palestinians in Latin America, Israel won a rare victory on Wednesday when Colombia announced that it would not unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Calderón told a delegation of the World Jewish Congress in a meeting in the Colombian capital of Bogota that his government would not recognize Palestinian statehood as ―a matter of principle.‖ ―We value your friendship and courage for Israel and the Jewish people,‖ World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder said. ―We also appreciate that you have withstood pressure from fellow Latin American leaders to prematurely recognize a Palestinian state.‖ In the past half year a string of Latin American countries, mostly with left-leaning governments, including Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Guyana have recognized Palestinian statehood. Chile, which has a right-leaning government, has also recognized Palestinian statehood with caveats. The announcement in Bogota represents an unusual diplomatic victory for Israel in a region where the Middle-Eastern conflict is often seen through the prism of local politics, with rightwing politicians siding with Israel which is often perceived as an extension of the U.S., and leftwing politicians supporting the antagonist Palestinians.

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The right-leaning government of Colombia is considered to be a staunch supporter of the U.S. in the region and has close ties with Israel. Latin American Jewish Congress President Jack Terpins thanked Bogotá for fighting the growing influence of the Iran, which is a close friend of Colombia‘s neighbor and occasional rival Venezuela. ―In Colombia, you know what horrible suffering terrorism inflicts on people,‖ Terpins said. ―After the two deadly bomb attacks against the AMIA Center and the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in the 1990s that were orchestrated by Iran we Jews know that extremists must be vigorously opposed. We hope that a consensus can be reached among political leaders here that currently, Tehran cannot be a partner for closer political or economic cooperation in any shape or form.‖ The World Jewish Congress is a group representing Jewish communities in 92 countries around the world which serves as the diplomatic arm of the Jewish people to governments, parliaments and international organizations. After suffering a series of diplomatic defeats to the Palestinians in Latin America, Israel won a rare victory on Wednesday when Colombia announced that it would not unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Calderón told a delegation of the World Jewish Congress in a meeting in the Colombian capital of Bogota that his government would not recognize Palestinian statehood as ―a matter of principle.‖

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Quiet diplomacy in a raging storm Jerusalem Post, Israel 30 March 2011 By GREER FAY CASHMAN The Council on Foreign Relations remembers David Kimche, International Women‘s Day is still being celebrated, and leading chefs cook up a kosher storm. THE PUBLIC is sometimes unaware of quiet diplomacy with Arab states, but there are and have been contacts at different levels throughout all the years of Israel‘s statehood. Even now, with all the turmoil generated by uprisings across the Middle East, these contacts continue. At a memorial discussion on perspectives on the current maelstrom hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations in memory of its founding president, former Foreign Ministry director-general and deputy director of the Mossad David Kimche, current Foreign Ministry Director-General Rafi Barak disclosed that in recent weeks Israel has received a lot of calls from Arab countries – ―those with which we have relations and those with which we don‘t have relations‖ – to see where things are heading. Many of Kimche‘s former colleagues were present at the discussion at Beit Belgia on the Hebrew University‘s Givat Ram campus. Council president Avi Primor welcomed Palestinian peace activists Profs. Munther and Muhammad Dajani of Al-Quds University. The Dajanis are co-founders and leading figures in ―Wasatiya‖ – the Arabic word for ―moderation.‖ Wasatiya advocates negotiations and a peaceful resolution of the conflict, and a democratic and tolerant Palestinian society. Primor also welcomed Dan Diker, secretary general of the World Jewish Congress, which is the council‘s sponsor. Diker, who previously served as the WJC‘s director for strategic affairs, was recently named a member of the plenum of the Israel Broadcasting Authority. Also in the audience were members of Kimche‘s family, including his widow Ruth, who were told by Primor that Kimche‘s name has been incorporated in perpetuity in the council‘s logo.

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Congresso Judaico discute protestos no mundo árabe em São Paulo O Globo TV, Brazil 28 March 2011

TV news report (click on picture) Sessenta representantes da comunidade judaica de vários países discutiram temas como o reconhecimento do Estado Palestino e o antissemitismo. Os desdobramentos da onda de protestos no mundo árabe foram discutidos no Congresso Judaico Latino-Americano, que terminou nesta segunda-feira (28) em São Paulo. Sessenta representantes da comunidade judaica de diversos países discutiram temas internacionais importantes, como o reconhecimento do Estado Palestino e o antissemitismo, o preconceito contra os judeus. ―Nós não só podemos aproveitar as experiências de outros paìses, como podemos fornecer as experiências que tivemos aqui no Brasil. Graças a Deus aqui no Brasil não temos problemas com relação ao antissemitismo‖, diz o presidente do congresso, Jack Terpins. O Congresso Judaico também abordou a onda de revoltas populares no mundo árabe, que derrubou os governos do Egito e da Tunísia e que ainda está em curso. Algumas lideranças temem que luta pelo poder possa gerar mais instabilidade na região. O presidente do Congresso Judaico Mundial, Ronald Lauder, diz que uma das preocupações é a falta de informação sobre quem está assumindo o poder: ―Não sabemos que peso terão, por exemplo, no governo do Egito, grupos que querem o fim do acordo de paz com Israel. O que sabemos é que é um novo Oriente Médio. Tenho esperança de que mais democrático‖, diz ele.

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Summary translation In São Paulo, sixty representatives of Jewish communities from various countries have discussed issues such as the recognition of a Palestinian state, the unfolding protests in the Arab world, and anti-Semitism. "Thank God here in Brazil we do not have problems regarding anti-Semitism," says the president of the Latin American Jewish Congress, Jack Terpins. Some Jewish leaders also expressed fear that power struggles in the Arab world could generate more instability in the region. The president of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder, said one concern was the lack of information about who was taking power: "For example in Egypt, we do not know what weight have groups that want an end to the peace agreement with Israel. What we know is that it's a new Middle East. I hope that it will be more democratic," he said.

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World Jewish Congress condemns deliberate targeting of Israeli civilians European Jewish Press, Belgium 24 March 2011

World Jewish Congress President Ronald S.Lauder: "We hope that this terrorist attack does not mark a return to the days of a Palestinian terror war." NEW YORK/JERUSALEM (EJP) - The leadership of the World Jewish Congress "harshly condemns the barbaric terrorist attack" at a central bus station in Jerusalem, in which one person was killed and dozens of people were wounded, many of them gravely. "It is appalling to see that once again, innocent Israeli men, women, and children have been deliberately targeted by terrorists. We hope that this terrorist attack does not mark a return to the days of a Palestinian terror war," declared Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress. He urged the Palestinian Authority and the international community "to stop extremists from causing more death and destruction in Israel and elsewhere." WJC Secretary General Designate Dan Diker added: "Today, Jews throughout the world stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Israel, who are again coming under deadly fire by those who want to destroy them. As any other nation, Israelis have a right to live in peace and security." The international Jewish organization called on the Palestinian Authority leadership ―to stop the ongoing incitement to hatred of Israel and the Jewish people, which is a primary cause of these terrorist attacks."

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Statement by the President on Bombing in Jerusalem Philadelphia Jewish Voice, USA 23 March 2011 -- President Barack Obama I condemn in the strongest possible terms the bombing in Jerusalem today, as well as the rockets and mortars fired from Gaza in recent days. Together with the American people, I offer my deepest condolences for those injured or killed. There is never any possible justification for terrorism. The United States calls on the groups responsible to end these attacks at once and we underscore that Israel, like all nations, has a right to self-defense. We also express our deepest condolences for the deaths of Palestinian civilians in Gaza yesterday. We stress the importance of calm and urge all parties to do everything in their power to prevent further violence and civilian casualties.

A bomb exploded next to a bus stop in a busy part of Jerusalem on Wednesday, injuring dozens of people, several seriously, police said. The bomb, hidden in a bag, was placed outside a telephone kiosk and exploded around 3 pm local time while two buses full of passengers were picking up passengers, Jerusalem police commander Aharon Frenkel told an impromptu news conference. The explosion happened near the Binyamei Ha'Uma International Convention Center. Hospital officials reported that between five and eight people were seriously hurt. "It was an enormous explosion, deafening," said TIP senior staffer Laura Kam. "I was in a taxi very close to the central bus station where the attack took place. Suddenly an extremely loud explosion shook the city. Seconds later sirens were heard and we knew instinctively that a terrorist attack had taken place," she said. This was the first terrorist bombing attack to hit Jerusalem since 2004. Police closed road leading to the site of the explosion. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was due to embark on a trip to Russia but delayed his departure and convened urgent consultations.

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Israeli officials said the Palestinian Authority was indirectly to blame for the violence because it continued to incite violence among Palestinian population. "The PA's culture of praising terrorists produces terrorism. This incitement must stop," a Foreign Ministry statement said. The attack came at a time of high tension in southern Israel. Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, armed and financed by Iran, have fired over 80 mortars and rockets at Israel since last Saturday, nine on Wednesday alone. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas walked out of peace talks with Israel last September and has refused to return. Historically, when the peace process is stalled, terrorist violence fills the void. B'nai B'rith International B'nai B'rith International condemns in the strongest terms possible the bombing outside Jerusalem's central bus station on March 23. Israel's minister of public security says a two-pound bomb left hidden in a bag on a sidewalk exploded injuring at least 25, some critically. The attack took place near the International Convention Center. Unfortunately this attack cannot be viewed as a surprise. The constant incitement against the Jewish state from Israel's enemies creates an atmosphere where a vicious attack can be launched on the people of Israel. B'nai B'rith stands in solidarity with the people of Israel. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of the Union for Reform Judaism First and foremost, we pray for the victims of today's tragic terrorist attack in Jerusalem. We are dismayed by the loss of even one life and outraged at the terrorists' disregard for human life. Additionally, our thoughts are with the first responders and hospital staff who are treating the victims, and the police and soldiers working to secure the city. Any terrorist attack is cause for profound concern. But, given that this attack comes as part of a significant increase of violence in Israel - rockets targeting Israeli cities, heavy exchange of fire between Palestinian terrorists and the Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza, and of course the recent horrific massacre of an Israeli

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family in Itamar in their sleep - our fears are heightened. Renewed violence and terrorist tactics threaten to further undermine any possibility of peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians and pose risks for Israeli security in the already, and increasingly, unstable Middle East. We call upon Palestinian leaders to condemn today's attack and make it clear that rocket fire and bombs in bus stations are not the answer. We urge both Israeli and Palestinian leaders to do all they can to ensure the violence we have recently witnessed does not escalate. We call upon the Palestinians to return to peace talks immediately so that progress can be mode toward the peace that the Israeli and Palestinian peoples so desperately want and need. But, most importantly today, we pray for the Jewish State and her citizens and offer our condolences to the victims and their families. World Jewish Congress The leadership of the World Jewish Congress harshly condemns today's barbaric terrorist attack at a central bus station in Jerusalem, in which one person was killed and dozens of people were wounded, many of them gravely. "It is appalling to see that once again, innocent Israeli men, women, and children have been deliberately targeted by terrorists. We hope that today's terrorist attack does not mark a return to the days of a Palestinian terror war, and we strongly urge the Palestinian Authority and the international community stop extremists from causing more death and destruction in Israel and elsewhere," declared Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress. WJC Secretary General Designate Dan Diker added: "Today, Jews throughout the world stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Israel, who are again coming under deadly fire by those who want to destroy them. As any other nation, Israelis have a right to live in peace and security. The World Jewish Congress calls on the Palestinian Authority leadership to stop the on-going incitement to hatred of Israel and the Jewish people, which is a primary cause of these terrorist attacks."

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Poland urged to act over old property claims BBC News, UK 2 April 2011 By Adam Easton

Jewish cemetery: The Nazis killed about 220,000 Jews in the Lodz ghetto Poland is postponing moves to partially compensate families who lost property during the upheavals of Nazi occupation and communism. Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, criticised the government's decision to suspend work on a law designed to address the historical property claims of Jews and other Polish citizens. "As a moral challenge, any government must face this challenge and should not walk away and I would hope that the Polish government could do the same," Rabbi Schudrich told the BBC. Earlier this month the Polish treasury ministry announced it had completed work on a compensation bill but it would not be sent to parliament because it would add a huge 18bn zloty (£4bn; $6.3bn) to the public debt. Poland's Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, said the decision would be reconsidered when Poland's financial situation improved. Justice delayed Stuart Eizenstat, the US state department's special adviser on the Holocaust, said the US was "deeply disappointed" by the announcement. Nazi Germany exterminated about 90% of Poland's pre-war Jewish population of 3.5 million in World War II. The victims were stripped of their property, meaning there are now many claims from relatives. But the Jewish claims only account for about 17% of the total. Most relate to Poles who lost property confiscated after the war by the communist regime. The Polish Union of Property Owners estimates there are about one million claimants and the total value of compensation owing is 95bn zloty.

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Ronald Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), said Poland was "telling many elderly pre-war landowners, including Holocaust survivors, that they have no foreseeable hope of even a small measure of justice for the assets that were seized from them". In the communist era, private land was often used by the state for public housing This criticism led Poland's Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, to say that the US had given up its right to represent its citizens in such cases under a compensation agreement from the 1960s. He added that "a good moment" for the US to have helped Polish Jews was in 1943-44. The WJC's Menachem Rosensaft responded by writing an article urging the Jewish community to "stop injecting tourist and other dollars into the Polish economy" until Poland enacted a compensation law. The Polish media quickly labelled this a call for an economic boycott of Poland, which in turn prompted the WJC to announce that Mr Rosensaft was writing in a personal capacity and it did not advocate any such boycott. Complicated cases The heated exchanges show how sensitive the issue is. Most European countries where this is relevant have already adopted legislation to provide either restitution of property or compensation for confiscations during the Nazi and communist eras. Successive Polish governments have pledged to do so as well, but none have been successful. That is partly because of the scale and complexity of the problem here. Not only was Poland home to Europe's largest Jewish community in 1939, but in 1945 the Allies agreed to shift Poland's boundaries westwards. That caused many Germans to lose their homes in Silesia and many Poles to lose theirs in what is now Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania. The controversy comes as Jewish culture and history is enjoying a boom among Poles. These days Poles attend Jewish film and cultural festivals, Hebrew classes or sing in Yiddish choirs. Poland also enjoys very good relations with Israel. But the unresolved issue of property restitution is guaranteed to leave a sour taste.

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Jewish Diaspora Dismayed by Poland‟s Decision to Halt Restitution Process Warsaw Voice, Poland 15 March 2011

Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress The World Jewish Restitution Organization (WRJO), representing Holocaust survivors and their heirs world-wide, has expressed dismay at the announcement last week by the State Treasury of Poland that the government has suspended work on legislation to provide compensation payments for the property nationalized during the Communist period. Prime Minister Donald Tusk explained that the bill, which has been under discussion since 2008, could not be financed due to the current economic climate. In reaction to PM Tusk‘s declaration Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) has said: ―For us, this is an issue of justice and not money." "This issue has been under discussion in Poland for almost two decades, through many economic periods, including the present one when Poland is experiencing some of the strongest economic growth in the European Union. It is unacceptable that Poland cannot find some way to meet its responsibility to former landowners," Lauder added in a statement issued by the WJC on Sunday. ―We are greatly disturbed by this turn of events as Polish officials have been publicly stating for many years – indeed too many years – that the property restitution and compensation issue would be addressed and legislation introduced in Parliament,‖ Lauder added. In 2008, Prime Minister Donald Tusk declared that Poland was not avoiding the issue, and that a new bill was being drawn up. Poland's property-owners' association estimates Jewish claims to be about 17 percent of the total value of $22 billion to $24 billion in confiscated property that has yet to be returned, according to AFP.

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World Jewish Congress criticises restitution backdown, Poland 14 March 2011 Ronald S. Lauder, the head of the World Jewish Congress, has spoken out in reaction to Prime Minister Donald Tusk's declaration that "Poland cannot presently manage" to compensate any more citizens who lost property under the Nazis and Soviets. "We are greatly disturbed by this turn of events as Polish officials have been publicly stating for many years - indeed too many years - that the property restitution and compensation issue would be addressed and legislation introduced in Parliament," Lauder exclaims in a statement issued by the World Jewish Congress on Sunday. The question relates to about 89,000 property claims, affecting numerous families. A large proportion of the claimants are Polish nobles and wealthy Polish Jewish families that were compelled to live abroad as a result of Nazi and Communist rule. Although thousands of properties were successfully reclaimed after 1989, it was a far from uniform process. "By its announcement this week," Lauder continues in the statement, "Poland is telling many elderly pre-war landowners, including Holocaust survivors, that they have no foreseeable hope of even a small measure of justice for the assets that were seized from them." In 2008, Prime Minister Tusk declared that Poland was not shirking the issue, and that a new bill was being drawn up. The move came following suggestions that 20 percent of the current value of each property would be sufficient as a measure of compensation. Nevertheless, in 2008, that sum amounted to 48 billion US dollars. Opponents of compensation claim that Poland should not be made to pay for the crimes of Hitler's invading forces, likewise those of the Moscow-backed communist regime that followed. Until 1989, a government-in-exile continued to meet fortnightly in London, claiming to be the legitimate heirs to the pre-war legacy. However, Lauder pointed out that "most central and eastern European countries have adopted some type of law to provide for the restitution of or compensation for confiscated property. Poland stands out for its failure to do so." Source:

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Jüdische Organisationen bemängeln Verzicht auf Entschädigung in Polen Austria Presse-Agentur (APA), Austria 15 March 2011 Warschau (APA) – Die Entscheidung der polnischen Regierung, im Kommunismus verstaatlichtes Eigentums vorerst nicht zu entschädigen, hat zu Kritik bei jüdischen Organisationen geführt. ―Eine Entschädigung ist für uns eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit, nicht des Geldes‖, erklärte der Vorsitzende der Welt-Organisation für die Rückerstattung Jüdischen Eigentums (WJRO), Ronald S. Lauder, in einer Mitteilung der Organisation. Die Erklärung der WJRO erinnert daran, dass Vertreter der polnischen Regierung ―über viele Jahre öffentlich erklärten, dass das Problem der Rückgabe und der Entschädigung von Eigentum gelöst‖ werde. Nun verweigere sie den ehemaligen Immobilienbesitzern, darunter Holocaust-Überlebenden, ―selbst eine teilweise Wiedergutmachung‖. Der Kritik schloss sich laut polnischer Nachrichtenagentur PAP Michael Schneider, Generalsekretär des Jüdischen Weltkongresses (WJC), an. Die Entscheidung Polens sei ―enttäuschend‖, so Schneider. Der polnische Ministerpräsident Donald Tusk hatte kurz nach seinem Amtsantritt 2007 zugesagt, das Problem des verstaatlichten Eigentums zu regeln. Ein von der Regierung erarbeiteter Gesetzentwurf gelangte jedoch nicht ins Parlament. Das Schatzministerium teilte am Freitag in einer Erklärung mit, das Gesetz könne nicht verabschiedet werden, denn die zu seiner Umsetzung nötigen Ausgaben von 20 Mrd. Zloty (5,0 Mrd. Euro) würden dazu führen, dass Polen das von der EU gesetzte Limit der Staatsverschuldung überschreite, so die Erklärung.

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Jewish group faults Polish property compensation delay Daily Telegraph Online, UK 14 March 2011 17:06 GMT The head of the World Jewish Congress has condemned as ―unacceptable‖ Poland‘s decision to shelve plans to compensate Jews who had their property confiscated under communism.

The Jewish quarter in Krakow. Thousands have been fighting over property rights for 20 years Photo: ALAMY By Matthew Day, Warsaw Ronald Lauder dismissed claims that by the Polish government it had to postpone plans to introduce compensation legislation owing to austerity measures Arguing that the Polish economy was one of the strongest in Europe, Mr Lauder said ―it is unacceptable that Poland cannot find some way to meet its responsibilities to former landowners.‖ He added that he was ―greatly disturbed by the turn of events‖ in Poland, explaining that the Polish government had made repeated promises to introduce property restitution legislation. Property restitution remains a highly charged issue in Poland where thousands of Jews, including Holocaust survivors, and large numbers of Poles have been fighting for 20 years to get some form or compensation from the Polish state for property seized by the communists during the last months of the Second World War and the first years of peace. But the Polish government has made frequent prevarications, often citing the apparent cost of compensation, which could run to millions and millions of pounds. There are also fears that restitution might make Poland vulnerable to claims from Germans for property located in areas that were part of Germany until they were granted to Poland in 1945.

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Poland slammed for failing to honor compensation plans to victims of Holocaust, communism Associated Press, USA 15 March 2011 WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Dispossessed Jews and other former property owners on Tuesday slammed a Polish government decision to suspend plans to offer them compensation for property seized during the Nazi and communist eras. Miroslaw Szypowski, the head of an alliance of Polish groups seeking restitution, told The Associated Press that his group was "dismayed" by the decision, calling it "unacceptable." The government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk last week suspended work on a law that would have given some compensation to former owners of property lost, saying a rising state deficit left it unable to afford such payments. Several Jewish groups have also strongly criticized the move. "Poland is telling many elderly prewar landowners, including Holocaust survivors, that they have no foreseeable hope of even a small measure of justice for the assets that were seized from them," said Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress and chairman of the World Jewish Restitution Organization. Some of the property was seized by Nazi Germany during its World War II occupation of Poland and later taken into public ownership, and some seized under the communist rule that followed the war. Szypowski estimates the value of seized property claimed by owners or their heirs at around 100 billion Polish zlotys ($35 billion; euro25 billion). Only about 17 percent of that rightly belonged to Jews. However, the unresolved issue looms large in Jewish restitution efforts given that Poland was home to a large Jewish community of nearly 3.5 million people -- Europe's largest -- before the Holocaust. AP wire story also published on the following media websites: New York Times: Boston Globe: WJC SELECTED PRESS ARTICLES- 09/2010-05/2011: PAGE 73 OF 243

for_halting_restitution_plans/? Fox News: ABC News: San Francisco Chronicle: 07.DTL Washington Post: San Jose Mercury Times: Miami Herald: Charlotte Observer: Denver Post: Fort Worth Star-Telegram: Washington Examiner: Kansas City Star: WSFA 12 News Montgomery: Forbes: WHEC Rochester: Las Cruces Sun-News: Sign On San Diego: SFGate: olitics My San Antonio: News Observer:

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Las Vegas Sun: Seattle PI: Business Week: Palm Beach Post: Idaho Statesman: Monterey Herald: Seattle Times: rtyrestitution.html South Carolina Enquirer-Herald: South Florida Sun-Sentinel: Star Tribune, Minnesota: Sacramento Bee: El Paso Times: Oakland Tribune: Buffalo News: My Central Oregon: Lakewood View:

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Murder of five members of Jewish family in Israeli community Itamar: World Jewish Congress leaders call on United Nations Security Council to condemn terrorist act Die Jüdische, Austria 12 March 2011 Diker: "Palestinian leadership must halt incitement to hatred of Israel"

picture: The Fogel Family. Parents Ehud and Ruth,the children: Yoav,Hadass and EladYehi Zikhram Baruch JERUSALEM - The leadership of the World Jewish Congress has expressed shock and outrage at the murder of five members of a Jewish family including two children and an infant by Palestinian terrorists in the Samarian settlement of Itamar, early on Saturday morning. WJC President Ronald Lauder called on the Security Council of the United Nations to condemn this terrorist atrocity immediately and take action.

"These souls have not committed any crime, and yet they were executed in their beds just because they were Jews. Let's hope the UN assigns this cold-blooded act of terrorism at least equal importance it usually gives Palestinian campaigns against Israel's rights," Lauder added.

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Dan Diker, WJC Secretary-General designate, said: "This barbaric execution of children is the natural consequence of the ongoing orchestrated incitement of the Palestinian public to hatred of Jews and Israel in the Palestinian media, mosques and schools.,,It is unacceptable for Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas to limit his opposition to this terrorist act by telling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that it is 'inconsistent with Palestinian political interests'.,,Now is the time for Chairman Abbas and his ministers to show leadership for peace, unequivocally condemn this vicious act, act decisively against the fanatics that indoctrinate these terrorists, and end the culture of violence that continues to be the breeding ground for Palestinian terror". The WJC also condemns the Palestinian Authority's release, just hours after the Itamar terror attack, of a Hamas leader jailed in a PA prison in the West Bank.,,About the World Jewish Congress,,The World Jewish Congress (WJC) is the international organization representing Jewish communities in 92 countries around the world. The WJC serves as the diplomatic arm of the Jewish people to governments, parliaments and international organizations. RB=&Param_Red=13736

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Holocaust Memorial Museum Inaugurated in Skopje, Macedonia 10 March 2011 Brussels - A museum dedicated to the memory of the Jews of Macedonia who perished in the Holocaust was inaugurated in the former Yugoslav republic, in the presence of the country‘s president and representatives of international Jewish organizations. The modern, multi-million dollar edifice stands in the heart of what was once the city‘s Jewish quarter, in the center of the Macedonian capital Skopje. It was built by the Jewish community of Macedonia, which today numbers some 100 members. Macedonian Jewry benefited from a 2002 law providing for the return of heirless Jewish property, a law that is widely recognized as one of the best in Europe. At a ceremony, Macedonia was hailed for enabling the Jews to regain the assets they had lost in the Holocaust. The cornerstone for the museum was laid in 2005. Ljiljana Mizrahi, president of the local Holocaust Fund that had initiated the project, opened the ceremony by reading the names of some of the victims and explained that the museum would ―preserve the memory of the Jews of Macedonia, not only commemorate their deaths, but also their lives and the civilization that perished with them.‖

An honour guard (L), carrying an urn with ashes of Macedonian Jews killed in Nazi-death camps in WWII, walks past portraits of some of them during the opening ceremony of the Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia in Skopje March 10, 2011. REUTERS/Ognen Teofilovski

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In his address, Macedonian President Dr. Gjorje Ivanov recalled the long history of co-habitation between Jews and Macedonians of other faiths and said that with the loss of the Jews ―a part of Macedonia had been torn out and that on the Jewish streets of Skopje, Bitola and Stip, after the war there was silence.‖ World Jewish Congress (WJC) Research Director Laurence Weinbaum pointed out that no Jewish community in Europe had suffered a greater degree of destruction than the Macedonian one. Referring to Macedonia‘s principled stand on the restitution issue and to its unwavering friendship with Jews and Israel, he said: ―In much of contemporary Europe, dead Jews are respected, but live ones are defamed. You honor the dead and the living, and in so doing you have set an example to which other nations could and should aspire.‖

People attend the opening ceremony of the Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia in Skopje March 10, 2011. REUTERS/Ognen Teofilovski In April 1941, Macedonia - then a part of Yugoslavia - was occupied by Bulgarian troops. In contrast to its policy back home, Sofia instituted a regime of terror and plunder against Macedonian Jews. That policy culminated in the deportation in March 1943 of some 7,200 Jews to the German death camp at Treblinka, from which not a single one returned. Some 98 percent of the Jews were killed. The only survivors were those who had managed to evade deportation, many of whom fought with the partisans.

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Eini meets American union leaders Ynetnews, Israel 8 March 2011 During three-day visit to New York and Washington, Histadrut chairman discusses possibility of advancing workers‘ rights in Middle East on backdrop of recent regional unrest The World Jewish Congress (WJC) in association with the Jewish Labor Committee (JLC) is hosting a series of gatherings that has brought together Ofer Eini, chairman of Israel's Histadrut labor federation and American union leaders. The meetings aim to reaffirm Israel‘s strong and longstanding relationship with the American Labor movement and to discuss the possibility of advancing workers‘ rights in the Middle East that could emerge from the recent wave of antigovernment protests across the region. Eini‘s visit underlines the close relationship between the Histadrut and the American Labor movement and comes at a time when civil society groups in other parts of the world are working to delegitimize Israel through boycotts and divestment campaigns. ―We are proud to spearhead this effort together with the JLC. Israel is the only free and democratic state that protects the rights of its workers in the Middle East. Helping affirm the strong relationship between the Histadrut and US labor and civil society groups while combating the growing assault against Israel via boycotts, divestment and sanctions in other parts of the world is a top priority for the WJC and a vital interest to the Jewish people‖, said Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress. 'Anti-government protests bring hope' During meetings in New York, Eini underscored the progressive measures that the Histadrut has taken to position Israel as one of the fastest growing Western economies in the world, while protecting the rights of its workers. ―The anti-government protests we are seeing across the Middle East bring hope to those who wish to advance peace in the region through economic cooperation, whose foundation needs to be embedded in the protection of workers‘ rights,‖ said Eini. He cited his cooperation and assistance with the Palestinian Labor Movement as one of the bright spots in Israeli-Palestinian relations that proves that this kind of cooperation on a larger scale can be a success in the region. Eini‘s meetings with labor and community leaders in New York and Washington D.C. during his three-day visit includes a session with Richard Trumka, president of the

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AFL-CIO and will be capped off with a luncheon hosted by the World Jewish Congress and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations on Wednesday.,7340,L-4039286,00.html

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Candidly Speaking: A Jewish-Muslim alliance? Jerusalem Post Online, Israel 17 March 2011 By ISI LEIBLER We are obliged to fervently oppose discrimination or persecution of lawabiding Muslims and collaborate with genuinely moderate Muslim leaders. The proposed public hearings by House Homeland Security Committee chairman Peter King on the extent of radicalization in the American Muslim community and that community‘s response have created a heated media debate on the role of Muslims in Western countries. Besides the fact that a society discriminating against minorities almost invariably turns against Jews, the persecution and discrimination we suffered throughout history instinctively compels us to oppose all manifestations of discrimination and persecution. However, that surely does not require us to defend groups who harbor hostility against us or seek to undermine open society. This is very relevant in relation to the new global industry of Jewish alliances with Muslim groups purportedly opposing Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. It is exemplified by the highly publicized US launch of a joint Jewish Muslim campaign to combat Islamophobia and anti-Semitism initiated by Rabbi Marc Schneier, head of the New York-based Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. His principal ally and sponsor in this venture is Russell Simmons, the Afro-American hip-hop mogul, who publicly expresses adoration for Louis Farrakhan, the viciously racist anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader. In Brussels last December, in combination with the World Jewish Congress and the World Council for Muslim Interfaith Relations, Schneier expanded this body to include European representatives forming a Global Coordinating Committee to combat ―Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and racism.‖ This organization has already issued problematic statements, condemning as ―totally unacceptable‖ the absorption of ―extremist‖ right-wing political parties into the mainstream without defining explicitly whom it was targeting. It also made no reference to the greater threats to Jews emanating from far Left and radical Islamist groups.

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It also expressed disquiet concerning recent pronouncements of major European leaders, including British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, conceding that the policy of multiculturalism has proven to be disastrous and failed to integrate some major migrant groups into an open democratic society. It is surely bizarre for a body including Jews to condemn a long overdue criticism of radical Islam‘s abuse of multiculturalism, especially since European Jews bore the brunt of the violence generated by the anti-Semitic hostility of these groups. IT ALSO ill behooves Jews confronted with the current tsunami of violent antiSemitism to indiscriminately endorse campaigns condemning frequently exaggerated allegations of Islamophobia without referring to the fact that radical Muslims represent the prime dissemination of anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic incitement and violence. We should call a spade a spade. The majority of vocal Muslims in Europe and to a lesser extent the US, regrettably do not display goodwill toward Jews. Many, who ritually condemn anti-Semitism, simultaneously demonize Israel and distinguish between ―Jews‖ and ―Zionists.‖ And alas, few are inclined or sufficiently courageous to publicly condemn the brutal behavior of Islamic states toward other minorities. A critical prerequisite of an alliance with a Muslim group is surely that the organization expresses a clear-cut repudiation of the global anti- Semitic filth which pours out of Islamic countries. And decency also demands that those demanding equal rights for Muslims in Western countries also condemn the persecution, murder, religious cleansing and denial of human rights that non-Muslim minorities endure in Islamic states. For the World Jewish Congress (which did dissociate itself from Schneier‘s attacks on King‘s inquiry into the radicalization of the American Muslim community) to be party to such initiatives without demanding such commitments from its Muslim partner is a lamentable example of Jews being more concerned about their political correctness than acting to protect Jewish interests. The majority of Muslims in Western countries, especially in America, are lawabiding. But that does not invalidate the reality that cries of Allah akbar accompany most terrorist attacks, many of which are directed against Jews.

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IT IS thus deplorable to see Jews engaged in campaigns seeking to deny profiling of people undergoing security checks. The reality is that while Muslims only represent 1 percent of the American population, 80% of all terrorist convictions since 9/11 were motivated by Islamic extremism, and homegrown Muslim terrorists are emerging in greater numbers. The facts demonstrate beyond doubt that there are certain profiles that are more inclined to be associated with terrorist attacks. Refusing to implement profiling thus not only represents an appalling form of political correctness, but endangers innocent life and lacks any moral justification. If even a handful of rabbis had encouraged second-generation Jewish immigrants in Western countries to initiate bombings and suicide attacks against non-Jews, the most vociferous demands for action against such deviants would be emanating from the Jewish community itself. Yet, the perception is that while most Muslims distance themselves from the radicals, they are often reluctant or fearful of exposing them. Some purportedly ―respectable‖ American Muslim organizations have actually urged their members not to collaborate with the FBI. The Council on American-Islamic Relations is the largest US Islamic umbrella organization and has access to high-level government officials. Yet the FBI had cause to expose its founders for having ties to a Muslim Brotherhood created Hamas network. Last year a Justice Department official reaffirmed that no new evidence had emerged ―that exonerates CAIR from the allegations that it provides financial support to designated terrorist groups‖. And when Schneier provocatively proclaims, ―Today, I am a Muslim, too,‖ he should ask himself whether he and Jews in general should really be expressing solidarity with all Muslims, including the majority who reside in states which deny freedom of worship and persecute and murder infidels. We are obliged to fervently oppose discrimination or persecution of lawabiding Muslims and collaborate with genuinely moderate Muslim leaders. But there is no justification for us to champion the rights and display love to those who seek to harm us or are indifferent to our destruction or refuse to expose and condemn extremism within their ranks. Failure to insist that such groups take a stand on ―sensitive‖ issues will not only alienate our genuine friends, it will also strengthen extremist Muslims who despise, but happily exploit, bleeding heart Jews to gain a cloak of respectability while they promote their evil objectives.

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We should seek out and encourage alliances with courageous Muslim moderates who share our commitment to an open and democratic society and avoid patronizing or providing respectability to groups who either endorse or refuse to condemn the local and international excesses of Islamic extremism. [email protected] Letters to the Editor Jerusalem Post, Israel 20 March 2011 Sir, – Isi Leibler asserts quite correctly that ―we are obliged to fervently oppose discrimination or persecution of law-abiding Muslims and collaborate with genuinely moderate Muslim leaders.‖ That is indeed what the World Jewish Congress strives to accomplish as part of its interfaith programs around the world. Our policy is clear: We vigorously attack Radical Islam while reaching out to those moderate Muslims willing to participate in dialogue. However, we are neither naïve nor craven in our endeavors, as Leibler seems to imply. We vet those Muslims who engage with us and we reject those who do not denounce terrorism or are in any way reputed to be associated with extremist groups. Leibler is right to urge caution. But he should rest assured that we will not countenance engagement with those who endorse violence against our people either in Israel or the Diaspora. MICHAEL SCHNEIDER New York The writer is secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress

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Right of Reply: Jewish-Muslim dialogue works Jerusalem Post, Israel 22 March 2011 By MARC SCHNEIER Even when we do not share a common faith, we share a common fate, and our single destiny must strengthen our bonds of concern, compassion and caring for each other. In the March 17 edition, Isi Liebler, in his column ―A Jewish-Muslim alliance?‖ alleged that the activities to promote mutual understanding and tolerance with moderate Muslim leaders with which I am involved are wrongheaded and antithetical to the interests of world Jewry. Despite the tone of the column, which appears to argue that efforts at building Muslim-Jewish partnerships is dangerous to the well-being of Jews, the successes we have achieved in building ties of friendship and trust are authentic. We have inspired Muslim and Jewish leaders to speak out in defense of the other. For example, Imam Shamsi Ali, spiritual leader of the largest and most prominent mosque in New York, with whom I am coauthoring a book on Judaism and Islam, made unmistakably clear that the Jewish-Muslim alliance we have worked so hard to create is, in reality, a two-way street. Shortly after the murderous terror attack against the Fogel family in Itamar, Ali issued a widely disseminated statement strongly condemning the attack and emphasizing, ―We expect all decent people to unequivocally condemn this brutality. There is no way to contextualize this outrageous crime. Political differences never justify terrorism.‖ The fact that a prominent Muslim cleric would speak out so unequivocally against a terror attack on Israelis in such a public fashion and without reservation is an important example of the willingness of top Muslim leaders to speak out for Jews in a manner that almost never occurred before we began our coalitionbuilding efforts five years ago. Another example of the same important trend came earlier this month by another important ally of ours in the effort to strengthen Muslim-Jewish relations: Dr. Sayyid Sayeed, national director of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the largest and most prestigious Muslim organization in the US and Canada.

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After representatives of both Hamas and Fatah each issued vile statements on March 1 calling the Holocaust a ―lie‖ and vowing to prevent teaching about it to Palestinian youngsters in UN-sponsored schools in Gaza, Sayeed immediately sent me a letter condemning Holocaust denial and declaring his support for young Muslims all over the world who want to become better educated concerning the bitter realities of the Holocaust. To quote directly from Sayeed: ―We at ISNA reiterate our position denouncing Holocaust denial, and we support any efforts toward teaching students the horrific consequences of this great human tragedy.‖ SUCH EXPRESSIONS of Muslim sympathy are not confined to the US. Last December in Brussels, Imam Abduljalil Sajid of Britain, European representative of World Council of Muslims Interfaith Relations, opened his remarks at the first annual Gathering of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders organized by the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and World Jewish Congress with a prayer dedicated to the victims of the Carmel fire in December. I recognize that much remains to be achieved in Jewish- Muslim relations and, as the chilling Hamas and Fatah statements make clear, there is still a great deal of anti- Semitism emanating from the Arab and Muslim worlds. However, we would be doing both our Muslim friends and allies and our own Jewish community a grave disservice if we failed to point out the growing willingness of Muslim leaders to denounce anti-Semitism and speak out in support of Jews. . The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding has instituted programs like the Weekend of Twinnings of Mosques and Synagogues that have brought tens of thousands of Muslims and Jews in 22 countries together for joint activities that celebrate commonalities and recognize differences. Something exceedingly important is happening here, and it would be a tragic mistake if we were to forgo this historic opportunity to advance relations with moderate Muslims who oppose violence and stand with people of all backgrounds – including Jews – in opposing terrorism. I am proud that the World Jewish Congress is working closely with us in this effort, as are hundreds of Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist rabbis and many thousands of Jews around the world, including Israel. The tragic killings in Itamar remind us how inextricably the destiny of the individual Jew is intertwined with the fate of all Jews. The tragic events in Japan stress the theme of human interdependence. Even when we do not share a common faith, we share a common fate, and our single destiny must strengthen our bonds of concern,

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compassion and caring for each other. This is the spirit and substance we bring to the Muslim-Jewish alliance; Muslim and Jewish leaders standing up for one another and affirming in one voice, ―Bigotry against any Jew or any Muslim is an attack on all Muslims and all Jews.‖ The writer is president of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and vice president of the World Jewish Congress.

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In Paris, Muslim and Jewish leaders pledge to stand together against the rise of extreme-rightist parties European Jewish Press, Belgium 9 March 2011 PARIS (EJP)---Prominent Muslim and Jewish leaders from across Europe pledged to stand together against the rise of extreme-right xenophobic and racist parties that represent an escalating peril to ethnic and religious minorities across Europe, including Jews and Muslims. These leaders made the pledge during a gathering in Paris of the ―Coordinating Committee of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders.‖

The first meeting of the Coordinating Committee was initiated by the New York-based Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU), the World Council for Muslim Inter-Faith Relations (WCMIR), and the World Jewish Congress (WJC). It is follow up to the first annual Gathering of European Muslim and Jewish leaders, which was launched in Brussels last December. Together with top communal leaders from Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the US, the Muslim and Jewish leaders announced plans for a series of public events in European capitals, on 9 May which marks Europe Day. The leaders expressed deep concern about the emergence into the political mainstream of extremist parties in many European countries and declared that it was ―totally unacceptable‖ that several of these parties had been accepted by governing coalitions as tacit partners where they are allowed to help shape the agenda. Contending that ―Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and racism must never be allowed to become respectable,‖ the leaders expressed disquiet over recent pronouncements by European statesmen including President Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Merkel of Germany and Prime Minister Cameron of Britain, characterizing

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multiculturalism as a ―failure‖. These comments, they said, have been cited by extreme-right parties as evidence that they are winning the battle for public opinion in Europe. Promising to press European decision-makers not to cooperate in any way with extremist parties, the Jewish and Muslim leaders vowed: ―We will not allow ourselves to be separated, but will stand together to fight bigotry against Muslims, Jews and other minorities. An attack on any of us is an attack on all of us.‖ Citing studies which show that anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are both growing rapidly in countries across Europe, the communal leaders affirmed that ―Jews and Muslims are equal stakeholders in Europe, not expendable guests, and must therefore enjoy the same rights as everybody else. Appeasing those that sow the seeds of hatred and division is not only morally wrong, but will have disastrous consequences for Europe if allowed to continue.‖ ―If Europe wants to remain true to its ethical and spiritual foundations, it must embrace people from different cultures, religions and ways of life. If not, it will not only fail as a concept, it will lose its soul,‖ said FFEU President and World Jewish Congress Vice President Rabbi Marc Schneier.

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DIALOGUE: MUSLIMS AMD JEWISH LEADER WORRIED ABOUT XENOPHOBIA AND RACISM IN EUROPE Agenzia SIR, Italy 9 March 2011 Important Muslim and Jewish leaders have come from all over Europe to Paris on March 7th, and in a press release they expressed concern for the new surge, in Europe, of openly xenophobic and racist political parties that – as the release states – may represent an escalating peril to ethnic and religious minorities across Europe, 
including Jews and Muslims‖. The European religious leaders are members of the ―Coordinating Committee of European
Muslim and Jewish Leaders‖, which include the ―World Council for Muslim Inter-Faith Relations‖ (WCMIR) and the “World Jewish Congress” (WJC). The Committee met in Paris to monitor and follow up on the directives laid down during previous meeting in Brussels and Seville. The Italian guest was the deputy president of Coreis (Islamic Religious Community), Yahya Pallavicini. What Jews and Muslims are most worried out is ―the emergence into the
political mainstream of extremist parties in many European countries‖, and they
declared that it was ―totally unacceptable that several of these parties had
 been accepted by governing coalitions as tacit partners where they are allowed
to help shape the agenda‖. The Committee announced that public events and rallies will be organised in several European capitals on May 9th for Europe‘s Day.

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Extrême droite en Europe: des leaders musulmans et juifs s'alarment Agence France Presse, France 7 March 2011 D'éminents responsables musulmans et juifs, réunis lundi à Paris, ont affirmé leur "volonté de s'élever ensemble contre la montée des partis politiques d'extrême droite racistes et xénophobes en Europe". Dans un communiqué publié lundi soir, le Comité de coordination de leaders musulmans et juifs européens, a qualifié d'"inacceptable la banalisation des partis d'extrême droite", et s'est alarmé du "danger croissant" qu'encourent les minorités ethniques et religieuses à travers l'Europe. Le Comité a également "exprimé (son) inquiétude au sujet des récentes prises de positions de chefs d'Etat européens, y compris le président français (Nicolas) Sarkozy, la chancelière allemande (Angela) Merkel et le Premier ministre britannique (David) Cameron", à propos de la "faillite du multiculturalisme". La réunion à Paris du comité a été initiée par la Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU), basée à New York, le Conseil Mondial Musulman pour les Relations Interreligieuses (WCMIR), et le Congrès juif mondial (CJM). Elle s'inscrit, précise le communiqué, dans la continuité de la première rencontre annuelle de leaders musulmans et juifs européens, qui s'est tenue à Bruxelles en décembre dernier. Les membres du Comité --parmi lesquels des dirigeants communautaires de Belgique, Grande-Bretagne, France, Allemagne, Italie, Pays-Bas, Suisse et EtatsUnis-- annoncent qu'il lanceront une série d'événements publics dans des capitales européennes, le 9 mai 2011, Journée de l'Europe. Ils expriment "leurs crainte face à l'ascendance de partis extrémistes ou xénophobes en Europe" et déclarent qu'"il est totalement inacceptable" que nombre de ces partis aient été acceptés tacitement comme des partenaires de coalitions gouvernementales". "Toute attaque contre les uns est une attaque contre nous tous", ont-ils mis en garde.

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Papst: Juden unschuldig am Tod Jesu Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany (Frontpage) 10 March 2011 München – An diesem Donnerstag erscheint das zweite Jesus-Buch von Papst Benedikt XVI., das sich mit Leiden, Tod und Auferstehung Jesu beschäftigt. Darin tritt der Papst unter anderem der These von der Kollektivschuld der Juden am Tod Jesu entgegen. Der Jüdische Weltkongress lobte dies bereits vor der Veröffentlichung. Das erste Jesus-Buch des Papstes erschien 2007. Es traf auf die Kritik zahlreicher Theologen, weil Benedikt XVI. ihnen vorwarf, viele Gläubige zu verunsichern. Benedikt schreibt bereits an einem dritten Band. (Feuilleton) Summary translation The World Jewish Congress has praised the Pope‘s new book on Jesus before its official publication. In it Benedict rejects Jewish guilt for the cruxifiction of Jesus.

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Pope to respond to question of faith on TV Daily Telegraph Online, UK 8 March 2011 For the first time in the history of the Vatican, the Pope will respond to questions about his faith on a television programme. By Nick Squires, Rome Benedict XVI is expected to speak mostly about Jesus – he has just written the second of two volumes on Christ's life, "Jesus of Nazareth", due to be published on Thursday. He will appear on a religious affairs programme called "In his image", which will be aired on Good Friday - April 22. It will be broadcast at 2.10pm in Italy (1.10pm GMT), the time recognised by the Catholic Church as the moment that Christ died on the cross after being crucified. A special website will be launched on Sunday to which Catholics can send suggested questions, from which just three will be chosen and put to the German-born pontiff, who was elected in 2005. The programme, on Italy's state broadcaster, RAI, will be pre-recorded at the Vatican a few days before, either in the Pope's study or his personal chapel. It is expected to be rebroadcast by television networks around the world. It will be the first time that a pontiff has appeared as a guest on a television programme. Benedict's predecessor, John Paul II, came closest when he phoned into a popular Italian current affairs show in October 1998.The first pope to appear on film was Leo XII in 1896. Italian television was first allowed into the Vatican in 1961 to profile a day in the life of Pope John XXIII. Excerpts of Benedict's new book on Jesus were released last week by the Vatican.In it, he insisted that blame for Christ's death lay not with the Jewish people as a whole, as stated by some of the Gospels, but with the small number of Jewish priests and "aristocracy" who demanded his crucifixion. Benedict was underlining a position adopted by the Catholic Church more than 45 years ago, but his unequivocal exoneration was nevertheless welcomed by Jewish groups and Israel. "I commend you for forcefully rejecting in your recent book a false charge that has been a foundation for the hatred of the Jewish people for many centuries," Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, said in a statement. Ronald Lauder, the director of the World Jewish Congress, said: "Two thousand years after the event it really was high time that the head of the Catholic Church made a clear statement on this."

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Why the Pope's Rejection of Jewish Guilt Really Matters TIME Magazine Online, USA 3 March 2011 By Stephan Faris / Rome

Pope Benedict XVI waves during his Wednesday general audience in Paul VI hall at the Vatican March 2, 2011. Tony Gentile / Reuters When Pope Benedict XVI writes that the Jews are not responsible for the death of Jesus, what's important is less the passage itself than the man who put it down on paper. By tackling the subject in a book to be published March 10, Benedict, whose has struggled in his relations with the Jewish community, doesn't so much state something new — the affirmation that the Jewish people as a whole were not responsible for the crucifixion is an old one, uncontroversial in the modern Catholic Church — as lend the idea the ecclesiastical equivalent of a celebrity endorsement. "The significance is in the author," says Joseph Sievers, professor of Jewish history at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. "He brings together an awareness of the issues in the text themselves with the history of how these texts have been interpreted through the last 2,000 years." Indeed, the Catholic Church has considered the Jewish people free from blame since at least 1965, when the Second Vatican Council wrote that while "the Jewish authorities and those who followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ; still, what happened in His passion cannot be charged against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today." The difference this time is that rather than being buried deep in a document of dense text, where it can easily be overlooked or ignored, the argument is being laid out by a man whose every word is pored over as an indication of church doctrine. "Most Catholics don't read the church's documents," says Rabbi David Rosen, director of Interreligious Affairs at the New York-based American Jewish Committee.

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"The book will certainly be far more widely read." Benedict's last book, Jesus of Nazareth, was a best seller when it was published in 2007. The passage about the crucifixion will appear in its sequel, Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance Into Jerusalem To The Resurrection. In excerpts provided to the press this week, the Pope walks the reader through the gospels to explore who Jesus' accusers really were. Noting that the Gospel of John describes them as "the Jews," Benedict explains that there's no way the writer meant the entire population of Israel. After all, he notes, John himself was a Jew, as was Jesus and the rest of his followers. "This expression has a precise and rigorously limited meaning," Benedict concludes: "The temple aristocracy." The Gospel of Mark expands the circle of accusers to "the masses," which Benedict explains were supporters of Barabbas, the brigand chosen by the crowd to be released instead of Jesus. "In [the Second Vatican Council's text], this was all said in one sentence, but here it's spelled out and worked out in great detail," says Sievers. The Pope pays special attention to a passage in the Gospel of Matthew which is often used to stir up anti-Semitism. In that passage, Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect overseeing the crucifixion, washes his hands and declares himself to be innocent of the death of Jesus: "Then the people as a whole answered, 'His blood be on us and on our children!'" Benedict argues that the phrase "the people as a whole" is ahistorical. "How would it have been possible for the entire population to have been present at that moment to ask for the death of Jesus?" he writes. The blood of Jesus, he adds, should not be seen as a call for revenge, but spilled in the name of reconciliation: "Not a curse, but redemption, salvation." The Pope's statements have been broadly welcomed by Jewish organizations. "It deepens and gives historians context crucial in having the doctrine expressed in [the documents from the Second Vatican Council] translated down to the pews," said Abraham H. Foxman, U.S. director of the Anti-Defamation League, in a statement. "Pope Benedict has rejected the previous teachings and perversions that have helped to foster and reinforce anti-Semitism through the centuries." On Thursday, Ronald Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress, called on the Pope to take a step further, reinforcing what he's written in an official letter, or encyclical. "Many in the Catholic world have continued to espouse ideas of Jewish guilt," Lauder said in a statement. "Refuting their fallacious arguments in a personal book, whilst right, is probably insufficient. This must become official Church doctrine, from top to bottom.",8599,2057120,00.html#ixzz1Fbt354rQ

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Jews laud pope's insistence Jews did not kill Jesus CNN Belief Blog, USA 3 March 2011 Jewish groups around the world are welcoming a clear declaration from Pope Benedict XVI that the Jewish people are not collectively responsible for the death of Jesus. A key Jewish envoy to the Vatican called Benedict's new declaration "an excellent gesture." "I know that this pope has been committed to all this progress that we have made" in Catholic-Jewish relations, said Lisa Palmieri-Billig, the American Jewish Committee's liaison to the Holy See. Benedict is "very committed" to the "deep connections between Christianity and Judiasm" and to fighting anti-Semitism, she told CNN. She had a long conversation with him in the 1990s, before he became pope, and said he made "overwhelmingly clear... the bond between Christians and Jews, the harmfulness of theological anti-Semitism." The pope says in a new book due out next week that the Jews are not to blame for the crucifixion of Jesus, underlining a key breakthrough in Catholic-Jewish relations. Many Catholics and other Christians blamed Jews for Jesus' death for hundreds of years - a doctrine which many Jews believe directly fueled anti-Semitism. The Catholic Church formally repudiated the assertion that the Jewish people had committed "deicide," or the murder of God, in the 1960s. Jewish organizations including the World Jewish Congress and the AntiDefamation League praised Benedict's new comments on the death of Jesus. "Pope Benedict has rejected the previous teachings and perversions that have helped to foster and reinforce anti-Semitism through the centuries," ADL national director Abraham Foxman said. Rabbi Marvin Hier, the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, lauded the "critically important and timely statement by his Holiness, particularly at a time of increased mainstream anti-Semitism worldwide," calling it "a very important tool in the fight against Jew-hatred." Ronald Lauder, the president of the World Jewish Congress, welcomed the pope's book, but urged him to go farther. "Many in the Catholic world have continued to espouse ideas of Jewish guilt. Refuting their fallacious arguments in a personal book, whilst right, is probably insufficient. This must become official Church doctrine, from top to bottom," he said in a statement. Benedict discusses the death of Jesus in his new book "Jesus of Nazareth," which is to be released next week. CNN has obtained excerpts. "Who has insisted on the condemnation of Jesus to death?" he asks in the book, referring to scenes in the

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Gospels in which the people of Jerusalem demand that Roman governor Pontius Pilate have Jesus crucified. The Gospel of John says the people in question were "the Judeans," but the pope says the term "does not refer to - unlike the modern reader may tend to interpret the people of Israel as such, and it doesn't even have a 'racist' connotation." Far from meaning all Jewish people, Benedict writes, "the circle of prosecutors pursuing the death of Jesus" is the "aristocracy of the Temple," or the priesthood. "Even that is not without exception," he adds in the book. He also addresses accounts of the trial of Jesus in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, saying Mark's account blames the "mass" or the "mob," "not the Jewish people as such." He dismisses Matthew's laying the blame on "all the people," saying the phrase does not represent "a historical fact." "The real group of the accusers are the circle of the people from the Temple," he reiterates. Benedict has had a sometimes difficult relationship with Jews during his six-year papacy. He infuriated many by welcoming back into the church a rebel bishop who is on record as saying that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler did not have a systematic plan to murder Europe's Jews. The bishop also minimized the role of the Auschwitz death camp in the Holocaust. Benedict later ordered the bishop, Richard Williamson, to recant his views, saying the Vatican was not aware of them when it decided to lift his excommunication. Benedict also put his predecessor, Pius XII, on the path to sainthood, further antagonizing many Jews, who believe the World War II-era pope did little to save Jews from Hitler. But Benedict also last year became the first pope to visit Rome's main synagogue since 1986, trying to smooth feathers on an annual "Day of Dialogue" with the Jewish community.

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JEWISH GROUPS WELCOME POPE'S EXONERATION FOR JESUS'S DEATH ANSA (English service), Italy 3 March 2011 13:55 GMT Vatican City, March 3 - Jewish groups have welcomed Pope Benedict XVI's exoneration of their people for Jesus's death in extracts from his new book that have been released ahead of publication next week. Benedict was only reiterating a stance held since the release of the Nostra Aetate document at the end of the 1962-65 Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, which is credited with introducing reforms to bring the Catholic Church into line with modernity. But the rebuttal of a claim used for centuries to justify persecution of Jews was seen as significant nevertheless. ''For many centuries, Jews suffered from brutal persecution and anti-Semitism because Christians held them collectively responsible for the killing of Jesus Christ even though he was himself a Jew and crucified by the Roman rulers,'' World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald S. Lauder said in a statement released Thursday. ''Two thousand years after the event it really was high time that the head of the Catholic Church made a clear statement on this. ''It sets an important marker against anti-Semitism in the Church''. Lauder said, however, that the pontiff should go further and cement this position by outlining it in an encyclical. ''Despite the 1965 Nostra Aetate declaration... many in the Catholic world have continued to espouse ideas of Jewish guilt,'' Lauder said. ''Refuting their fallacious arguments in a personal book, whilst right, is probably insufficient. ''This must become official Church doctrine, from top to bottom''. The pope exonerated Jewish people for Jesus' death with the help of a theological analysis of the Gospel According to John in his second book on the life of Jesus of Nazareth. ''Now we must ask: who exactly were Jesus's accusers? Who insisted that he be condemned to death?,'' reads Jesus of Nazareth. Holy Week: From The Entry Into Jerusalem to the Resurrection. ''According to John it was simply 'the Jews'. ''But John's use of this expression does not in any way indicate - as the modern reader might suppose - the people of Israel in general, even less is it 'racist' in character. ''After all, John himself was ethnically a Jew, as were Jesus and all his followers. ''The entire early Christian community was made up of Jews. In John's Gospel this word has a precise and clearly defined meaning: he is referring to the Temple aristocracy''.

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The pontiff also said that a controversial extract from St Matthew's Gospel in which the crowd calling for Jesus's execution say ''Let his blood be on us and on our children'' refers to the mob before Roman governor Pontius Pilate and not the Jewish people as a whole. Benedict added that Jesus's blood ''does not cry out for vengeance and punishment, it brings reconciliation. It is not poured out against anyone, it is poured out for many, for all''. Benedict's comments will have helped repair damage to relations with Jewish groups caused by some of his decisions, including his 2009 lifting of an excommunication on the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X that includes Holocaustdenying bishop Richard Williamson. ''This is an important and historic moment for Catholic-Jewish relations,'' said Abraham H. Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League, another Jewish group. ''Pope Benedict has rejected the previous teachings and perversions that have helped to foster and reinforce anti-Semitism through the centuries. ''The fact that this pope is a theologian, and has served as a defender of the faith, makes this that much more significant for now and for future generations. ''He is continuing in the storied tradition of Pope John Paul II in rejecting the calumny of those charges and in taking Nostra Aetate and Vatican II to the next level''. The pope has said he did not know Williamson was a Holocaust-denier when he lifted the excommunication. 1560814416.html rgId=574&topicId=100012117&docId=l:1371024295&start=1

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Pope lifts blame from Jews for Christ's death Agence France Presse. France 3 March 2011 11:51 GMT Pope Benedict XVI exonerates the Jewish people as a whole from responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in a new book due to be published this month, prompting praise from Jewish groups. The pope wrote that the condemnations of Jesus Christ came from the "aristocracy of the temple" in Jerusalem and from the "masses" who acclaimed Barabbas instead of Jesus -- not from "the Jewish people as a whole". Extracts from the book, the second volume of a biography of Jesus Christ, were published by the Vatican's official Osservatore Romano daily on Thursday. The World Jewish Congress in a statement praised the pope "for unequivocally rejecting the argument that the Jewish people can be held responsible." Congress head Ronald Lauder said: "2,000 years after the event it really was high time that the head of the Catholic Church made a clear statement on this. "It sets an important marker against anti-Semitism in the Church," he said. "Jews suffered from brutal persecution and anti-Semitism because Christians held them collectively responsible for the killing of Jesus Christ, even though he was himself a Jew and was crucified by the Roman rulers," he added. Marco Politi, a Vatican expert at Italian daily Il Fatto, said the pope's words were "a positive signal for the Jewish people, showing that Benedict XVI absolutely does not consider the gospels as a basis for any anti-Judaism." Tensions between Judaism and Catholicism have been high for centuries because of Catholic blame of the Jews for Christ's death. A Vatican Council in the 1960s that exonerated the Jews failed to end tensions, which have resurfaced in recent years under Benedict's papacy. In 2007, the pope reinstated a "prayer for the conversion of Jews". The following year he infuriated the Jewish community with a decision to lift the excommunication of a Holocaust-denying bishop, Richard Williamson. There have also been Vatican moves to sanctify World War II-era pope Pius XII, whose public silence on the Holocaust has been widely criticised. ZIZJ4Sw?docId=CNG.d7233b7f05bbee3b02098592a8a19d65.601

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Pope Benedict: Jewish people not guilty for Jesus death BBC News, UK 3 March 2011

Pope Benedict says the Temple authorities were the real accusers, not the Jews Pope Benedict has rejected the idea of collective Jewish guilt for Jesus Christ's death, in a new book to be published next week. Tackling an issue that has led to centuries of persecution, the Pope argues there is no basis in scripture for the Jewish people to be blamed. The Catholic Church officially repudiated the idea in 1965. But Jewish groups say the Pope's detailed analysis of the gospels is a major step forward. "This is a personal repudiation of the theological underpinning of centuries of anti-Semitism," said Elan Steinberg, vice-president of the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants. The Anti-Defamation League said it was an "important and historic moment". Excerpts of the book, Jesus of Nazareth-Part II, have been released in which the Pope considers the Gospels of John and Matthew and analyses the hours leading up to Jesus' death. "Now we must ask: Who exactly were Jesus' accusers?" he says, as he considers Jesus' condemnation to death by Roman governor Pontius Pilate. He also asks why St John said Jesus' accusers were "the Jews". "How could the whole people have been present at this moment to clamour for Jesus' death?" Benedict explains how only a few Temple leaders and a small group of supporters were primarily responsible for the crucifixion. He believes John's reference to "the Jews" must have been towards the "Temple aristocracy", because Jesus had declared himself King of the Jews and had violated Jewish law. In his analysis of the phrase taken from the gospel of Matthew - "His blood be on us and on our children" - Benedict says Jesus' blood "does not cry out for vengeance and punishment, it

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brings reconciliation. It is not poured out against anyone, it is poured out for many, for all." The Catholic Church's most authoritative teaching until now came in the 1965 document "Nostra Aetate" which said Jesus' death could not be attributed to the Jewish people either at the time or now. In a statement, the World Jewish Congress praised the Pope for setting an important marker against anti-Semitism and "unequivocally rejecting the argument that the Jewish people can be held responsible".

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Jewish group praises pope's exoneration of Jews for Jesus' death Deutsche Presse-Agentur (English service), Germany 3 March 2011 12:36 GMT Vatican/New York - A group representing dozens of international Jewish communities on Thursday welcomed assertions made by Pope Benedict XVI in a forthcoming book that Jews must not be blamed for Jesus' crucifixion. The World Jewish Congress (WJC) said the pontiff should be praised 'for unequivocally rejecting the argument that the Jewish people can be held responsible collectively and eternally for the death of Jesus.' Benedict, in the second volume of Jesus of Nazareth, analyzes the Gospel narrations of Jesus' betrayal and execution to show that all sinners - and thus humanity as a whole - share the responsibility for the death of Christ. Excerpts of the book were released by the Vatican on Wednesday, with publication set for March 10. 'For many centuries, Jews suffered from brutal persecution and anti-Semitism because Christians held them collectively responsible for the killing of Jesus Christ even though he was himself a Jew and crucified by the Roman rulers,' WJC President Ronald Lauder said in a statement. 'Two thousand years after the event, it really was high time that the head of the Catholic Church made a clear statement on this,' he added. 'It sets an important marker against anti-Semitism in the Church.' The Catholic Church had officially repudiated the notion of collective Jewish guilt for Christ's death in a major document issued by the Second Vatican Council in 1965. The first volume of Jesus of Nazareth was published in 2007 and became an international bestseller. In the second volume, Benedict concentrates on the last days of Christ's life, including his death and resurrection. h-group-praises-pope-s-exoneration-of-Jews-for-Jesus-death

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Benedikt gegen anti-jüdische Bibel-Auslegung Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Germany 3 March 2011 Papst Benedikt distanziert sich von einer anti-jüdischen Auslegung der Bibel. Das zeigen Auszüge aus seinem neuen Jesus-Buch. Der Jüdische Weltkongress lobt ihn für dieses Zeichen gegen den Antisemitismus. Rom/Berlin (dpa) - Papst Benedikt XVI. spricht sich in dem zweiten Teil seines Buches «Jesus von Nazareth» gegen eine anti-jüdische Auslegung der Bibel aus. Die Frage, wen die Schuld treffe für den Kreuzigungstod Jesu, dürfe sich nicht auf das gesamte Volk Israel beziehen, erklärt Benedikt: «Wie hätte das ganze Volk (...) nach Jesu Tod rufen können?» Von dieser päpstlichen Einschätzung berichtet die «Bild-Zeitung» am Donnerstag, die erste Auszüge aus dem neuen Buch veröffentlicht. Mit dieser Argumentation setzt der deutsche Papst vor allem ein Zeichen gegen Antisemitismus in seiner Kirche. Der Jüdische Weltkongress (WJC) begrüßte seinen Standpunkt. Nach Benedikts Überzeugung haben nicht «die Juden» den Tod von Jesus verlangt, eine solche Formulierung im Matthäus-Evangelium entspreche «sicher nicht» den historischen Fakten. Nur zwei Gruppen hätten auf die Verurteilung durch Pontius Pilatus gedrängt, wobei aber auch Johannes «die Juden» als fordernde Partei nenne, fasst die Zeitung zusammen. «Aber dieser Ausdruck bezeichnet bei Johannes keineswegs - wie der moderne Leser vielleicht zu lesen geneigt ist - das Volk Israel als solches, noch weniger hat er "rassistischen" Charakter», so Benedikt. Gemeint sei die «Tempel-Aristokratie». Im Evangelium nach Markus würden neben diesem Kreis noch die Anhänger des ebenfalls vom Tode bedrohten Mörders Barabbas genannt. Der Präsident des World Jewish Congress, Ronald S. Lauder, lobte Benedikt für seinen «wichtigen Markstein gegen Antisemitismus in der Kirche». Das müsse jetzt aber auch offizielle Kirchendoktrin werden, meinte er: «Über viele Jahrhunderte hinweg haben Juden unter brutaler Verfolgung gelitten, weil Christen sie kollektiv für den Tod von Jesus Christus verantwortlich gemacht haben, obwohl er selbst ein Jude war.» Juden in aller Welt wüssten es sehr wohl zu würdigen, «dass es diesem Papst absolut ernst damit ist, eine gute Beziehung zwischen Christen und Juden zu haben», erklärte Lauder. Der WJC ist der Weltdachverband von jüdischen Gemeinschaften in 92 Ländern. «Jesus von Nazareth. Vom Einzug in Jerusalem bis zur Auferstehung» erscheint weltweit am Donnerstag der kommenden Woche. Das knapp 370 Seiten

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umfassende Buch kommt in acht Sprachen heraus. In Deutschland wird das Buch mit einer Auflage von 150 000 Exemplaren starten. Der Papst will die Geschichte des Jesus erzählen und beschäftigt sich mit dessen Leiden, Tod und Auferstehung. An dem Werk hat Joseph Ratzinger zwei Jahre lang gearbeitet. Benedikts erstes Jesus-Buch war im April 2007 zum 80. Geburtstag des Papstes erschienen und in Deutschland schon in der ersten Woche auf die Bestsellerlisten gekommen. Es hat sich in Deutschland seither mehr als eine halbe Million Mal verkauft.

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US vetoes UN draft condemning Israeli settlements Reuters News, UK 18 February 2011 23:24 GMT * 14 council members vote 'yes,' only US votes 'no' * US envoy Rice: veto doesn't mean we support settlements * Palestinian envoy: US veto sends wrong message to Israel By Louis Charbonneau UNITED NATIONS, Feb 18 (Reuters) - The United States on Friday vetoed a draft U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements on Palestinian land after the Palestinians refused a compromise offer from Washington. The U.S. move was welcomed by American pro-Israel groups, some of which have previously criticized President Barack Obama's administration for what they see as its record of lukewarm support for Israel. The other 14 Security Council members voted in favor of the draft resolution. But the United States, as one of the five permanent council members with the power to block any action by the Security Council, voted against it and struck it down. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice told council members that the veto "should not be misunderstood to mean we support settlement activity." The U.S. position is that continued Israeli settlements lack legitimacy, she said. But Rice said the draft "risks hardening the position of both sides" and reiterated the U.S. view that settlements and other contentious issues should be resolved in direct Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. The resolution described the settlements as "illegal" and urged the Jewish state to "immediately and completely" halt all settlement activities. Diplomats said the views contained in the resolution, which would have been legally binding had it passed, are generally supported by the Obama administration. However, they said, the United States refuses to allow the Security Council to intervene with binding resolutions on issues it feels belongs to direct peace talks. Israeli Ambassador Meron Reuben, opposing the resolution, urged the Palestinians to "return to negotiations without preconditions." U.S.-brokered peace talks collapsed last year after Israel refused to extend a moratorium on settlements. The Palestinians say continued building flouts the internationally backed peace plan that will permit them to create a viable, contiguous state on the land after a treaty with Israel to end its occupation and 62 years of conflict. Israel says this is an excuse for avoiding peace talks and a precondition never demanded before during 17 years of negotiation, which has so far produced no agreement.

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HYPOCRITICAL? World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder thanked Obama, saying his veto showed "America's support for the rights of the Jewish state and for the Middle East peace process." Other pro-Israel groups also praised Obama. Obama's offer to support a non-binding Security Council statement chiding Israel over the settlements instead of a binding resolution had been criticized by pro-Israel lobby groups and some members of the U.S. Congress. British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant, speaking on behalf of Britain, France and Germany, condemned Israeli settlements as "illegal under international law." He added that the European Union's three biggest nations hope that an independent state of Palestine will join the United Nations as a new member state by September 2011. Several European Union member states, including Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden, joined the long list of over 100 co-sponsors of the resolution. The Palestinian Authority earlier on Friday decided to insist that the resolution be put to the council, and rejected the U.S. compromise offer despite a telephone call from Obama to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday. The permanent Palestinian observer to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, told the council after the vote that the U.S. veto could send the wrong signal to Israel. "We fear ... that the message sent today may be one that further encourages Israeli intransigence and impunity," he said. Mansour declined to comment on media reports that Obama warned Abbas of repercussions if the Palestinians did not withdraw the draft resolution. The decision to put it to a vote was made unanimously by the Palestine Liberation Organization's executive and the central committee of Abbas's Fatah movement at a meeting in Ramallah on Friday to discuss Obama's appeal to Abbas. "The Palestinian leadership has decided to proceed to the U.N. Security Council, to pressure Israel to halt settlement activities. The decision was taken despite American pressure," said Wasel Abu Yousef, a PLO executive member. New York-based Human Rights Watch issued a statement saying the U.S. veto undermined international law and suggested the Obama administration was being hypocritical.

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"President Obama wants to tell the Arab world in his speeches that he opposes settlements, but he won't let the Security Council tell Israel to stop them in a legally binding way," said HRW's Middle East director, Sarah Leah Whitson. Prior to Friday's vote, 10 council resolutions had been vetoed by one or more of the five permanent members -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -since 2000. Of those, 10 were U.S. vetoes, nine of them related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The last U.S. vetoes were two in 2006, both related to Israel. (Additional reporting by Patrick Worsnip at the United Nations and Mohammed Assadi in Ramallah; editing by Eric Beech) ng_Israeli_settlements.html?cid=29534568

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US vetoes UN draft condemning Israeli settlements, UAE 19 February 2011 UNITED NATIONS (Agencies) - The United States on Friday vetoed a draft U.N. Security Council resolution, which would have condemned continued Israeli settlement building on Palestinian land. U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said Washington had "regrettably" chosen to oppose the resolution, sponsored by some 130 countries, after seeking its compromise measure was rejected. "This draft resolution risks hardening the positions of both sides," Rice said. "It could encourage the parties to stay out of negotiations." And she stressed Washington's veto -- the first by President Barack Obama's administration at the United Nations -- should not be taken as U.S. support for settlement building. "We reject in the strongest terms the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity," she told the Council. But she said the United Nations was not the correct place to try to resolve the decades-old Israel-Palestinian conflict, despite the stalemated Middle East peace talks. "While we agree with our fellow council members and indeed with the wider world about the folly and illegitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity, we think it unwise for this council to attempt to resolve the core issues that divide Israelis and Palestinians," she said. The other 14 Security Council members voted in favor of the draft resolution. But the United States, as one of the five permanent council members with the power to block any action by the Security Council, voted against it and struck it down. In a joint statement, France, Britain and Germany reiterated "the illegality of settlements and the threat it constituted to a two-state They urged both parties to return to direct negotiations, adding the goal "remained an agreement on final status and the welcoming of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations in September 2011." "Re-evaluate entire process of negotiations" In a swift reaction, a senior Palestinian official said the U.S. veto was "unfortunate and affects the credibility of the American administration." As a result, the Palestinians will "re-evaluate the entire process of negotiations" towards peace in the Middle East, said Yasser Abed Rabbo, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

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Ahead of the vote, the United States had put increasing pressure on the Palestinians to drop their backing for the resolution, but to no avail, with president Mahmoud Abbas even rejecting a direct appeal from U.S. President Barack Obama. U.N. diplomats say the Palestinian Authority, which has been trying to defend itself against critics who accuse it of caving in to the Americans and Israelis during peace talks, was eager to show that it can stand up to Washington. Obama had suggested that the Security Council would instead issue a non-binding statement calling on Israel to implement a settlement freeze. But Abbas refused. The Palestinians have accused Washington of failing to do enough to rein in Israeli settlement construction in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, which they say is laying down territorial realities on land claimed by the Palestinians for their future state. Return to negotiating table Israel meanwhile urged the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table without preconditions. "It's a short way between Ramallah and Jerusalem, and all the Palestinians should do is to return to the negotiating table without preconditions," foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said in a statement. "Only thus, and not through seizing the Security Council, will it be possible to advance the peace process so as to benefit both parties and to serve the cause of peace and security throughout the region." World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder thanked Obama, saying his veto showed "America's support for the rights of the Jewish state and for the Middle East peace process." Other pro-Israel groups also praised Obama. U.S. attempts to coax Israel into renewing the freeze ran aground in December, with the Palestinians refusing to return to the negotiating table while Jewish settlers build on land they want for a future state. Egypt on Saturday denounced U.S. veto describing Israeli settlements as illegal, saying it damaged Washington's credibility as a peace broker. Friday's veto "disappointed the hopes of the people, not only Palestinian and Arab, but also on an international level," the foreign ministry said in a statement. "The veto, which contradicts the American public stance rejecting settlement policy, will lead to more damage of the United States's credibility on the Arab side as a mediator in peace efforts," it said.

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Jewish settlement activity on Palestinian land seized during the 1967 Six-Day War is considered illegal by the international community, including the United States. It is one of the bitterest aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. New York-based Human Rights Watch issued a statement saying the U.S. veto undermined international law and suggested the Obama administration was being hypocritical. "President Obama wants to tell the Arab world in his speeches that he opposes settlements, but he won't let the Security Council tell Israel to stop them in a legally binding way," said HRW's Middle East director, Sarah Leah Whitson. They are the main obstacle to U.S.-brokered peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, who backed out of the talks over Israel's refusal to freeze settlement activity.

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WJC president praises US for voting down UN resolution Jerusalem Post Online, Israel 19 February 2011 By JPOST.COM STAFF World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald S. Lauder on Friday praised the US for voting against a UN Security Council UN resolution that would condemn settlements in the West Bank as "illegal" and said the decision shows "America's support for for the rights of the Jewish state and for the Middle East peace process." According to a press release sent by the WJC, Lauder called the Palestinianproposed resolution "one-sided" and criticized the countries which sponsored it. "The issue of settlements needs be negotiated bilaterally, in final-status talks, between Palestinians and Israelis. It is exclusively an issue for the two parties," Lauder said. "The resolution text that was proposed to the Security Council further promoted the fallacy that the 1967 borders have any basis in law or history," Lauder added. "They never existed nor were they ever part of any agreed upon documentation concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict and have no basis whatsoever, neither in law nor in fact. The World Jewish Congress therefore urges the United Nations to stop undermining, condoning, and abetting efforts to assault Israel's legal and diplomatic rights in ongoing negotiations over the future of the disputed territories."

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After US vetoes UNSC resolution calling Israeli settlements illegal, Palestinians have hissy-fit, Israel 20 February 2011 The Palestinian Authority said it will "reevaluate" the peace process with Israel after the US "regrettably" decided to veto a UN Security Council resolution which condemned Israeli communities beyond the 1949 Armistice ("Green") Line as "illegal" and demanded an immediate halt to all settlement building. "We will reevaluate the entire negotiation process," top PLO official Yasser Abed Rabbo said. "The [US] decision was miserable and unbalanced. It damages the credibility of the US government." The PLO had rejected an Obama Administration offer to support a rebuke against Israel rather than a binding resolution. The 14 other Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution, reflecting the wide support for the Palestinian-backed draft which had about 130 co-sponsors. "The US veto does not serve the peace process and encourages Israel to continue constructing settlements and avoid its commitments in the peace process," aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Nabil Abu Rudeina said. "The veto will complicate matters in the Middle East." Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian UN observer, called the US veto unfortunate, saying the Security Council failed to respond to the Israeli-Palestinian "crisis" and send "a clear and firm message to Israel that it must ... cease all of its violations and its obstruction of the peace process. We fear...that the message sent today may be one that only encourages further Israeli intransigence and impunity," he said. Israel remains committed to regional peace with all its neighbors, but the only way to peace is through negotiations, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's Office said overnight Friday. "We seek a solution that will integrate the legitimate Palestinian aspirations with Israeli requirement of security and recognition," Netanyahu said in a statement. "The US decision makes it clear that the only way to peace is through negotiations. We are ready to vigorously advance negotiations and are interested in beginning the process of achieving secure peace and hope that the Palestinians will join the process." Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians has and will continue to be the only way to resolve the conflict between the two parties, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Yigal Palmor said in a statement similar to Netanyahu's. "The distance between Ramallah and Jerusalem is short, and all that is requested of the Palestinians is to return to the negotiating table without preconditions," Palmor said. "Only in this way, and without appealing to the [United Nations] Security Council,

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can the peace process advance in favor of both parties, and in the favor of peace and security in the region." Palmor added: "Israel appreciates the US stance which promotes a renewal in the diplomatic process and expresses its regret that other members of the Security Council resisted in helping advance the process." Israel's UN Ambassador Meron Reuben thanked the US for its veto and called for Palestinian leaders "to return to the negotiating table without preconditions and without delay." The resolution "should never have been submitted," he said, warning that the Palestinian attempt to win approval was "likely to harm" efforts to resume negotiations. World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald S. Lauder praised the US for its veto of the "one-sided" resolution and said the decision shows "America's support for for the rights of the Jewish state and for the Middle East peace process." Lauder said: "The issue of settlements needs be negotiated bilaterally, in finalstatus talks, between Palestinians and Israelis. It is exclusively an issue for the two parties. The resolution text that was proposed to the Security Council further promoted the fallacy that the 1967 borders have any basis in law or history. They never existed nor were they ever part of any agreed upon documentation concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict and have no basis whatsoever, neither in law nor in fact. The World Jewish Congress therefore urges the United Nations to stop undermining, condoning, and abetting efforts to assault Israel's legal and diplomatic rights in ongoing negotiations over the future of the disputed territories."

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OP-ED Dan Diker: Between self-criticism and self-delegitimization Jerusalem Post, Israel 14 February 2011 Israel has positioned itself as the only state whose very legitimacy is perceived as inextricably connected to its readiness to make territorial concessions. The ongoing discussion among Jewish leaders worldwide about the line between ―legitimate criticism of Israel‖ and the assault against its legitimacy must also consider when self-criticism transforms into self-delegitimization. The intensifying, multipronged assault against Israel‘s historical and legal legitimacy is cause for concern. Economic, academic and cultural boycotts and sanctions have been intensifying in Europe and on US campuses, while arrest warrants have been issued against Israeli government and military leaders in European courts at the request of Palestinian Authority leaders and networks of Islamic and Western groups. The response to the current assault that charges Israel with being an apartheid, Nazi state raises an uncomfortable question. Has official Israel on occasion submitted to ―war weariness‖ by adopting the language and narrative of some of its toughest adversaries? As an example, some senior officials have said on several occasions over the past two years – once in the presence of PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad – that if Israel does not create a Palestinian state immediately, it will become either a binational or apartheid state. Aside from the profound inaccuracy of the comparison to formerly apartheid South Africa, this self-criminalization energizes opponents and encourages them to avoid compromising while it frustrates friends and allies who are leading the fight against the assault and in defense of its rights. It may not come as a surprise that several months ago, a Fayyad adviser told AlHayat al- Jadida that ―Israel represents a policy of state terror which the Zionist apartheid state is carrying out against the Palestinians.‖ In political warfare, words are lethal weapons. It would behoove Israeli and Jewish leaders to avoid being the inadvertent ―weapons suppliers‖ of the country‘s adversaries. Adopting the language of the Palestinians is only part of the problem. The challenge also extends to passively accepting their narrative.

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Since 1993 and the Oslo exchange of letters between the PLO and the Rabin government, a desperate determination to achieve an elusive peace agreement has led Israel to make far-reaching and ongoing concessions. THE PALESTINIANS for their part have shied away from making concessions and instead have continued to insist on their rights and historical justice. This has created an asymmetry whereby Israel emphasizes peace while the Palestinians underscore rights. Paradoxically, the constant readiness to part with territories for peace and the adoption of a concession-based diplomacy mirrors the perception of some in the West, particularly in Europe, that the Jewish state is an international outlaw that is merely giving back lands over which it has no claim. This misperception of rightful ownership has extended to Jerusalem. Perhaps inadvertently, Israel has positioned itself as the only member of the international state system whose very legitimacy is perceived as being inextricably connected to its readiness to make additional territorial concessions to the PA. This ―I give, therefore I am‖ kind of identity has robbed it of inherent legitimacy in many international circles. Furthermore, its concession-based diplomacy denies its rightsbased narrative and ends up empowering Palestinian ―rights-based‖ demands. IT WOULD be well served by reviving the traditional rights-based diplomacy that founders such as David Ben-Gurion and Abba Eban spoke of with unbridled passion. Eban told the UN on various occasions of ―a devotion to the holy city that has been a constant theme of our people for 3,00 years.‖ Yitzhak Rabin too reminded the Knesset in October 1995 – one month before his assassination – that he would insist on a united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty in any future peace agreement. Today, despite mistaken assertions by many – including not a few presidents and prime ministers in the free world – that Israel‘s right to sovereignty began following the Holocaust with the 1947 UN partition plan, it bears repeating that the Jewish national project began more than 3,000 years ago, when King David first established Jerusalem as his capital. The modern expression of this 3,000-year national project was affirmed twice last century. The League of Nations in 1922 noted, in the Mandate for Palestine, ―the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine, and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.‖ This international recognition of the Jewish people‘s preexisting national rights to sovereignty was subsequently preserved by article 80 of the United Nations Charter.

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In 1948, the establishment of the State of Israel marked the third time the Jewish people established its independent commonwealth in the land of Israel. It is this modern expression of Jewish selfdetermination that is under acute political assault primarily by Palestinian groups working in close coordination with Islamists and radical Western groups. The only way the Jewish world can effectively combat the growing political assault is by standing shoulder to shoulder and tightly embracing the Jewish people‘s rights-based language and narrative. Only then will they be able to stand on firm ground, anchored in historical truth and international law to defeat the attempts by unrelenting adversaries to undermine the legitimate right of the Jewish people to self- determination. The writer is secretary-general-designate of the World Jewish Congress.

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Jewish group slams British FM for Mideast comments, „ignores Israel's security interests‟ ‗Talk is cheap, but action is what we need,‘ says World Jewish Congress leader Ronald Lauder European Jewish Press, Belgium 10 February 2011

British Foreign Minister William Hague about Egypt: "This should not be a time for belligerent language". NEW YORK /BRUSSELS (EJP) - The World Jewish Congress expressed disappointment about comments made this week by British Foreign Minister William Hague on the Middle East and Israel, calling them "one-sided." In an interview with The Times in London, Hague said Israel should tone down what he tered its "belligerent" language amid the revolutionary tide sweeping the Arab world, when he was asked to comment recent statements made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the situation in Egypt. In a meeting earlier this week with a visting delegation of European parliamentarians, Netanyahu spoke of the possibility that the Islamists in Egypt would exploit the situation in order to gain governance over the country and lead it backward, in fact warning that Egypt could become a new Iran. He said Israel had to be prepared for "any outcome" in Egypt and "to reinforce its might". William Hague was quoted by the British newspaper as saying that "this should not be a time for belligerent language".

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"It's a time to inject greater urgency into the Middle East peace process," he added. He also demanded that the Obama administration give a timetable for bringing "greater urgency into the peace process" and for a peace settlement to be based on the borders prior to 1967. On Wednesday World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder issued a strong statement on Hague‘s comments. "Putting undue political pressure on Israel alone, completely neglecting its vital security interests is counterproductive and unhelpful,‖ he said, criticizing Europe's political leaders "who on an almost daily basis go around the Middle East lecturing the Israelis about what they should do, and that they should do it now." "What these leaders forget is that Israel cannot make concessions on its vital security needs, because this would mean suicide in the current climate, certainly as long as the Palestinians cannot guarantee Israel's vital security interests and are pursuing a unilateral strategy which is in clear breach of all major agreements between parties since the Oslo Accords," Lauder added. "The British and other European governments would be well-advised to put more real effort into improving the situation on the ground instead of just taking the backseat and leaving Israel, the only democracy in the region, alone. Talk is cheap, but action is what we need," the WJC president, who is a former US ambassador to Austria, said. He reiterated his call for Israel to become a member of NATO. ―This would send a strong signal to other countries not to take on Israel. Lofty declarations regarding Israel's right tlive in peace and security are not enough." An Israeli foreign ministry spokesman, Yigal Palmor, also addressed Hague‘s comments: "We are witnessing a situation in which when a regime faces a serious challenge, voices are heard calling for a freeze or cancellation of a 30-year old peace agreement. This talk is obviously a cause for concern and the lesson we draw is that in any peace treaty, security aspects must be strengthened."

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OP-ED Ein Fall für das Bündnis Jüdische Allgemeine, Germany 17 February 2011 Israels Sicherheit muss dauerhaft gesichert sein. Am besten als NATO-Mitglied von Ronald S. Lauder

Die Umwälzungen in der arabischen Welt zeigen: Der Nahe Osten steht vor unruhigen Zeiten. Während im Libanon die vom Iran ferngesteuerte Hisbollah schleichend das Ruder übernimmt, bahnt sich woanders die Freiheit ihren Weg. Wer aber die Risiken dieses Prozesses für die Stabilität in der Region nicht sieht, ist blauäugig. Für Israel wird die Sicherheitslage schwieriger. Seine Feinde stehen vor der Haustür. Der jüdische Staat ist auf Verbündete angewiesen, die ihm Schutz und sichere Grenzen garantieren können. Seit Camp David 1979 war Ägypten ein verlässlicher Nachbar. Nun weiß noch niemand, wohin in Kairo die Reise geht. Die Populisten jedenfalls haben Witterung aufgenommen. Leider verfolgt auch die Türkei momentan die Strategie, Israels Position zu unterminieren, um sich in der islamischen Welt beliebter zu machen. Statt wohlfeiler Solidaritätsadressen für den jüdischen Staat, die nichts kosten, aber auch nicht viel helfen, sollten sich die Europäer deshalb einen Ruck geben und dem Staat einen Beitritt zur NATO anbieten. Der Autor ist Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses (WJC).

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Translation OPINION - A case for the alliance Israel's security needs to be assured - by becoming a NATO member By Ronald S. Lauder The revolt in the Arab world shows: the Midde East is entering turbulent times. Whereas in Lebanon Hezbollah, manipulated by Iran, is rising to power, elsewhere freedom is blazing a trail. But one would be naive not to see the risks of this process for stability of the region. For Israel, the situation concerning its safety has become more difficult. Its enemies are on its doorstep. Hence, the Jewish state needs allies that can provide protection and guarantee safe borders. Since Camp David in 1979 Egypt was such a reliable neighbour. Today, however, nobody knows what is going to happen in Cairo and what the populists will do. Unfortunately, Turkey at the moment is pursuing the strategy to undermine Israel's position in the region in order to increase its popularity in the Islamic world. Instead of trite expressions of solidarity with the Jewish state that do not cost anything but do not help a great deal either, the Europeans should overcome their hesitations and offer the State of Israel membership in NATO. The author is president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC).

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Call for Israel to join NATO Jewish Chronicle, UK 8 February 2011 By Jennifer Lipman

Ronald Lauder The president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) has called for Israel to be admitted into NATO in order to guarantee its survival in the future. Ronald Lauder, writing in German newspaper Die Welt, said: ―Israel needs real guarantees for its security. ―European NATO member states – including Turkey – must admit the state of Israel into the Western alliance.‖ Mr Lauder referred to the antigovernment uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia and said they were reminders of how ―unpredictable‖ developments in the Middle East were. But he said that NATO membership ―would send a strong signal to other countries not to take on Israel‖. ―Not to send such a signal or to discard it as totally unrealistic or counterproductive [would] be perceived by the enemies of the West as an encouragement to further intensify their assault on the Jewish state.‖ Founded largely as an anti-communist group more than 60 years ago, NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation – now has 28 member states including Albania, Greece and Iceland. It has dispatched troops to conflicts in Kosovo and Afghanistan. Mr Lauder said NATO is now facing new challenges including Islamist terrorism and

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―the quest for power and influence by countries that have no respect for democracy and freedom‖. Accusing Europe of taking ―the back seat‖ in the past when Israel was under threat, he said: ―This will not be possible in the future. Europe needs to say what it wants. Lofty declarations regarding Israel‘s right to live in peace and security are not enough.‖

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Invite Israel to join NATO, Ronald Lauder tells Germans Jewish Telegraphic Agency, USA 8 February 2011 BERLIN (JTA) -- Israel should be invited to join NATO, World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder wrote in a German newspaper. Writing in an editorial published Tuesday in the major daily Die Welt, Lauder said current events in Egypt, Tunisia and other Muslim countries show both the forces of "freedom, democracy and economic participation" at work as well as "how unpredictable developments in the Middle East are." If NATO is to continue upholding "our basic principles and our Western way of life," then Israel, "the only democracy in the Middle East," deserves guarantees for its peace and security that membership in NATO would help provide, Lauder wrote. Aside from the United States and Canada, non-EU NATO members include Iceland and Turkey. According to the World Jewish Congress, Lauder sought to place his comments in a German newspaper in part "because Germany is one of the most influential NATO member countries in Europe, and probably more open-minded about such a suggestion" than many other European countries.,+Geography/Countries/Israel/08 Qt7L8cMFfmZ/1

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NATO secretary-general to meet with Netanyahu in Israel Jerusalem Post Online, Israel 8 February 2011 By YAAKOV KATZ NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen will arrive in Israel on Wednesday and hold talks with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and other senior government and defense officials. On the agenda is Israeli interest in upgrading its defense ties with NATO as well as recent developments in Egypt and Iran. Rasmussen's visit comes amid increasing calls that Israel join NATO. On Tuesday, World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder penned an op-ed in the German newspaper Die Welt in which he called on the military alliance to accept Israel as a member in order to guarantee its security. ―This would send a strong signal to other countries not to take on Israel. It would be a signal that would be understood throughout the world – including the Islamic world,‖ Lauder wrote.

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NATO chief to visit Israel on Feb. 9 Xinhua News Agency, China 8 February 2011 21:14 GMT ZhangWei BRUSSELS, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) -- NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen is scheduled to visit Israel on Wednesday and hold talks with Israeli Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the organization said Tuesday. Rasmussen is also to meet with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and deliver a keynote speech at the Herzliya Conference in Tel Aviv, NATO said in a statement. On the agenda is Israeli interest in upgrading its defense ties with NATO as well as recent developments in Egypt and Iran, the Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, the World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder published an article in the German newspaper Die Welt, calling on NATO to accept Israel as a member to safeguard its security. "This would send a strong signal to other countries not to take on Israel. It would be a signal that would be understood throughout the world - including the Islamic world," he wrote.

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OP-ED Warum Israel nicht in die NATO sollte IsraelNetz, Germany 8 February 2011 JERUSALEM (inn) - Ron Lauder, Präsident des jüdischen Weltkongresses, hat in der "Welt" vorgeschlagen, dass Israel Mitglied des westlichen Militärbündnisses der NATO werden sollte. Lauder liefert als Begründung die Verteidigung westlicher Werte wie Demokratie und Freiheit. Gleichzeitig will er die westlichen Staaten verpflichten, neben Lippenbekenntnissen aktiv den Bestand und die Sicherheit des bedrohten Staates zu garantieren. Doch neben den gemeinsamen Werten und der Existenz Israels gibt es ebenso viele gute Gründe, Israel nicht in die NATO aufzunehmen. Die Anschläge des 11.9. in den USA und der Krieg im ehemaligen Jugoslawien waren Anlässe für ein gemeinsames Vorgehen der NATO-Truppen, weil der "Verteidigungsfall" eingetreten war. Eine Mitgliedschaft in der NATO würde entsprechend auch die NATO-Staaten verpflichten, sowie Israel angegriffen würde. Lauder erwähnt die Möglichkeit einer iranischen Atombombe, nicht aber andere Attacken, die für Israel eine tägliche Wirklichkeit sind. Aus israelischer Sicht waren nicht nur die Raketen der Hisbollah oder der Hamas aus dem Libanon und dem Gazastreifen militärische Attacken, auf die Israel sogar mit Krieg antwortete. Weder Israel noch die NATO dürften ernsthaft daran interessiert sein, dass Bundeswehrsoldaten ausrücken, sowie die Hamas mal wieder eine Rakete in Richtung Sderot abschießt. Und sollten vielleicht Soldaten aus Frankreich oder Holland die Israelis vor palästinensischen Selbstmordattentätern schützen, die bis 2008 ihr Unwesen getrieben haben? Die Israelis beendeten diesen Spuk mit dem Bau einer Mauer und eines Sperrwalls sowie mit erfolgreichen Maßnahmen ihrer Geheimdienste. Die Demokratie, Freiheit und Menschenrechte liebenden NATO-Staaten jedoch kritisierten Israel wegen der Kriege im Libanon und in Gaza, und auch wegen der Beschneidung der Freiheit und Freizügigkeit für die aus Israel ausgesperrten Palästinenser. Israel wären durch eine Mitgliedschaft in der NATO mutmaßlich die Hände gebunden, wenn es vor jedem militärischen Schlag, etwa auf eine abschussbereite Hamas-Rakete, auf die Beratungen und Beschlüsse eines NATO-Gremiums warten müsste, ehe es jene Abschussrampe rechtzeitig und vor dem Abschuss der Rakete zerstört. Fähigkeit zur Selbstverteidigung wahren

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Die Israelis haben aus historischen Gründen jegliche formale Militärbündnisse mit anderen Staaten abgelehnt. Zu den Grundfesten des jüdischen Staates gehört die Vorstellung, dass die Juden ihre Fähigkeit behalten müssten, sich selber zu verteidigen und nicht wieder vom guten Willen anderer Staaten abhängig zu sein. Da wird an den Holocaust erinnert, als die meisten Staaten der Welt, darunter auch die Schweiz und die USA, ihre Grenzen vor Juden verschlossen, als diese vor dem sicheren Tod fliehen wollten. Vernünftiger ist deshalb der jetzige Zustand, wo Israel mit der NATO eng kooperiert und gemeinsame Manöver durchführt, ohne jedoch formal dem Bündnis beizutreten. Vor einigen Jahren hatte der Europa-Abgeordnete Dany Cohn-Bendit mit ähnlichen Argumenten, wie Lauder sie jetzt zu einer Aufnahme Israels in die NATO ausbreitete, vorgeschlagen, Israel zum Vollmitglied der EU zu machen. Doch meinte er nicht eine weitere Abschaffung von Zöllen, den Euro und Reisepässe. Vielmehr sah Cohn-Bendit in der EU-typischen Freizügigkeit ein Mittel, Israel zum Abriss der "Mauer" zu zwingen, damit Palästinenser wieder ungehindert nach Israel einreisen könnten. Das war ein zynischer Vorschlag, denn für ihn war der Terror, auch "legitimer bewaffneter Widerstand" genannt, ein unzulässiger israelischer Vorwand, sich mit Mauern und Zäunen zu schützen. Gleichgültig wie man zu Israels Verteidigungsmethoden steht, wäre eine Aufnahme Israels in die NATO oder in die EU am Ende eher ein Mittel, Israel daran zu hindern, sich effektiv vor Attacken zu schützen. Ebenso wäre es ein Freibrief für Organisationen wie die Hisbollah oder Parteien wie die Hamas, ihre Kleinkriege gegen Israel weiter führen zu können, ohne einen "Verteidigungsfall" der NATO befürchten zu müssen. Von: Ulrich Sahm

Summary translation Comment: Why Israel should not become a member of NATO By Ulrich Sahm Ron Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, hat proposed in ‚Die Welt‗ that Israel become a member of NATO, the Western alliance. Lauder argues with the defense of Western values such as democracy and freedom. At the same time, he wants to obligate Western countries to actively guarantee the security of the threatened state. But apart from sharing the same values and defending

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Israel‘s existence, there are many good reasons why israel should not become a member of NATO. One is the obligation by NATO members to defend another member when it is being attacked. Lauder mentions the Iranian bomb, but there are much more daily threats, such as the rockets fired from Gaza or by Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel considers these attacks as an act of war. But neither Israel nor NATO can be interested to see German soldiers leaving their barracks when Hamas is firing yet another rocket on Sderot. And should soldiers from France or Holland really protect the Israelis from Palestinian suicide bombers? Israel ended this menace by buolding a wall and a separation barrier, and by successfully deploying its secret services. And yet, those friends of democracy – the NATO member states – criticised Israel for its wars in Lebanon and Gaza and for limiting freedom of movement for the Palestinians. Being a NATO member, Israel would probably have its hands bounds. It would have to wait before retaliating against terrorists for a NATO body to approve military action. But Israel needs to preserve its right and ability to self-defence. This is a lesson of the Holocaust. Irrespctive of what one thinks about Israel‘s methods, a membership in NATO would only encourage Hamas and Hezbollah to continue their ―small wars‖ against Israel, which would be below the threshold defined by Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which says that an attack on any member shall be considered to be an attack on all.

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OP-ED Ronald Lauder: Israel in die Nato! Die Welt, Germany 8 February 2011 Als demokratisches, freiheitliches Land gehört Israel in das westliche Verteidigungsbündnis - auch zum Schutz jener Werte, die jetzt in der arabischen Welt immer populärer werden

Wer hätte vor wenigen Wochen geglaubt, dass die Demonstranten im kleinen Tunesien nicht nur das dortige Regime, sondern auch Ägypten und die ganze arabische Welt ins Wanken bringen könnten? Es beweist wieder einmal, welche Kraft der Wunsch der Menschen nach Freiheit, Demokratie und wirtschaftlicher Teilhabe entfalten kann. Es beweist aber auch, wie wenig die Entwicklungen im Nahen Osten vorhersehbar sind, und wie sehr diese instabile Region für Überraschungen gut ist.

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Um sich gegen die Sowjetunion zu schützen, gründeten die Staaten der freien westlichen Welt 1949 die Nato. Man teilte die Werte von Freiheit, Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Marktwirtschaft, und man wollte sich gegenseitig beistehen, sie zu schützen. Seit dem Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus ist zwar der große Bedrohungsfaktor verschwunden, der Zweck der Nato jedoch nicht. Denn Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit sehen sich mittlerweile neuen Bedrohungen gegenüber. Sei es der islamistische Terrorismus, der genau diese Lebensform zum Ziel seines Kampfes definiert hat, oder die nur von Machtinteressen geleitete Politik jener Länder, die mit Demokratie und Freiheit nichts am Hut haben. Die westlichen Werte gilt es weiterhin hochzuhalten und zu verteidigen. Wäre das nicht so, hätte man die Nato längst auflösen können. Im Nahen Osten ist Israel die einzige Demokratie. Dort gelten die Menschenrechte, auch die Religionsfreiheit, dort dürfen die Menschen wählen, Journalisten berichten und Gerichte die Einhaltung der Gesetze - auch durch Spitzenpolitiker - kontrollieren. Und das, obwohl die Rahmenbedingungen für eine Demokratie westlichen Typs dort wesentlich schwieriger aufrecht zu erhalten sind als beispielsweise in Amerika oder in Deutschland. Israel sieht sich fast täglich terroristischen Angriffen ausgesetzt. Das Existenzrecht des jüdischen Staates wird dauernd infrage gestellt. Die Bedrohung ist reell; Israel ist von Feinden umgeben - bis auf zwei Ausnahmen: Ägypten und Jordanien. Kein Wunder also, dass sich die Israelis Sorgen machen, wohin die arabische Welt nun driftet. Sie haben die Situation im Libanon vor Augen, wo die Hisbollah schleichend die Macht an sich reißt. Sie wissen, dass der Sturz des Schahs im Iran 1979 - auch er war kein guter Herrscher - zu einem noch schlimmeren Regime geführt hat, dem der Ayatollahs, die Israel auszulöschen trachten. Die Israelis wissen auch: Bei allen beklagenswerten Zuständen im Innern war Ägypten nach den Kriegen 1948/49, 1967 und 1973 seit dem Friedensschluss in Camp David ein weitgehend verlässlicher und vertrauenswürdiger Partner. Ein Grund dafür war sicher auch die Haltung, die die USA einnahmen und die durch massive Finanzierungshilfen untermauert wurde. Sie hat die Mubarak-Regierung gestützt, weil diese im Nahen Osten eine Diplomatie des Ausgleichs verfolgte. Gemessen am Ertrag war der Aufwand gering. Und insbesondere die Europäer konnten sich stets über den verlässlichen Partner in Kairo freuen, der auch ihnen ein Problem abnahm: nämlich ihren Solidaritätsbekundungen für Israel irgendwann auch einmal Taten folgen lassen zu müssen. Europa hat stets nur das Notwendigste getan, vielleicht auch, weil es seine eigenen Interessen in der arabischen Welt nicht in Gefahr bringen wollte. Europa hat sich halbherzig in die Friedensverhandlungen eingeschaltet. Ja, es hat den Palästinensern großzügig unter die Arme gegriffen (oft auch, ohne sich zu genau nach der Verwendung dieser Finanzmittel zu erkundigen), um die Autonomiebehörde zu stabilisieren. Und doch: Wenn es kritisch wurde, ließ

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sich Europa gerne in den Windschatten anderer zurückfallen und verlegte sich auf Forderungen, meistens an die Adresse Israels. Das wird in Zukunft nicht mehr möglich sein. Europa ist in der Pflicht und muss sagen, was genau es will. Wolkige Erklärungen zum Recht Israels auf Frieden und Sicherheit reichen da nicht länger aus. Weil nicht klar ist, wohin in der arabischen Welt die Reise geht, und weil der Iran weiter an einer Atombombe bastelt, braucht Israel belastbare Sicherheitsgarantien. Dazu zählt, dass die europäischen NatoLänder - und auch die Türkei - sich endlich dazu durchringen, den Staat Israel in das westliche Verteidigungsbündnis aufzunehmen. Das wäre ein eindeutiges Zeichen, dass kein anderes Land es je wieder wagen sollte, Hand an Israel zu legen. Dieses Signal würde auf der ganzen Welt verstanden werden - auch in der islamischen. Ein solches Signal nicht zu geben, es als politisch völlig unrealistisch oder gar kontraproduktiv abzutun, ist auch ein Zeichen - zumindest wird es in Israel und der jüdischen Welt als solches wahrgenommen. Es hat auch sonst negative Folgen: Das Zaudern und die Unentschlossenheit des Westens wird Israels Feinde ermutigen, ihre Angriffe auf den jüdischen Staat weiter zu intensivieren. Nichts aber ist dem Frieden in der Region abträglicher. Es ist nicht das ägyptische Volk, von dem Gefahr droht. Die Ägypter sind eine Kulturnation mit einer bemerkenswerten Geschichte. Doch noch ist nicht gesagt, dass die jungen Leute, die jetzt mutig auf die Barrikaden gehen, auch wirklich bald über ihr eigenes Schicksal bestimmen dürfen. Zu viele Regime in der Region warten nur darauf, im wichtigsten arabischen Land ihren Einfluss auszubauen, nicht zuletzt der Iran, der schon jetzt im Libanon und in Gaza den Terror gegen Israel sponsert. Der Westen darf sich nicht direkt einmischen, was die Freiheitsbewegungen in den arabischen Ländern angeht. Das wäre wahrscheinlich kontraproduktiv. Aber er muss ein klares Signal geben: Israel als demokratisches, westliches Land gehört in die Nato, zumindest in deren politische Struktur! Übrigens nicht nur zu seinem eigenen Schutz, sondern auch zum Schutz jener Werte, die nun auch in der arabischen Welt immer populärer werden. Auch der Friedensprozess würde so gestärkt, denn Israel wird nur dann Frieden mit seinen Nachbarn schließen, wenn es sich darauf verlassen kann, dass es langfristig in sicheren Grenzen leben kann. Bei aller berechtigten Kritik an Mubarak: Der Friedensschluss Ägyptens mit Israel hat seit 30 Jahren genau das gebracht: Sicherheit an der gemeinsamen Grenze und ein Ende des Kriegszustandes. Man muss jetzt aufpassen, dass diese Errungenschaft im Eifer des Gefechts nicht verschleudert wird. Der Autor ist Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses.

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Summary translation Why Israel should become a member of NATO By Ronald S. Lauder Who would have thought a few weeks ago that a handful of demonstrators in Tunisia would be apple to topple not only the regime there, but also trigger a movement that is now shaking Egypt and the rest of the Arab world? This once again proves what forces a people‘s desire for freedom, democracy and economic participation can unleash. However, it also shows how unpredictable developments in the Middle East are and what surprises that unstable region has in store. NATO – founded in 1949 to defend Western values against Communism – is today facing new challenges. Be it Islamist terrorism, which attacks the same values, be it the quest for power and influence by countries that have no respect for democracy and freedom. We still need to uphold and defend our basic principles and our Western way of life. If not, NATO might as well be dissolved. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Civil rights, including freedom of religious worship, are safeguarded there. People can choose their leaders in free elections, and the courts check that the laws of the lands are respected by all. All this happens in spite of the fact that the external conditions for a Western-style democracy are much more challenging in the Middle East than for instance in America or Germany. On an almost daily basis, Israel is facing terrorist threats. The right of the only Jewish state in the world to exist is questioned all the time. The threat is real: Israel is encircled by enemies, with two exceptions: Egypt and Jordan. No wonder that the Israelis are worried about developments in the Arab world. They are witnessing the slow but seemingly unstoppable rise of Hezbollah in Lebanon to power. They know what happened after the Shah in Iran – who was not a good ruler either – was toppled: an even worse regime, that of the ayatollahs, took over, and its declared aim is to wipe Israel off the map. The Israelis also know that despite the lamentable domestic situation in Egypt, the Mubarak government, backed up by the US, was a reliable partner of successive Israeli governments in the quest for stability and peace in the Middle East. Europe, too, could rely on a stable partner in Cairo. The Europeans were thus relieved of the need to honour their solemn declarations in support of Israel through actions. Europe only did the minimum to support Israel, perhaps because it did not want to jeopardise its economic interests in the wider Arab world. Europe only reluctantly took part in the peace process. Yes, it generously gave money to the Palestinians (sometimes without asking for what purpose those funds were used) in order to stabilize the Palestinian Authority. And yet, when the going became tough Europe

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often took the backseat and resorted to demanding unrealistic concessions, mostly from Israel. This will not be possible in the future. Europe needs to say what it wants. Lofty declarations regarding Israel‘s right to live in peace and security are not enough. Israel needs real guarantees for its security. This also means that European NATO member states – including Turkey – must admit the State of Israel into the Western alliance. This would send a strong signal to other countries not to take on Israel. It would be a signal that would be understood in the whole world – including the Islamic world. Not to send such a signal or to discard it as totally unrealistic or counterproductive will be perceived by the enemies of the West as an encouragement to further intensify their assault on the Jewish state. Nothing could be more harmful to the peace process in the Middle East. It is not the Egyptian people which poses a danger for the region. Egypt is a nation with a remarkable history. However, it is not clear yet that the young people who now take to the streets will eventully be allowed to determine their own destiny. Too many regimes in the region are only waiting to increase their influence in the most important Arab country – not least Iran, which already sponsors terror against Israel from Lebanon and Gaza. The author is president of the World Jewish Congress.

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Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses fordert NATO-Aufnahme Israels Agence France Presse (German service), France 7 February 2011 15:40 GMT Der Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, Ronald S. Lauder, hat sich für eine NATO-Aufnahme Israels ausgesprochen. Vor dem Hintergrund der Umbruchprozesse in der arabischen Welt brauche Israel als einzige Demokratie im Nahen Osten Unterstützung, schrieb Lauder in einem Beitrag für "Die Welt" (Dienstagsausgabe). "Europa ist in der Pflicht und muss sagen, was genau es will. Wolkige Erklärungen zum Recht Israels auf Frieden und Sicherheit reichen da nicht länger aus", schrieb Lauder. Lauder forderte "belastbare Sicherheitsgarantien" für Israel. Dazu zähle, "dass die europäischen NATO-Länder - und auch die Türkei - sich endlich dazu durchringen, den Staat Israel in das westliche Verteidigungsbündnis aufzunehmen. Das wäre ein eindeutiges Zeichen, dass kein anderes Land es je wieder wagen sollte, Hand an Israel zu legen. Dieses Signal würde auf der ganzen Welt verstanden werden - auch in der islamischen", führte Lauder insbesondere mit Blick auf das umstrittene Atomprogramm des Iran aus. Lauder warnte in dem Beitrag zugleich, dass es negative Folgen hätte, ein solches Signal nicht zu geben: "Das Zaudern und die Unentschlossenheit des Westens wird Israels Feinde ermutigen, ihre Angriffe auf den jüdischen Staat weiter zu intensivieren." Als demokratisches, westliches Land gehöre Israel in die NATO, zumindest in deren politische Struktur. Auch der Nahost-Friedensprozess könne so gestärkt werden, denn Israel werde nur dann Frieden mit seinen Nachbarn schließen, "wenn es sich darauf verlassen kann, dass es langfristig in sicheren Grenzen leben kann", schrieb Lauder. +++ Der Beitrag wurde AFP vorab in redaktioneller Fassung übermittelt. +++

Summary translation In an op-ed for the German newspaper ‗Die Welt‘ (Tuesday‘s edition), the president of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald S. Lauder, has called for Israel to be admitted as a member of NATO. As the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel needed Western support, Lauder wrote. ―Europe has an obligation to say what it wants. Lofty declarations on Israel‘s right to exist in peace and security are no longer sufficient,‖ he pointed out, calling for ―real security guarantees.‖

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„Deutschland hat die Lehren der Vergangenheit verstanden“ Von RONALD S. LAUDER Bild, Germany 27 January 2011

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Ronald S. Lauder, Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses Heute besucht Bundespräsident Christian Wulff das ehemalige KZ Auschwitz. In BILD schreibt Ronald S. Lauder, Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, warum dieser Besuch so wichtig ist. Bundespräsident Wulff hat klare Worte zur Toleranz gegenüber Muslimen in Deutschland gefunden. Er hat aber auch in Ankara Klartext gesprochen und Toleranz eingefordert. Die jüngsten Anschläge gegen Christen in Ägypten haben gezeigt, wie wichtig der aktive Einsatz für die Toleranz und den Dialog ist. Mit seinem heutigen Besuch in Auschwitz macht der Bundespräsident nun deutlich, dass Deutschland die Lehren der Vergangenheit verstanden hat und weiß, dass es die Toleranz zu schützen gilt. Dazu gehört auch, dass die Toleranz gegen diejenigen verteidigt werden muss, die darauf keinen Wert legen und Intoleranz zum politischen Konzept erheben. Bundespräsident Wulff zeigt: Er steht in der Kontinuität der neuen und verantwortlichen deutschen Politik, die ihre Aufgabe wahrnimmt als aktive Schutzmacht für Toleranz und Menschenrechte in der Welt.

Translation „Germany has learnt the lessons of the past“ Today, German President Christian Wulff is visiting the former concentration camp Auschwitz. In BILD, Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, writes why this is such an important visit. President Wulff has found clear words regarding the need for tolerance vis-à-vis Muslims in Germany. In Ankara, he spoke unequivocally about the need for respecting Christians in the Muslim world. The latest attacks against Christians in Egypt have show how important active engagement for tolerance and dialogue is. With his visit in Auschwitz today the president underlines, that Germany has learnt the lessons of the past and knows that we must protect tolerance, including against those whose policy is to be intolerant. President Wulff shows everyone that he is in the continuity of the new Germany which assumes its responsibility and is a powerful and active force for tolerance and human rights in the world.

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OP-ED "Wulff setzt in Auschwitz das richtige Zeichen" Ronald Lauder, Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, zum Besuch des Bundespräsidenten im ehemaligen Vernichtungslager Rheinische Post, Germany 28 January 2011 Als vor 66 Jahren das Vernichtungslager Auschwitz befreit wurde, bekam die Weltöffentlichkeit einen unwiderlegbaren Einblick in das größte Verbrechen der Menschheitsgeschichte. Der Antisemitismus nicht nur eines Landes und einer Generation hatte Millionen Juden in den Tod geführt. Man sollte meinen, dass 66 Jahre später für Antisemitismus in Europa und auf der ganzen Welt kein Platz mehr ist. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Der Antisemitismus lebt und gedeiht.

Auch in Europa verzeichnen wir eine zunehmende Feindlichkeit gegenüber Juden, die von Schmierereien an den Wänden über Brandanschläge bis zu gewaltsamen Übergriffen und immer wieder auch zu Mordtaten führt. Oft sind Juden und jüdische Einrichtungen auf den dauerhaften Schutz der Polizei angewiesen. Doch auch dieser Schutz verliert seine beruhigende Wirkung, wenn wie in Ungarn 2010 eine neonazistische Partei mit 16 Prozent ins Parlament gewählt wird, deren erklärtes Ziel die Säuberung des Landes von "Schädlingen" ist – gemeint sind damit natürlich Juden und Roma. Im schwedischen Malmö gab der Bürgermeister den Juden eine Mitschuld an Angriffen radikaler Muslime auf sie – wegen des Gaza-Kriegs. Ein Aufschrei der Politik und der anständigen Bürger in Schweden blieb aus.

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Christian Wulff hat die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt. Noch als niedersächsischer Ministerpräsident organisierte er 2010 eine große Gedenkfeier in Bergen-Belsen. Mit seinem viertägigen Antrittsbesuch in Israel, bei dem ihn seine 17-jährige Tochter begleitete, hat er auch dort gleich im ersten Amtsjahr ein wichtiges Zeichen der Solidarität mit jenem Staat gegeben, der von den Überlebenden des Holocaust aufgebaut wurde. Nun besucht er Auschwitz, den größten Judenfriedhof der Welt. Das bei der deutschen Bevölkerung populäre Staatsoberhaupt macht sich so zu einem Vorbild, gerade für die Jüngeren. Auf der europäischen Bühne sind solche Zeichen der Verbundenheit mit den Juden und ihrem Staat leider nicht alltäglich. Dabei war es doch die Gleichgültigkeit, das Schweigen und das zögerliche Verhalten der europäischen Politik, die in den 30er Jahren Nazideutschland ermöglicht hat, die Vernichtung des europäischen Judentums zu planen und umzusetzen. Viel zu viele haben weggesehen und gedacht, es werde schon nicht so schlimm kommen. Manche dachten, die Juden seien selbst schuld an ihrem Unglück. Sieben Jahrzehnte später wird das Existenzrecht des einzigen jüdischen Staates in der Welt wieder offen in Zweifel gezogen, auch in weiten Kreisen europäischer Intellektueller. Es wird wieder weggeschaut und geschwiegen, wo energisches Eintreten gegen die Feinde der Juden und aktive Unterstützung für Israel gefragt wären. Der jüdische Staat ist wieder zum Sündenbock der Weltpolitik geworden. Es ist gut, dass es Politiker wie Bundespräsident Wulff gibt, die dabei nicht mitmachen, sondern Zeichen setzen, dass es auch anders geht. Man darf über die Lehren aus dem Holocaust nämlich nicht nur reden, man muss auch entsprechend handeln.

Translation Ronald Lauder: "In Auschwitz, Wulff sends the right signal” When 66 years ago Auschwitz was liberated the world got irrefutable evidence about the biggest crime in the history of mankind. Millions of Jews were murdered. One should have thought that after this, there would never be a place any more for anti-Semitism in Europe. However, it is still alive and kicking. There is growing hostility in Europe against Jews, from graffiti on the walls to arson and violent attacks, and even murder. Often Jews and Jewish institutions need permanent police protection. But even this loses its calming effect when – like in

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Hungary last year – a neo-Nazi party is elected to parliament whose declared goal is to cleanse the country from ―parasites‖, meaning of course Jews and Roma. The mayor of Malmö in Sweden even blamed Jews themselves for being attacked by radical Muslims because of the Gaza war. There was no outcry of decent Swedish citizens against his statements. Christian Wulff has realized what these omens mean and what needs to be done. Last year, as governor of Lower Saxony, he held a big commemoration at BergenBelsen. As German president, he immediately paid a four-day visit to Israel, accompanied by his 17-year-old daughter. This was an important show of solidarity with the state that was built by survivors of the Holocaust. Now, he went to Auschwitz, the biggest Jewish cemetery in the world. The popular German head of state has thus set an example, especially for younger people. Such signs of solidarity with the Jews and their state are increasingly rare, however, even though it was the indifference, the silence and the reluctant behavior of Europe of the 1930s which allowed Nazi Germany to plan and carry out the destruction of European Jewry. Many looked the other way and thought it wouldn‘t be so bad after all. Some even thought that the Jews only had to blame themselves. Seven decades later, the right of the only Jewish state in the world to exist is again being openly questioned, even among many European intellectuals. Again, people look the other way and say nothing when energetic action against the enemies of the Jews and active support for Israel are needed. The Jewish state has become the scapegoat of world politics.

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OP-ED Ronald S. Lauder: Schützt die Juden, schützt den jüdischen Staat! Jüdische Allgemeine, Germany 27 January 2011 Warum Bundespräsident Wulffs Reise nach Auschwitz auch ein bedeutendes Signal für die Zukunft Israels ist Friedhöfe sind Orte der Erinnerung, des Gedenkens, der Mahnung und der Würde. Auf ihnen erfährt der Mensch der Gegenwart etwas über die Menschen der Vergangenheit, tritt mit ihnen in einen stillen Dialog, erinnert sich und trauert. Auschwitz ist der größte jüdische Friedhof der Welt. Ein Friedhof, der seinen Ursprung im fanatischen Rassenwahn und Judenhass von Hitler-Deutschland hat. Ein Friedhof, der ursprünglich kein Ort der Würde war. Keine Gemeinde hat ihn selbst angelegt, sondern er ist entstanden durch den größten Völkermord der Menschheitsgeschichte. Die Mahnung an die Nachwelt, die von Auschwitz ausgeht, lautet: So etwas darf nie wieder passieren! Wenn Bundespräsident Christian Wulff am heutigen Donnerstag nach Auschwitz reist, dann ist dies nicht nur ein wichtiges Zeichen der Erinnerung und des Gedenkens. Es ist auch ein Zeichen, das in die Zukunft weist. Die Erinnerung an Auschwitz, die Zukunft des jüdischen Volkes und das Schicksal des Staates Israel sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Die Lehre aus dem Völkermord für künftige Generationen muss auch lauten: Schützt die Juden in aller Welt, schützt den jüdischen Staat! Christian Wulff hat bereits mit seinem viertägigen Antrittsbesuch in Israel im vergangenen Jahr ein wichtiges Zeichen der Solidarität gesetzt. Der Bundespräsident tut das, was wir uns von allen Politikern in Europa und der Welt wünschen. Vorurteile Leider sehen wir aber auch andere Zeichen. Hakenkreuz-Schmierereien an Wänden, Brandspuren an jüdischen Einrichtungen, die Verletzungen, die Juden immer wieder zugefügt werden, weil sie Juden sind. Auch geistige Verletzungen zählen dazu. Die Leugnung des Holocaust, die tiefe Traurigkeit, Fassungslosigkeit und Wut bei den wenigen Überlebenden und den vielen Hinterbliebenen auslöst. Die Vorurteile, Beschimpfungen, Ausgrenzungen und Schmähungen, denen Juden an unterschiedlichen Orten immer wieder ausgesetzt sind. Und eben auch die Verunglimpfung, Herabwürdigung und Delegitimierung des Staates Israel. Erinnern wir uns: Israel sollte der Ort sein, an dem das jüdische Volk nach jahrtausendelanger Verfolgung und den Schrecken der Schoa ein Leben in dauerhafter Freiheit und Sicherheit finden sollte. So jedenfalls hat es die UN-

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Vollversammlung 1947 mit Zweidrittelmehrheit beschlossen. Doch 66 Jahre nach der Befreiung von Auschwitz scheint dies immer mehr in Vergessenheit zu geraten. Eine seltsame Allianz islamistischer Führer, alter und neuer Antisemiten und linksradikaler Intellektueller versucht seit Jahren – mit wachsendem Erfolg –, Israel zu diskreditieren. Nicht selten bedient man sich dabei der Vereinten Nationen, die eigentlich der Verständigung und Friedenssicherung unter den Völkern dienen sollten. Weltfrieden Offen wird das verbriefte Existenzrecht des Staates Israel infrage gestellt. Das iranische Regime droht sogar damit, es von der Landkarte zu radieren und strebt nach Atomwaffen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es erschütternd, dass auch Teile der öffentlichen Meinung in Europa sowohl die Erinnerung an Auschwitz als auch die Orientierung für die Zukunft zu verlieren scheinen. Der Ungeist des Antisemitismus tritt im neuen Gewand auf. In den Salons und Kommentarspalten der Zeitungen ist es schick geworden, Israel vermeintliches Fehlverhalten vorzuwerfen, im jüdischen Staat die Hauptgefahr für den Weltfrieden zu sehen und am Ende sogar Partei für Israels Gegner, die Terroristen von Hamas und Hisbollah, zu ergreifen. Dabei ist es doch scheinheilig, Israel an viel höheren ethischen Maßstäben zu messen als alle anderen Staaten im Nahen Osten und der westlichen Welt. Deshalb ist es so wichtig, dass ein populärer Politiker wie Bundespräsident Wulff als Repräsentant des modernen Deutschland klar Stellung bezieht: gegen den Antisemitismus, der zu Auschwitz geführt hat, und für Israel, den Staat des jüdischen Volkes. Andere europäische Politiker sollten sich das deutsche Staatsoberhaupt zum Vorbild nehmen! Der Autor ist Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses (WJC).

Summary translation Ronald S. Lauder: Protect Jews, protect the Jewish state! Why German President Wulff‘s visit to Auschwitz is also an important signal for the future of Israel Cemeteries are places of memory, of remembrance, of warning. Auschwitz is the largest Jewish cemetery in the world, a cemetery which has its origin in the

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fanatical hatred of Jews by Hitler's Germany. The warning to posterity of Auschwitz is: it may happen again! When President Christian Wulff travels to Auschwitz on Thursday, this is not only an important sign of remembrance and commemoration. It is also a sign that points to the future. The memory of Auschwitz, the future of the Jewish people and the fate of the State of Israel are inextricably linked. The lesson from the Holocaust for future generations must also be: protect the Jews everwhere in the world, protect the Jewish state! Christian Wulff has already made a four-day visit to Israel last year, an important sign of solidarity. The president is doing what we would expect from all politicians in Europe and the world. Unfortunately, we see swastika graffiti on walls and scorch marks on Jewish institutions. Injuries are again inflicted on Jews because they are Jews. The Holocaust is denied or belittled again, which causes deep sadness among survivors. And there is the denigration, vilification and delegitimization of the State of Israel. Let us remember that Israel was meant to be the place where the Jewish people, after thousands of years of persecution and the horrors of the Holocaust, should live in freedom and security. At least, that was what the UN General Assembly dopted in 1947 with a two-thirds majority. However, 66 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, that seems to have been forgotten. A strange alliance of Islamist leaders, old and new anti-Semites and radical leftwing intellectuals has been trying for years - increasingly successful - to discredit Israel. Not infrequently, they avail themselves of the United Nations, which in fact should serve to foster understanding and peace between peoples. The Iranian regime is even threatening to wipe Israel off the map, and it seeks nuclear weapons. Against this background, it is shocking that in public opinion in Europe, both the memory of Auschwitz and its lessons for the future is fading away. The scourge of anti-Semitism occurs in a new guise. In salons and editorial pages of newspapers, it has become chic to point fingers at, to call it the main danger to world peace and to defend Israel's enemies such as the terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah. Yet it is hypocritical for Israel to be held to much higher standards than any other state in the Middle East and the West. That is why it is so important that popular politicians like President Wulff take a stand: against anti-Semitism, which led to Auschwitz, and for Israel, the nation state of the Jewish people. Other European politicians should take the German head of state as an example!

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German, Polish presidents mark Shoah at Auschwitz Haaretz, Israel 28 January 2011 Ceremony was one of several across the world on the global Holocaust commemoration day established by the United Nations in 2005. By Ofer Aderet and The Associated Press For the first time, a German and Polish president have taken part in the main ceremony marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day. At the ceremony yesterday at the former Auschwitz concentration camp, German President Christian Wulff asked the German people to ―keep the memory alive.‖ He said they must ―forever be the guarantors‖ of commemoration. ―We bear historical responsibility that does not depend on individual blame. We must never allow these crimes to happen again.‖ Wulff and his Polish counterpart, Bronislaw Komorowski, also talked with Holocaust survivors and German and Polish students. Auschwitz, which the Germans set up in occupied Poland during World War II, was liberated 66 years ago yesterday. Four Auschwitz survivors who live in Germany accompanied the German delegation to the former camp. With them was the president of Germany‘s Jewish organizations, the president of the World Jewish Congress, and the chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma (Gypsies). The ceremony was one of several across the world on the global Holocaust commemoration day established by the United Nations in 2005. A survivor representing the Gypsies, Zoni Weisz, spoke at Germany‘s parliament. At the start of his speech he noted the ―500,000 victims of genocide perpetrated by the Nazis on the Sinti and the Roma.‖ A memorial is now under construction in Berlin to commemorate these victims. In Jerusalem, the main ceremony was held at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial; on hand were Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and UN Middle East envoy Robert Serry. Ayalon said that although the Holocaust was a Jewish Holocaust, it had a universal lesson. He said that as survivors pass away, international education and commemoration become ever more important.

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Ayalon also linked the lessons of the Holocaust to the need to stop Iran‘s nuclear program. He said an insane and extremist leader was in power in Iran who denies the Holocaust while preparing for the next one. Ayalon called on the international community to unite to stop him. Also yesterday, Turkey held its first official commemorations on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Turkish officials joined members of Turkey‘s Jewish community to remember the victims of the Nazi death camps. In a message ahead of the ceremony, Turkey said it would continue to remember the Holocaust and draw lessons to combat racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the world body was paying special tribute this year to the women who suffered in the Holocaust. ―They joined the resistance, rescued those in peril, smuggled food into ghettos and made wrenching sacrifices to keep their children alive,‖ he said. ―Their courage continues to inspire.‖

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Gedenken in Auschwitz / Wulff: "Solche Verbrechen nie wieder zulassen" Rheinische Post, Germany 28 January 2011 Auschwitz/Jerusalem (RPO). Bei einer Gedenkveranstaltung in Auschwitz hat Bundespräsident Christian Wulff die besondere Verantwortung Deutschlands für die Erinnerung an den Holocaust betont. "Der Name Auschwitz steht wie kein anderer für die Verbrechen Deutscher an Millionen von Menschen", sagte er bei einer Gedenkveranstaltung zum 66. Jahrestag der Befreiung des NS-Konzentrationslagers. "Wir tragen hieraus eine historische Verantwortung, die unabhängig ist von individueller Schuld. Wir dürfen nie wieder zulassen, dass solche Verbrechen geschehen." Weiter mahnte Wulff, die Erinnerung wach zu halten. Das Wissen um das grauenhafte Geschehen sei "Mahnung und Verpflichtung für die gegenwärtigen und kommenden Generationen, die Würde des Menschen unter allen Umständen zu wahren und niemals mehr andere zu verfolgen, zu erniedrigen oder gar zu töten, weil sie anders sind in Glaube, Volkszugehörigkeit, politischer Überzeugung oder sexueller Orientierung." Der Bundespräsident betonte, die Jugend müsse die Wahrheit über das nationalsozialistische Terrorregime kennen. Dann würde sie denen entschieden widersprechen, die die Tatsachen leugneten oder verfälschten. "Sie wird denjenigen entgegentreten, die nicht begreifen wollen, die die Toten missachten und die die Überlebenden verhöhnen." Zivilcourage gegen Extremismus Bei einer Begegnung mit deutschen und polnischen Jugendlichen riefen Wulff und sein polnischer Amtskollege Bronislaw Komorowski zur Zivilcourage gegen Extremismus auf. Sie sprachen sich für eine "Kultur des Hinsehens und Eingreifens" aus, wann immer es notwendig sei. An der Feier in Auschwitz nehmen unter anderem der Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses (WJC), Ronald S. Lauder, der Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, Dieter Graumann, der Präsident des Zentralrats Deutscher Sinti und Roma, Romani Rose, sowie der polnische Staatssekretär Wladyslaw Bartoszewski teil. Lauder bezeichnete Auschwitz im Vorfeld als größten jüdischen Friedhof der Welt. Die Erinnerung an die Fehler und Gräuel der Vergangenheit müssten Konsequenzen für gegenwärtiges Handeln haben. Eines davon sei der Schutz Israels. Der WJCPräsident begrüßte die Teilnahme Wulffs an der Gedenkfeier. Er gebe dem Holocaustgedenken eine hohe politische Priorität. Den Verbrechen der Nazis wird

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jedes Jahr am 27. Januar, dem Tag der Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz, gedacht. "Iran verurteilen" Am Vorabend des Gedenktages rief Israels Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu auf, Lehren aus dem Holocaust zu ziehen. Der Antisemitismus habe mit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg keineswegs ein Ende gefunden, sondern lebe wieder auf und wachse, sagte er vor der Knesset. Er verlangte eine deutliche internationale Verurteilung Irans. "Ich erwarte von der Welt, die Lektion zu lernen und mit Worten und Taten gegen den neuen Antisemitismus zu kämpfen."

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Bundespräsident Wulff mahnt in Auschwitz: „Die Jugend muss die Wahrheit über den Nazi-Terror kennen“ Bild, Germany 28 January 2011 Das war der schwerste Tag in der Amtszeit des Bundespräsidenten: Gestern besuchte Christian Wulff in Polen das ehemalige Konzentrationslager AuschwitzBirkenau, sprach als erstes deutsches Staatsoberhaupt an der Stätte, wo mehr als eine Million Menschen von den Nazis ermordet wurden. Wo vor genau 66 Jahren die letzten ausgemergelten Häftlinge von der Sowjetarmee befreit wurden, sprach Bundespräsident Wulff angesichts des Grauens von „Abscheu und Scham―. Und gelobte: „Wir dürfen nie wieder zulassen, dass solche Verbrechen geschehen.― Es war der erste Besuch Wulffs an der Stätte, wo Menschen gequält, erniedrigt und ermordet wurden – Juden, Behinderte, Homosexuelle, Sinti und Roma. Lange hatte der Präsident überlegt, ob man an dieser Stätte überhaupt sprechen könne und solle. Er entschied sich zu reden: „Wir sind einfach gezwungen, unsere Gefühle in Worte zu fassen.― An diesem „ganz schwierigen Tag― äußerte Wulff auch Dankbarkeit: „Es ist für uns Deutsche ein ganz großes Glück, dass die Opfer bereit waren zur Versöhnung.― Das bezeugten die vier Auschwitz-Überlebenden Hermann Höllenreiner, Oljean Ingster, David Lewin und Justin Sonder. Sie begleiteten das deutsche Staatsoberhaupt auf seiner Reise. Mit dabei auch Ronald S. Lauder, Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, und Romani Rose als Vertreter der deutschen Sinti und Roma. Dieter Graumann, der Präsident des Zentralrates der Juden in Deutschland, hatte ebenfalls die Einladung des Bundespräsidenten angenommen. Und das, obwohl Graumann bisher nicht die Kraft hatte, „das Lager zu besuchen, wo mehrere Mitglieder meiner Familie gequält und getötet wurden―. Auch seine Amtsvorgängerin Charlotte Knobloch war gestern in Begleitung von Wulff zum ersten Mal in Auschwitz. Wulff: „Die heutige Jugend muss die Wahrheit über das nationalsozialistische Terrorregime kennen. Dann wird sie denen vernehmlich und entschieden widersprechen, die die Tatsachen leugnen oder verfälschen. Sie wird denjenigen

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entgegentreten, die nicht begreifen wollen, die die Toten missachten und die die Überlebenden verhöhnen.― Eine ganz besondere Szene: Sichtlich bewegt legte Wulff an der Todesmauer, vor der unzählige Häftlinge erschossen wurden, einen Kranz nieder. Anschließend umarmte er sowohl Dieter Graumann als auch Romani Rose mit den Worten: „Danke, dass Sie bei diesem schweren Gang an meiner Seite sind.―

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Wulff sieht "ewige" Verantwortung der Deutschen Die Welt / Berliner Morgenpost, Germany 28 January 2011 Christian Wulff hält als erster Bundespräsident eine Rede im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz. Er bedankt sich bei den Überlebenden und ihren Nachfahren. Durch Eis und Schnee, entlang der Baracken aus rotem Backstein schreiten Jugendliche gemäßigten Tempos. Gut hundert Menschen schließen sich ihnen an. Aus Deutschland und Polen stammen die jungen Leute, Kränze tragen sie über die Wege des Stammlagers I im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz.

An Bord einer Regierungsmaschine auf dem Weg von Berlin nach Krakau diskutierte Wulff (3. v. l.) mit Maram Stern (v.l.), dem stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, Hermann Höllenreiner, Sinto und Überlebender des Konzentrationslagers in Auschwitz sowie Justin Sonder, einem deutschen Überlebenden des KZ Auschwitz. Zur Spitze des Zuges zählen Christian Wulff und Bronislaw Komorowski, die Staatsoberhäupter aus Deutschland und Polen, samt ihrer Delegationen. Wulff trägt einen schwarzen Mantel und einen schwarzen Hut, wie es nach jüdischem Ritus üblich ist. An der Todesmauer legen die Jugendlichen die Kränze nieder. Komorowski begibt sich nach vorn, hält inne, verbeugt sich. Dann tritt der Bundespräsident vor die Totenmauer, doch er tut dies nicht alleine.

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Wulff wird eingerahmt von Dieter Graumann, dem neuen Präsidenten des Zentralrats der Juden, und Romani Rose, der schon viele Jahre die Sinti und Roma in Deutschland repräsentiert. Die drei Männer halten schweigend inne – und dann entscheidet sich Wulff zu einer Geste außerhalb des präzisen Protokolls: Er wendet sich Graumann zu, und umarmt ihn, dann legt er seinen Arm um Rose. Die Schleifen am Kranz richtet der Präsident diesmal nicht. Es ist 13.15 Uhr an diesem 27. Januar, während sich Wulff und die beiden Männer umarmen – auf den Tag genau 66 Jahre nachdem das Konzentrationslager Auschwitz befreit wurde. Früh am Morgen war Wulff mit seiner großen Delegation aus Berlin nach Krakau geflogen. In einem Bus, gemeinsam mit seinem Amtskollegen Bronislaw Komorowski, fährt er wenig später durch das verschneite Polen in das etwa 60 Kilometer entfernte Auschwitz. Später wird Wulff wiederum Im Bus von dort ins nahe Auschwitz-Birkenau chauffiert, in langsamem Tempo. Baracke reiht sich an Baracke, der Stacheldrahtzaun mit seinen Betonpfeilern ist von der Straße aus zu sehen, aber auch auf Wohnhäuser, ein Sportplatz, ein Tierfutterladen und ein Baumarkt. In Birkenau nimmt Wulff an der offiziellen Gedenkzeremonie teil, die an die Befreiung Auschwitz‘ durch die Rote Armee erinnert. Wulff ist der erste Bundespräsident, der an diesem Ort eine Rede hält. Nur zwei seiner Vorgänger, Roman Herzog und Horst Köhler, besuchten das Vernichtungslager, beide vermieden hier ganz bewusst jedes Wort. Gerade einmal zwei Jahrzehnte ist es her, dass mit Richard von Weizsäcker erstmals ein Bundespräsident Polen besuchte. Im Mai 1990 war das, noch vor der Vereinigung Deutschlands, die in Polen mit Skepsis betrachtet wurde, weshalb von Weizsäcker damals „teutonischen Großmachtträumen― eine Absage erteilte. Das alles wirkt lange her. Gerade einmal ein halbes Jahr ist Wulff der erste Mann im Staate, bereits zu dritten Mal besucht er Polen. Wulff und Komorowski kennen und schätzen sich, Wulff nennt den Amtskollegen „meinen Freund―. Die gemeinsame Generation und die ähnliche verfassungsrechtliche Stellung beider Präsidenten verbinden. Ausführlich hat sich Wulff auf seinen Besuch vorbereitet, viele Gespräche geführt, Bücher gelesen mit Abschiedsbriefen von Häftlingen, die in Auschwitz umkamen, Briefe und Selbstzeugnisse von Überlebenden. "Wir tragen hieraus eine historische Verantwortung" Es ist kaum ein Zufall, dass mit Wulff der erste nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg geborene Bundespräsident in Auschwitz das Wort ergreift. Angespannt wirkt Wulff vor Beginn der kurzen Reise. „Vielleicht ist Auschwitz der schwierigste Ort, an den man sich als Deutscher begeben kann―, sagt Wulff. Für das deutsche Staatsoberhaupt gilt dies erst Recht, jedes falsche Wort dort, wo 1,5 Millionen Menschen umgebracht wurden, könnte fatal wirken. WJC SELECTED PRESS ARTICLES- 09/2010-05/2011: PAGE 152 OF 243

Wulff spricht dort, wo einst Deutsche jene Häftlinge, die nicht direkt in die Gaskammern gezwungen wurden, registrierten und desinfizierten. „Der Name Auschwitz steht wie kein anderer für die Verbrechen Deutscher an Millionen von Menschen. Sie erfüllen uns Deutsche mit Abscheu und Scham―, sagt Wulff: „Wir tragen hieraus eine historische Verantwortung, die vollkommen unabhängig ist von individueller Schuld.― Er appellierte an die Deutschen, die Verbrechen der Nationalsozialisten an der Menschheit nicht zu vergessen. Sie seien aufgerufen, "hierfür ewig einzustehen". Wulff hält seine kaum zehnminütige Ansprache in der ihm eigenen Art, ohne jedes Pathos, rhetorisch alles andere als exzellent. Doch darauf kommt es heute in Auschwitz gewiss nicht an. Friedhof der Unmenschlichkeit Wulff will deutlich machen, dass er als Nachgeborener sich nicht weniger verantwortlich fühlt für die deutsche Geschichte als seine Vorgänger. „Für uns Deutsche ist es ein großes Glück und eine große Gunst, dass die Opfer und ihre Nachfahren bereit waren und bereit sind zur Versöhnung―, sagt er. Diese Botschaft, dieses Versprechen wirkt überzeugend, obwohl es nicht mit glänzender Sprachkunst präsentiert wird. Auf wen die Idee zurückgeht, dass Wulff in Auschwitz redet, ist nicht zu erfahren. Vermutlich hat Wulff selbst gezweifelt, ob es richtig ist, das Wort zu ergreifen. Ist Auschwitz nicht ein Ort, wo man als Deutscher schweigen muss? Wer wagt es auf diesem Friedhof der Unmenschlichkeit, das Geschehene in Worte zu fassen? Letztlich aber entschied sich Wulff, an diesem Ort von Unmenschlichkeit, Sadismus und Brutalität zu reden. Die Überlebenden der Nazi-Barbarei wollte erwissen lassen: Wir Deutsche vergessen nicht. Wie gut das Verhältnis zwischen Deutschen und Polen ist, zumal ihrer beiden Präsidenten, zeigt sich bereits zuvor, am Vormittag: In der Internationalen Jugendbegegnungsstätte Auschwitz gibt es vor Wulffs Delegation, Überlebenden, vor allem aber vielen Jugendlichen beider Länder eine Diskussion. Nach einer Stunde, ganz am Ende spricht ein aus Auschwitz stammender Schüler den Bundespräsidenten direkt an – und moniert, die von Vertriebenenpräsidentin Erika Steinbach voran getriebene Ausstellung präsentiere Vertreibungen „einseitig― und unterschlage das Schicksal von Polen und Juden. Nun weiß Wulff um die Bekanntheit und Ablehnung Steinbachs in Polen. Steinbach sei keine "Heldin polnischer Träume" Doch er macht es sich in seiner Antwort nicht leicht. Wulff weist darauf hin, den deutschen Heimatvertriebenen sei Leid zugefügt worden, und die Ausstellung des Zentrums gegen Vertreibungen stelle das Leid der Polen sehr wohl dar. „Frau Steinbach ist viel engagierter im positiven Sinne als es ihr in Polen zugestanden

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wird―, sagt Wulff: „Nicht jedes Feindbild hier in Polen über Frau Steinbach entspricht der Wahrheit.― Wolkige Diplomatie kann man Wulff nicht vorwerfen. Unruhe aber entsteht durch diese Worte im Saal nicht. Komorowski reagiert mit dem Hinweis, Frau Steinbach sei „nicht eine Heldin polnischer Träume― und warnt vor einer „Verfälschung der Erinnerung―. Wulff und Komorowski demonstrieren einen offenen Disput auf Augenhöhe. Niemand aber käme deshalb auf die Idee, eine Krise oder auch nur Verstimmungen zu diagnostizieren. Dass so etwas gar in Auschwitz möglich ist, das ist vielleicht die eigentlich erfreuliche Botschaft an diesem Ort des Schreckens.

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Bundespräsident reist zu Gedenkstunde nach Auschwitz Katholische Nachrichtenagentur, Germany 26 January 2011 Berlin (KNA) Bundespräsident Christian Wulff nimmt an diesem Donnerstag an der Gedenkveranstaltung zum Jahrestag der Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz teil. Jede Generation müsse sich den Fragen erneut stellen, die Auschwitz aufwerfe, sagte Wulff. Nach einem Gang über das Gelände des ehemaligen KZ und einer Kranzniederlegung an der sogenannten Todesmauer soll die zentrale Gedenkveranstaltung im ehemaligen Lager Auschwitz-Birkenau stattfinden. Zusammen mit dem polnischen Präsidenten Bronislaw Komorowski werde Wulff außerdem in einer Internationalen Jugendbegegnungsstätte mit deutschen und polnischen Jugendlichen zusammenkommen, hieß es. Der Bundespräsident wird den Angaben zufolge begleitet von vier Überlebenden des Vernichtungslagers, dem Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, Ronald S. Lauder, dem Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, Dieter Graumann, dem Präsident des Zentralrats Deutscher Sinti und Roma, Romani Rose, sowie von Bundestagsabgeordneten aller Fraktionen. Bereits im Vorfeld sagte Lauder der «Bild»-Zeitung (Donnerstag), der Besuch des Bundespräsidenten zeuge davon, «dass Deutschland die Lehren der Vergangenheit verstanden hat und weiß, dass es die Toleranz zu schützen gilt». Die jüngsten Anschläge gegen Christen in Ägypten hätten gezeigt, wie wichtig der aktive Einsatz für die Toleranz und den Dialog sei, so Lauder.

Summary translation German president travels to Auschwitz for commemoration (KNA) German President Christian Wulff is attending this Thursday a commemoration on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. ―Each generation must find answers to the troubling questions that Auschwitz raises,‖ he said ahead of the visit. Together with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski, he will visit the International Youth Center there. Wulff will be accompanied to Auschwitz by four Holocaust survivors, the president of the World Jewish Congress Ronald S. Lauder, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dieter Graumann, the president of the Central Council of Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, and members of all factions represented in the German parliament. Ahead of the meeting, Lauder told the newspaper «Bild» (Thursday‘s edition), that the visit by Wulff to Auschwitz proved that Germany had ―learned the lessons of the

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past and that it understood the importance of tolerance.‖ The recent attacks against Christians in Egypt had shown how important it was to actively work for tolerance and dialogue, Lauder said.

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European Parliament Honors Holocaust Victims Charisma News Online 27 January 2011 The European Parliament honored the victims of the Holocaust this week with the annual International Holocaust Remembrance day event on Tuesday night in Brussels. The European Coalition for Israel, along with the European Jewish Congress and European Jewish Community Centre, organized the event under the patronage of Jerzy Buzek, president of the European Parliament . The event was held in the presence of the EU High Representatives for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Baroness Catherine Ashton, members of the European Commission and the European Parliament, as well as Holocaust survivors, ambassadors and other invited guests. Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, shared a personal testimony of how a visit with his family to Auschwitz changed his life and understanding of the obligation to preserve the memory of the Shoah. In his personal quest to preserve the memory of Auschwitz he found a lifelong partner and friend in then Polish Prime Minister Buzek, who provided help and support. In his keynote speech, Buzek shared his personal experience of growing up in occupied Poland, literally in the shadow of Auschwitz, and his commitment as a Pole and as the president of the European Parliament to preserve the memory of the Nazi death camps and his role in creating an international center to educate future generations. Several speakers talked about how remembrance cannot be a ceremony of only looking back in time but rather to learn the lessons from history as they apply to today‘s situation. How many lives could have been saved if the world community had acted decisively and in time? European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor, who shared about the Evian conference of 1938 where the international community failed to open up their borders to the Jews who wanted leave Nazi-Germany and occupied Austria, asked this question. He urged listeners not to make the same mistake today when Israel is threatened with nuclear extermination. Kantor was one of many speakers to remind the audience about how the modern state of Israel is the best guarantee for a safe haven for World Jewry. How many lives could have been saved if a Jewish state would have been established already in 1938? Chief Rabbi of Israel Meir Lau asked this question,

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reminding the audience of the failures of the world community to intervene in time for the Jewish people who perished in Europe. Yuli Edelstein, Israeli Minister for Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs , spoke about how the modern state of Israel today faces the same prejudice and hatred as the Jewish people have experienced throughout history. But, he said, today people like to hide behind the false facade of anti-Zionism and not admit if they are antiSemitic. European Coalition for Israel was represented by Tomas Sandell, who reminded the audience about an EU emergency summit in 2004 when Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel expressed his disappointment on how only the Jewish communities reacted against the rise of anti-Semitism. At the conference he pleaded, where are ―all the others?‖ In his speech, Sandell reassured the meeting that the Jewish people are not alone but that many Christians stand by their side in ―a coalition of all the others.‖ The Holocaust Remembrance day in the European Parliament was launched by the ECI in 2005, the same year as the United Nations declared the 27th January as an official day for Holocaust commemoration. Though January 27th is the official date, in churches and faith communities across Europe the day will be commemorated on Sunday the 30th of January with a special appeal to help Holocaust survivors in Israel.

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European leader calls for 'zero-tolerance' for antisemitism Jewish Chronicle, UK 26 January 2011 By Toby Axelrod Europe should have "zero tolerance" for far-right parties that spew antisemitism, European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor said in a press conference here today, ahead of ceremonies marking Holocaust Remembrance Day. Mr Kantor and other Jewish leaders met today with right-populist Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who now holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, to discuss problems with the antisemitic far-right Jobbik party and to urge him to overturn his controversial new media law, which subjects news reporting to a litmus test. Mr Orban has come in for severe criticism over the law, which critics consider anti-democratic. "To some developments we should show zero tolerance in Europe," said Mr Kantor, who was joined in the press conference by Israeli Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Yuli Edelstein. According to a press release following the private meeting with Mr Orban, Mr Kantor described the meeting as positive. He reported that Mr Orban agreed that some verbal attacks on Israel are comparable to classic antisemitism, and that both are unacceptable. He expressed opposition to what Mr Kantor described as a campaign assaulting Israel's legitimacy. The EU parliament and its president, Jerzy Buzek, former prime minister of Poland, hosted tonight's Holocaust memorial ceremony organised by the EJC, marking the 66th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp by Red Army soldiers on January 27 1945. Several survivors, and the son of a rescuer, were among those who lit candles in honor of the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. The event featured an exhibition on Auschwitz presented by Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, chairman of Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial, and addresses by Rabbi Lau, Mr Buzek, Mr Kantor and Mr Edelstein. World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald Lauder said that his family's visit to the Auschwitz camp memorial in Poland more than 20 years ago changed all of their lives. "I saw the ruins, and the human hair and shoes. Everything was deteriorating," he said. "And I realized that someday there would not only be no more survivors, but also nothing remaining" as proof of history. He subsequently raised $40 million from governments and private individuals, together with Holocaust survivors Ernest Michel, WJC senior vice president, and Kalman Sultanik, honorary WJC vice president, to help ensure the preservation of the infamous site for posterity.

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Kantor calls on E.U. to fight anti-Semitism Jewish Telegraphic Agency, USA 26 January 2011 BRUSSELS (JTA) -- With anti-Semitism on the rise more than six decades after the liberation of Auschwitz, Europe should be fighting harder against hate, Moshe Kantor said. Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, who spoke Tuesday in Brussels at a Holocaust remembrance ceremony hosted by the E.U. Parliament, brought this message personally to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, current president of the E.U. Council. According to Kantor, who organized the Holocaust remembrance event, the two met earlier in the day to discuss how to deal with Hungary's anti-Semitic, far-right Jobbik party, as well as Orbán's controversial new media watch-dog law, which critics consider anti-democratic. Dina Porat, head of the new Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry in Tel Aviv, said anti-Semitism was particularly problematic in Western Europe, which has a larger Muslim population than the central and eastern European countries. "Most of them want to live their lives like anyone else," she told JTA. But the radicals among them tend to pick up Christian anti-Semitic motifs. "And in democratic countries, where you have media freedom, such propaganda can proliferate," Porat explained. Democratic countries cannot afford to be "tolerant of intolerance," Kantor said, adding that Europe should have "zero tolerance" for anti-Semitism. "The European Union can fight it," said World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder, addressing several hundred people at the ceremony. "Every time someone says something ant-Semitic, we should stand up and fight back." Holocaust survivors and the son of a rescuer were among those to join in the ceremony, which also featured remarks by E.U. Parliament President Jerzy Buzek, former prime minister of Poland; Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, chairman of Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial; and Yuri Edelstein, Israeli Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs.

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Jerzy Buzek‟s pledge: „We always will remember‟ the Shoah European Jewish Press, Belgium 26 January 2011 by: Yossi Lempkowicz BRUSSELS (EJP)---"We want to remember, we must, and we always will remember," said Jerzy Buzek, president of the European Parliament when he opened Tuesday a ceremony in Brussels in memory of the 6 million European Jews exterminated by the Nazis during the Shoah. The event, which took place as anti-Semitism appears to be on the rise across the continent, marked the annual commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the day the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp was liberated by the Soviet troops on January 27,1945. Jewish representatives from Europe and elsewhere attended the ceremony in the Yehudi Menuhin Hall of the European Parliament, including Israeli Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein, World Jewish Congress President Ron Lauder, European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor and Tel Aviv‘s Chief Rabbi and Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council Meir Lau. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and several EU Commissioners were also present along with MEPs. Buzek, who is Polish, recalled that he was born a few dozen kilometers from where the Auschwitz camp was built. "I have visited the camp museum many times, but always with the same horror and sadness in my heart. This is what led me as Prime Minister to launch a strategic programme to preserve the camp as a place of memory, but also to create an International Centre to educate future generations," he said. He stressed that the parliament in the heart of Europe he chairs is the most appropriate place for exhibitions and ceremonies to commemorate the Holocaust. Parallel to Tuesday‘s event, the European Parliament is hosting an exhibition from the Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem titled "Architecture of Murder-the AuschwitzBirkenau Blueprints." European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor warned against the rise of antiSemitism in Europe and expressed worries about the growing presence of extremists in the EU parliament. "The Jewish people is a barometer for European tolerance," he said, while Ronald Lauder singled out another form of anti-Semitism which attacks the state of Israel

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and call for boycotting it. "Any attack on Israel is an attack on Jews," the WJC president declared. "This event must be an echo that we didn‘t forget the lessons of the Holocaust," Rabbi Lau, himself a survivor of the Buchenwald camp, said. Speaking to EJP, Israeli Minister Yuli Edelstein said that the increase in immigration of European Jews in Israel should not necessarily be linked to the situation of antiSemitism. "Israel has to do the best for Jews who want to move there," he said. During the ceremony, Kaddish and El Mole Rachamim, Jewish prayers for the dead, were recited and Holocaust survivors lit candles in memory of their loved ones who died in the Holocaust. The Ra‘anana Symphonette Orchestra performed a musical program from Alma Rosé, a violinist who died in Auschwitz on April 5, 1944.

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European lawmakers remember the six million Jerusalem Post, Israel 26 January 2011 By GIL SHEFLER European Parliament honored Jews martyred on European soil by the Nazis and their collaborators in an International Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony.

BRUSSELS – The European Parliament on Tuesday honored the 6 million Jews martyred on European soil by the Nazis and their collaborators during World War II, in a ceremony ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which takes place on Thursday. Representatives from around the continent and the Jewish world, including Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein, World Jewish Congress President Ron Lauder and European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor, attended the event held at the EU legislative body located in the city. Tel Aviv Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, a survivor of Buchenwald, spoke on the sideline of the event to The Jerusalem Post about the significance of holding the ceremony at the seat of the EU. ―Considering that the focus of anti-Semitism has returned to Europe, there‘s a special importance that the European Parliament has decided to hold this ceremony here; to make sure that Europe never becomes Nazified again. So I commend them on their efforts,‖ he said. ―It‘s better late than never.‖ For centuries, Europe collectively had the largest Jewish population in the world. Today, in the aftermath of the Holocaust, North America and Israel alone account for up to 90 percent of the global Jewish population, with Europe‘s share down to less than 10%. In a press conference at the Conrad Hotel held before the ceremony, Edelstein and Kantor spoke about the relevance of the Holocaust to the current political situation in the Middle East. ―There‘s some leader who says quite openly that he wants to finish what a European dictator started years ago,‖ Edelstein said, alluding to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. ―Our lesson is to fight against genocide and hatred.‖ Sitting beside Edelstein, Kantor elaborated on the danger posed by a nuclear Teheran to both Israel and the world.

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―Some people think it‘s not so dangerous for Iran to have a bomb or two; maybe it‘s better not to attack Iran first,‖ Kantor warned. ―This is why we cannot allow Holocaust producers to go forward, and we fully support sanctions on Iran.‖ During the ceremony, survivors were called on to tell their stories and light candles in memory of their loved ones who died in the Holocaust. Following the conclusion of the ceremony, the Ra‘anana Symphonette Orchestra performed the repertoire of Alma Rosé, a violinist who died in Auschwitz on April 5, 1944.

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US urged to extradite ex-Nazi suspect to Serbia Associated Press, USA 21 December 2010 United States should quickly extradite to Serbia a naturalized American citizen suspected of serving in a World War II Nazi unit that killed 17,000 people, the World Jewish Congress urged Tuesday. By JOVANA GEC BELGRADE, Serbia — United States should quickly extradite to Serbia a naturalized American citizen suspected of serving in a World War II Nazi unit that killed 17,000 people, the World Jewish Congress urged Tuesday. Accusations against 88-yearold Peter Egner, who lives in a retirement community outside Seattle, are "so horrendous that no further time must be wasted," the group said in a statement sent to The Associated Press. "Not only the Jewish community in Serbia, but Jews worldwide expect Nazi war criminals to be tried and brought to justice, irrespective of their age," said WJC president Ronald S. Lauder. "These people may be frail, but so are many Holocaust survivors. Justice done belatedly is still better than justice not done at all." Serbia last month formally asked the U.S. to hand over Egner for a genocide trial. Egner was born in Yugoslavia, but emigrated to the U.S. in 1960, gaining American citizenship six years later. The U.S. Justice Department filed a lawsuit in 2008 to revoke Egner's citizenship, which would pave the way for his extradition. The accusations allege that Egner served as a guard and interpreter with the Nazicontrolled Security Police and Security Service in Belgrade - then part of Yugoslavia - from April 1941 to September 1943. It says Egner did not divulge that information when he applied for citizenship but falsely claimed he served in the German army as an infantry sergeant, and was granted U.S. citizenship in 1966. Egner has denied any knowledge of the Einsatzgruppe unit that rounded up Jews, political prisoners and other enemies of the Third Reich after Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union in the early 1940s. The U.S. Justice Department, citing Nazi documents, said in the fall of 1941, Egner's unit executed 11,164 people - mostly Serbian Jewish men, suspected communists and Gypsies. It also said in early 1942, the unit murdered 6,280 Serbian Jewish women and children who had been prisoners at Semlin camp. Daily

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over two months, those women and children were taken from the camp and forced into a specially designed van, where they were gassed with carbon monoxide. Serbia's war crimes prosecutor has said he wants to try Egner in Serbia. The Simon Wiesenthal Center also has encouraged Serbia to try Egner and two other alleged Nazis here. -----Associated Press Writer Dusan Stojanovic contributed to this report

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WJC urges US to extradite Nazi suspect Ynet News, Israel 21 December 2010 World Jewish Congress says accusations against 88-year-old Peter Egner, are 'so horrendous' that he should be quickly handed over to Serbia. 'Jews worldwide expect Nazi war criminals to be tried and brought to justice, irrespective of their age'

WJC president Lauder. 'Holocaust survivors are also frail' United States should quickly extradite to Serbia a naturalized American citizen suspected of serving in a World War II Nazi unit that killed 17,000 people, the World Jewish Congress urged Tuesday. Accusations against 88-year-old Peter Egner, who lives in a retirement community outside Seattle, are "so horrendous that no further time must be wasted," the group said in a statement sent to The Associated Press. "Not only the Jewish community in Serbia, but Jews worldwide expect Nazi war criminals to be tried and brought to justice, irrespective of their age," said WJC president Ronald S. Lauder. "These people may be frail, but so are many Holocaust survivors. Justice done belatedly is still better than justice not done at all. Serbia last month formally asked the US to hand over Egner for a genocide trial.

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Egner was born in Yugoslavia, but emigrated to the US in 1960, gaining American citizenship six years later. The U.S. Justice Department filed a lawsuit in 2008 to revoke Egner's citizenship, which would pave the way for his extradition. The accusations allege that Egner served as a guard and interpreter with the Nazicontrolled Security Police and Security Service in Belgrade — then part of Yugoslavia — from April 1941 to September 1943. It says Egner did not divulge that information when he applied for citizenship but falsely claimed he served in the German army as an infantry sergeant, and was granted US citizenship in 1966 Egner has denied any knowledge of the Einsatzgruppe unit that rounded up Jews, political prisoners and other enemies of the Third Reich after Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union in the early 1940s. The US Justice Department, citing Nazi documents, said in the fall of 1941, Egner's unit executed 11,164 people — mostly Serbian Jewish men, suspected communists and Gypsies. It also said in early 1942, the unit murdered 6,280 Serbian Jewish women and children who had been prisoners at Semlin camp. Daily over two months, those women and children were taken from the camp and forced into a specially designed van, where they were gassed with carbon monoxide. Serbia's war crimes prosecutor has said he wants to try Egner in Serbia. The Simon Wiesenthal Center also has encouraged Serbia to try Egner and two other alleged Nazis here.

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Call to speed up genocide trial of alleged Serbian Nazi Jewish Chronicle, UK 21 December 2010 By Jennifer Lipman The World Jewish Congress (WJC) has appealed to US authorities to help justice to be done by speeding up the extradition of a man accused of Nazi war crimes. Peter Egner, allegedly a member of the Belgrade Gestapo during the Holocaust, will face charges of genocide if he is extradited to his former home of Serbia. The 88-year-old, who is German but was born and raised in what was then Yugoslavia, is suspected of serving in an Einsatzgruppe, one of the mobile Nazi units, which was responsible for the deaths of 17,000 civilians, including Jews, Roma and political captives. The alleged massacres occurred between 1941 and 1943, when the Nazis occupied the country. Mr Egner gained US citizenship in 1966. In 2008 the US Justice Department said there were German papers revealing Mr Egner‘s Nazi history, and called for a court to remove his citizenship and extradite him. Ronald Lauder, president of the WJC, said that ―no further time‖ should be wasted before putting Mr Egner on trial. He said: ―The accusations brought against Egner are so horrendous. Not only the Jewish community in Serbia, but Jews worldwide expect Nazi war criminals to be tried and brought to justice, irrespective of their age. ―These people may be frail, but so are many Holocaust survivors. Justice done belatedly is still better than justice not done at all.‖

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Pope meets with President of World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder Rome Reports, Italy 10 December 2010

Pope Benedict XVI held a private audience with the President of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder. Along with Lauder, the Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General of his organization attended the meeting. As well as Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, and Rev. Norbert Hofmann, secretary of the Commission. The representatives of the World Jewish Congress thanked the Pope for his commitment to dialogue with Jews and voiced their mutual concern for the situation of persecuted Christians in the Middle East. The World Jewish Congress is one of the most influential Jewish groups in the world with representatives in over 80 countries.

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WJC asks Pope to denounce delegitimization of Israel Jerusalem Post, Israel 12 December 2010 World Jewish Congress leadership meet with Italian FM, pontiff; Benedict XVI says Church recognizes "historical connection" of Jews to Israel. By JTA AND JPOST.COM STAFF ROME -- World Jewish Congress officials met with Pope Benedict XVI and separately with senior Italian officials on Friday, praising Italy for its support of Israel. WJC President Ronald Lauder told Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini in their meeting that the Jewish world "deeply appreciates" its "important and wellestablished friendship with the Italian government" and also appreciates "Italian attention to the safety of the people of Israel." Italy, Lauder later said, "has a key role in advancing the peace process in the Middle East." During the meeting, Frattini, who on a visit to Israel last month referred to Italy as Israel's "best friend" in Europe, awarded Lauder the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity. The leadership of the WJC met with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on Friday, asking the pontiff to denounce the delegtimization of Israel. "We discussed critical issues affecting world Jewry," said Lauder ―and we expressed to the Pope how much we value the close relationship we have enjoyed with the Vatican over many years in our quest for a secure Israel and a safer future for Jews everywhere.‖ Benedict stated that the Church recognizes the deep and historical connection of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland, the Holy Land, going back to the time of Abraham, and expressed his commitment to help foster understanding of the bond between the nation of Israel and the land of Israel among people throughout the world. In a related development, the Vatican released a statement Friday describing a "good and open atmosphere" in Thursday's latest round of talks aimed at finalizing bilateral economic relations between Israel and the Holy See. The talks, held in Jerusalem, started with mention of the telegram the pope sent to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressing his "prayers and solidarity" with victims of the recent forest fire and his appreciation of the "selfless dedication" of those involved in the rescue operation.

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Jewish leaders ask Pope Benedict to combat delegitimization of Israel Haaretz (English edition), Israel 12 December 2010 World Jewish Congress leaders meet with Pope Benedict XVI in the Vatican, call on the Catholic Church take a leading role in fighting the delegitimization of Israel. By Shlomo Shamir A delegation of leaders of the World Jewish Congress met with Pope Benedict XVI in the Vatican on Friday and asked the pontiff to speak out against the "delegitimization" of Israel. "We discussed critical issues affecting world Jewry," said WJC President Ronald S. Lauder said in a statement. ―[We] expressed to the Pope how much we value the close relationship we have enjoyed with the Vatican over many years in our quest for a secure Israel and a safer future for Jews everywhere.‖ Lauder requested that the pope speak out against the "delegitimization" of Israel, particularly the denial of Jewish links to holy sites such as the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, as well as Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem - a site that is holy to both Jews and Christians. According to the WJC statement, the pope emphasized the need to continue to combat anti-Semitism in the Christian world, which he characterized as unacceptable. The pope talked about the importance of Jews and Catholics working together to fight anti-Semitism in all its forms, noting Judaism's patrimony to Christianity. WJC Secretary General Designate Dan Diker asked that the Catholic Church take a leading role in the fight against the "delegitimization" of Israel, which he called a new "politically correct" form of anti-Semitism. Pope Benedict is said to have responded, saying that the Catholic Church recognizes the deep and historical connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel and expressed his commitment to help bolster better understanding of that connection among people throughout the world.

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Speak against Israel delegitimization, Jewish leaders urge pope Jewish Telegraphic Agency, USA 12 December 2010 ROME (JTA) -- World Jewish Congress leaders in an audience at the Vatican urged Pope Benedict XVI to speak out against the delegitimization of Israel. They also thanked the pope at the Dec. 10 audience for his commitment to interfaith dialogue. "We discussed critical issues affecting world Jewry," WJC President Ronald Lauder said following the meeting, ―and we expressed to the pope how much we value the close relationship we have enjoyed with the Vatican over many years in our quest for a secure Israel and a safer future for Jews everywhere.‖ Lauder said he had expressed concern to the pope that both Christians and Jews in the Middle East face the threat of radical Islam and had called on the pope to speak out against the denial of Jewish holy sites such as the Temple Mount, the Western Wall and Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem. Newly named WJC Secretary General Dan Diker asked the Church to help combat a political assault on Israel that he called a new "politically correct" form of antiSemitism. According to a WJC statement, Benedict responded that the Church recognizes the deep and historical connection of the Jewish people to the Holy Land and expressed his commitment to help foster global understanding of the bond between Jews and Israel. He also told the WJC leaders that "the bonds of brotherhood and good will" between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people should continue to be strengthened. In a related development, the Vatican and Israel released a joint statement Dec. 10 describing a "good and open atmosphere" in the latest round of talks aimed at finalizing bilateral economic relations between the two states. The talks, held the previous day in Jerusalem, started with mention of the telegram the pope sent to Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressing his "prayers and solidarity" with victims of the recent forest fire and his appreciation of the "selfless dedication" of those involved in the rescue operation. Meeting separately Dec. 10 with senior Italian officials, Lauder praised Italy's support of Israel and friendship to the Jewish people. Italy, he said, "has a key role in advancing the peace process in the Middle East." During that meeting Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, who in Israel last month referred to Italy as Israel's "best friend" in Europe, awarded Lauder the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity.

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In audience with Pope Benedict, World Jewish Congress leadership denounces growing deligitimization of Israel European Jewish Press, Belgium 11 December 2010 by: Maud Swinnen ROME (EJP) - World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald S.Lauder asked Pope Benedict XVI to speak out against the growing delegitimization of Israel, during a private audience at the Vatican on Friday. e especially mentioned the denial of Jewish holy sites such as the Temple Mount and the Western Wall as well as the Tomb of Rachel the matriarch in Bethlehem, which is holy to Jews and also to Christians. "We discussed critical issues affecting world Jewry," said Lauder. ―We expressed to the Pope how much we value the close relationship we have enjoyed with the Vatican over many years in our quest for a secure Israel and a safer future for Jews everywhere.‖ Lauder was accompanied by WJC Secretary General Designate Dan Diker and Deputy Secretary General Maram Stern, raised his concern at the growing political assault on Israel's legitimacy. According to a WJC statement, Pope Benedict emphasized the need to continue to combat anti-Semitism in the Christian world, which he characterized as ―unacceptable.‖ He expressed the importance of Jews and Catholics working together to fight anti-Semitism in all its forms, noting again the patrimony of Judaism to Christianity. He reportedly said that the ―bonds of brotherhood and goodwill between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people should continue to be strengthened.‖ Diker voiced the deep concern of Jews everywhere, and especially in Israel, about the political assault on Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people and asked that the Church take a lead role in combating what he called a new "politically correct" form of anti-Semitism. ―The ongoing assault against the State of Israel has triggered dangerous aftershocks in Jewish communities around the world‖ said Diker. According to the WJC, the pontiff ―responded that the Church recognizes the deep and historical connection of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland, the Holy Land, going back to the time of Abraham. He also expressed his commitment to help foster understanding of the bond between the nation of Israel and the land of Israel among people throughout the world.

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Jewish officials meet with Italian leaders, pope Jewish Telegraphic Agency, USA 10 December 2010 By Ruth Ellen Gruber ROME (JTA) -- World Jewish Congress officials met with Pope Benedict XVI and separately with senior Italian officials, praising Italy for its support of Israel. WJC President Ronald Lauder told Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini in their meeting Friday that the Jewish world "deeply appreciates" its "important and wellestablished friendship with the Italian government" and also appreciates "Italian attention to the safety of the people of Israel." Italy, Lauder later said, "has a key role in advancing the peace process in the Middle East." During the meeting, Frattini, who on a visit to Israel last month referred to Italy as Israel's "best friend" in Europe, awarded Lauder the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity. The WJC delegation also had an audience at the Vatican on Friday with the pope and senior Vatican officials involved in interfaith relations. According to Vatican Radio, the WJC group "thanked the Pope for his commitment to dialogue with Jews," and discussed aspects of the situation in the Middle East. In a related development, the Vatican released a statement Friday describing a "good and open atmosphere" in Thursday's latest round of talks aimed at finalizing bilateral economic relations between Israel and the Holy See. The talks, held in Jerusalem, started with mention of the telegram the pope sent to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressing his "prayers and solidarity" with victims of the recent forest fire and his appreciation of the "selfless dedication" of those involved in the rescue operation.

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Präsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses beim Papst Katholische Nachrichtenagentur, Germany 10 December 2010 Vatikanstadt (KNA) Der Präsident des jüdischen Weltkongresses, Ronald Lauder, ist am Freitag mit Papst Benedikt XVI. im Vatikan zusammengetroffen. Bei der Begegnung ging es um Fragen des christlich-jüdischen Dialogs und um die Situation der Christen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten, hieß es anschließend aus dem Vatikan. Lauder, zu dessen Organisation der Vatikan seit vielen Jahren rege Kontakte unterhält, war bereits im Oktober 2007 von Papst Benedikt XVI. empfangen worden. jso/jug/

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Papst empfängt Präsidenten des Jüdischen Weltkongresses in Audienz Evangelischer Pressedienst, Germany 10 December 2010 Rom (epd) Papst Benedikt XVI. hat den Präsidenten des Jüdischen Weltkongresses (WJC), Ronald Lauder, am Freitag zu einer Privataudienz empfangen. Bei der Begegnung ging es WJC-Angaben zufolge um die gemeinsame Bekämpfung von Antisemitismus. Lauder beklagte bei dem Treffen in Anspielung auf die iranische Regierung eine wachsende Tendenz, Israel das Existenzrecht abzusprechen. Er forderte den Papst auf, sich offen gegen diesen "neuen Antisemitismus" auszusprechen. Darüber hinaus äußerte der WJC-Präsident sich besorgt über Angriffe islamischer Fundamentalisten gegen Juden und Christen im Nahen Osten. Der Jüdische Weltkongress vertritt nach eigenen Angaben jüdische Gemeinden in 92 Ländern weltweit. Ziel der Organisation ist es, zwischen dem Judentum auf der einen Seite und Regierungen, Parlamenten sowie internationalen Organisationen auf der anderen zu vermitteln.

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Des leaders juif rencontrent le Pape Benoît XVI (French service) 11 December 2010

Une délégation du Congrès Juif Mondial s‘est rendue au Vatican vendredi, et a demandé notamment au pape Benoît XVI de « prendre part à la lutte contre la délégitimation d‘Israël ». Etrange requête quand on sait qu‘un récent synode sur le Proche-Orient avait donné lieu à des déclarations extrêmement hostiles à Israël, niant jusqu‘au droit de se référer à la Bible pour justifier la présence juive en Judée-Samarie. Après l‘entrevue, le Président du CJM, Ronald Lauder, a déclaré « que la délégation avait abordé avec le pape des questions touchant au monde juif, et l‘avenir de ses relations avec le Vatican ». Lauder et ses amis ont ainsi abordé la question de la délégitimation d‘Israël, et notamment de la récente décision de l‘UNESCO de considérer le Tombeau de Rachel comme une mosquée, et la prise de position de l‘Autorité Palestinienne « niant tout lien historique et religieux entre les Juifs et le Kotel » (Mur Occidental). Dan Diker, Secrétaire Général du Congrès Juif Mondial, a tenu à rappeler au pape « que l‘antisionisme et la délégitimation d‘Israël étaient devenus aujourd‘hui la forme politiquement correct d‘un nouvel antisémitisme ». Selon les membres de la délégation, « le pape a rappelé son engagement à lutter contre l‘antisémitisme au sein du monde chrétien », et il a parlé « de l‘importance du travail commun entre Juifs et Chrétiens, reconnaissant l‘apport du Judaïsme au Christianisme ». Concernant Israël, Benoît XVI aurait déclaré à ses hôtes « que l‘Eglise catholique reconnaissait les profonds liens historiques du Peuple juif avec la Terre d‘Israël », et il a rappelé « qu‘il s‘engageait à aider à une meilleure compréhension de cette idée auprès des autres peuples »…

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Il World Jewish Congress ringrazia il Papa per il suo impegno nel dialogo con gli ebrei Radio Vaticana, Vatican City 10 December 2010 Benedetto XVI ha ricevuto questa mattina il sig. Ronald Lauder, presidente del World Jewish Congress, una delle più importanti organizzazioni ebraiche nel mondo. All‘udienza erano presenti, oltre al segretario generale e al vice-segretario generale dell‘organizzazione, anche il cardinale Kurt Koch, presidente del Pontificio Consiglio per l‘unità dei cristiani e della Commissione per i rapporti religiosi con l‘Ebraismo, accompagnato dal rev. Norbert Hofmann, segretario della Commissione. I rappresentanti del World Jewish Congress hanno ringraziato il Papa per il suo impegno nel dialogo con gli ebrei e si sono trattenuti con lui sulla situazione dei cristiani in Medio Oriente.

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Frattini premia il presidente del World Jewish Congress ANSA Pictures, Italy 10 December 2010

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Frattini riceve presidente del 'Congresso Ebraico Mondiale' / Lauder: "Grazie all'Italia per il suo ruolo nel processo di pace" APCOM, Italy 10 December 2010 Roma, 10 dic. - "Il mondo ebraico apprezza profondamente l'importante e consolidata amicizia con il governo italiano e l'attenzione italiana per la sicurezza del popolo di Israele". Lo ha sottolineato il presidente del Congresso Ebraico Mondiale (WJC), Ronald S. Lauder che stamattina è stato ricevuto alla Farnesina dal ministro degli Esteri Franco Frattini, insieme al segretario generale del WJC Dan Diker. All'incontro erano presenti anche Fiamma Nirenstein, vicepresidente della Commissione Esteri della Camera ed Esteban Caselli, coordinatore generale per il Pdl degli Italiani nel mondo. "Si è trattato di un incontro molto caloroso e di estremo interesse per il WJC" ha commentato Lauder, "l'Italia ha un ruolo fondamentale nel portare avanti il processo di pace in Medio Oriente". Durante il colloquio, a quanto si apprende, Frattini ha conferito a Lauder l'onorificenza dell'Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana. Il WJC (World Jewish Congress - Congresso Ebraico Mondiale) è un'organizzazione ombrello istituita a Ginevra nel 1936, che rappresenta le comunità e gli enti ebraici di oltre 80 paesi nel mondo, dall'Argentina allo Zimbabwe.

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AUDIÊNCIA E PLENÁRIA INTENSIFICAM RELAÇÕES ENTRE SANTA SÉ E ISRAEL Radio Vaticana (Portuguese service), Vatican City 11 December 2010 Telaviv, 11 dez (RV) – Bento XVI recebeu em audiência, na manhã desta sextafeira, o presidente do World Jewish Congress (Congresso Mundial Judaico), uma das mais importantes organizações judaicas do mundo. Esteve presente também o presidente do Pontifício Conselho para a Unidade dos Cristãos e da Comissão para os Relacionamentos Religiosos com o Judaísmo, Cardeal Kurt Koch. Os representantes do organismo agradeceram ao Papa pelo seu empenho no diálogo com Israel e discutiram com o Pontífice sobre a situação dos cristãos no Oriente Médio. E, no Ministério das Relações Exteriores de Israel, deu-se a plenária da Comissão Bilateral Santa Sé e Estado de Israel. Segundo um comunicado conjunto, os trabalhos desenvolveram-se em um clima de tranqüilidade e abertura para o diálogo. A delegação vaticana foi dirigida pelo subsecretário para as Relações com os Estados, Dom Ettore Balestrero, e a israelense foi encabeçada pelo vice-ministro das Relações Exteriores, Danny Ayalon. No início da reunião, fez-se referência ao telegrama enviado pelo Secretário de Estado, Cardeal Tarcisio Bertone, ao primeiro ministro israelense, Benjamin Netanyahu, cujo objetivo foi assegurar as orações e a solidariedade do Papa Bento XVI para com as famílias daqueles que perderam a vida, ficaram feridos e foram atingidos pelos recentes incêndios no norte de Israel. (ED)

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Benedico XVI y las buenas relaciones con el Judaísmo Agencia SIC, Spain 11 December 2010

Benedicto XVI encontró hoy a Ronald Lauder, Presidente del Congreso Judío Mundial, que estaba acompañado por el Secretario General y el Vice-Secretario General. El Congreso Judío Mundial es una de las organizaciones judías más importantes a nivel mundial. El Presidente Lauder agradeció al Papa por su actividad a favor del diálogo judío-cristiano e intercambiaron opiniones sobre la situación general de Medio Oriente y la situación de los cristianos en esta área del mundo. Junto al Papa estaban presentes el cardenal Koch, Presidente del Pontificio Consejo para la Unidad de los Cristianos y el sacerdote Hoffman.

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Presidente del Congreso Mundial Judío lamenta la persecución de cristianos en Oriente Medio Rome Reports (Spanish service), Italy 10 December 2010

Benedicto XVI mantuvo una audiencia privada con el presidente del Congreso Mundial Judío, Ronald Lauder y otros miembros de esta institución. Los representantes del Congreso dieron las gracias al Papa por su compromiso en el diálogo con los judíos y expresaron su preocupación por los cristianos perseguidos en Oriente Medio. Junto con Lauder asistieron el secretario general y el secretario general adjunto de la organización. Además participó el cardenal Kurt Koch, presidente del Pontificio Consejo para la Unidad de los Cristianos y de la Comisión para las Relaciones Religiosas con los judíos y el secretario de la comisión, Norbert Hofmann. Los representantes del Congreso dieron las gracias al Papa por su compromiso en el diálogo con los judíos y expresaron su preocupación por los cristianos perseguidos en Oriente Medio. El Congreso Mundial Judío es uno de los más influyentes grupos judíos en el mundo con representantes en más de 80 países.

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World Jewish Congress agradece al Papa su apoyo al diálogo con los hebreos Europa Press, Spain 10 December 2010 18:39 GMT ROMA, 10 (EUROPA PRESS) - El presidente del World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder, ha agradecido a Benedicto XVI su apoyo al diálogo entre la Iglesia y los hebreos, en una audiencia celebrada en el Vaticano. En el encuentro con Benedicto XVI han participado también el presidente del Pontificio Consejo para la Unidad de los cristianos, el cardenal Kurt Koch, y el secretario de la Comisión para las relaciones religiosas con los hebreos, el reverendo Norbert Hofmann. Además, los representantes de la World Jewish Congress han hablado con el Pontífice sobre la situación de los cristianos en Medio Oriente. La World Jewish Congress es una organización internacional que trata de proteger los intereses y las necesidades de la comunidad judía en el mundo. La Fundación fue creada en Ginebra en 1936 y mobilizó al mundo contra el Holocausto perpetrado en Alemania. Por otra parte, la Santa Sede y el Estado de Israel han concluido una reunión acerca del camino a seguir en las relaciones entre los dos estados para alcanzar un nuevo acuerdo. Según han afirmado los participantes, la asamblea ha transcurrido en un clima "abierto y sereno".

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PAPA RECIBIO A PRESIDENTE DE CONGRESO MUNDIAL JUDIO ANSA (Spanish service), Italy 10 December 2010 CIUDAD DEL VATICANO, 10 (ANSA) - El Papa Benedicto XVI recibió hoy en audiencia a Ronald Lauder, presidente del Congreso Judío Mundial (WJC, en su sigla inglesa), una de las más importantes organizaciones judías del planeta. Lo informó el mismo Lauder en un comunicado oficial. "Hemos discutido sobre algunos de los puntos clave relativos al mundo judío, manifestándole al Papa el valor que le damos a las relaciones estrechas que hemos instaurado con el Vaticano en el curso de los años", dijo Lauder. La nota agregó que Benedicto XVI subrayó la necesidad de proseguir en el combate contra toda forma de antisemitismo, que definió siempre inaceptable. Lauder, añadió la nota, le pidió al Papa que la Santa Sede se exprese en contra de la deslegitimación de Israel en los foros internacionales y del acceso negado a los judíos a algunos de sus lugares santos.

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WJC, ADL slam S. American recognition of 'Palestine' Jerusalem Post Online, Israel 8 December 2010 By JPOST.COM STAFF Lauder says comments could derail peace process; Foxman: Actions taken by Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay undermine bridge-building. The World Jewish Congress (WJC) and Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have epressed concern over recent announcements made by Latin American countries that they recognize a Palestinian state, in statements released by the organizations on Tuesday. "The WJC calls on the United States and other members of the Quartet - Russia, the EU and the United Nations - to unequivocally denounce such moves and to restate their firm commitment to resolving the Middle East conflict solely through bi-lateral negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority," said a statement released Tuesday by the WJC.

Ronald S. Lauder, President of the WJC stated: "We find these announcements made by Brazil, Argentina, and other Latin American countries to be troubling. Palestinian-Israeli peace making is a delicate process and is meant to be directly negotiated between the parties as mandated by United Nations resolutions." "Premature announcements by other countries regarding the recognition of any Palestinian statehood do not, as some might think, contribute to peace between Israel and her neighbors, but rather undermine the negotiations and risk derailing a fragile peace process and triggering regional instability,‖ Lauder added. The ADL expressed similar sentiments, saying Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay were "aiding and abetting a cynical manipulation by the Palestinian Authority as it willfully pursues a policy designed to bypass a negotiated resolution of the conflict with Israel."

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Abraham H. Foxman, the ADL's National Director, said in a statement that "The actions taken by Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay to recognize an independent Palestinian state at this time undermine bridge-building and the possibility of future bilateral Israeli-Palestinian negotiations." "Instead of persuading the Palestinians to re-engage with Israel, this can only result in prolonging the decades-long absence of peace. A Palestinian state with defined borders will come only as a result of bilateral negotiations with Israel, when both parties will commit to end the conflict and be ready to make sacrifices and compromises for peace," Foxman added. "We urge the United States and others to speak out against the irresponsible attempts by the Palestinian Authority to evade negotiations with Israel and those who are enabling them."

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UK Imam prays for Carmel Fire victims Ynet News, Israel 9 December 2010 Leaders of European Muslim, Jewish communities convene in Brussels to discuss initiative for better relations between communities. Delegation meets European Council President Herman Van Rompuy

Photo: Michael Thaidigsmann Over 50 leaders of Muslim and Jewish communities from across Europe convened in Brussels on Monday for the first Gathering of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders to discuss initiatives for better relations between the two communities. At the opening session Imam Dr. Abduljalil Sajid from Britain spoke prayers, in which he included the victims of the recent Carmel fire disaster in Israel and the floods in Pakistan. The meeting is co-organized by the New York-based Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU), the World Jewish Congress (WJC) and the European Jewish Congress (EJC). Earlier on Monday, a delegation met with the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, to whom a common statement was presented which calls for closer cooperation between the two communities in Europe and steps ―to ensure that Jews and Muslims are able to practice our

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respective faiths fully and unimpeded by intrusive, discriminatory and unfair governmental regulations.‖ The leaders‘ declaration urges ―cooperative projects to succor the poor and homeless of all backgrounds, to help protect new immigrants who are threatened by hatred and xenophobia, and to heal the environment, bringing together Muslim and Jewish youth for joint programming.‖ It also denounces all forms of violence in the name of any religion or ideology. FFEU President and WJC Vice President Rabbi Marc Schneier called the first Brussels Gathering of European Muslim and Jewish leaders ―a promising beginning.‖ He stated: ―Today, we have hopefully kick-started a movement that will spread across Europe. The recipe really is quite simple: our two communities must focus more on what unites us than what separates us. We also must restrain the radicals within our own ranks and make sure they don‘t gain the upper hand.‖ 'Starting at the micro level' Dr. Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, declared: ―I think it is very important that Jews and Muslims start talking more with each other, and less about the other. Pointing the finger at the other side and accuse it of being the root cause of all evil on this planet may be easy and convenient, but most of the time it is wrong – and counter-productive. "How are all the disparate nations of Europe going to co-exist if citizens of the same country can‘t share neighborhoods? We need to start at the micro level to succeed at the macro level. We need to pay attention to every level of intolerance, hate and xenophobia.‖ Senior representatives of both faiths from Austria, Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States attended the one-day gathering, which concluded with a Diplomatic Dinner attended by numerous ambassadors posted in Brussels.

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Daniel Diker to head World Jewish Congress Jerusalem Post, Israel 1 December 2010 Foreign policy and media expert will replace outgoing Secretary- General Michael Schneider, who will step down after 40 years. By GIL SHEFLER Daniel Diker will be the next secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress, the organization announced on Tuesday. Diker, a noted foreign policy and media expert, will replace outgoing Secretary- General Michael Schneider, who will step down after 40 years of distinguished service in Jewish public life. The changeover will take place at the board‘s meeting in June in Jerusalem. Diker has been WJC‘s director for strategic affairs since May 2010 and since early 2009 has been WJC Middle East adviser on policy and diplomacy. ―Diker brings to the WJC a unique set of talents, skills and strengths that will help us achieve our goals of uniting, defending and strengthening our global community and constituency,‖ WJC President Ronald S. Lauder said. ―Dan brings great energy, vision and political will to help forge new directions for the WJC and help strengthen the bond of Jewish communities worldwide and fortify their relationship with the State of Israel.‖

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World Jewish Congress leadership role for foreign policy expert Jewish Chronicle, UK 30 November 2010 By Jennifer Lipman

Daniel Diker An American commentator with expertise on the Iranian nuclear threat and Israeli security issues is to take charge of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). Foreign policy and media expert Daniel Diker has been appointed to succeed Michael Schneider as secretary general of the 74-year-old organisation, which represents Jews in nearly 100 countries. The outgoing secretary general will officially step down next June after four decades of involvement in the WJC and four years in charge, although Mr Diker will take on the role immediately. The native New Yorker and Harvard graduate, who has served both as the WJC‘s director for strategic affairs and its Middle East adviser on policy and diplomacy, was previously Knesset affairs correspondent for Israel‘s Channel One.

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He spent a decade working for the Jerusalem Centre of Public Affairs, during which he produced and edited a number of books on Israel‘s foreign policy and diplomatic process. The appointment was welcomed by WJC president Ronald Lauder, who praised Mr Diker‘s ―unique set of talents, skills and strengths that will help us achieve our goals of uniting, defending and strengthening our global community‖. Mr Lauder said: ―He brings great energy, vision and political will to help forge new directions for the WJC and help strengthen the bond of Jewish communities worldwide and fortify their relationship with the State of Israel.‖ He also paid tribute to Mr Schneider, describing him as ―a consummate diplomat‖ who had been essential in revitalising the WJC and ensuring it played a leading role on the world stage. He thanked Mr Schneider ―for his extraordinary service, not only to the WJC, but to the Jewish People‖. Mr Diker said, ―At this time of unprecedented challenges to the state of Israel and the Jewish people, I am honoured to help lead the WJC‘s worldwide efforts to unite Jewish communities to protect and advance their vital interests.‖

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Diker named to head WJC Jewish Telegraphic Agency, USA 30 November 2010 JERUSALEM (JTA) -- B. Daniel Diker, a foreign policy and media expert, was nominated to serve as secretary general of the World Jewish Congress. The WJC Executive Committee endorsed Diker on Tuesday to succeed Michael Schneider, who will step down in June at the WJC governing board meeting in Jerusalem, the organization announced. Diker has served as WJC‘s director for strategic affairs since May and since early 2009 as Middle East adviser on policy and diplomacy. He comes to the WJC following nearly 10 years at the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs, where he served in a variety of roles, including as director of its Institute for Contemporary Affairs -- the center‘s public diplomacy institute. At the JCPA, Diker produced and edited several books on the Iranian nuclear threat and IsraeliPalestinian diplomacy, as well as on Israeli defense and national security issues. Diker is a former Knesset affairs correspondent for Israel‘s Channel 1 English television service. He also served as a commentator on international news networks covering Middle East affairs and U.S.-Israel relations. ―Dan brings great energy, vision and political will to help forge new directions for the WJC and help strengthen the bond of Jewish communities worldwide and fortify their relationship with the State of Israel,‖ WJC President Ronald Lauder said in a statement.

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Hella Moritz Jewish Chronicle, UK 3 December 2010 Born Saarbrucken, March 17, 1929. Died Sao Paulo, November 18, 2010, aged 81. THE LONGEST-SERVING staff member of the World Jewish Congress, Hella Moritz retired as chief secretary — officially executive assistant — after 45 years‘ service, at 80. She started in 1964 under the WJC‘s co-founder and second president, Dr Nahum Goldmann. She continued under successive presidents, Philip Klutznick, Edgar Bronfman and Ronald Lauder, travelling to its offices in Geneva, Paris and New York. The WJC was founded in 1936 in Geneva by Dr Goldmann and American Reform leader, Rabbi Stephen Wise, as the diplomatic arm of Jews worldwide, seeking peaceful solutions to problems through behind-the-scenes talks. Its British representatives come from the Board of Deputies. Brought up in Paris, Hella Moritz was born in Saarbrücken, the capital of the Saar region which was jointly administered by Britain and France from 1920-35 under the League of Nations. After the region voted to join Nazi-run Germany, her family fled to Brazil. Growing up in São Paulo, she worked for the Israeli consulate in the city before moving to the WJC. She dedicated her life to the organisation and never married. A thorough professional, fluent in eight languages, she attended and interpreted at negotiations in countless meetings with ministers and heads of state with calm efficiency and discretion. Her amazing memory and unflappable courtesy made her an invaluable asset and ensured continuity within the organisation. But it was not all heavy going. Her ―peerless anthology‖ — as a colleague put it — of Jewish jokes lightened the tensions and sometimes tedium of discussion. She was involved in the early development of the Claims Conference, cofounded by Dr Goldmann in 1951, the Soviet Jewry campaign of the 1970s and 80s followed by help for Soviet Jews after the collapse of Communism, the exposure of Kurt Waldheim‘s war record in his 1985 Austrian presidential bid, the 1990s investigation into Swiss bank ―Nazi gold‖ and the restitution of stolen Jewish assets. Retiring to her family in Brazil in November 2009, she compiled the WJC‘s weekly report, thereby keeping in touch with her old colleagues.

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Hella Moritz, 81, a Pillar of the World Jewish Congress for Over 40 Years Forward, USA 1 December 2010 By Joy Resmovits Hella Moritz was many things to many people. But even though numerous documents key to Jewish affairs carried her handwritten initials, she insisted on being called a secretary.

WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS Polymath: Moritz spoke eight languages fluently, and often car- ried a portable manual typewriter, which she dubbed ‗Elsie.‘ After more than 40 years of indispensability to four consecutive presidents of the World Jewish Congress, Moritz — a ―towering figure,‖ in the words of current president Ronald S. Lauder — moved to be with her family in Sao Paolo, Brazil, earlier this year. There she died of a heart attack November 17 at age 81. Colleagues describe Moritz as a formidable polymath, as meticulous in her professional presentation as she was in translating documents written in any of the eight languages she spoke fluently. And beyond the professional persona, replete with a portable manual typewriter known to all as Elsie, was a woman who enjoyed telling jokes and Jewish stories to those who knew her well. Moritz was an accomplished administrator of the WJC, the international association of Jewish advocacy organizations. Through her translations, she sealed many important negotiations, from the development of the Claims Conference to episodes during the struggle for Soviet Jewry.

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Her associates also praised her modesty. ―She ate modestly, spoke modestly, dressed modestly,‖ said Israel Singer, the group‘s former secretary-general. Moritz translated and annotated meetings with world leaders. Oftentimes, when Singer understood the languages in play, Moritz would remind him that he didn‘t need her in the room. ―She never tried to expand her importance, despite the fact that she could have,‖ he said. Moritz was born in Saarbrucken, a former League of Nations mandate now part of Germany, in March 1929. She moved with her family to Brazil, fleeing the Nazis. There she worked as the head of a Jewish Girl Scout group that met with Israel‘s diplomatic representative to Brazil, David Shaltiel, formerly a leader in Israeli intelligence. Moritz translated the encounter, and Shaltiel, impressed with her skills, hired her. And four decades ago, when WJC President Nahum Goldmann visited Shaltiel, he witnessed the same thing — and whisked her away to work for the WJC. Once there, Moritz coordinated the office‘s multilingual communications. ―She would be the translator in the literal sense of languages, but the interpreter of what was intended by the calls in the various offices,‖ said Elan Steinberg, the WJC‘s executive director emeritus. The WJC came to rely on her for institutional memory. When a government‘s assigned translator got things wrong or was thought to be deceiving the Jewish participant, Moritz subtly corrected the error, Steinberg said. ―We always figured it out, because we had the best translator in the world,‖ he recalled. Outside the office, Moritz volunteered at homeless shelters, often sleeping over at them. Though she lived in a tiny Manhattan apartment, she would host 14 guests for holiday meals. Even after her retirement earlier this year, Moritz continued to compile and translate the WJC‘s weekly activities reports from different member groups, and did so until her death. Once she was in Brazil, though, she mastered the computer, no longer counting on Elsie. ―She was working until the end,‖ Steinberg said. Moritz, who never married, is survived by a sister-in-law, nephews, nieces, grandnephews and grandnieces, all of whom reside in Brazil. Contact Joy Resmovits at [email protected]

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APPRECIATION - Hella Moritz leaves a lasting imprint on the Jewish community Jewish Telegraphic Agency, USA 23 November 2010 By Pinchas Shapiro

With quiet humility, Hella Moritz played a critical role at countless junctures dotting the modern history of the Jewish people. (Courtesy of World Jewish Congress) NEW YORK (JTA) -- Hella Moritz died as she lived: quiet, unassuming and removed from the bustling, tumultuous world in which she served. But as her life left an indelible imprint on the Jewish community, her death last week leaves a great void. Hella faithfully served the Jewish people for five decades. More than a profession, her commitment was a way of life and her legacy is one of charity, justice and irrepressible spirit. Born in Saarbrucken in 1929, her birthplace is part of a world long forgotten -- a mandate governed under the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations. Her family fled the Nazi inferno and arrived in Brazil where Hella grew, studied and made the choices that led her to a lifetime of service. A witness to power, Hella was the secretary to the presidents of the World Jewish Congress. Promoted throughout the decades, Hella characteristically preferred to remain with the title "secretary," for she found in it a truly noble profession, shunning all modern variations of the term. She was one of the few who met with every prime minister of Israel and who was able to speak at will with noble laureates, heads of state and leading religious officials. With quiet humility, Hella played a critical role at countless junctures dotting the modern history of the Jewish people: from the release of Sharansky, Mendelovich and Edelstein, to struggles for Holocaust restitution; from peace agreements between Israel and its neighbors, to the exposure of Kurt Waldheim's Nazi past.

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Being close to power, Hella also bore witness to the darker sides of men. Never wavering in her loyalty, Hella stayed true to her principles and stood firmly as a moral compass and maternal guide to decades of leaders who sought her counsel and advice, or happened to find themselves in her orbit. Acting with defiant purpose, Hella was a committed professional. She was always in the World Jewish Congress office before it opened; no hurricane, blizzard, blackout or terrorist attack ever kept her away. In a world of town cars, private transports and personal drivers, Hella's prudence committed her to public transportation. On days of poor weather, she would quip, ―When it rains in New York, the only thing harder to find than the sun is a taxi. I am quite happy with the bus.‖ A remarkable polyglot, Hella mastered eight languages, besting most linguists by not only speaking those languages, but by professionally writing and editing in each. Hella employed these gifts to enrich the lives of others. If you were lucky to catch Hella in a quiet moment, you were likely treated to a thought of biblical exegesis with a corollary to Greek mythology explained by a reference to Renaissance art supported by geographical or biographic fact reserved for the dusty tomes of distant libraries. Her quick wit was evident in a treasure trove of Jewish sayings, folk stories and humor. When speaking of fundraising, Hella often repeated an axiom we believe she created, reminding us, ―My young friends, the rich did not get rich by giving away their money.‖ Hella moved effortlessly among the tables of kings and presidents to the breadlines where she worked after hours. From presidential palaces to the pews of B'nai Jeshurun, to the cots of the shelter in which she slept as a volunteer several nights a week, Hella served others from morning until night with her dedicated spirit. Few were able to find fault, while many benefited from this extraordinary woman whose life was devoid of drama and spectacle, and filled purpose. Though our eyes well with tears from the loss, we cannot help but smile knowing that the streets of heaven are filled with angels -- the purest of God's servants -rejoicing in the return of one of their own. Hella Moritz died last week as she lived, an unassuming servant of the Jewish people. (Rabbi Pinchas Shapiro is the former deputy secretary general of the World Jewish Congress.)

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Many Ways to be a Jewish State The New Republic, USA 15 November 2010 When Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, spoke to some 60 influential Jewish-Americans in the Plaza‘s Edwardian Room on September 21, the first question came from World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder, who pushed Abbas on whether he was prepared to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Mr. Lauder was echoing a demand repeatedly made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the last year and a half. Judging from Mr. Netanyahu‘s repeated plucking of this string, one might almost say it is the demand that binds his right-wing governing coalition and declares to the Palestinian Authority—the most nation-building-committed Palestinian entity that has ever existed on any soil whatsoever—and indeed to the rest of the world, what the Jewish state holds dear and definitive. Indeed, earlier the same day, Mr. Netanyahu rolled out the selfsame talking point yet again in a conference call to American Jews: President Abbas has to decide. He cannot skirt the issue. He cannot find clever language designed to obfuscate or to fudge it. He needs to recognize the Jewish state. He needs to say it clearly and unequivocally. He needs to say it to his own people in their own language. Remember that famous commercial—Just Do It? I think for the Palestinian leadership, it‘s even simpler: Just Say It. Say that you recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. Say that you recognize the Jewish state. A variant note was sounded by Stephen J. Savitsky, president of the Orthodox Union, who asked the Palestinian leader to recognize the Jewish character of the Temple Mount (to ―create goodwill in the Jewish community,‖ he said later, as if whatever ―goodwill‖ Muslims ought to extend toward Jews must come at the cost of the simultaneous Muslim idea that the place in question is the Haram-al-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary). Mr. Savitsky did not find it too late in the game to demand zerosum declarations. Like Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Lauder, he offers a touching faith that loyalty oaths will prove binding to people who are ordinarily held to be untrustworthy. Still later at the Plaza, the plot got more intricate as Daniel Levy of the New America Foundation gave President Abbas the opportunity to say how he would react if Israel took the initiative to declare itself, in full official voice, a state of the Jewish people. Abbas batted the ball back, saying he was ready to recognize whatever state Israel declared itself to be: "If the Israeli people want to name themselves whatever they want, they are free to do so."

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Some religious Jews believe that formal Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state would prevent a two-state solution from dissolving into a temporary measure that awaits mutation into a one-state successor. Other Israelis are sincerely pressing a reasonable point on demographic, not theological grounds—this, in response to various Palestinian officials making the case for the right of return on precisely the grounds that they do not wish Israel to remain a Jewish state. But how the legitimate concern to preserve a Jewish-majority state would be addressed by a formalistic acknowledgment of the obvious escapes me. Abbas was on to something: We have here a case of the fetish of naming, a trumping of the purpose that should reside at the center of a moral life by the formality that lives at its margins. Even secular Israelis ought to ask themselves: Does the future of the Jewish people really depend on its longtime adversaries‘ verbal certificate to the effect that the state which designates its flag with the Star (or Shield) of David, and whose official language is Hebrew, has a special relationship to the Jews? Isn‘t this insistence on the single, exclusive meaning of that plateau in Jerusalem—that extraordinary spot where, long before the First Temple, Abraham is said to have held a knife to the throat of his Isaac— excruciatingly close to a literal-minded, materialist interpretation of the sacred? Now, I am surely no more familiar with God‘s purposes than the Orthodox Union. But possibly I am no less so either. May I wonder aloud whether the guardians of Jewish orthodoxy, again in contrast to those concerned primarily by Israel‘s demographic future, sincerely believe that the utterance of syllables by others constitutes a decisive recognition of how the Jewish people stand with the Almighty? As Liel Leibovitz and I show at length in our new book, The Chosen Peoples: America, Israel, and the Ordeals of Divine Election, the question of why it was Abraham and his descendants in perpetuity who were divinely elected has roiled and challenged the Jewish people from their beginnings. Within the framework of Genesis, it was by no means self-evident why Abraham had been singled out so ringingly. The story about Abraham having destroyed the idols is a Talmudic add-on, not biblical in origin. To put it too simply, two traditions intertwine—and collide—in the history of Jewish interpretations of chosenness. One presumes, in effect if not explicitly, that chosen people status is a mark of distinction, a celestial seal of approval—and often enough, a signal for bitter and envious others to pursue their lunatic persecutions. Beginning with God‘s command to Abraham to leave his family and resettle in a place he has never seen, this tradition ties Judaism to particular places in the material world. It‘s fundamentally a territorial notion, as if physical ownership of the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, on the West Bank, were the ne plus ultra of Jewish identity—

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and as if coastal Tel Aviv, built on what in biblical times was the land of the Philistines, were chopped liver. The other interpretation, which I would call ethical, takes most seriously that the Jews are charged, even burdened, with a mission of justice—that ―there shall be one law for the citizen and the stranger who dwells among you‖ (Exodus 12:49) and ―when an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him‖ (Leviticus 19:33). Territory has a symbolic presence in this tradition, but the symbols rest on a foundation of human action that marks the other as no less worthy, no less feelingful, no less bloody when pricked, as him- or herself. In Israel itself, no less a political figure than Tzipi Livni recently told an interviewer from Tablet magazine, ―We need to define ourselves through a common vision that helps Israel put some meaning into the words ‗Jewish State.‘ … The problem is that a party like Likud, which is not ultra-Orthodox, gives the monopoly on the substance of the words ‗Jewish State‘ to the ultra-Orthodox. And this is something that affects not only our relationship with world Jewry but also my life in Israel.‖ At this delicate, urgent moment in the history of the Middle East, American Jewish leaders should stop channeling Israel‘s myopic prime minister. Netanyahu has appropriated a legitimate and self-evident truth—the Jewish stake in Israel—and transformed it into a cheaply bought obstacle to peace. Since the very meaning of being a Jew rests on an assumption of specialness, he ought to take his own advice seriously. You want to preserve a Jewish state? Make it a Jewish state. Don‘t drive the greatness of the Jews into the sea. Give up pettiness for the New Year. Todd Gitlin‘s The Chosen Peoples: America, Israel, and the Ordeals of Divine Election, written with Liel Leibovitz, has just been published by Simon & Schuster.

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Feindliche Übernahme: Iran und Saudi-Arabien wollen UN-Frauenbehörde beeinflussen Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany (Frontpage) 8 November 2010 Noch hat die neue UN-Organisation UN Women ihre Arbeit nicht aufgenommen. Büroräume in Manhattan in der Nähe zum Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen werden gesucht, und die Webseite ist erst im Aufbau. Die neue Chefin der im Sommer in Leben gerufenen „UN-Einheit für Geschlechtergleichheit und die Stärkung von Frauen―, Chiles Ex-Präsidentin Michelle Bachelet, tritt zwar schon regelmäßig in New York auf und hält feurige Reden: „Was wir jetzt brauchen, um in Aktion zu treten, ist eine starke Führung.― Viel mehr aber kann sie noch gar nicht tun, denn ihre Organisation ist auf Spenden von Mitgliedsländern angewiesen, und die fließen bei den UN gewöhnlich so spärlich wie spät. Nun aber hat Bachelet in ihrer neuen Behörde, für welche die Generalversammlung im Juli 2010 vier unterschiedliche Frauen-Organisationen zusammenführte, schon Ärger, bevor sie überhaupt loslegen kann mit Frauenförderung und Frauenrechten in aller Welt. Denn in der kommenden Woche, mutmaßlich am Mittwoch, wird der Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der UN ein 41-köpfiges Exekutiv-Komitee wählen, das die Arbeit von UN Women organisiert und finanziert. Ähnlich wie etwa beim UNMenschenrechtsrat, in den turnusmäßig auch Mitglieder gewählt werden, die Menschenrechte massiv verletzen, hat sich für den Kampf um Gleichstellung und Emanzipation ein Land beworben, das die Tugend seiner Frauen durch Polizisten überwachen lässt und Ehebruch schon mal mit einer Steinigung bestraft: Iran. Das Land steht auf einer Liste, für die zehn asiatische Staaten nominiert sind. Denn für UN-Organisationen kandidieren Staaten in der Regel auf regionalen Listen nach vorheriger, interner Absprache. In den Exekutivrat sollen neben 35 Mitgliedern aller Kontinente auch sechs Staaten aufgenommen werden, die UN Women mit Spenden unterstützen. Dafür bewirbt sich ein weiteres Land, das ebenfalls nicht für seine Liberalität in Frauenfragen bekannt ist: Saudi-Arabien. Der UN-Experte der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch, der Franzose Philippe Bolopion, findet es „irritierend, dass Iran es wagt, für dieses Gremium zu kandidieren – und dass die asiatischen Staaten das durchgehen lassen―. Und Mark Kornblau, Sprecher der US-Botschaft am East River, wettert, eine Wahl Irans würde „zum Start dieser aufregenden neuen Initiative das falsche Signal senden―. Der Jüdische Weltkongress ruft zur Unterzeichnung einer Petition auf, die an UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon gesendet werden solle: „Länder wie Iran und Saudi-Arabien in das Komitee zu wählen, ist so, als ließe man einen Fuchs Gänse hüten.― Ban wird gebeten, „alles zu tun, damit diese Länder nicht UN Women vertreten―. WJC SELECTED PRESS ARTICLES- 09/2010-05/2011: PAGE 203 OF 243

Weder Ban noch Bachelet allerdings haben Einfluss auf die Zusammensetzung des Exekutiv-Komitees. Allerdings hat die Kandidatur Irans und Saudi-Arabiens eine Debatte belebt, die im Rahmen der UN-Reform schon häufiger geführt wurde. So schlägt José Luis Díaz, Vertreter von Amnesty International bei den UN vor, die Aufstellung regionaler Listen mit gesetzten Kandidaten durch eine offene, freie Wahl im Forum der Generalversammlung zu ersetzen. „Es geht hier nicht nur um die Haltung von Ländern zu Frauenrechten, so ärgerlich diese bisweilen sein mag―, zitiert die Nachrichtenagentur AP Diaz. „Es liegt in der Verantwortung aller Staaten, solche Pseudo-Kandidaturen mit Erfolgs-Garantie abzuschaffen.― Cathrin Kahlweit

Summary translation Iran and Saudi Arabia are planning a hostile takeover of the new UN agency for the promotion of women's rights. They are both nominated for membership of the Executive of UN Women. Human Rights Watch finds this manouvre "irritating", and US Mission spokesman Mark Kornblau says Iran's election "would send the wrong signal on the start of this exciting new initiative." The World Jewish Congress is calling for the signing of a petition addressed to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: "Electing countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia to the board of UN Women is like setting a fox to keep the geese." The petition asks Ban to do everything to "prevent that these countries are not running UN Women." However, neither Ban nor UN Executive Director Michelle Bachelet have a say in who sits on the Executive Committee. Nonetheless, the candidacy of Iran and Saudi Arabia has revived the debate about a reform of the United Nations.

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38 Nobel winners slam academic boycotts against Israel Jerusalem Post Online, Israel 2 November 2010 Laureates: "Academic, cultural boycotts, sanctions are antithetical to principles of academic, scientific freedom," WJC report says. By JPOST.COM STAFF In an attempt to reverse the trend of boycotts against Israel, 38 Nobel peace prize laureates have signed a declaration condemning international attempts to divest from, sanction or boycott Israeli academic institutions and research centers, according to a World Jewish Congress (WJC) report on Tuesday. Under the auspices of an initiative by Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) the Nobel prize winners gave special attention to the continued threat of a boycott by South Africa‘s University of Johannesburg of Ben-Gurion University in Israel and student divestment efforts in the University of California system. The WJC report contained a statement by the Nobel prize laureates which read "Academic and cultural boycotts, divestments and sanctions in the academy are antithetical to principles of academic and scientific freedom, antithetical to principles of freedom of expression and inquiry, and may well constitute discrimination by virtue of national origin. Instead of fostering peace, [they] are likely to be counterproductive to the dynamics of reconciliation that lead to peace.‖ "We, the undersigned Nobel Laureates, appeal to students, faculty colleagues and university officials to defeat and denounce calls and campaigns for boycotting, divestment and sanctions against Israeli academics, academic institutions and university-based centers and institutes for training and research, affiliated with Israel," the statement continued. The statement went on to say that "we, and many like us, have dedicated ourselves to improving the human condition by doing the often difficult and elusive work to understand complex and seemingly unsolvable phenomena. We believe that the university should serve as an open, tolerant and respectful, cooperative and collaborative community engaged in practices of resolving complex problems," the WJC report said. SPME is a grassroots network of more than 60,000 faculty and scholars on 4,000 campuses.

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The initiative works towards creating peace in peace in the Middle East, and also strives towards a world in which Israel can have secure borders and peace agreements with all its neighbors. This recent statement was coordinated by Nobel Prize laureates Steven Weinberg, University of Texas, Austin and Roger Kornberg, Stanford University.

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OP-ED Maram Stern: Die verlorene Unschuld deutscher Diplomaten Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany 29 October 2010 Die Historiker-Studie zum Auswärtigen Amt zeigt, dass es weiterer Forschung über Nazi-Verstrickungen bedarf. Um der Opfer willen und als Zeichen für Europa.

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Schlimm genug, dass 60 Jahre vergehen mussten, bevor 2005 endlich die Rolle des Auswärtigen Amts in der Nazi-Zeit offiziell unter die Lupe genommen wurde. Die vier beauftragten renommierten Historiker kommen nun zu dem Schluss: Das AA war im Dritten Reich kein Reservat friedliebender Feingeister oder gar heimlicher Widerstandskämpfer, sondern, wie einer der vier Historiker sagte, „eine verbrecherische Organisation―. So wird nun 65 Jahre nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs gründlich aufgeräumt mit dem Märchen vom Außenamt als einer von der NSDAP unabhängigen, dem Frieden und der Mäßigung der Nazi-Exzesse verpflichteten Behörde. Die noblen Diplomaten stellten sich häufig bereitwillig in den Dienst Hitlers. Auch im diplomatischen Dienst gab es eingefleischte Antisemiten, die die Juden loswerden wollten. Die oft zitierte Schutzbehauptung, man habe „Schlimmeres verhindern― wollen, klingt auch nach mehr als sechs Jahrzehnten noch wie eine Verhöhnung von sechs Millionen ermordeter Juden in Europa. Man muss nicht Historiker sein, um zu erkennen, wie sehr das nationalsozialistische Zerstörungswerk auf die Mithilfe freiwilliger Helfer in allen Bereichen von Staat, Militär und Wirtschaft angewiesen war. Wie in allen anderen Funktionsbereichen des Staats wurden im Auswärtigen Amt viele Beamte zu Schreibtischtätern. Sie waren nicht nur für die Kaschierung der NS-Vernichtungspolitik gegenüber dem Ausland zuständig, sondern nahmen auch aktiv an ihrer Umsetzung in den besetzten Ländern teil. Die Grenzen zwischen Mitläufer und Mittäter waren fließend, und für viele Beamte – insbesondere die leitenden – kann man keine andere Kategorie als die der Mittäterschaft akzeptieren. Es ist deshalb besonders bestürzend, wie schnell bei Neugründung des Ministeriums 1951 alle Bedenken gegen die alte Funktionselite des Hauses über Bord geworfen und der praktische Nutzen erfahrener Diplomaten dem rechtsstaatlichen Prinzip vorgezogen wurden. Wie in anderen Bereichen auch konnten im neuen Auswärtigen Amt der Bundesrepublik Alt-Nazis an entscheidender Stelle Einfluss nehmen. Einige schützten Kriegsverbrecher vor Verfolgung oder Bestrafung – und nutzten dafür die weltweite Infrastruktur, die ihnen der Auswärtige Dienst bot. Selbstbetrug über Jahrzehnte Teile des Nazi-Unrechtsstaats existierten so auch noch Jahrzehnte nach Ende des Kriegs fort, unter dem Deckmantel eines Bundesministeriums. Man mag sich nicht vorstellen, wie viele Mörder dank vom Auswärtigen Amt ausgestellter falscher Papiere ihre gerechten Strafe entgehen konnten.

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Selbst bei manchen jüngeren Diplomaten, die nicht selbst in die Nazi-Verbrechen verstrickt waren, war Statusdenken und Scham offensichtlich so ausgeprägt, dass man sich mit der unappetitlichen Vorgeschichte des Amtes nicht gern befasste, sondern sich – bewusst oder unbewusst – über Jahrzehnte hinweg dem Selbstbetrug hingab, das AA sei nur neutraler Funktionsapparat gewesen. Aber es gibt sie nicht, eine Funktion ohne Verantwortung. Und es darf auch beim Staat nicht die Loyalität und bedingungslose „Pflichterfüllung― geben. Gleichwohl wurden bis vor Kurzem in diesem Sinne Nachrufe auf verstorbene deutsche Diplomaten verfasst, deren Aktivitäten während des NS-Regimes man wohl nicht als anstößig empfand. Mehr noch: Es gehörte im Jahr 2005 noch politischer Mut dazu, eine Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit des Ministeriums in Auftrag zu geben. Dem damaligen Außenminister Joschka Fischer gebührt der Verdienst, veranlasst zu haben, was seine Vorgänger – darunter die allseits geachteten Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Walter Scheel und Willy Brandt – versäumt hatten. Die entscheidende Schlussfolgerung aus der nun vorgelegten Studie ist aber, dass es auch heute noch reichhaltigen Aufarbeitungsbedarf bis hinein in höchste deutsche Regierungsbehörden gibt. Die Kontinuität vieler Handelnder, die sich aus der alten Diktatur hinein in die neue Demokratie erstreckte, ist eine Gründungshypothek Deutschlands. Hier muss auch weiter geforscht werden. Für immer ungesühnt Allzu viel individuelle Schuld wird ohnehin für immer ungesühnt bleiben. 65 Jahre seit Ende des Kriegs sind eine lange Zeit. Die Zahl derer, die für ihre Schandtaten noch gerichtlich belangt werden können, ist noch kleiner als die Zahl jener, die noch selbst Zeugnis vom Leid und den Verbrechen der Nazis geben können. Umso wichtiger ist es, den damaligen Umständen und Mechanismen auf den Grund zu gehen und dort, wo strafrechtliche Verfolgung nicht mehr möglich ist, wenigstens transparent Aufarbeitung zu betreiben. Dies ist Deutschland den Opfern ebenso schuldig wie sich selbst als modernem demokratischem Gemeinwesen. Eine ehrliche und anhaltende Beschäftigung mit der Geschichte kann auch als gutes und glaubwürdiges Beispiel für andere Länder dienen und so ein wichtiges Zeichen setzen. Denn auch in den damals von Nazi-Deutschland besetzten Staaten gäbe es einiges aufzuarbeiten in Bezug auf willfährige Kooperation bei der Judenverfolgung. Jüngst wurden vom französischen Nazi-Jäger Serge Klarsfeld Dokumente vorgelegt, die beweisen, dass der Chef des Vichy-Regimes, Philippe Pétain, persönlich dafür sorgte, dass Gesetze zur Ausgrenzung und Deportation von Juden aus Frankreich verschärft wurden. Niemand hatte ihn dazu gezwungen.

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Der Ungeist der Nazis durchweht selbst im geeinten Europa von heute noch – und wieder – mehr Köpfe, als der Demokratie lieb sein kann. Gerade deswegen sind erhellende Studien wie die der vier Historiker über das AA wichtig. Sie müssen auch weiterhin von staatlichen Institutionen gewollt und gefördert werden. Maram Stern ist Vizepräsident und stellvertretender Generalsekretär des Jüdischen Weltkongresses und leitet dessen Europabüro in Brüssel.

Translation German diplomats under the Nazis Innocence lost By Maram Stern Bad enough that 60 years had to pass until in 2005 it was decided to take a closer look at the role the German Foreign Office played during the Nazi era. The four historians who undertook this task have now delivered concluded that the ministry was not a reservation full of peace-minded, sophisticated diplomats or even covert resistance fighters but. Instead, it was a „criminal organisation,― as one of the four historians put it. Sixty-five years after the end of World War II, the myth of the Foreign Office being an agency that acted independently of the Nazi party and was commited to peace and the moderation of the Nazis‘ excesses has been shattered. All too many of the noble diplomats provided their services to Hitler, often readily. The German diplomatic service also had its fair share of dyed-in-the-wool anti-Semites who wanted to rid Germany of the Jews. Even six decades after the Holocaust, the often-head claim „We only wanted to prevent worse― still sounds like a mockery of the six million Jews who were murdered all over Europe. One needn‘t be a historian to comprehend to what extent the destructive machinery the Nazis put in place depended on voluntary supporters in all areas of government, business and the military. Many officials in the Foreign Office sullied their hands and bureaucratic partners in crime. Not only were they in charge of concealing the extent of the Nazis‘ extermination plan, but they became actively involved in it in the occupied countries. The borders between followers and abbetors of the regime became blurred, and many officials – especially the senior ones – must be classified as abettors. It is therefore particularly disconcerting to see how quickly the ministry was set up again in 1951 by employing the old élites of the Foreign Office prior to 1945. The

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practical use of experienced but tainted diplomats was considered more important than the principles of democracy and the rule of law. Similar to other areas, old Nazis were quickly back at the levers of power in the Foreign Office. Some even used their positions to protect war criminals from being caught and tried by making good use of the world-wide infrastructure of the diplomatic service. Parts of the Nazi regime thus continued to exist for decades under the cloak of the federal ministry. It is hard to imagine that some murderers managed to escape justice because of false papers issued by German Foreign Office diplomats. Even some younger diplomats who weren‘t themselves ensnarled in any Nazi crimes did not want to face the savoury past of their ministry, but – consciously or not – prefered to accept at face value the theory of older diplomats that the Foreign Office had only been a neutral, functional institution that was forced to implemente decisions taken by others. But there is no function without responsibility. And there must not be total loyality and unconditional service, not even towards the State. And yet, until recently obituaries were published for deceased German diplomats whose activities during the Nazi regime were not even considered objectionable. Moreover, it needed some political even in 2005 to order an investigation into the ministry‘s role under the swastika. Then-Minister of Foreign Affairs Joschka Fischer deserves praise for taking a decision that his predecessors – among them the widely renowned Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Walter Scheel and Willy Brandt – failed to take. However, the crucial lesson of the now published study is that nearly seven decades after the Third Reich a lot historical research remains to be done, in particular concerning the role of government ministries. The continuity of many Nazis who occupied key posts in the newly founded Federal Republic after the war was a big burden, and more research needs to be done. In any case, too much guilt will never be expiated. Sixty-five years are a long time, and the number of those who can still be brought to justice for their deeds is even smaller than the number of those who can still give us an eyewitness account of the suffering under the Nazis. It is therefore very important to at the very least continue to bring about transparency and truth where legal steps can no longer be taken. Germany owes this not only to the victims of the Nazis. It owes it to itself as a modern, democratic commonwealth. An honest and continuing study of recent history can also set an example for other countries and send an important signal. In countries occupied by Nazi Germany, there is also a lot to be examined and discussed in terms of colloboration in the persecution and deportation of Jews during the Holocaust. Only recently, the French

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Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld presented documents which prove that the head of the Vichy régime in France, Philippe Pétain, personally ordered stricter laws against Jewish citizens. Nobody had forced him to that. Even today, Nazi ideology is still present in the united Europe, more so than democrats can tolerate. Therefore, we need more studies like the one now presented by the four historians on the German Foreign Office. State institutions must continue to provide the necessary funding for them. Maram Stern, born 1955 in Berlin, is honorary vice-president and deputy secretarygeneral of the World Jewish Congress and runs the organisation‘s European office in Brussels.

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Vizepräsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses lobt Außenamt-Studie AP German Worldstream, Germany 29 October 2010 Frankfurt/Main (dapd). Als "gutes und glaubwürdiges Beispiel", wie man auch 65 Jahre nach Kriegsende noch wirksam Aufklärung betreiben könne, hat der Vizepräsident des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, Maram Stern, die Historikerstudie zur Rolle des Auswärtigen Amts in der NS-Zeit gelobt. Die vier Buchautoren, schreibt Stern in einem Gastbeitrag für die "Frankfurter Rundschau" (Freitagausgabe), räumten gründlich auf "mit dem Märchen vom Außenamt als einer von der NSDAP unabhängigen, dem Frieden und der Mäßigung der NaziExzesse verpflichteten Behörde". Als "besonders bestürzend" wertet Stern, dass Alt-Nazis nach der Neugründung des Ministeriums 1951 wiederum "an entscheidender Stelle Einfluss nehmen" konnten. Einige hätten die Infrastruktur des Amtes benutzt, um "Kriegsverbrecher vor Verfolgung oder Bestrafung" zu schützen. Auf diese Weise existierten "Teile des Nazi-Unrechtsstaats auch noch Jahrzehnte nach Ende des Kriegs fort". Als Gegenmittel gegen diese furchtbare Kontinuität empfiehlt der VizeGeneralsekretär des Jüdischen Weltkongresses "eine ehrliche und anhaltende Beschäftigung mit der Geschichte". Dies sei Deutschland "den Opfern ebenso schuldig wie sich selbst als modernem demokratischen Gemeinwesen". Die Historiker hatten die Studie am Donnerstag in Berlin vorgestellt.

Summary translation In an op-ed published on Friday in ‗Frankfurter Rundschau‘ World Jewish Congress Vice-President Maram Stern has praised the historians' study on the Nazi past of the German Foreign Office, calling it a ―good and credible‖ example of how to deal with the past.

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In quotes: International tributes to Nestor Kirchner BBC News, UK 27 October 2010 Latin America & Caribbean

International leaders have been paying tribute The news of the death of former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner has prompted tributes from across Latin America and the wider world. Here are some of them: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez In a message on his Twitter account, addressed to Mr Kirchner's widow, President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner: "Oh my dear Cristina... How sad! What a great loss for Argentina and Our America! Long live Kirchner for ever!" Chilean President Sebastian Pinera "His death has had a great effect on me personally... (It) represents a great loss for the Republic of Argentina and for all the countries of Latin America... (He was) a man who dedicated his life to public service for the whole world." Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo In a statement issued by his office: "President Fernando Lugo is saddened by the news... (He) was shocked by the sudden death of a friend and companion in the construction of an inclusive Latin America, with a fundamental role in the processes of integration in the region." Uruguayan President Jose Mujica "We send all possible solidarity to the Argentine people and President Cristina Fernandez... Life goes on, but it is a reminder to everyone that life can be taken from us at any moment."

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Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos "(His death) is a great loss for Argentina and for the continent. Recently I had the opportunity to strike up a good friendship with him. He was always ready to do his bit to improve our relations with the whole region." Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva "In Nestor Kirchner I always had a great ally and close friend. He played an important part in the economic, social and political rebuilding of his country and made important efforts in the common struggle for South American integration. Brazilians share the pain of our Argentine brothers at this bitter moment." US President Barack Obama "On behalf of the American people, I offer my sincere condolences to the Argentine people and to President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner... Nestor Kirchner played a significant role in the political life of Argentina and had embarked upon an important new chapter with (the South American regional grouping) Unasur. Michelle's and my thoughts and prayers are with President Fernandez de Kirchner and their children." Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero In a telegram sent to Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner: "Still deeply shocked by the sad news of the death of former president Nestor Kirchner, I would like to convey my sincere condolences on behalf of the Spanish government and myself. Please be assured, dear president and friend Cristina, that the love of the Spanish people will be with you at this time of deep sorrow." World Jewish Congress President Ronald S Lauder "During his term in office, President Kirchner brought Argentina back on track - not just economically, but also morally, with respect to the human rights violations of the past, especially under the military dictatorship in the 1970s. Both the late President Kirchner and his wife, current President Cristina Fernandez, have played a tremendous role in ensuring that Argentina today is one of the world's foremost democracies, where the civil rights of all religious and ethnic minorities are respected."

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Nestor Kirchner, ex-president of Argentina, dies at 60 Jerusalem Post, Israel 28 October 2010 By GIL SHEFLER AND ASSOCIATED PRESS Ronald Lauder: ―Largely thanks to the Kirchners, Argentina has again become a good place for Jews to live.‖

Former Argentine president Nestor Kirchner – the country‘s most powerful politician along with his wife, current leader Cristina Fernández – died suddenly Wednesday after suffering a heart attack, the presidency said. Kirchner, 60, died after he was rushed in grave condition to the Formenti de Calafate Hospital while having a severe heart attack, according to the presidency. Kirchner had undergone an angioplasty after a heart attack in September, but was still a likely candidate in next year‘s presidential elections. He also served as secretary-general of the South American alliance known as Unasur, as a congressman and as leader of the Peronist party. The news shocked Argentines, who by law were staying at home Wednesday to be counted. Kirchner‘s supporters planned a mass gathering for Wednesday night outside the Casa Rosada, Argentina‘s presidential palace. Already, dozens of Argentines showed up in the Plaza de Mayo in front of the palace, standing silently in mourning. Kirchner served as president from 2003-2007, bringing Argentina out of severe economic crisis and encouraging judicial changes that set in motion dozens of human rights trials involving hundreds of dictatorship-era figures who had previously benefited from an amnesty. Jewish leaders also responded to news of Kirchner‘s death. The World Jewish Congress offered condolences to the Argentinean people and the country‘s Jewish community, calling the deceased leader an ―excellent president.‖ ―During his term in office, president Kirchner brought Argentina back on track – not just economically, but also morally, with respect to the human rights violations of the past, especially under the military dictatorship in the 1970s,‖ WJC President Ronald Lauder said. ―Both the late president Kirchner and his wife, current President Cristina Fernández, have played a tremendous role in ensuring that Argentina today is one of the world‘s foremost democracies where the civil rights of all religious and ethnic minorities are respected,‖ he went on. ―Largely thanks to them, Argentina has again become a good place for Jews to live.‖

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Former Argentine president Nestor Kirchner dies suddenly at age 60, Israel 27 October 2010 Kirchner, 60, was considered closest adviser to his wife, President Cristina Fernandez; local media said he died of a heart-attack. By News Agencies Former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner, the current president's husband and a contender to succeed her in next year's election, died suddenly on Wednesday. Kirchner, 60, was considered President Cristina Fernandez's closest adviser and was a major power broker in her government. Local media said he died of a heartattack. "It was a sudden death," Kirchner's doctor Luis Buonomo told Reuters after the former president died in the southern city of El Calafate. The left-leaning Kirchner, who had undergone two arterial procedures earlier this year, hails from Argentina's dominant Peronist party and was president from 2003 to 2007. He oversaw Argentina's recovery from a devastating economic crisis and many Argentines credit him with putting South America's No. 2 economy back on its feet. "He did a lot for the country. The country was broken, destroyed and he straightened things out," said Lito, 67, a Buenos Aires taxi driver. "He was in love with politics, and he was a strong man, but in the end politics was stronger than him." Kirchner was, however, reviled by critics as authoritarian and Argentine assets traded abroad rallied on the news of his death. Kirchner, like his wife, peppered his presidential speeches with outspoken criticism of big business and political rivals and that made him a polarizing figure in the turbulent world of Argentine politics. He focused on cementing political alliances at home to shore up his administration and that of his wife, but he also forged close links abroad with Latin American leftists such as Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, who called his death "a huge loss." Investors disliked Kirchner's unorthodox economic policies, which have largely continued during his wife's administration, and Argentine bond prices rallied in New York on Wednesday. Argentina's portion of the JP Morgan EMBI Plus sovereign bond index tightened 53 basis points to 529 basis points in morning trade, the tightest level in more than two years. The index overall was just 7 basis points tighter.

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Local debt markets were closed for a national holiday. Argentinean Jewish leader Eduardo Elsztain praised Kirchner in a public statement. ―President Néstor Kirchner always had an open ear for concerns among the Jewish community – not just in Argentina, but across the continent. He often interceded, for the benefit of our communities, with fellow statesmen in other countries.‖ A number of other Jewish leaders, including representatives of the American Jewish Committee, the World Jewish Congress, and B'nai Brith, also paid tribute to Kirchner.

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World Jewish Congress defends Israel at Qatar conference Jerusalem Post Online, Israel 19 October 2010 By GIL SHEFLER Representatives of the World Jewish Congress took part in the Conference of Inter-Faith Dialogue in Doha, Qatar on Tuesday. Vice President Rabbi Marc Schneier, who is founding president of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, WJC Deputy Secretary-General Maram Stern, who is in charge of inter-religious dialogue, and Claudio Epelman, executive director of the Latin American Jewish Congress, are in the Gulf Emirate of Qatar where the meeting is being held this week. At the conference, Schneier defended Israel against a diatribe by Sheikh Taysir alTamimi, the chief Islamic judge of the Palestinian Authority, who said at the conference that Israel was "illegally occupying" and "Judaizing" Jerusalem. Rabbi Schneier declared: "Jerusalem represents Jewish hopes and dreams. For millennia, we have prayed toward Jerusalem. We pray at the Western Wall, we mourn the destruction of our Temple 2,000 years ago, and we tell each other 'Next year in Jerusalem'. Jerusalem has always been the capital of the Jewish state, ancient or modern. It is therefore an insult to all of us to accuse us of illegally occupying the city."

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Rabbi: Insult to say Jerusalem 'illegally occupied' Ma'an News Agency, Palestinian Autonomy 19 October 2010 BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The World Jewish Congress vice-president said it was an "insult to all of us to accuse us of illegally occupying [Jerusalem]," a statement issued Tuesday read. Rabbi Marc Schneider's comments were made at the 8th Doha Conference of Inter-Faith Dialogue in Qatar, which opened on Tuesday and will be convening during the course of the week. The statement said Schneider's remarks came in response to comments by chief Palestinian Authority Islamic judge Taysir At-Tamimi during the conference, telling conveners that Israel occupied Jerusalem and was "judaizing" the city. "Jerusalem represents Jewish hopes and dreams. For millennia, we have prayed toward Jerusalem ... Jerusalem has always been the capital of the Jewish state, ancient or modern. It is therefore an insult to all of us to accuse us of illegally occupying the city," Schneider said. He added: "At the same time, we respect that Jerusalem is a holy place for Christians and Muslims as well. We know that the status of Jerusalem is at the forefront of peace talks, but denying the other side's right to be here is wrong and counter-productive." Israel illegally annexed East Jerusalem following the 1967 war, a move not recognized by the international community. According to the UN, East Jerusalem is considered under occupation. The fate of the eastern part of the city has been a stumbling block in past negotiations and is considered a final status issue. The UN recently condemned Israel's settlement enterprise in East Jerusalem, citing that it was in violation of international law. Meanwhile, the WJC vice president praised organizers of the inter-faith conference. "This is what inter-religious dialogue is all about: winning the future, and not fighting the battles of the past."

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Fears over Greek 'bigot' trial Jewish Chronicle, UK 16 September 2010 By Jennifer Lipman The World Jewish Congress (WJC) has called for an independent EU observer to attend a court case involving an extremist Greek writer who has described Jews as "subhuman" and questioned the Holocaust. Konstantinos Plevris was found guilty of inciting racial hatred in 2007 and sentenced to 14 months in jail, but was later acquitted in an appeal. He is now taking legal action against a series of his critic, including three Greek human rights activists. The notorious right-wing historian penned a book called ―Jews: the whole truth‟ in which he wrote: ―I am a Nazi and a fascist, I am racist, anti-democratic and I am an antisemite.‖ The trial is set to begin on September 22 in Athens. But the WJR called the case ―a perversion of justice‖ and ―an assault on fundamental European values.‖ In a letter to the president of the European Parliament, the WJC vice president Maram Stern said there should be an official envoy to the trial. Mr Stern said this was crucial ―to ascertain whether the Greek courts act in agreement with the basic principles of the EU.‖ He also criticised the Greek judiciary for acquitting Mr Plevris. ―We must not allow a situation in which people who speak out against bigots are prosecuted while the hatemongers themselves are acquitted.‖

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Maram Stern - Spanische Verhältnisse Jüdische Allgemeine, Germany 16 September 2010 Mehr als 500 Jahre nach Vertreibung der Juden von der iberischen Halbinsel hegt über ein Drittel der Spanier antisemitische Vorurteile. Das zeigt eine neue Umfrage der Regierung in Madrid. Als Grund dafür nennen die meisten Israels Politik. Jeder Neunte ist sogar der Meinung, der jüdische Staat habe gar keine Existenzberechtigung. Nur der Iran ist noch unbeliebter. Es wird Zeit, dass die spanische Politik mutig gegensteuert. Beide politischen Lager, Sozialisten und Konservative, haben Köpfe, die sich dem Trend zur Verteufelung Israels widersetzen: Außenminister Miguel Ángel Moratinos und der frühere Premier José María Aznar seien stellvertretend genannt. In den spanischen Medien, die sehr einseitig über den Nahostkonflikt berichten und Israel wenig Positives abgewinnen, ist die Lage dagegen eine völlig andere. Die Umfrageergebnisse sind daher keine Überraschung. Dabei sollte sich das ebenfalls vom Terrorismus heimgesuchte Spanien eigentlich als natürlicher Verbündeter Israels sehen. Aber uralte Vorurteile gegenüber den Juden zu pflegen, ist für viele wohl bequemer – leider kein Einzelfall in Europa. Der Autor ist Vizepräsident und stellv. Generalsekretär des Jüdischen Weltkongresses.

Translation Maram Stern – The Spanish situation More than 500 years after the expulsion of Jews from the Iberian peninsula, a third of the Spanish population still harbours anti-Semitic prejudices, a new survey by the government in Madrid has found. Most respondents give Israel‘s policies as the reason. One out of nine respondents even thinks that the Jewish state has no right to exist. Only Iran is even less popular. It is time that Spanish politicians have the courage to act against this trend. Both political camps, Socialists and Conservatives, have leaders which oppose the trend to demonize Israel: Foreign Minister Moratinos and the former PM Aznar can be mentioned in this respect. However, the situation is very different in the Spanish media, whose coverage of the Middle East conflict is very biased. Hence the result of the opinion poll don‘t come as a surprise. One would believe that Spain, which has also suffered from terrorism, should be a natural ally of Israel. Alas, to many is seems more convenient to continue with old prejudices against the Jews – not an isolated case here in Europe.

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The author is vice-president and deputy secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress.

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OP-ED Der benutzte Jude Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany 8 September 2010 Ein Gastbeitrag von Maram Stern Egal ob Bundesbank-Vorstand Sarrazin oder EU-Handelskommissar De Gucht: Immer wieder gebrauchen die Menschen den Juden, um ihre eigenen Thesen zu den unterschiedlichsten Themen in der Welt zu verbreiten. Warum bloß?

Da stehen nun also zwei Meinungen von hochrangigen politischen Persönlichkeiten im Raum. Auf der einen Seite hat Bundesbank-Vorstand Thilo Sarrazin behauptet, es gebe ein jüdisches Gen. Bereits früher hat er die Meinung geäußert, osteuropäische Juden seien intelligenter als durchschnittliche Deutsche. Auf der anderen Seite behauptet EU-Handelskommissar Karel De Gucht, man könne dem durchschnittlichen Juden nicht mit rationalen Argumenten kommen, da dieser glaube, immer recht zu haben. Als Jude fragt man sich, warum diese Leute immer den Juden brauchen, um ihre eigenen Thesen zu den unterschiedlichsten Themen in der Welt zu verbreiten? Könnten sie nicht mit ihrer gesammelten Intelligenz und all ihren rationalen Argumenten einfach darauf verzichten, uns zum Beleg für ihre Thesen machen zu wollen? Die Erfahrung gibt die Antwort. Und die Antwort lautet: Nein. Bei der Diskussion um Sarrazin ging im Medientrubel anfangs unter, dass der Mann gar nichts gegen Juden sagen wollte, sondern im Gegenteil von diesen eine seiner Ansicht nach hohe Meinung hat. Der Ansatz, unterschiedliche Menschen, Gruppen und Kulturen über Genetik definieren und daraus dann auch noch Folgerungen für

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die praktische Politik ableiten zu wollen, ist aber ein Unding. Und es ist auch Unfug zu sagen, dass Juden schlauer sind als andere. Es gibt große und kleine Juden, dicke und dünne, schlaue und dumme. Selbst wer meint, uns Juden durch die Zuweisung besonderer Eigenschaften - und dies auch noch auf genetischer Grundlage - einen Gefallen zu tun, der irrt. Denn praktisch passiert genau das Gegenteil. Wenn auch positiv, wir Juden werden wieder herausgehoben aus der Allgemeinheit, in eine Sonderstellung versetzt und damit letztlich doch wieder stigmatisiert. Es muss sich noch in vielen Köpfen die Erkenntnis durchsetzen, dass wir Juden einfach nur Menschen sind, wie alle anderen auch. De Gucht redet der antijüdischen Propaganda das Wort Schlimmer als Sarrazin macht der EU-Handelskommissar Karel De Gucht deutlich, was in seinem Kopf vorgeht. Der "durchschnittliche Jude" glaube, immer im Recht zu sein. Deshalb sei er schwer mit rationalen Argumenten zu erreichen. Und geradezu verschwörerisch warnt De Gucht davor, die Macht und den Einfluss der jüdischen Lobby auf die Politik in den Vereinigten Staaten zu unterschätzen. Darin sieht er auch ein Haupthindernis für Frieden im Nahen Osten. Es fehlt nicht mehr viel zur elenden Stereotype von der "jüdischen Weltverschwörung", wie sie seit Jahrzehnten als Obsession in der Gedankenwelt verschrobener Menschen wohnt. Vom kleinsten Vogelzuchtverein bis zum größten Industriekonzern organisieren sich Menschen auf dieser Welt und vertreten gemeinsam ihre Interessen. Allerdings existiert zu keinem Umweltschutzverband, keiner Gewerkschaft und keinem Grundbesitzerverein die Mär, die jeweilige Organisation habe die Politik fest im Griff. Aber bei den Juden soll es angeblich so sein. Mindestens genauso schlimm wie De Guchts Fixierung auf die vermeintliche Macht der "jüdischen Lobby" ist aber seine gleichzeitig geäußerte Auffassung, diese würde den Frieden im Nahen Osten verhindern. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine infame Unterstellung, die allen Erklärungen und erlebbaren Tatsachen wiederspricht. De Gucht redet mit seinen Äußerungen in erschreckender Weise der antijüdischen Propaganda jener islamischer Radikaler das Wort, die keine Verständigung suchen. Man weiß allerdings nicht, worüber man sich mehr ärgern muss: über De Guchts ursprüngliche Auslassungen oder über seine heuchlerischen und verlogenen Ausreden danach. Nach Ausbruch massiver Kritik an seinen Äußerungen fühlt sich der langjährig erfahrene Politiker plötzlich missverstanden. Seine Äußerungen seien in einer Weise interpretiert worden, wie er sie gar nicht gemeint habe. Wie anders hätte er sie denn meinen können, als es alle aufmerksamen Beobachter, auch in der arabischen Welt, verstanden haben? Auf keinen Fall habe er die jüdische Gemeinschaft stigmatisieren wollen, sagt De Gucht. Und doch hat er genau dies

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getan. Für Antisemitismus gebe es in dieser Welt keinen Platz, bemüht er sich weiterhin zu erklären. Und doch drücken seine Äußerungen genau das Gegenteil aus. Pure Heuchelei Da hilft es auch nichts, dass der Kommissar und die gesamte EU-Kommission sich bemühen, die Äußerungen als "persönliche Meinung" zu deklarieren. Wenn ein EUKommissar zu einem politischen Thema mit einem Radiosender spricht, dann ist das immer eine politische Erklärung. Und deshalb ist De Guchts vermeintliche Entschuldigung auch keine solche, sondern vielmehr eine schlichte Ausrede und pure Heuchelei. Gelegentlich wird beklagt, dass es ein Übermaß an Political Correctness gebe und jedes Wort auf die Goldwaage gelegt werde. Wir Juden erleben allerdings auch heutzutage noch allzu oft, dass den Worten der einen die Taten der anderen folgen. Eine existierende Political Correctness hätte im Falle von Karel De Gucht dazu führen müssen, dass die verlogenen Ausreden von einer aufmerksamen Öffentlichkeit zurückgewiesen worden wären. Dieser Mann hat ausgesprochen, was er denkt, und entgegen seinen Beteuerungen gibt es keine andere Interpretationsmöglichkeit als diejenige, die beim Auditorium ankam. Wir haben die Botschaft verstanden. Wir haben gesehen, wie tief antijüdische Vorurteile selbst in führenden Kreisen verwurzelt sind. Und wir haben verstanden, dass weder die Europäische Kommission noch irgendeine nationale Regierung in Europa diesem Umstand eine weitergehende Bedeutung beigemessen hat. Mit dem Kredit und dem Vertrauen, den De Gucht für sich als Person vollständig verspielt hat, geht also auch ein Stück Vertrauen in andere Institutionen verloren. Und damit schließt sich zumindest für alle Verschwörungstheoretiker am Ende wieder ein Kreis. Denn wir Juden haben wieder einmal gelernt, dass wir uns am besten auf uns selbst und unsere eigene Stärke verlassen. Dazu müssen wir unsere Interessen organisieren und ständig neu vergewissern, wer tatsächlich ein verlässlicher Partner ist. Dass wir Juden in der amerikanischen Politik häufig die besseren Partner haben, stimmt mich als Deutschen und Europäer nachdenklich. Dem durchschnittlichen Juden, der ich auch bin, gibt es Sicherheit. Maram Stern, 55, ist Vizepräsident und stellvertretender Generalsekretär des Jüdischen Weltkongresses. Er leitet das Europabüro der Organisation in Brüssel.

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Summary translation The useful Jew By Maram Stern Why do some people, such as Bundesbank director Thilo Sarrazin or EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht, have to refer to Jews when making political statements? Attempts to refer to Jews as a genetically or politically homogenous group and then draw specific political lessons are scandalous. It is also stupid to say that Jews are more intelligent than others. Why can‘t people use their political intelligence to do without references to us when making their political case? From trade unions to environmental NGOs there are many associations out there who advocate particular interests, yet none of them is being accused of having a total grip on politics. Only the 'Jewish lobby' is. There are big Jews and small Jews, fat ones and thin ones, smart ones and stupid ones. Those who think that they do us a favour by saying that we‘re more intelligent than others – especially referring to genetics – are wrong. The only thing they achieve is assign us a special status in society which in the end is nothing but a different way to stigmatise us. EU Trade Commissioner De Gucht makes it even plainer: although he claims he did not want to stigmatize the Jewish community that is precisely what he has done. The ‗average‘ Jew, he argues, believes he or she is always right and therefore difficult to convince by rational arguments. And he blames the ‗Jewish lobby‘ in the US for having a grip on American foreign policy, therefore making a peace deal in the Middle East difficult to achieve. This is not far from the sordid stereotype of a world-wide ‗Jewish conspiracy‘. The image De Gucht paints is also far from the truth. With his words, he advances the cause of those hate preachers in the Islamic world whose anti-Jewish propaganda undermines all attempts for dialogue and conciliation. I‘m uncertain what is worse: De Gucht‘s original statements, or his hypocritical reaction afterwards. After he was rightly criticised, he suddenly felt misunderstood and misinterpreted. The fact that he and the European Commission tried to portray his statement as a 'personal opinion' is not helpful either. When an EU commissioner makes a statement on radio about such a political issue, it always constitutes a political declaration. De Gucht's 'apology' is in fact not an apology at all.

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This only shows how deeply rooted anti-Jewish sentiment still is in Europe. We Jews have got the message. De Gucht has completely lost political credit, and with it the EU institutions have also lost some of their credit. Sometimes, people say that there is too much ‗political correctness‘ in public debate. However, we Jews often see that the words of some are followed by the actions of others. Hence, it would have been imperative for political leaders in Europe to condemn De Gucht‘s statements, but neither the European Commission nor national governments in Europe took the matter seriously. The lesson for us Jews is this: we need to rely on our own strengths and organise ourselves well, and we need to check who our partner in politics is, and who isn‘t. As a German and a European Jew, is lamentable to see that Jews have more allies among politicians in the United States than here in Europe. At the very least, American support gives the average Jew - I am one of them – here a certain degree of security. Maram Stern, 55, is deputy secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress and runs the organization‘s European office in Brussels.

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The World Jewish Congress Celebrates the IDF‟s Aid to Haiti IDF News, Israel 8 September 2010 The leadership of the World Jewish Congress recognized members of the IDF rescue mission to Haiti

''At the end of the day, the greatest gift is to be there and to save lives''. Archive Photo: IDF Spokesperson Ran Ladin, IDF Spokesperson The leadership of the World Jewish Congress recognized members of the IDF rescue mission to Haiti. President of the Congress: ―When Israel does something to help another nation, it helps every Jewish community in the world.‖ Rotem Caro Weizman Leaders from the World Jewish Congress convened last week in Israel to honor members of the IDF rescue mission to Haiti. During the ceremony, Certificates of Recognition were awarded to the Home Front Command, the Amirim Communications Battalion, the Shaldag Unit, the Oketz Unit, the IDF Spokesperson Unit, the Israeli police, the Zaka organization, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all of which participated in the rescue mission.

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―There is special significance in mentioning the commendable humanitarian acts of the state of Israel and especially of the IDF,‖ the President of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald S. Lauder, told the IDF Website. ―The Congress is a worldly body and when Israel does something for another nation it helps Jewish communities in every member country of the Congress, especially when so many are slandering and trying to delegitimize the existence of the state of Israel.‖ The Head Medical Officer, Brig. Gen. Dr. Nachman Eish, from whose corps several soldiers were sent on the mission to Haiti, was moved by the special mention. ―You go on a mission because of its importance, the importance of helping others without always thinking about what you represent. But at the end of the day, the greatest gift is to be there and to save lives. Only afterwards do you understand that in so doing, you actually represented the Jewish people and brought respect and admiration to them, despite coming from a small country. We got there quickly, we were efficient and ultimately made a large contribution.‖ Two fighters from the Oketz K-9 Unit who were presented with the award were received with cheers and applause, which was extremely touching to the two. ―First of all, I‘m proud of Israel,‖ said Sgt. First Class Dror Tropel. ―It warms the heart to feel the great recognition and it strengthens the desire to continue giving.‖

The World Jewish Congress: Representatives from 80 countries The World Jewish Congress was established in 1936, with the purpose of heeding needs and wants of Jewish communities all over the world. It unites Jewish community representatives from over 80 countries all over the globe. Every four years, the Congress comes together to develop new strategic programs related to different topics connected to the Jewish world. It also updates its members on the happenings of the Jewish communities around the world. ―In light of recent events, the Congress focused on Israel in order to express solidarity with the Jewish State,‖ Michael Thaidigsmann, one of the organization‘s advisors, said. ―We want to unite the Jewish people in support for Israel.‖

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WJC‟s Lauder to „Post‟: Netanyahu is a great leader Jerusalem Post, Israel 1 September 2010

By ILAN EVYATAR Organization president: ―One of the things I‘ve learned is that the future of Israel depends on the Negev.‖

The Palestinians want peace as much as Israel and if anyone can accomplish a peace agreement, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is the one to do it, World

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Jewish Congress president Ron Lauder said in an exclusive interview with The Jerusalem Post ahead of the organization‘s annual gathering in Jerusalem. Binyamin Netanyahu is a great leader and if something can be accomplished, he will accomplish it,‖ Lauder said, adding that the Palestinians he had spoken to ―want peace as much as Israel.‖ Lauder said that the well-being of Jews and Jewish communities throughout the world depended on a positive outcome from the negotiations commencing in Washington this week, but added that in his view it would have been preferable for the talks to have been held in private without the watchful eye of the world community. ―A peace agreement in the Middle East would mean more stability for Jews everywhere and it would probably lead to a reduction in the manifestations of antiSemitism and incitement, and hopefully lead to an end to the demonization of Israel and the questioning of its right to exist,‖ Lauder said. Lauder, who has extensive contacts in the Arab world and acted as a mediator with Syria during Netanyahu‘s previous term as prime minister, declined to comment on reports that he had met on Netanyahu‘s behalf with King Abdullah of Jordan recently. Asked whether he felt there was any danger to Israel‘s relations with the Hashemite kingdom in the event that the current round of talks failed to yield any progress, Lauder replied: ―The fact is that all the Arab countries, particularly those bordering Israel, are under enormous pressure from their peoples because of the propaganda put out by Iran, by Hizbullah, by Hamas and the fact is that the media has very, very much pushed the peoples‘ anger up higher and higher.‖ Lauder added that he felt the format of the new round of talks put things ―under a very difficult light.‖ ―Even though I do not believe that the outcome of Oslo was correct, I do believe that the way to have success is to have direct talks, but not in public,‖ Lauder said. ―It should be talks where people can agree or disagree without the world looking on. I believe that if there are direct talks, not with Washington or the world looking on, then we could have an agreement.‖ Asked whether he had expressed that point of view to the US government, Lauder said, ―they know my point of view.‖

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Earlier this year, Lauder wrote an open letter to the Obama administration about the ―deteriorating state of relations with Israel.‖ When discussing the letter‘s effect, Lauder focused on the unity he felt it represented. ―One of the most important aspects of the letter was that the entire World Jewish Congress was behind it. And it was the first time, I think, that we all came together as one point of view. ―It was very interesting because this letter really laid out what I think many people in the world, particularly in the Jewish world felt. It had an electrifying effect, not only for many Jewish people who were afraid to talk out, but I do believe it had an effect on the Obama administration because after that, they - very much, I think changed direction. I think they realized that they may have gone too much in the direction of unequal balance. And I think it did have that positive effect.‖ After being asked about the changes made by the Obama administration and his view on the settlements, Lauder offered a measured response. ―First of all, it wasn‘t about settlements; it was more importantly about borders and the fact that Israel has to have defensible borders. It was about Jerusalem, which is the capital of the Jewish people... and there were various other issues that it touched. ―Time will tell but I believe there has been a change... recently when Netanyahu was reinvited to the White House, it was an entirely different atmosphere [as compared] to the past. ―I don‘t know if the letter had the effect or not, but I know there was a dramatic change in the administration‘s attitude toward him and for that matter toward Israel. ―Also, what was interesting is that this letter very much unified the Jewish world. In every country in the world, and everywhere I‘ve been people were talking about the letter and what it meant. Many countries used the letter and translated it into their own languages and sent it out.‖ Returning to the annual gathering of the WJC, Lauder said, ―We are coming to Jerusalem not as 82 different communities but as one community and I think that it‘s fascinating that, from left to right, we stand united behind Israel and with Israel.‖

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He continued, ―I think that never since the founding of the WJC in 1936 has there been a more critical time for the WJC to be active. There is a whole question of delegitimization of Israel coming from many different areas. It is not only a question of explaining, but to sit down and take action. It is a critical time and from what I can see from my travels, the WJC has had an amazing effect.‖ Asked how the WJC differed from other Jewish organizations, Lauder said it was the only organization that was global in its scope and worked with the Diaspora for the benefit of Israel. ―I have focused on making the WJC a global Jewish enterprise merging the Diaspora and Israel,‖ Lauder said. ―A key part of what we are doing is striking a balance between the Diaspora and Israel, what‘s right for the Jewish world is right for Israel and vice versa.‖ Lauder said he had agreed to take over the WJC in 2007 from Edgar Bronfman out of a belief that he was ―the only person out there that could do it not only because of my international contacts, but my belief, my heart, my ability and frankly my ability to finance it.‖ Lauder was not always actively involved in Jewish affairs. His ―awakening‖ came when he served as the United States ambassador to Austria during the Ronald Reagan administration. ―I thank very, very much [Austrian] president Kurt Waldheim for that awakening,‖ Lauder said. ―Before I came to Austria, I was a three-day-a-year Jew. I was a very typical New York assimilated Jew and frankly for the first time in my life, I was attacked not as an American but as an American Jew. ―When I made the decision not to go to Kurt Waldheim‘s swearing-in ceremony because I felt he was somebody who had lied about his past, I made a political statement. I took a great deal of criticism for that, but in the end, people knew I was right. The more [the Austrian media] attacked, the stronger I got as far as being Jewish. ―When Waldheim was running for president, I remember being in Stephansplatz and listening to him speak and he said, ‗if I‘m guilty, then your fathers are guilty,

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and you‘re guilty and your uncles and cousins are guilty, because I did nothing different than they did.‘ ―I came forth and said, ‗Hey, that‘s not correct. Austria was not the first victim; it was an accomplice,‘ and they said ‗American Jew‘.‖ Lauder, who together with his brother Leonard inherited the Estee Lauder cosmetics empire, has invested heavily in Israel - including in Channel 10 - but his passion is for developing the Negev. ―One of the things I‘ve learned is that the future of Israel depends on the Negev,‖ Lauder said. ―I‘ve watched government after government really and truly not put any effort into the Negev. Why? Because there are no votes there. Also the future of the Negev depends on one word - water. And the fact is that we do have the ability to have water in the Negev. ―Underneath the Negev, deep down, there is a great deal of water and for reasons unbeknown to me, it has not been taken out and used. But the real aspect is that that is the future, and if there was a real effort on behalf of the Negev, you would have a great deal of change going on.‖ Lauder said he had spent some time in the Negev a few years ago. ―I spent a month there. I visited several kibbutzim, I slept in trailers, I spoke to settlers and I have great admiration for them. I don‘t feel the government has done enough for them.‖ Lauder revealed that he had recently completed the purchase of Israeli water technology company Nirosoft, which he said he intended to build into a worldwide company. While Lauder said that Israel was highly respected in the field of technology, he noted that regulations and bureaucracy had created a global market, and that as a result Israel had lost many talented managers who had gone overseas. Lauder, who set up the School of Government at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, said it was ―very important that the government do everything it can to support business schools that teach students to become real international businesspeople.‖ One of the world‘s most important art collectors and the co-owner of the Neue Galerie in New York, Lauder replied ―we will see‖ when asked if he would consider

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bringing his collection - which includes Gustav Klimt‘s ―Portrait of Adele BlochBauer‖ for which he paid $135 million in 2006 - for a visiting exhibition at the newly restored Israel Museum. ―The Israel Museum is one of the great museums in the world and I also believe in the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, which I think is a very beautiful museum,‖ he said.

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WJC vows to stand by Israel Jerusalem Post, Israel 1 September 2010

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Jewish community in Venezuela shrinks by half Jerusalem Post, Israel 1 September 2010 Economy, violence and anti-Semitism cited as primary reasons for decline over the last decade. By GIL SHEFLER If someone were to rank the most embattled Jewish communities in the world today, the Jewish community of Venezuela would certainly be high on that list. Over the past decade the community has shrunk by half its size. ―Ten years ago we had about 18,000 members,‖ said Salomon Cohen. ―Now we have about 9,500.‖ Cohen, head of the Confederacion de Asociaciones Israelitas de Venezuela (CAIV), an umbrella group representing the South American country‘s Jewish community, spoke with The Jerusalem Post Tuesday on the sidelines of the World Jewish Congress. The 55-year-old leader of the Jewish community cited three main causes for the community‘s current state. ―First, the economy is not going like it was 10 years before,‖ he said. ―Second, security in general is very, very bad. We have too many killers in Venezuela.‖ Indeed, violent crime is a major issue plaguing Venezuela. According to recent reports the number of civilian deaths in Venezuela in 2009 was approximately 19,000, almost three times higher than that in Iraq. The third factor cited by Cohen was anti-Semitic attacks on the Jewish community. ―We had about 200 attacks on the community,‖ Cohen said. ―When they want to speak about Venezuela negatively they call it the ‗Israel of South America,‘ for instance.‖ Part of the problem is that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is a strong ally of Iran, an avowed enemy of Israel. Chavez is a strong critic of Israeli policy and severed ties with Jerusalem in 2009.

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Anti-Israel sentiment is widespread and supported by the state. In the halftime of the recent soccer World Cup final, local television aired an ad which showed soccer players wearing jerseys with Israel and Zionist emblazoned on them on a soccer pitch with Palestinian women and children. ―This is not a game, this is a massacre,‖ the ad declared. Despite the differences of opinion, Cohen said it was important to remain engaged in dialogue with the government. ―We have direct communication with several government ministers and those in charge of providing security,‖ he said. ―These lines of communication are well established, although we would like to have more.‖

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World Jewish Congress Awards Israeli 'Heroes of Haiti' Israel National News, Israel 5 September 2010 by IsraelNN Staff The World Jewish Congress, meeting in Jerusalem, has awarded Israeli Zaka and other ‘Heroes of Haiti‖ for their rescue efforts after a disastrous earthquake struck the country last January. Israel was the world leader in the rescue operation and was the first country to set up a field hospital for the earthquake victims. A separate award was granted to writer and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Professor Elie Wiesel, who was presented with the first WJC "Guardian of Jerusalem" award in recognition of his lifetime accomplishments on behalf of the Jewish people. The World Jewish Congress is the international organization representing Jewish communities in 92 countries around the world. Former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar delivered a keynote address to delegates about the recently launched Friends of Israel Initiative. Video - IDF, Israel Police and ZAKA representatives receive award:

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Palestinians set their sights on all of Jerusalem Israel Today, Israel 2 September 2010 The Palestinian Authority on Sunday again reiterated to its own people in Arabic that the ultimate goal in regards to Jerusalem is to wrest control of the entire city from Israel. And once again, the international media ignored the nefarious agenda that the Palestinians themselves admit they have. The WAFA news agency, an official mouthpiece of the Palestinian Authority and the PLO wrote that the Palestinian government was outraged this week when the World Jewish Congress kicked off its annual gathering in Jerusalem. "The a blatant defiance of international resolutions, which considers all Israeli actions in Jerusalem as 'invalid and illegal', and which emphasizes that Jerusalem is part and parcel of the occupied territory," read the Palestinian statement. The Palestinians called the World Jewish Congress meeting an act of "Israeli aggression against the holy city" and "a provocation to the feelings of Arab and Islamic nations." The thing is that the World Jewish Congress is being held at the David Citadel Hotel on the western side of Jerusalem, which up until now has not been disputed as sovereign Israeli territory. It was also telling that the Palestinian statement did not use the phrase "East Jerusalem" when referring to Palestinian rights to the city, but rather the entirety of Jerusalem. International media and world leader regularly ignore what the Palestinians and other Arabs say in Arabic as it presents an inconvenience to their own "peace" efforts. However, as Israelis often point out, those words in Arabic are laying the

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Exclusive: Ron Lauder on the 'Deligitimization of Israel' Christian Broadcast Network, USA 2 September 2010 Ron Lauder is one of the most influential Jewish leaders in the world today. As head of the World Jewish Congress, Lauder directed its conference this week here in Jerusalem. One of the main issues they addressed was the growing worldwide threat of the deligitimization of Israel. During the conference, CBN News sat down with Lauder for this exclusive interview. We discussed several topics with him, including the deligitimization threat; the potential of a nuclear Iran, Israel's future development of the Negev Desert, and the growing support of Christians worldwide for the Jewish state. Video:

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Aznar cree que Obama escapa de los problemas del mundo, Spain 1 September 2011 «El presidente Obama ha puesto en movimiento fuerzas que, si no son corregidas, podrían redefinir la nación y su lugar», ha asegurado Obama

El ex presidente de Gobierno de España, José María Aznar, ha criticado duramente la política exterior del presidente estadounidense Barack Obama. Así, Aznar considera que Obama «ha proyectado la imagen de alguien que desea escapar de los problemas del mundo, desde Irak a Afganistán, abrazando a muchos enemigos de Estados Unidos al tiempo que castiga a sus aliados tradicionales». Aznar, ha participado este miércoles en Jerusalén, en la asamblea anual de la junta de gobierno del Congreso Mundial Judío. El ex presidente ha subrayado que «defender el Estado de Israel es lo mismo que defender nuestro sistema liberal» y ha puesto de manifiesto que hacerlo es importante ahora, «en un momento en el que el líder histórico de Occidente, Estados Unidos, está atravesando un tiempo de introspección, agotamiento, y por qué no, confusión». En el Congreso, que reúne durante dos días a 200 líderes de diferentes ámbitos bajo la denominación «We stand by Israel» y que ha sido inaugurado por el presidente de Israel, Simon Peres, Aznar ha insistido en que «Israel es vital para nosotros, para nuestras naciones y sociedades», especialmente si los principales desafíos en el panorama internacional «son un Irán nuclear potencial por un lado y el yihadismo por otro».

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