1 #connection14

26 may. 2014 - Lowry, Jimmy Stewart, Andy Butcher, De Rockwell, Juan Echeverri and Jonathan. Griffiths. ...... on Earth,
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#connec tion14


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I remember the first time I learned about multiplication. I had mastered addition and subtraction, but I soon understood that when I multiplied numbers, instead of adding them, the gain was exponential. I adopted the concept into my thinking and since then have watched it produce fruitfulness in many different areas of life and ministry. This year, our theme is “Multiply.” By God’s grace, our movement has reached a new frontier of exponential fruitfulness—spiritual health, vision and fresh hope that have generated the reimagining of how to best fulfill God’s purpose for The Foursquare Church and our call to the mission of reaching five billion people. Today, more than 6,000 people groups remain unreached, and they will not be reached by addition. We must think multiplication. I welcome you to Foursquare Connection 2014. We are on the threshold of fruitfulness multiplied exponentially beyond our dreams. Let’s come together with great expectation that stirs the tenacious call to “Multiply!” Till all have heard,

Glenn Burris Jr. President, The Foursquare Church

Recuerdo la primera vez que aprendí sobre la multiplicación. Había dominado la suma y la resta, pero pronto comprendí que al multiplicar los números en vez de sumarlos, la ganancia era exponencial. Adopté el concepto a mi forma de pensar y desde entonces he visto como ha producido fruto en muchas y distintas áreas de la vida y el ministerio. Este año nuestro tema es “Multiplica”. Por la gracia de Dios, nuestro movimiento ha alcanzado una nueva frontera de capacidad de dar fruto a nivel exponencial — salud espiritual, visión y nueva esperanza generadas por la re-imaginación de cómo cumplir mejor con el propósito de Dios para la Iglesia Cuadrangular y nuestro llamado a la misión de alcanzar a 5 mil millones de personas. Hoy, más de 6.000 grupos de personas aún permanecen sin ser alcanzados y no serán alcanzados por adición. Debemos pensar en multiplicación.

Les doy la bienvenida a la Conexión Cuadrangular 2014. Estamos en el umbral de una capacidad de dar fruto multiplicado exponencialmente, más allá de nuestros sueños. ¡Reunámonos con gran expectativa provocada por el tenaz llamado a multiplicar! Hasta que todos hayan oído,

Glenn Burris Jr. Presidente, La Iglesia Cuadrangular

#connec tion14



Whether you are at home or in Dallas, or speak English or Español, we invite you to participate in Foursquare Connection 2014.







Get to Know This Year’s Main Speakers.

See Where We’re Going With Reimagine.

Vea la Entrevista con Danilo Montero.

Loved the Speakers’ Sessions? Discover Their Books!

At Home: Join in Connection 2014 Online, Wherever You Are.

F O U R S Q U A R E le a de r M A Y 2 0 1 4


El Contents

3 A Word From Our President

3 Una Palabra de Nuestro Presidente

6 What Is Foursquare?

6 ¿Qué es la Iglesia Cuadrangular?

8 Videos From Around the World

8 Vídeos de Alrededor del Mundo

10 Leadership Health

70 Información sobre la Votación Presidencial

12 Watch Foursquare Connection Online 14 “Reimagine Foursquare” at a Glance

24 Conozca a los Conferencistas de Conexión de este Año

22 Presidential Voting Information

32 Charlas Cortas + Entrevistas

24 Meet This Year’s Connection Speakers

34 Líderes de Alabanza

32 QuickTalks + Interviews

35 Maestros de Ceremonia

34 Worship Leaders

38 Talleres de “Multiplica” + “Como lo hacemos en la Cuadrangular”

35 Emcees

42 Centro de Conexión (Sala de Exhibiciones)

36 Connection Leadership Tools + Resources

48 Programa Niños + Jóvenes

38 Multiply Tracks + Foursquare “How To” Tips

47 Información + Preguntas Frecuentes

40 Conexión Hispana + Multiethnic Connections

50 Conexión 2015

42 Connection Center (Exhibit Hall)

52 Patrocinadores del Evento + Créditos del Equipo

46 Info + FAQs

62 Conexión Hispana

48 Kids + Youth Program

63 Entrevista con el Conferencista de Conexión Hispana

50 Connection 2015 52 Event Sponsors + Team Credits 53 Meet Foursquare’s Leadership 72 Schedule

72 Horario/Programa 74 Mapas

74 Maps Key – At Home

64 Un vistazo a “Re-imagina la Iglesia Cuadrangular”

– In Dallas

Foursquare Leader magazine is a product of and distributed by The Foursquare Church. Edited by Marcia Graham, Allyson Siwajian, Bill Shepson, Wanda Brackett, Lindy Lowry, Raúl Irigoyen and Melisa Prieto. Written and compiled by Marcia Graham, Allyson Siwajian, Tammy Sevcov, Kristen Harrington, Lindy Lowry, Jimmy Stewart, Andy Butcher, De Rockwell, Juan Echeverri and Jonathan Griffiths. Translated by Rose Mary Davidson and Raúl Irigoyen. Designed by Nicole Chin, Hannah Ciudad, Jacob Blaze, Ivan Blanco, Mitchell Dong, Charles James Good-man and Rachel Singelyn.

Busque este icono para localizar el contenido en español.

#connec tion14



Disciples. Leaders. Churches. Movements. We are a Great Commission movement transforming communities through the rapid multiplication of disciples, leaders, church and movements. We are passionate about Jesus, our Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer and Soon-Coming King. These are the four corners of the foundation laid by sister Aimee Semple McPherson, the ministry pioneer who founded The Foursquare Church. Almost a century later, these core beliefs FOLLOW US ONLINE: are celebrated in almost 70,000 @WEAREFOURSQUARE churches around the world, and embraced by 7.5 million people in 136 countries. As a woman in leadership, open to

innovative forms of evangelism and ministry, committed to ethnic diversity, and unswerving in her conviction of the work and power of the Holy Spirit, Sister Aimee defied many conventions when she opened the doors of Angelus Temple in Los Angeles in 1923. Today we seek to stay true to our DNA of Holy Spirit dependence, creativity and innovation, and diverse ministry and leadership. Foursquare is men and women, adults and children, many ethnicities, cultures and languages, all for the cause of making disciples. Gathering in megachurches, small storefront congregations, the marketplace and homes. Reaching urban centers and rural communities. Ministering to the poor and needy. Sharing faith through personal encounters and creative media. Together reflecting something of the richness of the kingdom of God. Foursquare is people of passion, united in purpose.

¿Qué es la Iglesia Cuadrangular? Somos un movimiento de la gran comisión transformando las comunidades a través de la rápida multiplicación de discípulos, líderes, la iglesia y movimientos. Estamos apasionados por Jesús, nuestro Salvador, Bautizador con el Espíritu Santo, Sanador y Rey Venidero. Estas son las cuatro esquinas del fundamento establecido por Aimee Semple McPherson, la pionera en el ministerio que fundó la Iglesia Cuadrangular. Casi un siglo más tarde, estas creencias fundamentales son celebradas en casi 70.000 iglesias alrededor del mundo y abrazadas por 7,5 millones de personas en 136 países. Como mujer en el liderazgo, inquebrantable en su convicción en la obra y en el poder del Espíritu Santo, abierta a las formas innovadoras de evangelismo y ministerio y comprometida con la diversidad étnica, la hermana Aimee desafió muchas tradiciones cuando abrió las puertas del templo Ángelus en Los Ángeles en 1923. Hoy buscamos permanecer fieles a nuestro ADN de dependencia al Espíritu Santo, creatividad e innovación y ministerios y liderazgo diversos. La Iglesia Cuadrangular son hombres y mujeres, adultos y niños, muchas etnias, culturas e idiomas, todo por la causa de hacer discípulos. Reuniéndonos en mega iglesias, pequeñas congregaciones, en el lugar de trabajo y en hogares. Llegando a las comunidades rurales y centros urbanos. Ministrando a los pobres y necesitados. Compartiendo nuestra fe a través de encuentros personales y medios creativos. Juntos reflejamos algo de la riqueza del Reino de Dios. La Iglesia Cuadrangular es gente apasionada, unida en propósito.


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Gain New Perspective. Life Pacific College is a place where people discover their calling. We have a rich tradition of educating leaders for a lifetime of ministry. Let’s see how far God can take your passion. This is the next step in that journey. M.A. Strategic Leadership (Online) B.A. Ministry & Leadership (Online Degree Completion) B.A. Transformational Ministry B.A. Biblical Studies B.A. Business Administration B.A. Human Development & Psychology A.A. General Studies or Biblical Studies To learn more about Life Pacific College and the many programs we offer, contact an enrollment counselor at (877) 886-5433 or visit us online.




See Foursquare in Action Check out these videos at Foursquare Connection, and watch more at vimeo.com/foursquare for inspiring stories from Foursquare leaders and missionaries.


Multiply Disciples: This Is Why We Do What We Do Watch real stories of life transformation through the ministry of New Life Community Foursquare (Oxnard Northeast Foursquare Church) in Oxnard, Calif., led by Steve and Tami Abraham.

Multiply Leaders: Raise Up and Release Disciples Learn how Life Center (Spokane Foursquare Church) in Spokane, Wash., led by Joe Wittwer, is multiplying and deploying leaders for kingdom influence and impact.

Multiply Churches: Catch a Vision for the City 80% of the U.S. population lives in a city. Foursquare began in a city. Now, see what Foursquare is doing nationwide in cities like Austin, Atlanta, Chicago and Detroit. Then imagine what God will do in your city.

Multiply Movements: Celebrate Influential Movements Within Foursquare Witness and celebrate the impact that Angelus Temple Hispanic and Angelus Bible Institute—a worldwide movement of leaders, churches and institutes—are making through 58 extension campuses, 1,200 graduates and 70 churches.

For more inspiring and empowering videos, visit vimeo.com/foursquare.


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FROM THE ARCHIVES The Power of One: Mary Bennett Most people would not have made the decision Foursquare Pastor Mary Bennett did. Trusting God to provide, for more than 20 years Mary has given her life, a home and hope to more than 100 children shunned by their families. Watch her story of generosity and eternal impact. Watch it at vimeo.com/foursquare/mary. Foursquare Disaster Relief Updates Foursquare Disaster Relief aids millions of people around the globe. The ministry is committed to bringing compassion and the hope of Jesus Christ to people in need. Watch updates from the field as Foursquare Disaster Relief provides food, care and the love of Jesus. Watch these videos at vimeo.com/album/2545605.

Foursquare in Turkey Welcome to Turkey, where Foursquare is the largest church movement in the overwhelmingly Muslim country. In this powerful video (debuted at Connection 2013), you’ll meet National Leader Ihsan Ozbek, learn about his ministry’s popular radio station, and hear from a local Foursquare training director as he shares rarely heard accounts of Christianity’s impact in the Middle East. Watch it at vimeo.com/foursquare/turkey. Access it with password: 4sqchurch2013.

Videos de la Iglesia Cuadrangular Glenn Burris Jr. Re-imagina La Iglesia Cuadrangular En el otoño del 2013, el presidente Cuadrangular Glenn Burris Jr. viajó a todos los 14 distritos para discutir el futuro de la Iglesia Cuadrangular. En esta grabación de la reunión local hispana en Van Nuys, California, vea como la iglesia hispana es vital para la Iglesia Cuadrangular y descubra lo que necesita saber sobre “Re-imagina la Iglesia Cuadrangular” antes de que la conversación continúe en Dallas. Véalo: vimeo.com/foursquare/burrisreimagina. Nosotros Somos La Iglesia Cuadrangular Conozca a la gente, historia y trayectorias espirituales de la Iglesia Cuadrangular. En este video, vea cómo la Cuadrangular desarrolla líderes multiculturales y multigeneracionales, promueve una comunidad generosa, levanta ministerios innovadores que honran a Dios y llevan a la gente a Jesucristo. Véalo: vimeo.com/foursquare/somoslaiglesia.

Una Mirada a Aimee Semple McPherson Descubra más sobre Aimee Semple McPherson, la fundadora de la Iglesia Cuadrangular. Creado en 1991 pero aún vigente hoy, este video incluye imágenes originales de McPherson, una narrativa sobre el comienzo de la iglesia e historias contadas por ministros Cuadrangulares que conocieron personalmente a la fundadora. Véalo: vimeo. com/foursquare/asmhistoryspanish Serie de Entrenamiento para Protección de Niños y Jóvenes En esta serie de videos de cuatro partes, la Iglesia Cuadrangular provee entrenamiento para líderes y ayudantes del ministerio de jóvenes y niños. Aprenda cómo puede ayudar a prevenir el maltrato de niños y jóvenes, para que ellos puedan madurar en su fe sin las heridas del abuso en sus vidas. Comience con la sesión 1 y luego vea cada video secuencial. Véalo: vimeo.com/album/133635.

#connec tion14



Your Weakest Link As leaders gather to talk about how to “Multiply” healthy leaders, disciples and churches during Foursquare Connection 2014, De Rockwell asks you to pause. Be real. Take a moment to see if you are living a healthy life worth replicating. B Y D E R O C K W E L L , E M E R G E N C Y P H Y S I C I A N A S S I S TA N T, A N D C A R E A N D FA M I LY H E A LT H FAC I L I TATO R F O R T H E F O U R S Q U A R E C H U R C H ’S G AT E WAY D I S T R I C T

e’ve all heard the adage that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The same goes for our health. Because our physical, emotional and spiritual health are woven together, weaknesses in one area tend to carry over into others. For many of us, our weakest link is the state of our physical health. For years we’ve been pouring every hour and every ounce of our energy into ministry, and now we must face the truth—our waistlines have grown, and our energy has waned. Why have so many of us “care-driven” pastors stopped caring about ourselves? Maybe it’s not that we don’t care about ourselves, but that we don’t prioritize our own needs in the face of busy, out-ofcontrol lifestyles. I hear pastors talk all the time about feeling terrible: not sleeping well, never having energy and struggling with health issues. Yet, at the same time, I watch them beat up their bodies with bad food and sedentary lives. The excuses abound: “It costs too much to shop healthy.” “Fast food is so much easier.” “I don’t have time to work out.” “I’m too tired.” I used to make those same excuses. I’ve always worked while raising a family, so balancing work with family and “me” time was a struggle. For quite a while, I watched my husband prioritize his health. He put his workouts on his daily calendar and treated them like seriously important appointments.

I began to ask myself why I didn’t do the same. I stopped listening to the nagging inner voice telling me I was being selfish or that my kids needed time with me over my workout. God gave us one life and one body, and charged us with their care. Here are a few life-balancing things that worked for me:


I quit the gym. For years, I went to gym workouts with a bad attitude and made a half-hearted effort. Since I’ve let myself “count” the outdoor activities I love as workouts (rollerblading, walking around the lake, biking with friends), I find myself outdoors “working out” almost every day. Find an activity you enjoy and do it.


I stopped making excuses. Prioritizing your health is not selfish, nor is it ungodly. I am showing the people around me (church and family) how choosing to lead a healthy lifestyle affects me positively (mood, sleep, energy). Schedule and treat exercise time as an important appointment.


I educated myself. I realized that I could no longer listen to TV commercials to figure out what was healthy. Now, more than ever before, we have a wealth of information at our fingertips. Commit to learning how to make healthier choices.

Share it! Help your friends and the leaders in your church to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Share this article with them at 4sq.ca/choosehealth14. 10

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TAKE FOURSQUARE CONNECTION 2014 WHEREVER YOU GO Couldn’t make the trek to Dallas for Connection 2014 but still want to take in the experience? Then connectionlive.org is for you. Tune in daily May 26–29, 2014, to check out photos and watch live. 12

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Stay Connected to the Foursquare Family Connection News Desk Connection News Desk brings you the highlights and must-know facts of Connection happenings each afternoon. Stay in the know as we recap the best moments of previous sessions.


io #connect

Online + Offstage

o are in friends wh See your what how them s d n a , s a Dall rticipate oing to pa you are d afar. tion from in Connec

Catch the casual, and even comedic, side of Connection 2014 with our “Online + Offstage” features. Our hard-hitting team members employ their sneakiest tactics to pounce on keynote speakers, Foursquare executives and a variety of unsuspecting attendees.

Host Your Own Event Host a viewing party at your home or church, and create your very own Foursquare Connection gathering.

Schedule for connectionlive.org HST





Online + Offstage (T-Th)

All Day

All Day

All Day

All Day

All Day

Morning Sesstion (T-Th)

3:30 a.m.

6:30 a.m

7:30 a.m.

8:30 a.m

9:30 a.m.

Connection NewsDesk (M-Th)

11 a.m.

2 p.m.

3 p.m.

4 p.m.

5 p.m.

Evening Session (M-W)

1:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

7:30 p.m. #connec tion14







Five Points of Alignment

Reimagine Glossary

Reimagine Timeline

Reimagine Task Groups

Learn the terminology.

See where we’ve been and where we’re going.

Discover the leaders who helped shape Reimagine referendums.


Read what will be discussed at convention.




Join Us As We Reimagine Foursquare What might we look like, what might we accomplish for the kingdom of God, with both a firm grasp on the past and open hands for the future? That's Reimagine Foursquare—a process in which by reviewing, talking, dreaming and, above all, listening to the Lord together, we are discerning how Foursquare should adjust to become a dynamic movement as we approach the start of our second century. Mission must lead everything we do! Everything from organization and operations to relationships and real estate is part of the discussion, all with the goal of ensuring that Foursquare churches are well equipped to make disciples, develop and send leaders, and multiply ministries and churches. Everything must align so we become an effective Great Commission movement.


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After 22 Town Hall meetings, six Task Force teams, and much prayer, research and counsel, a Reimagining Proposal was presented to the 2014 Foursquare cabinet. There were spirited discussions, detailed presentations, prophetic words and significant time for questions and answers. At the conclusion of the conversations, there was a unanimous vote by this cabinet of sensing that we had landed on several (five) key things that would propel us forward in our united commitment to fulfill the Great Commission as a movement. They also voted to forward this proposal to Connection 2014 in Dallas. Over 100 of our leaders and elders were moved several times to get on our knees in an absolute sense of utter dependency on God and a desperation for Him. Much work remains regarding details, but there is a clear sense of driving the following Five Stakes in the ground, much as Isaiah instructed Israel to do to prepare for a future season of blessing from the Lord: “Enlarge the place of your tent … lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes” (Isa. 54:2, NIV). We also pray that this blessing would fall on the next generation. We plan to present the full context of the Five Stakes, or Five Points of Alignment, at Connection 2014.


Align everything Foursquare to the Great Commission (our mission): The commitment is to make sure everything (e.g.,, our structures, our systems, our resources, our polity, our events) aligns to the Great Commission. We were birthed from a local church that started a movement that went global. We must recover that singular focus to mobilize everything toward the harvest. Institutions drift over time. It’s the right season to integrate and synergize all of our efforts to finish the Great Commission of multiplying disciples, leaders, churches and movements.


Align the National Church Office and District Office to a catalytic culture: Denominations have three primary characteristics: cause, community and corporation. They all start out driven by a compelling cause. That creates community and leads to corporation. Over time, corporation and community will often trump cause with most resources and energy diverted to those things. It often takes a concerted intervention to reverse that and be lead once again by cause. We want to streamline our corporation, while empowering, resourcing and celebrating our cause. Community will always help us manage that tension.


Align 100 percent of the tithe to the field (local and district): We have been diligently working to reduce our central office expenses to release more resources to the field. We are now making a declaration with a plan, to be able to fulfill that commitment. Beginning in 2015, we are on a trajectory to contribute 70 percent of the extension tithe to our efforts in the field between the local church and our districts to finish the Great Commission, and developing a plan to eventually reach 100 percent return.


Align Foursquare Foundation to resourcing and supporting the Foursquare mission: The Foursquare Foundation board has been committed to help resource, align and integrate our global and national efforts to finish the Great Commission. It is committed to our efforts and multiplying disciples, leaders, churches and movements. We will repurpose the process of resourcing our global family, the National Church, Foursquare Missions International, and the Risser Endowment Fund for Education. Instead of continuing the arduous process of grants, the Foundation will be a strategic catalyst for our Four-Stage Strategy and Re-imagining efforts, and finishing the Great Commission.


Align polity to provide property options for local churches: After significant research to keep our modified Episcopal governance while giving churches more options for property oversight, this direction recovers the beginning of our movement. We firmly believe that allowing churches more opportunities to be creative with their property assets and more entrepreneurial in securing leases and loans will result in a development of healthy leadership culture at the local church. Many churches are requesting more options, and this direction allows us to move from a parent model to more of a partner model, like we are doing globally.

The Five Stakes, we believe, will result in a clear and compelling focus on the Great Commission. The Stakes decentralize, empower, integrate, align and provide significant opportunity to recover the essence of our beginnings—the local church was the epicenter of mission. The National Church and the district offices serve as important connecting, resourcing, supporting, aligning and networking support systems. The greatest success of a parent is the success of their children. When the local church is healthy, fruitful and multiplying disciples, leaders, churches and movements, then we will have been successful. #connec tion14



Reimagine Foursquare Glossary Here are a few terms you may hear throughout convention this year … and some clarity on what they mean.



The process that The Foursquare Church is embarking upon; an honest, in-depth and collaborative look at missional and organizational effectiveness. A journey of discernment, dialogue and discovery for establishing a missionally and organizationally effective movement: a movement that is making disciples, developing leaders of diverse people groups, multiplying churches and missional congregations, and becoming a movement of movements.

The loans our churches get from lenders other than Foursquare.

FOURSQUARE FOUNDATION The Foursquare Foundation is dedicated to funding projects of churches and ministries affiliated with The Foursquare Church, as well as eligible non-Foursquare churches, that are not only the vision of a project leader, but also of a local church and community. Such projects are focused on direct evangelism through church planting, evangelism events, media evangelism, leadership training and humanitarian outreach.


TOWN HALL MEETINGS (THMS) 22 Gatherings held in each of the 14 districts that gave every pastor and leader in the Foursquare family a voice in the process of reimagining the future for the Foursquare movement. Desired outcomes of the THMs were to: (1) share a dream; (2) share the journey; (3) engage in helpful conversation; and (4) advise on next steps.

FOURSQUARE FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS (FFS) Provides comprehensive fiduciary oversight of Foursquare’s financial services. Oversight and management of: (1) all planned and estate giving activity (charitable trusts, gift annuities, estate, trustee and fiduciary services); (2) the new FFS Loan Fund; (3) Foursquare Retirement Services; (4) Foursquare Insurance Services; (5) Foursquare Foundation Investment Portfolio; and (6) investment services.

The internal loans that The Foursquare Church (ICFG) has given to our churches.

MISSIONAL CONGREGATION LOAN CERTIFICATE A time deposit in which churches or individuals can invest through Foursquare Financial Solutions Loan Fund. 16

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A missional congregation, e.g., pipeline plant, multisite campus, ethnic congregation, qualifies to be Ezra registered and has a covenant relationship with a local Foursquare church. Chaplain meeting places are also missional congregations.




Six committees commissioned to review the information gathered from the THMs, to engage broad-ranging discussion and to take a detailed look at different aspects of Foursquare organization and life. Looking more specifically at different aspects of the movement’s life and structure, these groups pressed into discovering how Foursquare will be able to: (1) Reclaim Spiritual Vitality; (2) Refocus Identity; (3) Redesign Responsibilities; (4) Realign Polity; (5) Reignite Mission; and (6) Reallocate Resources.

An entity having legal authority to act distinct from its members, if any, and the entity may exist indefinitely. Corporations have a board of directors. Corporations have officers.

ALIGN 100% OF THE TITHE TO THE FIELD The desired outcome of returning as much tithe/resources as possible to the local church and district (“the field”).

EXTENSION TITHE ALSO KNOWN AS COVENANT TITHE The Foursquare Gospel Church Extension Tithe Fund. This fund is the tithe received from Foursquare churches and is the funding model for our mission and the support structures of the central office and district offices.


501(c)(3) This is a tax exempt status: determination by IRS based on Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) that a charitable entity meets the criteria to be exempted from payment of federal income taxes. Corporations can apply for 501(c)(3) exempt status, and in most states LLCs can apply for 501(c)(3) exempt status.

This describes the means of funding the administration costs of Foursquare Missions International (FMI). FMI receives 10 percent (a tithe) of each local church’s tithe.

GROUP EXEMPTION LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (“LLC”) An entity having legal authority to act distinct from its members, and the entity may exist indefinitely. LLCs can have a manager appointed by its member(s). The manager may have an advisory committee.

The IRS sometimes recognizes a group of organizations as tax-exempt if they are affiliated with a central organization. This avoids the need for each of the organizations to apply for exemption individually. A group exemption letter has the same effect as an individual exemption letter except that it applies to more than one organization. #connec tion14



1 SEE WHERE 1. FEBRUARY 2009 Former President Jack Hayford and then General Supervisor Glenn Burris Jr. announced that the districts will consolidate to 14 new districts.

is going


8 9


8. JUNE 2013

9. AUGUST 2013

10. DECEMBER 2013

Initial broad overview of the Reimagine Foursquare conversation presented to the Foursquare convention body in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

Town Hall meetings begin in each district conducted by President Glenn Burris Jr. and General Supervisor Tammy Dunahoo.

The Reimagine Foursquare Task Forces meet in Long Beach, Calif. The group of 90 Foursquare pastors, leaders, supervisors and executives initiate discussions about the future of Foursquare’s structure, resources, polity, identity and priorities.

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2. AUGUST 2009

3. OCTOBER 2009

4. SPRING 2010

Pastors came together in Portland, Ore., and met with then Interim President Glenn Burris Jr. to share concerns and ideas about The U.S. Foursquare Church.

A group of pastors met with the Foursquare board of directors and district supervisors in Christiansburg, Va., to continue the dialogue.

The board of directors formed the Presidential Task Force. The Group met in Seattle with a consultant to dream about the future.

5 6


5. SUMMER 2011

6. FALL 2012

7. MARCH 2013

The board commissioned research from the Presidential Task Force.

The Presidential Task Force met to present its first findings.

Presidential Task Force findings presented to the Foursquare cabinet. Board approved additional research and approved Town Hall meetings to be held in the fall.




11. JANUARY 2014

12. MARCH 2014

13. MAY 2014

January Meetings with the Foursquare board, district supervisors and the Presidential Task Force to follow up on the December meetings.

Cabinet reviews findings from the Reimagine Foursquare Task Forces research and Town Hall meetings, and lands on the Five Points of Alignment.

Recommendations made to the Foursquare Connection 2014 convention body in Dallas.

#connec tion14



What Is a Task Group? The Presidential Task Force (PTF) was commissioned in 2009 after the board of directors, supervisors and a group of concerned pastors met in Christiansburg, Va. The initial group has evolved into several additional task groups that have intently studied and reviewed these significant issues essential to the Reimagine conversation: spiritual vitality, identity, polity and responsibility, and resource. These groups include district supervisors, district representatives, central office staff, local church pastors, cabinet members and board representatives. During Connection 2014, you will hear about how the PTF and task groups played a role in moving the Reimagine conversation forward. Browse through the list of names to meet these contributors.

PRESIDENTIAL TASK FORCE James Ranger Peter Bonanno Fred Donaldson Randy Remington Sam Rockwell John Fehlen Jared Roth Nate Poetzl

REFOCUS IDENTITY TASK GROUP Brad Abare, chair Sam Rockwell, vice chair Kimberly Dirmann John Fehlen Tim Genin

Ron Thigpenn, chair David Coffey, vice chair Mario Barahona Peter Bonanno Heidi Chambers

Gary Craig Adam Davidson Ric Guerra Alfonso Guevara Jonathan Hall

Daniel Hedges, chair Jessie Cruickshank Jim J. Adams Dennis Easter John Amstutz Mike Larkin Mario Barahona

Brandon Williams, chair Heidi Messner, vice chair Eduardo Bogea Doug Bursch

Jon Cobler Ben Dixon Dale Evrist Nick Gough


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Remi Lawanson S. David Moore Doretha O’Quinn

Raúl Irigoyen Kim Maas Gary Matsdorf Andy Opie

Daniel Prieto A.J. Swoboda Karen Tremper

Beto Paz Russ Schlecht Seth Waters Joe Wittwer

REIGNITE MISSION TASK GROUP Tammy Dunahoo, chair Stan Simmons, co-chair Tim Clark

Bryan Milian, Foursquare leader Luis Milian, Central Pacific District Luis Molina, North Pacific District Frank Nuno, Foursquare leader Luis Ramírez, Southeast District Yanira Rivas, processing center Reynaldo Román, Northwest District Eddie Ruano, Foursquare leader Martin Ruarte, Gateway District Frank Saldaña, MidSouth District Mario Solózano, Heartland District Juan Vallejo, board of directors

Gary Dunahoo John Fehlen

POLITY TASK GROUP Jonathan Phillips, chair Randy Barton, vice chair Josh Best Jacy Burnett El Clark Jake Cordell Gary Craig Bruce Dow

LEADERSHIP CARE TASK GROUP Kathryn Hart-Weber Paul Kuzma

Farrell Lemings Randy Remington Dan Mundt Burt Smith Clint Pickrel Dave Veach Ron Pinkston Joe Wainer Nate Poetzl



Robby Booth Nan and Dave Duhet

Frank Nuño Steve Overman Lisa Penberthy Chon Torres Mark Warren


Daniel Prieto James Ranger Jessica Schulze Jim Scott Stan Simmons Larry Spousta Cindy Towne Ted Vail Juan Vallejo

Daniel Prieto, chair, national hispanic director Mario Barahona, Foursquare leader Gabe Barreiro, Northwest missional leader Eduardo Bogea, Greater Los Angeles District Carlos Cajiga, Great Northern District Fernando Castillo Jr., Hawaii District, supervisor Fernando Castillo Sr., Southwest District Jesus De Paz, Foursquare leader Kimberly Dirmann, Southwest District, supervisor Virginia Gonzalez, Mid-Atlantic District Alfonso Guevara, Foursquare leader Joe Hernandes, Pacific Coast and Valleys District Raul Irigoyen, Foursquare leader

Marcia Graham Brian Heney Michael Howard Cheyne Jackson Mike McGovern


ALIGNMENT TASK GROUP Adam Davidson, chair Tim Clark, vice chair Fernando Castillo Tammy Dunahoo Dennis Easter Bill Gross Ric Guerra Joe Hernandez Jarrod Kula Harriet Mouer

Stan Simmons Burt Smith Dace Veach Joe Wittwer

Robb Hattem Steve Lazarian Luis Milian Luis Ramirez Scott Reece Joe Volpi Noel Wilcox


Comprised of the following:

District Supervisors Missional leaders

Hispanic Council Church planting pastors


Ratification 101 This year, during Foursquare Connection 2014, President Glenn Burris Jr. is up for ratification. If confirmed, Glenn would serve a second five-year term as president. Since we last had presidential elections, our Foursquare bylaws have been updated by the convention body to include absentee voting. Here’s your simplified guide to the presidential ratification, or selection, process.

Before you even set foot on Dallas soil, your Foursquare cabinet was at work.

JAN. 2014

MARCH 2014

APRIL 2014

MAY 2014

President Glenn Burris Jr. informs the Foursquare cabinet he is available for a second term.

Foursquare cabinet recommends that a ratification vote be held at convention.

Absentee ballots are requested.

Time to vote!

… Which takes us to Foursquare Connection 2014. Here’s how the presidential ratification process works. Note: This is the first year presidential selection will be determined by both onsite and absentee voting.

IF the current president is ratified by 75 percent of the convention body

THEN his new term begins on the first day of the fourth month after the last day of convention. (Bylaw 7.1.2) The current president will continue his term through 2020.


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IF the president is ratified for a second term by the convention body

THEN the presidential selection process is not needed (Bylaw 7.1.2).


VOTING BY MAIL At Foursquare Connection 2013, the convention body passed a bylaw change, making it possible to vote by absentee ballot in presidential elections (Bylaw 5.9). Here’s a reminder of the absentee voting process:

To cast your vote by mail, you are required to do the following:




Meet eligibility requirement for voting (Bylaw 5.8).

Request an absentee ballot at foursquare.org/vote.

Marked ballots must arrive by May 23, 2014.

All absentee ballots will be counted, and voting results will be reported at the same time that onsite votes are tabulated and reported (Bylaw 5.9). Note: If you requested an absentee ballot, you are not eligible to request a new ballot at Foursquare Connection 2014, nor can you use your absentee ballot to vote onsite in Dallas (Bylaw 5.9).

Presidential Factoids A Foursquare president can serve for a maximum of two, five-year terms.

IF the convention body does not ratify the president,

THEN the presidential selection process will commence with the next seated cabinet. Elections will be held at Foursquare Connection 2015 and will be decided by a simple majority (50 percent, plus one) of onsite and absentee votes (Bylaw 7.1.2).

Percentage of cabinet votes needed to move the vote for ratification of the current president to the convention body Minimum percentage of convention body votes (including absentee ballots) required for second-term ratification at Foursquare Connection 2014


Beginning of the current president’s new five-year term if ratified, or a new president’s first five-year term


#connec tion14



Meet DiscipleMakers Who Multiply Get to know the main speakers for Connection 2014.


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Daniel Brown Multiply: Young Leaders

Daniel Brown The Coastlands (Aptos Foursquare Church) Aptos, Calif. Twitter: @ctwdanielbrown Website: ctw.coastlands.org

Daniel Brown directs the teaching ministry Commended to the Word and travels globally, mentoring Foursquare leaders in their ministries while building relationships. He founded The Coastlands (Aptos Foursquare Church) in Aptos, Calif., in 1984, and served as senior pastor for 22 years.

Throughout your ministry, you’ve managed to raise up younger leaders. How? I have a passion to pass along. I’ve always tried to pull together people 20 years younger than me and be a friend they could talk turkey with about ministry. You believe mentoring/discipling must be all-consuming if church leaders want to multiply themselves. Why? Because discipling is Jesus saying, “In the same way I’ve changed your life, go and change other’s lives.” That’s holistic. If multiplying leaders is a “program,” it’s doomed to failure. How can current leaders pass the baton well to the next generation? Don’t divide people into “leaders” and “non-leaders.” My job is to raise up everyone. When my goal is to amp up everyone’s ministry know-how, big shock: I end up with leaders.

Daniel Brown

Conferencista Principal

Multiplica: Líderes Jóvenes Daniel Brown dirige el ministerio de enseñanza Encomendado a la Palabra y viaja a nivel mundial, sirviendo como mentor de líderes Cuadrangulares en sus ministerios mientras entabla relaciones con ellos. Fundó “The Coastlands” (Iglesia Cuadrangular de Aptos) en Aptos, California, en 1984 y sirvió como su pastor principal durante 22 años.

Check out his latest book, Embracing Grace, on page 37. #connec tion14



Francis Chan Multiply: Disciples

Francis Chan Multiply Movement San Francisco, Calif. Website: crazylove.org

Francis Chan is a pastor and the author of Multiply, Crazy Love and other bestselling books. The founding pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, Calif., today he co-leads Multiply, a disciplemaking ministry. Francis lives with his family in Northern California.

Francis Chan Conferencista Principal

Multiplica: Discípulos Francis Chan es pastor y autor de Crazy Love (Amor Loco) y otros libros de mayor venta. El pastor fundador de la Iglesia Cornerstone en Simi Valley, California, hoy co-dirige Multiplica, un ministerio de formación de discípulos. Francis vive con su familia en el norte de California.

You’re raising up a movement of multipliers. What started your “multiply” journey? People were overemphasizing my gift and underemphasizing their own. From Scripture, I believed they should be sharing the gospel and discipling. So I started equipping them to do the ministry. What is the first step to becoming a disciple who multiplies disciples? Surrender. We have to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him. The reason people don’t make disciples is they haven’t died to their own life agendas and missions. If you weren’t pursuing God’s calling for yourself, what do you think you’d be doing? I have a closet dream of being in a movie. I’d probably try acting. Check out his new book, Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples, on page 37.


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Dave Ferguson Multiply: Churches

Dave Ferguson Community Christian Church Chicago Twitter: @daveferguson Website: daveferguson.org Blog: exponential.org

Dave Ferguson is lead pastor of Community Christian Church, a missional multisite congregation with 14 locations in the Chicago area. He is also president of Exponential, a ministry serving church multipliers worldwide. Dave, his wife, Sue, and their three children live in Chicago.

What challenged you to plant your first church? In college, I wrestled with the profound question: “What will you trade your life for?” It became increasingly clear that starting churches must become my most important life mission. Now you’re pioneering, planting and developing churches often. What motivates you to continue? Seeing people find their way back to God. That’s life-changing. Also, new churches grow 23 times faster than established churches and see five times as many conversions. That motivates me! How can leaders stay focused on the vision for their churches as they multiply? That’s the wrong question. It should be, “How does multiplication help churches accomplish their vision?” Multiplying helps churches multiply their impact locally and globally, fulfilling Jesus’ vision in Acts 1:8.

Dave Ferguson Conferencista Principal

Multiplica: Iglesias Dave Ferguson es el pastor principal de la iglesia Community Christian, una congregación misional con múltiples instalaciones en 14 lugares en el área de Chicago. También es Presidente de Exponencial, un ministerio que sirve a multiplicadores de iglesias en todo el mundo. Dave, su esposa, Sue y sus tres hijos viven en Chicago.

Check out his book, Exponential, on page 36. #connec tion14



Jack Hayford Multiply: Spirit Life

Jack Hayford The Church On The Way (Van Nuys Foursquare Church) Los Angeles Twitter: @jackhayford Website: jackhayford.org Blog: jackhayford.org/teaching/devotional

Jack Hayford is chancellor of The King’s University and founding pastor of The Church On The Way (Van Nuys Foursquare Church) in Van Nuys, Calif. A former president of The Foursquare Church, he is also a composer and bestselling author.

What comes to mind when you think of “multiply” in a discipleship or church-growth context? Well, the first thing is that the secret of the growth of the church is the multiplication of disciples. The natural byproduct of Bible-taught, Spirit-filled disciples is that they will multiply. How can leaders build healthy bridges with other groups in the body of Christ? Multiplying relationships in the immediate region is important to melt down the syndrome of “comparison and competition.” That requires initiative. It’s also important to regularly lead your congregation in prayer for other churches.

Jack Hayford

Conferencista Principal

Multiplica: Vida del Espíritu Jack Hayford es el Rector de The King’s University en Los Ángeles y pastor fundador de The Church On The Way (Iglesia Cuadrangular de Van Nuys) en Van Nuys, California. Ex Presidente de la Iglesia Cuadrangular, también es compositor y autor de libros de mayor venta.

Let’s hear a fun fact: What’s a funny moment from a service you could share? Many years ago, while vigorously illustrating the point that God isn’t like a cackling witch brewing up curses for us, I nearly fell into our baptistery. People still remember that. Check out his book, Living the Spirit-Formed Life, on page 36. 28

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Marion Ingegneri Multiply: Empowerment

Marion Ingegneri Grace North Church (Anthem Foursquare Church) Anthem, Ariz. Twitter: @marioningegneri Website: pastormarion.com Blog: Choose Life at pastormarion.com

Marion Ingegneri is executive pastor of multisite Grace North Church (Anthem Foursquare Church) near Phoenix and field director for Women in Ministry Leadership for The Foursquare Church. She and her husband, Joe, also a Grace North executive pastor, have three grown children.

What is one key quality we, as leaders, must have to raise up new leaders? You must have vision. When you see God’s plan for mobilizing people, you’ll move mountains. You will see the craziest things in people—but you’ll also see leadership in them. You’re also a real estate broker. Has this helped you as a church planter and pastor? Yes, with three realities. “Funding”: I needed money! “Economic”: I had an income during hard times. “Faith”: Ministering to people was easier when I didn’t see them as dollar signs. What advice do you have for Foursquare leaders seeking to empower godly women as leaders? Theology and heart come first. We must grasp hold of our own theology and know we can teach it. Beyond that, it’s systemic. Create culture that empowers regardless of gender.

Marion Ingegneri Conferencista Principal

Multiplica: Empoderando Marion Ingegneri es la pastora fundadora de la Iglesia Grace North (Iglesia Cuadrangular de Anthem) cerca de Phoenix con múltiples instalaciones y Directora de Mujeres en Liderazgo Ministerial de la Iglesia Cuadrangular. Ella y su esposo, Joe, también pastor ejecutivo de Grace North, tienen tres hijos mayores.

Check out her video series, Unlocking the Gifts in You, on page 37. #connec tion14



Samuel Rodriguez Multiply: Beyond Boundaries

Samuel Rodriguez New Season Christian Worship Center Sacramento, Calif. Twitter: @rev_rodriguez | @nhclc Websites: newseasoncwcchurch.com | nhclc.org Blog: nhclc.org/rev-samuel-rodriguez-blog

Samuel Rodriguez is president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and a leading Christian voice on Capitol Hill on social justice and immigration issues. He copastors New Season Christian Worship Center in Sacramento, Calif., where he lives with his family.

What’s your advice to Christian leaders desiring to effect change across racial or ethnic boundaries? Be intentional. It won’t happen through spiritual osmosis. You must deliberately engage ethnicities with a commitment to demonstrate the love of Christ. Multiethnic kingdom-culture outreach is no longer a luxury. How can leaders prioritize both social action and evangelism in their ministries? By standing at the nexus of the cross. To engage both righteousness and justice, you must understand that Christ is at the center, that justice is an extension of righteousness. When you speak of the church engaging in “prophetic activism,” what do you mean? It is engagement on a horizontal level—especially among the marginalized and oppressed, where Christian leadership should speak and activate prophetically. It includes, but is not synonymous with, political advocacy. Check out his book, The Lamb’s Agenda, on page 37. 30

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Samuel Rodríguez, Conferencista Principal

Multiplica: Más Allá de Las Fronteras Samuel Rodríguez es el Presidente de la Conferencia Nacional de Líderes Hispanos Cristianos y una voz cristiana principal en el Capitolio sobre cuestiones de inmigración y justicia social. Él co-pastorea New Season Christian Worship Center en Sacramento, California, donde vive con su familia.

QuickTalks + Interviews This year during Foursquare Connection main sessions, you will meet several Foursquare family members who will share their stories through QuickTalks or Interviews. This is a complete list of those individuals, as well as how to find them online.

INTERVIEWS Ed Stetzer Special Guest Interview Grace Church Hendersonville, Tenn. Twitter: @edstetzer Website: edstetzer.com Blog: The Exchange at christianitytoday.com/edstetzer Ed Stetzer is a missiologist and president of LifeWay Research, a ministry resources organization serving congregational leaders. He is lead pastor of multisite Grace Church, which he co-planted in Hendersonville, Tenn., in 2011. A prolific author, Ed has written more than 15 leadership-centric books. His newest, Transformational Groups, released in February.


Yaseer Handall-Mendoza Senior Pastor Armonia (San Bernardino North Hispanic Foursquare Church) San Bernardino, Calif. Facebook: yaseer.handall


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Luis Molina Senior Pastor Woodburn Foursquare Church Woodburn, Ore.


Fernando Castillo Sr. Lead Pastor The Rock Spanish (Anaheim Spanish Missional Congregation) Anaheim, Calif.

Jerry Dirmann Senior Pastor The Rock (Anaheim Foursquare Church) Anaheim, Calif. Twitter: @jerrydirmann Website: jerrydirmann.com

David Moore Jr.

Carolyn Nichols

Senior Pastor Church for the Nations (Oxnard 2 Foursquare Church) Oxnard, Calif. Twitter: @dmooresb

Senior Pastor Southport Christian Center (National City Foursquare Church) National City, Calif. Website: sccministries.com

Randy Remington

Tammy Toft

Lead Pastor Beaverton Foursquare Church Beaverton, Ore. Website: beavertonfoursquare.org

Public Relations Serve the City Tallinn, Estonia Website: servethecity.ee

#connec tion14



Marc Wymore Lighthouse Church (Newbury Park Foursquare Church) Newbury Park, Calif. Twitter: @marcwymore Website: wearetheyoung.com iTunes: iTunes.com/marcwymore Jim Ranger IV New Life Center (Bakersfield Southwest Foursquare Church) Bakersfield, Calif. Twitter: @jimranger Website: jimranger.com iTunes: iTunes.com/jimranger

Jim Ranger IV is the worship pastor of New Life Center (Bakersfield Southwest Foursquare Church) in Bakersfield, Calif. Passionate about connecting with the current and upcoming generations, he bridges the gap with a variety of music that is ageless and authentic. Jim and his wife, Camilla, have three children.

Jim Ranger IV es el pastor de alabanza y adoración de la iglesia New Life Center (Bakersfield Southwest Foursquare Church) en Bakersfield, California. Apasionado de conectarse con las generaciones presentes y emergentes haciendo posible esto con una música que une a ambos grupos haciendo de esta una música autentica y vigente. Jim y su esposa Camila tienen tres hijos. 34

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Marc Wymore is the worship arts and young adults pastor at Lighthouse Church (Newbury Park Foursquare Church) in Newbury Park, Calif. His excitement over the upcoming generation fuels his passion to see them become worshipers and lovers of God. Marc and his wife, Bethany, have two children: Merci and Phoenix. Marc Wymore es el pastor de adoración usando las artes así como de los jóvenes adultos en la iglesia Lighthouse Church (Newbury Park Foursquare Church) en Newbury Park, California. Su entusiasmo al ver la generación emergente enciende su pasión du verlos convertidos en adoradores y amadores de Dios. Marc y su esposa Bethany tienen dos hijos, Merci y Phoenix.

Check out their albums on page 36.

EMCEES Meaghan Mitchell is no stranger to large crowds. A Foursquare pastor since 2003, now serving as camp specialist for the Southwest District, she is at home onstage before hundreds of teen campers, as well as the Essential Women’s Conference she emcees. When she’s not onstage, you can find Meaghan on Pinterest checking out home décor boards. Other creative channels include a graphic design business and even her choice of potato chip—Dill Pickle Pringles.

Meaghan Mitchell Camp Specialist, Southwest District Fullerton, Calif. Twitter: @meaghanm Website/Blog: theurbanpearl.com

John Fehlen Lead Pastor, West Salem (Salem West Foursquare Church) Salem, Ore. Twitter: @johnfehlen Website/Blog: johnfehlen.com

Meaghan Mitchell no es extraña a grandes multitudes. Pastora Cuadrangular desde el 2003 y sirviendo ahora como especialista de campamentos para el Distrito del Suroeste, se siente en casa tanto estando al frente de cientos de adolescentes campistas al igual que en la Conferencia de Mujeres “Essential Women’s Conference” que dirige. Cuando no está sobre un escenario, encontramos a Meaghan en Pinterest revisando tablones para la decoración del hogar. También refleja su creatividad en el negocio de diseño gráfico y aún en la elección de sus papas fritas favoritas—Dill Pickle Pringles.

If you’re a “Downton Abbey” watcher, you and John Fehlen already have something in common. If your favorite book is the Bible (yes, he really said that), then you’re on the way to being one of John’s almost 3,000 Facebook fans. He returns this year to emcee Foursquare Connection 2014 and says he’s excited to walk out of Connection with a refocused mission for the Foursquare movement. John and his wife, Denise, have four children.

Si usted ve el programa “Downton Abbey”, usted y John Fehlen ya tienen algo en común. Si su libro favorito es la Biblia (sí, él dijo eso en realidad), entonces usted está en camino a convertirse en uno de los casi 3,000 seguidores de John en Facebook. Él regresa este año como maestro de ceremonias de la Conexión Cuadrangular 2014 y nos comparte que está entusiasmado de salir de esta Conexión con una misión reenfocada para el movimiento Cuadrangular. John y su esposa Denise tienen cuatro hijos.

#connec tion14


Love the speakers’ teachings and worship leaders’ music at Foursquare Connection 2014? Go deeper with these resources.



The Young


Marc Wymore Label: All Out Music LLC

Get ready for worship by and for the next generation, led by Foursquare Worship Pastor Marc Wymore. This release features a mix of covers and originals. Expect upbeat music, energetic vocals and plenty of opportunities to dance, dance, dance!


You Call Me


Jim Ranger IV Label: Independent

Jim Ranger IV’s new full-length album, You Call Me, is a soulful collection of intimate and inspiring songs of worship and faith, filled with his blues-style vocals and organic sounds.




Exponential Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson Publisher: Zondervan

After pioneering a simple, transformational way of discipleship and seeing it succeed in the Chicago area, Pastors Dave and Jon Ferguson wrote a book to encourage others to fulfill Christ’s mission by reproducing tribes, communities and movements.


Living the Spirit-Formed Life Jack Hayford Publisher: Regal

Pastor Jack, seasoned disciple and disciple maker, packs this book with examples and biblical exhortation to practice the disciplines that keep us in fellowship with Christ by His Spirit. 36

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The Lamb’s Agenda Samuel Rodriguez Publisher: Thomas Nelson


Will you follow the donkey, the elephant or the Lamb? This prophetic call is for the church to espouse both righteousness and justice for God’s glory and the good of this nation, from the nexus of the cross.


Embracing Grace Daniel Brown Publisher: Authentic Publishers

Can the seemingly incompatible messages of law, command, promise, faith, grace and works all mesh together? This book educates and liberates hearts and minds. God’s law really is perfect, and His grace really is amazing.



Multiply Francis Chan Publisher: David C. Cook

Disciples exist to make disciples who make disciples. Scripture-centric, with a focus on being both hearers and doers of the Word, Multiply shapes minds and hearts, changing lives and preparing us to lead other people to Jesus.




Unlocking the Gifts in You Marion Ingegneri Publisher: The Foursquare Church

Read full reviews by Foursquare ministers, and discover where you can buy these resources online. Visit 4sq.ca/connection14resources.

This video series promises to mobilize individuals and congregations to grow in personal gifting and to connect others to Christ. Download it for free to use at your church or in a Bible study group: 4sq.ca/unlockgiftsvideos. #connec tion14



Multiply Tracks Learn the nuts and bolts of how to multiply. Each track features practical teaching and offers interactive time for questions and discussion. Track sessions will be held on Wednesday, May 28, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Seating is reserved for pre-registered attendees until 10 minutes into session. Please note: Registration badges are required for all sessions.

ForeRunners Gathering Wednesday, May 28, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Foursquare retired ministers are welcome to this time of connection with longtime friends and to celebrate this year’s 50- and 60-year Service Award recipients. The ForeRunners will meet in Majestic Rooms 6 and 7 (these rooms are on the 37th floor of the hotel).

MULTIPLY: DISCIPLES with FRANCIS CHAN, Co-leader of the international disciple-making ministry Multiply This session will invigorate and challenge you to act on the truth that disciple-making is every believer’s responsibility. Translation offered in Spanish and Portuguese (11 a.m.), and French (2 p.m.) Dallas Ballroom A, First Floor, Conference Center

MULTIPLY: MINISTRY with DAVE FERGUSON, Lead pastor of Community Christian Church, a missional multisite congregation with 14 Chicago-area locations Learn how a church of any size can be a ministry multiplier— and discover what this keynote speaker has done to create a culture of effective apprenticeship. Dallas Ballroom D1-2, First Floor, Conference Center 38

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MULTIPLY: SPIRIT-LIFE with JACK HAYFORD, Prolific author and founding pastor of The Church On The Way in Van Nuys, Calif. Discover the practical realities of leading a congregation in the life of the Spirit in a way that causes non-Christians to experience Christ.  Translation offered in French (11 a.m.), and Portuguese and Indonesian (2 p.m.) Dallas Ballroom B, First Floor, Conference Center

MULTIPLY: CHURCHES with ED STETZER, President of LifeWay Research and lead pastor of Grace Church Through church planting, we have incredible global opportunities to reach people from all walks of life. The researcher, author, pastor and planter shares his insights. Dallas Ballroom D3, First Floor, Conference Center

MULTIPLY: YOUNG LEADERS with DANIEL BROWN, Director of the teaching ministry Commended to the Word Engage with a leader who has become one of our movement’s most fruitful developers of young leaders. Learn his process for multiplying disciples. Translation offered in Indonesian (11 a.m.) Austin Ballroom 2, Second Floor, Center Tower, Sheraton Hotel


Talleres “Multiplica” Aprenda los detalles de cómo multiplicar. Habrá asientos reservados para los asistentes previamente inscritos hasta 10 minutos antes de la sesión. Por favor note: Los gafetes de inscripción son necesarios para todas las sesiones.

MULTIPLY: LOCATIONS (MULTISITE CAMPUSES) with MARION INGEGNERI, FEATURING GUESTS PETER BONANNO AND JERRY DIRMANN Today’s technology empowers apostolic-minded leaders to grow their churches without building. Learn from leaders of churches (of all sizes) with multiple sites. Austin Ballroom 3, Second Floor, Center Tower, Sheraton Hotel

MULTIPLY: THE NEXT GENERATION with RYAN BROWN AND THE NEXTGEN REPRESENTATIVES If you lead or minister to those from cradle to college, this session is for you. Join us as we focus on making disciples that will lead their generation to Christ. (offered only at 11 a.m.) Austin Ballroom 1, Second Floor, Center Tower, Sheraton Hotel CAN’T FIND THE RIGHT ROOM? See pages 74-75 for easy-to-use Convention Center maps

MULTIPLICA: DISCÍPULOS Con FRANCIS CHAN Esta sesión lo vigorizará y desafiará a actuar en la verdad de que el hacer discipulos es una responsabilidad de cada creyente. Traducción ofrecida al español y portugués (11 a.m.), y francés (2 p.m.) Salón Dallas A, primer piso, Centro de Conferencia

EL FUTURO DE LOS MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Con EL CONCILIO NACIONAL HISPANO En esta destacada presentación, el panel discutirá sobre el futuro de la Iglesia Cuadrangular Hispana, especialmente en los Estados Unidos. Presentado en español, miércoles 28 de mayo (2 - 4 p.m.) Salón Lone Star, Segundo Piso, Centro de Conferencia


Get the inside scoop on family opportunities. Each How-To is offered at both 3:30 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 28. Majestic Rooms, 37th Floor, Center Tower, Sheraton Hotel DISCOVER HOW TO: 1 Access and fast track higher education (presented by Life Pacific College, LPC).

6 Become an FMI missionary (presented by Foursquare Missions International, FMI).

2 Get your student into college (presented by LPC).

7 Launch a missionary from your local church (presented by FMI).

3 Start an Emerging Leader Network (ELN) program (presented by Foursquare ELN). 4 Engage your congregation in retirement and estate planning (presented by FFS). 5 Meet the capital needs of your church (presented by FFS).


Engage business leaders in marketplace ministry and other opportunities within the context of your church (presented by Jonathan Hall and team).

9 Start a Foursquare institute (presented by Dan Hedges and Courtney Hall).

WONDERING WHERE TO GO? Directional signage located on the 37th floor. #connec tion14


MULTIE THNIC CONNEC TION KICK OFF CONVENTION WITH CONEXIÓN HISPANA! Gather together for a special session in Spanish with worship by Foursquare’s own Guillermo Puppo and a powerful message delivered by guest speaker Pastor Danilo Montero. Conexión starts immediately after the multiethnic worship session!

Multiethnic Connection Monday, May 26 | 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. | Dallas Ballroom A-B, plus various rooms* The Foursquare Church in the United States is a living mosaic of many languages and cultures. Join us for a powerful kickoff to Connection 2014 as church leaders of diverse global heritages come together for inspiring worship, prayer and teaching! Following a multilingual worship service hosted by Conexión Hispana, each group will gather with leaders of the same heritage for a time of encouragement and exhortation in their own language. Our international guests and Foursquare national leaders from around the globe will also participate in this Spirit-led celebration. Be sure to make plans to be part of this time and experience The Foursquare Church family coming together in such diverse expressions!

Para más información sobre Conexión Hispana, vea página 62. 40

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presentation in Spanish presentation in Portuguese presentation in English + French presentation in Chinese

*Breakout room locations will be announced in the worship service.

Media Outreach in the Hebrew Language


Maoz Media


Compelling Jews

Faith to


their Messiah Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram have been ministering in Israel since 1976, through evangelism, discipleship & mentoring, founding Messianic Jewish congregations, publishing books in Hebrew, humanitarian aid, leadership conferences and much more.

“This is the best time in our lifetime to reach Israelis!” Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram Founders, Maoz Israel Ministries

Maoz Israel will be at the Foursquare Convention 2014! Come by our booth for your copy of “I Became As A Jew”, in Spanish. Yours FREE just for stopping by!

And now, Maoz Israel Ministries, headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, is reaching out to our nation through the Internet with the Good News of their Messiah. We are developing a Hebrew-language outreach website – www.viewthis.com – the best way to reach Israel's hi-tech savvy young generation. Israel is a nation that has more people per capita on their computers than any other nation – especially the young generation, ages 18 to 35. We will reach homes that have never before been possible with the Good News in the Hebrew language! The biggest challenge in presenting the Gospel in Israel is that the entire population has been educated to not believe in Jesus. We believe what Jesus said: “If they would believe Moses they would believe Me.” We will use the Internet to reteach the general public in Israel what is actually written in the Scriptures and what Moses really said. Respected leaders across the globe depend on the MAOZ Israel Report every month, written by Ari and Shira, designed to give an in-depth understanding of events in the Middle East from a Biblical, political & cultural perspective. Available in Spanish.

Order your copy today! It’s FREE!


m i n i s t r i e s

Stay Connected:

Proud Member

800.856.7060 | maozisrael.org


Our Connection Center is far from the typical exhibit hall. This large, friendly space is stocked with exhibitors you will actually want to talk to, places to sit and chat, and fun games to boot (and not just for your kids). Stop by the Connection Center. We won’t be surprised when you are begging to stay for just “four more minutes.”

Tweet your favorite moment from the Connection Center. Use #connection14.

GAMES Fancy a game of Texan tennis? We’ve got that, too. OK, maybe not Wimbledon-style courts, but fierce competition awaits you on the Wii and at the pingpong table. Looking for a Wild West-style challenge? See if you can master the mechanical bull!

EXHIBITS Take a tour of the latest happenings with ministries, schools, travel agencies and vendors. These industry experts have cutting-edge church resources and can’t wait to share their knowledge with you. Check out the exhibitor insert in your convention bag for a complete listing. Keep reading to learn how to win prizes just for hanging out— Best. Job. Ever. 42

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LOUNGE Relax, refresh and recharge in our Connection Lounge. Before and after each evening service, get your fix here with flowing java and yummy snacks, all at reasonable prices. Use the Lounge as a meeting place for old friends and friendly strangers.

We want to see leaders in action! Post a pic, tag your pastor or church, and add #connection14!


Connection Center Schedule First Floor, Conference Center

PRIZES We’ve got them! Grab your Exhibitor Passport from your convention bag, collect a stamp from participating booths and drop your passport in the raffle. Drawings will be held after each evening’s general session, but you must be present to win.

LIVE MUSIC After 5 p.m., the party really starts. Our side stage features live music nightly! Don’t miss these talented musicians and the festive vibe they bring to the Connection Center.

Exhibitor Passport prizes include an iPad Mini, a family pack of Connection 2015 registrations and more. We’ll give away more than $500 in prizes nightly, so don’t miss the action!

MONDAY 12:00 - 6:30 p.m. 9 - 11 p.m.

TUESDAY 12:15 - 2:00 p.m. 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. 9 - 11 p.m.

WEDNESDAY 12:15 - 4:00 p.m. 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. 9 - 11 p.m.

Centro de Conexión Mientras esté en la Conexión Cuadrangular 2014, planee pasar algún tiempo para relajarse en el Centro de Conexión. Refrésquese en la Sala de Conexión (abierta antes y después de cada servicio de la noche) donde encontrará café, refrescos y bocadillos a precios razonables. Si está buscando actividades y entretenimiento, lléguese para un partido de ping pong o un juego de Wii. Incluso puede probar sus habilidades en nuestro toro mecánico. Y no se pierda la música en vivo y los sorteos de premios, incluyendo el gran premio, un iPad Mini, después de la sesión general de cada noche. Cada noche se entregarán más de 500 dólares en premios.

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INFO + FAQs for Foursquare Connection 2014 INFORMATION


Information, Lost and Found


Lost your Bible, iPad or your spouse? Looking for a place to eat or a meeting you can’t find? Stop by the Info Desk, and let us help!

Who are all these people in matching red shirts?


These amazing volunteers are here to serve. Please take a moment to thank them for giving their time!

Register your minor as an attendee, and they are welcome to attend with you. Call ahead for discounted general attendee rates for minors or stop by the registration area onsite.

Located on the second floor, on the skywalk between the hotel and convention center. Open daily before and after sessions.


Watching Connection Live? If you’re onsite but can’t attend a session due to children, puppies or other ailments, don’t fear. We’ve streamed Connection 2014 live into all hotel rooms. Check the hotel listing for the Connection Live channel. If you’re at home, you can still get in on what’s happening. See page 12 for all the connectionlive.org details!

Translation Spanish, Portuguese, French and Chinese translation is provided during the general sessions. Device checkout is located beside the Info Desk.

Can I get into a session without my badge? Y’all are required to wear your badge for all sessions.


Where are the best places to eat?

7 Where is the closest ATM? Find it in the hotel lobby by the restrooms.


Check out the bag insert, our Info Desk or the hotel concierge for suggestions and directions.


I lost something! Help! From cell phones to Bibles, we hogtie it, tag it and keep it ready for you. Stop by the Info Desk.

May I take my youth into the general sessions?

Is there really a mechanical bull? And games for adults? Oh ye of little faith … there’s even more! Learn about activities on page 42.


Can my friends back home watch Connection 2014 online? You bet yer best spurs they can. Check out page 12 for details.

Located on the second floor, on the skywalk between the hotel and convention center. Open daily before and after sessions.

Badges Your registration badge is required to attend all general sessions, business sessions, Multiply Tracks and the Connection Center. Please keep it on—except in the shower.


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Where can I find out about Foursquare opportunities such as missions, financial services or higher education? Wednesday, May 28, on the 37th floor. Find all the info on page 38.

10 How is emcee John Fehlen possibly old enough to have a college kid, but looks young enough to be a college kid? Apparently it has something to do with his moisturizer. You’ll have to ask.

Have a question you think others might be wondering? Tweet #connection14, and we’ll reply! Or head on over to the Info Desk for a real-time response.


INFORMACIÓN Y PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES para Conexión Cuadrangular 2014 Información, Objetos Perdidos y Encontrados ¿Perdió su Biblia, iPad o a su cónyuge? ¿Está buscando un lugar para comer o una reunión que no encuentra? ¡Pase por el mostrador de información y permítanos ayudarle! Ubicado en el segundo piso, en la pasarela entre el hotel y el centro de convenciones. Abierto todos los días antes y después de las sesiones.

Gafetes de Inscripción Necesita llevar su gafete de inscripción

para asistir a todas las sesiones generales, la página 12 para todos los detalles de sesiones de negocios, Talleres “Multiplica” connectionlive.org! y Centro de Conexión. Manténgala Traducción puesta — excepto en la ducha. Se proveerá traducción simultánea en español, portugués, francés y chino ¿Viendo la Conexión en vivo? durante las sesiones generales. Puede Si está en el hotel, pero no puede solicitar su dispositivo de traducción asistir a una sesión debido a los niños en el mostrador correspondiente o dolencias, no se asuste. Estaremos junto a la oficina de información. transmitiendo la Conexión 2014 en vivo Ubicado en el segundo piso, en la en todas las habitaciones. Revise el listado pasarela entre el hotel y centro de del hotel para encontrar el canal de convenciones. Conexión en vivo. Si está en casa, todavía Abierto todos los días antes y después de las sesiones. podrá saber lo que esté pasando. ¡Vaya a

PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES 1. ¿Quiénes son todas esas personas en camisas rojas? Estos voluntarios increíbles están aquí para servirle. ¡Por favor tome un momento para darles las gracias por su tiempo! 2. ¿Puedo entrar a una sesión sin mi gafete de inscripción? No, necesitamos portar nuestra credencial de inscripción durante todas las sesiones. 3. ¿Dónde están los mejores lugares para comer? Revise el inserto de su bolsa, consulte con el mostrador de información o el conserje del hotel para sugerencias e indicaciones. 4. ¡He perdido algo! ¿Necesita ayuda? Desde teléfonos celulares hasta biblias, nosotros lo rastreamos, marcamos y tenemos listo para usted. Pase por el mostrador de información.

5. ¿Dónde puedo averiguar sobre oportunidades de la Cuadrangular tales como misiones, servicios financieros o estudios superiores? Miércoles, 28 de mayo, en el piso 37. Encuentre toda la información en la página 38. 6. ¿Puedo llevar a mis jóvenes a las sesiones generales? Inscriba a sus menores como asistentes, y son bienvenidos a asistir con usted. Llame con anticipación acerca de las tarifas descontadas de asistencia general para menores o pase por el área de inscripción en el lugar. 7. ¿Dónde está el cajero automático más cercano? Se encuentra en el lobby del hotel cerca a los baños.

8. ¿Existe realmente un toro mecánico? ¿Y juegos para adultos? ¡Oh hombres de poca fe... hay mucho más! Averigue sobre las actividades en la página 42. 9. ¿Pueden mis amigos en casa ver Conexión 2014 por el Internet? ¡Por sus espuelas que sí! Dé un vistazo a la página 12 para más detalles. 10. ¿Cómo es posible que el presentador John Fehlen tenga la edad suficiente para tener un hijo en la universidad, pero luzca lo suficientemente joven como para parecer un universitario? Al parecer tiene algo que ver con su crema hidratante. Tendrá que preguntar.

#connec tion14



Kids + Youth Program at Foursquare Connection 2014 Location All Kids + Youth rooms are located on the third floor of the Conference Center building. Parents: Check in at the second floor foyer before heading up the escalators.

Tweet us @WeAreFoursquare to share your kids’ and students’ favorite parts of their sessions. Don’t forget to use #connection14!

Programa de Niños + Jóvenes de la Conexión Cuadrangular 2014 Ubicación Todos los salones de niños + jóvenes están situados en el tercer piso del Centro de Convenciones de Dallas. Padres: : La inscripción se realizará a la entrada del segundo piso antes de dirigirse a las escaleras eléctricas.


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Foursquare Connection 2014 is for the whole family Much more than a Sunday school class, the Kids + Youth program is fun, interactive ministry designed to strengthen young leaders and bless little ones. Students (junior high and high school) will enjoy fun interaction, inspiring worship services, and helpful teaching to challenge them to follow God’s specific design for their lives. Tweens (4th to 6th grade) need to be ready for some boot-scootin’ fun and

Important Notes for Parents •

Minors must be registered to participate in the Kids + Youth program; each child or student is $50 for the entire event. Class size and worker limitations may limit onsite registrations. Check with registration for availability.

ministry—plus high-energy praise and worship, and powerhouse teaching. Kids (K to 3rd grade) will be fired up as they experience the fullness of God’s goodness and power. Hey, there’s no minimum age on being Spirit-led! Pre-K (3 to 5 years old) isn’t just entertainment. These kids will learn while having fun. Being in God’s house is always good! Nursery (infants and toddlers) features qualified caregivers and leaders committed to pray for and love little ones.

• • • •

No meals will be provided. Kids + Youth program sessions run parallel to all adult general sessions, business sessions and Multiply Tracks. Immediately following each session, please sign out and pick up your children. Only authorized guardians may sign out children.

La Conexión Cuadrangular 2014 es para toda la familia Mucho más que una clase de escuela dominical, el programa para niños y jóvenes es un ministerio divertido e interactivo diseñado para fortalecer a líderes jóvenes y bendecir a los más pequeños. Estudiantes (Secundaria) Pre-adolecentes (4to a 6to grado) Niños (Kínder a 3er grado)

Preescolar (3 a 5 años) Sala Cuna (Bebés y niños pequeños)

Notas importantes para los padres • • • • •

Los menores de edad deben estar inscritos para participar en el programa de niños + jóvenes; el costo por cada niño o estudiante es de $50 para todo el evento. El tamaño de la clase y la disponibilidad de voluntarios pueden limitar la inscripción en el sitio. Consulte en el área de inscripción para disponibilidad. No se proporcionará comida. Las sesiones del programa de niños + jóvenes se llevarán a cabo simultáneamente con las sesiones generales para adultos, sesiones de negocios y Talleres “Multiplica”. Inmediatamente después de cada sesión, por favor firme y recoja a sus hijos. Sólo guardianes autorizados pueden firmar y recoger a los niños.


We’ll Meet You in Anaheim Mark your calendar now to join us for Foursquare Connection 2015 in Anaheim, Calif. Lock in this opportunity that celebrates our present, looks to the future of The Foursquare Church and offers opportunities to celebrate our heritage with visits to some of Foursquare’s historical sites. Early details:


Connec tion Foursquare es red attende 2014 registe cial e sp vantage of can tak e ad on rates. re -registrati p e it -s n o 5 01

DAY O T R E T S I REG FOR 2015 enter to gistration C e R e th y b Stop c tion 2015. r for Conne te is g e -r re p the l open up to il w n o ti a tr Regis . blic this fall general pu

Dates: May 25-28, 2015 Location: Anaheim Convention Center Accommodations: Anaheim Marriot 700 Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92802*

Don’t Miss Out.

• Angelus Temple and The Parsonage of Aimee Semple McPherson (Heritage Center) are just 45 minutes away and will be open for tours.

• Life Pacific College is just a 30-minute ride and will provide visitor opportunities for you and your students.

• Disneyland Resort, a.k.a. “The Happiest Place on Earth,” is just a quick walk from the Anaheim Convention Center.

• Knott’s Berry Farm, Aquarium of the Pacific, Orange County’s beautiful beaches, and worldclass shopping and dining are all within a short drive.

• Great flight deals are available into Los Angeles (LAX). John Wayne Airport, Orange County (SNA) and Long Beach Airport (LGB) are smaller, closer and also offer many flight options. • Exciting youth events are already being planned.

Early Bird registration and hotel reservations will open fall 2014. Inscríbase hoy para la Conexión Cuadrangular 2015 en Anaheim, California. Visite el Centro de Inscripción para pre-inscribirse con un descuento especial. 50

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Only Connection 2014 registered attendees can take advantage of the 2015 on-site pre-registration rates. *Please note: The Anaheim Marriot is not yet taking reservations for 2015. Reservations will open this fall. Stay tuned to foursquareconnection.com for the latest buzz.

See Larry Montgomery at the Foursquare Connection 2014 for details! 800.347.CCCU (2228), ext. 4811 (Mention Promo Code 9059 LCM) myCCCU.com/certificates *APY= Annual Percentage Yield. $500 minimum, $5,000 maximum per member. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) assumes that dividends remain in the account until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. No additional deposits can be made during the term of the Share Certificate. Rate, term, and conditions are solely within the discretion of the Board of Directors. Must be opened within 30 days of joining the Credit Union. At maturity, the certificate will renew into a 12-month term share certificate at the prevailing rate. A penalty will be imposed on early withdrawals from certificates. We may limit the amount you may invest in one or more accounts to a total of $1,000,000. APY is accurate as of 02/27/14 and is subject to change without notice. Christian Community Credit Union is privately insured by American Share Insurance up to $250,000 per account. By members’ choice the Credit Union is not federally insured or insured by any state government.

Scan QR code to learn more about our Certificates!

Follow us



Thanks! ¡Gracias! Who helps make convention happen? Plenty of people, just like these, come together to make this annual event possible. Be sure to thank these nice folks as you see them this week.


4sqfs.org Central Office Connection Team Tammy Sevcov Event Manager Jay Schmitt Event Administrator Stephanie Singer Sales and Exhibits Kristen Harrington Administrative Assistant Brad Abare Communications Director Marcia Graham Content Manager Nicola Gayle Project Manager Allyson Siwajian Digital Engagement Geoff Graham Website Development Kara Mead Content Intern Nicole Chin Art Director Hannah Ciudad Lead Designer Jacob Blaze Designer Ivan Blanco Designer Allison Harp Event Photographer Jackie Fernandez FMI Coordinator Heidi Chambers FMI Coordinator Lynda Gupton Finance Manager John Hsieh IT Manager Convention Specialists Steve Cauble Convention Manager Elaine Jones VIP Coordinator and Assistant to Steve Cauble Ray Wilson Head Usher Stephen Knoll Usher Assistant Dave and Rhonda Englert Special Guest Coordinators Guillermo Puppo Spanish Translation Team Coordinator Mike Fullerton Service Production Consultant Ty Austin Online Audience Host Scott Falk Arrowhead Conferences and Services Brian Pirkle Velocity Productions Ryan Richards Velocity Productions

Regional Host Team David Coffey Volunteers (MidSouth District) Kelly Wygant Volunteer Coordinator Ryan and Kelly Coffey Guest Host Leaders Pete Walsh Transportation Leader Blaine and Deb Herron Translation Booth Leaders Dallas and Melinda McGlasson Info / Lost and Found Leaders Michelle Lay Connection Store Team Leader Ben and Crystal Weiss Connection Store Team Leaders Cassi McCauley Multiply Tracks Team Leader Cami Sims Registration Team Leader Donny Sims Usher Team Leader Britny Scholz Volunteer Deployment Team Leader John and Marty Webb Greeter / Guide Team Leaders Sam Rockwell Kids + Youth Program Director (Gateway District) Shawn Shoup Kids + Youth Coordinator Diana Vonfeldt and Chad Carroll Kids + Youth Check-in/Registration Pam Brown Nursery Team Leader Dyani Waldrop Pre-K Team Leader Candace Trabulsi Kids + Tweens Team Leader Joe Harrison Youth Team Leaders Mike McGovern International Hosts + FMI Support (Great Northern District)

DALL AS 2014 |


Special thanks to the hundreds of volunteers who made Foursquare Connection 2014 possible!













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Foursquare Executives



Board of Directors



District Supervisors






Task Groups


Meet Your Foursquare Leadership We have put a lot of trust in our leadership, especially recently, as we walk toward our “Reimagined” future together. If you’ve ever wondered who serves on the Foursquare leadership team (or about the difference between the board and the cabinet), these pages are just for you. FOURSQUARE EXECUTIVES GLENN BURRIS JR. President of The Foursquare Church Los Angeles Twitter: @glennburrisjr

TAMMY DUNAHOO Vice President of U.S. Operations, General Supervisor of The Foursquare Church Los Angeles Twitter: @tdunahoo

JIM SCOTT Vice President of Global Operations, Director of Foursquare Missions International (FMI) for The Foursquare Church Los Angeles Twitter: @fmiguy

STERLING BRACKETT Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Chief Operating Officer, Corporate Secretary of The Foursquare Church Los Angeles

RON THIGPENN Chief Financial Officer of The Foursquare Church Los Angeles

*Our executives serve on the board and the cabinet.

#connec tion14



Foursquare Board of Directors The current Foursquare board of directors comprises the president, general supervisor, director of missions, secretary/chief operating officer, chief financial officer, 14 elected directors (one from each district), and six appointed directors. Most of the non-officer directors are senior pastors. The Foursquare board also includes three nonvoting directors: the president of Life Pacific College, the chief operating officer of Foursquare Financial Solutions and a pastor at large. Each year, the board meets face to face four to five times, and each month comes together via a conference call. Responsible for the management of the corporation and the missional effectiveness of the Foursquare movement, the board assigns its 13 committees to assist in the process of making informed decisions. To address business matters demanding immediate attention, an executive committee of the board meets each week.

JIM J. ADAMS President, Life Pacific College (also known as LIFE Bible College) San Dimas, Calif. Appointment: Nonvoting member Foursquare Connection is: “reconnecting with lifelong friends and college alumni.” Fun Fact: “My favorite color is … black.”

BILL CHANEY Senior Pastor, Valley Christian Center (Fresno First Foursquare Church) Fresno, Calif. Elected by the Central Pacific District Twitter: @bchaney777 The best thing about convention in Dallas: “seeing my family in Texarkana, Texas, during convention, since it’s so close.” Fun Fact: “I’m a loyal Duck Dynasty fan.”

DAVID EDDY Senior Pastor, Faith Center (La Grande Foursquare Church) La Grande, Ore. Elected by the North Pacific District Connection is: “seeing my youngish, not so middle-aged, middle-aged friends. Oh forget it—can’t wait to see everyone!” Fun Fact: “I’ve cooked a whole pig. Why? Because half a pig just didn’t seem like enough!”


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DOUG ANDERSEN Senior Pastor, The Church On The Way Santa Clarita (Santa Clarita Foursquare Church) Santa Clarita, Calif. Elected by the Pacific Coast and Valleys District Twitter: @dandersenonline I approach Foursquare Connection: “with great anticipation of what God wants to do in the Foursquare family.” Fun Fact: “My favorite color is black—I know that sounds drab or evil. Sorry!”

WAYNE CORDEIRO Senior Pastor, New Hope Christian Fellowship (Oahu South Foursquare Church) Honolulu Elected by the Hawaii District Twitter: @waynecordeiro Foursquare Connection 2014 means: “seeing dear friends—and seeing Texas!” Fun Fact: “My life has been changed by the Bible and Dr. Seuss.”

DAVID EDLER Senior Pastor, East Valley Foursquare Church (Yakima Foursquare Church) Yakima, Wash. Elected by the Northwest District Foursquare Connection is: “being with my Foursquare family at convention—and I hope there’s a ballgame in town!” Fun Fact: “I’m a former Major League Baseball player for the Seattle Mariners.”

PETER BONANNO Senior Pastor, Grace Capital (Pembroke Foursquare Church) Pembroke, N.H. Elected by the Northeast District Twitter: @pmbon Foursquare Connection is: “getting to hang out, laugh, exchange stories and be encouraged!” Fun Fact: “I had a speaking role in a major motion picture, The Legend of Billie Jean.”

BRUCE DOW Founder, Genesis Consulting Group LLC La Quinta, Calif. Appointed by the board of directors Foursquare Connection is: “worshiping with the Foursquare family.” Fun Fact: “I don’t like Starbucks— Coffee Bean rocks.”

LOREN HOULTBERG Senior Pastor, Christian Center (Salina Emmanuel Foursquare Church) Salina, Kan. Elected by the Gateway District Connection is: “hearing what God is saying to our church at convention.” Fun Fact: “I bought my first car—a 1950 Ford—for $35.”


MARION INGEGNERI Lead Co-Pastor, Grace North Church (Anthem Foursquare Church) Anthem, Ariz. Appointed by the Southwest District Twitter: @MarionIngegneri Connection is: “enjoying connecting with the greater church family at convention.” Fun Fact: “I like to body surf.” REMI LAWANSON Missions Director, Valley Community (El Monte Valley Community Foursquare Church) El Monte, Calif. Appointed by the Greater Los Angeles District Foursquare Connection is: “learning about the daring church planting being done in Foursquare.” Fun Fact: “I love to play—ping pong.”

THEONE MAUPIN Senior Pastor, Shiloh (Idaho Falls Foursquare Church) Idaho Falls, Idaho Elected by the Great Northern District Connection 2014 is: “getting to participate in the presentation and discussion of the Reimagine Foursquare process.” Fun Fact: “My favorite quiet-time spot is Henry’s Fork or South Fork of the Snake River— in a drift boat.” CLINTON PICKEREL Senior Pastor, Christian Center (Gillette Foursquare Church) Gillette, Wyo. Appointment: Nonvoting member Foursquare History: My Great Aunt Crystal Gentry attended revival meetings at Angelus Temple in the 1900s. Foursquare Future: My hope is that we continue to build a nurturing, sustainable, reproducing Foursquare environment that utilizes our diversity of ethnic cultures, ministry gifts and leadership styles to achieve the greatest harvest of souls possible before the second coming of Christ. STAN SIMMONS Pastor Emeritus, Faith Chapel (Billings Foursquare Church) Billings, Mont. Appointment: Nonvoting member Twitter: @Stan1Simmons Connection is: “exciting because it’s part of our process of becoming a Great Commission movement.” My Dream: “to ride the perimeter of the contiguous United States on my Harley.”

CARRIE JENKINS Co-Pastor, New Hope Worship Center (Concord Foursquare Church) Concord, N.C. Elected by the Southeast District Twitter: @Carrieology Connection is: “like a family reunion. Watch what you say—everybody’s related!” Fun Fact: “I’m a huge NASCAR fan and can see Charlotte Motor Speedway from my house.” JOHN LONG Senior Pastor, Praise Alive Worship Center (Monterey Park Foursquare Church) Monterey Park, Calif. Elected by the Greater Los Angeles District Connection 2014 is: “communicating the future of Foursquare and how to get there.” Fun Fact: “I love a fire in the fireplace in a mountain cabin.”

MICHAEL MCREYNOLDS Senior Pastor, Church On The Hill (Hillsboro Foursquare Church) Hillsboro, Texas Elected by the MidSouth District Twitter: @msmcreynolds Connection is: “Reimagining Foursquare. I believe Foursquare’s greatest days lie ahead.” Fun Fact: “I love fine acoustic guitars, jazz, and whitetail deer and wild turkey hunting.”

CLAYTON ROBINSON Senior Pastor, The Connection (Lake Forest Foursquare Church) Lake Forest, Calif. Elected by the Southwest District Twitter: @DrDrClayton Connection is: “talking about our future and making plans to move forward with the gospel.” Fun Fact: “My grandmother was a homeless, Jewish, single mother living on the streets of Los Angeles in 1939 when she heard Sister Aimee preach. She accepted the Lord and never looked back.” BURT SMITH Senior Pastor, The Church of Living Water (Olympia Foursquare Church) Olympia, Wash. Appointed by the Northwest District Connection is: “the exciting continuation of Reimagine Foursquare at convention.” Fun Fact: “I love hot rods and chili dogs.”

JEFF LAMONT Senior Pastor, New Song Louisville (Louisville 2 Foursquare Church) Louisville, Ky. Elected by the Mid-Atlantic District Twitter: @jtlamont At Connection I hope to see: “more line dancing (and some great worship and ministry)!” Fun Fact: “I love ice cream and Starbucks—so any kind of Frappuccino is amazing!”

JAMES MACHEN SR. Regional Pastor, State of Iowa; Former Senior Pastor, Church of the Open Door (Clinton Foursquare Church) Clinton, Iowa Elected by the Heartland District I am Foursquare because: “I was invited by the girl I liked—whom I married.” Fun Fact: “My dream vacation would be to go back to Israel.” JONATHAN PHILLIPS Chief Operating Officer, Foursquare Financial Solutions Los Angeles Appointment: Nonvoting member Connection is: “getting to join in with the reimagining of Foursquare.” My Dream: “to retire in Maui!”

ALYSON SALZ Minister in Transition, North Pacific District Assisting Minister, SouthLake (Lake Oswego Foursquare Church) West Linn, Ore. Appointed by the North Pacific District Twitter: @applesalz Connection is: “being refreshed by the Holy Spirit as we gather together.” Fun Fact: “Sometimes I speak with a Canadian accent, and my kids make fun of me. (But it’s OK—I’m half Canadian!)” JUAN M. VALLEJO Executive Pastor, La Iglesia En El Camino (Van Nuys Hispanic Foursquare Church) Van Nuys, Calif. Appointed by the Southwest District Twitter: @VallejoJuanM Connection is: “getting to worship with all of our multicultural and multilingual Foursquare family!” Fun Fact: “My first paying job was working at the snack bar of my high school.”

#connec tion14



Foursquare District Supervisors

Northeast District Robb Hattem 85 churches and congregations

Great Northern District Mike McGovern 75 churches and congregations

Heartland District Dan Mundt 159 churches and congregations @DanMundt

North Pacific District Larry Spousta 160 churches and congregations @LarrySpousta

Gateway District Sam Rockwell 149 churches and congregations @SsamRrock Mid-Atlantic District Northwest District Harriet Mouer Dave Veach 145 churches and congregations 224 churches and congregations @DaveVeach

Central Pacific District Ron Pinkston 217 churches and congregations Southeast District Scott Reece 155 churches and congregations @QScottReece

Pacific Coast and Valleys District Dennis Easter 148 churches and congregations

Greater Los Angeles District Tammy Dunahoo, Acting Supervisor 142 churches and congregations @TDunahoo

Hawaii District Fernando Castillo 57 churches and congregations @PastorFernand0

Southwest District Kimberly Dirmann 200 churches and congregations @KimberlyDirmann

MidSouth District David Coffey 163 churches and congregations

*Churches and congregation totals as of March 1, 2014


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Foursquare Cabinet Meet the Foursquare cabinet, 119 leaders that are invested in The Foursquare Church and committed to its future. The cabinet comprises the board of directors, district supervisors and ministerial representatives who are selected from the various voting regions throughout the United States. The Foursquare cabinet usually comes together in March, but may meet additional times at the request of the board, to receive reports, give counsel concerning the overall ministry of The Foursquare Church, and to act as a nominating committee in the selection of a president. Gretchen Abney **

Wayne Cordeiro

Huey Hudson **

Harriet Mouer

Stan Simmons ***

Jim Adams

Jerry Dirmann **

Marion Ingegneri

Daniel Mundt

Burt Smith

Elwin Ahu **

Kimberly Dirmann

Carrie Jenkins

Ryan Oddo **

Sharon Snow **

Joe Alvarado **

Jay Donnelly

Dale Jenkins *

Abe Pfeifer ***

Larry Spousta

Doug Andersen

Bruce Dow

Mike Kai *

Jonathan Phillips ***

Dan Stewart **

Tina Barnett **

Tammy Dunahoo

Jeff Kolodziej ***

Clint Pickrel ***

Mike Stubbs ***

Michael Bartolone ***

Dennis Easter

Durant Kreider *

Ron Pinkston

Ed Sweet *

James Becker ***

David Eddy

Paul Kuzma *

Ken Pretty on Top ***

Nate Swisher **

Peter Bonanno

David Edler

Jeff Lamont

Daniel Prieto ***

Matt Temple **

Sterling Brackett

Michael Edwards ***

Remi Lawanson

Jeremy Pummel ***

Ron Thigpenn

Kenneth Bringas **

Bob Epperson **

Louis Locke *

Scott Reece

Lisa Thornson ***

Lee Brockington ***

Will Fillingham **

John Long

Jeff Richards *

Jeff Tolle **

David Brown**

Robin Gough **

Jim Machen

Lewis Richey **

Rick Trimble **

Jon Burgess **

Frank Greer ***

Cairo Marques ***

Paul Risser ***

Denny Truett *

Glenn Burris

Gavino Guerrero ***

Tony Maupin

Brent Roberson ***

Kevin Twombly *

Michael Carey ***

Luke Hanes **

Tim May ***

Clayton Robinson

Juan Vallejo

Richard Casteel ***

Paul Harmon ***

John Mazariegos ***

Sam Rockwell

David Veach

Fernando Castillo

Robb Hattem

Mike McGovern

Jim Romack *

Joe Wainer ***

David Catron *

Jack Hayford ***

Marlene McGovern ***

Jared Roth ***

Benjamin Weiss **

Bill Chaney

Jim Hayford **

Jon McIntosh ***

Frank Saldaña **

Brandon Williams ***

Tim Clark ***

Wendy Haynes **

Michael McReynolds

Alyson Salz

Joe Wittwer ***

Dave Coffey

Harold Helms ***

Deborah Melahouris

Steve Schell ***

Gideon Yuk *** Enrique Zone *

Ryan Coffey ***

Robert Hensel *

Bryan Milian **

Russell Schlecht ***

Jim Cooper **

Loren Houltberg

Carl Moore **

Jim Scott

*Four-year elected

**Elder / Younger Seat

***One-year appointed

There are 119 members in the 2014 Cabinet. 14 are women (11%).

105 are men (89%).

25 Board of directors



District supervisors Members appointed by office and bylaws



Appointed members Pastoral representatives (1 per district, elected)

Elder representatives (1 per district, elected)



Younger representatives (Age 40 and younger, 1 per district, elected) #connec tion14



Small groups Staff development Volunteer Training Church enrichment Personal encouragement All video and audio content from the Experience Kit is licensed for an individual church to show their congregation, small groups and staff. No content may be duplicated, shared online, or stored on a public server.


F O U R S Q U A R E le a de r M A Y 2 0 1 4

YOUR 2014 EXPERIENCE KIT INCLUDES: • Multiply: 2014 Main Session Video Download* ($99 Value) • Multiply: 2014 Main Session Audio Download* ($59 Value) • Multiply: 2014 Tracks & How Tos Audio Download* ($99 Value) • Foursquare Story Collection Video Download* ($39 Value) • Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples by Francis Chan ($15 Value) • Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live. by David Platt ($16 Value) • The Lamb’s Agenda by Samuel Rodriguez ($16 Value) • Barna Frames (9 books) The Complete Collection ($60 Value)





Connection Experience Kit

Purchase now at the Connection Store or at foursquareconnection.com/store *Video and audio downloads are available in DVD and CD format, respectively, for an additional $25 (total for all three), including shipping and handling. All DVD and CD orders will begin shipping in July. Downloads are also available in July. #connec tion14



“Multiplica” en Español Familia Cuadrangular, ¡te invitamos a unirte con nosotros mientras multiplicamos discípulos, líderes e iglesias! Si está asistiendo a la convención, consulte estas páginas para saber lo que puede esperar este año de la Conexión Cuadrangular 2014. Aún si usted está leyendo en casa, descubra lo que la Iglesia Cuadrangular Hispana está haciendo para “multiplicar” el Reino de Dios en la tierra a través de la Conexión Hispana, el movimiento Re-imagina y el liderazgo Cuadrangular en los Estados Unidos.


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Introducción a la Conexión Hispana

Entrevista con el Conferencista de Conexión Hispana

Un Vistazo a “Re-imagina la Iglesia Cuadrangular”

Información sobre la Votación Presidencial

Horario/ Programa








#connec tion14



CONEXIÓN HISPANA: Fecha: Lunes 26 de mayo Hora: 12:00 pm Ubicación: Salón Dallas A-B

La Conexión Hispana es parte integral de la Conexión Cuadrangular porque mientras celebramos lo que Dios está haciendo en y a través de la Iglesia Cuadrangular en esta nación, los pastores y líderes hispanos son inspirados, instruidos y ministrados en su propio idioma y cultura al mismo tiempo que el resto de la semana se conectan con toda la familia Cuadrangular. Este año la Conexión Hispana es el lunes 26 de mayo a las 12:00 pm en en el Salón Dallas A-B (ubicado “escaleras abajo” a través del Centro de Conexión). En la primera sesión tendremos una celebración multicultural donde estarán pastores y líderes de otros grupos étnicos a quienes la Iglesia Hispana los bendecirá para ir y tener su tiempo de conexión en su propio idioma y cultura. Este año seremos desafiados por el pastor Danilo Montero a ser


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parte de un movimiento nacional de multiplicación en y a través de la comunidad hispana. En la alabanza nos dirigirá el pastor Cuadrangular y salmista Guillermo Puppo, con cántico profético en el mover del Espíritu Santo. Él es el pastor principal de Ciudad de Dios (Lakewood South Foursquare Church) en Denver, Colorado.


Danilo Montero Lakewood Church Houston, Texas Twitter: @danilomontero_ Website: danilomontero.net Blog: danilomontero.net/blog

Danilo Montero, Predicador Principal Multiplica: El Movimiento Hispano Cantante, compositor, conferencista y pastor, Danilo Montero, originario de Costa Rica, con más de 25 años de ministerio, ha sido de gran influencia para la iglesia en todo Latinoamérica. Ahora se desempeña como el Pastor Principal de la Congregación Hispana de Lakewood Church en Houston.

A través de tu vida y ministerio has logrado impactar muchas generaciones, ¿cómo lo has hecho? Cuando tienes un encuentro con Dios es inevitable contárselo a otros y en consecuencia, afectar sus vidas. Yo tuve una serie de encuentros con Dios que me cambiaron radicalmente y me llevaron a compartirlos a través de la música afectando otras generaciones. ¿Qué consejo les darías a los pastores para ser fructíferos en la multiplicación de discípulos en la cultura hispana en Estados Unidos? Como somos una cultura de familia, la oportunidad más grande que tenemos es ofrecerles a las personas una familia verdadera donde seamos sus padres, mentores y amigos para que ellos echen raíces fuertes en nuestras iglesias. ¿Cómo podría un pastor hispano multiplicarse en otros líderes ministerialmente? El modelo propuesto por el Señor es poner a alguien a tu lado y dejarlo observar todos los aspectos de tu vida para elevarlos a una nueva dimensión de vida al seguirte. #connec tion14







Cinco Puntos de Alineamiento

Glosario de Re-imagina

Línea de Tiempo de Re-imagina


Lea lo que se hablará en la convención.

Aprenda unos cuantos términos.

Descubra hacia dónde va Re-imagina.





Vea una guía para el proceso de selección presidencial.

Únase a Nosotros al Re-imaginar la Iglesia Cuadrangular ¿Cómo luciríamos y qué podríamos lograr para el Reino de Dios aferrándonos firmemente al pasado y abriendo las manos hacia el futuro? Eso es re-imaginar a la Cuadrangular — un proceso en el cual mediante la revisión, conversación, el soñar y, sobre todo, el escuchar juntos al Señor, estamos discerniendo cómo la Iglesia Cuadrangular debiera ajustarse para convertirse en un movimiento dinámico al acercamos al inicio de nuestro segundo siglo. ¡Nuestra misión debe guiar todo lo que hacemos! Todo, desde la organización y las operaciones hasta las relaciones y bienes raíces son parte de la discusión; todo con el objetivo de garantizar que las iglesias Cuadrangulares estén bien equipadas para hacer discípulos, desarrollar y enviar líderes y multiplicar iglesias y ministerios. Todo debe alinearse para que así lleguemos a ser un movimiento eficaz en la Gran Comisión.


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Cinco Puntos de Alineamiento P O R : G L E N N B U R R I S J R ., E L P R E S I D E N T E D E L A I G L E S I A C U A D R A N G U L A R

Después de 22 reuniones locales, seis Grupos de Trabajo y mucha oración, investigación y consejo, una propuesta de Re-imagina fue presentada al gabinete Cuadrangular 2014. Hubo acalorados debates, presentaciones detalladas, palabras proféticas y mucho tiempo para preguntas y respuestas. Al concluir las conversaciones, hubo un voto unánime de este gabinete de que sentíamos haber aterrizado en varios (cinco) aspectos claves que nos impulsarían hacia adelante en nuestro compromiso unificado a cumplir la Gran Comisión como movimiento. También se votó para presentar esta propuesta a la Conexión 2014 en Dallas. Más de 100 de nuestros líderes y ancianos fueron movidos varias veces a ponerse de rodillas en un sentido absoluto de completa dependencia en Dios y desesperación por Él. Mucho trabajo está por hacerse en cuanto a detalles, pero hay un claro sentido de reforzar las siguientes Cinco Estacas en el suelo, como Isaías instruyó a Israel que hiciera para prepararse para una futura temporada de bendición del Señor: “Ensancha el sitio de tu tienda… alarga tus cuerdas, y refuerza tus estacas” (Reina Valera 1960). También oramos para que esta bendición cayera sobre la próxima generación. Planeamos presentar el contexto completo de las Cinco Estacas o Cinco Puntos de Alineamiento, en la conexión del 2014.


Alinear todo lo Cuadrangular a la Gran Comisión (nuestra misión): El compromiso es a asegurarnos de que todo (por ejemplo: nuestras estructuras, nuestros sistemas, nuestros recursos, nuestra política, nuestros eventos) se alineen con la Gran Comisión. Nacimos de una iglesia local que inició un movimiento que se volvió global. Debemos recuperar ese enfoque singular para movilizarlo todo hacia la cosecha. Con el tiempo, las instituciones quedan a la deriva. Es la temporada correcta para integrar y sinergizar todos nuestros esfuerzos para cumplir con la Gran Comisión de multiplicar discípulos, líderes, iglesias y movimientos.


Alinear la Oficina de la Iglesia Nacional y las Oficinas de Distrito a una Cultura Catalítica: Las denominaciones tienen tres características principales: causa, comunidad y corporación. Todas empiezan impulsadas por una causa convincente. Esto crea comunidad y conduce a una corporación. Con el tiempo, la corporación y la comunidad a menudo triunfan sobre la causa con mayor energía y recursos desviados a estas cosas. A menudo se necesita una intervención concertada para revertir esto y ser guiados una vez más por la causa. Queremos optimizar nuestra corporación mientras empoderamos, otorgamos recursos y celebramos nuestra causa. La comunidad siempre nos ayudará a manejar esta tensión.


Alinear el 100% del diezmo al campo (local y distrito): Hemos estado trabajando diligentemente para reducir nuestros gastos en la oficina central y así liberar más recursos al campo. Estamos haciendo ahora una declaración con un plan, para poder cumplir con ese compromiso. A partir del 2015, estaremos en una trayectoria de contribuir con el 70 por ciento del diezmo por extensión a nuestros esfuerzos en el campo entre la iglesia local y nuestros distritos para cumplir la Gran Comisión, y desarrollar un plan para finalmente llegar al 100 por ciento.


Alinear la Fundación Cuadrangular para el Otorgamiento de Recursos y Apoyo a la Misión Cuadrangular: La junta de la Fundación Cuadrangular ha estado comprometida a ayudar a otorgar recursos, alinear e integrar nuestros esfuerzos mundiales y nacionales para cumplir con la Gran Comisión. Se ha comprometido con nuestros esfuerzos y a multiplicar discípulos, líderes, iglesias y movimientos. Se reorganizará el proceso de dotación de recursos a nuestra familia global, la Iglesia Nacional, Misiones Cuadrangulares Internacionales y el Fondo de Donación Risser para la Educación. En lugar de seguir con el arduo proceso de subsidios, la Fundación será un catalizador estratégico para nuestra Estrategia de Cuatro Etapas, esfuerzos Re-imagina y cumplimiento de la Gran Comisión.


Alinear la Estructura de Gobierno para Proporcionar Opciones de Propiedad para las Iglesias Locales: Tras de una investigación importante para mantener nuestro gobierno episcopal modificado mientras se otorgan a las iglesias más opciones para la supervisión de propiedad, esta dirección recupera el comienzo de nuestro movimiento. Creemos firmemente que permitir que las iglesias tengan más oportunidades para ser creativas con sus bienes y más emprendedoras en la obtención de préstamos y contratos de arrendamiento se traducirá en un desarrollo de la cultura de liderazgo sano en la iglesia local. Muchas iglesias están solicitando más opciones, y esta dirección nos permite pasar de un modelo de padres a un modelo de socios, como lo estamos haciendo a nivel mundial.

Las Cinco Estacas, creemos, se traducirán en un enfoque claro y convincente en la Gran Comisión. Las Estacas descentralizan, empoderan, integran, alinean y proporcionan oportunidades significativas para recuperar la esencia de nuestros inicios—la iglesia local era el epicentro de la misión. La Iglesia Nacional y las oficinas de distrito sirven como importante sistema de apoyo de redes de conexión, dotación de recursos, apoyo y alineamiento. El mayor éxito de un padre es el éxito de sus hijos. Cuando la iglesia local es saludable, fructífera y está multiplicando discípulos, líderes, iglesias y movimientos, entonces estaremos siendo exitosos.

#connec tion14



Glosario de “Re-imagina la Iglesia Cuadrangular” Aquí hay unos cuantos términos que usted pudiera escuchar durante la convención de este año... y algo de claridad sobre lo que significan.



El proceso en el que está emprendiendo la Iglesia Cuadrangular; una mirada honesta, profunda y colaborativa a nuestra efectividad organizacional y misional. Una jornada de discernimiento, diálogo y descubrimiento para establecer un movimiento misional y organizacionalmente efectivo: un movimiento que está haciendo discípulos, desarrollando líderes de diversos grupos de personas, multiplicando iglesias y congregaciones misionales y convirtiéndose en un movimiento de movimientos.

22 reuniones celebradas en cada uno de los 14 distritos que le dieron a cada pastor y líder en la familia Cuadrangular una voz en el proceso de re-imaginación del futuro del movimiento Cuadrangular. Los resultados deseados de las reuniones locales fueron: (1) compartir un sueño; (2) compartir la jornada; (3) entablar conversaciones útiles; y (4) aconsejar sobre los próximos pasos.



La Fundación Cuadrangular se dedica a financiar proyectos de iglesias y ministerios afiliados a la Iglesia Cuadrangular, así como de iglesias no Cuadrangulares calificadas , que no son únicamente la visión de un líder de proyecto, sino también de una iglesia y comunidad local. Tales proyectos se enfocan en evangelismo directo a través de plantación de iglesias, eventos de evangelismo, evangelismo a través de medios de comunicación, entrenamiento de liderazgo y ayuda humanitaria.

Provee supervisión fiduciaria detallada de los servicios financieros de la Cuadrangular. Supervisión y manejo de: (1) toda actividad planeada de donaciones y otorgamiento de inmuebles (fideicomisos caritativos, regalos anuales, bienes raíces, y servicios fiduciarios y de fideicomiso); (2) el nuevo Fondo de Préstamos de FFS; (3) Servicios de Jubilación Cuadrangular; (4) Servicios de Seguros Cuadrangulares; (5) Bolsa de Inversiones de la Fundación Cuadrangular; y (6) Servicios de Inversión.

PRÉSTAMOS IFLF Los préstamos internos que la Iglesia Cuadrangular (ICFG) ha dado a nuestras iglesias.

CERTIFICADO DE PRÉSTAMO Un depósito a plazo en el cual las iglesias o individuos pueden invertir a través del Fondo de Préstamos de Soluciones Financieras Cuadrangulares (Foursquare Financial Solutions).

CONGREGACIÓN MISIONAL Una congregación misional, por ejemplo iglesia en desarrollo de plantación,  iglesia con sitios múltiples, congregación étnica, califican para ser registradas en EZRA y tienen una relación de alianza con una iglesia Cuadrangular local.  Los lugares de reunión de Capellanes también son congregaciones misionales.

PRUEBA BETA DE PROPIEDAD PRÉSTAMOS EXTERNOS Los préstamos que nuestras iglesias obtienen de prestamistas distintos de la Cuadrangular. 66

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Una prueba de campo o experimento de situaciones de propiedades fuera de las condiciones y protocolo típicos de las propiedades Cuadrangulares para aprender sobre opciones que pudieran ofrecerse a las iglesias locales.


GRUPOS DE TRABAJO (TASK FORCES) Seis comités encargados de revisar la información obtenida en las reuniones locales, entablar una amplia discusión y echar un vistazo detallado a diferentes aspectos de la vida y organización de la Cuadrangular. Mirando más específicamente a diferentes aspectos de la vida y estructura del movimiento, estos grupos se esforzaron por descubrir cómo la Cuadrangular estará en capacidad de: (1) Recuperar su vitalidad espiritual; (2) Reenfocar su identidad; (3) Rediseñar Responsabilidades; (4) Realinear Políticas; (5) Reavivar Mision; y (6) Reasignar Recursos.

DIEZMO POR EXTENSIÓN TAMBIÉN CONOCIDO COMO DIEZMO DE ALIANZA El Fondo de Diezmos por Extensión de la Iglesia del Evangelio Cuadrangular. Este fondo es el diezmo recibido por parte de las iglesias Cuadrangulares y es el modo de financiamiento de nuestra misión y estructuras de apoyo de la oficina central y oficinas de distrito.

DIEZMO DEL DIEZMO Describe los medios de financiamiento de los costos de administración de Misiones Cuadrangulares Internacionales (Foursquare Missions International o FMI). FMI recibe 10% (un diezmo) del diezmo de cada iglesia local.

ALINEAR EL 100% DEL DIEZMO AL CAMPO El resultado deseado de devolver la mayor cantidad posible del diezmo / recursos a la iglesia local y distrito (“el campo”).

SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA “SRC” (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “LLC”) Una entidad con autoridad legal para actuar distintamente de sus miembros y que puede existir indefinidamente. La sociedad de responsabilidad limitada puede tener un administrador nombrado por sus miembros. El administrador puede tener un comité consultor.

EQUIPO DE TRABAJO PRESIDENCIAL (PRESIDENTIAL TASK FORCE) Un grupo de líderes de la Iglesia Cuadrangular de los Estados Unidos comisionados por la junta de directores para proveer asesoramiento con respecto a cómo posicionar a la Iglesia Cuadrangular para un mayor fruto durante los próximos 100 años. Equipo de Trabajo Presidencial busca liberar el potencial, evaluar, analizar y recomendar medidas importantes y valientes que le permitirán a la Cuadrangular ser un movimiento relevante del siglo XXI.

CORPORACIÓN RELIGIOSA Una entidad con autoridad legal para actuar distintamente de sus miembros, si los hubiere, y que puede existir indefinidamente. Las corporaciones tienen una junta directiva y oficiales.

ENTIDAD 501(c)(3) Esta es una entidad con un status libre de impuestos. La determinación por el IRS está basada en el código Interno de Impuestos sección 501(c)(3) en la que una entidad caritativa cumple con los criterios para quedar exenta del pago de impuestos federales. Las corporaciones pueden aplicar para un estado exento 501(c)(3) y, en la mayoría de los estados, las sociedades de responsabilidad limitada también.

EXENCIÓN DE GRUPO A veces el IRS reconoce a un grupo de organizaciones como exento de impuestos si las mismas están afiliadas a una organización central. Esto evita la necesidad de solicitar exención individual para cada una de las organizaciones. Una carta de exención de grupo tiene el mismo efecto que una carta de exención individual, excepto que se aplica a más de una organización. #connec tion14



1 Vea Hacia Dónde va 1. FEBRERO DE 2009 El ex presidente, Jack Hayford y el entonces Supervisor General Glenn Burris Jr. anunciaron que los distritos se consolidarían en 14 nuevos distritos.


8 9


8. JUNIO DE 2013

9. AGOSTO DE 2013


Un amplio resumen inicial de las conversaciones de Re-imagina la Iglesia Cuadrangular se presentó en la convención Cuadrangular en Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Las reuniones locales comenzaron en cada distrito dirigidas por el presidente Glenn Burris Jr. y la Supervisora General Tammy Dunahoo.

Los Grupos de Trabajo (Task Forces) de Re-imagina la Iglesia Cuadrangular se reunieron en Long Beach, California. El grupo de 90 pastores, líderes, supervisores y ejecutivos Cuadrangulares dio inicio a las discusiones sobre el futuro de la estructura, recursos, gobierno, identidad y prioridades de la Cuadrangular.

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2. AGOSTO DE 2009

3. OCTUBRE DE 2009


Algunos pastores se reunieron en Portland, Oregón con el entonces presidente interino Glenn Burris Jr. para compartir sus inquietudes e ideas sobre la Iglesia Cuadrangular en los Estados Unidos.

Un grupo de pastores se reunió con la junta directiva y los supervisores de distrito de la Cuadrangular en Christiansburg, Virginia, para continuar el diálogo.

La junta directiva formó el Equipo de Trabajo Presidencial (Presidential Task Force). El grupo se reunió en Seattle con un consultor para soñar sobre el futuro.

5 6


5. VERANO DE 2011

6. OTOÑO DE 2012

7. MARZO DE 2013

La Junta encargó una investigación al Equipo de Trabajo Presidencial.

El Equipo de Trabajo Presidencial se reunió para presentar sus primeros hallazgos.

Los hallazgos del Equipo de Trabajo Presidencial fueron presentados al gabinete Cuadrangular. La junta aprobó investigaciones adicionales y la realización de reuniones locales en el otoño.




11. ENERO DE 2014

12. MARZO DE 2014

13. MAYO DE 2014

Reuniones de enero con la Junta Directiva, los Supervisores de Distrito y el Equipo de Trabajo Presidencial en seguimiento a las reuniones de diciembre.

El gabinete revisa los hallazgos de la investigación de los Grupos de Trabajo y de las reuniones locales.

Se hacen las recomendaciones a todo el grupo de la Convención en la Conexión Cuadrangular 2014 en Dallas.

#connec tion14



Ratificación 101 Este año, durante La Conexión Cuadrangular del 2014, el presidente Glenn Burris Jr., estará disponible para la ratificación. De ser confirmado, Glenn podría servir un segundo período de cinco años como presidente. Desde las últimas elecciones presidenciales, nuestros estatutos Cuadrangulares han sido actualizados por el grupo de la convención. Aquí le presentamos una guía simplificada para el proceso de ratificación o selección presidencial.

Antes de que pusiera pie en Dallas, su gabinete Cuadrangular estaba trabajando.





El presidente Glenn Burris Jr. informa al gabinete Cuadrangular que estará disponible para un segundo período.

El gabinete Cuadrangular recomienda que se haga un voto de ratificación en la convención.

Las boleta para los electores ausentes son solicitadas.

¡Es hora de votar!

… Lo que nos lleva a la Conexión Cuadrangular del 2014. Así es como funciona el proceso de ratificación presidencial. Nota: Este es el primer año en el que la selección presidencial será determinada tanto por votantes en el sitio como por votantes ausentes.

SI nuestro presidente actual es ratificado por el 75 por ciento del grupo de la convención,

SI el presidente es ratificado para un segundo período,

ENTONCES su nuevo mandato comenzará el primer día del cuarto mes después del último día de la convención. (Estatuto 7.1.2) El Presidente continuará su mandato hasta el 2020.


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ENTONCES el proceso de selección presidencial no será necesario (Estatuto 7.1.2).


VOTACIÓN POR CORREO En la Conexión Cuadrangular del 2013, el grupo de la convención aprobó un cambio de estatutos, haciendo posible votar a través de voto ausente en las elecciones presidenciales (Estatuto 5.9). Este es un recordatorio del proceso de votación en ausencia:

Para emitir su voto por correo, se requiere que Ud.:




Cumpla el requisito de estar calificado para votar (Estatuto 5.8).

Solicite una boleta de elector ausente.

Las boletas marcadas deben llegar antes del 23 de mayo de 2014.

Se contarán todas las boletas de electores ausentes, y los resultados de la votación serán reportados al mismo tiempo que los votos en el sitio sean tabulados y reportados (Estatuto 5.9). Note: Si usted solicita una boleta de elector ausente, no será calificado para solicitar una nueva boleta en la Conexión Cuadrangular del 2014 (Estatuto 5.9).

Hechos Presidenciales Un presidente Cuadrangular puede servir por un máximo de 10 años. Eso comprende dos períodos de cinco años.

SI el grupo de la convención no ratifica al presidente,

Número de votos del gabinete necesarios para mover el voto para la ratificación del actual presidente al grupo de la convención.

ENTONCES comenzará el proceso de selección presidencial con la siguiente reunión del gabinete. Las elecciones se llevarán a cabo en la Conexión Cuadrangular del 2015 y se decidirán por una mayoría simple (50% más uno) de los votos en el sitio y votos de electores ausentes (Estatuto 7.1.2).

Número mínimo de votos del grupo de la convención (incluyendo boletas de los electores ausentes) necesarios para la ratificación del segundo período en la Conexión Cuadrangular del 2014.


Comienzo del nuevo mandato de cinco años de nuestro actual presidente de ser ratificado o los primeros cinco años de un nuevo presidente.


#connec tion14



Monday, May 26

Tuesday, May 27

Lunes, 26 De Mayo

Martes, 27 De Mayo


9 a.m. Check-in and Registration First Floor


Inscripción y Registro Primer piso

8 a.m. 9 a.m.

Connection Center is open daily!

10 a.m.

Enjoy games, prizes, live music and exhibits. See pages 42-43 for schedule and details.

11 a.m. 12 p.m.


12 p.m. Connection Center Opens First Floor


Centro de Conferencias Abierto Primer piso

1 p.m.

8 a.m. Check-in and Registration Opens First Floor

Inscripción y Registro abiertos Primer piso

Q + A With the Board of Directors (Tuesday)

7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Q + A With the Board of Directors Dallas Ballroom A1, First Floor

They want to hear from you! Bring your questions to this informal gathering.


Sesión General de la Mañana Salón Lone Star, Segundo piso, Centro de Conferencias


Sesión General de la Tarde Salón Lone Star, Segundo piso, Centro de Conferencias

8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Morning General Session featuring Reimagine Foursquare Dallas Ballroom A1, First Floor

2 p.m.


1 – 5 p.m. Multiethnic Connections and Conexión Hispana Dallas Ballroom, First Floor

Conexiones Multiétnicas y Conexión Hispana Salón Dallas, Primer piso

3 p.m. 4 p.m.

2 – 4 p.m. Afternoon General Session featuring Reimagine Foursquare Lone Star Ballroom, Second Floor


6:30 – 9 p.m. Opening General Session Lone Star Ballroom, Second Floor

Sesión General Inaugural Salón Lone Star, Segundo piso

5 p.m. 6 p.m.

Mentoring Young Leaders (Tuesday) Leaders ages 18 to 35 are welcome for a time of connection and growth led by an elder in our Foursquare family. Coffee service will be available.


9 – 11 p.m. Late-Night Connection Center Café First Floor

Noche en el Café del Centro de Conexión Primer piso


6:30 – 9 p.m. Evening General Session Lone Star Ballroom, Second Floor

Sesión General Inaugural Salón Lone Star, Segundo piso

7 p.m. CC

8 p.m. 9 p.m. 10 p.m. 11 p.m.


9 – 9:45 p.m. Mentoring Young Leaders Dallas Ballroom A1, First Floor

Sesión General Inaugural Salón Lone Star, Segundo piso

9 – 11 p.m. Late-Night Connection Center Café First Floor

Noche en el Café del Centro de Conexión Primer piso

Badges are required to enter all sessions. 72

F O U R S Q U A R E le a de r M A Y 2 0 1 4


Wednesday, May 28

Thursday, May 29

Miércoles, 28 De Mayo

Jueves, 29 De Mayo

8 a.m. Check-in and Registration Opens First Floor

Inscripción y Registro abiertos Primer piso

8 a.m. 9 a.m.


8:30 – 10:45 a.m. Morning General Session Lone Star Ballroom, Second Floor

Sesión General de la Mañana Salón Lone Star, Segundo piso

10 a.m. 11 a.m.


11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. SH Multiply Tracks (A) Various Rooms See pages 38-39 for locations.

11 a.m. – 3 p.m. ForeRunners Fellowship and Service Award Luncheon Majestic Rooms 6 + 7, 37th Floor, Center Tower

Talleres “Multiplica” (A) Salones Varios Vea la página 36 para ubicaciones

Compañerismo de los Precursores y Almuerzo de Reconocimiento por Servicio


8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Closing General Session featuring Reimagine Foursquare Lone Star Ballroom, Second Floor

Sesión General de Clausura Salón Lone Star, Segundo piso

12 p.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m.

2 – 3:15 p.m. Multiply Tracks (B) SH Various Rooms See pages 38-39 for locations.

2 – 4 p.m. Future Direction of Foursquare Hispanic Ministries Lone Star Ballroom, Second Floor

Talleres “Multiplica” (B) Salones Varios Vea la página 36 para ubicaciones

“El Futuro de los Ministerios Hispanos” Panel




3:30 and 4:15 p.m. 6:30 – 9 p.m. Evening General Session Lone Star Ballroom, Second Floor

Sesión General Inaugural Salón Lone Star, Segundo piso

9 – 11 p.m. Late-Night Connection Center Café First Floor

Noche en el Café del Centro de Conexión Primer piso

Foursquare “How-To” (Wednesday)

4 p.m.

Turn to page 39 for a complete listing, and discover amazing opportunities for you within The Foursquare Church.

5 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m.


3:30 and 4:15 p.m. Foursquare How-To Workshops Majestic Rooms, 37th Floor, Center Tower

Talleres sobre Cómo Hacerlo en la Cuadrangular Salones Varios Piso 37

8 p.m. 9 p.m. 10 p.m.

Key CC

= Conference Center


= Sheraton Hotel

11 p.m.

Kids + Youth Kids + Youth programs are available during all general sessions and tracks. Check-in for each session is located in the Foyer of Lone Star Ballroom, Second Floor, Conference Center.

#connec tion14


MAPS Level Directory Level 1 Hotel Guest Registration Restaurants Level 2 Hotel Austin Ballroom Sky Bridge Access Atrium Level 3 Trinity Rooms Level 4 Fitness Center Swimming Pool North + Center Towers* Fitness Center Swimming Pool Level 37 Center Tower 2* Majestic Rooms Level 38 Center Tower 2* Chaparral Room Chaparral Board Room

4 3 2 1

South Tower

Center Tower 1

North Tower

Elevators Levels

Sky bridge to outside food

Center Tower 2

38 37

*Be sure to select the right elevator. Not all elevators go to all floors.

Skywalk to Conference Center Level 2 of the hotel connects to level 2 of the Conference Center. Lobby Level

Sk yw


3 2 1


Sheraton Hotel CC

Conference Center

Central Tower 2 Elevators to Lobby, 2, 4, 29-38 North Tower Peet’s Coffee and Tea

Central Tower 1 Elevators to Lobby, 2, 4-29

ForeRunners Fellowship

The Kitchen Table


Lobby Chill Frozen Yogurt

Escalator to Sky bridge


F O U R S Q U A R E le a de r M A Y 2 0 1 4


South Tower

Hotel Level 1

The Link


Central Tower 2 Elevators to Lobby, 2, 4, 29-38

Sky bridge to outside food

Central Tower 1 Elevators to Lobby, 2, 4-29

Pearl 1


3 Press Club


Atrium Hotel Rooms

Pearl 5

Austin Ballroom 1




Hotel Level 2 Skywalk to Conference Center


City View Key CC


5 – Conference Center – Sheraton Hotel – Elevators – Escalators – Dining

City View 6 City View 7


Guest Laundry

City View 1




City View 8

Swimming Pool

Fitness Center


Hotel Level 4

See next page for Conference Center maps. #connec tion14


MAPS Level Directory 38 37

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Service Awards Luncheon, Foursquare How-Tos Page 73

Registration + Check-In Connection Center General Sessions Kids + Youth Check-in Connection Store Kids + Youth Pick-Up

Level 37, Page 77 Conference Center, Pages 76-77 4 3 2 1

Skywalk to Hotel Level 2 of the Conference Center connects to level 2 of the hotel. Sk y





Sheraton Hotel


2 1

Conference Center


Skywalk to Hotel


Forerunners + Special Needs Entrance

Kids + Youth Check-in

Escalators up to Kids + Youth Pick Up Escalators down to Check-in + Registration and Connection Center

General Sessions Lonestar Ballroom

Connection Store Foyer CC


F O U R S Q U A R E le a de r M A Y 2 0 1 4

Conference Center Level 2





Escalator to General Sessions

Dallas Ballroom B

Connection Center

Connection Center Lounge





Registration + Check-In

Conference Center Level 1

Key CC

Majestic 1

– Conference Center



4 5


– Sheraton Hotel – Elevators – Escalators


– Dining

8 11





Sheraton Hotel Level 37 #connec tion14





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Reunion Park


Legend Attractions


AT&T Performing Arts Center

Zodiac Room (American)

Crow Asian Art Museum

Tei-An (Japanese)

Dallas Convention Center

Ellen’s Southern Kitchen (American)

Dallas Museum of Art

NM Fashion Cafe (Bistro)

JFK Museum

Stephan Pyles (American)

Nasher Sculpture Center

Bob’s Steak and Chop House (Steakhouse)

Plaza of the Americas

Dakota’s Restaurant (Steakhouse)

More Sheraton Downtown Dallas Hotel Parks Train Airport 30

Interstate Route

Dallas World Aquarium Myerson Symphony


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N. Aka

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Dealey Plaza



Indoor Sky Bridge

Sheraton Downtown Dallas Hotel


West End

Union Station




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Things To Do in Dallas

Art Plaza

F O U R S Q U A R E le a de r M A Y 2 0 1 4

U.S. Route


#connec tion14


How will you…

Pray? Give? Partner? Go?

Foursquare Missions International I WILL PRAY for God’s anointing on our missionaries, His divine protection for their families, their favor among the people, and evangelism across the nations. I WILL GIVE generously to the GLOBAL MISSION FUND that we may effectively reach out to nations and people who have never heard the Gospel. I WILL PARTNER with PEOPLE, PROJECTS, PLACES, and PASSIONS God has placed on my heart to transform the lives of people around the world. I WILL GO and do my part to help reach the world for Christ. 80

F O U R S Q U A R E le a de r M A Y 2 0 1 4
