
islands in the south Atlantic Ocean all the way to the northern ..... ¡Oh Líder de la casa de Israel! Jesús, .... Partic
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December Dec. 6 — St. Nicholas His generosity became embodied in the modernday Santa Claus. Leave a small gift of candy or a prayer card for you children in their shoes. Kids: leave one for your parents.

Dec. 8 — Immaculate Conception Attend Mass on this holy day of obligation.

Dec. 12 — Our Lady of Guadalupe The Patroness of all the Americas (including islands in the south Atlantic Ocean all the way to the northern points of Greenland), the apparition site of Our Lady of Guadalupe is the most popular pilgrimage site for Catholics in the world. Appearing to a very poor man named Juan Diego in the 16th century, Our Lady’s appearance is credited with leading the people of Mexico to convert to Catholicism. Pick a country in the Western Hemisphere you know little about and learn about its people; then pray to Our Lady for them.

Advent Wreath Prayer Say this prayer as you light each candle of your Advent wreath at mealtimes: ALL WEEKS: The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light! (see Is 9:1-2) WEEK 1: God of compassion, be with us in these long and dark days as we await the birth of your son, Jesus. Amen. WEEK 2: God of salvation, help us give voice to the voiceless as we cry out in the name of your son, Jesus. Amen. WEEK 3: God of salvation, help us give voice to the voiceless as we cry out in the name of your son, Jesus. Amen. WEEK 4: God of blessings, we celebrate your good gifts and rejoice at the gift of your son, Jesus. Amen.

Dec. 17 — O Antiphons begin These antiphons focus on the coming of the Lord for the next seven days. Go to this web link to learn more:

Dec. 25 — Jesus’ Birthday You might call it Christmas, but don’t forget what the day really celebrates.

Dec. 30 — Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Do something fun as a family today.



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For centuries Catholics have lit the Advent wreath as part of their spiritual preparation for Christmas. The evergreen branches shaped into a circle represent everlasting life promised to us by Jesus. The lit candles remind us that Jesus came into the world to dispel darkness and radiate the light of God’s love.

Family Activities

DE CE MBE R SU N DAY Prepare the Advent Wreath: 3 purple candles, 1 pink candle, and some greens. Place all on a tray or large plate; light 1st Candle and pray, “Come, Lord Jesus.”


T H U R S DAY Feast of Saint Nicholas Listen to a story about Saint Nicholas, one read by a teacher, catechist, or parent.

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M ONDAY Together, as a class or as a family, compose an Advent Prayer.


FRIDAY How does it feel to wait for something special? Talk as a family about waiting during Advent.


TUESDAY Say a prayer for someone in your family, a classmate, or a friend.


 Feast of the Immaculate Conception Honor Our Lady by being obedient in all you are asked to do.


W ED N ESDAY Construct a small manger from a cardboard box or other materials. From a sheet of yellow construction paper, cut small strips each time you do a kind act during Advent. Place these strips inside the manger to represent the “straw” that will become the bed for the baby Jesus.


and Sadlier ® are registered trademarks of William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright © by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved.   May be reproduced for educational use (not commercial use).

Advent Calendar 2018

Family Activities




Light the 2nd Advent Candle and pray the prayer you wrote on December 3. Feast of Saint Juan Diego Listen to a story of Saint Juan Diego, one read by a teacher, catechist, or parent.

Pay extra attention today in class and at home.

Remember to say grace before meals.




Feast of Saint Lucy Listen to a story of Saint Lucy, one read by a teacher, catechist, or parent.

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Listen to a story about this feast read by a teacher, catechist, or parent.

10 11 12 As a family, perform a kind act for a friend or a stranger.


Help a parent or sibling to prepare a snack or meal to enjoy together.

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and Sadlier ® are registered trademarks of William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright © by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved.   May be reproduced for educational use (not commercial use).

Advent Calendar 2018

Family Activities




Light the 3rd Advent Candle, which is pink because this is Gaudete Sunday.

Today begins the O Antiphons. These are special prayers as the birth of Jesus draws closer. Think about these questions with your class or family. O Wisdom of our God Most High! Jesus, you are our wise teacher. What does this mean to you?

O Leader of the House of Israel! Jesus you are our leader. Do you turn to Jesus as your leader?




O Key of David! Jesus opened the gates of Heaven for us. Say a prayer of thanks as Christmas draws near.

O Radiant Dawn! Jesus is our light! Who sees us as “light?” How can you be light for someone today?

O King of All Nations! Jesus is the king who unites us all. Pray today as a family or a class.

W ED N ESDAY O Root of Jesse’s Stem! Jesse and King David were Jesus’ ancestors. Who are your relatives? How do they impact your life?

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and Sadlier ® are registered trademarks of William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright © by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved.   May be reproduced for educational use (not commercial use).

Advent Calendar 2018

DE CE MBE R SU N DAY Light the 4th Advent Candle and pray the family Advent prayer you wrote.

O Emmanuel! We believe that Jesus is with us always. Who could use your company today with a phone call or a visit?

M ONDAY Come Lord Jesus Come! Pray for one another and put the manger and straw under the Christmas tree.

TUESDAY Christmas Christ is Born! Let us Rejoice! Thank God for the greatest gift, the gift of his only Son!

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Family Activities

and Sadlier ® are registered trademarks of William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright © by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved.   May be reproduced for educational use (not commercial use).

Advent Calendar 2018

DICIE MBRE D O MIN G O Prepara la Corona de Adviento: 3 velas púrpuras, 1 vela rosada y algunas verdes. Colócalas en una bandeja o en un plato grande; enciende la 1a vela y reza, “Ven, Señor Jesús”.




Juntos, ya sea en la clase o en la casa, redacten una oración de Adviento.

Reza una oración por alguien en tu familia, por un compañero de clase o por un amigo.



Construye un pequeño pesebre de una caja de cartón u otro material. Corta pequeñas tiras de una cartulina amarilla cada vez que hagas una buena acción durante el Adviento. Colócalas en el interior del pesebre para representar a la “paja” que se convertirá en el lecho para el niño Jesús.


JUEVES Festividad de San Nicolás Escucha una historia acerca de san Nicolás, leída por un profesor, un catequista o un padre.


VIERNES ¿Cómo se siente esperar algo especial? Habla en familia sobre la espera durante el Adviento.  •  Llame gratis al 800-221-5175


 Festividad de la Inmaculada Concepción Honra a Nuestra Señora siendo obediente en todo lo que se te pida hacer.




Adviento 2018

Actividades familiares

y Sadlier son marcas registradas de William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright por William H. Sadlier, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.  Se puede reproducir para uso educativo (no para uso comercial).

Calendario de

DICIE MBRE D O MIN G O Enciende la 2a vela de Adviento y reza la oración que escribiste el 4 de diciembre.

LUNES Presta atención extra en la clase y en la casa.

M ARTES Recuerda dar las gracias antes de las comidas.

Festividad de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Escucha una historia sobre esta festividad contada por un profesor, catequista o padre.

Festividad de San Juan Diego Escucha la historia de San Juan Diego, contada por un maestro, un catequista o un padre.


10 11 12

JUEVES Festividad de Santa Lucía Escuche la historia de santa Lucía, contada por un maestro, un catequista o un padre.



Como familia, realiza un acto de bondad por un amigo o un desconocido.


Ayuda a un padre o a un hermano a preparar un bocadillo o una comida para disfrutarlo juntos.

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Adviento 2018

Actividades familiares

y Sadlier son marcas registradas de William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright por William H. Sadlier, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.  Se puede reproducir para uso educativo (no para uso comercial).

Calendario de

DICIE MBRE D O MIN G O Enciende la 3a vela de Adviento, la cual es rosada, ya que es domingo de regocijo.

LUNES Hoy comienza las antífonas “O”. Estas son oraciones especiales debido a que el nacimiento de Jesús está cerca. Piensa en estas preguntas con tu clase o familia. ¡Oh sabiduría de nuestro Dios Altísimo! Jesús, tú eres nuestro sabio maestro. ¿Qué significa esto para ti?

M ARTES ¡Oh Líder de la casa de Israel! Jesús, tú eres nuestro líder. ¿Reconoces a Jesús como tu líder?

M IÉR C OL ES ¡Oh tallo de Isaí! Isaí y el rey David fueron los antepasados de Jesús. ¿Cómo están tus parientes? ¿Cómo influyen en tu vida?

16 17 18 19 JUEVES

¡Oh llave de David! Jesús abrió las puertas del cielo para nosotros. Reza una oración de agradecimiento ya que la Navidad está cerca.


¡Oh amanecer radiante! ¡Jesús es nuestra luz! ¿Quién nos ve como “luz”? ¿Cómo puedes ser luz para alguien hoy?


¡Oh Rey de todas las naciones! Jesús es el rey que nos une a todos. Reza hoy en la casa o en la clase.

20 21 22  •  Llame gratis al 800-221-5175


Adviento 2018

Actividades familiares

y Sadlier son marcas registradas de William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright por William H. Sadlier, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.  Se puede reproducir para uso educativo (no para uso comercial).

Calendario de

Adviento 2018 DICIE MBRE

D O MIN G O Enciende la 4a vela de Adviento y reza la oración familiar de Adviento que escribiste. ¡Oh Emmanuel! Creemos que Jesús está siempre con nosotros. ¿A quién podrías ofrecer tu compañía hoy a través de una llamada o una visita?

LUNES ¡Ven Señor Jesús, ven! Recemos unos por otros y pongamos el pesebre y la paja bajo el árbol de Navidad.

M ARTES Navidad ¡Cristo ha nacido! ¡Regocijémonos! ¡Agradezcamos a Dios por el regalo más grande, el regalo de su Único Hijo!


23 24 25

Actividades familiares

y Sadlier son marcas registradas de William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright por William H. Sadlier, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.  Se puede reproducir para uso educativo (no para uso comercial).

Calendario de  •  Llame gratis al 800-221-5175

Encircle this tree with your blessing. May its twinkling lights remind us of the hope and promise of your coming. May we find joy in the memories we share in its tinsel and trimmings. May the presents we place beneath it give rise to an appreciation for the gift of your presence among us. We ask this in your holy name. Amen. 


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Lord Jesus, Encircle this tree with your blessing. May its twinkling lights remind us of the hope and promise of your coming. May we find joy in the memories we share in its tinsel and trimmings. May the presents we place beneath it give rise to an appreciation for the gift of your presence among us. We ask this in your holy name. Amen. 


Toll Free 800-221-517

and Sadlier ® are registered trademarks of William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright ©2016 by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved.   May be reproduced for education use (not commercial use)

Lord Jesus,

Christmas Tree Blessing and Sadlier ® are registered trademarks of William H. Sadlier, Inc.  Copyright ©2016 by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved.   May be reproduced for education use (not commercial use)

Christmas Tree Blessing

Que sus luces titilantes nos recuerden de la esperanza y la promesa de tu venida. Que encontremos la alegría en los recuerdos que compartimos en sus adornos y ribetes. Que los regalos que colocamos debajo de él den lugar al agradecimiento por el regalo de tu presencia entre nosotros. Te lo pedimos en tu santo nombre.

Rodea a este árbol con tu bendición. Que sus luces titilantes nos recuerden de la esperanza y la promesa de tu venida. Que encontremos la alegría en los recuerdos que compartimos en sus adornos y ribetes. Que los regalos que colocamos debajo de él den lugar al agradecimiento por el regalo de tu presencia entre nosotros. Te lo pedimos en tu santo nombre. Amén.



Señor Jesús, 


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Rodea a este árbol con tu bendición.

Bendición del árbol de Navidad y Sadlier son marcas registradas de William H. Sadlier, Inc. Copyright 2016 por William H. Sadlier, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Se puede reproducir para uso educativo (no para uso comercial)

Señor Jesús,

y Sadlier son marcas registradas de William H. Sadlier, Inc. Copyright 2016 por William H. Sadlier, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Se puede reproducir para uso educativo (no para uso comercial)

Bendición del árbol de Navidad 


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WHAT IS ADVENT? Get FORMED Advent Reflections for You and Your Whole Family How will you prepare for Christmas? Enrich your Advent with daily reflections for you and your kids sent directly to your inbox! Walk with Dr. Tim Gray on a journey of renewal to ready your heart for the coming of Christ! Plus, add children’s reflections to your daily email, and Herald Entertainment’s beloved Brother Francis will help your kids get ready for Christmas with joyful songs and valuable lessons.


For more information, visit

3 Keys to a Special Advent

Watch Dr. Tim Gray now! Let’s Get Ready for Christmas with Brother Francis! Watch Now

Advent means “arrival”. The Jewish people had been anticipating for centuries the arrival of the Messiah who would bring them a new deliverance, a new covenant, a new temple, and a new promised land. Advent invites us to joyfully and prayerfully anticipate the birth the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Tips to Make the Most of Advent Prepare the Way: An Advent Journey

Participate in the Prepare the Way Advent Video Study

The themes for Advent are: 1) how God has saved His people in the past; 2) how God is saving His people in the present; 3) how Jesus Christ will ultimately come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. Episodes from the Symbolon series deliver beautiful and insightful teaching on each of these themes.

⊲ Week I: The Story of Salvation ⊲ Week II: Who is Jesus?

⊲ Week III: The Paschal Mystery ⊲ Week IV: The Last Things

Display an Advent Wreath

Display a wreath in your home, light the candle that corresponds to the week in Advent, watch Opening the Word to prepare for the Sunday readings, and use the guide for discussion and reflection.

⊲ Opening the Word Year C (Advent through Epiphany)

Bless Your Christmas Tree

Read along to the animated storybook Kristoph and the First Christmas Tree and recite the blessing for your own Christmas Tree.

⊲ Kristoph and the First Christmas Tree

Celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas with Your Children

Watch Nicholas on December 5th and have your children place a shoe in the entryway before going to bed so they awake on the Feast of St. Nicholas with a shoe full of candy.

⊲ Nicholas

Commit to Daily Devotional Reading

Commit to reading an excerpt from one of the following inspiring e-books every day during Advent and Christmas.

⊲ Come, Lord Jesus: Meditations on the Art of Waiting - Mother Mary Francis

⊲ Advent of the Heart - Alfred Delp

Read to Your Children

Spend quality time reading to your children the charming story Christmas with Bernadette.

⊲ Christmas with Bernadette

Watch Only Religious Movies

Advent is a great time to refrain from secular entertainment and fix our attention on the things of God.

⊲ Mary of Nazareth ⊲ Brother Francis: O Holy Night

⊲ The Story of the Nativity ⊲ Hildegard’s Gift

Daily Lenten Reflections

Prepare for Christmas Like Never Before Get FORMED Daily Reflections for You and Your Whole Family How will you prepare for Christmas? Enrich your Advent with daily reflections for you and your kids sent directly to your inbox! Walk with Dr. Tim Gray on a journey of renewal to ready your heart for the

3 Keys to a Special Advent

coming of Christ! Plus, add children’s reflections to your daily email, and Herald Entertainment’s beloved Brother Francis will help your kids get ready for Christmas with joyful songs and valuable lessons.


Sign up at or with the FORMED app!

Watch Dr. Tim Gray now! Let’s Get Ready for Christmas with Brother Francis! Watch Now

Daily Lenten Reflections

¡Prepárate para esta Navidad como nunca antes, con enriquecedoras reflexiones diarias que FORMED tiene para ti y toda tu familia! ¿Cómo te vas a preparar para esta Navidad? ¡Vive este Adviento con enriquecedoras reflexiones diarias

3 claves para vivir este adviento de manera especial

para ti y tus hijos enviadas directamente a tu correo electrónico! ¡Acompaña al P. Luis Granados en un viaje de renovación, para preparar tu corazón a la venida de Cristo! Puedes agregar también las reflexiones para niños (disponibles en inglés), a tu correo electrónico de reflexión diaria! Nuestro querido amigo Brother Francis, ayudará a tus hijos a prepararse para la Navidad con canciones alegres y valiosas lecciones. ¿NO TIENES AÚN TU SUBSCRIPCIÓN GRATUITA A FORMED? ⊲ Regístrate en:

¡Regístrate hoy en o descargando la aplicación móvil de FORMED!

Reflexión diaria con el P. Luis Granados, DCJM! ¡Prepara a tus hijos para la Navidad con nuestro amigo Brother Francis!