10 RS

GENERAL POWER OF ATTO-^NEY ... Registered Trade Mark Attorney, 5/2, Raj Naraln Road, civil. Lines ... JHKRiuF this power Of Attorney is executed at.
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10 RS.





KNOWN . J X rCN BY THEjE tRE^EwTii t h a t I , Mlachel Reckeweg, G e n e r a l Manager of D r . Reckewefl & Cci,, B e r l i n e r Ring, 32 - D - 6 4 6 2 5 , Bensheim ( G e r m a n y ) , ' a dujly a u t h o r i s e d p e r s o n on b e h a l f of t h e Company, do h e r e b y a p p d o i n t a n d n o m i n a t e S h r i Aman Mangla s / o 3 h . M.L.Mangla, Q o v t , of I n d i a R e g i s t e r e d T r a d e Mark A t t o r n e y , 5 / 2 , Raj N a r a l n Road, c i v i l L i n e s , D e l h i - l l O 0 5 4 , h e r e i n a f t e r c a l l e d a s t h e "Lawful Attorney" and t o do and perform and c a u s e t o b e p e r f c c m e d the following a c t s , d e e d s a n d t h i n g s f o r and on b e h a l f of t h e CompanyJ-



- - -


To file application for registration of our trade marks, names, logo, monogram, copyrights, patents, designs and all other connected matters before the appropriate authorities. Tribunals and courts for and on behalf of the company;


To sign, verify the pleadings, complaints, replies. Affidavits, rejoinders, etc. in connection with any case or suit or complaint tor and on behalf of the Comrany; including the Institution of the said suits/complaints thereof;

iii) To appoint any legal practitioner/AdvocateCsJ for conducting the aforesaid applications, petitions, complaints* cases and suits for and on behalf of the Co; iv) To give statement on oath to compromise or to withdraw any such matter for and on behalf of the Company;



To f i l e any appeal, r e v i s i o n , review, for and on behalf of the Company;


To f i l e criminal complaints under s e c t i o n 78 U 79 of the Trade & Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 as well as Section 63 of t h e Indiah Copyright Act, 1957 for and ofl behalf of the Company;




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To d e p o s i t , withdraw any amount f o r and on behalf of our Company and t o give and obtain t h e r e c e i p t s again at such deposi t s or w ithdrawa I s ;

v i i i ) To sign and submit t h e a p p l i c a t i o n s cefore t h e Registry of Trade Marks, Registry of Copyright, C o n t r o l l e r of t-atents S( Designs and t o pursue such applications t i l l final disposal; ix)

Appear oefore any Tribunal, a u t h o r i t y or courts t o r and on behalf of our Company;


AND,-g#n«rally t o do a l l eudhajts, deeds-and things t h a t our s a i d lawful a t t o r n e y s h a l l deem f i t and proper f o r the e f f e c t i v e and f i n a l disposal/prcsecu. tion of such l e g a l m a t t e r s in a court of law;


The lawful attorney i s further a u t h o r i s e d t o do or perform a l l the inspection and a n c i l l a r y acts and deeds in connection with the proceedings, herein authorised above; .

ANO, I hereby r a t i f y a l l t h e a c t s , deeds and t h i n g s performed by our s a i d Attorney as having been done by me and for and on behalf of our Company, IK WITN6;bS ."JHKRiuF t h i s power Of Attorney i s executed a t Delhi on t h i s i7th day of October, l9*8 in t h e presence of witnesses, /• " ^





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2 Augusto B l a 5 i - ^ { ; y

(iX:'. 7(M2AGHEL Rii' O^a^Rfij i-IAW^KH, Dr.RecXwwed £c C o . . Bensheim (Germany)

Urk.RolleNr. 593/1998 Die umstehende. vor mir anerkannte Namensunterschrift des mir von Person bekannten Herrn Michael Reckeweg, geb. am 12.11.1951, wohnhaft Diirerstr. 2, 64625 Bensheim, hier handelnd als alleinvertretungsberechtigter Geschaftsfiihrer der Firma Pharmazeutische Fabrik Dr. Reckeweg & Co. GmbH mit dem Sitz in Bensheim, Berliner Ring 32, beglaubige ich. Der Notar fragte vor Beurkundung den Beteiligten, ob er oder eine Person, mit der sich der Notar zur gemeinsamen Berufsausubung verbunden hat, in der Angelegenheit, die Gegenstand der Beurkundung ist, aulierhalb seiner Amtstatigkeit, bereits tatig war oder ist. Der Beteiligte erkiarte, daft dies nicht der Fall ist. Benshe/im, den 03. November 1998.

Kostenbereciinu. ^ l i Ul,J5*K05lO

GMGhtntwert: DM




ZuMtnjBb.§§58,59 ' Schreibgeb.§§136.152







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